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CC Resolution 1984-055
) RESOLUTION NO. 84-55 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION OF DELINQUENT WASTE DISPOSAL FEES ON THE 1984-1985 TAX ROLL. WHEREAS, Government Code Section 38790.1 authorizes and Govern- ment Code Section 25831 provides procedures for the municipal collec- tion of delinquent waste disposal fees on the tax roll in the same manner, by the same person, and at the same time, together with, and not separately from, collection of general taxes; and WHEREAS, the City Council, by its Resolution No. 84- has elected to have delinquent residential waste disposal charges as of June 30, 1984, and subsequent fiscal years, collected on the tax rolls, and the City Council has determined that the cost of delinquent waste disposal fees for each parcel of land shall consti- tute a special assessment against that parcel and shall be a lien on such parcel; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Government Code Section 25831, the City Council has caused to be prepared a report of delinquent waste disposal fees, which report was presented to the Council at its meeting of July 3, 1984; and WHEREAS, the City Council has, on August 7,1984, caused to be conducted a noticed hearing on said report at which time it considered objections or protests of landowners liable to be assessed for said delinquent fees and has made such revisions and corrections to said report as it deemed just. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta as follows: 1. The Report of Delinquent Waste Disposal Fees, attached hereto as Exhibit A, is hereby confirmed and the delinquent fees set forth therein shall constitute special assessments against the respective parcels of land and are a lien on the property for the amount of such delinquent fees; and 2. A certified copy of this Resolution, including the attached Exhibit A, which is the confirmed report of delinquent waste disposal fees, shall be filed with the County Auditor for the amounts of the respective assessments against the respective parcels of land as they appear on the current assessment roll. APPROVED and ADOPTED this 7th day of August 1984. MAYOR ATTEST: CI C BIB] 05-03-1996-U01 01:26:50PM-U01 CCRES-U02 84-U02 55-U02 )RESOLUTION NO. 84-55 APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTEN? CITY ATTO]?EY(? CITY MA??R BIB] 05-03-1996-U01 01:26:50PM-U01 CCRES-U02 84-U02 55-U02 ) 1- EXHIBIT A PA?L # ADD??ESS BAIAb?E 773 046 009 RRIS 51 270 Aven. Alvarado 80.85 214 004 BO?E 52 080 Aven. Alvarado 80.85 253 016 52 355 Aven. Alvarado 0.85 113 024 53 355 Aven. Alvarado 80.85 774 241 004 SDIAKIAN 54 320 Aven. Alvarado 78.23 774 073 019 FRAN?/?JIEY 53 385 Aven. Alvarado 80.85 774 241 026 O?IUNO 54 270 Aven. Alvarado 61.?0 774 273 026 HO??N 54 730 Aven. Alvarado 61.80 773 081 008 E?RSSA 51 377 Aven. Alvarado 38.10 773 221 007 JNNI??HAM 52 150 Aven. Carranza 25.57 773 255 015 DF?SERr H(XJSIb?? INV. 52 305 Aven. Carranza 80.85 773 225 018 ZURINSKI 52 395 Aven. Carranza 80.85 773 255 019 52 415 Aven. Carranza 68.70 773 255 022 BOUI?S 52 459 Aven. Carranza 70.42 774 121 006 AL??IN. of VI?EANS AD?S 53 600 Aven. Carranza 31.75 774 161 007 I'.ATT 53 860 Aven. Carranza 57.15 152 018 G??m'EH 51 865 Aven. rtez 80.8? 