1982 05 18 CC AGENDA CITY COUNCIL CITY OF LA QUINTA A regular meeting to be held at the City Council Chambers, 878-100 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California. May 18, 1982 30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER A. Flag salute. 2. ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMENT This is the time set aside for citizens to address the City council on matter? elating to City business?ino??. When addressing the Council, pleas? state your name and address. The proceedings of the Council meeting are recorded on tape. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS A. Communication from Concerned Merchants of La Quinta. B. Communication from Ben Davis. 5. COMMENT BY COUNCIL MEMBERS 6. HEARINGS 7. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of the 1inutes of the regular meeting of May 4,, 1982 S, BIJ?INF??S SESSION A. Discussion among Council Members and staff regarding policy and program priorities. B. Discussion among Council Members regarding criteria to be used in selection of members of the Planning Advisory Committee. 1. Resolution for adoption. BIB] 07-17-1996-U01 09:46:43AM-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 18-U02 1982-U02 AGENDA City Council May i?, i9?2 C. Discussion arnong Council Members and staff regarding the use Cf the City Hall building. D. Report from the City Manager regarding Board of Supervisors action relative to extension of County services. B. Report from Council Member Abbott regarding receipt and expenditure of funds by the Inaugural Committee. F. Report from the City Manager regarding the establishment of credit and banking relationships. i. Resolution for adoption. 2. Resolution for adoption. G. Report from the City Attorney regarding the establish?ent of a gas franchise. 1. Resolution for adoptidn. H. Report from the City Manager regarding the schedule of Study Sessions. 1. Resolution for adoption. I. Other 9. ADJOURNMENT BIB] 07-17-1996-U01 09:46:43AM-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 18-U02 1982-U02 78-100 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA CALIFORNIA 92253 714) 564-2246 714) 340-5445 May 18, 1982 Sheriff Ben Clark Riverside County Court House Riverside, Calif. 92501 Dear Ben: Now that La Quinta is a city, we look for?ard to a cooperative and effective relationship with your Department. The city certainly needs your assistance in crime prevention and law enforcement in this community. As a first issue, I ould like to call to your attention the attached communication from the several businesses which comprise the major enterprises in our central area. They have been subjected to break-ins over a long period of time, culminating in violent forced entry into several establishments last week. We need help most definitely with this problem. In a community of almost five thousand residents, a res- ponse mode of law enforcement is just not adequate. La Quinta needs patrol and protection services. We will insist on these when we negotiate our contract fo?r services effective January 1983; however, present circumstances demand improved services to the city prior to that time. We would like to request some level of patrol services, particularly at night, protecting the businesses, as well as residents, in La Quinta. This is most important in the immediate future, while the current crime wave persists. Please let me know as soon as possible what your Depart- ment will do to assist with the problem. Be assured our municipal government is prepared to cooperate in any way necessary within our means. Thank you very much for your assistance. Sincerely, Frlff,M BIB] 07-17-1996-U01 09:46:43AM-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 18-U02 1982-U02 DATE: MAY 7, 1982 TO LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL FROM: CONCERNED MERCHANTS OF LA QUINTA * SUBJECT: CITY POLICE PROTECTION WE WISH TO BRING TO THE ATTENTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF LA QUINTA THE FACT THAT THE