CC Resolution 1982-060'GCift?rnia State Department of Ed?cation Office of Surplus Iroperty 721 Capitol MaU, Saerame?to, CA 9S?I4 OSP Form No.202 82) RESOLUTION NO.82-60 HL IT RESOLVED by the Governing Board, OR by the Chief Adrininistrative Omeer of those organizations which do not have a governing board, and hereby ordered that the official(s) and/or employee(s) whose name(s), title(s), and signature(s) are listed bejow shall be and is are) hereby authorized as our representative(s) to acquire federal surplus property from the California State Agency for Surplus Property under the Terms arid Conditions listed on the reverse side of this form." NAME TITLE SIG?ATURE Print or type.) Frank M. Usher City Manager Ann Jennings Admin. Ass'tlsecretary PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2nd day of November 19 82 by the Governing Hoard of th? City of La puinta, California. by the followirtg vote: Ayes:A-; Noes: 0 Absent: 1 1, Frank M. Usher Clerk of the Goterning Board of City of La Quinta 1? hereby certify that the f()regoing is a lull, true, and Corr'et copy of a resolution adopted by the Board at a re?uiar meeting thereof held at its regular place of meeting at the date and by the vote abo?e stated, which resolution is on file in the office of the Board. CIty f T.? Namt of organization P.O. Box 1504 P Mad ing addt?ss La Quinta Riverside 92253 Signed] / City Cou?ty ZIP code OR AUTHORIZED this 2nd day of November 19 82 by: Frank M. Usher City Manager Name of chief adminisirative oftr?er T?tI City of La Quinta Narne of organization P.O. Box 1504 Mailmg addre? La Quinta Riverside 92253 Signed] City Cournt? zI? code BIB] 04-24-1996-U01 09:31:20AM-U01 CCRES-U02 82-U02 60-U02 'G TERMS AND CONDITIONS A) TIlE DONEE CERTIFIES THAT; 1) Ii S a public agency; or a nonprofit educational or public health ilistilil lion or orgartii..1tiou. c\.cmpl l-r'?ni i,.t\..1 I ii,Il mdci Vt.1 1,11' i I of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954; within the meaning of Section 203(j) of Ihe lederal roperly and Admitti?<l al ive Services At I I as amended, and the regulations of the Administrator or General Services. 2) If a public agency, the property is needed and will be used by the recipient for carrying out or promoting for the residents of a given politictI area one or more public purposes, or, if a nonprofit lax'exen)pt jnsljtU tic) Ii or organization, the property is needed ror and will be used by the recipient t*,r cditcaliooal or public health purposes, and including research for such purpose. *l?he prcipcrty is not being acquired for an?.* tither ose or pur'?osc or for s:tlt, hr cit her disIflitill ion; or or pert"ane'it List' otilside the state. except vt tIc prior apt)r(>val of the St ft' ageocy 3) Ft' ridt arc av,.'itahlc I it p..ty ill coSts and charges incident to dona lion. 4) This transaction shall be subject to the nondiscrimination regulations governing the donation of stirplas personal property issued under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964'. Titi" Vt. Section 606, of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of I 949, as amended; Section 504 of tie Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; jtk' IX of tile PAucation Amendments of 972. as amended; and Section 303 of the Age Discrilnination Act of 1975. B) THE DONEE AGREES TO THE FOLLOWING FEDERAL CONDITIO?S: I) All items of property shall be placed in use for the purpose(s) for which acquired within one year of receipt and shall be continued in use for such purpose(s) for one year trot" the date the property was placed in use. In the event the property is not so placed itt use, or continued in use, the dunce shall immediately notify the stale agency and, at the dunce's expense, return such property to the state agency. or otherwise make the property available for transfer or other disposal by the state agency, provided the property is still usable as determined by the state agency. 2) Such special handling or use limitations as are imposed by General Services Administration GSA) on any item(s) of property listed hereon. 