CC Resolution 1984-031) RESOLUTION NO. 84-31
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has recommended approval of
Specific Plan No. 83-002 pursuant to Section 65500 et seq. of the
California Planning and Zoning Law and has transmitted the same to
the City Council in compliance with Section 65502 of said Law; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has held at least one public hearing
on Specific Plan No. 83-002, as required by Section 65503 of the
California Planning and Zoning Law; and
WHEREAS, the specific plan, as amended, is consistent with the
La Quinta General Plan and the Riverside County General Plan; and
WHEREAS, development of the project, as amended and in accordance
with the conditions of approval, will be compatible with the surrounding
area; and
WHEREAS, the impacts of the closure of Jefferson Street on Lake
Cahuilla Regional Park will be adequately compensated by improvements
to the facilities and by the contribution to a City pool and recreation
facility; and
WHEREAS, the project will be provided with adequate utilities and
public services to ensure public health and safety; and
WHEREAS, the City finds and determines that each and every condition
included in the specific plan is an integral part of the underlying
specific plan approval; that each condition was imposed to ensure, among
other things, consistency with the general plan and mitigation of envi-
ronmental consequences; that the City would not have approved said
specific plan in the absence of requiring compliance with each and every
condition; and that if any condition is invalidated by the action of the
Applicant, or not complied with by the Applicant, said specific plan
approval, including the design thereof, shall be subject to reconsidera-
tion by the City upon written notice to the Applicant; and
WHEREAS, based upon the information contained within the
Environmental Impact Report prepared for the project, the overriding
finding is made that the irrevocable conversion of agricultural land
to urban uses is warranted due to the site's location adjacent to
and within the incorporated City limits, the area land ownership
pattern, the disproportionate land costs of the site and surrounding
properties compared to other agricultural land within the Coachella
valley1 the planned construction of a community sewage treatment
facility south of the site and the planned extension of community
sewers into the area.
) NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the
City of La Quinta does hereby adopt Specific Plan No. 83-002, as
amended, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein
by this reference, for certain property in and adjacent to the City,
subject to Conditions 1-47 as listed in attached Exhibit #1, Conditions
of Approval Specific Plan No. 83-002", which exhibit is incorporated
herein as though set forth at length.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk shall endorse on
said Specific Plan No. 83-002 the date of its adoption by the City
Council and the date of its approval by the Planning Commission.
APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of May 1984.
SPECIFIC PU? No.83-002
*?PG? W?ST" Y 15, 1984
1. The Applicant shall carply with E??ibit A", the plan d?ent for Specific
Plan 83-002, and the following conditions, which conditions shall take
precedence in the event of any conflict with the provisions of the specific
2. Prior 0 the issuance of a building permit for cons truction of any use
contenplated by this approval, the Applicant shall first obtain approval
of plot plans and tentative maps in accordance with the reguireeents of
the iinjcipal land Use and Land Division Ordinances.
3. The Applicant shall co?Tply with the latest Uniform Building Code, as
adopted by the City of Quinta. The appropriate seismic design criteria
will depend upon the type and use of the proposed structure and the under-
lying geologic conditions.
4. A nore detailed geotechnical study will be conducted to establish sit?
specific geotechnical paraneters for engineering design of the planned
stnicttre locations at the tTh? tentative subdivision or parcel maps are
prepared. The r???tions of this report, as well as those of the
structural engineer for mid-rise developeent sites) and city engineer
shall be c?rplied with prior to the issuance of grading or building permits.
ydrology/?iter nservation
5. Prior to the approval of final tract maps, the approval of zoning permits,
or the issuance of building permits, the Applicant shall prepare a hydro-
logical analysis for approval by the city engineer which will indicate the
n?thod and design to protect the proposed developeent fran the 100-year
flood. This plan shall be consistent with the purposes of any similar
plans of the Pedevelopeent Agency and the Coachella valley ter District
teen in effect for flood protection.
