1986 05 20 CC/2j AGENDA CITY COUNCIL CITY OF LA QUINTA A regular meeting of the City Council to be held at City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. May 20, 1986 7:30 p.rn. 1. CALL TO ORDER A. Flag Salute. 2. ROLL CALL 3. PUBLIC COMMENT This is the time set aside for citizens to address the Council on matters relating to City business. When addressing the Council, please state your name and address. The proceedings of the Council meeting are recorded on tape and comments of each person shall be limited to three 3) minutes. Persons wishing to address the Council regarding an Agenda item should use the form provided. Please complete one form for each Agenda item you intend to address and return the form to the Secretary prior to the beginning of the meet- ing. NOTE: Except for hearings, comments relative to items on the Agenda are limited to two 2) minutes. Your name will be called at the appropriate time. 4. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS A. Communication from Family YMCA & Youth Center regarding funding for FY 1986-87 P.L.A.Y. program. 5. COMMENT BY COUNCIL MEMBERS 6. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of the Minutes of a regular City Council meeting held May 6, 1986. B. PROPOSED RESOLUTION.*** A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIF- ORNIA, APPROVING DEMANDS. C. Approval of City Travel Policies and Procedures. D. Report from Planning Commission approving Plot Plan No. 86-285 a request to construct a 6000 square foot golf maintenance***facility for La Quinta Lodge/Oak Tree West at the north* corner of Avenida Nuestra and Calle R*Rondo; Landmark Land Company, Applicant. 1) Motion for adoption. BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2jAGENDA City Council May 20, 1986 Page Two. 7. HEARINGS A. Public hearing regarding appeal of cost of abatement of a public nuisance, vacant lot Jim Reed representing Marge J. Vithen, Applicant. 1) Report from the Community Safety Coordinator. 2) Public comment. 3) Council discussion. 4) Motion for adoption. 8. BUSINESS SESSION A. Appeal of certain conditions of approval established by the Planning Commission for Plot Plan No. 86-295 concern- mg a request to construct a 3052 square foot bank building; Dan Edgar, Applicant. 1) Report from Planning Commission. 2) Motion for adoption. B. Report from the Community Development Director regarding the Highland Palms Traffic Study. INFORMATIONAL) C. Report from the Community Safety Coordinator regarding smoke and burglar alarms for City owned facilities. 1) Motion for adoption D. Report from the Community Development Director regarding 1986 General Plan Review Cycle II. 1) Motion for adoption. E. Report from the Community Development Director regard- ing establishment of a Landscape Maintenance District for PGA West. 1) Resolutions for adoption. *;; F. Other. 9. ADJOURNMENT BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2j TilE LA QUINTA COVE ASSOCIATION P.O. BOX 1384 LA *UINTA CA 92253 May 19, l98* La Quint* City Council City of La Quinta P. 0. Box 1504 La Quinta, Ca. 9225* *onorab1e Mayor * City Council Members: At the membership meeting of The La Quinta Cove Association on Thursday, May 15, 198*, it was moved and seconded to adopt the following resolution: 1The membership of the La Quinta Cove *ssociation go on record as opposed to any commerci*l or resi- dential building by deve1ope*s or anyone else now and in the future on the properties generally south of Calle Tecate and west of Avenida Montezuma to the Santa Po*a foothills; and further, that this position be made *nown to the La Quinta Planning Commission, the La Quinta City Council and the La *uinta Pedevelopment *gency in writing forthwith.** The above resolution was unanimously adopted by fifty members present. Respectfully yours, *Q*INT;\*k* ASSOCIATION Paafat A. 5 * \\* *nn Yo4ng/V. Pres.ffl We Care For The Cove We 3hare" 5 BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2j I *Z*B 1 C* Family YMCA & Youth Center P.O.Box 313 Palm Deser*, CA 92261 February 4, 1986 TQILphonc 619 341-9622 Mr. Frank Usher 4A. City of La Quinta 78105 Calle Estado La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Mr. Usher: The Family YMCA & Youth Center is proud to have worked with the City of La Quinta last summer in providing a needed recreational program for the youth of La Quinfa. This summer we hope to provide the same program, Planned Leisure Activities for Youth, P.L.A.Y. The P.L.A.Y. program was a highly successful endeavor. We were able to serve 240 children over the six weeks. Our outstanding staff was able to serve these children while maintaining high standards of quality. We would like to repeat this excellent program with the continued full participation of the City of La Quinta. Your cooperation in appropriating the necessary funding at the earliest opportunity will guarantee another successful summer recreation activity for the youth of La Quinta. Our budget including your necessary participation, as well as the agreement and guidelines for the program are included. I look forward to working with you again to provide this much needed pro- gram for the youth of La Quinta. Sincerely, t'*# /**cJ( Pat Mock Program Director Y*MVCA BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2j RESOLUTION NO. 86-36 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEMANDS. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, to approve demands as shown on the Demand/Warrant Register dated May 20, 1986. APPROVED and ADOPTED this 20th day of May, 1986 MAY ATTEST: it erk APP AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: * City Attorn City Manager 0.3. BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2j MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: Honorable Mayor and Members of Council From: Frank M. Usher, City Manager Date: May 16, 1986 Subject: Revised Travel Policy Attached is my recommended revised travel policy. The policy provides that to the extent possible, specific travel shall be provided for in the approved budget. Travel which is not specified in the budget shall be approved by the City Manager if it is in California. Such travel shall be approved by the City Council if it is outside of California. Non-specified travel within California by Council Members shall be deemed approved if the City Manager determines there are sufficient funds. Approval is respectfully recommended. gc BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2j MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: City Manager Usher and the Honorable City Council From: Roger Hirdler, Community Safety Coordinator Date: May 15, 1986 Subject: CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING COST OF ABATING A PUBLIC NUISANCE, VACANT LOT MR. JIM REED REPRESENTING MARGE J. VITHIN, APPLICANTS The lot in question is the first lot north of 52-163 Avenida Herrera, Assessor's Parcel Number 773-223-017. As per Council direction, vacant lots are to be cleaned b* hand as opposed to being cleaned by mechanical means. In cleaning lots by hand, it helps to keep the blow- sand problem to a minimum, however, it does increase the cost of cleaning. A dumpster is commonly used for more than one lot. The amount of time it takes and the difficulty in moving a dumpster are determining factors. I personally accompany the city contractor to each lot to be abated and come to an agreement as to cost. For a further breakdown on the charges on this particular lot, I would like our contractor, Mr. Douglas Brown, of Douglas Brown Enterprises, to explain how the charges were determined. Staff recommendation is to let the cost of abatement remain as is. Respectfully submitted, * F fS I CON*L**I. Roger Hirdler * Community Safety Coordinator * uVi Cj UF_ RHibap * 7.A. I) BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2 j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2j MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Community Development Department DATE May 20, 1986 SUBJECT: PLOT PLAN NO. 86-295 LOCATION: Northeast Corner of Avenida Bermudas and Calle Estado APPLICANT: Dan Edgar REQUEST: Approval to Construct a 3052 Sq.Ft. Bank Building The Applicant has submitted a letter appealing the conditions of approval established by the Planning Commission on the proposed bank building see attached letter). The Applicant requests approval of the plans as submitted. The conditions to which the appeal is addressed are: * Condition No. 9(m) requires deletion of a driveway on Bermudas. * Conditions Nos. 10(a) & b) requires relocation of parking area. * Condition No. 20(a) requires relocation of trash storage area. The attached May 6 memo describes the recommendation of the Planning Commission. The attached April 22 Staff Report also discusses issues related to the appeal. APP-ROVED PREPARED BY F * I C, Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP Community Development Director LLS:dmv Atch: Planning Commission Staff Report of 4/22/86 City Council Staff Report of 5/6/86 A. 7-, BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2 j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2!j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2"j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2#j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2$j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2%j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2&j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2'j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2(j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2)j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2*j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2+j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2,j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2-j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2.j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2/j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /20j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /21j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /22j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /23j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /24j MEMORANDUM I*.' CITY OF LA QUINTA TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Community Development Department DATE: May 20, 198.6 SUBJECT: Highland Palms*Traffic Study This matter was considered by the Council at its May 6 meeting, but was continued to allow for additional information requested by Council. These items included: * Discussion of an alternative consisting of a multi-way stop with little or no street improvements the attached memo from John Lower accomplishes this). * Preparation of plan views" of each of the alternatives plans are in preparation and are expected to arrive in time for distribution with the agenda). BY: Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP Community Development Director LLS:dmv Atch: John Lower Memo PLEASE BRING THE TRAFFIC STUDY REPORT DISTRIBUTED WITH YOUR MAY 6 AGENDA PACKET. **PPrjVED Z. B. BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /25j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /26j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /27j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /28j MEMORANDUM CITV OF LA QUINTA To: City Manager Usher and the Honorable City Council From: Roger Hirdler, Community Safety Coordinator Date: May 16, 1986 Subject: PROPOSAL FOR FIRE ALARM SYSTEM Staff has received several informal proposals for installation of a smoke and fire alarm system. All Systems *ubmitted are UL approved and also State Fire Marshal approved. The prices do not fluctuate too much. They range from $3,200.00 to $3,400.00. The City would be responsible for acquiring two additional phone lines for the alarm system. There is also a monthly monitoring charge of approximately $30.00. All systems are guaranteed for one year. Differences in price are due largely to the number of sensors that are used. Generally, smoke detectors will be below the ceiling and the heat detectors *ill be in the attic access. Installation of a burglar alarm system would be an additional cost of $2,500.00 and could be added on to the fire alarm control panel. It is staff1s recommendation to have a smoke and fire alarm system installed in City facilities at this time. Respectfully submitted, APPROVED F1 *3 TO CO.'T*NT. FL>? *:/EET*G