1990 10 16 CCd_ I I CITY COUNCIL AGENDA CITY COUNCIL CHANBERS 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, California 92253 REGULAR NEKTING October 16, 1990 7:00 P.M. CALL To ORDER Beginning Res. No. 90-76 Ord. No. 182 a) Pledge of Allegiance b) Roll Call CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA PRESENTATION OF LA QUINTA BEAUTIFUL AWARDS FOR SEPTEMBER MOST BEAUTIFUL Eugene & alla Beloff, 54-780 Avenida Obregon MOST IMPROVED Aureliano & Amalia Leyva, 53-360 Avenida Diaz ANNOUNCKMIZS PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Continued Public Hearing on Tentative Tract 26139 to Divide Tract 21643 into 37 Residential Lots for Construction of 601 Condominium Units on 81 Acres Within PGA West and Confirmation of Environmental Determination Applicant: Sunrise Desert Partners. a) Resolution Action. 2. Continued Public Hearing on General Plan Amendment 90-033 and Changes of Zone and Confirmation of Environmental Determinations: a. Application by Valley Land Development for General Plan Amendment from Residential 2-A,MF and 2B to Medium High Density, Commercial and Low Density Residential and Change of Zone from R-3-2000 and R-1-12,000 to R-2, R-1 & CP in the Area in the Northeast Corner of Fred Waring Drive and Washington Street. BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ b. Application by James Notter, Paul Harris/City of La Quinta for General Plan Amendment from 3B AMD Agricultural to Low Density Residential and Change of Zone from A-1-20/A-1-5 to R-1-14,000 Between Avenue 52, Madison, Monroe and Avenue 53; and General Plan Amendment from Planned Residential Reserve to Low Density Residential and Change of Zone from A-1-20 to R-1 on the Northwest Corner of Avenue 58 and Madison. a) Resolution Action. b) Motion to take up Ordinance No. by title and number only and waiver further reading. C) Motion to Introduce Ordinance No. on first reading. 3. Environmental Review for Proposed Bear Creek Bikeway. a) Minute Order Action. 4. Lot Cleanings/Weed Abatements and Placement of 1991/92 Tax Rolls: a. San Fernando Swap Meet APN 773-281-019 $150.00 b. San Fernando Swap Meet APN 774-075-008 $150.00 C. Donald Mehry APN 774-283-004 $150.00 d. Maria Corral APN 774-113-004 $150.00 e. David Sass APN 774-074-020 $150.00 f. Harold Stone APN 774-215-014 $150.00 g. Alcon Enterprises APN 774-223-003 $150.00 h. Josephine Harris APN 773-335-022 $150.00 i. Robert I. Lipton APN 773-335-020 $150.00 a) Resolution Action. WRITTEN COZZICATIONS a. Letter from California State University San Bernardino regarding tobacco control projects. BUSINESS SESSION 1. Consideration of Variance to Avenida Montezuma Street Width. a) Minute Order Action. AM BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_2. Consideration of Amendment to Section 260.140 and 2.60.150 to Title 2 of the Municipal Code Regarding Administration and Personnel. a) Motion to take up Ordinance No. by title and number only and waiver further reading. b) Motion to Introduce Ordinance No. on first reading. 3. Consideration of Entering Into Agreement with Gruen Associates to Provide Architectural Design Services for La Quinta Library. a) Minute Order Action. 4. Consideration of Authorization to Contract with Ray Lopez for Professional Services for Design of Proposed Park Sites Along Bear Creek Channel. a) Minute Order Action. 5. Consideration of Proposal for Interim Code Enforcement Legal Counsel. a) Minute Order Action. 6. Acceptance of Report on Planning Commission Action on Plot Plan 90-453 & Variance 90-013 to Allow Construction of Retail Building at the Southeast Corner of Avenida La Fonda & Desert Club Dr. Applicant: Oranco Development. 7. Second Reading of Ordinance No. 181 Re: Boards & Commissions CONSENT CALKNDAR 1. Approval of Demand Register 2. Approval of Minutes of October 2, 1990. 3. Authorization to Release Grading Bonds in the Amount of $87,675 Tract 23935, 1 & 2. 4. Approval of Special Advertising Device 90-009 for a Searchlight at the La Quinta Hotel on October 31, 1990 Between 5:00 P.M. & 9:00 P.M.. 5. Adoption of Resolution Establishing Traffic Controls During Skins Game November 23-25, 1990. 3 BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_6. Acceptance of Report of Planning Commission Action on Variance 90-012 to Allow Off-Site Location of a Monument Subdivision Identification Sign on the South Side of Avenue 50 Between Washington St. & Park Avenue Applicant: M. J. Brock & Sons. 7. Approval of Final Tract Map 25389-2 Desert Fairways and Approval of Related Subdivision Improvement Agreements M. J. Brock and Sons, Inc. 8. Approval of Additional Appropriation for Sculpture/Art at Civic Center Site. 9. Approval of Final Tract Map 26152 Wilma Pacific, Inc. Lake La Quinta. 10. Authorization to Release Letters of Credit Nos. 2186 $20,000) and 2286 $13,600) Landmark Land Co. of California Plot Plan No. 86-285. 11. Adoption of Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a Supplemental Cooperation Agreement with La Quinta Redevelopment Agency Relating to Public Improvements. COUNCIL CONKENT PUBLIC CONKENT CLOSKI) SESSION a. Discussion of On-Going Litigation Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 Parc La Quinta Indio Case No. 60188 La Quinta Dunes b. Discussion of Potential Litigation Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 Mobil Gas Station at Highway 111 and Jefferson c. Discussion of Land Acquisition Through Eminent Domain Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 Burkett Property Indio Case No. 60203 d. Discussion of Personnel Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957 e. Discussion of Negotiations with Transpacific Development Co. Regarding Specific Plan 89-14. ADJOURNMENT 76 BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ STUDY SESSION AGENDA Monday, October 15, 1990 NOTE: Action on any of the following matters may be taken during the regularly scheduled Council meeting of October 16, 1990. 1. Report and Update of La Quinta Chamber of Commerce. 2. Discussion of Re-Formation of Environmental Conservation Committee. 3. Discussion of Vacancy on Planning Commission and Community Services Commission. 4. Report from Les Cleveland Regarding CVAG Activities. 5. Discussion of Planning Commission Action re: Plot Plan 90-453 and Variance 90-013 for a Retail Building at the Southeast Corner of Avenida La Fonda & Desert Club Dr. Applicant: Oranco Development. DEPARTNENTAL REPORTS a. City Manager b. City Attorney c. Assistant City Manager d. Administrative Services Director e. Building and Safety Director f. Planning Director g. Public Works Director REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEKS a. CVAG Committee Reports b. Planning Commission Minutes of September 25, 1990. c. Community Services Commission Minutes of September 24, 1990. BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ SCREDULE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS AND EVERTS October 15, 1990 CC Study Session 3:00 P.M. October 16, 1990 CC Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. 7october 22, 1990 PC Study Session 4:00 P.M. October 23, 1990 PC Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. October 27, 1990 LA QUINTA VILLAGE FAIRE October 29, 1990 CSC Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. November 05, 1990 CC Study Session 3:00 P.M. November 06, 1990 ELECTION DAY November 06, 1990 CC Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. November 12, 1990 PC Study Session 4:00 P.M. November 13, 1990 PC Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. October 21-24, 1990 ANNUAL LEAGUE OF CALIF. CITIES CONFERENCE CC CITY COUNCIL PC PLANNING COMMISSION CSC COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Saundra L. Juhola, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, do hereby declare that the foregoing agenda for the City Council meeting of October 16, 1990 was posted on the outside entry to the Council Chamber, 78-105 Calle Estado and on the bulletin board at the La Quinta Post Office on October 12, 1990. October 12, 1990. Z 2/S AUNDRA L. JUHOLA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_0 /7 0 OF COUNCIL MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 16, 1990 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING ON BUSINESS SESSION: TENTATIVE TRACT 26139 TO DIVIDE TRACT 26143 INTO 37 RESIDENTIAL CONSENT CALENDAR: LOTS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF 601 CONDOMINIUM UNITS ON 81 ACRES STUDY SESSION: WITHIN PGA WEST AND CONFIRMATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION. APPLICANT: SUNRISE DESERT PARTNERS BACKGROUND: The Planning Cornrnission at their meeting of October 9, Z990, recommended approval of this tract subject to conditions, modifying conditions 9 & 21. The attached City Council report discusses the action of the Planning Commission. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION: Move to adopt City Council Resolution 90- granting City Council approval of Tentative Tract 26139, subject to conditions. Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council: ZZ/ROWSK( CITY MANAG<>ER Z Z 1 BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ STAFF REPORT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 16, 1990 PROJECT: TENTATIVE TRACT 26139 LOCATION: GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF MADISON STREET AT IT'S INTERSECTION WITH 56TH AVENUE WITHIN PGA WEST SEE ATTACHMENT #1 OF PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DATED SEPTEMBER 11, 1990). APPLICANT: SUNRISE COMPANY OWNER: LANDMARK LAND COMPANY REQUEST: APPROVAL TO SUBDIVIDE +81 ACRES INTO 37 RESIDENTIAL CONDOMINIUM LOTS TO ALLOW FOR DEVELOPMENT OF 601 CONDOMINIUM UNITS. