1985 10 01 CC*-3 A G E T* D A CITY COUNCIL CITY OF LA CUINTA A regular treetiny of the City Council to be held at the La Cuinta Ca*unity Center, 77-861 Avenida b'bntezuma, La QQinta, California. October 1, 1985 7:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO OFDER A. Flag salute 2. POLL CAll 3. PUBLIC * This is the tire set aside for citizens to address the Council on matters relating to City business items which are NOT listed on the Agenda). *hen addressing the Council, please state your name and address. The proceedings of the Council meeting are recorded on tape and c*rir**ts of each person shall be limited to three minutes. Persons wishing to address the Council regarding an Agenda item should use the form provided. Please ocirplete one form for each Agenda item you intend to address and return the form to the Secretary prior to the beginning of the meeting. N*: Except for hearings, c*rm*ts relative to items on the Agenda are limited to L* minutes. Your narr* will be called at the appropriate * 4. *RITEFN *ICATIONS A. C**utuni cation fr*n CVAG regarding membership*rbership in the Joint Powers Insurance Authority JPIA). 5. * BY COUNCIL M**BERS A. *cent fr* Council 1**Lb* *lff regarding City investment policy with ocrrpnies doing business with the Union of South Africa. B. C*tu*t fr*n Council *er *lff regarding the General Plan process. 6. CONSF*T CAL*AR A. Approval of the Minutes of a regular City Council ireeting held Sept*i*er 18, 1985. B. PPOPOS* RESOLUTION A PESOLUTION OF HE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF IA OUIN'IA, CALIFOPNIA, APPROVIG DE*NDS. 7. HEA*IINCS A. A continued public hearing regarding the La Quirita General Plan and Environmental Inpact Report/Master Environmental Assessrrent, to consider BIB] 06-16-1998-U01 08:58:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 01-U02 1985-U02 *-3AGE*A City Council Page 2 October 1, 1985 the *azards, Cultural Resources, Natural Resources, C*ItflL*ity Developeent, Infrastructure and Housing Elements of the proposed General Plan. 1) Report fr*n the Planning C*miiss ion. 2) Public c*iubant. 3) Council discussion. 4) Motion for adoption. 8. BUSINESS SESSION A. Report fr*n the City Manager regarding access road developeent at the Avenue 50 Park. 1) Motion for adoption. B. Report from the C**ity Developeent Director regarding a status report for architectural services in the do**town area. 1) Motion for adoption. C. Report fr*n the C*nity Developeent Director regarding a status report on t*rary and permanent subdivision directory signs IFFORMATI*i). D. Status report fram the C**uni'ty Developeent Director regarding City entryway and identification signs. E. P*POSED PESOLUTION A RESOW*ION OF r*E CI*Y COUNCIL OF ThE CITY OF LA QUINTA DECLARfNG ITS INIENTION TO CONDU** A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER A REQUEST TO W*TE PO*ICNS OF Eisenhower*ER DRIVE. 1) Resolution for adoption. F. Report fr*n the *ouuity Safety Coordinator regarding acceptance of bids for a City Animal Control truck. 1) *tion for adoption. G. Report frciu the *ccunity Developeent Director regarding a status report relative to the Noel Jensen building permit. 1) Motion for adoption. H. Other 9. ADJouI**MENT 1w BIB] 06-16-1998-U01 08:58:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 01-U02 1985-U02 *-3OVAG COACHELLA VALLEY ASSOCIATION of GOVERNMENTS * County of RIverside & Cities of: * Coachella * Desert Hot $prinQ8 * Palm Desert * Palm 8prin*s * Rancho Mira*e * Cathedral City * La Quinta September 27, 1985 Honorable Judith Cox, Mayor City of La Quinta P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Mayor Cox: The Coachella Valley Joint Powers Insurance Authority is now officially in operation. While your City paid $300. into the JPIA fund to help develop the Authority, it has not yet become a member of the Authority. All the other cities who are members of CVAG have now joined the Authority including the City of Palm Springs. Since you have already paid your $300. it will cost you nothing more to join. It will keep your options open as we make various kinds of insurance available to C.V.J.P.l.A. members. Our first insurance program being offered is Workman's Compensation. We are now in the process of developing a casualty liability) insurance program. This promises to be our most important program because of the difficulty cities are experiencing in getting this type of insurance. I believe it is in your interest to join the C.V.J.P.l.A. now because of the wider options it will provide you should you run into future insurance problems. I would appreciate your bringing this matter before your City Council as soon as possible. Sincerely yours, COACHELLA VALLEY ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS Lester D. Cleveland Executive Director LDC/ghc 74-133 El Paseo, Suite 4, Palm Desert, California 92260. 619) 346.1127 BIB] 06-16-1998-U01 08:58:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 01-U02 1985-U02 *-3 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-16-1998-U01 08:58:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 01-U02 1985-U02 *-3 C I T Y 0 F L * * U I I**I T * Cit* Council Memorandum o* Su*ge*tions For *ction D*TE: September 24. 