6. Prior to the approval of tentative maps or developeent plans, the Applicant
shall design and provide inform?tion derronstrating that should there be a
breach in the eeeneeent of either Lake Cahuilla or the Coachella Canal,
the developeent design will provide for the channelization or dispersal of
the waters in such a way so as to prevent a serious safety threat to the
residents of the nearby structures.
7. Prior to approval of building permits, the Applicant shall prepare a water
conservation plan which will indicate:
a. thods to minimize the consun!ption of on-site water usage, including
water saving fixtures, drought-tolerant and native landscaping, and
programs to minimize landscape irrigation.
b. thods for minimizing the effects of increased on-site runoff and
increased groundwater recharge, including the construction of on-site
collection and groundwater retention basins.
Page 2.
C. tl?ds for minimizing the amunt of groundwater punped out for
on-site irrigation, including the use of reclaim? water frc?n the
new sewage treatm?nt plant to be constructed and the use of irriga-
tion water fran the Coachella Canal.
8. Cottonwoods, sycair??re Plantanus Raceeosa), mesquite, palms Washingtonia
Filifera), and/or native, patible plantings shall be planted as part
of the golf course layouts. Plantings of this type w?ld be beneficial
to wildlife habitat values and could offset loss of prairie fal?n foraging
9. erever possible, native, drought-tolerant, desert plant species shall
be incorporated into the landscaping plan for the entire project area.
The landscape architect who produces the devel?ant site) plan should
have experience in landscaping with desert species. The Living Desert
Reserve, the Horticultural Depar?t of the College of the Desert in
Palm Desert and Desert Water Agency can provide valuable assistance in:
a) recarinendi4 experienced experts in desert species; b) identifying
nurseries that have been suc?ssful in large-scale propagation of the
type necessary for this project; c) reco?ing appropriate trees,
shrubs, and annual and perennial herbaceous species; or d) providing
contacted experts to the developer's landscape architect.
10. Drip irrigation shall be used wherever possible to irrigate plantings
to reduce the deaand for water in landscaping and to min?ze the need
to elinunate unwanted weedy species that established fr? wind-
borne seed.
11. In ril or y, 1984, the pplicant shall engage a qualified consultant
to determine the activity of the prairie falcon eyrie located 1/4 mile
north of the project site. Based upon findings and recoccendations
contained within the consultant's report, appropriate ir?asures shall be
developed to allow enhanCEeent of habitat on the project site c?rpatible
with golf oourse devel?ent.
12. If buried remains are encountered during devel?ent, a qualified
archaeologist shall be contacted ieeediately and appropriate mitigation
ir'easures can be taken.
Air Quality
13. Th the extent practical, major earth ment for each of the golf
courses shall occur before adjacent residential construction is c??leted.
14. The licant shall utilize dust control n?asures in accordance with the
Municipal Code and the Uniform Building Code and subject to the approval
of the city engineer.
Page 3.
15. At the tim? of s??:?ttal of tentative tract maps or plot planS1 the
Applicant shall d?nstrate that The pr?sed uses include provisions
for non-aut?tive rr?ans of transportation within The project site as
a rr?ans of reducing dependence on private aut?robiles. This may include
golf cart path syst?ns, bicycle and pedestrian syst?ns, and other similar
stEns consistent with the Specific Plan.
16. Specific project designs shall encourage The use of public transit by
providir? for on-site bus shelters as required by The planning director
and consistent with the requireeents of local transit districts and The
Specific Plan.
17. The Applicant shall encourage and support the use of SLinline van/bus
service /Djal-A-Ride/ jitneys between the project site, local airports
e.g., Palm Springs, Thennal), and other regional land uses.
Traffic and Ciraulation
18. 54th Avenue, 58Th Avenue, Airport Boulevard and dison Street contiguous
to the project shall be developed in accordance with Their General Plan
designations and the Quinta and/or Riverside County design and
structural standards in effect at The tixr? of tentative tract or develo?
merit approval in conjunction with the phased in?leeentation of the Specific
54th Avenue, 58th Avenue and dison Street shall be constructed to miflirnum
three-quarter 3/4) width inproveeent standard.
