1984 01 03 CC Minutes$7 M I N U T E S CITY mu?CIL CITY OF LA QUINTA A regular meeting of the City Council held at City Hall, 78-105 Calle estado, La Q\:iinta, California. January 3, 1984 7:30 p.m. 1. CAIL TO ORDER Mayor Baier called the rr?eting to order at 7:33 p.in. A. The flag salute was led by Council r Henderson. B. The invocation was led by Mayor Baier. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Council Meeers Allen, Cox, Henderson, lff and Mayor Baier. Absent: None. Also Present: City Manager Usher, City Attorney Ott, Assistant to the City Manager Jennings. 3. PUBLIC tI(l? 4. Th?i? ICATICNS 5. BY UNCIL ME??ERS A. Council er Allen suggested that staff contaot Palm Desert Disposal and ask them to provide La Quinta residents with future prior notification when weekly refuse services are to be disrupted for one or more days during holiday periods. B. Council Henderson stressed the need for consistency of notification by Palm Desert Disposal. 6. RINGS A. The City Manager presented a report regarding a public hearing relative to General Plan Amendment No. 83-001, a request to air?d the General Plan Land Use Eleeent fran very Low Density Residential and Low Density Residential to dium Density Residential, 6 dwellings per acre; and a request to arrend the Circulation Eleeent Designation of Adams Street fr? a major highway to a secondary highway; Consolidated, Inc., Applicant. B. The City Manager presented a report regarding a public hearing relative to Change of Zone Case No. 83-003, a request to chhnge zoning fran R-1, R-1-8000 and R-1-12000 to R-2 for a 154.5 acre site located at the northeast corner of Washington Street and 48th Avenue alignment; Consolidated, Inc., Applicant. BIB] 03-13-96-U01 02:33:53PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 01-U02 03-U02 1984-U02 $7MI??UrES City Council January 3, 1984 Page Twa. The City Manager suggested that the hearings be held concurrently since both pertained to the same property, with the applicant representing M.B. Johnson Ccp?y at both hearings. The City Manager. stated that John Adams of VTN and Mervin Johnson were present and would be available to present information and answer questions. 1. The City Manager explained that after receipt of public testirr?ny and discussion, the Planning C?rrnjssion adopted a inotion, at their meeting held Decebber 13, 1983, re?oending the following to the City Council: A. Approval of General Plan Amendment No. 83-001, amending the Land Use El?i?rit frc?n Very Low Density Residential and Low Density ReSidential to Medium Density Residential with a rnaxmum of 6 dwelling units per acre in accordance with Fhhibit 1; and B. Approval of Ceneral Plan Aeendment No. 83-001, amending the Circulation Element designation of Adams street between Highway 111 and 48th Avenue, with the exception of those portions of Adams Street within 500 feet of Highway 111 and 48th Avenue, in accordance ith Exhibit 3. The City Manager further explained that the C?rimission also reccomended adoption of a negative declaration relative to environmental assessment, with the following mitigation: A. Prior to issuance of grading or building pe?mits, the Applicant shall present evidence to the City Building Department that financial arrange- ments have been completed between the Applicant and the State Dept. of Fish and Came and the U.S. Dept. of Fish and Wildlife Service for the purchase of or provision of funds for the purchase of an appropriate arr?unt of acreage within the area designated by the U S. Fish and Wildlife Service as critical habitat for the C.V. fringe-toed lizard. B. That prior to the issuance of grading or building permits, or prior to the recordation of the finnl map, Applicant shall suk?nit to the City a signed contract agreeing to the required street and traffic safety improveeents reC?Tmended by the City ngineer and attached as conditions of approval to Tentative Tract Map. No. 19458. The City Manager presented the staff report and explained that the General Plan Arr??dment would allow a max? of 312 additional dwellings on the 154.5 acre site. He further explained that Tentative Tract Map No. 19458, su?initted in conjunction with the general plan aeendment request, proposes an increase of 279 dwellings over the current density limit, with a