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS: THE LA QUINTA PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR HAS DETERMINED THAT THIS MAP IS EXEMPT FROM CEQA UNDER PROVISIONS OF CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENTAL CODE SECTION 65457. AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT WAS PREPARED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE OVERALL PGA WEST SPECIFIC PLAN11, AND WAS CERTIFIED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON MAY 1, 1984. A SUBSEQUENT SUPPLEMENTAL EIR WAS PREPARED AND ADOPTED AS PART OF AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO THE PGA WEST SPECIFIC PLAN, AND WAS CERTIFIED ON SEPTEMBER 20, 1988. GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL 2-4 UNITS/ACRE) EXISTING ZONING: R-2 BACKGROUND: Tentative Tract 26139 is a development map proposal located within a portion of previously approved Tract 21643, which subdivided a larger area of PGA West into lots for land sales to Sunrise. Some of these lots have been sold to Sunrise and are now being proposed for development through the establishment of this tentative tract. See Attachment #2 of attached Planning Comission Staff report dated September 11, 1990). nnn Zr'C 1- BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_Tentative Tract 26139 was initially scheduled for your September 18, 1990, meeting refer to attached Planning Commission Staff report, presented on that date). However, the Applicant has requested subsequent continuances at the Planning Commission level to address wording in the conditions. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: At their meeting of October 9, 1990, the Planning Commission did hold the continued Public Hearing on Tentative Tract 26139, and did adopt Planning Commission Resolution 90-036, to recommend to City Council approval of Tentative Tract 26139 subject to the Conditions as recommended by Staff. Prior to the action there was discussion regarding Condition number 9 & 21. A. The Planning commission revised Condition No. 9 to read as follows: 1Y9 The tract grading plan shall be prepared by a registered civil engineer and approved by the City Engineer prior to final map approval. The registered civil engineer charged with compliance responsibility shall make the following certifications upon completion of construction: a. All grading work complies with the ordinances and thereby can be certified that the grading is in full compliance with those documents. b. The finished building pad elevations conform with the approved grading plans. B. The Planning Commission revised Condition No. 21 as follows: 21. Traffic signals are required at the following intersections: Madison Street at Airport Boulevard: Applicant/Developer is responsible for 50% of the cost to design and construct the signal. Installation of this signal shall be based upon justification(s) as identified in a traffic study, to be prepared by the Applicant/Developer. Said traffic study shall be prepared and signal installed when warranted by said traffic study to the requirements of the City Engineer prior to the release of any subdivision bonds for Tentative Tract 26139. The balance of the Conditions were adopted as recommended by Staff. M N N N BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_! NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_" NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_# NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_$ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_% NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_& NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_' 1? I 2 COUNCIL MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 16, 1990 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: PUBLIC HEARING ON GENERAL PLAN BUSINESS SESSION: AMENDMENT 90-033 AND CHANGE OF ZONE 90-061 PREANNEXATION ZONING CONSENT CALENDAR: FOR 1 ANNEXATION REQUEST. STUDY SESSION: BACKGROUND: This item was continued by the Planning Commission to their meeting of October 23, 1990, at the request of the Applicant. Therefore, City Council action cannot occur at this meeting. It would be appropriate to continue this item to the November 20, 1990, meeting. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION: Continue this item to the meeting of November 20, 1990. Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council: gn re &jRO;DROWSKI, CITY MANAGER CC#l0/16.F4/CS BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_(OCT Z9 *Z 15:Z2 TO Z5617 ZROM ZRLLEY LRND DEV. CO. T-Z P. Z October 9, 1990 Mg. Sue StedinZ Vice Chairperson Planning Commission City of La Quinta Post Office Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Ms. StedinZ I would like t6 request continuaiiZe of Preannexation Zoning 90-061, General Plan Arnendrnent 90-033 untIl your next regularly Zcheduled meeting on OCtober 23, 1990. YourZ truly, Thomas A. Z TAT:jb Ti- AND DEVELOPA ZNT COMpANY 42600 COOK Z 160/ FZZM DEZERT; CA 922601(619) 568-ZAOO/ BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_) 0 z COUNCIL MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 16, 1990 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: Z L CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING ON GENERAL PLAN BUSINESS SESSION: AMENDMENT 90-033 AND PREANNEXATION ZONING 90-060 LOCATED SOUTH AND SOUTHEAST OF THE CONSENT CALENDAR: CURRENT CITY LIMITS. STUDY SESSION: BACKGROUND: The Planning Commission on October 9, 1990, considered a continued Public Hearing on the above applications. After discussion, the Commission recommended approval of the pre annexation zoning and General Plan Amendment as presented. FISCAL IMPLICATION: APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION: Open the Public Hearing, take testimony, close the Hearing and continue the discussion to the November 20th Council meeting, thereby allowing the both General Plan Amendments to be acted upon concurrently with one action. Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council: /iZ &Z RON KIEDROWSKI, CITY MANAGER y CC*1O/2.F1/bj 1; BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_* PH-2 STAFF REPORT PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: OCTOBER 9, 1990 ITEM: PREANNEXATION ZONING 90-060, GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 90-033 APPLICANT: JAMES MOTTER/PAUL HARRIS/CITY OF LA QUINTA PROJECT DESCRIPTION: PREANNEXATION ZONING AND GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT TO DESIGNATE THIS AREA FOR FUTURE ANNEXATION. LOCATIONS: AREA 1: BETWEEN AVENUE 52, MADISON AND MONROE AND 53RD AVENUE AREA 2: PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF 58TH AVENUE AND MADISON. BACKGROUND: AREA 1 This area contains approximately 240 acres. The area is within our Sphere of Influence. The City received a request for annexation for a part of the area, which was considered by the City Council on April 17, 1990. The City Council directed Staff to proceed with processing the application for the entire area. AREA 2 This area contains approximately 100 acres. The area is within our Sphere of Influence. The City received a request for annexation for a part of the area which was considered by the City Council on May 15, 1990. The City Council directed Staff to proceed with processing the application for the entire area EXISTING CONDITIONS/LAND USES: AREA 1 This area contains seven single family homes, orchards, and undeveloped desert. The majority of the property is still in orchard production. The adjacent areas have similar uses. AREA 2 This area contains six single family homes, orchards, and undeveloped desert. PGA West is to the north, with the remainder of the adjacent areas developed with similar uses. STAFFRPT.009 1 BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_+ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: An Environmental Assessment has been prepared, adoption of a Negative Declaration is recommended. EXISTING COUNTY LAND USES DESIGNATED: AREA 1 This area is designated residential 3-A and 3-B. Category 3-A permits 4-2 dwelling units per acre, and 3-B permits 2- 4 dwelling units per acre. AREA 2 This area is designated Planned Residential Reserve which permits 0-5 dwelling units per acre. EXISTING COUNTY ZONING: AREA 1 Areas 1 and 2 are zoned A-1-20, permitting one unit per 20 acres. PROPOSED ZONING: AREA 1 The Applicant is requesting a zoning district to permit 14,000 square foot lots. The zoning to accommodate this is R-1-14000. AREA 2 The Applicant is requesting R-1 zoning which permits 7,200 square foot lots. ANALYSIS: AREA 1 1. This area is adjacent, on the north, to the Indio Ranchos Annexation. The area to the east is in the City of Coachelia Sphere of Influence, proposed zoning is unknown. 2. The area is adjacent to Annexation #5, which has been submitted to LAFCO. This area can not be submitted for annexation until Annexation area #5 is within the City. It is anticipated that this will be completed by December. 