3) In the event the property is nut 50 used or handled as required by IB)( I) and 2), title and right to the possession of stich property shall at the option of GSA revert 10 the United States of America and upon demand the donee shall release such property to such person as GSA or its designee shall direct. C) THE DONEE AGREES TO TIlL FOLLOWING CONDITIONS IMPOSED BY THE STATE AGENCY, APPLICABLE TO ITEMS WITh A UNIT ACQUISITION COST OF $3,000 OR MORE AND PASSENGER MOTOR VEHICLES, REGARDLESS OF ACQUISITION COST, EXCEPT VESSELS 50 l..El?OR 1ORF IN LENGTH AND AIRCRAFT: I) The property shall be used only for the purpose(s) for which acquired and for no oilier purpose(s). 2) There shall he a period ot restriction which will expire after such property has been used for the purpose(s) for Which acquired for a period of 18 months from the date the property is placed in use, except fur such items of major equipment, listed hereon, on which the Slate agency designates a further period of restrictioji. 3) In the event the property is not so used as required by C)( 1) and 2) and federal restrictions B)( I) and 2) have expired then title and right to the possession of such property shall at the option of the state agency revert to the State of California and the dunce shall release such property to such person as the State agency shall direct. D) TIlE DONEE AGREES TO TIlE FOLLOWING TERMS, RESERVATIONS, AND RESTRICTIONS: 1) From the date it receives the property listed hereon and through the period(s) of time the conditions imposed by B) and C) above remajn in effect, the donee shall not sell, trade, lease, lend, bail, cannibalize, encumber, or otherwise dispose of such property, or remove it permanently, for use outside the state, without the prior approval of GSA under B) or the state agency under C). The proceeds from any sale. trade, lease, loan, bailment, encumbrance, or other disposal of the property, when such action is authorized by GSA or by the state agency. shall be remitted promptly by the dunce to GSA or the state agency, as the case may be. 2) In the event any of the property listed liereon is sold, traded, leased, loaned, bailed, cannibalized, encurtibered, or otherwise disposed of by the donee from the date it receives the property through the period(s) of time the conditions imposed by B) and C) remain in effect, without the prior approval of GSA or the state agency, the dunce, at the option of GSA or the state agency, shall pay to GSA or the state agency, as the case may be, the proceeds of the disposal or the fair market value or lie fair rental value of the property at the time of such disposal, as determined by GSA or the state agency. 3) If at any tinte, from the date it receives the property through the period(s) of tune the conditions imposed by B) and C) remain in. effect, any of the property listed hercon is no longer suitable, usable, or further needed by the donee for the purpose(s) for which acquired. the donee shall promptly notify the State agency, and shall, as directed by the state agency, return the property to the state agency, release the property to another dunce or another state agency or a department or agency of the United States, sell, or otherwise dispose of the property. The proceeds from any sale shall be remitted promptly by the donee to the state agency. 4) The donee shall make reports tc) the state agency on the use, condition, and location of the property listed hereon. and on other pertinent matters as may be required front tilne to titne by the state agency. 