1988 06 07 CCCITY COUNCIL. AGENDA. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, California 92253 Regular Meeting June 7, 1988 - 7:30 P.M. CALL TO ORDER Beginning Res. No. 88-39 a. Pledge of Allegiance Ord. No. 122 b. Roll Call CONFIRMATION OF AG PUBLIC COMMENT COMMENT BY COUNCIL MEMBERS PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Public Hearing on Applications by La Quinta Associates Regarding 40 Acres Located on the Southeast Corner of Fred Waring Drive and Dune Palms Road: a. Change of Zone 88-030 - Change of Zone from R-1-12,000 to R-1. b. Tentative Tract #22982 - To Divide a 40 Acre Parcel Into 144 Single Family Lots. a) Report of Planning Director. b) Public Hearing. a c) Resolution and Ordinance Action. PRESENTATIONS Report by Captain Lewis on Law Enforcement Services and Commercial Vehicle Inspection Program. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS a. Letter from La Quinta Chamber of Commerce asking to address the Council on the issue of tourism. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS a. City Manager. b. Administrative Services Director. c. Community Safety Director. d. Economic Development Director. e. Finance Director. f. Planning Director. g. Public Works Director. BUSINESS SESSION 1. Approval of Cooperation Agreement with Riverside County for Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bond Financing. e.,q() a) Report of Economic Development Director. b) Resolution Action. 2. Approval of Agreement with Sunline Transit Agency for Bus Shelters and Discussion of Shelter Design; Bus Stops; and Bus Routes. a) Report of Executive Director of Sunline Transit Agency. b) Minute Order Action. 3. Consideration of Recommendations of the Community Services Commission Regarding Community Services Grant Applications. a) Report of Administrative Services Director. b) Minute Order Action. 4. Presentation of Speed Survey and Consideration of Ordinance Authorizing Speeds to be Set By Resolution. a) Report of Public Works Director. b) Introduction of Ordinance. CONSENT ITEMS 1. Approval of Minutes of May 17, 1988. 2. Approval of Demand Register. COMMISSION/COMMITTEE REPORTS a. Planning Commission - Minutes of May 10, 1988. b. Community Services Commission - Minutes of May 31, 1988. C. C. V. Recreation & Park District. STUDY SESSION ITEMS - NOTE: The regularly scheduled Study Session for 3:00 P.M. on Monday, June 6, 1988 will not be held, as the City Council will be in attendance at a General Assembly Meeting of the Coachella Valley Association of Governments at Palm Desert Civic Center, 73-510 Fred Waring Drive, Palm Desert, Calif. The following items may or may not be discussed and/or acted upon during regular session at 7:30 P.M. on June 7, 1988. 1. Discussion of Fiscal Year 1988/89 Budget. 2. Discussion of Lot Cleaning Program. (Council Member Bohnenberger) 3. Discussion of Transient Occupancy Tax Bill Pending in State Legislature and Discussion of Transient Occupancy Tax Increase. CLOSED SESSION TO DISCUSS LITIGATION AND PERSONNEL MATTERS. • 1C 1u1 M% NOTICE OF UPCOMING COUNCIL/COMMISSION MEETINGS June 6, 1988 CC Study Session 3:00 P.M. June 7, 1988 CC Regular Meeting 7:30 P.M. June 13, 1988 PC Study Session 3:00 P.M. June 14, 1988 PC Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. June 20, 1988 CC Study Session 3:00 P.M. June 21, 1988 CC Regular Meeting 7:30 P.M. June 27, 1988 PC Study Session 3:00 P.M. June 27, 1988 CSC Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. June 28, 1988 PC Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. CC - City Council PC - Planning Commission CSC - Community Services Commission DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Saundra L. Juhola, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta do hereby declare that the foregoing agenda for the City Council meeting of June 7, 1988 was posted on the outside entry to the Council Chamber, 78-105 Calle Estado and on the bulletin board at the La Quinta Post Office on Friday, June 3, 1988. jDat June 3, 1988. SAUNDRA L. JUHO , City Clerk City of La Quinta, California t MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA P��bt�c l-�ec���nel TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DATE: JUNE 7, 1988 SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING - CHANGE OF ZONE 87-030 TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 22982 APPLICANT: LA QUINTA ASSOCIATES, ELIZABETH G. WILLIAMS OWNER: LA QUINTA ASSOCIATES PROJECT: CHANGE OF ZONE NO. 87-030; REQUEST FOR A ZONE CHANGE FROM R-1-12000/PD TO R-1 FOR A +38-ACRE SITE TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 22982; REQUEST TO DIVIDE +38 ACRES INTO A 144-LOT SINGLE-FAMILY SUBDIVISION LOCATION: SOUTHEAST CORNER OF FRED WARING DRIVE AND DUNE PALMS ROAD (REFER TO STAFF REPORT ATTACHMENT NO. 1) PROJECT DESCRIPTION: THE APPLICANT PROPOSES TO REZONE A 38.67-ACRE SITE FROM R-1-12000/PD TO R-1. THIS CHANGE OF ZONE, IN EFFECT, DELETES A SPECIFIED MINIMUM SQUARE FOOTAGE PER UNIT, WHEN DETERMINING DENSITY, AND PERMITS THE DENSITY TO RANGE FROM TWO TO FOUR UNITS PER ACRE WITH MINIMUM LOT SIZES OF 7,200 SQUARE FEET. IT IS THE INTENT OF THE APPLICANT TO DEVELOPMENT A CONVENTIONAL SINGLE-FAMILY DETACHED SUBDIVISION; THEREFORE, THE PD (PLANNED DEVELOPMENT) DESIGNATION IS ALSO REQUESTED TO BE REMOVED. (REFER TO STAFF REPORT ATTACHMENT NO. 2). MR/MEMOCC.025 me M A TENTATIVE TRACT MAP APPLICATION HAS ALSO BEEN FILED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE CHANGE OF ZONE APPLICATION, TO SUBDIVIDE THE 38.67-ACRE SITE INTO 144 SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL LOTS INTENDED FOR SALE, WITH PROVISION FOR A PUBLIC STREET SYSTEM (REFER TO STAFF REPORT ATTACHMENT NO. 3). PLANNING COMMISSION DISCUSSION: On May 24, 1988, the Planning Commission conducted a Public Hearing on the subject applications. Three letters in opposition were received from Association representatives within the Bermuda Dunes area (attached), and were transmitted to the Commission. In testimony, a representative from the Bermuda Dunes area advised that he was concerned with the density of the development (3.78 du/ac) and housing values. The Commission was informed that the density of the General Plan is two -to -four du/ac, which is in keeping with the development density of the Bermuda Dunes area. The Commission reviewed the requests and discussed various aspects of the project. There was concern regarding the roof ridge lines of the proposed dwelling models, and it was suggested that they be rotated so that the roof line appearance from Fred Waring Drive and Dune Palms Road would not be repetitious, but provide variety. In taking their action, the Commission added one further stipulation that the Tentative Tract Map exhibit would be revised per the conditions, and submitted back for review as a Business Item. The Commission wanted to view the 8,000-square-foot minimum lot layout. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION/RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission, at the conclusion of the Hearing, recommended that the City Council approve the Change of Zone (R-1-12,000/PD to R-1), and further, that the Tentative Tract Map be approved, subject to conditions. Subsequent to the Commission action, the City Engineer has suggested that his originally -recommended condition, No. 8b(3), be revised to reflect an alternate right-of-way section width. MR/MEMOCC.025 -2- M CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Move to waive further reading and introduce City Council Ordinance No. for the Change of Zone No. 87-030, and move to adopt City Council Resolution No. approving Tentative Tract Map No. 22982, subject to attached conditions (with City Engineer's revision as noted). attachments: o Change of Zone Ordinance o Tentative Tract Resolution with Conditions o Staff Report - Planning Commission o Letters from Bermuda Dunes Community Association and Country Club MR/MEMOCC.025 -3- ill ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF IrIz7 CI^_':• Or LA QUINT-;-.. C'.�T_r�c. - AI.IF.NDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY, BY REZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY REFERRED TO IN CHANGE OF ZONE NO. 88-030 The City Council of the City of La Quinta does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Section 4.1 of Riverside County Ordinance No. 348 (which was adopted by reference by this City Council by Ordinance No. 5, operative August 29, 1982) and La Quinta District Official Zoning Plan Map No. 14, as amended, are 0) further amended by rezoning from R-1-12,000/PD to R-1, the parcel shown and depicted for such rezoning on the map which is (o attached to and made a part of this ordinance, and which attached map is labeled "Exhibit A", Change of Zone 88-030. Q SECTION 2. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its adoption. SECTION 3. POSTING. The City Clerk shall, within 15 days after passage of this ordinance, cause it to be posted in at least three public places designated by resolution of the City Council; shall certify to the adoption and posting of this ordinance; and, shall cause this ordinance and its certification, together with proof of posting, to be entered into the Book of Ordinances of this City. The foregoing ordinance was approved and adopted at a meeting of the City Council held on this day of , 1988, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: WILLIAM R. HOYLE, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: SAUNDRA L. JUHOLA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM: BARRY BRANDT, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California MR/ORDDRFT.021 18i I A 0 < o O < � o c c O 0 < c BERMUDA = VACANT DUNES o c R-1-12,000 JOL i FRED WARING DRIVE PROPOSED 0 0 CZ 88-030 a Fa OO W F-O z O O EXISTING ZONING: W W R-1-12,000/PD z � o PROPOSED ZONING: R-1 VACANT R-1-12,000/PD EXHIBIT A CASE Na CZ B8-030 ORT SCALE.*NTS Mi 189 CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ANNOUNCING FINDINGS CONFIRMING THE ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS AND GRANTING APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 22982 TO ALLOW THE CREATION OF A SINGLE-FAMILY LOT SUBDIVISION. CASE NO. TT 22982 - LA QUINTA ASSOCIATES 5V A LO WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La (� Quinta, California, did, on the 24th day of May, 1988, hold a duly -noticed Public Hearing recommending confirmation of the environmental analysis and approval of the request of La Quinta Q Associates to subdivide 38+ acres into single-family development lots for sale, generally located at the southeast corner of Fred Waring Drive and Dune Palms Road, more particularly described as: A PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN; WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, did, on the 7th day of June, 1988, hold a duly -noticed Public Hearing to consider the Applicant's request and recommendation of the Planning Commission concerning the environmental analysis and Tentative Tract Map No. 22982; and, WHEREAS, said tentative map has complied with the requirements of "The Rules to Implement the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970" (County of Riverside, Resolution No. 82-213, adopted by reference in City of La Quinta Ordinance No. 5), in that the Planning Director conducted an initial study, and has determined that the proposed tentative tract will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment; and, WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said City Council did find the following facts to justify the approval of said tentative tract map: 1. That Tentative Tract No. 22982, as conditionally approved, is generally consistent with the goals, policies and intent of the La Quinta General Plan for land use density, unit type, circulation requirements, R-1 zoning district development standards, and design requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance. MR/RESOCC.015 -1- 190 g 2. That the subject site has a rolling topography because of the sand dunes, with the overall slope going from the northwest to the northeast corner of the property. The proposed circulation design and single-family lot layouts, as conditioned, are, therefore, suitable for the proposed'land division. 3. That the design of Tentative Tract Map No. 22982 may cause substantial environmental damage or injury to the wildlife habitat of the Coachella Valley Fringe -Toed Lizard, but mitigation measures in the form of fees for a new habitat area will lessen this impact. 9. That the design of the subdivision, as conditionally approved, will be developed with public sewers and water, and, therefore, is not likely to cause serious public health problems. 5. That the design of Tentative Tract Map No. 22982 will not conflict with easements acquired by the public at large for access through the project, since alternate easements for access and for use have been provided that are substantially equivalent to those previously acquired by the public. 6. That the proposed Tentative Tract No. 22982, as conditioned, provides for adequate maintenance of the landscape buffer areas. 7. That the proposed Tentative Tract No. 22982, as conditioned, provides storm water retention, park facilities, and noise mitigation. 8. That general impacts from the proposed tract were considered within the MEA prepared and adopted in conjunction with the La Quinta General Plan. WHEREAS, in the review of this Tentative Tract Map, the City Council has considered the effect of the contemplated action of the housing needs of the region for purposes of balancing the needs against the public service needs of the residents of the City of La Quinta and its environs with available fiscal and environmental resources; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct and constitute the findings of the Council in this case; MR/RESOCC.015 -2- I 191 �. That it does hereby confirm the conclusion of Environmental Assessment No. 88-091 relative to the environmental concerns of this tentative tract; 3. That it does hereby approve the subject Tentative Tract Map No. 22982 for the reasons set forth in this Resolution and subject to the attached conditions, labeled as Exhibit A. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council, held on this 7th day of June, 0) 1988, by the following vote, to wit: L) AYES: (� NOES: ABSENT: m ABSTAIN: Q WILLIAM R. HOYLE, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: SAUNDRA L. JUHOLA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM: BARRY BRANDT, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California MR/RESOCC.015 -3- L_^ � CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. EXHIBIT "A" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 22982 JUNE 7, 1988 GENERAL 1. Tentative Tract Map No. 22982 shall comply with the requirements and standards of the State Subdivision Map Act and the City of La Quinta Land Division Ordinance, unless otherwise modified by the following conditions. 2. This tentative tract map approval shall expire two years after the effective date of approval by the La Quinta City Council unless approved for extension pursuant to the City of La Quinta Land Division Ordinance. 3. Tract phasing plans, including phasing of public improvements, shall be submitted for review and approval by the Public Works Department and the Planning and Development Department. 4. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for construction of any building or use contemplated by this approval, the Applicant shall obtain permits and/or clearances from the following public agencies: o City Fire Marshal o City of La Quinta Public Works Department o Planning and Development Department, Planning Division o Coachella Valley Water District o Desert Sands Unified School District o Imperial Irrigation District Evidence of said permits or clearances from the above -mentioned agencies shall be presented to the Building Division at the time of the application for a building permit for the use contemplated herewith. GRADING AND DRAINAGE 5. The Applicant shall submit a grading plan that is prepared by a registered civil engineer who will be required to supervise the grading and drainage improvement construction and to certify that the constructed conditions at the rough grade stage are as per the approved plans and grading permit. This is required prior to issuance of building permits. Certification at the final grade stage and verification of pad elevations is also required prior to final approval of grading construction. MR/CONAPRVL.029 -1- ON 6. A thorough preliminary engineering geological and soils engineering investigation shall be done and the report submitted for review along with the grading plan. The report's recommendations shall be incorporated into the grading plan design prior to grading plan approval. The soils engineer and/or the engineering geologist must certify to the adequacy of the grading plan. 7. Drainage disposal facilities shall be provided as required by the Public Works Director. Drainage facilities shall be capable of retaining 100-year storm flows on -site. TRAFFIC AND CIRCULATION B. Applicant shall comply with the following requirements of the Public Works Department: a. The Applicant shall dedicate all necessary public street and utility easements as required, including all corner cutbacks. b. The Applicant shall construct street improvements to the requirements of the City Engineer and the La Quinta Municipal Code, as follows: (1) Fred Waring Drive shall be constructed to City standards for a 120-foot right-of-way width (Major Arterial), with an 18-foot raised median island, eight -foot sidewalk, and two -percent cross slope to centerline plus joins. (2) Dune Palms Road shall be constructed to City standards for an 88-foot right-of-way width (Secondary Arterial), with a curb -to -curb width of 64 feet, with a five-foot sidewalk and two -percent cross slope to centerline plus joins. Dune Palms Road shall be designed for ultimate grade from Fred Waring Drive to Miles Avenue, and constructed adjacent to Tract 22982, and as necessary for reasonable transitions and surface drainage requirements. (3) The interior public street system shall be designed as per the approved "Exhibit A" for TT 22982, with a six-foot sidewalk and two -percent slope. Cul-de-sacs shall be designed for a 56-foot right-of-way and a minimum 50-foot right-of-way turnaround radius. Any variations in the approved street system design sections shall be MR/CONAPRVL.029 -2- uu subject to review and approval of the Public Works Department and in accordance with City standards. REVISED CITY ENGINEER RECOMMENDATION: (3) The interior public street system shall be designed pursuant to the approved Exhibit A (tract map) for TT 22982, with a six-foot sidewalk and two -percent slope. Cul-de-sacs, including turnaround, and the one loop street shall be designed for a 50-foot right-of-way with 36-foot width curb -to -curb. The cul-de-sac turnaround shall be per City standards. Any variations in the approved street system design sections shall be subject to review and approval by the Pubwc Works Department. C. The Applicant shall submit street improvement plans that are prepared by a registered civil engineer. Street improvements, including traffic signs and markings and raised median islands (if required by the City General Plan), shall conform to City standards as determined by the City Engineer and adopted by the La Quinta Municipal Code (three-inch AC over four -inch Class 2 Base minimum for residential streets). d. All utilities will be installed and trenches compacted to City standards prior to construction of any streets. The soils engineer shall provide the necessary compaction test reports for review by the City Engineer, as may be required. 