CC Resolution 1983-017' MAY+YOR ATTEST: x x I?CL?RK APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: x 2? CITY ATT?RNEY CfTY MANAG?R RESOLUTION NO. 83-17 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, SUPPORTING THE EFFORTS OF THE WATER TASK FORCE COMMITTEE TO DOCUMENT PROBLEMS AND COMPLAINTS BY CUSTOMERS OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA WATER COMPANY WHICH WILL BE SUBMITTED TO THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION UNDER RATE INCREASE REQUEST NUMBER 82-10-11 NOI #77-W) WHEREAS, Southern California Water Company purchased the Santa Carmelita Water Company in September, 1978, with a promise to their new customers to provide good quality water and service to the community served, as well as upgrade and improve the antiquated system; and WHEREAS, there has been very little upgrading, modernizing or visible evidence of a capital improvement program; and WHEREAS, the public dissatisfaction with Southern California Water Company's water quality, taste, smell and purity, as well as the storage and delivery system, is being voiced from all areas served; and WHEREAS, the system was and is inadequate to meet County fire flow standards; and WHEREAS, in November, 1982, the City Council was required to reduce fire flow requirements for the City from 1500 gpm to 500 gpm which is highly unsatisfactory for long term development and safety of the community; and WHEREAS, the Southern California Water Company has now pending before the P.U?C. reciuests for massive rate increases with no promise of improvement in service, water quality or the system itself. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that a reasonable rate increase can be justified only by a defined program to upgrade and modernize the entire storage and delivery systeTn, assuring each and every BIB] 04-24-1996-U01 02:32:48PM-U01 CCRES-U02 83-U02 17-U02