1996 01 30 CC Minutes* MINUTES
A special meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 CaIle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
January 30, 1996 7:00P.M.
A. This joint meeting of the City Council and Planning Commission was called to order
at 7:01 P.M. by Mayor Bangerter who asked Planning Commissioner Tyler to lead
the flag salute. Mayor Bangerter informed everyone this was an informal meeting
and welcomed everyone.
A. City Clerk Saundra Juhola called the roll of the City Council. Present: Council
Members Don Adolph, Terry Henderson, Ron Perkins, Stanley Sniff, and Mayor
B. Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer called the roll of the Planning Commission.
Present: Commissioners Paul Anderson, Katie Barrows, Richard Butler, Wayne
Gardner, Al Newkirk, Robert Tyler, and Chairman Abels.
A. Mayor Bangerter asked if there were any additi9ns or corrections to the agenda by
staff. City Manager Tom Genovese stated there were none. Mayor Bangerter asked
if there were any additions or corrections to the agenda by the Council or
Commission. There were none.
A. Mr. Phillip Shamis, Del Monte Court, stated he wanted to inform the Council that
while bicycling on the City's newly paved streets he found the surfaces difficult to
bicycle on. The next day he went to.the Engineering Department to find Out what
had occurred. He was informed that a slurry layer had been applied to the roads to
*Joint Meeting of?e City Council & Planning Commission
ian?January 30 996
preserve the them. He asked if a finish was to be applied and he was informed by
staff that the finish could only be applied if the funds were available and at present
they were not. Mr. Shamis stated that without the finish the slurry makes it rough for
bicycling or driving his vehicle. In addition, he had checked with other engineers
and was told that the condition of the road will deteriorate more rapidly without the
finish. He stated that unless the finish is applied, he did not consider this an
improvement. Mayor Bangerter asked staff to verify the comments made by Mr.
Shamis. City Manager Tom Genovese stated staff would check into the matter and
report back to Mr. Shamis and the City Council.
B. Council Member Sniff suggested that public comment be taken at the end of the
meeting to hear the public's response to what was about to be discussed. Re thought
it would be helpful to hear their comments after each issue. Mayor Bangerter
suggested that afier each subject they would take public comment. She went on to
inform everyone that this was an informal meeting with no particular agenda.
Discussions would be in a general format on each of the topics.
C. Council Member Sniff asked that this meeting be considered as an initial step toward
several meetings to come to address the needs of the Planning Commission and/or
the public. Each subsequent meeting would deal with the next phase of the process.
Mayor Bangerter stated that most of the audience regularly attends most of the
Council meetings and should understand that the City Council is currently going
through a Five Year Plan along with a Economic Development Strategic Plan. This
was a beginning step to create a good working relationship with the Planning
Commission in order to maintain cohesiveness between the two bodies.
A. La Ouinta Villa?e
I Mayor Bangerter stated the members should speak as they have something
to say regarding the topics being discussed. She then asked staff to give a
review of the Village Specific Plan as it is currently.
a. Community Development Director Jerry Herman informed everyone
that the Village Specific Plan VSP) had been adopted in 1987 and
there had not been any major reviews since its adoption. Zoning
regulations have been adopted to implement the plan. The Zoning
Ordinance, currently under revision by the Planning Commission,
proposes to modify the VSP and this motivated discussions by the
Planning Commission that led to this meeting. The Planning
Commission is seeking Council direction before enhancing on what
they envisioned should be changed.
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*Joint Meeting of the C?ty Council & Planning Commission
January30, 996
b. Planning Commissioner Robert Tyler asked if the Plan discussed at
meeting held earlier this year on the Economic Development and
directed toward the Village, had been adopted Staff stated the
Strategic Plan was being prepared and will be before the Council for
a Study Session item.
