CC Resolution 1984-074) RESOLUTION NO. 84-74 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, OPPOSING PROPOSITION 36. WHEREAS, the Jarvis IV Initiative Constitutional Amendment Will appear in the November ballot as Proposition 36; and WHEREAS, Proposition 36 would increase the inequity of the property tax system, give tax rebates to some property owners, and result in tax increases for other property owners; and WHEREAS, Proposition 36 will unfairly widen the gap between taxes paid by property owners with properties of similar market values; and WHEREAS, Proposition 36, while it is purported to reduce taxes, will actually increase property taxes for nearly all property taxpayers who have purchased properties since 1978, including approximately 50% of homeowners in California; and WHEREAS, one widely applauded result of Proposition 13 has been to relieve general taxpayers of the burden of paying for services which could be charged directly to the service user through fees, and this trend will be reversed, returning part of the financial burden for fee-supported services to general taxpayers if Proposition 36 is enacted; and WHEREAS, Proposition 36 will further reduce the ability of local government to finance public services and capital improvements needed to accommodate economic growth; and WHEREAS, Proposition 36 will make it difficult for local government to raise the necessary operating, expansion and maintenance funds necessary to provide vital services and support a healthy local economy; and WHEREAS, Proposition 36 would lead to minority rule by requiring two-thirds vote for many important local government decisions; and WHEREAS, Proposition 36, by restricting local government revenue- raising authority beyond the already strict limits imposed by Propositions 13 and 4, would make local agencies more dependent upon the state for financial stability and policy direction; and WHEREAS Proposition 36 will continue the shift of power from local level to the state and federal levels, resulting in a weakening of the Home Rule" concept; BIB] 05-03-1996-U01 01:41:48PM-U01 CCRES-U02 84-U02 74-U02 )RESOLUTION NO. 84- NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of La Quinta does hereby declare its opposition to Proposition 36, the Jarvis IV Initiative Constitutional Amendinent. APPROVED and ADOPTED this 24th day of October 1984. MAYOR ATTES?: CITY CL APPROVED AS TO FORM APPROVED AS TO CONTENT x'CITYA?R?Y BIB] 05-03-1996-U01 01:41:48PM-U01 CCRES-U02 84-U02 74-U02