102 011 TA? 53 720 Aven. Cortez 76.20 192 006 54 120 Aven. Cortez 53.05 7/3 121 005 SEC??ThRY SING & DEVEL. 51 640 Aven. Diaz 80.85 773 114 009 CA?IER 51 655 Aven. Diaz 38.10 773 121 008 51 720 Aven. Diaz 80.85 773 155 025 pE?I?PSoN 51 835 Aven. Diaz 80.85 773 212 004 L?EAU 52 190 Aven. Diaz 61.80 773 312 004 ANDES 52 780 Aven. DiaZ 80.20 774 112 026 53 700 Aven. Diaz 38.10 774 151 018 53 855 Aven? Diaz 52.43 773 224 011 ROs?AL 52 200 Aven. Herrera 61.80 774 084 010 53 420 Aven. rrera 57.15 774 124 004 M?NEZ 53 560 Aven. rrera 61.80 774 164 003 L??IN 53 790 Aven Herrera 57.15 774 163 019 PANS'IER 53 845 Aven, Herrera 61.80 774 164 011 S?IREIIER 53 950 Aven. Herrera 80.85 7.3 113 007 B?KS 51 635 Aven. Juarez 80.?5 3 154 022 KIN?IT?ER 51 955 Aven. Juarez 80.85 3 211 027 52 204 Aven. Juarez 44.45 3313 014 77425 Calle ales 61.80 617 090 002 SIATER 46 130 Dune Palms 49.10 773 174 015 BARRINGER 51 805 Eisen??? 26.80 773 295 020 52 615 Ei?er 80.85 BIB] 05-03-1996-U01 01:26:50PM-U01 CCRES-U02 84-U02 55-U02 ) 2- PA?CEL ADDRESS l7 121 025 SIAThR 79 930 rses?e 55.70 7 113 011 FPOE?4I? 79 865 Hurtmingbird 49.10 7 113 010 ElLIS 79 869 ingbird 49.10 7 121 016 CURL 46 305 Jefferson 49.10 617 121 011 46 115 Jefferson 55.70 617 160 003 RACKIE 46 250 Jefferson 49.10 617 111 011 I'rIMAN/HENDPEN 46 100 R?runner 55.70 617 112 022 LE 46 270 adrwmer 49.10 617 102 001 CASAS 46 300 ude1 49.10 617 290 004 HEDSTh??? 48 701 San Di?s 57.15 617 290 023 48 721 San Isidro 57.15 617 330 026 SIDNER 78 084 San Tirr?teo 68.15 617 330 010 pop?S 78 153 Sari Tin?teo 55.70 617 330 016 MI?OW?IE 78 250 Sari Tir?teo 62.46 617 181 001 ERSON 80 020 Vista Grar?ie 49.10 617 111 005 LEu?AND 79 815 stw? 55.70 7 111 009 MULCANY 79 875 st?a? 49.10 7 121 002 FRE?CH 79 905 stward 55.70 7 121 007 BLJNCH 79 975 stward 49.10 173 234 020 ALiSTA? SAVTM?S 52 175 Ave. Navarro 80.85 774 032 014 Ross 53 165 Aven. Juarez 64.72 774 143 024 DUE??Z 53 995 Aven. Juarez 80.85 774 262 017 Constitution Fed. Savings & Loafls 54 605 Aven. Juarez 80.85 773 153 017 MURCACH 51 835 Aven. dero 38.10 773 153 023 wT?r?? FA??O REALTY 51 965 Aven. Madero 61.80 774 102 021 1st Family Mortgage of Florida 53 625 Aven. M?dero 80.85 774 102 020 CRmAU 53 673 Aven. Madero 80.85 774 143 006 SCHMID 53 830 Aven. Madero 38.10 774 142 022 BAu)EP?R?MA 53 935 Ave?. Madero 0.85 774 231 009 AUSE 54 455 Aven. Madero 80.85 773 181 025 51 B02 Aven. M?rtinez 61.80 773 231 015 REITHER 52 085 Aven. Martinez 61.80 773 332 011 MILlS 52 940 Aven. Martinez 61.80 773 073 006 aris 51 035 Aven. Mendoza 80.85 73 182 005 ADA?? 51 864 Aven. ndoza 80.85 73 303 002 52 530 Aven. Mendoza 61.80 73 332 014 ZARASKI 52 775 Aven. ndoza 0.85 774 223 004 ERs 54 050 Aven. ndoza 76.20 617 431 020 49 435 Aven. Montero 33.45 r'T?Q? 77 345 Av?. tez?Nfl? 61.80 BIB] 05-03-1996-U01 01:26:50PM-U01 CCRES-U02 84-U02 55-U02 ) 3 ADDRESS 774 273 016 S?r?ETARY HOUSING & URRAN DEVEL. 54 575 Aven. Obreqon 61.80 3 121 013 WEILAND 51 635 Aven. Rubjo 61.80 3 122 006 OSThIND 51 650 Aven. Rubjo 54.64 3 121 015 GAWHN 51 705 Aven. Rubjo 50.44 773 121 017 SILVA 51 735 Aven. Rubjo 61.80 773 162 006 IS 51 870 Aven. Rubjo 76.20 774 242 005 OLIVER 54 370 Aven. Obregon 57.15 773 125 024 WA? INDUSThIES 51 741 Ave. Ramirez 80.85 774 052 007 HUG?ES/REID 53 140 Ave. Ramirez 42.75 774 251 020 HC?'ER 54 437 Ave. Velasca 80.85 774 114 022 77 480 Ave. Arroba 42.75 769 132 003 SSELIA? 