PRINCIPLE COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENTS IN THE CITY CENTER ARE CONSTANT TARGETS OF FELONY BURGLARY ATTEMPTS. IN MOST CASES THE BUSINESS OWNERS HAVE INSTALLED, AT CONSIDERABLE EXPENSE TO THEMSELVES, ALARM AND/OR ENTRY DETECTION SYSTEMS WITH VARYING RESULTING SUCCESS. WHILE WE DO RECOGNIZE THAT IT IS NOT THE RESPONSIBILITY OF CITY GOVERNMENT TO GUARANTEE 24-HOUR POLICE PROTECTION, WE DO FIRMLY BELIEVE THAT ONE OF THE MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES OF CIVIC GOVERNMENT IS THE REASONABLE AND ADEQUATE PROTECTION OF THE LIFE AND PROPERTY OF ITS CITIZENRY. WE FEEL THAT THE CURRENT POLICE PROTECTION POLICY FOR THE LA QUINTA COVE AREA IS NOT ADEQUATE FOR THE BUSINESS COMMUNITY. WITHIN THE LAST WEEK THERE HAVE BEEN THREE FORCEFUL ENTRIES OF ESTABLISHMENTS BY THE USE OF NOISY AND TIME-CONSUMING SLEDGE?HAMMERS, PICKS, CROW-BARS AND OTHER HAND TOOLS. THE GLARING FACT OF THIS METHOD OF ENTRY IS THAT THE PERPETRATORS OF THESE CRIMES HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO FEAR OF BEING SEEN OR HEARD BY ANY LAW ENFORCEMENT PEOPLE. IT SEEMS INCREDIBLE THAT SOMEONE CAN BEAT ON A DOOR OR WALL WITH A SLEDGEHAMMER FOR FIVE OR TEN MINUTES WITHOUT SOME- ONE AT LEAST HEARING THIS NOISE. NORMALLY, ONE CAN HEAR A CAR DOOR CLOSE A BLOCK AWAY AT NIGHT HERE IN LA QUINTA, SO WHY IS IT THESE CRIMINALS CONTINUE WITH THEIR DEEDS UNDETECTED? SIMPLY BECAUSE THERE ARE NO TRAINED LAW ENFORCEMENT PEOPLE IN OUR AREA EITHER IN PATROL CARS OR ON FOOT. THEREFORE, IN YOUR FUTURE PLANNING OF POLICE PROTECTION FOR OUR COMMUNITY, WE WISH OUR VOICE TO BE HEARD AND THAT WE SHALL EXPECT CONTINUING IMPROVEMENT OF THE PROTECTION OF OUR INVESTMENTS AND ENDEAVORS. WE NEED your help....... THANK YOU. *CONCERNED MERCHANTS OF LA QUINTA: C?( &( y2?? 3;J5f..L< BIB] 07-17-1996-U01 09:46:43AM-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 18-U02 1982-U02 Benjamin Franklin Ben) Davis Republican For Con?ress 37th District LU C 2. PC* j?.... P???i?gv ILL U C i?;4;Ci. C U U'-> 1 U-. 3 U Li.L?C- U 1. U... C--. U UC 13- V Ut.! C 3??U U C 1 C S. I C I 28480 Hiway 74 Suite E * Romoland California 92380 714) 679-7766 or 657-0714 BY If-I: IIIIIIIII IC I>, HI,. Be,? dVjY..HI HI NI 1,11. ShajInlail BIB] 07-17-1996-U01 09:46:43AM-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 18-U02 1982-U02 K I BIB] 07-17-1996-U01 09:46:43AM-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 18-U02 1982-U02 F a BIB] 07-17-1996-U01 09:46:43AM-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 18-U02 1982-U02 u?1f BIB] 07-17-1996-U01 09:46:43AM-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 18-U02 1982-U02 p i?18, 1982 FRON: Fred wolff TO: City CoYiffcil Nernbers UBJECT: Proposed Priority Issues 1.0. Trash disposal 1.1. Establish mandated trash pick-up from all homes and commercial establishments ithin the city limits. 1 2. Bill for trash services through property-tax billing semi-annually from all parcels of property in the city limits. 1.3. Establish a volunteer Physical Environmental Protection Patrol to identify and report persons dumping trash ithin the city limits. 1 Provide for periodic pick-up of large items for disposal. 1 Long range: establish a recycling center. 1 6. Long range: clean up present dumping areas. 2.0. La? Enforcement Reserve Program 2.1. Contract ith a la? enforcement agency to train a reserve corps. 2.2. Purchase t?o used CHP or Sheriff's?s vehicles. aintain black-?white paint and use city seal on cars. 2.3. Nan cars ith volunteer reservists to patrol the city streets, bile in radio contact ith official la? enforcement agency. But they ill serve primarily as deterrent effort. 3.0. Controlled Development. 3.1. Place a moratorium on all home construction South of Tampico, except o?ner-occupied houses. 3.2. Establish a process of contributions from major developers for parks, school sites, and play- grounds. 