Roger Hirdler Community Safety Coordinator RHibap &;;` BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /29j MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Planning Commission DATE: May 20, 1986 SUBJECT: 1986 GENERAL PLAN REVIEW CYCLE II On May 13, 1986, the Planning Commission reviewed the attached Staff Report on the one General Plan Amendment application received and determined that the scope of consideration be as follows: * General Plan Amendment No. 86-012 Consider amending the Land Use Plan for the area requested by the Applicant, and expand the land area being considered to include the twenty 20) acres located at the northwest corner of Miles Avenue and Dune Palms Road. The Planning Commission discussed that if the Applicant's request is approved, it would be logical to consider the redesignation of the adjacent twenty 20) acres, which would be bounded on three sides by High Density Residential. No one appeared on this matter. PREPARED BY: ED BY: Sandra L. Bonner Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP Principal Planner Community Development Director SLB:LLS:dmv Atch: Planning Commission Staff Report of 5/13/86 S * BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2:j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2;j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2<j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2=j MEMORANDUM * CITY OF LA QUINIA TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Community Development Department DATE: May 20, 1986 SUBJECT: ESTABLISHMENT OF LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 1 PGA WEST) The Community Development Department Staff has been working with Landmark for a number of months to establish a mechanism to maintain the landscaped medians and the PGA West Fire Station landscaping. To accomplish this, it is proposed that an Assessment District be formed under the authority established by the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972. The City Engineer has been reviewing this matter and has prepared the attached materials for Council action: 1) Resolution initiating proceedings to form the Assessment District. 2) Resolution approving the Engineer's Report which describes the area to be assessed, the amount of the assessment, estimated costs, etc.). NOTE: The Engineer's Report is being revised and may not be available for distribution with the agenda.) 3) Resolution establishing intent to form the Assessment District and setting a public hearing to consider any protests. The hearing has tentatively been planned for June 3. It is my understanding that the major owners Landmark and Sunrise will have no objections to the District, assessment amounts, etc.) RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends that the three attached Resolutions be adopted and that the protest hearing be set for June 3, 1986. *plp BY:*,4, Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP Community Development Director y LLS:dmv Atchs: As Noted Above. I-I BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2>j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2?j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2@j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2Aj NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2Bj NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2Cj NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2Dj NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2Ej NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2Fj NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2Gj NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2Hj NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2Ij NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2Jj NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2Kj NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2Lj NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2Mj NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2Nj NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2Oj MEMORANDUM CITV OF LA QUINTA TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM; Planning Commission DATE: May 20, 1986 SUBJECT: PLOT PLAN NO. 86-285 LOCATION: Northeast Corner of Avenida Nuestra and Calle Rondo at Oak Tree West. APPLICANT: Landmark Land Company REQUEST: Approval to Construct a 6,000 Sq.Ft., Golf Maintenance Facility for Oak Tree West. On May 13, 1986, the Planning Commission reviewed the above referenced request and approved the golf maintenance facility subject to the attached conditions which were revised from th6se set forth in the attached Staff Report. These revisions include: * Requiring redesign of the building to lower its overall height and maintain a pitched roof more typical of resdential construction Conds. 7 & 13). * Allowing access via Calle Rondo, but with a curvilinear design Cond. 12). The primary issues discussed by the Planning Commission in consider- ing this matter were: * Whether access from Rondo should be allowed as requested or should be changed to require access from Avenue 52. * The general location of the facility as it relates to surrounding property. * The need to reduce building height through redesign and various site adjustments i.e., lowering of pad elevations, berming, landscaping). In general, the Commission concluded that the Rondo access was acceptable due to the small amount of traffic and the building and site design should be modified to more effectively screen the structure. BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2PjSTAFF REPORT CITY COUNCIL May 20, 1986 Page 2. Brian Curley of Landmark appeared in support of the application emphasi*ing the desirability of Rondo access and providing revised site and building design alternatives. No one else appeared on the inatter. Subsequent to the Planning Commission action, Brian Curley advised of Landmark's concurrence with the revised conditions. ED BY: Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP Community Development Director LLS:dmv Atchs: 1. Revised Conditions 2. planning Commission Staff Report of 5/13/86 A.