CC Resolution 1983-042( RESOLUTION NO. 83-42 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEMANDS BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, to approve demands as shown on the Demand/Warrant Register dated August 2, 1983. APPROVED and ADOPTED this 2nd day of August, 1983. MAYOR ATTEST: C T APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: ATTORNEY CITY?A?AGER BIB] 04-25-1996-U01 09:21:56AM-U01 CCRES-U02 83-U02 42-U02 ( CI? OF LA QUINTA DE?/?RR?? REGISTER August 2, 1983 Wickes Lubber 1733 $ 243.67 10'x9' tal storage Building for Public Safety Robert L. Baier 1734 162.36 Expense remiburs?nent League of Cities Executive Forum, bnterey July 19-22, 1983 Conference Registration Office League of Cities 1735 60.00 Registration Fee anall Cities Mayors & Counci?bers Conference August 19, 1983 84 Lubber 1736 205.30 Utility Boxes for vehicles PAYROLL, 7/16/83 through 7/31/83 1737- 1748 6,749.42 ATTO COMPENSATION, July, 1983 1749- 1759 1,131.90 The Blueprinter 1760 7.63 Blueprinting and supplies el Brush Awards 1761 62.03 Plaa?tie, nameplates Coachella valley Association of Govermnents 1762 6,073.00 Dues Assessment, FY 1983-1984 Daily News 1763 169.90 Legal Advertisements re. street vacations; redevelo?in?nt Darcy Printing C?npany 1764 443.08 Permit and Inspection Printing, including artwork The Desert Sun 1765 14.25 Newspaper subscription? 8-1-83 to 11-1-83 Imperial Irrigation District 1766 245.43 Electrical Service, June-July, 1983 Inland Fire Protection, Inc. 1767 46.64 Fire extinguishers for City vehicles 2) International City t. Association 1768 274.20 M??ership Dues, FY 1983-1984 LSA 1769 600.31 Professional services re: La Quinta Redevelo?xnent Plan June 1-30, 1983 National Fire Protection Association 1770 62.50 rrbership Dues, NFPA Annual subscription) BIB] 04-25-1996-U01 09:21:56AM-U01 CCRES-U02 83-U02 42-U02 (DEM??/W?ANT ISIER August 2, 1983 Page Two. Palm Springs, City of 1771 $ 1,049.43 Insurance Pr?njum for July, 1983 Pitney Powes 1772 41.34 Touchrnatic Postage ter Rental: 7-1-83 to 9-30-83 The Print Shop 1773 90.10 2500 Notice of Public Nuisance Riverside, County of Departr?nt of Health) 1774 581.71 Animal control services for June, 1983 Riverside, County of Road Department) 1775 2,893.82 Reset downed stop signs; barricade at wash & guard rail; pot bole repair; repair & replace delineators on Washington St.; roadside maintenance & grading. Riverside, County of Supply Services Division) 1776 125.82 Office Supplies Sparkletts Water 1777 21.10 Cooler rental & 3 5 gal. bottles water rt Brennan 1778 $ 1,500.00 Office rental for August, 1983 Suites B, C, D, E and F 1uIL?. $22,854.94 BIB] 04-25-1996-U01 09:21:56AM-U01 CCRES-U02 83-U02 42-U02