CC Resolution 1983-053(; RESOLUTION NO. 83-53 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEMANDS BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, to approve demands as shown on the Demand/Warrant Register dated September 20, 1983. APPROVED and ADOPTED this 20th day of Se?tember 1983 1 VA MAYOR ATTEST: 2.?L; City 1e?k APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: 7 A RNNY CITY MANAGER BIB] 04-25-1996-U01 10:32:57AM-U01 CCRES-U02 83-U02 53-U02 (; CITY OF LA QUTNTA DE?/W?RANT REGISTER Sept?r 20, 1983 Sun Express C?Tpany 1871 177.35 Freight re: office furniture Cash 1872 98.38 Petty Cash reirrbursement: 8/08 9/03/83 Payroll: 9/01/83 through 9/15/83 1873- 1884 7,034.11 Edward Hernaridez 1885 2,000.00 Acquisition of Lease rights: Suite A Arrow Printing C?any 1886 20.29 Two reams paper J?s W. Belyeu 1887 600.00 Contract plan check services: ract 13640 Black Gold Gas Station 1888 93.60 Fuel for City Vehicles: 8/1 8/31/83 D. Carmichael 1889 150.00 Janitorial Services: 8/14 9/14/83 Chevron U.S.A. Inc. 1890 24.22 Fuel for Council M?r?ers: Small Cities Forum held 8/19/83 C??rintron Corporation 1891 641.46 hree scanner radios w/antennas & connectors Sidney Felix 1892 678.50 Roadside litter clean-up: Avenue 52, Eisenhower Dr., Calle La Fonda, Ave. ntezuma, Calle Tanpico Geri's Unifo?s 1893 115.54 Six uniform shirts, two narr? pins Houston 5 Country Club sweeping 1894 577.60 August street seeeping Imperial Irrigation District 1895 48.77 Service establishment & electricity for Suite F July, 1983 Press Enterprise Coppany 1896 241.86 Personnel ads: City Engineer/Planning Director Chuck Silva Carpets 1897 555.00 Recarpet Suite C" BIB] 04-25-1996-U01 10:32:57AM-U01 CCRES-U02 83-U02 53-U02 (;DEM?ND/WARP?NT Sept?r?r 20, 1983 Page Two. Spark1ett? S 1898 $ 42.20 Bottled water August, 1983 Ray Wcpd Associates 1899 950.00 AL $ 14,048.88 BIB] 04-25-1996-U01 10:32:57AM-U01 CCRES-U02 83-U02 53-U02