3.3. Institute immediately a process for city council revie? of all applications for development and individual buildings. BIB] 07-17-1996-U01 09:46:43AM-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 18-U02 1982-U02 Page 2 4.0. Flood Control 4.1. Lobby ith the appropriate authorities for completion of the flood control project, including the protection of the Cove area. 5.0. School 5.1. Lobby ith the Desert Sands School District for construction of an elementary school in La Quinta. 5.2. Obtain a school site through major developers and dedicate the site to the District. 6.0. Vehicle Control 6.1. 0utlaw? the use of any unlicensed vehicles within the city limits and enforce through the reserve corps. 6.2. Outlaw?la? the parking of commercial vehicles over a certain size one ton?) on residential streets, except hen in service at that location. 7.0. Animal Control 7.1. ork ith the County to obtain services of a part-time animal control officer to pick up roaming dogs. 7.2. Employ a part-time animal control officer as Soon as funds are available. 0. Miscellaneous 8.1. Require that construction sites ith loose sand be watered do?down daily. 8.2. establish a business-license schedule as soon as possible and implement. 8.3. Develop a community-?wide Keep La Quinta Clean program, encouraging citizens' efforts to prevent littering, clean-up projects, etc. 8.4. Review? services provided currently by utility companies to assure equity of services for all residents. BIB] 07-17-1996-U01 09:46:43AM-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 18-U02 1982-U02 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA c."? CIT?, CALIFORNIA, CREATING AND ESTABLISH- ING THE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE WHEREAS, the City Council has not yet established an indepen- dent Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the City Council recognizes that it is desirable to create an advisory committee that can assist the City Council in the initial development of land use policies for the City of it? by performing such duties as may be provided for herein or assigned from time to time by the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to establish a Planning Advisory Committee composed of voting residents of this City who will, on an interim basis, act as an investigatory and ad- visory agency to and make recommendations to the City Council regarding land use policies; NOW T EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of California, as follows: SECTION 1. Establishment. A Planning Advisory Committee hereby is created. SECTION 2. Type of Committee and Member's Qualifications. The Committee shall be an advisory body to the City Council. Its members shall be residents and electors of the City of 1 If a member ceases to be resident or elector of the City, his or her membership shall terminate and a replacement who is a resident and elector of the City shall be appointed. SECTION 3. Functions. The Committee's functions shall in- clude, but will not be limited to: a) coordination of the activities of the Riverside County Planning Commission and the East r l nning Council, with the City Council of the City of on those matters that require action by or review by the Commission or the East Area Planning Council; b) initiation of a review of Riverside County ordinances, rules and regulations relating to land use to determine those which should be reviewed or modified at an early date by the City Council; and c) other duties as may be assigned by the City Council. SECTION 4. Organization. The Committee shall be comprised of five 5) members. SECTION 5. Appointment, Term of Office, Vacancies, Selection of Chairman and Vice-Chairman and Removal. The members shall be appointed by the City Council. The members shall serve at the pleasure of the City Council for an indefinite term. Vacancies BIB] 07-17-1996-U01 09:46:43AM-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 18-U02 1982-U02 Page 2 on the Committee shall be filled by the City Council. The Commit- tee shall, at its first meeting, elect one of its members who shall act as