proposed project density of 5.79 dwellings per acre. The City Manager explained the proposed request to amend the Circulation Element designation of Adams Street from a Major Highway to a Secondary Highway, 8 8-foot wide right of way, four travel lanes, no center n?di an). The City Manager next explained Change of Zone Case No. 83-003, and reported that the Planning C?rinjssjon had recccmended denial of change of Zone No. 83-003 from R-1, R-1-8000 and R-1-12000 to R-2, but had approved Change of Zone Case No. 83-003, as amended, from R-1, R-1-8000 and R-1-12000 to R-2-2500 rnaxmum 374 total dwellings) R-2-9600 maxm? 520 total dwellings) and R-5, as shown on Exhibit 2 of the Principal Planners Decebber 13, 1983, staff report. He further explained that staff is recceending that the new zoning be made specific to this BIB] 03-13-96-U01 02:33:53PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 01-U02 03-U02 1984-U02 $7INUT?S Citv Council Januar?,? 3, 1984 Page Three. project because the detenination of copp?tibility was based primarily on the tentative design of the project with the higher density iccated in the Center of the development, and the lower density along the per iir?ter Principal Planner Banner explained why the general plan aeendrnerit and change of zone reguests were being presented prior to review of the tentative tract and stated that this was because rulings on any aeendments to the general plan mQst proceed a decision On a tentative tract map. She explained that many issues of concern to the Council would be addressed during review of the tentative tract map at a future meeting. Mayor Baier opened the hearing, and asked the Applicant if he wished to address the Council. Mr. John Adams, VTN Consolidated, 2301 Campus Drive, Irvine, California, presented opening remarks, thanked City staff for their cooperation on this project, and explained the Applicants reguest pertinent to the general plan amendment, anendeent to the Circulation El?r?t and Change of Zone reguest. Following the presentation by the Applicant, Mayor Baler asked if there were any oents fr? those present in the audience. Mr. Mervin Johnson, M.B. Johnson Coppany, 400 N. Tustin Avenue? Santa Ana, developer of this project, addressed the Council and stated that he had nothing further to add to Mr. Adam's presentation. No futheer c?TTTh?t was heard fr?i persons in the audience. Mayor Baler declared the public hearing closed. After lengthy discussion between the Council, applicant and staff, it was moved by Council Allen, seconded by Council Henderson, to approve General Plan deent No. 83-001, amending the General Plan Land Use Element fr? Very T? Density Residential and Low Density Residential to dium Density Residential, with a maximum of six 6) dwelling units per acre, in accordance with D?bit No. 1; to deny the request to a?t?r? the Circulation El?nent Designation of Adams Street fr?n a major highway to a secondary highway; and to continue consideration to the first Council meeting in February Change of Zone Case No. 83-003, a request to change zoning from R-1, R-1-8000 and R-1-12000 to R-2 for a 154.5 acre Site located at the northeast corner of Washington Street and 48th Avenue. Council Member Wblff requested a roll call vote: AYES: Council Members Allen, Cox, Henderson, Mayor Baier. NOES: Council Member Wolff. ABSENT: None. After discussion, it was moved by Council Member Wolff, seconded by Council Member Allen, to adopt a negative declaration relative to environmental assesseent, with the following mitigation: 1. The Applicant shall provide for mitigation of the irr[pact on the Coachella valley fringe-toed lizard by occoplying with the requirements of a mitigation agreement as approved by the City Council and in effect at the time of recordation vnamous ly adopted. BIB] 03-13-96-U01 02:33:53PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 01-U02 03-U02 1984-U02 $7INUT?S City Council anuary 3, 1984 Page 4. 7. C?SE?T CA?D? ved by Council M?nb?? Allen, seconded by Council M?nber Ccx, to approve the Consent Calendar. Roll Call Vote: AYES: Council M?E?s Allen, Cox, Henderson, Wolff and Mayor Baier. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 1. The Minutes of the City Council/Redevelopment Agency meeting held Nov?nber 22, 1983, were approved as sub::1tted. 2. The Minutes of the City Council meeting held Deceeber 20, 1983, were approved as s??imitted. 