9. The Applicant shall pay a proportionate share of all fees necessary for signalization costs at the corner of Fred Waring Drive and Dune Palms Road, as determined by the City Engineer. 10. An encroachment permit for work in any abutting local jurisdiction shall be secured prior to constructing or joining improvements (i.e., County of Riverside). 11. A temporary road access may be provided off Fred Waring Drive through to road "J". This access shall be terminated upon the completion of model complex use or at the end of two years, whichever occurs first. Prior to expiration, the Applicant/Developer may request extension from the Planning Commission for continued use of the temporary access. Primary access to the project will be off Dune Palms Road. MR/CONAPRVL.029 -3- 91 i2. if the temporary road access from Fred Waring is closed before a secondary access to the east or south of the project is established, a temporary secondary access shall be provided through Lot 7 to Dune Palms Road. This temporary access will be terminated once a secondary access point has been established to the east or south of the project. (A note in this regard shall be placed on Lot 7 as part of the final map recordation process.) 13. A temporary cul-de-sac, as approved by the City Engineer, will be required at the termination point of either of the streets shown as Lot "C" or Lot "F". The remaining termination point shall be barricaded to the satisfaction of the Public Works Department. 14. Applicant shall dedicate, with recordation of the tract map, access rights to Fred Waring Drive and Dune Palms Road, for all individual parcels which front or back-up to those rights -of -way. TRACT DESIGN 15. A minimum 20-foot landscaped setback shall be required along Fred Waring Drive; a minimum 10-foot setback along Dune Palms Road. Design of the setbacks shall be approved by the Planning and Development Department. Setbacks shall be measured from ultimate right-of-way lines. a. The minimum setbacks may be modified to an "average" if a meandering or curvilinear wall design is used. b. Setback areas shall be established as a separate common lot and be maintained as set forth in Condition No. 27, unless an alternate method is approved by the Planning and Development Department. 16. The Applicant shall submit complete detail architectural elevations for all units, for Planning Commission review and approval as a Business Item. The architectural standards shall be included as part of the C.C. & Rs. 17. Any lots within 150 feet of the ultimate right-of-ways of Fred Waring Drive or Dune Palms Road shall be limited to one story, not to exceed 20 feet in height. 18. The tract layout shall comply with all the R-1 zoning requirements, including minimum lot size and minimum average depth of a lot. The minimum lot size to be recorded in a final map shall be 8,000 square feet. MR/CONAPRVL.029 -4- PUBLIC SERVICES AND UTILITIES 19. The Applicant shall comply with the requirements of the City Fire Marshal. 20. The Applicant shall comply with all requirements of the Coachella Valley Water District. Any -necessary parcels for district facility expansion shall be shown on the final map and conveyed to the Coachella Valley Water District, in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act. WALLS, FENCING, SCREENING AND LANDSCAPING 21. Prior to issuance of any grading permits, the Applicant shall submit to the Planning and Development Department an interim landscape program for the entire tract, which shall be for the purpose of wind erosion and dust control. 22. Prior to final map approval, the Applicant shall submit to the Planning Division for review and approval a plan (or plans) showing the following: a. Landscaping, including plant types, sizes, spacing locations, and irrigation system for all landscape buffer areas. Desert or native plant species and drought resistant planting materials shall be incorporated into the landscape plan. b. Location and design detail of any proposed and/or required walls. C. Exterior lighting plan, emphasizing minimization of light and glare impacts to surrounding properties. 23. Prior to final map approval, the Applicant shall submit criteria to be used for landscaping of all individual lot front yards. At a minimum, the criteria shall provide for two trees and an irrigation system. MISCELLANEOUS 24. Provisions shall be made to comply with the terms and requirements of the City's adopted Infrastructure Fee Program in effect at the time of issuance of building permits. 25. Prior to final map approval by the City Council, the Applicant shall submit a proposal to the Planning Commission, for recommendation to the City Council, for meeting parkland dedication requirements as set forth in Section 13.24.030, La Quinta Municipal Code. The proposal for dedication, fee -in -lieu, or combination thereof shall be based upon a dedication requirement of 1.26 acres, as determined in accordance with said Section. MR/CONAPRVL.029 -5- L 26. A noise study shall be prepared by a qualified acoustical engineer, to be submitted to the Planning and Development Department for review and approval prior to final map approval. The study shall concentrate on noise impacts on the tract from perimeter arterial streets, and recommend alternative mitigation techniques. Recommendations of the study shall be incorporated into the tract design. The study shall consider use of building setbacks, engineering design, building orientation, noise barriers (berming and landscaping, etc.), and other techniques so as to avoid the isolated appearance given by walled developments. 27. The subdivider shall make provisions for maintenance of all landscape buffer and storm water retention areas via one of the following methods prior to final map approval: a. Subdivider shall consent to the formation of a maintenance district under Chapter 26 of the Improvement Act of 1911 (Streets & Highways Code, Section 5820 et seq.) or the Lighting and Landscaping Act of 1972 (Streets & Highway Code 22600 et seq.) to implement maintenance of all improved landscape buffer and storm water retention areas. It is understood and agreed that the developer/Applicant shall pay all costs of maintenance for said improved areas until such time as tax revenues are received from assessment of the real property. b. The Applicant shall submit to the Planning and Development Department a Management and Maintenance Agreement, to be entered into with the unit/lot owners of this land division, in order to insure common areas and facilities will be maintained. A homeowner's association shall be created with the unqualified right to assess the owners of the individual units for reasonable maintenance costs. The association shall have the right to lien the property of any owners who default in the payment of their assessments. The common facilities to be maintained are as follows: (1) Storm water retention system. (2) Twenty -foot perimeter parkway lot along Fred Waring Drive. (3) Ten -foot perimeter parkway lot along Dune Palms Road. MR/CONAPRVL.029 -6- En 28. The Applicant acknowledges that the City is considering a City -Wide Landscape and Lighting District and, by recording a subdivision map, agrees to be included in the District. Any assessments will be done on a benefit basis, as required by law. 29. The developer shall retain a qualified archaeologist immediately upon discovery of any archaeological remains or artifacts and employ appropriate mitigation measures during project development. 30. Prior to recordation of a final map, the Applicant shall pay the required mitigation fees for the Coachella valley Fringe -Toed Lizard Habitat Conversion Program, as adopted by the City, in the amount of $600 per acre of disturbed land. 31. The appropriate Planning approval shall be secured prior to establishing any of the following uses: a. Temporary construction facilities b. Sales facilities, including their appurtenant signage C. On -site advertising/construction signs 32. The Developer of this subdivision of land shall cause no easements to be granted or recorded over any portion of this property between the date of approval by the City Council and the date of recording of the final map without the approval of the City Engineer. 33. The Applicant shall revise the Tentative Tract Map pursuant to the Conditions of Approval, and submit the appropriate number of copies for Planning Commission review and acceptance. The matter shall be addressed as a Business Item on the Planning Commission Agenda. 34. The approval herein contemplated by the City Council is related to Change of Zone No. 87-030, and no final map of the proposed subdivision shall be recorded prior to the effective date of an ordinance changing the official zoning classification of the subject property to R-1. MR/CONAPRVL.029 -7- 9 1 9;. III.A. STAFF REPORT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DATE: MAY 24, 1988 APPLICANT: LA QUINTA ASSOCIATES,, ELIZABETH G. WILLIAMS OWNER: LA QUINTA ASSOCIATES PROJECT: CHANGE OF ZONE NO. 87-030; REQUEST FOR A ZONE CHANGE FROM R-1-12000/PD TO R-1 FOR A +38-ACRE SITE TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 22982; REQUEST TO SUBDIVIDE +38 ACRES INTO 144 SINGLE-FAMILY SALES LOTS LOCATION: SOUTHEAST CORNER OF FRED WARING DRIVE AND DUNE PALMS ROAD (SEE ATTACHMENT NO. 1) GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: LOW DENSITY (2-4 DU/AC) EXISTING ZONING: R-1-12000/PD (SINGLE-FAMILY, 12,000 SQUARE FEET REQUIRED PER DWELLING UNIT, USED TO DETERMINE DENSITY) - (PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT) ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT NO. 88-091 WAS PREPARED IN CONJUNCTION WITH BOTH APPLICATIONS. THE INITIAL STUDY INDICATED THAT POSSIBLE SIGNIFICANT IMPACTS MAY OCCUR DUE TO THE PROPOSAL, BUT MITIGATION MEASURES MADE A PART OF THE PROJECT WILL REDUCE THESE IMPACTS TO AN INSIGNIFICANT LEVEL; THEREFORE, A NEGATIVE DECLARATION HAS BEEN PREPARED. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: THE APPLICANT PROPOSES TO REZONE A 38.67-ACRE SITE FROM• R-1-12000/PD TO R-1 (REFER TO ATTACHMENT NO. 2). THIS CHANGE OF ZONE, IN EFFECT, ELIMINATES THE REQUIRED MINIMUM SQUARE FOOTAGE PER UNIT, WHEN DETERMINING DENSITY, AND PERMITS THE DENSITY TO RANGE FROM TWO TO FOUR UNITS PER ACRE WITH MINIMUM LOT SIZES OF 7,200 SQUARE FEET. MR/STAFFRPT.040 -1-�_ L A TENTATIVE TRACT MAP APPLICATION HAS ALSO BEEN FILED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE CHANGE OF ZONE APPLICATION, TO SUBDIVIDE THE 38.67-ACRE SITE INTO 144 SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL LOTS INTENDED FOR SALE, WITH A PUBLIC STREET SYSTEM (REFER TO ATTACHMENT NO. 3). NET DENSITY: 3.78 UNITS PER ACRE (NET ACREAGE=38.11 ACRES) LOT SIZES: MINIMUM LOT SIZE _ + 6,350 SQUARE FEET (7200 SQUARE FOOT MINIMUM REQUIRED - SEE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL) AVERAGE LOT SIZE _ + 8,000 SQUARE FEET MAXIMUM LOT SIZE _ +13,600 SQUARE FEET DRAINAGE CONSIDERATIONS: ON -SITE RETENTION OF 100-YEAR STORM FLOW REQUIRED TO BE PROVIDED ON -SITE CIRCULATION: PUBLIC STREETS PROPOSED. A TEMPORARY MAIN ENTRY OFF FRED WARING IS PROPOSED DURING SALES ACTIVITY WITHIN THE SUBDIVISION AND WILL BE TERMINATED AT CONCLUSION OF MODEL HOME EXHIBITION (REFER TO ATTACHMENT NO. 4). THE ULTIMATE MAJOR ENTRANCE WILL BE FROM DUNE PALMS. THE ROAD SYSTEM ALLOWS FOR ACCESS LINKS TO FUTURE DEVELOPMENT SOUTH AND EAST OF THIS PROJECT. INTERNAL CIRCULATION CONSISTS OF CUL-DE-SAC STREETS AND A MINOR LOOP ROAD SERVED BY A COLLECTOR STREET. OFF -SITE CIRCULATION: FRED WARING - DESIGNATED AS A MAJOR ARTERIAL AT 120 FEET OF RIGHT-OF-WAY WITH AN 18-FOOT-WIDE RAISED LANDSCAPED MEDIAN. DUNE PALMS - DESIGNATED AS A SECONDARY ARTERIAL AT 88 FEET TOTAL RIGHT-OF-WAY. ANALYSIS: 1. CHANGE OF ZONE NO. 88-030 A. The proposed zone change from R-1-12000/PD to R-1 effectively means eliminating the minimum square footage required for each unit. Any development would then only need to conform with the General Plan density range of two to four units per net acre. B. The net density for this application is 3.78 dwelling units per acre, which falls within the upper range of the General Plan designation for this area (2-4 dwelling units per acre). MR/STAFFRPT.040 -2- ) Z C. The Bermuda Dunes community has residential lots ranging in size from 10,000 to over 13,000 square feet. The Riverside County Planning Department indicated that, from past comments received from residents in Bermuda Dunes, 7200-square-foot lots are unacceptable. A larger lot size was suggested The Applicant's illustrated average lot size is 8000 square feet. D. Due to the above factors, it is felt that the following extract from the La Quinta General Plan is relevant: "It is the desire of the City to encourage the use of innovative, attractive, and imaginative designs in residential projects. The approval of densities at the higher, rather than the lower, end of a residential land use classification remains the primary means to award such designs." Although the above statements refers primarily to high density projects, this statement is applicable in the case of CZ 88-030 and TT 22982. 2. TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 22982 A. Maintenance of Retention and Other Common Areas - The City currently requires on -site storm water retention for all projects which could not provide other legally -acceptably means of storm water conveyance. A condition has been provided to insure the maintenance of these facilities by assessing the individual lot owners, either by establishing a homeowner's association or a landscape maintenance district. These methods have also been suggested for required landscaped setbacks along major roadways, such as Fred Waring Drive and Adams Street. B. Parkland Dedications - Chapter 13.24, Article II, of the La Quinta Municipal Code sets forth requirements for parkland dedications (see Attachment No. 5). Based on this Chapter, 1.26 acres of parkland are required to be dedicated or assessed to secure an in -lieu fee. The conditions of approval require the Applicant to provide a park development proposal to satisfy the requirements for the parkland dedication Chapter. C. Environmental Considerations - Environmental Assessment No. 88-091 considered the environmental impacts which would be associated with development MR/STAFFRPT.040 -3- j 'M of Tentative Tract 22982. It was determined that the potential significant impacts identified in the initial study could be mitigated to a level of insignificance; therefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared for adoption. D. Quality of Development - The developer of this project has made an attempt to produce the quality of development outlined under Item 1.D. Although further improvements could be made, the revised plan is a great improvement on the initial layout submitted, which was designed in a straight grid pattern. E. Access to Fred Waring - Direct access from this tract onto Fred Waring Drive is considered a traffic hazard due to the following reasons: (1) A further intersection off Fred Waring Drive would increase the congestion caused by the two existing access point off Fred Waring Drive (Port Maria Road and Old Harbour Drive) serving Bermuda Dunes to the north. (2) The La Quinta General Plan states that the minimum distance between intersections or a major arterial, such as Fred Waring, should be a quarter of a mile. This would be impossible to achieve in this Tentative Tract, as the total frontage width on Fred Waring is only +1,328 feet. The Applicant has therefore requested a temporary access to Fred Waring, to be terminated at conclusion of the proposed model home exhibition. Permanent access will be taken off Dune Palms Drive The Fire Department requires two public access roads for this project. If neither of the access points to the south or east of the project are developed when the temporary access off Fred Waring Drive is closed, a further temporary access must be provided. Lot 7 should therefore be reserved for temporary access onto Dune Palms Road if the need arises. F. R-1 Zone Minimum Standards - Not all lots in this submitted layout comply with the R-1 zone minimum lot size of 7200 square feet; +10 percent are smaller than 7,200 square feet and +18 percent have a minimum average depth of less than 100 feet. It will be a condition of approval of the final plan that all R-1 zone minimum standards be MR/STAFFRPT.040 -4- C -' M met. The Applicant/Subdivider advised that the tentative map will be adjusted to satisfy minimum dimension requirements and that the map will be further revised to provide for a minimum lot size of 8000 square feet. G. Proposed Single -Family Dwelling Unit Design - Three alternative house designs are proposed by the Developer (see Attachment No. 6), and are as follows: Dwelling Garage Sq.Ft. Sq.Ft o Plan 1 - 3 bedroom, 3-car garage 1340 641 o Plan 2 - 3 bedroom, 3-car garage, plus family room 1612 687 o Plan 3 - 4 bedroom, 3-car garage, plus family room 1870 817 The unit designs include window detailing on all elevations, architectural bands, varied roof designs, and roof vent detailing. An attempt has been made to do a complete architectural unit design. A condition (No. 16) has been recommended which would permit the Commission to require further detailing. As an option, elevations may be accepted by the Commission as being complete, and replace Condition No. 16 with a condition which requires the Developer to construct the units as illustrated in Attachment No. 6, and further, require the designs to be included in the CC & Rs. FINDINGS: Findings for Change of Zone No. 88-030 and Tentative Tract Map No. 22982 can be found in the attached Planning Commission Resolutions 88-009 and 88-010. RECOMMENDATION: 1. By adoption of attached Planning Planning Commission Resolutions, Nos. 88-009 and 88-010, recommend to the City Council concurrence with the environmental analysis, and approval of Change of Zone No. 88-030 from R-1-12000/PD to R-1, as per Exhibit A, and Tentative Tract Map No. 22982, subject to the attached conditions. Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map 5. Parkland Dedication 2. Change of Zone Map Ordinance 3. Tentative Tract Map 22982 6. Examples of House 4. Sketch Showing Proposed Designs & Elevations Temporary Access off Fred 7. Resolution 88-009 Waring Drive 8. Resolution 88-010 MR/STAFFRPT.040 C'�- j 19 0 CASE CASE No. TT 22982 ATTACHMENT No. 1 - NTS MAP CZ 88-030 VICINITY MAP ORT SCALE: NTS M N co 0)2 N31 Na Oa z! IQ IVY? Ion w a _o H: Qa zz w H Intro ad 000'n-I-a i V IlIJ3GIS 3H ry ce W 0 LL. E- 6 .} 1 al ATTACHMENT No.. 4 TENTATIVE TRACT 22982 CACTUS � FLOWER TEMPORARY AGC.E6G MODEL HOME SITE �I APRIL, Pj�s d' Q FRED WARING DRIVE JFDJ.F. Ow)dAon bseolateM Ina wcNn[muc wosuv[..cWccru.[ 73-MtI►�SUMN003.Pain0w CU17M0 0103WMI ATTACHMENT No. 5 ARTICLE II. DEDICATION OF LAND AND PAYMENT OF FEES FOR PARR AND RECREATION PURPOSES 13.24.020 Authority and purpose. This article is en- acted pursuant to the authority of Government Code Section 66477 for the purpose of requiring the dedication of land or payment of fees, in lieu thereof, for park and recreational purposes, as a condition to approval of a tentative map or parcel map. (Ord. 77 S2(part), 1985: county Ordinance 460 510.27(A)) �—i 13.24.030 Requirements. A. For residential subdivisions of greater than fifty lots, the subdivider shall dedicate land or pay a fee, or combination thereof, in such ratio as recommended by the commission and approved by the council. For residential subdivisions containing fifty lots or less, the subdivider shall pay a fee only. All fees shall be equivalent to three acres per one thousand popu- lation projected to inhabit said subdivision. B. All dedications shall be equivalent to three acres per one thousand population projected to inhabit said subdi- vision. All fees shall be based on the average appraised current market value of the undeveloped land in the subdivi- sion as determined by the city assessor. Projected popu- lation shall be calculated by multiplying the numbers of units to be constructed by the average household size for the entire city as shown on the latest federal census or a census taken pursuant to Section 40200, Chapter 17 of Part 2 of Division 3 of Title 4. C. Subdivisions containing less than five parcels and not used for residential purposes shall be exempted from the requirements of this section; provided however, that a con- dition may be placed on the approval of such parcel map that if a building permit is requested for construction of a res- idential structure or structures on one or more of the par- cels within four years the fee may be required to be paid by the owner of each such parcel as a condition to the issuance of such permit. D. The provisions of this article do not apply to com- mercial or industrial subdivisions; nor do they apply to condominium projects or stock cooperatives which consist of the subdivision of airspace in an existing apartment build- ing which is more than five years old when no new dwelling units are added. (Ord. 77 52(part), 1985; county Ordinance 460 510.27(B)) -► 13.24.040 Use of land and/or fees. All land to be dedicated for park or recreational purposes shall be found to be suitable by the commission and the appropriate recre- ation agency, subject to council approval, as to locations, parcel size and topography for the park. Park and recrea- tional purposes may include active recreation facilities such as playgrounds, playfields, gardens, pedestrian or bi- cycle paths or areas of particular natural beauty, including canyons, hilltops and wooded areas to be developed or left in their natural state. Also included are land and facil- ities for the activity of "recreational community garden- ing," which activity consists of the cultivation by persons other than, or in addition to, the owner of such land, of plant material not for sale. Land to be dedicated may in- clude all or part of a proposed facility. All fees are to be used for the purpose of developing new or rehabilitation of existing neighborhood or community park or recreational facilities to serve the subdivision inhabitants. (Ord. 77 52(part), 1965: county Ordinance 460 510.271C)) �r 13.24.050 Credits. A. If the subdivider is required to provide park and recreational improvements to the ded- icated land, the value of the improvements together with any equipment located thereon shall be a credit against the pay- ment of fees or dedication of land required by this article. B. Planned developments and real estate developments, as defined in Sections 11003 and 11003.1, respectively, of the Business and Professions Code, shall be eligible to receive a credit, as determined by the council, against the amount of land required to be dedicated, or the amount of the fee imposed, pursuant to this article, for the value of private open space within the development which is usable for active recreational uses. (Ord. 77 S2(part), 1985: county Ordinance 460 510.27(D)) at ATTACHMENT No. 6 EXAMPLES OF HOUSE DESIGNS AND ELEVATIONS i �IE{ 1 r 't p F� ONE85 � I'il lo► 3 �9 j s Ii it i PLAN 1 na wurs wCCHOMM Stamm FLOOR PLAN LACUKrA r AL ts- L 1 lii LI r 0 r - Lt .I IL IIIr tL 3 C� +' 7v Cu g )[fj • a (4 i• o if'�T }F r0 1 7 _ s i . �ORELS{ s Ix �I f ' LfJ t� VY " PLAN 2 mt VILL"s COMPAW JqwkEr FUOM1NFR ggpp i FLOOR PLAN '0 """ ` •• ••••••• LA OIINfA PREUMINARY rot for oar tucbm i I !u« __- I __Ue�..v . M r- M 0 z ± I PLAN 3 TM "LL"s Cowmv ELEVATION B cncr[a Fi.owEx � M-M , , DOLL I.I I.I IIOV �� Y� I�ArN� i Im i PLAN ._ 3 TM ruins Doran N C FIDWER e �' —s ELEVATION C A; 11 Bermuda Dunes Community Association 42.360 Adams Street 0 Bermuda Dunes, CA92201 (619) 345.3451 CITY OF LA QUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION 78-105 CALLE ESTADO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 RE: TENTATIVE TRACT #22982 CHANGE OF ZONE CZ #88-030 ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL COMMITTEE MAY 23, 1988 RECEWL0 ',, AY 2 /1 la CITY OF LA QUINTA PLA►,"!'"G & DEVELOPMENT DEPT, THE ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL COMMITTEE OF THE BERMUDA DUNES COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION IS APPOSED TO THE ABOVE ZONE CHANGE IN ITS PRESENT FORM, AS IT IS NOT IN KEEPING WITH THE CURRENT COMMUNITY STANDARDS. THE BERMUDA DUNES COMMUNITY AREA WHICH LIES BETWEEN 42 AVE. AND FRED WARING DR. CONSISTS OF 1,400 PLUS LOTS WITH A MINIMUM SIZE OF 10,000 SQ. FT. PER LOT. APPROXIMATELY 40% ARE 10,000 SQ. FT. WITH THE BALANCE OF THE LOTS RANGING UP WORDS TO 20,000 SQ. FT. IT IS THE OPINION OF THIS ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL COMMITTEE THAT TO MAINTAIN COMMUNITY STANDARDS AND PROPERTY VALUES, SIMILAR DENSITY MUST BE MAINTAINED. SINCERELY, /i A� Y GEORGE C IER CHAIRMAN CHITECTURAL CONTR .,COMMITTEE BERMUDA DUNES May 24, 1988 City of La Quinta Planning Commission 78 105 Calle Estado La Quinta, Ca. 92253 COUNTRY CLU2 I0a1 RECEIVtt) MAY 2 ^ 10 CITY OF LA QUINTA PLAt,T% & DEVELOPWRIT DEPT. Re: Tentative Tract #22982 - Change of Zone CZ #88-030 Bermuda Dunes Country Club is opposed to the above zone change in its present form, as it is not in keeping with the current community standards. It is the opinion of Bermuda Dunes Country Club that to maintain community standards and property values, similar density must be maintained. Sincerely, St C ea ee'y President Bermuda Dunes Country Club 42-360 ADAMS STREET BERMUDA DUNES CALIFORNIA 92201 PHONE: (619) 345-2771 0 91 Bermuda Dunes Community Association 42-360 Adams Street ❑ Bermuda Dunes, CA 92201 (619)345-3451 May 19, 1988 MAY 23im CITE' OF LA QW14 ; A Pun}�I � & DEVELOPMENT ,-err. City of La Quinta Planning and Development La Quinta City Hall P. 0. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 Reference: Tentative Tract #22982 Change of Zone CZ #88-030 We wish to voice our concern regards the above referenced project. We feel the proposed high density housing with the increased population will create a very serious traffic problem on Fred Waring Drive. We request that a traffic study be done before the project is considered. Very truly yours, �� ,r George Crosier Chairman Architectural Control Committee Bermuda Dunes Community Assoc. cc: File Patricia "borky" Larson Riverside County Supervisor 4th District 46209 Oasis Indio, CA 92201 L 4 4 0 GEM QOFTHE DESERT June 7, 1988 City of La Quinta 78-105 Calls Estado La Quinta CA 92253 CHAMBER of COMMERCE Attn: Mayor William Hoyle and City Council RE: TOURISM IN LA QUINTA La Quinta Chamber of Commerce recognizes its responsibility to support the City in its policy decisions wherever possible. The position of the Board of Directors has been to stand behind the quantified decisicij of Council concerning such items as would affect our environment, our industry, our standard of living. La Quinta Chamber of Commerce recognizes, as well, its responsibility to the business sector as a trade association - a voice .-f business. We're approaching Council this evening as the voice of the tourist industry in La Quinta - an industry that requires professional outreaching promotion, nationally and internationally, for the promulgation of recognition and sales. The Board of Directors, representing the membership of La Quinta Chamber of Commerce, encourages the Mayor and Councilmembers of the City of La Quinta to include in the budget for this year a line item for tourism. Sincerely, BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mark Moran President MM/vg LA QUINTA CHAMBER of COMMERCE • 18-085 Avenida La Fonda, Suite A • Post Office Box 255 • La Quinta, California 92253 • (619) 564.3199 If >,y.26 June 6, 1988 w V�f�r��l11fI1J La Quinta Chamber of Commerce Golf & Tennis Resort P.O. Box 255 49-499 Eisenhower Drive R O. Box 09 La Quinta, CA 92253 La Quinta, Cdilornia 92253 619 / 564-4111 Attn: Mr. Mark Moran, President Re: Requested follow-up letter to the Board of Directors, La Quinta Chamber of Commerce regarding support for Tourism in La Quinta. As a follow up to the the numerous conversations we've participated in with other interested people on the subject of funding for the promotion of Tourism, this letter is written at the request of the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors for continued strong support of La Quinta Hotel's position regarding City Tourism. We want the City Council of La Quinta to adopt and approve a line budget item that supports the promotion of City Tourism. It is premature to choose a bureau for Tourism, however,a committment should be made to establish a City policy supporting the growing City Tourist Industry. The La Quinta Hotel's expansion to 600 rooms and the proposed hotel at PGA West, is evidence that our City attracts destination resorts. Support for additional sales and promotional efforts will be necessary in -order to compete in the immediate future with our surrounding communities. The City will continue to collect revenue from occupancy tax that helps to pay for improvements through -out the City. Yet, through a small budget expenditure, the City can make an investment that has, to date, provided more than a quarter of the Cities operating budget. The La Quinta Hotel presently supports it's operation through it's own marketing dollars. Any competitive hotel will also market it's product. This should not preclude the City from a policy that supports general tourism. Additional assistance is needed preferably through a professionally run convention & visitors bureau. Sincerely9e4o� Judy ossler Woodard General Manager -'" MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA OUINTA TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT VIA: CITY MANAGER DATE: JUNE 7, 1988 RE: MONTHLY REPORT Attached are the Building Division, Advance Planning Division, and Current Planning Division reports for April 1988. L,u ADVANCE PLANNING DIVISION MONTHLY REPORT APRIL, 1988 A. Activities on Priority Assignments: 1. Village Zoning. Draft sections on Village Commercial, Village Residential, and Design Review process were reviewed internally, revised and sent out to administrative staff for review and comment. The drafts and a preliminary zoning map were introduced to the Planning Commission for their perusal and discussion in May. 2. General Zoning Ordinance Revision. Research was conducted on the Parking section, looking at national standards for parking requirements, shared parking formulas, and landscaping requirements. A copy of Palm Springs' newly adopted Parking Ordinance was examined for local experience. 3. Highway Ill Specific Plan. A budget proposal was prepared to accelerate the completion of the Specific Plan components through the use of consultant assistance and submitted to theCity Manager. Indian Wells General Plan was reviewed for its treatment of Highway 111. Several discussions were held with realtors and property owners in the Highway 111 Corridor area. A rough outline of the Specific Plan content was created, but needs refinement before being presented for discussion. 4. Jefferson Street Specific Plan. A budget proposal was prepared for early accomplishment of the Jefferson Street Corridor Plan using consultants. A cost sharing strategy was prepared to allocate costs between Indio and La Quinta based on street face frontage and dividing the work into two phases, using three budget periods to cover the cost. 5. Mini -Park Program for the Cove. The Mini -Park sketch plan was presented to City Council for direction. Presented plans to the Planning Commission and Community Services Commission to obtain their suggestions for plan refinement. Prepared a memo to Council summarizing the suggestions, asking for direction on re -design before finalizing design, budget, timetable for implementation, etc. Met with the City Manager and Department Heads on Mini -Park implementation. - 1 BJ/RPTPD.001 P'P4 Advance Planning Monthly Report April, 1988 Prepared a flow chart and task list for implementation efforts. Met with a vendor of play equipment and obtained a quote on a sample mix of equipment. Prepared a proposal to upgrade equipment for a possible benefactor. 6. Village Implementation Plan. Worked with Current Planner on the CEQA Environmental Review, Zoning Map and interpretation of new zones for prospective Village area developers. Reviewed related plans for Cove with the City Manager to coordinate plans for Village, road, and recreational improvements. 7. Community Development Block Grant. Received special submission forms from Riverside County Economic and Community Development Department. Prepared Year 14 activity requests and back up information on the special forms. Submitted material to Economic and Community Development Department. Received County -wide submission summary which is available for public inspection at the Planning and Development Department front desk. 8. Demographic Base Information. Reviewed responses to CVAG's 111987 Growth Monitor". Working on draft response to CVAG's need for population projections for Housing Committee. La Quinta's history has been so short that valid projections are difficult. Attempting to take a project/neighborhood buildout rate as the basis for future growth projections. Firmer projections will be dependent on eventual disposition of High and Medium Density Residential issue now being studied. 