Chairman, and one of its members who shall act as Vice- C??airman in those instances when the Chairman is not in attendance. Members may be removed by a majority vote of the City Council. SECTION 6. Meetings and Procedures. Regular meetings of the Committee shall be held on such days and at such locations as are determined by the Committee and may be adjourned from time to time as the Committee may deem appropriate. The Chairman of the Com- mittee may call special meetings in the manner provided for by law. All meetings shall comply with the requirements of the Ralph M. Brown Act and shall be structured so as to permit the broadest exchange of viewpoints and communication of ideas between members of the Committee, members of the community and other interested parties. SECTION 7. Minutes and Reports. The committee shall forward minutes of its meetings to the City Council and City Manager as soon as is practicable after each regular and special session. Further, the Committee may forward reports to the City Council and/or the City Manager as appropriate. SECTION 8. Staffing Assistance. The Committee shall have reasonable access to, and cooperation of, all City staff as necessary to proper performance of the functions d?scribed above. Requests for additional professional staff and/or financial assistance shall be directed to the City Manager and shall be subject to subsequent approval by the City Council. SECTION 9. Termination. The Committee's functions shall ter- minate and the Committee shall be disestablished upon the creation and establishment of a regularly functioning local City Planning Commission. SECTION 10. Compensation. No member of the Committee shall receive any compensation for services rendered as a member of said Committee; provided, however, that the City Manager may provide for reimbursement of necessary expenses in such a manner and in amounts as are first approved by the City Council. APPROVED and ADOPTED this day of i?f, 1982. ATTEST: City APPROVED AS TO FORM: APP?VEDAS torne; City Manager BIB] 07-17-1996-U01 09:46:43AM-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 18-U02 1982-U02 1 Board of Supervisors County of Riverside 2 5 RESOLUTION NO. 82-159 AUTHORIZING SPECIFIC SERVICES TO BE FURNISHED TO THE CITY OF 4 LA QUINTA THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 1982 5 6 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of V Riverside, State of California, in regular session assembled on May 8 4, 1982, that pursuant to Government Code Section 354481, services 9 presently being furnished by the County of Riverside shall continue 10 to be furnished, without charge, to the City of La Quinta through 11 December 31, 1982. 12 BE IT F?RTHER RESOLVED that the specific services to be fur 13 nished through this extended period shall include the following: 14 Law Enforcement Sheriff Services) Fire Protection 15 Planning Services fees to accrue to County) Building & Safety Services fees to accrue to County) 16 Animal Control Public Works Street Maintenance) 17 Library Services Civil Defense 18 19 Roll Call resulted as follows: 20 AYGU: Abr??, Schro???r, andLess, Younglove and Ceriiceroa 21 No?s: 22 Abs?nt: tqone 23 24 25 26 PCjf 27 5/3/82 28 JAMES H. ANGELL T? fo be tue copy of a GOUNTY COUNSEL LAW LIBRARY BLDG e U 0 d Boa d 0 Supe RIVEPSID. CAL PORN A C t sad Board eputy BIB] 07-17-1996-U01 09:46:43AM-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 18-U02 1982-U02 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 07-17-1996-U01 09:46:43AM-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 18-U02 1982-U02 CITY flF LA fli!IITA FT???!,CT?.L PEP?PT C??TP I P. lTIflN,? FYPE???E? Tnm T??r??urrl rintincj flr??rt lu? o? I.? uinta A7? 47 Trvjt?tjOn.? t.. 47?.?7 Dr?or?ni r'?roc?ures 725.fl? i?1? and 2flfl.fl? ijs,n?s? ards flfl.fl.fl P?1rn nrinn? C?Vjn?? hntn rvic?? o?.l;.fl. and Pic??rd Art?ir nfl.nfl.. Pr??id?nt n??ta.n..p A?,flfl r.?i. h?rmar A. r?jth P?t. PET!.??T.jP?F.?rr]Ts r r..r?nn?n Paul rnp.tch.r.u? 2?