* TO CONT*NT IT* CGUNC*L M**TlNG OF *;AER BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2Qj NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2Rj NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2Sj NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2Tj NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2Uj NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2Vj NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2Wj NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2Xj NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2Yj NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2Zj NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2[j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2\j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2]j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2^j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2_j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2`j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2aj NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2bj NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2cj NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2dj NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2ej MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: City Manager Frank Usher From: Roger Hirdler, Community Safety Coordinator Date: May 20, 1986 Subject: COST QUOTATION FILLING AND GRADING AVENIDA MONTEZUMA Pursuant to my memo dated May 15, 1986, following is a more detailed cost breakdown for filling and grading Avenida Montezuma: 1. Montezuma between Calle Yucatan and Avenida Obregon 24 feet wide by 6 inches deep by 1,056 feet: 1,500 cu. yards $3.50 per yard $ 5,250.00 2. Montezuma, between Calle Durango and Calle Chihuahua 24 feet wide by 6 inches deep by 2,112 feet: 1,500 cu. yards $3.50 per yard $ 5,250.00 TOTAL COST $10,500.00 The south section sounds like a tremendous deal. Yeager wants to oil the south section of Avenida Montezuma, at their cost* as their trucks will be using it. They will keep it watered if we prefer. Roger Hirdler Community Safety Coordinator RHibap * I BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2fj NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2gj NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2hj *utifunii* 4***i*tatwe A***tntit* **mmt*tt *tt * * att* UIit*ttfe JIM COSTA CHAIRMAN May S, 1986 Dear City Manager: I am writing to seek your Council's endorsement of Proposition 44' the Water Conservation and Water Qualtity Bond Law of 1986, which appears on California's June 3, 1986, direct primary ballot. Proposition 44 will provide $150 million in much-needed loans to local agencies for voluntary, cost-effective water conservation programs, groundwater recharge facilities, and agricultural drainage water treatment and containment works. Two years ago, voters approved Proposition 25, the Clean Water Bond Law, which provided funding for wastewater treatment, water reclamation, and water conservation programs. The Department of Water Resources received 55 applications fro* local agencies throughout the state requesting nearly $90 million in assistance for water conservation alone. Proposition 44 will enable these local agencies to conserve water now being lost due to leaking pipes and unlined ditches and canals. Proposition 44 will also provide loans for a new state program groundwater recharge which has been practiced in California for almost 90 years. Groundwater recharge is a proven method of placing surplus surface water from wet years into available storage underground so that it can be used in dry years. This underground space is available in the Central Valley and in valley areas in coastal and Southern California. As storing surface water behind dams has become more expensive, storing water underground where it does not evaporate becomes more practical, efficient, and economical. STATE CAPITOL I SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 95814 1(916)4456 1*q BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2ij The third program contained in Proposition 44 addresses our state's agricultural drainage problem. Californians have made a strong commitment to protecting water quality. Much of our efforts have focused on treating municipal sewage water before it is discharged to our rivers, bays* and ocean waters. Today, rural areas throughout the state need to implement better treatment and containment methods because of the salt and trace element buildup in farm drainage water. This drainage problem will progressively worsen unless we take positive steps to correct it. Proposition 44 will provide funding for the treatment and containment of drainage water in an environmentally-safe manner. An abundant supply of clean water will preserve the beauty of California's environment, maintain fish and wildlife, and support recreation. A continued supply of clean water will also ensure the vitality of industry and agriculture. Most importantly, however, a clean and abundant supply of water is necessary to preserve and protect public health. I hope your Council can join me and Californians for Clean Water in endorsing Proposition 44. A growing list of supporters includes the California Chamber of Commerce, Association of California Water Agencies, California Farm Bureau Federation, Cal-Tax, California State Grange, California Labor Federation AFL-CIO), and the American Association of University Women. There is no known opposition to Proposition 44. I have attached a draft resolution that you may wish to use in endorsing Proposition 44. I would appreciate it if your clerk could forward a copy of your resolution to local media and a copy to Californians for Clean Water, do Heron, Burchette, Ruckert * Rothwell, 770 L Street, Suite 1150, Sacramento, California 95814. On behalf of Californians for Clean Water, thank you for any assistance you can provide toward the passage of Proposition 44. Your prompt response is important so that Californians for Clean Water can add your Council to its list of supporters. Si ce I' L J CO A Ci BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02 /2jj NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-15-1998-U01 09:44:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 20-U02 1986-U02