1 985 FROM: Fred *ol++ SUBJECT: *n Important Oe*t*e I believe there comes a time when everyone must look beyond their own door-step and take an action necessary to assist In the improvement 0+ human rights, dionity and +reedom where they are denied to masses 0+ people. 1+ we subscribe to these values in our own community, it would be hypocritical not to support them elsewhere.. hcwever +ar away. It seems right now the battleground 4or those values is in the Union 0+ South *+Africa. In our nation, the +ederal state and local governments, as well as universities and some 0+ the private sector have taken some sort 0+ actions to support the struggle +or +reedom and brin*inq an end to apartheid in South *+rica. I suggest we join the +orty-some other cities who have acted5 by adopt inc the +ol lowing policy: The City 0+ La L*uinta will riot knowingly invest its +unds with any organization, or purchase any supplies or equipment +rom any company which operates arid/or invests in, or trades with the Union 0+ South *+rI.ca." Fellow Council Members, I thank you +or your support, and commend your concern +or human rights and +reedom throughout the world, should you adopt this policy. Si BIB] 06-16-1998-U01 08:58:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 01-U02 1985-U02 *-3 C I T Y 0 * L * 0 U I I"1 T * City Council Memorandum 0+ Sugge!tion* For Action D*TE: September FROM: Fred wol++(*iW SUBJECT: Finalizing the Genera***lan * Process We are overwhelmed with requests and letters and proposals +or +inal adjustments to the general plan. Thinking about the public comment" speakers at our last meeting, I realized that all but one Louis Campagna) were owners 0+ commercial parcels, seeking sel +-serv i ng changes. I also thought about the +act that we have two groups which represent the community": The General Plan *dvisory Committee and the Planning Commission. I think we should give priority to their conclusions and recommendations. I +ind it di+4icult to wade through all the papers and notes brought be+ore us. I also don't think that's our appropriate role. We should get one document and set 0+ maps...and decide on that. Consequently, I recommend the +ol lowing process +or +inal izin* the general plan: 1. The October 1st meeting will be the last opportunity +or new input +rom anyone, including us. 2. Very soon a+ter October 1st, the Planning Commission and the GP*C shall meet jointly, select a chairman, and reach agreement on those issues which are unresolved. I th ink these are +ew...and many are minor. Sta++ should serve only in an advisory and record-keepin9 role, NOT in+luence the group. 3. *t our mid-October meeting, we receive the +inal document and a +itial set 0+ maps. In the document, I think the only thing that is important are the policy statements... the rest is verbage which we have accepted, subject to sta++'s correction 0+ errors. So, let's just have the policy statements in the +inal dra+t. It'll make a workable document. 1+ there is anything we +eel strong about, we can still make +inal minor changes. Then we vote on it...and it's edged in granite... clay?? cc: Frank Usher Larry Stevens A BIB] 06-16-1998-U01 08:58:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 01-U02 1985-U02 *-3 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEMANDS. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, to approve demands as shown on the Demand/Warrant Re9ister dated October 1, 1985. APPROVED and ADOPTED this 1st day of October, 1985. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER BIB] 06-16-1998-U01 08:58:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 01-U02 1985-U02 *-3 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-16-1998-U01 08:58:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 01-U02 1985-U02 *-3 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-16-1998-U01 08:58:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 01-U02 1985-U02 *-3 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-16-1998-U01 08:58:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 01-U02 1985-U02 *-3 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-16-1998-U01 08:58:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 01-U02 1985-U02 *-3 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-16-1998-U01 08:58:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 01-U02 1985-U02 *- 3 MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: The Honorable Mayor and *t*ers of the City Council From: *ounity Developeent Director Date: *tober 1, 1985 Subject: LA * *General Plan*N At the Sep** 18 hearing, the City Council heard a nurr*er of requests fr* the public priaarily relating to the land use plan. Attached are pertinent coeeents fran CPAC, the Planning *ocission and Staff on these requests. It should be noted that the following requests were discussed in the handwritten materials distributed at your last neeting on this matter. * Carl *isterlin Sheet lB previous distribution) * E***iI Cunard sheet 4A previous distribution) * Audrey Cstrawsky Sheet 4C previous distribution) * Bruce Cathcart Sheet 4D previous distribution) * L*ie Canpagna Sheet 11 attached) * Lawrence Spector/Rufus Associates Sheet * previous distribution) * John Kwake sheet 12 attached) * Don Young Sheet lC attached) * Drew Wright Sheet 13 attached) * Pearl Knight Sheet 4E attached) * Kaye Chandler Sheet 2D attached) * Bill Carver Sheet 2E and letter attached) * Lee Brand Sheet 14 attached) * Chris Clarke Sheet IA previous distribution) and letter attached) The Planning Ccccoission has not c*tpleted its review of the final text since Staff *ss;; * Their hearing was continued to Cctber 8. Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP *unity Developeent Director ILS:drw Atchs: Handwritten Material Ltr. *an Carver Manag*nt Corp. F; Ltr. fran *D, Inc. BIB] 06-16-1998-U01 08:58:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 01-U02 1985-U02 *-3 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-16-1998-U01 08:58:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 01-U02 1985-U02 *-3 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-16-1998-U01 08:58:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 01-U02 1985-U02 *-3 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-16-1998-U01 08:58:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 01-U02 1985-U02 *-3 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-16-1998-U01 08:58:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 01-U02 1985-U02 *-3 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-16-1998-U01 08:58:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 01-U02 1985-U02 *-3 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-16-1998-U01 08:58:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 01-U02 1985-U02 *-3 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-16-1998-U01 08:58:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 01-U02 1985-U02 *-3 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-16-1998-U01 08:58:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 01-U02 1985-U02 *-3 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-16-1998-U01 08:58:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 01-U02 1985-U02 *-3 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-16-1998-U01 08:58:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 01-U02 1985-U02 *-3 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-16-1998-U01 08:58:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 01-U02 1985-U02 *-3 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-16-1998-U01 08:58:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 01-U02 1985-U02 *-3 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-16-1998-U01 08:58:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 01-U02 1985-U02 *-3 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-16-1998-U01 08:58:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 01-U02 1985-U02 *-3 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-16-1998-U01 08:58:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 01-U02 1985-U02 *-3 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-16-1998-U01 08:58:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 01-U02 1985-U02 *-3 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-16-1998-U01 08:58:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 01-U02 1985-U02 *-3 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-16-1998-U01 08:58:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 01-U02 1985-U02 *- 3 MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: Honorable Mayor and Members of Council From; Frank M. Usher, City Manager Date: September 27, 1985 Subject: Development of access road at the Avenue 50 park I have received the accompanying letter from the Desert Sands Unified School District regarding the development of the access road at the Avenue 50 park. We have budgeted $150,000 for first phase park development, access road construction, and Avenue 50 improvements in Fiscal Year 1985-1986. It was contemplated that the first phase of park development would consist of turf and other minimal improvements in the area from Avenue 50 back to the access road, which will serve both the park and the school site. It was also hoped that the school district would participate in some portion in the cost of the access road development. The school district indicates that state funds are not available for access road construction if the road is not adjacent to the school property. Our preliminary estimates indicate that the access road construction will cost approximately $80,000 and the Avenue 50 improvements will cost approximately $60,000, with the latter including 12' of landscaping depth. It is expected that the road improvements could be done within our budget, but that there would be very little left for first phase park development. I believe that we should make a substantial commitment to the development of the access road. I would appreciate the Council's guidance as to what extent the commitment should be. L7*/A;AL BIB] 06-16-1998-U01 08:58:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 01-U02 1985-U02 *-!3 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-16-1998-U01 08:58:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 01-U02 1985-U02 *-"3 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-16-1998-U01 08:58:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 01-U02 1985-U02 *-#3 MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: The *norable Mayor and M**ers of the City Council From: Ccxtu*ty Developeent Director Dat.: CctOoer 1, 1985 Subject: ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES DOWNTOWN PLAN Pursuant to City Council direction at its last n*etig, the Staff has n*t with the Peridian Group concerning the perfor*nce of additional