<fl.flfl fln?taei?) an? p.o?co? l?illou(1.?b.v lfln.fln P?..t Pp, iii" l?.nn orci? rzic?la ln.n..n.n. n?n?, t?tionary c?lls) Paul Cn?tc?r'.ij? 4n V.*p? 2fl?.flfl Pn?tATT?'...? Alic? and lfrpd A.artin 2?.flfl Cit', of La quirita 4?A.n 24l A7 41 7 *?xtra nosta?? dnnat?..d BIB] 07-17-1996-U01 09:46:43AM-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 18-U02 1982-U02 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 07-17-1996-U01 09:46:43AM-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 18-U02 1982-U02 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 07-17-1996-U01 09:46:43AM-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 18-U02 1982-U02 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 07-17-1996-U01 09:46:43AM-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 18-U02 1982-U02 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 07-17-1996-U01 09:46:43AM-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 18-U02 1982-U02 DR) ELDORADO BANK April 30, 1982 City Council City of La Quinta SEE RESOLUTION NO. 82-17 P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 RE: Commercial Banking Services Gentlemen: The Bank of Indio has followed the progress made by Fred and Kay Wolff, and later the Task For?in promoting the benefits to be derived from Cityhood for the residents of the La Quinta area. Bank of Indio was also responsible for providing construction loan funds for three major commercial developments in the downtown La Quinta area over the past 2 years. On April 5, 1982, Bank of Indio merged with Eldorado Bank which, in effect, increased the size of the Bank approximately tenfold to $150,000,000.00 in assets. Eldorado Bank is now in a position to provide a full range of commercial banking services to the City of La Quinta. We wish to go on record as being willing to provide banking amenities to enable the Council to fulfull its responsibilities to the citizens of the Community. In addition to the basic checking account requirements for the various purposes, a Line of Credit can also be made avail- able to cover administrative startup expenses. Eldorado Bank, subject to adequate documentation and the necessary legal resolu- tions passed by Council, will make available a $30,000.00 unsecured revolving Line of Credit for a term of one year. Interest will be charged at the legally permissible interest rate of 10% simple interest, payable monthly. The principal outstanding and interest will all be due and payable at maturity. Eldorado Bank is willing to absorb the printing costs of the initial supply of checks on each of the accounts the Coun?il decides is nec?ssary to conduct. Eldorado Bank will require that the City conduct a total banking relationship with it in order to make these services feasible from the Bank?s standpoint. Our sincere congratulations to each of the five Council Members for having gained the confidence of local residents and being subsequently voted into office and installed at the official ceremonies on May 1, 1982. We look forward to meeting with each of you personally in order to coordinate banking services required immediately. The Bank Officer contact will be Derrick G. Muggeridge, Vice President and Branch Manager, Indio Branch. Yours very sincerely, 1/ Richard Cordova Executive Vice President and Loan Administrator RC:mpf INDO OFFICF 81701 H?y. 111 Iridjo, California 92201 714) 347-6156 MAILING ADDRESS.' P.O. Dr?ve-r 1747, mdc California 92201 BIB] 07-17-1996-U01 09:46:43AM-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 18-U02 1982-U02 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 07-17-1996-U01 09:46:43AM-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 18-U02 1982-U02 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 07-17-1996-U01 09:46:43AM-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 18-U02 1982-U02 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 07-17-1996-U01 09:46:43AM-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 18-U02 1982-U02 