9. Sphere of Influence. Researched LAFCO legislation. Prepared a letter and questionnaire to property owners in the study area of the south sphere annexation request. Mailed material and awaiting responses. B. Other Activities during reporting period. 1. Meetings attended: a.) Briefing and discussion in Indio at County building of the State Mining and Geology Board on requirements for including construction material resources in City General Plan. b.) Presentation to Council on the City-wide study of High and Medium Density Residential Land Uses: results of Parts I and II plus need for remaining work. 2 - BJ/RPTPD.001 Mi Advance Planning Monthly Report April, 1988 c.) Participated in Current Planning project application reviews. d.) Coordinated with prospective consultants on Residential Study Traffic and Market Analysis for proposals and quotes. e.) CVAG Technical Subcommittee meeting in Palm Desert on the work plan and coordination with the Housing Study. 2. Papers prepared: a.) Memo to the Technical Traffic Committee requesting advice on how to deal with skateboards in public rights -of -way. b.) Work program for the completion of the study on High Density Residential leading to a possible General Plan Amendment. c.) Response to a "Notice of Preparation" of a Draft EIR for a General Plan Amendment and zoning ordinance for Indian Wells, requesting further information. C. Adjustment of Priorities for Future Assignments. In response to direction from the Council, City Manager, and Director of Planning and Development, the following considerations have been worked into the adjustment of priorities for Advance Planning: 1. The City-wide High and Medium Density Residential Study and General Plan Amendment has taken a much higher profile and will have a guiding effect on the Highway ill Specific Plan, the Village implementation, and the Zoning Ordinance rewrite. Moreover, it's urgency must be taken into account in the near term. 2. A recognition that some parts of the Zoning Ordinance rewrite are more urgent and relate to other ongoing work, while the completion of low -priority sections can be postponed. 3. A need to follow through on the immediate implementation of the Mini -Park. 4. A need to achieve interim closure on the work being done with the Planning Commission on the Policy Framework for the Highway 111 Specific Plan to provide guidance to Staff (as well as prospective BJ/RPTPD.001 M Advance Planning Monthly Report April, 1988 developers) while the details of the Specific Plan are being developed over a longer time frame. 5. Increased interest in potential expansions of Spheres of Influence to the north, and annexations in general. 6. A requirement to reserve a significant block of Staff time for emerging, urgent tasks in order to be responsive to Council and Management needs. 7. Budget constraints preventing extensive use of consultants places a greater demand on in -staff work and generally necessitates a more conservative expectation of work progression on most planning efforts. 8. A recognition that a broader spectrum of resources must be brought to bear on the priorities of Advance Planning - especially through the involvement of Current Planning Staff. As a result of these considerations, the priorities for assignments for the Advance Planning Division have been adjusted along the following lines: 1.A. Complete the process of Hearings and adoption of the Village Zones and Map Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance. 1.B. Complete the re -write and start the Hearing process for the adoption of the Parking section of the Zoning Ordinance (because of its importance to the Village Zones). 2.A. Complete the consultant effort and Staff analysis and recommendations on the Study of Higher Density Residential Land Uses. 2.B. Conduct an analysis of housing as it relates to density and formulate recommendations as they pertain to the General Plan Amendment. 2.C. Conduct the Environmental Impact Report analysis for the General Plan Amendment. 2.D. Formulate the final General Plan Amendments for Residential Densities and hold hearings. - 4 - BJ/RPTPD.001 1 Advance Planning Monthly Report April, 1988 2.E. Formulate related Policy Directives on housing and densities for the Highway 111 Corridor Specific Plan. 3.A. outline the content of the Highway 111 Specific Plan. 3.B. Identify the Policy Issues to be covered in the Policy Framework (interim plan), compile policy content, and adopt interim plan. 3.C. Develop work program for development of the interim plan into a complete specific plan. 3.D. Undertake tasks on work elements for Highway 111 Specific Plan and review components with the Planning Commission. 4. Monitor and assist in coordination of work by assigned Current Planning Staff on: A. Implementation of Mini -Park. B. Processing of applications for annexation. 5 - BJ/RPTPD.001 Z PLANNING DIVISION MONTHLY REPORT APRIL, 1988 The Planning Division reviewed/processed the applications listed on the attached pages for the month of April. The applications, status reports of various applications are listed by category. WFIi 6 Co 0o ah r4 9.4 rl ri rl H rl ri r1 r1 rl r1 ri rd rl r1 �4 r-1 rd N Iq 41 0 0 0 [� 1 w N 64 r > z o� a L. o 00 Ln Ln In m 01 Go N n1 N OD Ib V' 1 1 1 1 1 qr rl. PI en N Ln Ln in Ln 1n 0 - U 0 0 0 o 0 a H d - H Ul +� C W C Col d A ai a v° ►+ a�i c7 ►a � _ w w w h 3 a a ca w v Ln w Ir ao H Qo CD co co Go U N N N N N 1 1 1 1 1 OD �o a m m ao ao m to 10 C1 April, 1988 Page 3 PLOT PLANS None SIGN APPROVAL None CHANGE OF ZONE None TENTATIVE TRACT None TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP TT 23669 Valley Land Dev't. Co. Generally Bounded In Process Divide 120 + acres by Miles, Adams & into two parcels for Fred Waring sale purposes. LOT LINE ADJUSTMENTS LLA 88-041 Meron & Roxie Yessanian Lots 4, 5 & 6 east Approved Trustees - Yessayian side of Obregon Family Trust/Michael between Nogales & & Sandy Neely Chihuahua Convert 3 lots into 2 SPECIFIC PLAN None RPTPD.000 April, 1988 Page 4 R ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT EA 88-092 Triad Dev't./Valley Land TT #23269 Revised #1 EA 88-093 City of La Quinta Cove Mini -Park EA 88-094 City of La Quinta Village re -zoning I I&I;ts)Do M50:4ZT- i 3*4 S/W corner of In Process Fred Waring /Adams N/E corner of In Process Eisenhower and Colima Generally the In Process Village downtown area PM 88-063 Frank & Pat Christel 52-020 & 52-040 Villa Approved/ 774-224-002 & 001 Recorded PM 88-064 Mr. & Mrs. Weeks 54-355 Martinez Approved/ Single Family Dwelling Recorded PM 88-065 Starr Construction 51-230 Rubio In Process Single Family Dwelling PM 88-066 Bill Doyle 52-315 Rubio Approved/ Merge lots for fence Sent for Recordation PM 88-067 Bruce & Sue Pelletier 54-255 Herrera In Process Single Family Dwelling RPTPD.000 April, 1988 Page 5 L Residential Adjustments Precise Plan Plot Plans Sign Approvals Conditional Use Permits Change of Zones Tentative Tract Maps Tentative Parcel Maps Final Maps Lot Line Adjustments Specific Plans (including Amendments) Environmental Assessments Parcel Mergers General Plan Amendments Street Vacations Variances Public Use Permits Temporary Use Permits (RV's) Zoning Ordinance Amendments Subdivision Ordinance Amendment Tentative Tract Time Extension Home Occupations Appeals CASE SUMMARY APRIL YEAR TO 1986 1987 1988 DATE 0 0 0 0 66 157 5 65 102 18 0 2 21 16 0 5 0 0 0 0 4 5 0 1 7 3 0 4 0 1 1 3 0 1 0 0 6 7 1 4 4 4 0 0 18 18 3 10 13 18 5 10 8 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 0 1 0 0 4 1 0 0 9 0 9 0 0 0 1 T O T A L S RPTPD.000 257 268 15 116 r n MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA OUINTA HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT - BUILDING DIVISION DATE: MAY 17, 1988 SUBJECT: BUILDING ACTIVITY REPORT FOR MARCH The total valuation of $18,413,719 for April represents the largest one month total in the history of the City. In the first four months of 1988, building activity, as reflected by valuation, is already at $31,282,613. Total valuation for 1987 was $37,663,758. The months activity included 48 condos at PGA West, 9 at Santa Rosa Cove, and 18 in the Cove area. The commercial figures represent Area II of the La Quinta Hotel expansion which includes 22 buildings containing 187 rooms. cc: City Council Planning Commission Ron Kiedrowski, City Manager Murrel Crump, Planning Director Roger Hirdler, Community Safety Director TH:bja BJ/RPTBLD.000 Li Co 0 W ri R) 'y. Y= 0 HO, V O O M 01 � O M >+ o rn O O 0, 00 r � N V' A o r o 0 A E4 o OD �+ �+ o W M M m o N r l0 O O o M O -V .+ Ln N r r to Ln N O M O, M N O ri N M lf1 O l0 lf1 A ri r r M N M H C, N r M In v N M VV M r d' N OD M L M iN >; M r N � r M O r N ri O O O l0 O sP O, M m 00 w O Ln 00 Cl OD co '�I O ri N N O In l0 O r r � r-I M O 1n 00 r M M rl M N w In 1p M ri ri .•i N 00 OD M C' � a H r O Ln .-1 In O O Ln O O O m r1 CD MN O N O CDm Q O Ln to ri OD N N %0 �O rl H to N lD l0 00 N O N 00 r M N ri O - 00W ,+N to co • N m N N O o rn r-Ien Ln O W M O O O In O O O 01 r-I 35:1 N V+ Ln r O r O Ln r 10 0, N r-I Ln r-I l0 O 01 01 ll) O, N M r-1 ri OD r-I N M N d+ r M ri r-1 N to O ri M 00 m co ri V r O r ri a H A O r ri N ri N W H C O O cn w 00 OD O m OD M N r-I A l0 v r .1 ri ri r-I 1n r-I p 's'j rn O N -V t() -V o M -V r-I v to r N N N r4 .>1 F r-4 r-4 Qj r-I a viil [,j GW� 111 M O O d M C U1 ri 00 l0 Oh V Ln 10 O) \O ON t0 O) r-I co l0 ON N r 4 O O M Ln w r-I M Ln M ll1 rb rn o rn rn rn Co rn L4 o rn o rn rn N 00 r N 00 01 to %D 01 V' r-I 01 Ln d' ri IT H V' ri %O 0) a' r-I 00 In N O l0 w V' O W O l0 0+ 00 N 1n M 1n 1n u1 to u1 M 1n N N N N N t/! �H F ri O 01 N r a' N d' d' d' r C O O U1 01 In In OD O O H r m M 00 01 r-i r 00 01 00 01 00 01 O1 cn 00 01 r1 ri O O O 1n 00 1n O In O to M W r M r r r w r u1 N Ln N Ln u1 co m OD N t0 m w t0 %O N W r r r r r M r1 ri ri ri r♦ r-I r-I r-1 r♦ tA r-I r-i tyl ri ri t3l ri r-I - - - IT ri r-I jO p, � r1 •r1 w -I r-I rl w r-I F. w c - o - c - - c - >1 H '� ro - - Iv b) m ri a 0 b) cn v 0) m +) EA tr>i En 0 ,[ U ro pq N ri A ,fa N N +1 }4 U a O IT N I4 oz a ro ri +1 ro N s; ro r-I 4-) ro N z a ro r-I 4•1 10 N z :~ ro r-I 4J ro N z ro .--1 4J ro N z a ro ri 4J 0 N z a ro '-I 4J ro N z s; ro r-I 11 ro N z a ro r-I 4J ro N z N H ro 1.4 �a U 0. b H 4) r1 r-I U N 0 a 0 it ii ro > z N ro a 0 U Ill ro ri O ri 00 1 1n 1n In V' In I M u1 to ri N 1 M v1 M M ri 1 r r M 00 r-I I r r M r ri I r r M \O ri I r r M to r-1 1 r r M C ri I r, r M M ri I r r M N ri I r r NI ri rl I Ir r O r 00 I ri 1n 1n N r-I I m r to ri r 1 M 1n O r r I N 1n to O r 1 r1 Ln to ri N 1 V 1n jy LLWW�� W r-I 1n � M N 01 1n M Ln O r M r N r M co N r M 01 N r M O M r M ri M r M N M r M M M r M -r M r M to M r M u1 d' r rn w kD r M 00 kD r M 0) W r m O r r 1" 1 ra r r 1" 1 KIM v a) m ro a O O N O r- r N Ln O O O CD O O O CD W W In O O O r-4 �i O Lf1 O O O O O O O O .-i ";r -M o m m� c m M (4 M M ri ri fn M N kD N �r d' 110 m M M M M M M M M M 0\ m m m 01 m m m Ow M Ln Ln Lr Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln !E+ Ln O N O Ln Ln Ln 110 N N N N N N N N N Ln l0 O N N ri r-I m 01 m 01 m a% m 0) coLr M C' Ln 1- 1- O v \0 110 l0 w w 110 LD w . . . . . . . . . . ri ri N ri ri N Ol -V V' v v -Zr -V CT d' oc Q\ M m m m m m 01 m r-i ri r-I ri ri e•-I ri r-i ri A ri r-I ri r-I ri r-I ro ro ri rl +L +1 34 - = - - - a a 5 m m IT ro f4 O z 0 z r� a) a) u •r1 •rl •rl j .� r-i ro ro O •ri -ri •r1 ri •ri r-, ro ro ra til• - - - - - = - H a) coa vi 3 a a a N En ro ro ro ro a >4 ri W a) w a) W a) v v o AS (1) ro 1. a r. a m m m m U) N ul a o o O o Ii N r. 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Lr Ln Ln In 01 01 M 01 0) 01 01 Q\ 01 01 01 00 M v t0 W N N N N N N N N N N N ri r-1 M M M M M fn M m M M M ul F+ O O ).l (Cn E O O ii CU) F. O O N (Cn F. O O :l UC) F. O O :l En Fr O O P En F O O N En f i O O )4 UC) 0 O O it WC Fi O O P UC)) F. O O P U) F O O :i U) F. O O P En r-. O O N U) F- O O :l I 1p w l0 N ri N ri N r-I N ri (N ri N r-1 N r 4 N ri N r l N ri (N r•1 a (tr U) 4J 4-) ° x = c = - = c - _ - _ - _ - - - _ - - - = = = f0 z r-1 3 x O i O O 1 a >4 v 3 O .)~ O al (A .r.l W >4 0) 3 O � q a) U) .r.l W sa N 3 O 4 1~ a) to •ri W )a 0) 3 O 4 1~ a) to •ri W >4 v 3 O 4 0 a) U) •rt W f4 () 3 O O C a) to •ri W si 0 3 O z z a) to •ri W f4 a) 3 O -C: a ro U) •rl W >a () 3 O 4 0 ar to •ri W )4 Ol 3 O A 9 a) U) •,I W �i a) 3 O A 9 a) U) •ri W >4 0) 3 O x z (D U) •ri W N 0) 3 O A 9 a) W -r-1 W S4 a) 3 O .9 9 a) U) •rl W fa N 3 O .9 9 a) U) •ri W to N ro N C.' to N 0) 3 O .r () n N M co N �.0 N r-1 N ri V' O V' w M V) M V' M M M O M 1� N C' N M N N N r-1 1d U U) ri 01 01 V O1 01 V 01 01 V m 01 V' 01 01 v 01 01 v Ol 01 V' 01 01 V I 01 01 v 1 01 01 V' I a1 01 V' 1 O1 01 V' 1 01 01 V' I 01 01 v I O1 O1 -V I O 0) 01 I to 00 N 1 O co co I 1 01 V' 1 01 V' I m V' I 01 V' I 01 V' 1 0) V I a1 V' m V 01 V' M V 01 V m V m V O1 V a• v 00 t� V <n 00 V �p io oo M [� to 00 m 00 1.0 00 r•) m �o co M O tr O0 fy) r-4 r 00 M N 1` ao m M Ir Oo m d' r 00 M Ln Ir 00 M l0 Ir O0 M t- t` 0o m 00 Ir 00 M (7l t` co M O 00 00 M ri OD co rn M 00 00 N) V 0o O0 N) 1k--I a) 01 ro a o O o o O w C O Ln r O O O O 4" O O O O Ln O O CD r- N O N 01 O O CD 10 O O O . . . . . . . . . . O N O Ln O fM a1 M O N N Ln N f� 01 M LO N O N O N O N O N Ln C 14 01 O N O N O N M ri N N N C fn r 1 M a � Cl O O O O M O O M I` O O O O r- O O O O Cl O (31 O 01 C O Ln M O Ln O O C O N O N w O ri O N r- LO fr) C O r- r- O Ln N en N M N N ri w C N r C ri M 01 M ri 01 ri ri r•I O1 ri ri r4 ri = v �, ri 3 ri )4 0 o O Sa 41 N ri ri ro 3 O •H r-I H ro ri r-I S A HH Fj ro 0 4-4b o k •rl �' ri 4J -r! ro ro -rl .Q N - ro a) U O w N a > 0 )i a) D 0 ri ri 3 IT 0 p >4 -11 rl E ro tv U •r1 4J U a) ri v a) U O 44 r•i O ri 0 U N D N b ro 4 U) aC U o ri as •�rl ri 0 r4 a) a 0 U U 0 b1 fn g U o ri co ar ri m q rl cn = ?G U 0 ri ca o O a F. r-I ri N as ro o O 3 0 -rl 4-) ro a 0 •ri 4J ro a "1 ra iJ a) a a) ri m cS rl fn U N r1 �: ro o O 3 4.1 U a, ri w a� ul ro ro ro s~ ai m a) a wro w ro a; oco a a) b kN C7 a) a 0 •r, a) H N - 1 > 3 O O O ra a a) N r b s Q) ul d o b N C7 N (O rq 0 a -I r-1 ro a Q O )a N oi r' N Ln O -H 'Q a) H ri to 4.) U) -rl 41 14 a) r-I r•I 4 U) a) a (1) U) b) a) k O fit 0 fn $4 a) R7 ro 4J V) k N ri .-I a) q a❑ a0a u a U > > u w o z z z > m D A C l� 'J > In O O In M 0 01 r-I Ln C O O C O ri N O a' ri N C Ln C M 01 Ln O O w N N O O O w M 01 r-L M f'Y) C -W N M M V' ri O Ol 00 I I w I 1 I I I 1 1 I 1 I I I I I 1 C Ln \ N O O C ri 00 01 ri 01 O1 M O C ri Ln Ln Ln 2 Ln Ln w Ln m Ir C Ln r- r to w Ln Ln C Ln w r w M o ri N M C Ln r w rn M C Ln a w 00 M w w M w w M m w M 00 w M O1 00 M m 00 M rn 00 M m w M 01 00 M rn w M m 00 M rn w M m w M O1 w M O 01 M O 01 M O m M Z Q) rn ro a co 00 ON rl N a � o m rn r M O) a N C F ri r M r-I C C O .ri ra a h �4 o a w EE-4 U O o a 4J o ro �4 • a w a� o O � v m w L ON ao rn W �r 0 rn r �r -10 r, 0 co rn r M M MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA TO: Honorable Mayor and Council Members FROM: Warren Bradshaw, Development Manager DATE: June 3, 1988 SUBJECT: Cooperative agreement with the County of Riverside for a Home Mortgage Finance Program Background Under Riverside County's Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bond Program, Issue B of 1987, Entry Mortgage has a $3,947,000 lender allocation for loans to first-time home buyers. They would like to use approximately $1,000,000 of this allocation for homes in the City of La Quinta. County Economic/Community Development, which issued the bonds and administers and monitors the program has determined the project proposed by La Quinta Associates (Tentative Tract *22982) to be eligible for this program. Other homes by other developers may subsequently be found to be eligible, if they request and receive prior approval from ECD. The County/City Cooperative Agreement is a requirement which formally allows ECD to make the loans available for property within the geographic boundaries of the City. Benefits Qualified first-time home buyers will benefit from the preferential interest rate of slightly over 8%. Borrowers are limited to those with an annual income of $40,000 or less. Other Considerations Riverside County ECD fully administers the Loan Program and monitors compliance requirements. They also perform all record keeping and reports for the State of California. Recommendation It is recommended that the City Council adopt a Home Mortgage Finance Program in cooperation with the County of Riverside, subject to recommendation or modifications which may be suggested by the City Attorney. WB/ lmm ecdmort.wb A COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ECONOMIC / COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT May 20, 1988 Mr. Warren Bradshaw Development Specialist City of La Quinta P.O. Box 1504 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, CA 92253 MAY 2 51988 .�JTY OF I A 0111K_� RE: Cooperative Agreement between the County of Riverside and the City of La Quinta; City of La Quinta Resolution Dear Mr. Bradshaw: Pursuant to our recent conversation enclosed please find the Cooperative Agreement between the County of Riverside and the City of La Quinta and the Resolution prepared for the adoption of the Cooperative Agreement. As I previously indicated this request is on behalf of Entry Mortgage who is currently a participant in our Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bond Program, Issue B of 1987. The purpose for their request is to hopefully make available a portion of their current allocation to first-time homebuyers in the La Quinta geographical area as further described in the attached letter. If possible we would like schedule the approval of the Cooperative Agreement and adoption of the resolution by the city council as soon as possible. Should you have any questions please feel free to contact me at (714) 788-9770. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Very truly yours, VERONICA A. MITCHELL Development Specialist III VAM: (0136G) 3499 TENTH STREET . P.O. BOX 1180 9 RIVERSIDE, CA 92502 0 (714) 788-9770 Urban Futures Inc. May 11, 1988 Ms. Veronica Mitchell Economic/Community Development County of Riverside 3499 Tenth Street Riverside, California 92501 RE: County of Riverside Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bonds Issue B of 1987 Dear Ms. Mitchell: i,,,a. i F� We have received an inquiry from Shirley Humphers at Entry Mortgage regarding a cooperative agreement between the County and the City of La Quinta, relative to the above referenced financing. Entry Mortgage would like to use approximately $1,000,000 of their $3,947,000 Lender allocation for a specific new development within the City of La Quinta. The project, consisting of single family detached homes of approximately 1300 to 1600 square feet, with a price range of approximately $106,000 to $117,000, is located on Fred Waring Drive and is being developed by the Betty Williams Co. If the County is interested in obtaining a cooperative agreement with the City of La Quinta, please let me -know the estimated approval process time, and I will inform the Lender. Thank you for your assistance.in this matter. any questions. Sincerely, Douglas P. Anderson Program Administrator DPA:dms Please call me with 801 E Chapman Ave, Suite 106, Fullerton, CA 92631 7141738-4277 Telecopy: 738-3767 Redevelopment/Finance/City Planning/Implementation k COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE AND THE CITY OF LA QUINTA THIS COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT (the "Cooperative Agreement") is hereby made and entered into as of , 1988 by and between the COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, a legal subdivision and body corporate and politic of the State of California (the "County"), and the CITY OF LA QUINTA, a municipal corporation of the State of California (the "City"). W I T N E S S E T H WHEREAS, the County has determined to engage in a home mortgage finance program (the "Program") pursuant to Part 5 of Division 31 of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California (the "Act") to make or acquire, directly or indirectly, long-term loans to finance the construction and acquisition of homes in the County, all as provided for in said Act; and WHEREAS, the County has determined to borrow money to finance the Program by the issuance of revenue bonds (the 'Bonds") as authorized by the Act and by the provisions of the Costa -Marks Housing Bond Allocation Act of 1981 (the "Costa -Marks Act"); and WHEREAS, the City has adopted the Program and determined to cooperate with the County pursuant to the Act in the exercise of their powers under the Act for the purposes of the Program; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter provided, the parties hereto agree as follows; 91 Section i. The worts an:; pnrases of this Cooperative Agree,mer,t shaii, for all purposes hereof unless otherwise defined herein, have the meanings assigned to such words and phrases in the Act and in the Costa -Marks Act. Section 2. The County agrees to use its best efforts to undertake the Program and to issue the Bonds therefor pursuant to the Act as soon as the County determines the same to be necessary and advisable. Section 3. The City represents and warrants to the County that: (i) the City has heretofore adopted a general plan for the City in conformance with the provisions of the Planning and Zoning Law of the State of California (Government Code Section 65000 et seq.), (ii) said general plan includes a land use element and housing element as required by Government Code Section 65302, and (iii) the Program complies with said land use element and housing element. Section 4. The City agrees that the County may make or acquire home mortgages under the Program, all as more specifically set forth in the Act, with respect to property located within the geographic boundaries of the City and that any and all of its powers for the purpose of financing homes mortgages pursuant to the Act with respect to such property shall be exercised by the County. Section 5. The City agrees to undertake such further proceedings or actions as may be necessary in order to carry out the terms and the intent of this Cooperative Agreement, and the City further agrees to refrain from taking any action which would to its knowledge tend to adversely affect the rating on the Bonds. Section 6. Nothing in this Cooperative Agreement shall prevent the County from entering into one or more agreements with other municipal corporations within the County. Section 7. This Cooperative Agreement may be amended by one or more supplemental agreements executed by the County and the City at any time, except that no such amendment or supplement shall be made which shall adversely affect the rights of the holders of the Bonds. auu IN WITNESS WFEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Cooperative Agreement to be executed and attested by their proper officers thereunto duly authorized, and their official seals to be hereto affixed, all as of the day first above written. COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE BY Chairman of the Board of Supervisors (SEAL) ATTEST: Clerk of the Board o Supervisors APPROVED AS TO FORM: County Counsel CITY OF LA QUINTA BY (SEAL) ATTEST: City Clerk City Attorney VAM: (0135G) Mayor K RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA ADOPTING A HOME MORTGAGE FINANCE PROGRAM IN COOPERATION WITH THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE WHEREAS, there is a shortage in the County of Riverside (the "County") and in the City of La Quinta (the "City") of decent, safe and sanitary housing, particularly of housing affordable by persons in the lower end of the purchasing spectrum, and a consequent need to encourage the construction, purchase and rehabilitation of homes affordable by such persons and otherwise to increase the housing supply in the City and in the County for such person; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of the County has resolved to engage in a home mortgage finance program (the "Program") pursuant to Part 5 of Division 31 of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California (the "Act") for persons and families within the income limits established by the Act and has determined to issue revenue bonds pursuant to the Act to provide funds for the Program; and WHEREAS, this City Council finds and determines that it is in the best interest of the City to adopt the Program and to consent to the implementation of the Program by the County within the geographic boundaries of the City pursuant to the Act; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta as follows: SECTION 1. The City hereby adopts the Program for the purpose of increasing the housing supply in the County and in the City and consents to the implementation of the Program by the County with respect to all property located within the geographical boundaries of the City. Section 2. The agreement, dated as of 1988, between the County and the City (the "Cooperative Agreement"), in substantially the form submitted to this meeting, is hereby approved; and the proper officers of the City are hereby authorized and directed to execute and delivers the same, for and in the name and on behalf of the City and to approve any additions to or changes in said form thereof which they deem necessary or advisable, their approval of such additions or changes to be conclusively evidenced by their execution of the Cooperative Agreement as so added to or changed. The proper officers of the City are further authorized to enter into such additional agreements with the County, execute such other documents and take such other actions as they may deem necessary or appropriate to carry out the purpose and intent of the Cooperative Agreement or to cooperate in the implementation of the Program. 411 Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. ADOPTED, SIGNED and APPROVED this day of , 1988 by the following called votes: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: MAYOR OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA ATTEST: City Clerk City of La Quinta A STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) CITY OF LA QUINTA ) I, , duly elected City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, hereby certify this to be a true and correct copy of Resolution Number adopted by the City Council of the City of La Quinta at a regular meeting held on , 1988. Witness my hand and the seal of the City of La Quinta this day of 1988. City Clerk City of La Quinta VAM: (0144G) 30sv v-�e&s TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA Ron Kiedrowski, City Manager Frank Reynolds, Director of Public works/City Engineer June 3, 1988 Avenida Obregon Stop Sign Issue In its letter dated May 31, 1988, Sunline Transit requested that a number of stop signs on Obregon be removed, leaving stops at only the same streets where stops exist on Eisenhower and Bermudas. By way of background on the stop sign issue I have attached a copy of a memorandum dated April 14, 1986 from the then City Engineer to the then Community Development Director. The present stop sign configuration on Obregon was created as a result of that memorandum when that street was removed from the "through street" category. It is my understanding that this action originated as a 'result of numerous complaints of speeding on Obregon, which because of its proliferation of vegetation and greater development than any other street in the Cove gives the impression of being a narrower street, when in actuality the right-of-way and pavement width is comparable to other local streets in the Cove. Except for those residents on Obregon who object to the noise and smoke from the buses, most of the objections I have heard about Obregon stop signs have been very general in nature, and I might speculate from citizens who formerly used it when it was a through street. Because of its density, it appears to qualify under the vehicle code as a residential street, in which case it can be posted for 25 mph. However, it is my understanding that in order to enforce the 25 mph speed limit by radar, the same kind of engineering and traffic survey just completed on other streets would have to be conducted on Obregon. This needs further checking for verification. In the absence of further study and statistical information, the staff has no recommendation at this time. FR/lmm attachment �` '* a MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA OUINTA TO: Larry Stevens, Community Development Director FROM: Bob Weddle, City Engineer DATE: April 14, 1986 SUBJECT: Avenida Obregon Stop Sign Issue Pursuant to your request, I have reviewed the following information: 1. Resolution No. 84-20 establishing through streets in the Cove area, and Exhibit "A". 2. Resolution No. 85-42 establishing four-way stop at Eisenhower Drive intersections of Avenue 50, Calle Tampico, Calle Durango, and Calle Chihuahua. 3. April, 1985, BSI Report on Eisenhower/Durango four-way stops. Presently, Eisenhower Drive and Avenida Bermudas are designated as secondary highways with ultimate 88-foot right-of-ways and 64-foot, curb -to -curb distances. Avenida Obregon is designated as a local street with ultimate 60-foot right-of-way and 40-foot curb -to -curb distance. (Previously Avenida Obregon was a designated collector street when originally designated as a through street.) Pursuant to Resolution No. 84-20, all east/west Cove area streets are designated as "through" streets, and of the north/south streets, Avenida Bermudas, Eisenhower Drive, Avenida Obregon and Avenida Montezuma are designated "through" streets. All non -designated streets have stop control at the designated through streets. Where a north/south through street intersects an east/west through street, the east/west direction stops. The only exceptions are the designated four-way stops per Resolution No. 85-42 for the Eisenhower intersections with Tampico, Durango and Chihuahua. In establishing the four-way stop control at the Eisenhower/Durango intersection, the warrant study noted a number of accidents at Durango. Based on the accident history, the four-way stop was suggested. This is not totally the case for Avenida Obregon. There were no reported accidents on Obregon in 1984, but there were only 5 in 1985 at the following intersections: �_. ; PN1 MEMO - LARRY STEVENS April 14, 1986 Page 2. 1. Calle Colima - 3 2. Calle Durango - 1 3. Calle Sonora - 1 In order to establish an intersection stop control accident control warrant, you would have to have 5 susceptable to correction via stop control. This Avenida Obregon for this warrant. based upon the or more accidents is not the case on In reviewing the area -wide stop control with Mr. Jim Kawamura of BSI, he advised that he could support a stop control at the Avenida Obregon/Calle Durango intersection. This is due to traffic transfers from Eisenhower Drive and the earlier establishment of stops on Eisenhower. He further stated that any other Obregon stop inter- sections should be studied if we wanted other select stop controls. As another option, I proposed that Avenida Obregon be removed from the through street network as it is no longer designated a collector street on the City Circulation Element. Mr. Kawamura stated he favored this option also. If Avenida Obregon is removed as a through street, it would require stop signs at every intersection with an east/west through street. The impact of this would be a transfer of traffic (again) back to Eisenhower Drive and Avenida Bermudas, which are the designated secondary arterial highways for the Cove area. Any changes made should be monitored and a detailed traffic analysis done for the Cove area should subsequent traffic routing decisions need to be made. A stop control is not a "cure-all". The engineering aspects of any traffic issue must be tied to the other elements of the 3 "E's", which are Education, Enforcement, and Engineering. We need all 3 "E's" in order to have an adequately functioning traffic network. RECOMMENDATION Remove Avenida Obregon as a through street in Resolution No. 84-20. Place necessary and stop legends. Monitor compliance with network. Atchs: Resolutions Nos. 84-20 and 85-42 RWW:dmv as originally designated stop signs, limit lines Cove area traffic control A RESOLUTION NO. 84-20 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, DESIGNATING THROUGH STREETS AND PROVIDING FOR THE INSTALLATION OF STOP SIGNS AT DESIGNATED INTERSECTIONS. WHEREAS, California Vehicle Code, Section 21354 authorizes cities to designate streets under its jurisdiction as through streets and authorizes the erection of stop signs at entrances thereto and authorizes the designation of intersections as stop intersections and authorizes the erection of stop signs at one or more entrances thereto; and WHEREAS, La Quinta Municipal Code Section 12.44.010 and 12.44.020 provides authority for the City Council, by resolution, to designate through streets and intersections at which vehicles are required to stop; and further provides for the city engineer to erect and maintain stop signs as so designated by resolution; and further provides that when proper signs are in place, all vehicular traffic shall be required to stop before entering any intersection of a through street; NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of La Quinta, does resolve as follows: 1. All streets described and labeled as through streets on Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, are hereby designated and declared to be through streets. 2. The City traffic engineer, or his designee, is hereby authorized and directed to install and maintain stop signs, in conformance with Section 21351-21355 of the Vehicle Code, on the streets intersecting such through streets at those entrances and in the manner described And designated on said Exhibit "A". 3. When said stop signs have been installed and are in place giving notice thereof, all vehicular traffic shall stop before entering any intersection of a through street, all in accordance with the stop sign designation as set forth in said Exhibit "A". APPROVED and ADOPTED this ATTEST: ooe CITY CLRRK 3rd day of April , 1984. RFSOIAJTICN NO. 85-42 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, DIRECTING THE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF STOP SIGNS TO FACILITATE A FOUR WAY STOP AT THE INTERSECTIONS OF AVENUE 50, CALLE TAMPICO, CALLE DURANGO, AND CALLE CHIHUAHUA WITH EISENHOWER DRIVE. WHEREAS, Section 12.16.070 authorizes the City Council, by Resolu- tion, to direct the installation and maintenance of official traffic signals at intersections where traffic conditions are such as to require the flow of traffic be alternately interrupted and released in order to prevent or relieve traffic congestion or to protect life or property from exceptional hazard; and WHEREAS, Berryman & Stephenson, Inc., Engineering Consultanthas Inter- section a review of traffic volume and accident records at the of Calle Durango and Eisenhower Drive; and WHEREAS, Berryman & Stephenson, Inc., Engineering Consultant, has inspected prevailing road conditions; and WHEREAS, Berryman & Stephenson, Inc., Engineering Consultant, has determined that the intersection of Calle Durango and Eisenhower Drive can meet accepted standards by accident guidelines and nearly meets accepted standards by volume guidelines to document the need for stop signs; and WHEREAS, additional stop signs at the intersections of Avenue 50, Calle Tampico and Calle Chihuahua with Eisenhower Drive are necessary to establish an appropriate traffic pattern and to avoid potential hazards associated with a single, isolated stop sign at Calle Durango. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Traffic Engineer is directed to install and maintain stop signs facilitating a four-way stop at the intersections of Avenue 50, Calle Tampico, Calle Durango and Calle Chihuahua with Eisenhower Drive, and in conjunction therewith to install necessary signs and roadway markings. APPROVED and ADOPTED this 7th day of May, 1985. MAYOR ATTEST: ) CITY -CLERK APPR9,Vgg� AS TO FORM: _ APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: Q CITY ATT NEY CI 7NANAGER 8 f 11 SunLine Transit MEMBER AGENCIES Cathedral City Coachella Desert Hot Springs Indio La Quinta Palm Desert Palm Springs Rancho Mirage Riverside County Mr. Ron Kiedrowski City Manager City of La Quinta P. 0. Box 1504 78105 Calle Estado La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Ron: We are seeking your is having in the La on Obregon. May 31, 1988 assistance in an operational problem SunLine Quinta Cove area. We desire fewer stop signs As you are probably aware, SunLine operates Line 4 in La Quinta. This route, operating on a forty minute headway, travels south on Eisenhower, west on Potrero and north on Obregon. In the same distance, there are three stop signs on Eisenhower and approx- imately fifteen stop signs on Obregon. The numerous stop signs on Obregon seriously delays our buses and causes increased noise and diesel fumes in areas adjacent to the stop signs. SunLine is requesting that some Obregon. We would prefer to see Obregon as are on Eisenhower. We assure you that we will take ensure that our drivers operate your city. of the stops be removed from the same number of stops on whatever steps are necessary to in a safe, courteous manner in If we can assist you in this manner, please let me know. Sincerely, SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY Lee Norwine General Manager LN/ n y cc: City File 32-505 Harry Oliver Trail • Thousand Palms, California 92276 • (619) 343-3456 A AGREEMENT This Agreement is made and day of , 1988, between hereinafter "SUNLINE" and the CITY OF hereinafter "CITY". entered into this SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, WHEREAS, SUNLINE has entered into an Agreement, herein- after "SHELTER AGREEMENT" with SUNRISE MEDIA, hereinafter "SUNRISE", a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof by this reference. WHEREAS, SUNLINE and CITY are now desirous of entering into an agreement with regards to the placement of shelters, enforcement of said SHELTER AGREEMENT and the collection of revenues. NOW THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows: I GENERAL TERMS 1.01 CITY hereby exclusively authorizes SUNLINE'S representative to construct and erect bus shelters, with advertising thereon, in the boundary limits of CITY, provided the following conditions are satisfied in advance. (a) Shelter designs meet and comply with all applicable CITY Building Codes, Zoning Ordinances, Vehicular Code Ordinances and Regulations and all other applicable CITY Resolutions, Ordinances and Codes. (b) All CITY design criteria and approvals thereof have been obtained, and (c) Adequate easements, encroachment permits, licenses and/or rights of way have been obtained. 1.02 SUNLINE shall pursuant to the SHELTER AGREEMENT diligently pursue enforcement of all SUNRISE obligations. II ION 2.01 All advertising revenues derived from the SHELTER AGREEMENT shall be collected by SUNLINE and divided between the CITY and SUNLINE as follows: (a) The base revenue by SUNLINE from SUNRISE which is $50.00 per/shelter, in CITY boundaries shall be divided 50% to SUNLINE and 50% to CITY. 11 (b) Any excess revenue, generated over and above the base revenue described in Paragraph 2.01 (a), will be distributed on the basis of 50t to SUNLINE and 50t to the entities responsible for the production of the additional revenue based upon each entities' percentage of its pro rats contribution to said excess revenue. (c) SUNLINE shall pay to CITY the sums due hereunder semiannually with the first payments, if any, due on July 1, 1988 and thereafter, every six (6) months. (d) All relevant documents, books and accounting records of SUNLINE shall be open for inspection and reinspection at any reasonable time during the term of this agreement and for twelve (12) months thereafter. In addition SUNLINE may from time to time conduct an audit and reaudit of the books and business conducted by SUNRISE. III DURATION 3.01 The term of this Agreement shall coincide with the term of the SHELTER AGREEMENT term, Paragraph 2.1. IV INSURANCE 4.01 If requested by CITY, SUNLINE shall cause SUNRISE to name CITY as an additional coinsured on all policies set forth in the SHELTER AGREEMENT. V MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 5.01 ATTORNEYS FEES: In any dispute between the parties, whether or not resulting in litigation, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover from the other party all reasonable costs, including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees. "Prevailing party" shall include, without limitation, a party who dismisses an action for recovery in exchange for sums allegedly due, performance of covenants allegedly breached or considerations substantially equal to the relief sought in the action, or which receives, in connection with any dispute, performance from the other party substantially equivalent to any of these. 5.02 ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This Agreement, together with the Exhibits attached hereto and Exhibit "A", which consists of the original request for proposal, contains the entire agreement of the parties relating to the rights granted and the obligations assumed &I herein. Any oral representations or modifications concerning this instrument shall be of no force or effect unless contained in a subsequent written modification signed by all parties hereto. 5.03 INDEMNITY: SUNLINE shall indemnify, defend and hold CITY, its officers, agents and employees, harmless from any and all claims, demands, loss or -liability of any kind, arising from SUNLINE'S failure to perform its obligations, under this Agreement. 5.04 COUNTERPARTS: This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, which shall be treated as originals in all respects. 5.05 This Agreement is entered into at Thousand Palms, Riverside County, California. 5.06 This Agreement shall not be construed in any way to create a partnership or joint venture in any respect between SUNLINE and CITY, or between SUNRISE and any of SUNLINE'S member entities. SUNRISE is acting purely as an independent contractor and not as an officer, agent, partner, joint venturer and/or employee of SUNLINE for any member entity of SUNLINE. 5.07 NOTICES: Any notices given under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be served either personally or delivered by U.S. mail, postage prepaid, registered or certified mail, return receipt requested. Notices shall be deemed received at the earlier of actual receipt or three days following deposit in U.S. mail, postage prepaid. Notices shall be directed to the following addresses: SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY P.O. Box 398 32-505 Harry Oliver Trail Thousand Palms, CA 92276 CITY OF LA QUINTA P.O. Box 1504 78105 Calle Estado La Quinta, CA 92253 Either party may change its address for notice purposes by giving notice to the other in accordance with Section 5.03, provided that the address change will not be effective until 10 days after notice of the change. 5.08 NON -ASSIGNMENT: Neither SUNLINE nor CITY shall assign or otherwise transfer their rights and obligations under this agreement without prior written consent of the other. Any such assignment without such consent shall be void. at 5.09 HEADINGS: The titles and headings of the various sections of this Agreement are intended solely for convenience of reference and are not intended to explain, modify or alter the terms of this AGREEMENT. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement on the date first above written. SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY Dated: , 1988 BY: Dated: , 1988 " BY: 11 Z AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 8th day of December-, 1987, by and between the SunLine Transit Agency, hereinafter referred to as "SunLine" and SunRise Media, hereinafter referred to as "SunRise". WHEREAS, SunLine is a Joint Powers Entity created pursuant to the laws of the State of California and is operating a public bus transportation service within the Coachella Valley of Southern California, and consists of Cathedral City, Coachella, Desert Hot Springs, Indio, La Quinta, Palm Desert, Palm Springs, Rancho Mirage, and Riverside County, and WHEREAS, SunLine is a separate legal entity apart from its member entities, and, WHEREAS, SunRise is a California General Partnership and is engaged in the business of placing passenger waiting shelters at bus stop locations and seeking advertising revenues therefrom, and WHEREAS, it is mutually advantageous for SunLine and SunRise to enter into an agreement which would seek to improve transit amenities within the Coachella Valley by adding to the number of available bus shelters, and WHEREAS, SunRise is desirous of having SunLine exclusively endorse SunRise to place bus shelters in the Coachella Valley, and WHEREAS, SunRise is aware that the erection of any bus shelters within the boundaries of any individual members of SunLine would have to be in compliance, as determined by that member entity, with its applicable building code ordinances, architectural review ordinances, sign ordinances, and all other applicable ordinances of that member entity. NOW THEREFORE, and in consideration of the mutual promises, covenants and conditions herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: ARTICLE I COMPENSATION 1.1 RATE OF COMPENSATION: For each bus shelter placed in an member entity of SunLine, and approved by that member entity, SunRise shall pay to SunLine a sum of money equal to Fifty Dollars ($50.00) per shelter, per month or Fifteen Percent (15%) of the applicable gross advertising monies, whichever is greater. For a purposes of this Agreement, gross advertising monies received shall be defined as all monies received by SunRise for the selling of advertising space, on each bus shelter together with all other revenues and/or concession income received by SunRise in connection with the operation of the shelters. This additional income, shall include but not be limited to any fees and/or payments received for vending machine concessions, telephone concessions, and the like. Any commissions paid to any advertising agency not related or affiliated with SunRise for the placement of advertising on the bus shelter shall be excluded, provided, however, any commission paid to any affiliate of SunRise which is a reasonable and customary amount for the advertising business shall also be so excluded. In addition to this base amount, SunRise shall further pay to SunLine, the following: (a) In the event sixty to sixty-nine percent of the total advertising space on all shelters is occupied with advertising, in any respect, then SunRise shall pay to SunLine, Fifty ($50.00) dollars per shelter per/month, or Sixteen (16%) percent of gross advertising money, whichever is greater. (b) In the event seventy to seventy-nine percent of the total advertising space on all shelters is occupied with advertising, in any respect, then SunRise shall pay to SunLine, Fifty ($50.00) dollars per shelter per/month, or Seventeen (17%) percent of gross advertising money, whichever is greater. (c) In the event eighty to eighty-nine percent of the total advertising space on all shelters is occupied with advertising, in any respect, then SunRise shall pay to SunLine, Fifty ($50.00) dollars per shelter per/month, or Eighteen (18%) percent of gross advertising money, whichever is greater. (d) In the event ninety to one hundred percent of the total advertising space on all shelters is occupied with advertising, in any respect, then SunRise shall pay to SunLine, Fifty ($50.00) dollars per shelter per/month, or Nineteen (19%) percent of gross advertising money, whichever is greater. (e) In the event one hundred percent of the total advertising space on all shelters is occupied with advertising, in any respect, then SunRise shall pay to SunLine, Fifty ($50.00) dollars per shelter per/month, or Twenty (20%) percent of gross advertising money, whichever is greater. To clarify the calculation of revenue, as an example, SunLine will always receive a minimum of fifty ($50) dollars per shelter per month. If SunRise is operating at eighty (80%) percent occupancy on cash revenue, and ten (10%) percent occupancy on trade revenue, the basis for calculating the per- centage due SunLine would be the total of the eighty (80%) percent cash and ten (10%) percent trade, or a total of ninety (90%) percent. Using the ninety (90%) percent, in this example, SunLine Q would receive nineteen (19%) percent of the net cash portion as the fee for that month, predicated on it being greater than the minimum. There shall be added to the definition of gross advertising monies, all advertising revenue, whether consisting of money, or other consideration, all such non -cash sums or value received in excess of twenty (20%) percent of the gross advertising monies for the first three years of this Agreement. After the first three (3) years of the Agreement, all such non -cash sums or value received in excess of fifteen (15%) percent of the gross advertising monies shall be applicable. 1.2 APPLICABLE REVENUE RATE: It is agreed that the afore- mentioned revenue schedule will be applicable for any SunLine member Agency that has officially accepted shelters. Further, it is agreed that the above revenue schedule will be applicable to any shelter that has been placed for a period of 12 months or more, notwithstanding whether the SunLine member Agency has agreed to long-term placements of shelters. Sunrise agrees to compensate SunLine $50 per shelter per month for any shelter placed in a SunLine member entity that has not agreed to long-term placement but has agreed to the placement of any shelter for a "pilot" program. The pilot program revenue schedule will be limited to a 12 month period for any placement. After a twelve month period all revenue will be based on the "permanent" placement schedules. 1.3 ACCOUNTING: SunRise shall furnish to SunLine all relevant financial information with regards to each bus shelter in each SunLine member entity and the advertising revenues derived therefrom. This information shall be provided to SunLine on a quarterly basis within fifteen (15) days after the close of each calendar quarter. 1.4 TIME OF COMPENSATION: The compensation due SunLine shall be paid quarterly, within fifteen (15) days following the end of each calendar quarter. 1.5 AUDIT: All documents, books and accounting records shall be open for inspection and reinspection at any reasonable time during the term of this agreement and for twelve (12) months thereafter. In addition SunLine may from time to time conduct an audit and reaudit of the books and business conducted by Sunrise and observe the operation of the business so that accuracy of the above records can be confirmed. If the report of gross advertising receipts made by SunRise to SunLine should be found to be less than the amount of gross advertising receipts disclosed by such audit and observation, Sunrise shall pay the delinquent amount within thirty (30) days of billing thereof. If the additional amount due exceeds two percent of the gross advertising receipts and if, in the sole opinion of SunLine, there is no reasonable basis for the failure to report and pay thereon, Sunrise shall also pay the cost WI of the audit. All information obtained in connection with SunLine inspections of records or audit shall be treated as confidential information and exempt from public disclosure thereof. ARTICLE II 2.1 TERM: The term of this agreement shall be for a period of ten (10) years. However, SunLine, upon thirty (30) days advance notice, prior to expiration of this initial term, or the extended term, if applicable may at its option, elect to extend the term of this agreement for each of two (2) additional five (5) year periods, by giving notice thirty (30) days in advance of the expiration of the term. In the event SunLine fails to exercise its right to extend this agreement as herein set forth, this agreement shall terminate, provided however, that SunRise shall have the right to extend this agreement after the initial ten (10) year term as follows: (a) In the event that SunRise, has at any time during the initial term of this agreement, in excess of two hundred (200) shelters in place, with advertising thereon, the SunRise shall have the option upon giving notice to extend the term of this agreement for an additional three (3) years, for each additional fifty (50) shelters in place with advertising located thereon. However, SunRise may not extend the initial ten (10) year term of this agreement beyond a total of ten (10) additional years. ARTICLE III DESIGN CRITERIA 3.1 SHELTER DESIGN: All shelters and related amenities shall be designed and constructed in accordance with and in conformity with plans submitted to and approved by SunLine, up to and including the removable and storage of glass during the summer months, if so desired by SunLine. Further, said plans shall be submitted and approved by each member entity of SunLine in which said shelters are to be placed. Structural integrity of the design is the responsibility of SunRise. 