5) At the option of the State agency, the dunce may abrogate the conditions set foTth in C) and the terms, reservations, and rest rictions pertinent thereto in 1)) by payment of an amount as determined by tl?c State agency. E) TIll... DONEE AGREES 1'O THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS, APPLICABLE TO ALL ITEMS OF PROPERTY LISTED IIFREON: I) The property acquired by the dunce is on an as is,'' where is'' basis, without warranty of any kind, 2) Where a donee carries Insurance against damages to or loss of property due to ire or other hazards and where loss of or damage to donated property with unexpired terms, conditions, reServations, or restrictions occurs, the state agency will be entitled to reimburse tent from the donee out of the insurance proceeds, of an amoulit equal to the unamortized portion of the fair value of the damaged or destroyed donated items. I:) TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLICABLI:, TO TIlE DONATION OF AIRCRAFT AND VESSELS 50 FEET OR MORE IN LENGTH) hAVING AN ACQUISITION COST 01.. $3,000 OR MORE, REGARDLESS OP THE PURPOSE OR WHICH ACQUIRED: The donation shall be subject to the terms, conditions, reservations, and restrictions set forth in the Conditional Transfer Document executed by the authorized dunce representative. C BIB] 04-24-1996-U01 09:31:20AM-U01 CCRES-U02 82-U02 60-U02 'G CITY CF LA QUINTA DEM?AND/WARRANT REGISTER November 2, 1982 Mort Brennan 1102 $ 600.00 Office Rental, October, 1982 Employment Development Department, State 1103 624.00 of California State Income Tax Withheld State Treasurer 1104 238.80 Unemployment In?urance, Quarter Ended 9/30/82 Void 1105 Security Pacific National Bank 1106 1,251.60 Federal Income Taxes Withheld Internal Revenue Service 1107 259.10 Final Payment, Federal Income Tax Withheld Desert Beautiful 1108 6.25 Luncheon, Fred Wolff Void 1109 Judith A. Cox 1110 300.00 Expense Advance, League of Calif. Cities Conference, Oct. 17-20, 1982 Fred Wolff 1111 300.00 Expense Advance, League of Calif. Cities Conference, Oct. 17-20, 1982 Frank M. Usher 1112 300.00 Expense Advance, League of Calif. Cities Conference, Oct. 17-20, 1982 Judith M. Imkamp 1113 300.00 Expense Advance, League of Calif. Cities Conference, Oct. 17-20, 1982 Payroll, 10/1/82 through 10/15/82 1114 to 2,755.75 1117 United States Post Office 1118 100.00 Postage Kevin Carrigan 1119 20.00 Expense Reimbursement, Internship Program Coachella Valley Association of Cov. 1120 60.00 CVAG General Assembly Meeting October 26, 1982 BIB] 04-24-1996-U01 09:31:20AM-U01 CCRES-U02 82-U02 60-U02 'GDEMAND/WARRA?T REGISTER November 2, 1982 Milicraft Furniture Co., Inc. 1121 $ 5,130.42 Office/council chambers furniture Ann Jennings 1122 50.00 Auto compensation, October, 1982 Frank N. Usher 1123 135.81 Auto compensation, October, 1982; expense reimbursement, League of Calif. Cities Conf., Oct.17-20, 1982 Payroll, 10/16/82 through 10/31/82 1124-1131 3,459.13 Eugene F. Abbott 1132 25.00 Auto & telephone compensation October, 1982 Douglas A. Brown Auto COmpensation, October, 1982 1133 100.00 Robert L. Baier 1134 25.00 Auto & telephone compensation October, 1982 Judith A. Cox 1135 25.00 Auto & telephone compensation October, 1982 John L. Henderson 1136 25.00 Auto & telephone compensation October, 1982 Fred Wolff 1137 25.00 Auto & telephone Compensation October, 1982 Best, Best & Kneger 1139 1,751.50 Professional fees re litigation 8-13-82 through 9-28-82 Mort Brennan 114.0 600.00 Office rental, November, 1982 Daily News 1141 27.00 Legal ads: public hearing notices General Telephone Company 1142 123.70 elephone charges, September, 1982 I.B.M. 1143 828.60 Selectric III typewriter & supplies Imperial Irrigation District 1144 73.16 Electrical service, September, 1982 BIB] 04-24-1996-U01 09:31:20AM-U01 CCRES-U02 82-U02 60-U02 'GDEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER November 2, 1982 Imperial Sign company 1145 $ 381.60 City Hall sign League of California Cities 1146 50.00 Citrus Belt Division Dues, *82-83 League of California Cities 1147 14.73 Mailing labels, re personnel Los Angeles Times 1148 116.46 Personnel advertisement Community Dev. Director National Sanitary Supply Company 1149 16.96 Trash can liners Palm Springs, City of 1150 601.65 Group h?alth insurance premium October, 1982 Riverside, County of 1151 96.30 Office supplies, copier paper Sunline Transit Agency 1152 166.23 Bus rental, Planning Tour Ray Wood Associates 1153 400.00 Contract financial services, September, 1982 Xerox Corporation 1154 223.86 Total Expenditures $ 21,587.61 BIB] 04-24-1996-U01 09:31:20AM-U01 CCRES-U02 82-U02 60-U02