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 07-17-1996-U01 09:46:43AM-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 18-U02 1982-U02 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 07-17-1996-U01 09:46:43AM-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 18-U02 1982-U02 Palm Springs Savings and Loan CHECK GUARANTEE CARD APPLICATION AND AGREEMENT By signing this Agreement, or using the Palm Springs Savings and Loan Association, hereinafter referred to as Association", CHECK GUARANTEE CARD, I/we request the Check Guarantee service and agree to the following terms and conditions of the check guarantee. 1. I/we agree that checks will be drawn on my/our own personal checking account which will be covered by Check Guarantee and overdraft protection. 2. INVe agree that check(s) will not exceed $100.00 in any one day to any one merchant. 3. iNve agree that check(s) will be made payable to an established business firm. 4. lIwe agree to notify Association of any change of address within ten 10) days of such change. 5. INVe agree to sign my/our Check Guarantee Card immediately upon receipt, and I/we will not authorize any other person to use the card or sign my/our checks. 6. lIWe agree that I/we will inform the Bank immediately if card is lost or stolen. 7. INVe agree that the Check Guarantee Card(s) issued by the Bank as part of this agreement is/are the proper- ty of Palm Springs Savings and Loan Association and service may be revoked by the Association at any time without prior notice. In the event I/we close my/our personal checking account on which Check Guarantee Card(s) is/are issued, I/we agree to surrender all Check Guarantee Cards to Association. 8. lIwe understand and agree that any Check Guarantee Card(s) issued under this agreement will be issued on an annual basis only, to expire each year as dated on the face of said card(s), and that reissue at the time of expiration will be solely at the discretion of the Association. 9. If I/we fail to perform any of the terms or conditions of this agreement, I/we promise to pay all reasonable costs of collection and reasonable attorney fees incurred by the Association. 10. I/we agree not to exceed the assigned Overdraft Protection Credit limit and understand that the Association is not required to extend credit in excess of credit limit or after termination of this account. 11. In the event that I/we do not have sufficient funds in my/our checking account to paychecks properly drawn, I/we agree that the Association has the following rights: The Association may charge my/our overdraft protection account to pay the check(s) in any amount not to exceed my/our available overdraft protection credit limit. This agreement does not increase this limit. The Association may offset the insufficiency in my/our account from any other source of funds held for me/us by the Association. The Association may create an overdraft with all applicable charges to my/our checking account if suffi- cient funds are not available. Association may delay enforcing any of its rights under this agreement without losing them. I hereby apply for a Palm Springs Savings and Loan Association CHECK GUARANTEF CARD. I have read this Agree- ment and accept all of its terms and conditions. Further, I understand that an overdraft protection Credit Line ac- count is required by the Association for Check Guarantee service, and I agree that if I do not already have an Over- draft Protection Account one will be opened for me. I further understand that I will not be charged for an overdraft protection credit account until I use it. I also authorize you to receive information on my credit, and if this applica- tion is for a loint account we agree that this statement applies to both of us. I have read and understand and agree to the additional binding terms and conditions of this agreement which are printed on the back of this page. If more than one customer signs this application, each of you understands and agrees that you are jointly and severally liable under this agreement. 