19. Prior to The closure of Jefferson Street, the Applicant shall construct
and lirp rove dison Street between 54th and 52nd Avenues, or provide
adequate financial seccrity i.e., letter of credit), with a minimum
32-foot-wide pav?r?nt, in accordance with the applicable County and/or
City standards. In addition, the Applicant shall sd?nit a paverr?nt
evaluation study on existing discn Street between 52nd and 50th Avenues
to the city engineer and County ads Deparaent for review and approval,
to determine required paveeent repairs and/or irr?rov?r?nts wnich will
be installed by the Applicant prior to the closure of Jefferson Street.
20. Prior to the closure of Jefferson Street, the Applicant shall fund and
install The necessary off-site paveeent inproveeents to dison Street
between the project's southerly boundary and 58th Avenue, and to 58th
Avenue between The project's easterly boundary and Madison Street in
accordance with The requir?mnts of the city engineer and the applicable
County and/or City standards. The Applicant shall s??nit a pav?nent
evaluation study to the city engineer and County poads Departeent for
their review and deternination of the required paveeent inprcveeents
which shall be installed.
21. Prior to tract nap or developeent approval, the Applicant shall su??t
a tentative time schedule for the closure of Jefferson as it relates to
The phased liTpl?rentatiofl of the Specific Plan. This s?edule shall be
subject to the review and approval of the City Council.
page 4.
22. The Applicant shall assu? the costs associated with abandoneent of
Jef ferson Street and Aprport Boulevard within the Specific Plan area.
23. In order to facilitate mitigation of curr?lative traffic inpacts of this
and other area projects, the City shall establish a traffic ijr?rov?m?t
needs rronitoring program. This program Will undertake biannual traffic
count studies to determine if warrants are met for major roadway in?rove-
ments. L?on detennination of needs, the City nay initiate projects to
ir?et those needs. Funding of this prggram may be by fee programs that
assess new develo?:mnt and/or users On a pro?rata or fair-share basis,
fonriation of assessrr?nt districts, acguisition of State or Federal road
funds, or other means that fairly allocate costs to those generating the
need. The Applicant shall agree to pay the designated pr'o-rata share
that the City may establish to fund off-site roadway inprov?r?ts and
traffic signalization on an as warranted" basis.
24. The Applicant shall develop all roads internal to the project in accordance
with the design standards specified in the Specific Plan and the structural
standards in effect at the time of tentative tract or develo?ent approval
area in conjunction with the phased inpleeentation of the Specific Plan.
All roadways within the Specific Plan area shall r?nain private.
25. If Riverside County arr?n,ds its General Plan to change the status of
dison Street between 5Oth and 58th Avenues frc? a secondary to a major
highway and changes its road standards to require landscaped medians in
major highways for srrrounding unincorporated areas by October 31, 1984,
Madison Street beteeen 54th and 58th Avenues shall be inproved as a 100-foot-
wide major highway including provision for landscaped medians and Jefferson
Street bete'een 52nd and 54th Avenues shall be widened to accarmdate four
travel lanes. If the above-referenced County actions occur, then Condition
No. 19 will have no force and effect.
26. Prior to building permit approval, building setbacks, engineering design,
orientation of buildings, and noise barriers shall be utilized to reduce
noise inpacts frc? nearby existing and future roadways to within the State
27. Prior to approval of precise developant plans or tentative tract maps,
the Applicant will d?nstrate that residential structures satisfy the
State' 5 indoor criterion. here epposed to noise levels in excess of
State sta?ards, Applicant shall install special design features suOh as
double-glazed windows, mechanical ventilation, special roof venting,
increased insulation, w'eaterstripping, or ac?rbinations of these and
similar rne?sures.