work tasks related to the Downtown Plan. Each of the tasks has now been identified and defined, but the con- sultant *ill not be able to provide a cost or tixte est*inate until October 4. As a result, it will not be possible to make a final decision on this matter until the October 15 it*eting. Council should be aware that this additional work is likely to cost $10,000 $15,600. It should also be noted that these tasks are really not new as I expected that they needed to be done, although I planned to do then with City Staff. In essence, that will be the choice to make on October 15. lawrence L. Stevens, AICP ccIrrn*ity Developnent Director BIB] 06-16-1998-U01 08:58:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 01-U02 1985-U02 *-$3 MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: The Honorable Mayor and **tibers of the City Council From: **ty Develo***t Director Date: October 1, 1985 Subject: SUBDIVTSI* DIRECTORY SIGNS pe*ent Staff has contacted a nurt*er of the firms who previously received bid packages and dete**ed that the reasons bids were not submitted are generally as follows: *lexity of sign design fabrication in field rather than in shop, materials not typically used by many sign *panies) * Inadequate ti't* to prepare bids requires coordination with subcontractors) As a result, it a*pears best to reorganize the specifications into two bid packages with one for the basic sign structure and the other for the sign panels. Distribution of bid packages will be widened to also include general contractors in addition to the specialized sign contractors several sign o*r*ies indicated interest in bidding with the revisions). The schedule will be adjusted as follows: * * of Septeeber 30 Mail out revised bid packages * *tober 31 Bid suumittal deadline * *vember 5 Council award bids This would reSult in the signs being installed by the mid-to-latter part of *veeber. Staff met with Ralph Henley of Anden Corporation to discuss his offer to assist with a tepporary program. He indicated that they may be able to purchase materials and construct and paint the signs, but could not provide lettering. I was contacted by a local resident Sandy Swan of Swan Design Graphics) who indicated interest in doing the lettering. Both have indicated that they *,*ould contact me back by *nday, Sept**er 30, with information on costs and tixr* to c*lete the *rk. I will report on this at the Study Session. Lawrence L. Stevens, MOP cc*tUl*ity Develo*xr*nt Director BIB] 06-16-1998-U01 08:58:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 01-U02 1985-U02 *-%3 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-16-1998-U01 08:58:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 01-U02 1985-U02 *-&3 MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA OUII*TA To: The Ebriorable *iairrnan and *t*,ers of the City Council From: Q*t*ty Developoent Director Date: Ot*r 1, 1985 Subject: ENTRYWAY/SPECIAL IDENTIFICATION SIGNS I have not *1eted work on this project1 but *cp*t to have a report for YOU at *e Study * La*ence L. Stevens, AICP Cccunity Deve1o*ir*nt Director PD BIB] 06-16-1998-U01 08:58:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 01-U02 1985-U02 *-'3 RESOLUTION NO. 85- 5 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER A REQUEST TO VACATE PORTIONS OF EISENHOWER DRIVE. WHEREAS, the Public Streets, Highways and Service Easements Vacation Law Part 3, Division of the California Streets and Highways Code) provides an alternative system of proceeding for vacating streets in cities; and WHEREAS, it has been proposed that certain interest in the land hereinafter described in this Resolution, which have heretofore been dedicated for street purposes, may no longer be required for said purposes. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of La Quinta does RESOLVE as follows: 1. The City Council hereby declares its intention to conduct a public hearing to consider a request to vacate and abandon a portion of Eisenhower Drive generally described as a 29-foot-wide strip within the easterly and southerly portions of the right-of-way extending from San Vicente East) to Avenida Fernando South), all located within the City. Said real property is particularly described in Exhibit A", attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. A map designating the portions of said street to be considered for vacation is attached hereto as Exhibit B" and incorporated herein by this reference. 2. The public hearing with regard to this vacation and abandon- inent shall be held before the City Council on the 5th day of Novei*Lber, 1985, at 7:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers at City Hall located at 78-105 Calle Estado1 La Quinta, California. 3. The City Council hereby elects to proceed with this proposed request for the vacation and abandonment pursuant to the Public Streets, Highways and Service Easements Vacation Law Part 3, Division 9, of the California Streets and Highways Code). 4. Said portions of the street proposed to be vacated are designated on a map or plan on file in the office of the City Clerk to which reference is hereby made for further particulars as to the proposed vacation. 5. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish a copy of this Resolution for at least two successive weeks prior to the hearing in the Indio Daily News, a newspaper of general circulation, circulated in the City and to further cause notices of the proposed street vacation at least two weeks before the date above set for hearing. Such notices shall be posted not more than 300 feet apart, but at least three notices shall be posted. Said notices shall state the passage of this Resolution and the time and place of hearing. *9. BIB] 06-16-1998-U01 08:58:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 01-U02 1985-U02 *-(3 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-16-1998-U01 08:58:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 01-U02 1985-U02 *-)3 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-16-1998-U01 08:58:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 01-U02 1985-U02 *-*3 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-16-1998-U01 08:58:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 01-U02 1985-U02 *-+3 MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: City Manager Usher and the Honorable City Council From: Roger Hirdler, Community Safety Coordinator Date: September 26, 1985 Subject: RECOMMENDATION FOR AWARD OF BID ANIMAL CONTROL TRUCK Bids have been called for and received for our animal control truck. The two companies that submitted bids were: 1. Mavron, Inc. of Warsaw, Indiana, equipped with their own animal control body 2. Norwalk Toyota, with a Custom Minifreighter animal control body Each company submitted three 3) bids. The bids are listed below, starting with their lowest bid: MAVRON, INC. Bid #2: 1986 Chevrolet 314 ton with animal control body $20,887.99 Bid #1: 1986 Chevrolet 314 ton with animal control body $21,189.14 Bid #3: 1986 Chevrolet 3/4 ton with animal control body $22,200.72 90 Day Delivery) All are 3/4 ton chassis, however, each has varying weight capabilities, resulting in the price differences. NORWALK TOYOTA Bid #1: 1986 Chevrolet ton with Minifreighter animal control body $ 22,062.84 Bid #2: 1986 Chevrolet 3/4 ton with Minifreighter animal control body $ 22,777.28 Bid #3: 1986 Chevrolet 1 ton with Minifreighter animal control body $ 22,900.24 90 to 120 Day Delivery) The Norwalk Toyota bid was received four days late for bid opening. There is $24,500.00 budgeted for the animal control truck, so all bids are under the budgeted amount. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends accepting Bid #2 from Mavron, Inc.. The total price would be BIB] 06-16-1998-U01 08:58:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 01-U02 1985-U02 *-,3 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-16-1998-U01 08:58:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 01-U02 1985-U02 *--3 MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: The Honorable Mayor and M*bers of the City Council From: **ity Developeent Director Del.: October 1, 1985 Subject: *I*TUS OF NOEL JENSEN PERMIT AT 52-470 AVENID** D*Madero In Nov*r*er/Decebeer, 1984, the City Council reviewed this matter as a nuisance abateeent and determined that the lack of progress on the matter constituted a public nuisance that should be abated. The abateeent order was suspended if Mr. Jensen proceeded in a timely manner under a schedule set forth in Resolution No.84-85. Within the Resolution, the Catu'mity Developeent Director wasauthorized to grant ti're extensions totalling not more than 30 days. At this t*, Mr. Jensen has used up the authorized extension and is six * behind the schedule established. It does not appear that any *rk has occurred on the site since late July. Notice has been left on the site, but Mr. Jensen has not contacted us. On Septebeer 25, the te[Tporary power was disconnected as a result of Mr. Jensen's failure to correct several safety prob1* related to electrical power. Under the Resolution, Staff is authorized to abate the nuisance without further hearing. abatement would involve the r*toval of all structures and related inprov* irents. The pprpose of this report is to deteriine whether the Council wants Staff to now undertake abaterrent or to give Mr. Jensen additional time to cccplete the pro*ect. Attached for your information are the Council Resolution, a memo fr* the Chief Building Inspector on the current status of construction and a letter acknowledged by Mr.;;;;) AICP approved revision to the schedule. 4 Occounity Developr*nt Director Atchs: 1. Res. No. 84-85 2. Bldg. Div. I*L* 3. Ltr. to Mr. Jensen BIB] 06-16-1998-U01 08:58:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 01-U02 1985-U02 *-.3 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-16-1998-U01 08:58:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 01-U02 1985-U02 *-/3 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-16-1998-U01 08:58:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 01-U02 1985-U02 *-03 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-16-1998-U01 08:58:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 01-U02 1985-U02 *-13 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-16-1998-U01 08:58:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 01-U02 1985-U02 *-23 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-16-1998-U01 08:58:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 01-U02 1985-U02 *-33 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 06-16-1998-U01 08:58:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 01-U02 1985-U02