5l?nature ix 2. x Address Employer Address Home Phone Business Phone Driver's License #___________________________________ Social Security # PLEA5? IssuE: One card; tvvo cards; or account 00502 AssocIATlo? USE SEcTION Officer Branch Date May 198? Overdraft Protection Limit *30,000. ard Expiration Date BIB] 07-17-1996-U01 09:46:43AM-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 18-U02 1982-U02 TO: Palm Springs Savings & Loan APPLICATION FOR CONSUMER LOAN 103 North Palm Canyon Drive Palm Springs, CA 92262 DATE May 3,..............................19 B2 Thit SpOticatIon IS Submitted to Obtain a roan under the following ConditloOs AMOUNT OF CREDIT REOUI RED s..*.3?O 4.00 0??0LO? NUMBER MONTHS LOan check F Equity Loan F Home Improvtmet? Loan Ptrt0n3l Loan Tyne ont) F Aulomobilt Loan F. Mobile Home LOafl Other Cr???&.-@ iAfl.?.-. IMPORTANT: Read these directionS before ComplAtIng tht.t tFPIjCttiOij Check F If you are appi... my for individual Credit in your Own name, art not rnatriCd, and art not relyin9 Or alimony, Child suoport, Or separate ntainttnance payments, or On the 0(5 Income Or assets Of another toeruon as thf bttlS for repayment of the Credit requetted, do not furnish any information rtgardiny Spouse, Joirat Applicant Or Other Party. In 511 Other SituStlons Complete SectiOnS retardin9 information about: Spouse, JOint Applicant Or tht person Onvyhont alinsony, Suoport. ormatneenance paysnents Or Income Or assets you are relying. AN APPLICANT, WHETHEP MARRIED, UNMARRIED, OR SEPARAEO MAY APPLY FOR A JOINT OR AN INOIVIDUAL SEPARATE ACCOUNT lChtck One) F JOINT ACCOUNT F INOIVIDUAL ACCOUNT APPLICANT sa?e C?y of LaQuinta Mv F'.,,,, SO? SEe. FaNMARCIFO---.......................... F P.p??ox LaQuinta, CA 92253 OtEaRseE RENT F 0eeSCMEAThFvr,,vv55or?Eaekh>WyV Cr SASVE 505 5(50 WI 0 500 bCe 5E?5 e(?(.I OP.nLNrtPPtIcaNt? Or EMOI.flVt rECESS 55,IvE.5. 5,5.*5. c,,a I I S55?'? Er. ZICIANrt?ONQ........................`. CS? I.s CHILO SuPPORT. OR SEPARAtE NAINTENAN N OM N I OHOOT(?ERTECVNEAALVEtOtnIFcOTENEttAPPt'cANT ORJOtNTA AN no NO INFORMATION REGAROINS SPOUSE IGINT APPLICANT. OR OTHER PARTY NaMt.;?s A tOAFSSIN,'?E.r. 5 5r?.5. 055. I oI.,SrE.rII ancects I5,,vC.I, 5E?rc,,5, SI......................................................................................... A I WORE L?) 0 L71 H-.?Os.tI5aMb N 5I(E( ONt____ TFvsoueEroIoVH?re?INE.VME ALIMONY. CHtLD SUPPORT, OR tEPARATEMAINTENNNOMN NOT BE REVEALED tr THE APPUCANT OR JOINT A AN DO NO INEORMATION REGARDING ROME AND AUTOS W5Et 05(51,5, be.. 555,1,. vEnaTreeIcn 7?MLvIIFFFv15 475 IMORtOAflC5eO?FR AEDRE5tIS,,0I,... T5,??L Cisa, Z 0-erR CVCTTAEaI5 SF5 reRoer CT,, I,;;;j-.z,ieI CHOOSE TO HAVE I;;NaIDEREOASAR;;?FORRANH 0 F CESTFS.SAME,5ELSSOLOCO AOOSESSIS,,CFe,. C0E. SI S SC..r. 00.1,51 SEA MAKE 0 5 AuTOMOSI FLIES SOLDEr tDRSOIN?b.s. I.R.S. c,.e,?ZICI E? M.'a.K?F AECOUST5U'.5?k?'?.......- E S S PLEASE LIST ALL OTHER LOANS AND CHARGE ACCOUNTS Banks, finance companies. Credit aniont, Stores, STO). ATTACH SEPARATE SHEET IF NECESSARY, I NAME OF CPFOICOR H H...-.. j+<,,3??,5C S INFORMATION REGARDING SAVINGS AND CHECKING ACCOUNTS N? Palm S,?r ings Savings & Loan 51100 AVe. Ber mu,d-..a S.-???'nt 99-502-7.,jffi50.mffi 0I? CSFc.EI5Ii ACEOUSS NO. I I S C c.?-oisa5iO S I THIS LOAN WILL BE SECURED BY THE FOLLOWING OESCRIBEO COLLATERALSECURITY Acoects Op PRO PEers TO Rh IMP Royce SAvE... tI,..r. C,,,. T,,,SI APARTMISS SaFe SEC,,, PC USOMELSENIC gIrScRVCUVTEtSEtMO,p0FCWa.?6Lr, WoskEas INV?E'".e. ti's. C,,,. I---------------55505 NUMB. fUThCVATe.TSI.EE..'PCV5ESTFA[ANCC MOSSES $ $ S SF[.d55Tk>ST DFESSWRtG'ASCI>050r5 Ab-nR..Etn.(N';Au... r.'s. cVVv-e;...............aESCs.T'k-a[AScEM'iVNTSCS??AFMESS'? FuSE SOLACE E.E.VVVCE??.' ZOSC; OTASC CR NSTC5OPECT,,...............................................................It S zo atel PRESENT RA[SNCE ON S fSC C Re 0 ASITO MACE NEW C ORSINA.5cEDnS eooScsS 155550,5 Se'S ES BIB] 07-17-1996-U01 09:46:43AM-U01 CC-U02 05-U02 18-U02 1982-U02