28. Prior to approval of building pennits for the carinercial center, the
Applicant shall deeonstrate that all structures meet State interior noise
staddards for acocercial uses as defined in the State guidelines.
page 5.
29. Peguireeents for the installation of solar water heaters shall be
determined by the City on a unifo?? city-wide basis for new nstruction
at a later date. The devel? shall ly with the reguir?ts current
at the tirt? of construction.
30. All tentative maps and develo?nt plans shall be designed to ensure
c?liance with the State laws regarding solar accessibility. Tb the
extent possible, all structures shall be sited, oriented and designed
so as to mijmize the energy needs for cooling.
Land Use
31. The project shall be subject to staff review for confonrarice to established
City land use ordinances and policies, and will be subject to public review
at hearings of the Planning Ccooission and City Council.
32. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, construction of the golf course or
approval of tentative naps or developeent plans within 1/8 mile of the
park, the Applicant shall sui?nit plans showing the buffer area beteeen any
structure and the pr?erty boundary of the Lake Cahuilla County Regional
Park. These plans shall be subject to the review and approval of the
Planr?g Director.
33. Prior to the issuance of any grading peflrlits or approval of any tentative
maps or developeent plans, the pplicant shall 5u?lnit plans to the
unity Developeent Depar?t for review and approval d?nstrating
that there is adeguate setback of prpposed future golf course, street,
utility and structural mprov?r?ts to provide for the setback of project
perirr?ter walls along public roadways in accordance with the City's
ad?ted parkway standards in effect at the tirr? of application for said
34. Height limitations shall be as shown in the ecific Plan, except as
a. The portion of the area designated for six-story 72 feet)
height south of the Alrport Boulevar? alignrr?nt shall be
b. All residential units shall be limited to a maximum of two
stories, not to exceed 35 feet.
c. The hotel c?lex and related buildings within the village
Core shall be limited to a maximum height of four stories.
Page 6.
35. The area east of Madison Street shall be devel?ed at a inaxrrtum average
density of 3 units per acre f? a total of 480 unitS.
36. The carmercial area shall be reduced to a maximum total of 20 acres for
the future developeent of a cial center and offices.
37. Applicant is encouraged to iraintain all land, within the property
boundaries, in agricultural production until such land is graded for
developeent, provided that such agricultural production is econanically
feasible. In the event said undeveloped land is not continued or placed
in agricultural production, Applicant shall plant and maintain said land
in appropriate ground cover to prevent dust and erosion and to provide
an aesthetically pleasing enviro?nt.
Public Services and Utilities
38. Fire protection shall be provided in accordance with the requireents of
the Uniform Fire Code in effect at the time of developeent and the following
additional provisions:
a. Applicant shall dedicate a on?acre, fire station site within the
project boundaries to the City, at a location to be determined by
the City in consultation with the pplicant.
b. Applicant shall design, construct and equip the fire station to
Riverside County Fire Depar?t specifications and City standards
and codes.
c. Phased construction of the station shall be subject to approval by
Riverside County Fire Depa??t and the City Fire Marshall. A
station shall be constructed prior to the start of building
d. The Applicant shall purchase and equip the station with a 1,250
gallon/minute engine fitted for future attacheent of a telesquirt
as required, and a squad or paramedic unit in accordance with
Riverside County Fire Depaftr?t specifications.
e. The station shall be equipped with an engine to fire departinent
specifications prior to the start of fraiing construction. The
station shall be equipped with a telesquirt unit prior to the
construction of buildings which are three stories or greater in
f. The Applicant shall agree to participate in an assesseent district
for finnncing operations, maintenance and personnel costs, providing
that said district includes other assessable property if served
said district.
g. All buildings over 30 feet or over 2 stories in height shall be
required to provide built-in fire protection. This requireeent
shall r?in in effect until Dec?riber 31, 1984, or until the City
adapts its revisions to the Uniform Fire Code, whichever occurs
page 7.
h. City shall enter into a reirr??urseeent agreeeent with Applicant,
whereby City shall agree to relniburse to Applicant those costs
of fire station construction and equipeent, which are properly
attributable to service recipients located outside the project
39. The Applicant shall pay a per-unit school develcpeent fee as determined
by the Desert Sands and Coachella Valley U??ified School istricts in
accordance with the school mitigation agre?nts as approved by the
La Quinta City Council and in effect at the tise of the issuance of
building permits.
