1984 01 17 CC Minutes$= MINUT?S CITY COUNCIL CITY OF IA QUINTA A regular meeting of the City Council held at City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California January 17, 1984 7:30 p.in 1. CAll To ORDER Mayor Baier called the City Council meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. A. The flag salute was led by Council Memeer Judith Cox. 2. POII CAIL Present: Council M?nbers Allen, Ccx, Henderson, lff and Mayor Bajer. Absent: None. Also Present: City Manager Usher, City Attorney Ott and Assistant to the City Manager Jennings. 3. PU?3LIC The Mayor indicated that this tirr? was set aside for citizens to address the City Council on matters relating to City business, and reminded those present that a three minute time limit on c?r?ts uld be enforced. C?ttr??t was heard fr? the following persons: A. Audrey Ostwows?, 77-400 Calle Sinaba, addressed the Council relative to animal control, and urged the City Council to take stronger arlinal control measures and appoint a citizens c?TTnittee to make r?endations regarding animal control to the Council. B. Diana Searcy, 52-279 Avenida Navarro, di5CQS5ed the need for more street signs and traffic controls in the Cove area. C. Stan Sniff, P.O. Box 1414, read a stateeent relative to concerns regarding proposed new developeents, and urged formation of an EnViror?erital Impact Oversight C?mittee to study the jirpact of proposed new developeent and report to the City Council its findings by Deceeeer, 1984. D. Ken Weise, 52-225 Avenida Carranza, responded to Mr. Sniff's oents regarding the proper measurement of water. 4. Rr'TEN OOMUNICATI?S A. A c?rrrruni cation was received frcxn the Desert Sands Unified School District regarding a school impact fee. The City Manager explained that the District is requesting that the City adopt a per dwelling unit school impact fee of $628. The District has agreed to su??t a draft ordinance in this regard wlijch could be adopted by the City Council. BIB] 03-13-96-U01 02:35:14PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 01-U02 17-U02 1984-U02 $= City Council anilary 17, 1984 Page c. ed by Council Member Wolff, seconded by Council Meeber Henderson, that the Desert Sands Unified School District be notified, in writing, that the adoption of the proposed ordinance be Subject to the District??uk?nitting a ti:neline, acceptable to the City Council, for the establishment of an eleeentary school in La QLiinta, and that this timeline be signed off by the Superintendent of Schools, Kenneth Meberg. Unariusly adopted. B. A ca???cation was received fran Southern California Water Canpany in reply to a letter written by the Mayor regarding inadequacies in the water syst?n. The City Manager explained that he and the Mayor will be r?eting in the near future with the President of Southern California Water Coapany in this regard. C. A carmLlni cation was received fr? the La Quinta Property Owners Association regarding future clean-up efforts by the City. The City Manager explained that the Association has expressed interest in sponsoring or co-sponsoring regular periodic clean-up efforts with the City, and is urging other actions relative to clean-up. The City Manager stated that one of the Association's requests, clean-u? of the aaandoned dunp site south of Tecate Street, would be accom- plished in conjunction with the flood control proveeents which are planned. A letter responding to the Property Cwners Association will be sent which addresses the concerns expressed in their letter. D. A c???cation was received fran Mr. J. L. Bear regarding refuse collection fees. Mr. Bear had reguested for sane tybe of reduced fee relative to the mandatory refuse collection ordinance. The City Manager explained that this ordinance was enacted as a result of citizen input as a means to reduce the litter and dumping probl? within the City. It was the consensus of the Council that due to the difficulty in deterrr?ning a seasonal resident fran a peraanent, year-round resident, and associated adiinistrative costs relative to this deterirnation, that no change be made in the ordinance at this time. The City Manager was therefore instructed to draft a letter to Mr. Bear informing him of the Council's decision. D. COMME??T BY COUNCIL MEMBERS A. Council M?nber Allen cented regarding the resignation of City Attorney Ott, and expressed appreciation to Mr. Ott. Council Member Allen also wished City Attorney Ott the best of luck in Cathedral City, where he will be loyed on a 3/4 tine basis effective Febrarry 1, 1984. B. Mayor Baier concurred with Council Memeer Allen, and rroved that a c???dation award be presented to City Attorney Ott. tion seconded by Council M?bar Allen, and unataously adopted. 