3. RESOLUrION NO.84-2. A RESOLUTION OF ThE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIF??IA, APPROVING D?DS. 8. BUSTh?SS SESSION A. The City Manager presented a report regarding Extension of Time, Conditional B. Use Case No.2394 and 2395, and re?ended continuance of consideration be continued to allow time for further disaussion beteeen the Applicant, his engineer and City staff. ed by Council Cox, seconded by Council Meeer lff, to continue Conditional Use Case No. 2394 and 2395 to the January 17, 1984, Council rr?eting. Unajusly adopted. C. The City Manager presented a report regarding adoption by reference of the recodification of the La Quinta ML]nlcipal Code, and explained that there are no substantive changes, but merely editorial changes, and read the title of the proposed Ordinance, as follows: PROPOSED ORDINANCE. AN ORDIAANCE OF ThE Crry COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIF??IA, ALOPTING BY REFE??CE A OF ThE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE. ved by Council Meeber Ccx, seconded by Council Maeer lff, to waive further reading and introduce the proposed Ordinance and to Set this it? for public hearing at the next regular Council meeting to be held January 17, 1984. Unaniusly adopted. D. The City Manager presented an infor?national report fr? the Ca?tru??ty Safety Coordinator regarding hot air balloons, and reported that no action on the part of the Council was reguired. Council ber Wolff ded the Connity Safety Coordinator for the report and stated that he uld favor establisheent of peieanent hot air balloon pad? in La Quinta. He also stated that he would re??d that the re?endation? presented in this report be adopted as City flues pertaIning to hot air ballooning. BIB] 03-13-96-U01 02:33:53PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 01-U02 03-U02 1984-U02 $7MINUTES City Council January 3, 1984 Page Five The City Manager presented a report fran the Animal Control Officer regarding the City dog licensing progr?m and reported that no action on the part of the Council was required. F. The City Manager reported that a request had been received fran the Chairaan of the Traffic Safety C?rrnittee regarding replaceeent of a mebber to this C?rmittee. The City Attorney explained that it would be necessary for the City to give notice that a vacancy existed, post the notice, and fill the vacant position no sooner than ten 10) days following posting of this notice. It was the consensus of the Council to direct staff to post notice of a vacancy to the Traffic Safety C?rmittee and report back to the Council with applications of interested persons at the regglar rr?eting of Febrarry 7, 1984. G. The City Manager presented a report regarding an advance of funds ta the La Quinta Redevelo?nt Agency, and explained that this request for $10,000 would make total contributions fran the City to the Agency $25 000 Moved by Council M?nber Cox, seconded by Council Member Allen, to adopt Resolution No. 84-3, as follows: RESOLUTI? NO.84-3. A SOLt?I? OF ThE C? COUNCIL OF i'I? CITY OF LA QU??A, CALIB??IA, APP?)VING AN AGREEX? E?TIVE TO AN ADDITIONAL AD??CE OF FUNDS fl?M IHE: OF LA QU]?A TO THE LA QUINTA REDEVELflPME?? A?. uflarn"'ously adopted. H. The City Manager presented a report regarding a proposed Ordinance relative tb anending Section 2.16.010 of the Municipal Code relating to the Office of the City Attorney. City Attorney Ott explained the amendment and read the proposed Ordinance. PROPOSED ORD:??CE. AN OPDI???CE OF IHE C?fl? COUNCIL OF THE Crry OF LA IITA, CALIFORNIA, AME??DING SECTION 2.16.010 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE OFFICE OF THE CITY Moved by Council 6t? lff, seconded by Council Member Ccx, to introduce the proposed Ordinance, as read. Unaniusly adopted. 9. A?OURNMNT Moved by Council Member Allen, seconded by Council Nember Henderson, to adjourn. The regular ting of the City Council of the City of La Q\:iinta, California, was adjourned at 9:30 pm., Thesday, January 3, 1984, at City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. BIB] 03-13-96-U01 02:33:53PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 01-U02 03-U02 1984-U02