C. Mayor Bangerter asked if there were any questions from the Planning
Commission to the Council regarding items they would like to know
Council's direction on. Commissioner Abels stated the Planning
Commission had been discussing parking for the downtown Village
area and staff informed them the City was considering dedicating a
parcel of land to the La Quinta Arts Foundation and they understood
the land was previously to be used for parking. Community
Development Director Jerry Herman clarified that the Planning
Commission had been talking about parking requirements for the
downtown area of the Village. Staff then informed the Planning
Commission that the parcel located north of Montezuma and west of
Avenida Bermudas, currently owned by the City, was being
considered for development by the Arts Foundation for a cultural
center. The Planning Commission became concerned that the
property available for parking would be eliminated and what effect it
would have on the viability of the Village.
d. Council Member Sniff stated that Council had directed staff to work
with the Arts Foundation with the possibility of locating a cultural
center on this particular parcel of land. That project is still viable, but
nothing has been produced to date. The City needs to develop an
updated vision of what the Village should be and a strategic part of
that vision is a parking district or some form of strategic parking
throughout the area. The City needs to facilitate public and
pedestrian access without being excessively distant and not creating
a large asphalt area The City Council, in concert with the Planning
Commission, needs to take a look at the VSP and see if it is still
viable as it is. It is time. for a new look and it should be relatively
quick. The City needs to determine what they want, look at the
parking and infrastructure, and determine by what means it can be
made viable. Commercial development is necessary for La Quinta's
future and the City will have to develop the revenue from tax sources
to flind those things needed by our citizens, and the Village is a part
of that. The City has given the Arts Foundation a year to negotiate
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*Joint Meeting of the City Council & Planning Commission??ion
January30, 1996
and to date nothing has been firmly proposed. The City would
donate/lease the land to the Foundation who would produce the funds
to construct the building. Staff stated they would give an update at
the next meeting.
e. Council Member Terry Henderson stated historically, the
development of the Village area as a commercial zone has been a
dream for 60 years. Entrepreneur developers do not walk away from
a site unless there are problems that cannot be resolved. She stated
she was not opposed to developing the area, but the City needs to
address the parking problem and the Arts Foundation in a commercial
area with a baseball field in the center is unrealistic. The Park should
be owned by the City and the area, in general, turned into a cultural
arts center. Move the Arts Foundation onto the park site and build a
cultural center, and let the area develop. The Historical Society
Museum is across the street with available parking. The existing
space can be used for parking; run a single track trolley and open up
the smaller lots for private enterprise. It should begin, if the Arts
Foundation is true to their commitment of developing their building;
with private money and resources. They should be encouraged to
build, but put it on the park site. A commercial district with a
baseball field in front of it cannot be done.
f. Council Member Sniff stated that the City's Recreation Department
was to make a trade with the Coachella Valley Recreation District for
the land, but it didn't happen. A sports facility in the center of a
commercial area is counter productive. The park could provide a
good location for the Arts Foundation or an arts center in general, and
if engineered properly, it could provide some level of parking.
g. Council Member Adolph stated the City needs to take the leadership
to develop the whole area. If the City can't, no one else will. The
property owners are only interested in developing their own property.
h. Commissioner Paul Anderson stated the park is only one small part
of the Village. There are other areas that lend themselves more to
commercial development such as Calle Estado and Avenida La
Fonda. He did not want to appear critical of current projects, but he
did not believe commercial buildings, as currently being constructed,
was what the City wanted. The City's off-street parking requirements
necessitate the developer committing a certain portion of the site for
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*Joint Meeting of the City Council & Planning Commission
January 30, 996
parking, thereby shoving the building to the street causing a large
mass at the street front. This is what the City did not want in the
Village. If the City can provide the infrastructure and parking
through a means of its own or with private funds, it will create an
incentive for development. If the developer has to provide parking,
pay fees in-lieu, or contribute part of the Site to parking, it won't
happen; it is too costly. No one can develop because of land Costs.