3. The area to the east and south, currently within Annexation #5, is prezoned at R-1-20,000 and General Plan designated as Very Low Density Residential, 0-2 units per acre. 4. The 40 acres located at the southeast corner of 52nd Avenue and Madison Street will be developed as part of a larger residential Specific Plan development, at approximately 3 dwelling units per acre. AREA 2: 1. This area is also adjacent to Annexation #5. STAFFRPT.0O9 2 Ms BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_, NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_- NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_. NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_/ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_0 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_1 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_2 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_3 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_4 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_5 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_6 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_7 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_8 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_9COUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 16, 1990 AGENDA CATEGORY: PUBLIC HEARING: 3 ITEM TITLE: BUSINESS SESSION: ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW FOR PROPOSED BEER CREEK CHANNEL BIKEWAY. CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: BACKGROUND: Attached is the Negative Declaration prepared by the CityZs Planning and Development Department in response to the proposed Bear Creek Channel bikeway/jogging trail and mini-parks. In review of the Negative Declaration it is anticipated this project will have significant beneficial recreational improvement to the environment of the City of La Quinta. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION: Consideration of the proposed Negative Declaration. Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council: RON KIEDROWSKI, CITY MANAGER 7 BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_: ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM Z I. Background 1. Name of Proponent Z 2. Address & Phone Number of Proponent 1Z-fZ6 Z Z 3. Date Checklist Submitted Z 4. Agency Requiring Checklist YA 5. Name of Proposal, if applicable Z Zii II. Environmental Impacts Explanation of yes" & maybe" answers are required on attached sheets.) YES MAYBE NO 1. Earth. Will the proposal result in: a. Unstable earth conditions or in changes in geologic substructures? b. Disruptions, displacements, compaction or over covering of the soil? c. Change in topography or ground surface relief features? d. The destruction, covering or modification of any unique geologic or physical features. e. Any increase in wind or water erosion of soils, either on or off the site? f. Changes in deposition or erosion of beach sands or changes in siltation, deposition or erosion which may modify the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, inlet or lake? g. Exposure of people or property to geologic hazards such as earthquakes, landslides, mud slides, ground failure or similar hazards? BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_; NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_< NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_= NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_> NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_? NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_@ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_A NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_B NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_C 0 C7Ve.AAA'LZZ 2 COUNCIL MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 16, 1990 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: WEED ABATEMENT/LOT CLEANING BUSINESS SESSION: ASSESSMENTS FOR PLACEMENT ON 90/91 PROPERTY TAX ROLL CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: BACKGROUND: The purpose of this hearing is to provide the Council the opportunity to hear and consider all public objections and protests if any, to the report filed with the Council containing a description of each real property parcel cleared or cleaned by the City of La Quinta. Notices of tonight's public hearing were sent to the property owners, advising them of the hearing date. No written communications have been received regarding this matter. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION: Following public comment and close of public hearing, it is respectfully recommended that the Council take the following action: 1. Adopt the proposed Resolution, approving and adopting the Resolution to place the cost of cleaning said lots on the 1990/91 property tax rolls. Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council: Signature7 RON KIEDROWSKI, CITY MANAGER CC#l0/16 F5/CS BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_D RESOLUTION 90- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA ASSESSING LIEN AND PROVIDING FOR COLLECTION ON TAX ROLLS ON CERTAIN PROPERTY FOR COSTS OF ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE WHEREAS, Chapter 11.72 of the La Quinta Municipal Code provides for the declaration and determination of certain conditions of property to be a public nuisance and further provides for the abatement of said nuisance by certain procedures including abatement by the City and collection of the cost of said abatement on the tax rolls; and WHEREAS, in accordance with said abatement procedures, the Community Safety Director of the City of La Quinta, as agent of the City Manager, has determined that a public nuisance exists on the following described premises, and has given the notice required by law, and the owner thereof has failed to appeal said determination and has failed to abate said nuisance as required in said notice; and WHEREAS, in accordance with said abatement procedure, the Community Safety Director has, by contract, provided for the abatement of said public nuisance on said properties and has filed a report thereon with the City Council and the City Council has conducted a hearing on said report and the assessment of said costs against said properties. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of La Quinta does hereby RESOLVE as follows: 1. The City Council hereby finds, determines, and declares that the City has abated a public nuisance on each of the following described premises and has conducted a hearing on assessment of the costs of said abatement in the time and manner as required by law and further determines that there were no objections or protests to assessments of said costs by any interested party. 2. The City Council hereby finds, determines, and orders that the report of the Community Safety Director relative to assessment of costs is hereby approved and the City Council hereby orders that the following costs are hereby assessed as liens against the following properties and the amount of said assessment shall be collected at the time and in the manner of ordinary property taxes: BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_E NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_F CZNICATIZ: a CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY ThZ CaLifoZZ SAN Z!RNARDINO Staie UZiveZiy 254 Serena Drive Palm Desert, CA 92260 October 4, 1990 Dear Mayor or City Administrator: California State University, San Bernardino currently is directing two tobacco control projects. We now are about to apply to the state for funding for a third project that will provide workshops for community leaders and political leaders in Riverside County and San Bernardino County. The workshops for political leaders will be offered without EPARTMENT charge throughout Riverside County. The workshopB will provide an oF opportunity to look at model legislation, learn about the successes and difficulties of implementing various tobacco control initiatives SOC IOLOGY and share experiences and concerns regarding tobacco control. 714IS8O-.Z54I I would appreciate receiving a letter of support for this project. ZA draft letter of support is attached.) The letter will be included with our application package. The complete grant package will be sent to the state by October 18. If you decide to write a letter of support, I would appreciate receiving it as soon as possible. The letter of support should be mailed to me at my home address: Dr. Jan Fritz 254 Serena Drive Palm Desert, CA 92260 Thank you for your assistance. Please contact me at 568-2608 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Jan Fritz, Ph.D., C.C.S. 5500 University Parkway, San Bernardino, CA 92407-2397 BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_G NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_HCOUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 16, 1990 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: Consider Variance to Avenida BUSINESS SESSION:-fr Montezuma Street Width CONSENT CALENDAR:_____ STUDY SESSION: BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None to implement recommendation APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION: Approval variance to normal street width. Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council City Council: 4 I Z RONKIEDROWSKI, CITY MANAGER Z CS/CC#5/15 F1 BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_I 4-. U Z`. MEMORANDUM Ronald L. Kiedrowski, City Manager / FROM: Frank Reynolds, Director of Public Works/ City Engineer DATE: October 4, 1990 SUBJECT: Street Width of Avenida Montezuma Prior to and during construction of the Bear Creek flood control facilities on the west side of the Cove some rather severe encroachments were made on the Avenida Montezuma right-of-way by the levee material. These conflicts became apparent starting with Phase I of the Cove Improvements project when it was discovered that we could not construct concrete curb and gutter at the standard location on the west side of the street and has continued through Phases II and III. The obvious solution would have been to undertake a rather extensive levee removal and/or relocation project in order to clear at least a portion of the public right-of-way. However, at the time the litigation on the flood control area had not been resolved, so we were admonished to keep hands off. Consequently we omitted the curb and gutter and the final cap paving, planning on performing further construction in the confined areas under some future Phase. It is becoming apparent, however, that there is a major question as to whether the expense involved is really justifiable just for the sake of getting a street with a standard geometric section of 36' between curbs. My staff and I have come to the conclusion that Avenida Montezuma can function quite well with 32' between curbs. This would require the prohibition of parking on the west side of the street, but since there will be no development on that side there would not seem to be any imposition caused. As a matter of fact, even if we were to cut the bank back to accommodate 36' feet between curbs, parking on that side would probably not occur because someone on the passenger side of the vehicle either could not open the door, or would have an awkward time getting out of the car due to the proximity of the bank. Another factor which has been considered in our review of this problem is the change in Cove traffic patterns since the Cove Improvement Project began. Due to the fact that all the east-west streets are designated through" streets and thus far every third street i.e., Tecate, Madrid and Colima) is constructed without cross-gutters, traffic is using these streets to access Eisenhower and Bermudas. Therefore, while actual traffic counts on Montezuma have not been taken, by observation the traffic using it has decreased and probably will continue to decrease as we proceed down BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_J NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_K BUSINESS SESSION NO. 2 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ADDING SECTIONS 2.60.140 and 2.60.150 TO TITLE 2, ADMINISTRATION AND PERSONNEL, OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE. The City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, does hereby ordain as follows: Section 1. That Sections 2.60.140 and 2.60.150 be added to Title 2, Administration and Personnel, to read as follows: 2.60.140. IncomDatible EmDloYment. No Councilmember or other official or employee of the City shall engage in any employment, activity or enterprise for compensation when such employment, activity or enterprise is incompatible with the proper discharge of his or her official duties or would tend to impair his or her independence of judgment in the performance of his or her official duties. Examples of incompatible outside employment, activities, or enterprises include but are not limited to those which: 1) involve the use for private gain or advantage of his or her local agency time, facilities, equipment, and supplies; or the badge, uniform, prestige, or influence of his or her local agency office or, 2) involve receipt or acceptance by the officer or employee of any money or other consideration from anyone other than his or her local agency for the performance of an act which the officer or employee, if not performing such act, would be required or expected to render in the regular course or hour of his or her local agency employment or as a part of his or her duties as an officer or employee, or 3) involve the performance of an act in other than his or her capacity as an official or employee which act may later be subject directly or indirectly to the control, inspection, review, audit, or enforcement of any other officer or employee or the agency by which he or she is employed, or 4) involve the time demands as would render performance of his or her duties as a local agency officer or employee less efficient. 2.60.150. Disclosure of Confidential Information. A. No official or employee of the City shall disclose or use any confidential information acquired by him or her in the course of his or her official duties for the purpose of pecuniary gain for himself or the pecuniary gain of another. BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_L B. As used in this Section, the term Confidential Information" means information to which all of the following apply: 1) At the time of the use or disclosure of the information, the information is not a public record subject to disclosure under the Public Records Act. 2) At the time of disclosure, the information is something that the official or employee is aware of by virtue of his or her position. 3) The use or disclosure of the information will have, or could reasonably be expected to have, a material financial effect on any investment or interest in real property which the officer or employee, or any person who provides pecuniary gain to the officer or employee in return for the information, has at the time of the use or disclosure of the information or acquires within ninety 90) days following the use or disclosure of the information. C. For purposes of this section: 1) Interest in real property" has the definition provided in Government Code Section 82033. 2) Investment" has the definition provided in Government Code Section 82034. 3) Material financial effect" has the definition provided in Sections 18702 and 18702.2 of Title 2 of the California Administrative Code, as those sections read on September 1, 1987. 4) Pecuniary gain" does not include salary or other similar compensation from the officerZs or the employeeZs agency. Section 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this ordinance and shall cause it to be posted or published in a manner required by law. 10/02/90 1719u/2588/000 2- BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_M NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_N COUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 16, 1990 AGENDA CATEGORY: PUBLIC HEARING: ITEM TITLE: BUSINESS SESSION: Z AUTHORIZATION TO CONTRACT WITH RAY LOPEZ FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR PROPOSED PARK SITES CONSENT CALENDAR: ALONG BEAR CREEK CHANNEL. STUDY SESSION: BACKGROUND: Attached is a proposal to design park sites along the Bear Creek Channel. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: Funds for design and construction costs are available in the current fiscal APPROVED BY: year. RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council authorize the City Manager to contract for completion design, specs and contract documents. Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council: Z/%Lw; Zgnatu'reZ' RON KIEDROWSKI, CITY MANAGER BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_OAugust 17, 1990 Mr. Ron Kiedrowski, City Manager P.O. Box 1504 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, CA 92253 Subject: Landscape Architectural Services Bear Creek Channel Mini Parks 2) Dear Ron, I am pleased to submit a landscape architectural proposal for f'v\iO of the City of La Quinta's Bear Creek Channel mini-parks: ScoZe of Services A. Design Development My office will provide you with preliminary drawings to review and approve prior to developing final construction documents. B. Working Drawings I will prepare all necessary working drawings in sufficient detail to facilitate construction and the receipt of competitive bids. I understand that the City of La Quinta will provide me with the street curb layouts and existing/proposed grade information. Gradina/Staking Plan this plan will indicate all grading for the mini-parks including earth berming to produce a free-flowing and aesthetic landscape TZe pIan wIlaso provide dimensions and layout for pZoposed features to be included in the park and along the bike path. 2. Planting/Liahtina Plan this plan will locate and identify all trees, shrubs, vines and lights if needed) used in the parks. 3, Irrigation Plan This plan will layout all piping, valves control equipment and sprinkler heads for irrigation of planted material. 4. Details and Notes All necessary details and notes will be provided in order to have the above items installed. Separate sheets will be provided for construction, planting and irrigation details. 96/> BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_P NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_Q 2 COUNCIL MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 16, 1990 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: ACCEPTANCE OF REPORT OF PLANNING BUSINESS SESSION: COMMISSION ACTION ON PLOT PLAN 90-453 & VARIANCE 90-013 TO ALLOW CONSENT CALENDAR: CONSTRUCTION OF RETAIL BUILDING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF AVENIDA LA STUDY SESSION: FONDA & DESERT CLUB DRIVE. APPLICANT: ORANCO DEVELOPMENT BACKGROUND: This item which is located in the Village at La Quinta Specific Plan area was approved by the Planning Commission at their meeting of September 25, 1990. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION: By minute motion, accept for file this report of action taken by the Planning Commission. Submitted b Approved for submission to City Council: gnat RON KIEDROWSKI, CITY MANAGER CCZl0/l6 Fl/CS / BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_R C Z MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR & MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DATE: OCTOBER 16, 1990 SUBJECT: ACCEPTANCE OF REPORT OF PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION ON PLOT PLAN 90-453 & VARIANCE 90-013 TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF RETAIL BUILDING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF AVENIDA LA FONDA & DESERT CLUB DRIVE. APPLICANT: ORANCO DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS: An environmental assessment has been prepared as required by the California Environmental Quality Act. It has been determined that the project will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment. Therefore, a negative declaration of environmental impact has been prepared. BACKGROUND: Plot Plan 90-453 is an application to allow construction of a 3550 square foot, one story retail building in the Village at La Quinta Specific Plan area. Variance 90-013 is to permit the reduction in parking from 12 spaces to 10 spaces with the 2 space balance to be charged an in-lieu fee, which will be used to provide City parking facilities in the Village area. A detailed description of the project is contained in the attached Planning Commission Staff report dated September 25, 1990. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: The Planning Commission reviewed this request at the meeting of September 25, 1990. One person, Mr. Bruce Robinson, spoke in opposition to the project primarily because of traffic concerns. At the request of the Applicant, the Planning Commission amended condition number 14 regarding the requirement to underground the existing overhead utility lines. Rather than require undergrounding with the project, the Applicants are being permitted to defer the undergrounding and agree to participate in a future undergrounding district. jZ MEMOSS.008/CS 1- BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_SThe Planning Commission unanimously approved this request, as amended, on a 4-0 vote Chairman Moran has resigned). RECOMMENDED CONDITION: A concern has arisen that Staff believes warrants an additional condition. One of the businesses in the building delivers pizzas utilizing employees vehicles. These vehicles would be parked at the site on occasion for picking up pizzas and when not busy. In order to minimize impact on adjacent businesses, Staff recommends the following condition be added to Plot Plan 90-453: That delivery vehicles shall be parked in on-site parking lot at rear of building at all times, when such parking is available." RECOMMENDATION: By ininute motion 90- accept for file this report of action taken by the Planning Commission. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Planning Commission Staff report dated September 25, 1990. 2. Final conditions of approval for PP 90-453 3. Planning Commission Res. No. 90- approving Variance 90-013. 4. Plans & exhibits. y5 MEMOSS.008/CS 2- BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_T NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_U NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_V NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_W NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_X NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_Y NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_Z NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_[ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_\ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_] NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_^ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d__ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_` NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_a NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_c NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_d NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_e NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_f NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_g NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_h NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_i NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_k NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_l NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_m NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_n NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_o NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_p NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_qOZ 27. 90 11 Z4 AM *SZCZR NewpZrt BZh. ZA P02 Business Session Item: 7 ORDZZMCE DIO. 181 AN ORDZILANCK OY THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALXFORNZA, AMENDZNG SECTION 2.06.010 OF CHAPTER 2.06 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE, RELATING TO ZOARDB AND COZZISSION5. The City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, doss hereby ordain as followi.Z SectZonl. That Section 2.06.010 be amended to read aZ follows: A. Unless otherwise provided by law, or by ordinance or resolution, or unless by the very nature of a situation the provisions of this section may not be made applicable, all members of boards and commissions of the city shall beZ appointed for three-year terms commencing on July 1st of the year of appointmentZ provided, that interim vacancies shall be filled by appointment for the unexpired term of the Zember replaced. This rule shall not, however, apply in regard to a newly established board or commission to which initial appointments are made on a staggered-term basis.u N3Z Any member of a board or commission of this City may be removed from office at any time with or without Zause, by a majority vote of the City Council. If a member absents himself from three consecutive regular meeting; or from twenty-five percent 25%) of the scheduled meetings of the board or commission in which he serves1 within any fiscal year without advance permission from that board or commission or the appointing authority, his office shall become vacant and shall be filled as any other vacancy." IC. Unless otherwise provided by law, or by ordinance or resolution of the city couZcil, all members of boards and commissions of the city appointed by the city council shall be initially, and during their incumbencies, bona fide residents and registered voters of the city, and no such member at or during such time shall be an employee of the cityZ" BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_rOZ 27. 9a Z AM *UZCLR Newp0Zt Zch CZ ZC3 SaZtion2. The City Clerli uhall certiZ to the pau5age and adoption of this ordinance and *hell cauue it to be poBted or publiuhed in the manner required by law. PASSED, APPROVED1 AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California1 on this day of 1990, by the followinZ vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAI DI: JOHN J. PENA, Mayor City of La Quint., California ATTEST: SAZDZZ JUHOLA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM: DAWN HONEYWELL, City Attorney City of La Quinta1 California O9/25/Z 0 BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_s NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_t NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_u NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_v NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_wCOUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 16, 1990 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: Tract 23935, Phases 1 & 2 BUSINESS SESSION: Release of Grading Bonds in the amount of $87,675.00 for rough CONSENT CALENDAR: 3 grading permit. STUDY SESSION: BACKGROUND: GWR Development has requested this bond be released. Pad elevation and grading certification has been received from the design engineer. As part of the Subdivision Improvement Agreement we will continue to hold $100,000.00 grading bond. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION: Approve release of $87,675.00 Grading Permit Bond Submitted by: Approved for submission igrt<ffi9Z to City Council City Council: 7'Li /'64 Signature 1 RON KIEDROWSKI, CITY MANAGER CS/CCZ5/15 F1 BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_x 1? 4, COUNCIL MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 16, 1990 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FROM THE LA QUINTA HOTEL BUSINESS SESSION: FOR APPROVAL OF A SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEVICE SEARCHLIGHT) CONSENT CALENDAR: 4 FOR THEIR 2ND ANNUAL HALLOWEEN CARNIVAL OCTOBER 31, 1990 STUDY SESSION: APPLICANT: LA QUINTA HOTEL BACKGROUND: The La Quinta Hotel is holding their 2nd Annual Halloween Carnival-on October 31, 1990, and wish to use a searchlight from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION: Action of the City Council may be taken by minute motion. Staff believes no conditions of approval are necessary. Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council: RON KIEDROWSKI, CITY MANAGER BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_y C, z Z MEMORANDUM HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DATE: OCTOBER 16, 1990 ITEM: SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEVICE 90-009 SUBJECT: REQUEST FROM THE LA QUINTA HOTEL FOR APPROVAL OF A SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEVICE SEARCHLIGHT) FOR THEIR 2ND ANNUAL HALLOWEEN CARNIVAL ON OCTOBER 31, 1990. BACKGROUND: Municipal Code Chapter 5.64, Special Advertising Devices", provides for a permit to be issued by the City Council for advertising devices other than the usual and customary permanent business identification signs. This includes items such as searchlights. REQUEST: The Applicant is requesting approval to use a searchlight between 5:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. on the evening of October 31, 1990. This will be in conjunction with their 2nd Annual Halloween Carnival. Attached is a letter from the Applicant explaining the request. CITY COUNCIL FINDINGS: Section 5.64.020 provides, in part, that permits are to be issued for special purposes, and not on a continuing basis for permanent advertising or identification purposes"; and, further that, Each permit shall be issued for a specified period of time subject to renewal for good cause shown." In taking action of a permit, the Council must find that the special advertising device applied for would not: 1. Constitute a traffic hazard or nuisance to adjacent or surrounding properties or to the public at large; or, 2. Be detrimental to the public convenience or welfare; or, 3. Be inconsistent with the various elements and objectives of the General Plan and all other officially adopted policies and regulations of the City. MEMOSS.009/CS 1- BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_z NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_COUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 16, 1990 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: Skins Game Resolution BUSINESS SESSION: For Traffic Controls CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION BACKGROUND: Each Skins Game requires a resolution by Council granting approval for temporary traffic controls. Please see the attached resolution. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION: Council adopt the attached resolution. Submitted by: Approved for submission BUILDING AND SAFETY DEPT. to City Council: AtN%j/TY TOM HARTU RON KIEDROWSKI BUILDING DIRECTOR CITY MANAGER FORM. 20 BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ RESOLUTION NO. 90 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING CERTAIN TEMPORARY NO-PARKING ZONES ON JEFFERSON STREET, 54TH AVENUE, MADISON STREET, ONE SIDE OF ALL INTERNAL STREETS OF STADIUM COURSE COMPLEX, DURING A SPECIAL EVENT TO BE HELD NOVEMBER 23, 1990, THROUGH NOVEMBER 25, 1990 INCLUSIVE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta that Pursuant to Section 22507 of the California Vehicle Code, Section 12.32.010 of the La Quinta Municipal Code, the following temporary no-parking zones hereby are established, to be effective during the period of a special event to be held November 23, 1990 through November 25, 1990 inclusive: 1. Jefferson Street, South from the All American Canal, including P.G.A. Boulevard to its termination. 2. 54th Avenue, East from the All American Canal to Madison Street. 3. Madison Street, South to the City Limits. 4. One side of all streets in the Stadium Course Complex. 5. Designating one-way traffic on Jefferson Street to facilitate the movement of traffic as determined by the City Engineer and Chief of Police of the City of La Quinta. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the above parking prohibitions shall be in effect at all times during the day or night when authorized signs are in place giving notice thereof. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that pursuant to Section 22651 of the California Vehicle Code and Subsection n) of said Section 22651, the removal and 11tow away" of vehicles parked or left standing in violation of the above parking prohibitions, hereby is authorized, provided that signs shall have been posted giving notice of the removal. APPROVED and ADOPTED this 16th day of October, 1990. JOHN PENA, MAYOR ATTEST; APPROVED AS TO FORM: SAUNDRA JUHOLA, CITY CLERK DAWN HONEYWELL, CITY ATTORNEY % BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_0 C Z Z4,OFZZ COUNCIL MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 16, 1990 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: VARIANCE 90-012 AND CONFIRMATION OF BUSINESS SESSION: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 90-172. J APPLICANT REQUESTING OFF SITE CONSENT CALENDAR: Cl) LOCATION OF A MONUMENT SUBDIVISION IDENTIFICATION SIGN. STUDY SESSION: APPLICANT: M. J. BROCK & SONS BACKGROUND: The Applicant has requested permission to locate one monument subdivision identification sign on property that is not owned by them. The location of the proposed sign is on Coachella Valley Water District owned land on the northwest corner of Tentative Tract 25389. This tract is located west of Park Avenue, south of 50th Avenue. The Planning Commission considered the matter on October 9, 1990, approved the Variance with the attached conditions and concurred with the Environmental Analysis. FISCAL IMPLICATION: APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION: By Minute Motion accept for file this report of the action taken by the Planning Commission. Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council: /41 4/ RON RIEDROWSKI, CITY MANAGER BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DATE: OCTOBER 16, 1990 APPLICANT: M. J. BROCK & SONS PROJECT: VARIANCE 90-012 APPLICATION REQUESTING OFF SITE LOCATION OF A MONUMENT SUBDIVISION IDENTIFICATION SIGN. LOCATION: SOUTH SIDE OF 50TH AVENUE BETWEEN PARK AVENUE AND WASHINGTON STREET. SEE ATTACHED PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT ATTACHMENTS 1 & 2.) ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 90-172 WAS PREPARED FOR VARIANCE 90-012. THE INITIAL STUDY INDICATED THAT SIZNIFICANT IMPACTS WILL NOT OCCUR DUE TO THE PROPOSAL. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION HAS THEREFORE BEEN PREPARED. BACKGROUND: The Applicant has proposed a sign located on the northwest corner of the subdivision. Although adjacent to the Tract, the land on which the proposed sign is located belongs to CVWD. It is necessary therefore, for the Applicant to make a Variance application to request approval of a sign located off site" i.e., not within the boundary of the subdivision. See Attachments 1 & 2) PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: The La Quinta Planning Commission at their regular meeting of October 9, 1990, approved with a vote of 4-0 the Variance request by adoption of Planning Commission Resolution 90-038, in accordance with the modified Conditions of Approval as contained in the attached Planning Commission Staff report. At the meeting the Planning Commission amended Condition #2 and added Condition #5 to those conditions recommended by Staff. STAFFRPT. 019 1 427 BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_Revised Condition #2 changes are underlined. 2. Prior to obtaining a building permit, the Applicant shall obtain an Encroachment permit from Coachella Valley Water District allowing the location of the monument sign on their property. A copy of this permit shall be submitted to the Planrnng and Development Department." 5. Applicant and/or Homeowner's Association shall maintain landscaping on Coachella Valley Water District property between the perimeter wall and 50th Avenue to a point 75 feet west of Tract unless landscaping is maintained by Lighting and Landscaping District." CITY COUNCIL ACTION: By Minute Motion accept for file the action of the Planning Commission approving Variance 90-012 subject to conditions. Attachments: 1. Planning Commission report including Conditions of Approval STAFFRPT.O19 2 BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ Zo( 4,'4ZUab't4, COUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 16, 1990 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: Approval of Final Map for Tract 25389-2 BUSINESS SESSION: Desert Fairways and related subdivision agreements M.J. Brock and Sons, Inc.) CONSENT CALENDAR:Z STUDY SESSION: BACKGROUND: The final map is complete, bonds assuring construction of the proposed improvements have been received as has the signed subdivision improvement agreement. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION: Approval of Final Map and Subdivision Improvement Agreement. Submitted by: Approved for submission I to City Council City Council: frpiZ4fJ Signature RON KIEDROWSKI, CITY MANAGER CS/CC#5/15 Fl BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_COUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 16, 1990 AGENDA CATEGORY: PUBLIC HEARING: ITEM TITLE: BUSINESS SESSION: APPROVAL OF ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION FOR V. SCULPTURE/ART AT CIVIC CENTER SITE CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: BACKGROUND: During the budgetary process the City Council appropriated $20,000 for the sculpture art work for the Civic Center. Attached is a copy of correspondence regarding the new estimate for the completion of the Sculpture. In addition to the cost figure of $24,600 the City staff is requesting additional appropriation of $5,400 for water fountain supplies and site preparation. The total appropriation will therefore be $30,000. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: Appropriate $10,000 from Infrastructure Fund to Account 18-4829-143-100 Sculpture/Art Civic Center. APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION: Appropriate $10,000 from Infrastructure Fund to Account 18-4829-143-100 Sculpture/Art Civic Center. Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council: Zig'nature RON KIEDROWSKI, CITY MANAGER BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ 0 Z Z- Z Zh0 0 Z 0 CD Z CD CD CD CD H Z Z 0 CD Z H CD Z 0 Z H CD Z CD Z Z 0 CD. J, Z CD Z 0 Z0 Z Z Z rr Z * Z 0 Z 0 Z CD CD 0 Z w Z ooZ CD 0ZZCDCDZHZ9 Z 0 Z * Z Z CD 0 CD Z Z Z Z Z Z CD CD CD Z Z Z CD Z Z Z CD 0 CD rr. Z CD Z CD Z Z 0 0 Z 0 Z CD Z H. Z Z CD Z C-. Z OCDO ZCDCD0Z0OCDOCD Z5 0 Z CL C- Z C- C- Z 0 0 C- Z CL C- Z Z C Z 0 Z Z CD Z Z 0 CD Z CD Z Z 0 C- CD CD Z 0 Z 0 Z CD C- CDZ ZCDCL-* Z Z 0 Z Z0 0 Z Z CD 0 CD ZCT Z 0WCDZ 0ZwCDZ;..TZ Z Z Z I CDZCDZZZl'CD 0 B CD C- Z CD CD Z 0 Z Z CLZ-*00 Z-* 0CDZZ ZCDC- B 0 Z *Z 0 IZhZZC- H.Z Z Z C H. Z C-c 0- CDt.