6. HEARiNGS A. The City Manager presented a report regarding Tentative Tract Map No. 19458, a request to divide a 154.5 acre site into 555 lots for the purpose of constructinc 520 attached single-family dwellings and 374 statutory air space) cond??urns, a total of 894 dwellings. The property is located at the northeast corner of Washington Street and 48th Avenue alignrr?t, Consolidated, Inc., Applicant. The City Manager explained that this it?n was presented to the Council so that BIB] 03-13-96-U01 02:35:14PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 01-U02 17-U02 1984-U02 $=MINUTES Citv Council anuary 17, 1984 Page Three. a preliminary description of the project could be presented at the study session of January 16, 1984, and stated that staff is rec?rmending that this item be continued to the Council meeting of February 7, 1984, at hich time the change of zone case for this it? will be heard. Mayor Baler opened the public hearing. ved by Council M?nber Cox, seconded by Council Wolff, to continue the public hearing regarding Tentative Tract Map No. 19458 to Febru?? 7, 1984. Unan?usly adopted. B. The City Manager presented a report regarding an Ordinance of the City Council adopting by reference a recodification of the La QQinta Municipal Code, and read the title of the proposed Ordinance, as follows: ORDTh??CE NO. 46 AN ORDINANCE OF ThE CITY COUNCIL CF THE CITY OF IA QUINTA, CALIFO?IA, ADO?ING BY REE??CE A DIFICAT ION OF THE IA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE. Mayor Baier opened the public hearing. There being no persons who wished to speak, Mayor Baler closed the public hearing. ed by Council Henderson, seconded by Council Cox, to waive fuither reading and adopt Ordinance No. 46. Roll Call Vote: AYES: Council nbers Allen, Cox, Henderson, Wolff and Mayor Baier. NOES: None. ABS?T: None. C. The City Manager presented a report regarding Change of Zone Case No. 83-005 a request to change zoning fr?r' A-i-b to R-2-12000 and R-3 for a 78.3 acre site located along the south side of 50th Avenue, one-garter mile west of Jefferson Street rris and Grayson, Inc., Applicant, and rec?r?ded that this item be continued to the the February 7, 1984, Council meeting. ved by Council Member Cox, seconded by Council M?nber Wolff, to continue Change of Zone Case No. 83-005 to February 7, 1984. unanimously adopted. 7. mNSENT CALENDAR Moved by Council M?nber Wolff, seconded by Council Henderson, to adopt the Consent Calendar. Roll Call Vote: AYES: Council Mebbers Allen, Cox, Henderson, Wolff and Mayor Baier. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. A. The Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of the City Council/Redevelopeent Agency held Novem?? 28, 1983, were approved as su?mitted. B. The Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Council held January 3, 1984, were approved as su?:1nitted. C. RESOLUTION NO.84-3. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OOUNC:L OF THE CITY OF IA QUINTA, CALIFoF??, APPPOVING D?1?NDS. BIB] 03-13-96-U01 02:35:14PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 01-U02 17-U02 1984-U02 $=MI??S City Council January 17, 1984 Page Four. BUSINESS SESSION A. The City Manager presented a report regarding an Extension of Time, Conditional Use Case No. 2394, a proposed 127 unit planned residential developeent located at the northwest corner of 50th Avenue and Adams Street Charles Soffer Applicant. The City Manager stated that a meeting had been held with Applicant' S engineer, Mr. John Sanborn, and it had been explained that the conditional use pe?mit process was no longer the valid means to achieve developeent approval of this type. It is therefore the staff re?endat ion that the Council deny an extension of time for the subject conditional use pennit. ved by Council M,eeber Henderson, seconded by Council Cox, to deny an extension of time for Conditional Use Case No. 2394. Unan?usly adopted. B. The City Manager presented a report regarding an Extension of Time, Conditional Use Case No. 2395, a proposed 200 unit planned residential developeent located at the northeast corner of Washington Street and 50th Avenue, Charles Sof fer, Applicant. The City Manager reiterated his recoomendations relative to Item 8 A. above, and re??ded Council denial of this reguest. Moved by Council Henderson, seconded by Council MEnber Ccx, to deny an extension of time for Conditional Use Case No. 2395. unai?ly adopted. C. The City Manager read the title of a proposed Ordinance, as follows: ORDIN??? NO. 47. AN ORDI??CE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF ThE CIT? OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AME??DING SECTICN 2.16.010 OF THE LA QUINTA UNICIPAL CODE ELATING TO THE OFFICE OF THE CITY ATIo?EY. Moved by Council mber Allen, seconded by Council Wolff, to waive futther reading and adopt Ordinance No. 47. Roll Call Vote: AYES: Council Members Allen, Cox, Henderson, lff and Mayor Baier. NOES: None. ABSE?T: None. D. The City Manager presented a proposed Resolution appointing a new city attorney, as follows: RESOLUTION NO.84-4. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPOIN?ING A NEW CITY ArI??EY. Moved by Council 6?1? 