3.2 ROUTINE SHELTER MAINTENANCE: All routine shelter maintenance shall be performed by crews of SunRise based in the Coachella Valley. This is to insure prompt and timely maintenance of said shelters. SunRise shall clean each shelter a minimum of once per week. At each maintenance visit, SunRise shall, as required, clean, wash and remove all graffiti, stickers, posters, litter, dust, sand, dirt and weeds from the shelter to include fifteen (15) feet in circumference of the shelter. The shelter shall be maintained in "like new" condition. Should SunLine find shelters that have not been adequately cleaned, SunRise will Z respond within twenty-four (24) hours after notification and ensure that the aforementioned shelter is adequately cleaned. If SunRise fails to perform adequate and timely maintenance SunLine may use its own personnel to perform necessary maintenance. In that event, the cost of work performed by SunLine including currently effective percentages added to total salaries, wages, and equipment costs to cover overhead, administration, and depreciation will be charged against SunRise. SunRise hereby agrees to -promptly pay any such costs upon billing thereof by SunLine. 3.3 SHELTER REPAIR: SunRise shall further provide that any and all broken glass and/or damaged or defaced shelters shall be corrected and repaired immediately, but in no event longer than four (4) hours from receipt of telephonic notification by SunLine during the hours of 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Monday through Friday, unless such above described damage or defacement, renders the shelter dangerous in which event SunRise shall respond immediately, even if said event takes place on a Saturday or Sunday. In the event SunRise fails to promptly take corrective action to complete any repairs and/or maintenance, or in the event SunLine is unable to contact SunRise by telephone to advise them of the need therefore, SunLine may repair and/or maintain the shelter immediately. SunRise agrees to reimburse SunLine, upon demand, for any and all costs and/or expenses incurred in repair and/or maintenance. 3.4 FAILURE TO MEET DESIGN AND/OR MAINTENANCE RE UIREMENTS In the event SunRise fails to meet or comply with any of the requirements set forth in ARTICLE III, with regard to design, maintenance and/or repair, then said shelters may be immediately removed by SunLine. 3.5 TRASH COLLECTION AND REMOVAL: All shelters shall have self-contained trash receptacles with SunRise to provide for trash removal. Trash removal shall take place at a time sufficiently adequate to ensure and preclude no overflowing of any trash receptacle or containers. 3.6 UTILITIES: All shelters are to have the passenger waiting area illuminated every night of the week all hours that SunLine is operating. The arrangements for and cost of continuing utilities to each site is the responsibility of SunRise. 3.7 VANDALISM: In the event a shelter is consistently subjected to vandalism, and SunRise incurs an unreasonable amount of expenses to maintain such shelter, then upon the approval of SunLine, SunRise may be able to move that shelter to a new location approved by SunLine and any applicable member entity. In the event SunLine and SunRise cannot agree upon what is a substantial amount of vandalism, the parties agree that in the event the shelter expenses incurred in repairing vandalism exceed three (3) times the cost of maintaining the average shelter for a twelve (12) month period commencing January 1 of each calendar year for that shelter, then the parties agree that the shelter may be moved. 19 ARTICLE IV 4.1 PERMITS: SunRise shall be responsible for all costs, including building permits in compliance with all applicable local governmental entity ordinances and regulations, as well as any state and/or federal requirements associated with site development and the construction of this shelter. Further, SunRise will provide SunLine with copies of all building permits/encroachment permits, and all other permits required by each applicable governmental entity prior to proceeding with construction. 4.2 EXISTING SUNLINE AMENITIES: It is agreed that SunRise will move any SunLine amenities that are on a site that is to be used for a SunRise shelter. The amenities are to be moved to a site determined by SunLine, at no cost to SunLine. 4.3 SERVICE REALIGNMENT: Should SunLine alter its service thereby necessitating the removal/movement of shelters along a given route, the realignment would be made by SunRise at no cost to SunLine. Further, all former locations would be restored to their original condition. ARTICLE V 5.1 INSURANCE nrREMENTS: SunRise shall submit to SunLine certificates indicating compliance with the following minimum insurance requirements not less than thirty (30) days prior to the beginning of performance under this agreement. (a) Worker's Compensation Insurance to cover its employees as required by the California Labor Code. It is understood that SunLine, its officers, or employees, will not be responsible for any claims in law or equity occasioned by failure of SunRise to comply with this paragraph. Said certificate of insurance shall contain an endorsement which: (i) Names and lists as additional insured SunLine and each city/county member of SunLine, its officers and employees. (ii) Provides that it shall not be cancelled or materially changed without thirty (30) days written notice thereof given to SunLine by registered mail. SunRise shall require all subcontractors simi- larly to provide such compensation insurance for their respective employees. it (b) Comprehensive Personal Injury and Property Damage Liability Insurance, including automobiles, with minimum personal injury liability limits of $500,000 per/person and $1,000,000 per/occurrence, and property damage limits of $100,000 per/occurrence. Each such policy of insurance shall: (i) Be issued by an insurance company approved in writing which is admitted to do business in the State of California. (ii) Name and list as additional insurance SunLine and each city/county, its officers and employees; (iii) Specify its acts as primary insurance. (iv) Cover the operations of SunRise pursuant to the terms of this agreement. (c) SunRise shall not commence the performance of its services under this contract until the above insurance has been obtained and Certificates of Insurance have been filed with SunLine. ARTICLE VI 6.1 LOCATION OF SHELTER: SunRise shall have the right to recommend site locations for shelters to SunLine. However, SunLine shall retain final approval and/or disapproval for all recommended locations. SunLine shall have the right to notify SunRise, of any shelter location it deems important, and SunRise agrees that upon the request of SunLine, it will place a shelter at that location. 6.2 INSTALLATION SCHEDULE: No later than sixty (60) days subsequent to approval of this agreement, SunRise is to provide SunLine with an installation schedule for each SunLine member entities locations. The installation schedule is to contain a list of all stop locations where SunRise wishes to place shelters. The installation schedule shall be binding upon SunRise, once the SunLine member entity approves of the shelter concept. 6.3 APPLICATION TIRE PERIODS: SunRise shall apply for permits within thirty (30) days from and after approval by SunLine of the installation schedule referred to in Paragraph 6.2 above and shall install its first shelter within thirty (30) days thereafter, unless otherwise approved by SunLine. 6.4 MOVEMEMI OF SHELTERS: Should it be necessary to move a shelter or replace a shelter location that is undesirable, after the shelter has been installed, SunRise will, at its own costs, remove said shelter and move it to a location mutually agreeable to SunLine and SunRise. 11 6.5 SITE RESTORATION: SunRise agrees that any bus shelter locations, which have been abandoned, changed, or otherwise terminated, shall be restored to their original condition and in a manner acceptable to SunLine. Said restoration shall be accomplished at the sole expense of SunRise and at no cost to SunLine and/or any of its member entities. The site restoration is to be completed within sixty (60) days after the date that SunLine notifies SunRise that the site is no longer needed. ARTICLE VII 7.1 TYPE OF ADVERTISING: SunRise agrees that it will utilize the shelters only for advertising material or public service announcements. SunRise agrees to remove any advertising from the shelter which SunLine, at its sole discretion shall determine to be unsuitable for display. In the event SunLine makes such a determination, SunRise agrees that all such advertising shall be removed by SunRise within twenty-four (24) hours after receipt of written notice from SunLine requiring the removal of such advertising. In addition to the foregoing, no advertising or signs or devices shall be permitted in conjunction with the shelter which: (a) Display the words "STOP", "DRIVE-IN", "DANGER", or any other word, phrase, symbol or character which as determined by SunLine may interfere with, mislead or direct vehicular traffic. (b) Comprise rotating, revolving or flashing lighting devices or any other moving parts. (c) Is excessively illuminated for traffic safety reasons as determined by SunLine. (d) In the sole opinion of SunLine, contains any depiction of an act of an immoral, violent, or debasing nature, or otherwise not in keeping with the standards and surroundings of the locale. 7.2 UNSOLD SPACE: SunRise agrees to use unsold space for either SunLine advertising and promotion or public service announcements, with SunLine having first priority. SunLine shall be responsible for submitting to SunRise, the advertising material. a ARTICLE VIII 8.1 PROCEDURE: SunLine agrees that it shall endorse SunRise to its members entities for the placement of bus shelters by SunRise in the area SunLine operates a bus system. SunLine in no way warrants or represents that its member entities will approve any specific shelters, advertising thereon, location thereof or other required compliances with the member entities local applicable ordinances and/or regulations. ARTICLE IX ADDITIONAL OBLIGATIONS OF SUNRISE 9.1 TIME OF PLACEMENT: SunRise agrees to initiate construction of .shelters within ninety (90) days subsequent to the date of city/county approval to proceed. Whenever a shelter is removed, SunRise agrees to restore the site where the shelter was removed to its original condition within ninety (90) days. The concrete pad, however, may remain unless specifically requested to be removed by SunLine with SunLine specifying what hazard or liability exists. 9.2 PLACEMENT REQUESTS: SunRise agrees to comply with all requests of SunLine with regards to the location and placement of shelters, and further agrees that it will not place and locate shelters in any area within SunLine's jurisdiction without the prior approval in writing of SunLine. 9.3 TEMPORARY PLACEMENT REMOVAL: Should a shelter need to be temporarily removed, for such things as road repair, SunRise agrees to temporarily move the shelter and replace the shelter to its original location, after completion of the need for its temporary removal. ARTICLE X INSTALLATION AND REMOVAL OF SHELTERS 10.1 INSTALLATION SCHEDULE: If the total quantity of shelters is over one hundred (100), the shelters will be installed no later than one year from the approval date of each specific shelter site by the individual entity. If the total quantity of shelters is less than one hundred (100), installation is to be completed within six (6) months from the approved dates of each specific shelter site by the individual entity. 10.2 RIGHT TO ERECT SHELTERS AT PARTICULAR 10CATIORS: SunLine agrees that it will exclusively endorse SunRise to erect shelters within the Coachella Valley, and that during the time this agreement is in effect, SunLine will not grant to any company or individual other than SunRise the right to erect additional advertising shelters unless SunLine shall have first offered the additional shelters to the SunRise under terms of this agreement. If SunRise refuses to agree in writing within thirty (30) days of the offer, SunLine may proceed to enter into agreement with other interested parties to erect additional shelters. 10.3 REMOVAL AND/OR TERMINATION: In the event of termination of this agreement, SunRise shall remove all shelters and restore the condition of the property to its condition prior to installation of the bus shelter, in a manner satisfactory and acceptable to SunLine, provided, however, at SunLine's option, and upon written notice to SunRise, SunLine shall have the right to purchase any existing shelters for the price and on the terms and conditions set forth in Paragraph 10.4. 10.4 ESTABLISHED VALUE OF SHELTERS: In the notice given by SunLine as set forth in Paragraph 10.3 above, SunLine shall state the offer purchase price. In the event SunRise objects to said purchase price, SunRise shall notify SunLine of its objection, and within Fifteen (15) days thereafter, and in said notice of objection, shall name an appraiser, who shall act on behalf of SunRise in establishing the value of the shelter. SunLine, shall within Fifteen (15) days after receipt of SunRise's notice, either accept the appraiser named by SunRise, to establish the value or shall name its own appraiser to determine the value. If the two appraisers cannot agree upon a value, then the two appraisers will select a third appraiser who shall determine the value of the shelter and his decision as to the value of the shelter shall be binding on both SunRise and SunLine. SunLine and SunRise, respectively, shall pay their own appraisal costs, unless the ultimate price arrived at through the appraisal process is equal to that original price offered by SunLine. In that event, SunRise shall pay all of the costs of its appraiser as well as the costs of the appraiser retained by SunLine, and the third party appraiser. ARTICLE XI : qU . • K 11.1 BOND AND/OR SURETY: SunRise shall procure, at its expense, and keep in effect all times during the term hereof, a surety bond, cash, or letter of credit, in a form acceptable to SunLine, and in favor of SunLine, an amount equal to Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000.00), and the further sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for each shelter in excess of the first fifty (50) shelters up to a maximum total of Sixty Thousand Dollars ($60,000.00). Said sums shall guarantee the performance by SunRise of all of the terms, covenants, and conditions of this Agreement. L Said bond and/or cash, and/or letter of credit and /or surety shall not be subject to cancellation, withdrawal or other termination, except after the notices to SunLine described hereinafter, by registered mail at least forty-five (45) days prior to the date of cancellation, termination or withdrawal. SunRise shall submit said surety, and/or bond, and/or letter of credit, and/or cash to SunLine concurrently with the execution of this Agreement for SunLine's approval. Said additions thereto, as required for each shelter in excess of fifty (50) shelters, shall be submitted to SunLine, no later than fifteen (15) days, after each fiftieth (50th) shelter, is installed. Said surety, and/or bond, and/or letter of credit, and/or cash shall be kept in effect at all times during the term hereof. SunLine may terminate its obligations under this entire Agreement, upon giving SunRise fifteen (15) days notice, upon SunRise's failure to comply with the terms and conditions of this paragraph 11.1. At any time prior to the expiration of said fifteen (15) days, the breach is cured by SunRise, then this agreement shall remain in full force and effect. 11.2 USE OF FUNDS: SunLine, may use those sums set forth in paragraph 11.1 above, as payment of all its costs, loss of revenues, expenses, including but not limited to, payments for personnel, equipment, electrical energy, supplies, support services, and the like. ARTICLE XII 12.1 SUNLINE BOARD MEETINGS: SunRise agrees that they will attend periodic SunLine Board meetings to apprise the Board of the status of the program upon twenty-four (24) hours notice. 12.2 ANCILLARY ITEMS OTHER THAN SPECIFIED: Any ancillary items to be added to the initial shelter design must be specifically approved and agreed to by SunRise and SunLine. If the item is revenue producing, a specific agreement must be made between the parties hereto before placement can proceed. 12.3 PROVISION OF SCHEDULE provide space in each shelter to information. 12.4 ADVERTISING DISPLAYS: to two displays per shelter with more than 48" wide by 72" long. SPACE: SunRise will SunLine schedule Advertising displays are limited each display "face" measuring no 12.5 SHELTER MOVEMENT FOR SAFETY: If any shelter is discovered to be a traffic hazard or obstruction, it is to be removed by SunRise at no cost to SunLine. 