1987 01 20 CC Minutes! 333
A regular meeting of the La Quinta
City Council held at City Hall, 78-105
Calle Estado, La Quinta, California
January 20, 1987 7:30 p.m.
Mayor Hoyle called the La Quinta City Council meeting to order
at 7:30 p.m.
Cr) The Mayor invited Mr. Fred Rice, La Quinta Historical Society, to
lead the Flag Salute.
The Mayor then made special presentations citing the following:
* Judith Cox, Mayor, City of La Quinta, November 20, 1984
through November 19, 1985.
* John Pena, Mayor, City of La Quinta, November 19, 1985
through November 18, 1986.
* Larry Allen, City Treasurer, May 1, 1982 through
November 7, 1982
* Larry Cunningham, City Treasurer, December 7, 1982
through November 15, 1983.
* ecky Kochell, City Treasurer, November 15, 1983 through
December 16, 1986.
Present: Council Members Bohnenberger, Cox, Pena, Sniff, and
Mayor Hoyle.
Also Present: City Manager Kiedrowski, Finance Director Harvey,
Community Safety Director Hirdler, Admin.
Services Director Jennings, Secretary Nazzaro.
A. City Manager Kiedrowski requested that item 8.F. be stricken
from the agenda as it was a duplication of item B.C. He added
that item 8.G. should technically not be included on the agenda.
Admin. Services Director Jennings stated that corrected agendas
were available.
Minutes City Council
January 20, 1987
Page Two
A. Councilmember Bohnenberger requested a monthly report on
public works projects to be included under Agenda item 11.,
Report of Officers, which would update various projects to
Councilmember Bohnenberger's request was so noted by City
Manager Kiedrowski.
B. Councilmember Sniff reported on CVAG Energy & Environment
Committee meeting Tuesday, January 13, 1988, advising that
Councilmember Cox had been unanimously voted for appointment
to the Calcog Water Committee.
A. Continued Public Hearing Weed Abaternent/Borremans
APPLICANT: City Initiated.
LOCATION: APN Nos. 769-261-008 & 009
PROJECT: Public Nuisance Abatementl
Clearing Assessment.
Community Safety Director Hirdler explained that the Borremans
continued by Council motion at January 6, 1987 council meeting)
were away from their property for approximately six weeks and
apparently did not receive City certified letter mailed on
October 22, 1986, returned to the City by the postal service on
December 22, 1986, and presented possible solutions.
Councilmember Sniff stated he had spoken with the Borremans by
telephone and that 1) the Borremans related to him that they
were in support of the abatement program, but that if they had
received notification they would have cleaned the lots
personally, and, 2) they requested to pay 50% of the amount
charged, and asking that this reduced charge be directly billed
by the City and not be placed on the tax rolls.
Moved by Councilmember Sniff, seconded by Councilmember
Bohnenberger, to reduce the charge by 50%, and to directly bill
the Borremans with thirty days to remit) and not be placed on
the tax rolls. Unanimously carried for adoption as amended to
include that future notices be posted twice and if no answer or
receipt from the party, to bring before the Council.
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Minutes City Council
January 20, 1987
Page Three
City Manager Kiedrowski assured the Council that this would be
the first incident of record where the City did abate and the
landowner did not receive a notice, and reassured Council that in
those rare occurrences the landowner will be renoticed one month
later and then if no response the matter will be brought before
the Council.
B. Public Hearing Public Right-of-Way Abatement
APPLICANT: City Initiated.
LOCATION: 49-490 San Vicente Street
PROJECT: La Quinta Golf Estates Road
Widening Project.
Community Safety Director Hirdler reported on Resolution No. 87-4
relative to reimbursement for the cost of abating the public
nuisance at 49-490 San Vicente Street, and recommended that it be
placed on the assessment rolls for 1987-88.
Moved by Councilmember Cox, seconded by Councilmember Sniff, to
adopt Resolution No. 87-4. Unanimously carried for adoption.
A. Communication from Martin Beck regarding re-establishment
of the La Quinta Traffic Safety Committee.
Mr. Beck, P.O. Box 1043, La Quinta, stated he had nothing to
add to his previously written communication to the Council
but made reference to the previous weekend Chrysler Classic
traffic situation, citing that logical, local level"
planning alleviated a possible traffic jam.
Mr. Larry Allen, P.O. Box 412, La Quinta, spoke at Mr.
Beck's request in support of re-establishing the La Quinta
Traffic Safety Committee. However, he urged that action on
this committee be held for the new City Engineer/Public
Works Director and his recommendations.
Moved by Councilmember Bohnenberger, seconded by
Councilmember Pena, to table consideration of the request to
re-establish the La Quinta Traffic Safety Committee until
such time as the new Public Works Director is on board" at
the City.
Minutes City Council
January 20, 1987
Page Four
Councilmember Sniff requested a timetable consideration be
made. City Manager Kiedrowski confirmed that the position
is now in the advertising stage, closing on February 6, with
interviews to be in the latter part of February, early
March, and probable report date to be the first part of
It was unanimously agreed to return to Council Mr. Becks
request to re-establish the La Quinta Traffic Safety
Committee in May or June, 1987.