01ff, seconded by Council Mem? Ccx, to adopt Resolution No. 84-4. Unaniusly adopted. E. The City Manager presented a report regarding preparation of plans and speci- fications for a traffic signal at the intersection of Washington Street and Eisenhnwer Drive. The City Manager reoarro,ended approval of a proposal for professional services frem Federhart & Associates. ved by Council Cox, seconded by Council Member Henderson, to approve the proposal for services from Federhart & Associates, dated January 3, 1984, relative to plans and snecifications for a traffic signal at the intersection of Washington Street and Eisenhower Drive. Unanimously adopted. BIB] 03-13-96-U01 02:35:14PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 01-U02 17-U02 1984-U02 $=MINUTES City Council January 171984 Pa?e Five F The City Attorney presented a report regarding the Disaster Preparedness Program with Riverside County, and explained that these Steps are necessary in order to leeent a response syst?n for eeergencies. The City Manager read the title of a proposed Ordinance, as follows: PROPCSD ORDINANCE. AN ORDDIANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL CF THE Crry OF LA QU:NTA, CALIFORNIA, AME??DING iAp? 2.20 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE PROVIDING FOR THE ISmATION OF DISASIAR OPERATIONS AND RELIEF IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA. ved by Council M?er Cox, seconded by Council Meeber Wolff, to waive further reading and introduce the proposed Ordinance Unuliusly adopted. RESOLUTICN NO.84-5. A RESOLUTION CF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUTNTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AND A?EEING TO ABIDE BY THE CALIFORNIA DISASTAR AND CIVIL DEE??SE MAS? MLYTUAL AID AGR?E?ENT. RESOLUTION NO.84-6. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, REL??IVE TO RERS' COMPENSATION BE?EFITS FOR RECISI? VOLUNTEER DISASIAR S?R?CE RESOLUTION NO.84-7. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING ECI?ION OF THE ASSURANCE OF COMPLIANCE I THE DEPA?? OF DEFENSE AND FEDERAL EXE??CY AGENCY REGULATIONS UNDER TIm?? VI OF THE CIVIL RIGUTS ACT OF 1964. ed by Council lff, seconded by Council Cox, to adopt Resolution Nos. 84-5, 84-6 and 84-7. Unan?usly adopted. G. The City Manager presented a report regarding an agreement nOng the City of La Qtiinta, the La Quinta Redevelopeent Agency and the Coachella Valley Unified School District, and explained that this d?ent is still being reviewed by the City's special counsel and may require further rr?dification prior to final adoption by the Council. Staff therefore recoea?ds that this matter be continued to an adjourned regular rr?eting to be held Saturday, January 21, 1984. bved by Council Cox, seconded by Council Memoer wblff, to continue this matter to an adjourned reg\:llar meeting to be held January 21, 1984. Unaniusly adopted. H. The City Manager presented a report regarding an agre?r?nt ng the City of La Cuinta, the La Quinta Redevelopeent Agency and the Coachella Valley sguito Abateeent District, and explained that due to receiving the proposed agr?nt today, it would be necessary to continue consideration of this agreement until Saturday, January 21, 1984, to allow the City's consultants time to review this docu??t and make necessary rea?rrn??dations. Moved by Council Member Henderson, seconded by Council Meeer Cox, to continue this flatter to an adjourned regular eting to be held January 21, 1984. Unani?usly adopted. I. The City Manager opened discussion with business owners and business property owners regarding downtown La Quinta. BIB] 03-13-96-U01 02:35:14PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 01-U02 17-U02 1984-U02 $=MI?UTES City Council January 17, 1984 Page Six The Council proposal far downtown planning was presented to those present Mr. Bob Yessayjan addressed the Council regarding the La Quinta Business Association' S proposal for downtown planning, and responded to the Council s proposal. Discussion followed regarding the various aspects of the proposals The City Council expressed the intention that the Council 5 proposal should be sent to all business property owners and all business owners in the downtown area. Mr. Yessayian suggested that consideration of the matter be continued until the next regular City Council meeting to allow adequate time for contact with nebbers of his group. 9* ved by Council Cox, seconded by Council M?nber Henderson, to adjourn. The regular eting of the Citv Council of the City of La Quinta, California, was adjourned at 9:04 pm., Tuesday, January 17, 1984, at City all, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California, to Thursday, January 19, 1984, at 3:00 pm., at Dixie Federal Savings & Loan, 74-390 Highway 111, Palm Desert, California. BIB] 03-13-96-U01 02:35:14PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 01-U02 17-U02 1984-U02