CC Resolution 1983-029' RESOLUTION NO.83-29 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEMANDS. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, to approve demand? as shown on the Demand/Warrant Register dated June 7, 1983. APPROVED and ADOPTED this 7th day of June, 1983. I MAYOR ATTEST: />z2 APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: XCITY ATTORNEY ITY CER BIB] 04-25-1996-U01 07:27:18AM-U01 CCRES-U02 83-U02 29-U02 ' DE?ND/V?R? ISIER June 7, 1983 Von's rocery 1567 $ 126.99 Public safety supplies: 20 pkgs. Polariod film Lawrence 0. Allen 1568 150.00 E?ense advance League of Calif. Cities Leg. Conference, May 23-25, Sacramento, CA. Void 1569 Void 1570 Carnation Corr?y 1571 45.30 Salads, ice cream for picnic May 21, 1983. Heimark Distributing C?pany 1572 87.00 Keg beer & eguipeent rental for picnic, 5/21/83. Payroll, May 16 May 31, 1983 1573 1595 6,809.18 Lawrence 0. Allen 1596 275.05 Fepense reTh?urs?r?nt, League of Calif. Cities Leg. Conference, May 23-25, 1983, Sacramento. Book Publishing C?any 1597 1,060.00 Progress billing for codification of La Quinta Municipal Code. rt Brennan 1598 1,200?00 Office rental for June Darcy Printing Co., Inc. 1599 289.95 Printing of 1100 Business Licenses Delta Electrical Services 1600 42.65 Install one 1) electrical outlet at City lall Duca and McCoy 1601 960.00 Professional services re: engineering Sidney Felix 1602 602.50 Clean-up of oleanders on Eisenhower, Washington St., cate & Madero, and Avenue 50 General elephone Ccopany 1603 522.82 Telephone services for April/May, 1983 Imperial Irrigation District 1604 85.64 International Business Machines Corporation 1605 142.21 IBM Lift Of f Tape & Correctable Ribbon La Quinta Builders Supply, Inc. 1606 4.20 Staples for staple gun BIB] 04-25-1996-U01 07:27:18AM-U01 CCRES-U02 83-U02 29-U02 'DEM??ND/? PEGTS'TER June 7, 1983 Page Fred Rice Productions, Inc. 1607 99.19 Finished art?rk for City seal Riverside, County of Health Department) 1608 935.13 Animal Control Services for April, 1983 Schwaab 1609 54.94 3 Penria Stanps for Planning Departeent Smart & Final Iris Ceapany 1610 231.07 Supplies & food for picnic held 5-21-83. St?ckwell & Binney 1611 114.29 Office supplies The Valley Press 1612 319.27 Business License ID cards; business license windshield decals West Publishing C?npany 1613 73.14 West's Annotated Calif. Codes Xerox Corporation 1614 244.86 Copier ental, April, 1983 i?fpAT, $ 14,475.38 BIB] 04-25-1996-U01 07:27:18AM-U01 CCRES-U02 83-U02 29-U02