- 0 C- Z 0-0 Z H- CD OCD Z Z Z ZW' Z 5 0 Z Z 0 Z` Z Z CD B Z H. 0 Z Z CD CD t. CO Z Z Z H. Z CD CD 0 0 H,y BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_COUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 16, 1990 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: Approval of Final Map Tract 26152 BUSINESS SESSION: Wilma Pacific, Inc.- Lake La Quinta CONSENT CALENDAR:Z STUDY SESSION: BACKGROUND: Tract 26152 is an overlay of Tract 24230, Lake La Quinta and simply relocates numerous lot lines and narrows street right-of-way in accordance with private street requirements. Improvements and bonding requirements have been covered under Tract 24230 by A.G. Spanos. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION: Approval of Final Map Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council City Council: 7Zffi &li wA SiZnatureZ(;Z RON KIEDROWSKI, CITY MANAGER CS/CC#5/15.Fl j;Zx BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_COUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 16, 1990 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: Approval of release of Letters of BUSINESS SESSION: Credit Nos. 2186 $20,000) and 2286 $13,600). Landmark Land Co. of CONSENT CALENDAR:Z California Plot Plan No. 86-285 STUDY SESSION: BACKGROUND: These letters of credit were provided by Landmark pursuant to the Plot Plan Conditions of Approval, for the maintenance facility located at Calle Rondo and new Avenue 52. The specific improvements assured by these letters have since become either obsolete or redundant due to improvement requirements imposed by the Conditions of Approval for Tract 24890. Landmark has submitted all of the required securities for Tract 24890 and requests the earlier securities be released. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION: Approve release of Letters of Credit Nos. 2186 and 2286. Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council City Council: Ah %R'.ZY(ZU Z ON KIEDROWSKI, CITY MANAGER CS/CC#5115 F1 /7;; BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_COUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 16, 1990 AGENDA CATEGORY: PUBLIC HEARING: ITEM TITLE: BUSINESS SESSION: ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL I, OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA AUTHORIZING THE CONSENT CALENDAR: ffi[ EXECUTION OF A SUPPLEMENTAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT WITH THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT STUDY SESSION: AGENCY RELATING TO PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. BACKGROUND: The attached Resolution has been prepared by the CityZs Redevelopment Agency Attorney to facilitate and formalize the repayment to the City for debt of the City incurred on behalf of the Redevelopment Agency. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION: By motion, approval of the Resolution of the City Council of the City of La Quinta authorizing the execution of a supplemental cooperation agreement with the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency relating to Public Improvements. Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council: jjZ< Signature RON KIEDROWSKI, CITY MANAGER BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A SUPPLEMENTAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT WITH THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY RELATING TO PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. WHEREAS, by Ordinance No. 43 adopted on December 29, 1983, the City Council of the City of La Quinta adopted and approved a certain Redevelopment Plan the Redevelopment Plan") for Project Area No. 1, the Project"); and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Community Redevelopment Law of the State of California Health and Safety Code Section 33000, et seq.), the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency the Agency") is carrying out the Redevelopment Plan for the Project in the redevelopment project area the Project Area"); and WHEREAS, in furtherance of the Project, the Agency and the City desire to enter into an agreement under which the City will advance funds required to install and construct certain Public Improvements to serve the project the Improvements") as described in Exhibit A" attached to said agreement, and the Agency will pay the City for all costs of such Improvements in accordance with that certain Cooperation Agreement dated August 16, 1983 between the City and the Agency; and WHEREAS, the Improvements are of benefit to the Project Area and the immediate neighborhood of the Project Area in that they will increase the safety and contribute to the elimination of blight; and WHEREAS, arrangements for the Improvements are more particularly described in the Implementing Agreements", which are attached hereto as Exhibit B" and incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, no other reasonable means of financing such Improvements are available to the community in that the cost of the improvements exceeds the financial ability of the City to pay, no private sources of funding are available, and all state and federal grant alternatives have been exhausted. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency as follows: SECTION I: The Agency hereby determines that the Improvements are of benefit to the Project Area and the immediate neighborhood in which the Project Area is located, and that no other reasonable means of financing such Improvements are available to the community, and hereby consents to the undertaking of IC? construction and installation of the Improvements in accordance I Zf with the Supplemental Cooperation agreement in the form attached I BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ Departmental Report: d Z Z Z I 4 fit MZMORANDUM October.108.. 1990 TO: SAUNDRA JUHOLAZ ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR FROM: MARILYN SMITH1 SENIOR CENTER COORDINATOR DATE: JULY1 AUGUST & SEPTEMBER SUBJECT: 1990 THIRD QUARTER REPORT COMMUNITY SERVICES/SENIOR SERVICES CENTER OFFICE ACTIVITY THIRD QUARTER 1989 THIRD QUARTER 1990 EXERCISE CLASS Total Attendance 783 911 Average Monthly Attendance 261 304 BLOOD PRESSURE CHECKS Total Attendance 209 252 Average Monthly Attendance 70 84 ARTS & CRAFTS CLASS Total Attendance 23 40 Average Monthly Attendance 8 13 PAINTING CLASS Total Attendance 28 18 Average Monthly Attendance 9 6 SOCIAL BRIDGE Total Attendance N/A 236 Average Monthly Attendance N/A 79 GOLDEN TONES Total Attendance N/A 85 Average Monthly Attendance N/A 28 MAKE & TAKE CERAMICS July) Total. Attendance N/A 10 MEDI-CARE CONSULTANT-Wednesdays 2PM-3PM Total Attendance N/A 13 COMPREHENSIVE HEALTH TESTING N/A 10 CHOLESTEROL SCREENING AUGUST 36 39 MRP MATURE DRIVING N/A 31 CRUISES/CONCERTS/DAY TRIPS 8 11 BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_MEMORANDUM OCTOBER 10, 1990 1990 THIRD QUARTER REPORT COMMUNITY SERVICES.SZNIOR SERVICE CENTER OFFICE PAGE TWO ACTIVITY THIRD QUARTER 1989 THIRD QUARTER 1990 SEMINARS 79 82 POT LUCK/LUNDHEONS 27 134 MONTHLY BIRTHDAY PARTY 31 80 FOOD DISThIBUTION F.I.N.D. Total Families 1215 1070 U.S.D.A. CONMODITIES DISTRIBUTION Total Families 115 167 Total People in Families 172 73 LA QUINTA SHARE PROGRAM Total Units Distributed 467 536 Total Families Participating 379 438 MEALS ON WHEELS UNITS 584 924 Individuals Served 35 49 La Quinta Hotel Supplying Meals Including Breakfast & Lunch) TOTAL WALK-INS FOR VARIOUS OTHER SERVICES 284 536 OUTREACH CALLS N/A 53 TOTAL VOLUNTEERS HOURS N/A 1554 TOTAL THIRD QUARTER REVENUE N/A $1218.05 ZZ %$ BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_The Fourth of July Pot Luck was a big success with an attendance of 55.' Tables were decorated in red, whZte and blue with flags as centerpieces. A patriotic program including a chorus of appropriate songs by the Golden Tones wasZpresented- then everyone enjoyed popcorn, hot dogs and ice cream. Each senior received a festive, firecracker decoration filled with candy. Grandparents Day was celebrated with Joslyn Cove Senior Center on September 10th. The La Quinta Senior Center supplied a LARGE cake, donated by the Huntsman Restaurant and ice cream purchased from Thrifty Jr's. at a discounted price. Joslyn Cove provided pizza from Pizza Man. The children from the Learning Tree School gave a musical program which was enjoyed by everyone. Attendance from the La Quinta Center was 39, and a happy event for all. Exercise Class is now being held in an unleased suite three doors from the Center, courtesy of the owners of the Plaza. The class is growing in attendance so this extra space is most welcome. An oak wood grain credenza was donated to the Center by the Arts and Crafts Club. This is a welcome addition, not only in appearance, but is also practical for display of brochures and extra storage. The Bridge Club met all summer this year with an average of 5 tables each Monday. The AARP Mature Driving Class filled up so quickly with such a large waiting list, we will present classes in October and November. BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ 14Z COUNCIL MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 16, 1990 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: QUARTERLY REPORT FOR THE MONTHS BUSINESS SESSION: JULY AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER FOR THE BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT. CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: DEPARIZENTAL