51 150 Calle Obispo 49.10 774 301 010 L?R 77 560 Calle ate 42.75 617 090 003 REYmLDS 46 150 Dune Palm 49.10 617 090 012 4A?K 46 178 Dune Palm 49.10 9 102 001 YESSAYIZ?N 78 023 Estado 80.85 1 322 003 Iix??o?ner) J?KS? 48 700 San Lucas 42.75 7 330 004 78 47 San Tir??t? 38.10 617 330 020 Lk???er) WI? 78 190 San Tirr??teo 42.75 617 290 016 ht??wner) OcPSEY/Au?N 48 690 San Ysidro 42.75 617 290 017 H?r??wner) 48 700 San Ysjdro 42.75 617 290 024 re??ner) Th@1AS 48 701 San Ysidro 42.75 617 181 005 MAI?LM/IE 80 100 Vista Grande 49.10 613 431 010 ARsON 79 350 Wes?ard 49.10 617 150 006 w'U?INS 80 205 s?ard Yb 49.10 774 115 008 AI?ER 53 660 Aven. Obregon 80.85 774 163 003 LEE 53 790 Aven. VallejO 61.80 773 291 007 PACIFIC FEDEAAL SAVINGS 52 640 Aven. Carranza 80.85 773 182 009 S?Y H?SIN? 51 940 Aven. ndoza 33.72 773 222 009 SHUCK 52 170 Ave. Ramirez 80.85 773 253 015 FEILIAN 52 323 Ave. Alvardo 45.58 774 113 020 CoF$'EY 53 685 Ave. Alvardo 80.85 74 293 008 CuNNINGH?M 54 900 Ave. Alvardo 61.80 74 121 005 MEi?ES 53 580 Ave. Carranza 1.97 4 115 016 G?IAlc?ME?? 53 62? Ave. Carranza 56.29 17 101 014 N?Y 79 621 Ave. rtez 49.10 617 101 015 r?I?sH 79 631 Ave. Cortez 49.10 617 113 016 GC?ZA?ES 79 645 Ave. Oortez 49.10 617 113 004 79 660 Ave. t? S2.25 BIB] 05-03-1996-U01 01:26:50PM-U01 CCRES-U02 84-U02 55-U02 ) 4- iAPZEI # ADDI?ESS BALANCE 773 304 019 52 661 Ave. Navarro 80.85 3 052 008 TT ThDUSThIES 51 180 Ave. reqon 38.10 3 163 023 MoRSE 51 975 Ave. regon 42.75 4 045 008 53 150 Ave. reqon 57.15 774 073 004 ST?TINO 53 320 Aven. kibjo 80?85 774 072 015 B?ZLEY 53 325 Aven. Rubjo 80.85 774 072 016 53 345 Aven. Rubjo 61.80 774 112 017 P?NELA 53 655 Aven. Rubjo 80.85 773 062 015 T??MBINO 51 095 Aven. Vallejo 61.80 773 063 005 51 104 Aven. Vallejo 57.15 773 172 001 SWIFT 51 754 Aven. Vallejo 42.10 774 214 019 54 145 Aven. Velasco 80.85 773 222 021 CAZIN 52 205 Aven. Vallejo 80.85 773 293 002 PACIFIC F?ERAL SAVINGS 52 540 Aven. Vallejo 80.85 773 323 022 SALVATIE??A 52 913 Aven. Vallejo 61.80 773 103 006 1st FAMILY Mo?E 51 480 Aven. Villa 25.40 73 143 022 RUSSEL1???? 51 705 Aven. Villa 63.50 3 234 009 GASSU?R 52 714 Aven. Villa 61.80 3 303 018 DIMENO 52 617 Aven. Villa 80.85 3 333 021 52 885 Aven. Villa 59.83 774 094 006 Eu?INS 53 360 Aven. Villa 71.70 774 133 021 VILLENEUVE 53 671 Aven. Villa 57.15 774 223 021 OLIVER 54 205 Aven. Villa 80.85 773 253 023 ExPER?? SOIA?? 52 404 Aven. Rubjo 80.85 774 121 010 RI(??ND/J(?ES 53 710 Aven Carranza 80.85 774 265 007 V?NDIVER 54 860 Aven. Madero 61.80 774 203 024 VASQUEZ 54 145 Aven. Obregon 80.85 773 133 015 ITh 51 575 Aven Velasco 80.85 773 162 009 DRAZIL 51 930 Aven Rubjo 80.85 773 311 014 BoYD 77 290 Calle lihuahua 61?80 774 051 013 B??RILE 77 535 Calle lihuahna 57.15 774 053 001 MEl 77 655 Calle iThuahua 57,15 769 116 022 51 421 Calle Colima 57 15 774 074 024 BA??CPy,STGAGGE 77 480 Calle Colim' 38 10 3 164 012 RICHA??S 77 460 C?11e Duranqo 57.15 9 104 002 RUSSELi???EIiS 78 150 Calle Fortuna 6780 73 131 013 RUH 77 575 Calle Hidalqo 61?80 BIB] 05-03-1996-U01 01:26:50PM-U01 CCRES-U02 84-U02 55-U02