Mayor Hoyle stated for the record that at Councilmember
Sniff's request at the January 6, 1987 Council meeting,
thank you letters had been sent to the various committee
members, under the Mayor?s signature and with the full
support of the Council.
A. Report from the La Quinta Historical Society regarding
Mr. Fred Rice, P.o. Box 643, La Quinta, presented a proposa
on behalf of the La Quinta Historical Society regarding
documenting and recording of the history of the City of La
Quinta. He outlined the beginning chapters to the Council,
and produced an activity and time schedule, plus a proposed
budget for 1987. He advised that June of 1987 would be the
target date for completion of the book.
Councilmember Cox requested that the Historical Society's
request be continued to the next Council study session
agenda for extensive discussion/decision.
City Manager Kiedrowski presented a letter to the Mayor from
Fred Wolff who requested that his letter be read during the
January 20, 1987 Council meeting. City Manager Kiedrowski
read the letter which 1) requested that his request to
record the history of La Quinta be retracted and 2)
expressed his appreciation to the La Quinta Historical
Society for their interest in accomplishing the project,
urging the Council to support their earnest endeavor.
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Minutes City Council
January 20, 1987
Page Five
Moved by Councilmember Sniff to indicate the Council's
interest and support to the La Quinta Historical Society in
their endeavor, requesting periodic status reports regarding
their progress and research in preparation of the written
history of La Quinta. It was agreed that a motion was not
CD necessary but was noted for the record.
B. Discussion of the study session purpose and intent.
City Manager Kiedrowski explained there had been several
discussions in the past regarding Council study sessions as
to whether there should be a session prior to each Council
meeting, or a decision process where in the case of a light
agenda that a study session would not be necessary, and
whether the discussions should only revolve around items
scheduled for the next day's regularly scheduled Council
Councilmembers related their ideas regarding study sessions
as capsuled below:
1. The importance of conducting study sessions, and the
possibility of making them more structured", with the
idea of being responsive to Council priorities/
directives, with possible timelines for action.
2. Whether to change the time of the sessions.
3. possible meetings the Monday following a Council
4 The Assistant City Clerkto call each Councilmember for
input to the agenda, and in turn for councilmembers to
that office regarding items as they originate.
5. A public information meeting for the community.
It was discussed and agreed that the time of the regularly
scheduled Monday study sessions would be changed from 3:00 p.m.
to 6:00 p.m., and that there would be two sessions per month
prior to Council meetings, but that special study sessionscould
be called if needed/required, and that the above items would be
reviewed in July of 1987, or less if desired, and further
discussions to be conducted at study sessions.
It was confirmed with the City Attorney that changing the hour of
the Monday study sessions would require an amendment to the
resolution regarding rules and procedures, and that since this
resolution is already being reviewed for other possible changes,
that the City Clerk would adjourn the study session on Monday
Minutes City Council
January 20, 1987
Page Six
at 3:00 pm. to 6:00 pm. The time change would also be posted
on the door to the Council chambers. Additionally, it was agreed
that the Assistant City Clerk would contact the Council on a
weekly basis for agenda items.
C. Discussion of the Community Service Grant awards for 1987-88.
Mayor Hoyle adjourned the meeting to an eight-minute recess at 8:45
The Mayor then recalled the meeting at 8:56 p.m.
City Manager Kjedrowski explained that procedures for the
applications need to be clarified, with a target to provide
a prioritization process.
Moved by Councilmember Sniff for the grants not to exceed
1.5 percent of the projected income of the City. No second
Mark Moran, Chairman, Community Services Commission, urgec.
the Council to develop a service criteria to be utilized
awarding of grants. Finance Director Harvey recommended &.
determination be made as to what funds would be available
for the grants.
Moved by Councilmember Pena, seconded by Councilmember Cox,
to continue discussion/decision on community service grant
awards for 1987-88 for further clarification from Finance
Director Harvey and the Community Services Commission to the
second study session in February, 1987. Unanimously carried
for adoption.
D. Consideration/Adoption of manning schedule for 1987-88.
City Manager Kiedrowski explained subsequent to the
organization/management study recently completed, a manning
schedule would need to be adopted. this request for a
change to the manning schedule developed in that study is
for the clerk typist I to be replaced by a development
services aide position. In recommending adoption of this
change, he added that the position would be more public
oriented in having aide process applications, assist the
public in filling out the applications, and answering zon::-
and building area questions, etc.
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Minutes City Council
January 20, 1987
Page Seven
He summarized that the be better served and that the
salary differential would be within the budget cycle for next
year's budget. He corrected two typos reflected on the schedule,
advising Council to omit the word Chief" from Chief Building
Official", and correcting the number for Building Inspector I to
two positions instead of one.
Moved by Councilmember Pena, seconded by Councilmember
Cr) Sniff, to adopt the manning schedule as amended.