REPORT: e BACKGROUND: FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION: Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council: Signature ZROZZ;ROWSKI, CITY MANAGER BJ/CC#4/17 F4 BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ ANALYSIS OF QUARTERLY REPORTS BUILDING AND SAFETY DEPARTMENT JULY, AUGUST, SEPTEMBER 1990) Building Permit Statistics Building valuation through September has reached $135,197,621 with a total of 1527 permits being issued. This represents a 92% increase in valuation over the period ending September 1989 $70,246,228) and a 42% increase in total number of permits for that period 1031). If the current level of activity continues, projected totals for the calendar year of 1990 will reach $180,000,000 in total valuation with over 2000 permits being issued. If these figures are realized, it would represent an 80% increase in total valuation and a 46% increase in the total numbers of permits over the calendar year 1989. A total of $8449.10 has been collected as a result of the recently enacted Art in Public Places" ordinance. Infrastructure Credit Report In July of 1988, the City entered into an agreement with Landmark Land Company by which an infrastructure credit given to Landmark Land for the construction of Avenue 54 at P.G.A. West, would be 1bought back" from LML as Sunrise Company developed units at P.G.A. West. This would be accomplished by having Sunrise pay 50% of any infrastructure due on a building directly to LML and the remaining 50% to the City. The original credit to LML was established at $2,056,599. Through September of 1990, this credit due LML has been reduced to $548,774.47 as a result of this program. Fall Clean-Up See Memo dated October 9, 1990 to Mayor and City Council from Director of Building and Safety. Animal Control Report Figures represent totals for July and August of 1990 for both Animal Control Officers. September totals are not yet available from the County. Code Enforcement Report Totals are for July, August and September of 1990 for both Code Enforcement Officers. BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_0 COUNCIL MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 16, 1990 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: QUARTERLY REPORTS FOR THE MONTHS BUSINESS SESSION: JULY, AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER FOR THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: DEPARZMENTAL PEPOIZ: f BACKGROUND: FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION: Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council: F) ml) RON KIEDROWSKI, CITY MANAGER BJ/CC#4/17 F4 BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION JULY, AUGUST & SEPTEMBER, 1990 PLOT PLANS: 90-453 ORANCO DEVELOPMENT DOMINOS PIZZA & VIDEO LA FONDA & DESERT CLUB RETAIL 3,550 SQ. FT. CC 10/16 SIGN APPROVAL: 90-123 CHATEAU LAND/PAINTED ENTRY WALL SIGN COVE 50TH AND PARK AVE. APPROVED 90-124 MARIO LALLI/LA QUINTA ATTACHED WALL SIGN APPROVED CAFE FOR RESTAURANT 51W MILES AND DUNE PALMS 90-125 GWR DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION SIGNS APPROVED S/WI MILES & DUNE PALMS 90-126 ARTHRITIS & SPINE HANGING WALL SIGN APPROVED CENTER 2.5 x 12 AND 48" x 18" PLAZA LA QUINTA 90-127 WILLIAMS COMPANY SIGN ADJUSTMENT IN PROCESS ADAMS & FRED WARING RANCHO OCOTILLO WALL SIGN. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT: 90-032 A. G. SPANOS LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL IN PROCESS NIE CORNER 54TH & TO TOURIST COMMERCIAL JEFFERSON 90-033 CITY ANNEXATION #6 PC 10/9 NIE CORNER WASHINGTON & FRED WARING DRIVE AND NIW CORNER MADISON & PC 10/9 58TH AVENUE CHANGE OF ZONE: 90-059 A. G. SPANOS R-1 TO R-2 AND C-T IN PROCESS 90-060 PAUL HARRIS/CITY N/W CORNER MONROE & 53RD PC 10/9 JAMES MOTTER AND N/W CORNER 58TH & MADISON PREANNEXATION 90-061 TOM THORNBURGH PREANNEXATION PC 10/9 N/E/ CORNER WASHINGTON & FRED WARING DRIVE ZONING TEXT AMENDMENTS: NONE j7 BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ Departinental Report: a I 4-. U MEMORANDUM TO: Ron Kiedrowski, City Manager FROM: Frank Reynolds, Director of Public Works DATE: October 11, 1990 SUBJECT: Fourth Quarter 1989-90 and First Quarter 1990-91 Department Report A. Capital Improvement Projects 1. Jefferson Street Median Landscaping The design for the area between Highway 111 and Westward Ho was approved by the City Council, a contract was let, and work began on the landscaping installation. Some delays were experienced due to slower than expected responses from the water and electrical purveyors in providing service connections. 2. Washington Street, Highland Palms to Highway 111 A contract was let for this project and work began. This project is somewhat unique in that there are two contractors working in the same area. The City's contractor is working the area generally from Highland Palms north, while the contractor for the Lake La Quinta development is constructing the section south of Highland Palms to the new Avenue 48. Coordination by our engineering staff and cooperation between the two contractors have been excellent. It is anticipated that through traffic will be shifted easterly to the new alignment by the end of October so that work on the dry sewer and frontage road can commence. 3. Civic Center The schematic design phase was completed, and work proceeded on the design development phase. We have spent a considerable amount of time concentrating on the site plan so that we can go to bid for the site work in advance of the call for bids for the building construction. We feel that by doing so we can effect a significant savings by not paying a general contractor on the building the markup on a grading subcontractor S work. 4. Calle Tampico, Washington to Eisenhower Proposals have been received from Right-of-Way Agents for appraisal and acquisition services, and the selection of a firm remains to be accomplished. 5. 50th and Park Avenue, Traffic Signal and Median The design was completed, a contract let, and construction Z begun on this project. The design firm selected failed to BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_Fourth Quarter 1989-90 and First Quarter 1990-91 October 11, 1990 Page 2 meet its schedule, with the result that our hopes that the signals would be operational by the start of the school year failed to materialize. Due to the long lead times for the standards and the controller, it now appears that the earliest the intersection will be functional will be Thanksgiving. 6. 48th and Washington Traffic Signal The design is substantially complete and we are preparing to call for bids. 7. Rotary Park A committee from the Rotary Club is working on various design alternatives. 8. Washington and Miles Traffic Signal A tentative agreement for cost-sharing has been worked out with the County of Riverside. The County Traffic Engineer has agreed to provide the contract plans and specifications, and the City will administer the construction contract. The tentative agreement would provide for the City and County to share the costs equally, with the County reimbursing the City for its share shortly after the start of fiscal year 1991-92. If the County meets its schedule of having the contract documents to us by October 26, we would plan to take the matter to the Council at its first meeting in November for approval of the Agreement and authorization to call for bids. 9. Miscellaneous Landscaping Improvements The landscape architect continues to work on various median landscaping designs and the specific design for Eisenhower. B. Cove Improvements All that's needed to complete Phase II is the completion of minor punch list items, and it's been a struggle getting the contractor's attention on this. Phase III is well underway, with a projected May completion date. The design work on Phase IV has begun. This phase is interesting because it has been expanded to include the area east of Washington Street, the Westward Ho area, and the Highland Palms area. Full improvements are planned for all but the Highland Palms area, where sanitary sewers are the primary issue. C. Bear Creek Bikeway Services of a consultant were arranged for to produce contract documents, and the Planning Department was preparing the project for environmental review. BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ REPORTS & INFZRMATIObZL ITh:MS: C COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 24, 1990 Regular meeting of the Community Services Commission was called to order at the hour of 7:00 P.M. by Chairwoman Ladner, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENT: Commissioners Franke, Kennedy, Llewellyn, Molina and Chairwoman Ladner ABSENT: Commissioners Beck and Benedict MOTION: It was moved by Mrs. Franke, seconded by Mrs. Kennedy to excuse Mr. Beck due to his illness. Motion Carried Unanimously. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION None PUBLIC COMMENT None OLD BUSINESS Cove Committee to be placed on the agenda for October meeting. A. COMMITTEE REPORTS 1. Human Services Commission a. Presentation of New Leaf Awards" Mrs. Ladner introduced Council Member Stan Sniff, Mayor John Pena, Maureen Mendoza and Milt Jones who presented the New Leaf Awards. Adams School Vincent Montanegro Meg Hayward Jimmy Van Dorn Elias Diaz Davey Gill Truman School Ariana Ibarra Sonia Montano Jennifer Stetz Tony Rubio Eric Orduno Lindsay Boyd BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02 d_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-06-1999-U01 09:53:41AM-U01 BASIC-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1990-U02