111 12.6 SHELTER MARKINGS: All shelters are to be marked with the SunLine or SunBus logo so that the shelter is identified, by the public, as a SunBus amenity, in lieu of a vendor amenity. 12.7 BANX NOTIFICATION: If any loans are necessary to proceed with the shelter concept, by SunRise Media, it is stipulated herein that SunLine is to receive notice of first default on any said loans. 12.8 BUS BENCHES: In the event SunLine determines that additional seating capacity is required at any shelter, SunRise shall build an additional shelter on that site. In the event there is not sufficient room for another shelter or it cannot be built, then SunRise agrees to install additional backless benches at the shelter. The new shelter or if it cannot be constructed, the additional benches shall be installed within thirty (30) days after request by SunLine and in accordance with applicable SunLine member entity permits. 12.9 ATTORNEYS FEES: In any dispute between the parties, whether or not resulting in litigation, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover from the other party all reasonable costs, including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees. "Prevailing party" shall include, without limitation, a party who dismisses an action for recovery in exchange for sums allegedly due, performance for covenants allegedly breached or considerations substantially equal to the relief sought in the action, or which receives, in connection with any dispute, performance from the other party substantially equivalent to any of these. 12.10 NON-DISCRIMINATION: SunRise agrees that in hiring employees for work under this agreement, or any subcontract hereunder, neither he, nor any person acting on his behalf shall by reason of race, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, physical handicap, or sex, discriminate against any person who is qualified and available to perform the work to which the employment relates. Nor will SunRise discriminate against or intimidate any employee hired for the performance or work under this agreement on account of race, religion, color, national origin, ancestry or sex. In the event of SunRise's noncompliance with the non-discrimination provision of this agreement, SunLine shall impose such agreement sanctions as it may determine to be appropriate, including but not limited to: cancellation, termination or suspension of the Agreement. 12.11 SUBCONTRACTOR: No subcontractor will be recognized as such, and all persons engaged in the work will be considered as employees of SunRise and SunRise will be held responsible. 12.12 EVENT OF DEFAULT: SunRise is in default and SunLine may cancel, terminate or suspend this agreement upon the happening of one or more of the following events or conditions: 11 (a) Non-payment or non-performance of any indebtedness, liability, or obligation due from SunRise to SunLine. SunRise. (b) The suspension, business failure or receivership of (c) The institution of proceedings by or against SunRise under the bankruptcy laws of the United States. (d) An assignment for the benefit of creditors by SunRise of the collateral. (e) The levy, seizure, or attachment of the collateral or any part of it. (f) Dissolution, merger, consolidation, or transfer of a substantial part of the property of SunRise without approval of SunLine. (g) Failure of SunRise to perform in conformity with the terms of this Agreement. 12.13 CANCELLATION PR_EVNTION: SunRise's surety which has been previously approved by SunLine shall have the right at any time during the term of this agreement to undertake any and all action that may be required in order to prevent a cancellation of this agreement. Accordingly, SunLine shall send a copy of any intended cancellation of this agreement to any of the aforementioned parties whose security would be affected thereby, and upon request thereof for postponement, extend the date set therefore by such time as SunLine finds reasonable in order to allow said parties to correct the grounds therefore. 12.14 TITLE IMPROVEMENTS: Ownership of all structures, constructed and maintained by SunRise pursuant to the agreement shall remain in the ownership of SunRise until termination or cancellation of the agreement. Upon termination or cancellation of the agreement, SunRiss has ninety (90) working days after receipt of Notice of Termination or Cancellation of the agreement to remove shelters. SunRise shall maintain the shelters until they are removed pursuant to this section. If SunRise neglects or fails to take necessary action during the prescribed period or neglects or fails to remove the shelters as required, SunLine may remove the shelters at SunRise's or surety's expense and upon written notice to SunRise, SunLine reserves the right to take ownership of the shelters without compensation being paid to SunRise therefor. 12.15 PROJECT MANAGER (SUNRISE): SunRise agrees that Franklin W. Jones shall be the Project Manager for all aspects of the work to be performed hereunder. Said Project Manager shall have full authority to act for the SunRise. SunRise shall notify SunLine in writing of any subsequent changes in the Project Manager. L9 12.16 PROJECT MANAGER (SUNLINEI: The General Manager or his designate shall be the Project Manager for all aspects of the work to be performed hereunder. Said Project Manager shall have full authority to act for SunLine. SunLine shall notify SunRise in writing of any subsequent changes in Project Manager. 12.17 ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This Agreement, together with the attached request for proposal, and the attached response from SunRise Media contains the entire Agreement of the parties relating to the rights granted and the obligations assumed herein. Any oral representations or modifications concerning this instrument shall be of no force or effect unless contained in a subsequent written modification signed by all parties hereto. In the event the request for proposal/response and this Agreement are inconsistent in any way, then the terms of this Agreement shall be binding and shall control. 12.18 NOTICES: Any notices given under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be served either personally or delivered by U.S. mail, postage prepaid, registered or certified mail, return receipt requested. Notices shall be deemed received at the earlier of actual receipt or three days following deposit in U.S. mail, postage prepaid. Notices shall be directed to the following addresses: SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY P.O. Box 398 32-505 Harry Oliver Trail Thousand Palms, CA 92276 SUNRISE MEDIA 303 North Indian Avenue Palm Springs, CA 92262 Either party may change its address for notice purposes by giving notice to the other in accordance with this Section, provided that the address change will not be effective until 10 days after notice of the change. 12.19 NON -ASSIGNMENT: SunRise shall not assign or otherwise transfer their rights and obligations under this agreement without prior written consent of SunLine. Any such assignment without such consent shall be void and shall, at the option of SunLine terminate this agreement. 12.20 NON -PARTNERSHIP: This agreement shall not be construed in any way to create a partnership between SunLine and SunRise, between SunLine and any of its member entities or between SunRise and any of SunLine's member entities. SunRise is acting purely in a capacity of an independent contractor and further, not as an officer, agent, partner and/or employee of SunLine. :w 12.21 ARBITRATION: Any controversy between the parties hereto involving the construction or application of any of the terms, covenants, or conditions of this Agreement, shall on written request of one party served on the other be submitted to arbitration, and such arbitration shall comply with and be governed by the provisions of the California Arbitration Act, Sections 1280 through 1294.2 of the California Code of Civil Procedure. The parties shall each appoint one person to hear and determine the dispute and if they shall be unable to agree, then the two persons so chosen shall select a third impartial arbitrator whose decision shall be final and conclusive upon both parties hereto. The cost of such arbitration shall be borne by the losing party or in such proportions as the arbitrator shall decide. 12.22 HEADINGS: The titles and headings of the various sections of this AGREEMENT are intended solely for convenience of reference and are not intended to explain, modify or alter the terms of this AGREEMENT. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement on the date first above written. SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY Dated. AZ/ 6 , 1987 BY: V-eo-'/--' -'^^ Lee Norwine General Manager SUNI r Dated.. , 1987 BY. Dated: Dec %r , 1987 Dated: A C. /-�— , 1987 Dated: Ac . , 1987 DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA JUNE 7, 1988 CITY COUNCIL ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR COMMUNITY SERVICES GRANT AWARDS 3USkheSS S-SS1o,J:5 Following are the recommendations made by the Community Services Commission at their meeting of May 31, 1988: APPLICANT REQUESTED AMOUNT AMOUNT RECEIVED Desert Sands School District (Project CEASE) $3,000 $1,500 C. V. Counseling $2,500 $1,000 C. V. Rec. & Park District $8,000 $3,500* Desert Area Meals On Wheels $3,453 $3,500 Harvest of Wellness $1,000 200 L.Q. FireBelles $1,650 $1,650 L.Q. Historical Society $4,329 $2,000 L.Q. PGA West Volunteer Fire Co. $30,000 Withdrawn L.Q. PGA West Volunteer Fire Co. $2,129 $2,000 L.Q. Sports & Youth Assoc. $10,500 $3,500** L.Q. Volunteer Fire Dept. $4,932 $2,500*** RCCADV $4,835 $21900**** $70,328 $24,250 11 * Granted for electronic score board ** Granted for pitching machine and batting cage *** Granted for two H.T. transceivers **** Figure represents the City's proportionate share excluding the City's proportionate share of the desert area shelter, which has been abandoned for this year. The Community Services Commission wished to have their feelings about the requests of "Meals On Wheels"; "L.Q. PGA West Volunteer Fire Company"; and L.Q. Volunteer Fire Department" expressed, in that they feel that these requests are "general operating expenses" that should be funded by the City's operating budget. However, recognizing that the City's budget for FY 1988/89 has been generally formulated, they did approve the requests for grants. .q BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA TO: Ron Kiedrowski, City Manager FROM: Frank Reynolds, Director of Public Works/City l Engineer DATE: June 1, 1988 SUBJECT: Speed Zone Survey The engineering and traffic study recommended by the Technical Traffic Committee and authorized by the City Council has been completed, and the resulting report is attached. The speed limit recommendations contained in the report are as follows: Avenue 52. Post a 50 mph speed limit between the soccer field and the curve west of Washington Street. This area currently is not posted; therefore, the prima facie limit of 55 mph presently applies. Avenida Bermudas. Retain the 45 mph posting. Calle Tampico. Post a 45 mph speed limit between Washington Street and Desert Club Drive and 35 mph between Desert Club Drive and Eisenhower Drive. The street currently is not posted. Eisenhower Drive. Retain the 45 mph between Avenida Bermudas and Calle Durango and between Avenue 50 and Washington Street. Jefferson Street. Post 40 mph between Highway 111 and Westward Ho Drive. The area presently is not posted. Washington Street. Retain 45 mph from Highway 111 to 3,400 feet south (approximately at St. Francis Church). L SPEED ZONE SURVEY JUNE 11 1988 PAGE 2 Two steps are necessary in order to implement these recommendations so that radar can be used to enforce the posted speeds. First, the existing ordinance should be amended to set forth in more general terms the authority to make changes to speed limits established by State law. Second, a resolution should be adopted setting forth the speed limits cited above. It is recommended that these two steps be taken by the City Council. FR/lmm attachment engsped.fr Z ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 12, CHAPTER 12.20, SECTION 12.20.010 LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE. _. The City Council of the City of La Quinta does ordain as follows: Title 12, Chapter 12.20, amended to read as follows: "State speed laws applicable. hereby Section 12.20.010 is hereby The State traffic laws regulating the speed of vehicles shall be applicable upon all streets within this City, except as this ordinance, as authorized by State law, hereby declares and determines upon the basis of an engineering and traffic investigation that certain speed regulations shall be applicable upon specified streets or in certain areas, in which event it shall be unlawful for any person to drive a vehicle at a speed in excess of any speed so declared in this ordinance when signs are in place giving notice thereof." Title 12, Chapter 12.20, Section 12.20.020 is hereby added to read as follows: "Authority to regulate speeds. (a) Upon the basis of an engineering and traffic investigation, the City Council by resolution, may decrease maximum speed limits at intersections and outside urban districts and increase limits within urban districts. (b) Upon the basis of an engineering and traffic investigation, the City Council by resolution may determine the maximum speed limits on arterial streets. (c) Speed limits established pursuant to this section shall be applicable at all or such times as shall be indicated by official traffic control devices." u PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this day of June, 1988 by the City Council of the City of La Quinta by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: WILLIAM R. HOYLE, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: SAUNDRA L. JUHOLA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California Ordinance No. TO VIEW THE TRAFFIC SURVEY, PLEASE SEE LASERFICHE PUBLIC WORKS folder > SPEED LIMIT/TRAFFIC SURVEYS subfolder CONSENT ITEM NO.: a = ST m sx H L s\+U \Oa¢ W ^J Y'A >z K W J 1 ii UL E YG v 3 YL N Z ZiY z 6QrZ 9 j coQ\.>3f W j!w p O:J 11 a[J O ii. 9 SZ ^ZZ1 G 6� G 3 \.+Lf QL CL Opc u G Z 1 V L -G ^J F -W x W W� xz '9ii r- Q 1 :LS L J.la W Dw 0 J\T,OLCQ=lf Sj1J QG Y NJL Z oz 62 m xc FQ N _ Y S UT wo" ZZZNs}i T:L1 Y ZZ :7 y HU Z 7=\Z ^:. -' JZ W 1rzi.vH.A ,C S�47]_S,-9.+F(t U 7\ UY -u^+ w�U •ZZCl�Y L7 W K zxwt x TD 0 �J4WSJ7HJ i7 :CY S2Y6QJ\sE W Y +"/r .+r WZ :.iQS'\ L�00>\ Y¢G�SW W iY2 W Y 4rN v W 4i It �Lu RA, s! \G33 S.'7 \ Q �v.7 ZQ YHZi�td Y ZlC i- Y �:r W S'�L Ji. 13w WDH�U CcT r x z . -O:jvl{1SZ -:; Y Z �H J:J,J '+Z -U' 1 u' �+J ^J '� -� 0.iQ'D L.1'iY :i: I uA;S 1 vi L - 'J¢L¢^r1Q t G O �.r. 7-..+YL FL J . W 7�Y ^Y QQY W OJZ :LGMx W W a. 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Cif' -CiN 1-1C1 +NC - \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ tly i? i'- 47 t: k: C. 0 4i ki k? 4'- 61 Y: e, k? Y: Y: Y'. 6i 41 L'. L'. h'. ,r (A 24U4 '?6i HR PAOL 3 CASH DISBURSE14W LJIX2R DATI aIWCK IN FAVOk OF CHF1'.K AMUUNI LNLUMH UE.6Ck'(P'IION TrW it Ni.IMIJER AMOI.INT NUMHEk 3595 VOID • 5/:'r•. OR '.i646 RIVERl9IDE, UI'A.INIY OF J.O.00 10.00 PARCEL CURREI.:I ION 37.63 ROI..L TOWELS 6 STIRS S%1a. Wl 3647 SECRETARY (;Uf-FVF: SERVICE 93.63 56.00 11ARA UEUAF' 111.24 SIJPF'L1E:S P./_4'111 3648 RE:RVICF AIJ1'(:1 PAR'TU 69.813 5.36- SUPP1.ALS CREDIT MEMO 5/20- ds 3649 SMART 6 FINAL 58.25 55. 25 SUPPLIES 11.60- MLLOICAL INS/-)UNE 14.60- MEDICAL INS JUNE 300.00 MU SALARY/JUNE 5/26' dS 3650 SNIFF, SIANLEY 42.3.72 150.00 AU10 COMP/JUNE 536.00 PROFESSIONAL SERV MAY 00 3651. SOIL AND 'Ik.tiTINO ENOINE:ER 1'235.00 399.00 EI5E:NHUWEk Uk/SIRLK:I- EVAL ':I13 3652 STOCKWEL.L, 6 H.(NNEY 454.45 4U4.4!j SUPPLI6.S 30.53 kEFLECIORS 5/26!(1S 36."J3 TOPS i BARRSCAUES INC 103.03 '72.20 SIUNS 392.13 1047 WE-E.DEATER 271.31 1040 LINE. TRIMMER 9.14 1041 BLADE ADAPIOk/BRUSH 5/:'r, 1IR 3654 TORO FULIIF AND TRRDUA'IION 691.66 19.00 CYCLE OIL 5/:1a 10 36.:,5 VOR INC 70.00 70.00 3.046 VOk URAFF I I I REMOVER 5/:1e•1U4 3656 WEL.CWS UNIFORM kEN'TAL 16.50 16.50 ROO RENTAL 110 3687 WILLDAN ASH(J(.:IAIVE; 1,510099 1,510.99 PLAN CHECK UERV/APRIL. nR 3658 1-1.1 INVESTMENT COMPANY 241.35 241.35 JUNE RENT Sk CENTEk 511e._♦III 565Rw SIGNAL. MAINTE.NANC:k: LNG 44,030.26 44,030.26 PROU PAY 1/61UNAL/WASH•-50 _. .._ _....__..._, GRAND TOTAL. DE:MANDfi..._.... _......__._..... 312,7E11.37 ww Payroll P.E. 5/27/88 27,178.29 $ 339,959.66 a 9 Z TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: STUDY SESSION ITEM NO.: 2 MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA Ron Kiedrowski, City Manager Roger Hirdler, Community Safety Director May 31, 1988 Lot Cleaning Procedures The present lot cleaning process is as follows: 1. Which lots constitute a fire hazard? That is determined by the proximity of grass and bush to structures and/or fences. Due to the small lot size, it usually means cleaning the whole lot, particularly if the subject lot is between two structures. The fire code calls for a clear area of 30 feet from the property line. 2. Public nuisance or eyesore. been dumped on and there is Also, there are lots that Verde) on them, that in turn children. Usually means the lot has a large amount of debris. have overgrown trees (Palo becomes an attraction to 3. Our procedure is to allow 21 days from the date the notice is mailed to have the abatement completed. Extensions are freely granted if contact has been made with code enforcement or if progress on the abatement is being accomplished. Approximately 80 to 85 per cent of the property owners comply with the abatement notices. RH/lmm