40. Th fund inproveeents to Lake Cahuilla, the Applicant shall pay the
arrount of $50,000 to the City. This contribution is specifically
intended to mitigate the closure of Jefferson Street.
41. The Applicant shall carply with the requir?nents of the Coachella Valley
Water District for the provision of dorestic water and sanitation service.
The Applicant shall an? the project site to Thprcv?n?nt District No.55
to obtain adequate permanent wastewater treatjr?nt services.
42. The Applicant shall carply with the followihg requirements of Irr??ial
Irrigation District:
a. Applicant shall provide a 2.5-acre site for an electrical substation
On, or adjacent to, the developeent at a location approved by ThpE?ial
Irrigation District, the City, and the Applicant; or, shall provide
or participate in, other facilities acceptable to Imperial Irrigation
District and the City.
b. Any relocation of existing overhead pocer facilities within or
adjacent to the project shall be per District regulations appli-
cable to the said conditions thereof.
43. All overhead utility lines located along the perimeter public roadways,
with the exception of high voltage pocer lines of 66 and above, shall
be installed underground.
44. Th fund the cost of a special c?rrrunity services project/facility
to be determined by the City, the Applicant shall pay the amunt of
$1,000,000 to the City. This air?unt will be paid in five 5) equal,
annual payments on the first day of each calendar year encing
January 1, 1985.
45. I?1?k understands that the City was incorporated in 1982 and has not
yet enacted a cooplete policy on exactions On new developrrant to provide
municipal irprov?t?nt and facilities needed as a result of the cuuilative
irpact of such new develo??rent; and that City is in the process of pre-
paring and enacting such a policy, which will include unifo?in fees to be
irrposed upon new construction to fund the following public irproveeents
Page 8.
and facilities: fire station, public safety facility, city hall, park
and recreation facilities, s?ols, drainage facilities, major thorough-
fares and bridges and traffic signalization; that City expects to enact
said fees policy on or before Decebeer 31, 1984; Landaark agrees to pay
said fee or fees in the ar?unt and at the time enacted and fran tirr? to
tir?? arr?nded by City. the eetent Applicant oonstructs specific
facilities included within the fee structtre i.e., fire station), it
shall receive appropriate credit, as determined by the City Council.
If said fee shall include financing of permanent or t?Tporary schcol
facilities, Conditi? 39 school develo?nt fee) shall be deleted.
46. Prior to the issuance of grading pe?nits or the approval of tentative
tract maps or plot plans, the Applicant shall sui??it a phasing schedule
and map for the entire project to the Planning Director for review and
47. Applicant shall consent to the fo?in??tion of a maintenance district under
a?apter 26 of the mprov?nt Act of 1911 Streets & Highways Cede,
Section 5820 et seq.) or the Lighting and Landscaping Act of 1972 Streets
& Highway Code 22600 et seq.) to leeent maintenance of landscaping,
paveeent, and on-site lighting within all ccur?nly maintained driveways,
parking areas, greenbelts, private streets, and other inproved
c?nership areas. It is understood and agreed that appropriate h?reowners'
associations shall pay all above costs of maintenance for said inproved
ccooon areas until such time as the ity Council determines that, by default
of the h???awner's association, a need for maintenance work and establish-
merit of a tax rate exists and until such time as tax revenues are received
by the district for assesseent upon the real property. At the request of
the Applicant, this shall be reconsidered and may be deleted at the time of
tentative tract approvals.