1986 01 07 CC Minutes" 353 IN?CITY COU?ClL Cl? OF LA Qi:INTA A regular meeting of the City Council held at City Hall, 8-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, Califcr?:a. January 7, 1986 7:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER \` t) Mayor John Pena called the La Quinta City Council meeting to order at 7:32 p.rn. and asked Alice Bailes to lead the flag salute. 2. ROLL CALL Co Present: Council Members Allen, Wolff, and Mayor Pena. Absent: Council Members Bohnenberger and Cox. Also Present: Cit\- Manager L:sher, Deputy City Manager Jennings, City Attorney LO.gtin, Co:::?nity Dev?loprnent Director Stevens, and Administra- tive Secretary Wright. It was moved by Council Member Allen and seconded by Council Member Wolff to excuse the absence of Council Members Bohnenberger and Cox. Unanimously adopted. 3. PUBLIC CO??ENT 1. Sybil Jaffy, 46410 Cameo Palms Drive, La Quinta, requested a remedy by the City Council for a dangerous traffic situation at the intersections of Singing Palms Drive and Washington and Simon Drive and Washington Streets. Ms. Jaffy explained that she had written twice to the City regarding this concern and that her father had a serious accident at one of these intersections in December. Council Member Allen assured Ms. Jaffy that the Council will address the matter and that it is, in fact, being worked on. Community Development Director Stevens also commented on the problem. The Planning Commission is working on solutions and Ms. Jaffy will be advised of actions taken to remedy the situation. 4. WRITT? COMMUNICATIONS A. City Manager Usher reported on a communication received from Landmark Land Company regarding erection of an off-site billboard sign at the corner of Avenue 50 and Jefferson Street. Community Development Director Stevens said that a preliminary design will be submitted in a day or two and a report by staff will be brought to the Council at the next meeting. Because the next meeting will occur after the Bob Hope Classic, a brown painted temporary) sign will be erected by next Tuesday. City Manager Usher reported on a communication received from Mr. and Mrs. E.D. Ettinger regarding enforcement of the Municipal Code relating to noise and disturbances from construction work, specifically the flood BIB] 02-27-96-U01 08:39:02AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 01-U02 07-U02 1986-U02 " NIN?TES City Co?ncil 354 Page 2 January 7, 1986 Mr. Usher believed that the noise was c?-ing from maintenance on the equi?-.??t rather tha-. actual grading-.g or construction work. He su?zested we co-?un1cate with CVWD to make sure the contractor is a?are of restric- tions relative to noise and construct 1?n. Mr. Ettinger???er spoke regarding this prob?e?. He left with t?e Coun?i1 a log of incidents which Code nfcrcee?t Officer Carroll had advised him to subit. He also thanked Cit\' M?nager sher for getting the con?ractor to move back from Tecate, about 75 feet from his house. He again asked the Council to look into the matter further and take whatever appropriate action they could. C. Mr. Usher reported on a communication from the Anden Corporation apologizing for the placement of a trailer sign the second week after the City began enforcement of this problem. Mr. Alvarez stated that it would not occur again. 5. COMMENT BY COU?CIL MEMBERS A. Council Member Allen explained that there were two Larry Allens in the Valley and it was not he who was appointed sales representative for Sunrise Company, as the Daily News reported. Council Member Allen also said he would like to see the City participate in placing banners for the Bob Hope Classic in January, 1987. B. Council Member Wolff extended an apology to Landmark Land Company. He had complained at a previous Council meeting that Landmark had not land- scaped Eisenhower and Tampico as promised; however, he found that their plan had been submitted to the City and the City had not completed it. Council Member Wolff also felt the La Quinta postmaster was overreacting to the post office fire and stated that about 2,000 people were now in- convenienced due to the short post office hours. He suggested the Mayor write a letter to the highest postal authority regarding the lock up of the post office after hours and on weekends. He was also very concerned about the condition of pavement in La Quinta. Staff was supposed to have presented an assessment, and then a plan, to the Council last fall. He insisted something be done and that the Council have a plan by the next meeting. Council Member Allen added to Council Member Wolff's comments about the post office and expressed concern about local mail sitting from 6:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. He said he would like this issue discussed in the letter from the Mayor. Council Member Wolff asked that two separate letters be sent. C. Mayor Pena mentioned that legislation regarding the use of seatbelts went into effect January 1, 1986. He said he would like to take that one step further and introduce the following resolution. PROPOSED RESOLUTION NO. 86-1. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COL?CIL OF ThE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFOR?IA, URGING ThAT THE CALIFORNIA LEGISLATURE REQUIRE ThE INSTALLATION AND USE OF SEATBELTS IN SCHOOL BUSES AND BUSES HIRED TO TRANSPORT STUDENTS. BIB] 02-27-96-U01 08:39:02AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 01-U02 07-U02 1986-U02 " 351 MINUTES City Council Page 3 January 7, 1986 Mayor Pena said that a letter had be? sent to the Desert Sands Unified School District regarding the driving pTactices of sc?e of the DSUSD e-ployees abo?t who. be had received c?-...plair.ts. A response was s?nt to us stating that the\; would provide a driver education course for their bus drivers w?ich would be onitored b' the CHP. It was moved by Council Member Allen and seconded by Council Member Wolff \j to adopt Resolution No. 86-1. Unanimously adopted with Council Members Ln Bohnenberger and Cox absent. 6. CONSE?T CALENDAR It was moved by Council Member Allen and seconded by Council Member Wolff to adopt the Consent Calendar. Roll Call Vote: AYES: Council Members Allen, Wolff and yor Pena. NO?S: None. ABSENT: Council Members Bohnenberger and Cox. A. Minutes of the regular City Council meeting held December 17, l98? were approved as submitted. B. RESOLUTION NO. 86-2. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF ThE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING D?iANDS. 7. HEARINGS A. RESOLUTION NO. 86-3. A RESOLUTION OF ThE CITY CO?CIL OF ThE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ASSESSING LIEN AND FROVIDING FOR COLLECTION ON TAX ROLLS ON CERTAIN PROPERTY FOR COSTS OF ABATE- MENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE. City Manager Usher reported on the above resolution and recommended adoption. Mayor Pena declared the public hearing open at 7:58 p.m. and there being no comment, closed the hearing at 7:58 p.m. Mr. Usher explained this resolution in more detail at Council Member Allen's request. The City retains the services of an outside contractor for debris and weed abatement of lots in the City after an owner has been notified to clean it up or it will be abated by the City. The cost of abatement and an administrative charge is then charged to the owner. It was moved by Council Member Wolff and seconded by Council Member Allen to adopt Resolution No. 86-3. Unanimously adopted with Council Members Bohnen- berger and Cox absent. BIB] 02-27-96-U01 08:39:02AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 01-U02 07-U02 1986-U02 "352 MINUTES City Council Page 4 January 7, 1986 8. BUSINESS SESSION A. Co?:?r?unity Develop-ent Director Stevens reported on the estab1is.::e?t of regulations for vesting tentative maps for residential subdivisi?ns. Staff recommended adoption of the resolution and answered questions of the Council RESOLUTION NO. 86-4. A RESOLUTION OF Tl?E CITh COL?CJL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA. CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING REGU- LATIONS FOR VESTING TENTATIVE MAPS FOR RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISIONS. City Attorney Longtin clarified for the Council that vested approval lasts 24 onths. It was moved by Council Member Allen and seconded by Council Me?ber Wolff to adopt Resolution No. 86-4. Unanimously adopted with Council Me-.?ers Bohen- berger and Cox absent. B. City Manager Usher reported on a resolution establishing temporary no-parking zones during a special event in La Quinta and recorninended adoption of the resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 86-5. A RESOLUTION OF ThE CITY COL?CIL OF ThE CIT OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLIS?ING CERTAIN TEMPORARY NO-PARKING ZONES ON EISENHOWER DRIVE, WASHINGTON STREET AND AVENUE 50 DURING A SPECIAL EVENT TO BE IIELD JANUARY 15, 1986 TfiROUCH JANUARY 19, 1986, INCLUSIVE. It was moved by Council Member Wolff and seconded by Council Me-,ber Allen to adopt Resolution No. 86-S. Unanimously adopted with Council Nernbers Bohnen- berger and Cox absent. C. Community Develop?ent Director Stevens reported on the reconstruction of iles Avenue west of Jefferson Street and ans?ered questions. The matter is scheduled for review by the Indio City Council on January 15th. Council Member Allen asked if a 4-lane road would be feasible and Mr. Stevens responded that the two Cities were trying to keep the cost down. Council Member Wolff concurred with changing the road grade to increase sight distance and asked if the stop signs on Jefferson were posted with 2-way stop) signs. Mr. Stevens was not certain but said they would be relatively easy to add. It was moved by Council Member Allen and seconded by Council Member Wolff t support the concept of reconstruction of Miles Avenue at Jefferson. Unani- mously adopted with Council Members Bohnenberger and Cox absent. BIB] 02-27-96-U01 08:39:02AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 01-U02 07-U02 1986-U02 "MINUTES City Council page 5 January 7, 1986 D. City Manager Usher read the title of the following proposed ordinance. PROPOSED ORDINA?CE. M? ORDlN?NCE OF ThE CITY COL?CIL OF Th? CITY CF LA QLINL?, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING ThE LA QUINTA ICIPAL CODE, PROHIBITING PARKING OF CERTAIN COMMERCIAL VEHICLES IN ThE CITY. It was moved by Council Member Wolff and seconded by Council Member Allen to waive further reading and introduce the proposed ordinance. Unanimously adopted after some Council discussion) with Council Members Bohnenberger and Cox absent. E. City Manager Usher reported on a communication from Sunrise Company wishing to donate two tickets to the Bob Hope Classic Ball for a member of the Council and spouse to represent the City of La Ouinta. It was moved by Council Member Wolff and seconded by Council Member Allen that Mayor Pena accept the invitation and attend the function. Unanim..ously adopted with Council Members Bohnenberger and Cox absent. F. Deputy City Manager Jennings reported that a Riverside County training program was available whereby the County would reimburse the City costs for training personnel) for a clerical person and requested conceptual approval. She explained that the City has used this program before success- fully. There was Council consensus to go ahead with the program. G. City Attorney Longtin presented some inform?tion to the Council concerning liability insurance. Regarding the inquiry in the study session about two Valley cities being cancelled, he said Pal? Desert and Palm Springs had not been cancelled, but had a failure to renew. Both were now self-insured, and part of Palm Springs insurance was placed with another carrier at a higher premium. Concerning the City of La Quinta' S insurance, it will expire in May and does require a 60-day notice of cancellation. Cur carrier did not expect any problem with renewal but the insurance may be at a higher cost. The Joint Powers Insurance Authority CVAG), of which we are a member, does not presently include liability insurance. 9. ADJOUR??MENT It was moved by Council Member Allen and seconded by Mayor Pena to adjourn. Unanimously adopted. The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of La Cuinta was adjourned at 8:35 p.m. on Tuesday, January 7, 1986 at City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. BIB] 02-27-96-U01 08:39:02AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 01-U02 07-U02 1986-U02