Unanimously carried for adoption.
m E. Report from the Planning Director regarding citizens'
petition Miles Avenue & Vista Dunes Mobile Park.
Planning Director Crump explained that communication had
been received from residents at Vista Dunes Mobile park,
78-990 Miles Avenue, requesting that the grade of Miles
Avenue be lowered east of the park, and relating this to a
recent traffic accident. He recommended that the situation
could be improved by restricting the eastern-most park
driveway to right-turn only, which would add additional left
turn sight distance.
Mrs. Loretta Clayton, Vista Dunes Mobile Park Manager,
78-990 Miles Avenue, La Quinta, expressed concern regarding
the speed of the traffic.
The matter was discussed by Council and it was agreed that
the Community Safety Director would step up patrols of the
area, with a report of findings sheriff report) to be
submitted to Council in sixty days for discussion/decision.
Mayor Hoyle thanked the Claytons for bringing the matter to
the attention of the Council.
No reports/discussion. For confirmation only.
Moved by Councilmember Cox, seconded by Councilmember
Bohnenberger, to adopt the Consent Calendar. Unanimously adopted.
Minutes City Council
January 20, 1987
Page Eight
A. Approval of Minutes/City Council of January 6, 1987.
C. Award of Bid No. 87-01, Street Resurfacing of Various
Motion passed by Roll Call Vote:
AYES: Councilmembers Bohnenberger, Cox, Pena, Sniff, and
Mayor Hoyle.
NOES: None.
The City Attorney requested a short executive session on a
matter of attorney/client privilege following adjournment.
Admin. Services Director Jennings reported on a donation
from Mrs. Kline widow of Bert Kline) of a custom-made
Brunswick pool table to the Senior Center. Jim and Beverly
Montgomery are cited for their assistance in working out th
logistics of moving the table to the center where it is now
being used and enjoyed daily.
Councilmember Bohnenberger requested that a letter of
appreciation be sent to Mrs. Kline for her donation.
Councilmember Sniff requested the time frame given to the
Award of Bid No. 87-01, Street Resurfacing on Various
Streets Item 10.C, Consent Calendar).
Community Safety Director Hirdler gave an activity report
for December, 1986, and mentioned he was in the process of
obtaining a larger and more clear map for viewing.
Councilmember Bohnenberger requested the year-end report
from the Sheriff's Department. Community Safety Director
Hirdler assured him that the report would be forthcoming by
the end of January/beginning February.
Finance Director Harvey explained that one section of the
financial statements was held Out and would be discussed
during the City Council Retreat of January 23-24, 1987.
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Minutes City Council
January 20, 1987
Page Nine
The Finance Director further explained the large book
balance due to large activity on the last two days of the
month of work permits, etc. for which monies were not
deposited because of the holiday January 1, 1987).
The Finance Director was questioned regarding the amount of
$40,000 received yearly from the Grove, and the amount of
$200,000 from Landmark Land part of a $1 M. development
Y) agreement paid annually in $200,000 increments). The
location in the books of the $400,000 two increments) was
discussed. The Finance Director reported it to be in an
equity account in the general fund, but that could be easily
changed if requested. It was agreed that the special fund
matter would be continued to the next regularly scheduled
City Council meeting.
Planning Director Crump reported on Item ll.B., village Core
Specific Plan under Reports) giving an update on activities
regarding a consultant firm to assist in preparing a
potential draft of the plan to be available in the spring,
along with public presentation/hearing process, with
adoption by the end of the fiscal year.
Mayor Hoyle expressed his concern that the property owners
as well as the general public would have a chance to give
their input, and asked if at the public hearing scheduled in
the spring, would that be before or after the property
owners have input into the development. Planning Director
Crump replied this would occur subsequent to the
hearing--that as part of the consultant service, staff would
develop a public participation program to provide
participation in the development of the specific plan.
Councilmember Sniff asked if there were some way to include
the property owner input at an earlier date. The Planning
Director explained this would be part of the contractual
arrangement with the consultant to have a public
participation process within their scope of work.
Mayor Hoyle recognized the presence of Mrs. Lucia Moran,
Planning Commissioner, at the Council meeting, adding that
there will be a representative from the Planning Commission
at each City Council meeting, and a representative of the
City Council at every Planning Commission meeting in the
Minutes City Council
January 20, 1987
Page Ten
Moved by Councilmember Cox, seconded by Councilmember
Bohnenberger, to adjourn to Executive Session. City Attorney
Longtin announced for the purposes of the Brown Act, that the
City Council would adjourn into Executive Session under the Ralph
M. Brown Act to discuss matters involving attorney/client
privilege involving potential litigation in a dispute between
waste collection companies relative to collection of debris from
building construction sites. Unanimously adopted.
The regular La Quinta City Council meeting held Tuesday, January
20, 1987, was adjourned at 10:05 p.m. at City Hall, 78-105 Calle
Estado, La Quinta, CA. to Council Retreat to be held Friday,
January 23 through Saturday, January 24, 1987, convening at 5:30
pm., at Laguna de la Paz, La Quinta.