Council Member Sniff stated that in 1984-85 the cost of constructing
the infrastructure for the Village was $5,000,000. Mayor Bangerter
stated an incentive is needed to make this happen.
j. Council Member Adolph stated that the updated Zoning Ordinance
would open up the parking restrictions in this area and make the area
more viable. When it appears before the Council they should look at
it again to see if it can be loosened up even more.
k. Commissioner Anderson stated that centralized parking districts
where all developers are not expected to put parking on site, would
be an incentive. This is mandatory for this area. Until the City
allows a developer to come in and build an adequate amount of tenant
space, it isn't going to happen.
Commissioner Butler stated that in other areas such as Santa Barbara,
buildings built out to the property line did not cause an impact
because parking was provided at another location and this added a
motif to the area. We have existing retail businesses that are crying
Out for exposure to the general populace to use their services. We're
looking at growth in the Village and the City has businesses currently
that are struggling and the City is not helping them to grow. The
Commission needs to know the Council's attitude on what type of
projects they want in the Village. The Planning Commission works
on behalf of the City Council and tries to solve some of these
problems and the City is missing the boat on existing revenue. How
do we encourage development? The City needs to encourage what is
here. The Planning Commission needs guidance from the City
Council as to what the Council wants the Planning Commission to
look at. If this is to be a walk at night area, some of the prospects
being reviewed are not appropriate for this area. Development must
be for year round businesses.
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*Joint?t Meeting fthe City CQunCiI & Planning C?mmiss?on
Jan?January 30, 996
m. Mayor Bangerter stated she agreed and she would like to see, afier the
Economic Development Strategic Plan is reviewed, what funding
resources are available. This would then be a good time for the
Planning Commission and City Council to meet and discuss the
Village. These issues are very important and together possibly they
could come up with some good ideas.
n. Council Member Perkins stated he did not believe the City was in a
position to say what the Village should look like. It is owned by the
property owners and they, with the developers, are going to make it
happen; the City can only help. The City, however, is not doing
anything for the existing businesses. The City can't make the
determination as to which businesses should be operational in the
Village It can encourage these businesses to develop here, but it is
the property owners who will develop this area. The City needs to be
careful not to predetermine what will happen. The parking problem
still exists and he would hate to use a large parcel of City-owned
property dedicated to one purpose. It is a valuable piece of land that
could be used to trade or bargain with to relieve the parking problem
as businesses move in.
0. Mayor Bangerter stated the City needs an incentive to bring in
businesses as well as encouraging the existing.
p. Commissioner Butler stated that he had never dealt with the planning
structure that is behind the VSP and its intent. The City has changed
since the Plan was developed and is different today. The City should
be sure the Plan is still financially viable for the future. The Planning
Commission would like to know what type of projects the Council
would like to see developed in this area. They can't approve
businesses in areas where it could be detrimental to the development
of the area.
q. Commissioner Abels suggested another time be set aside for this
subject alone, and move on with the agenda. Ideas have been thrown
out and everyone could come back with additional ideas to go
r. Council Member Sniff stated the subject is going nowhere as an
ingredient is missing, the people who own property in the Village,
they must be included in the process. Private enterprise is going to
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*Joint Meeting of?e City Co?nciI & PIan?i?g Co?mission
Jan?a? 30 1996
build it. The cultural center was suggested for the area to have
something to attract the public. The City does not have enough
people to support the Village as it is. It needs something to draw
people from outside the community. Commissioner Abels stated the
City should go out of the area to find developers who are willing to
come in and develop. Council Member Sniff stated the City needs to
take a proactive role and seek private enterprise.
5. Commissioner Barrows stated that at the next meeting they need to
have feedback from the property owners and/or existing businesses
in the Village. Past discussions with businesses in the Village
stressed the importance of signage. The City needs to address this
in order to encourage the existing businesses. Key issues could be
addressed to encourage these businesses. Mayor Bangerter informed
everyone that the Council is currently working to take steps to
alleviate some of these issues Commissioner Barrows stated the next
meeting should address what the City can do; what kind of steps can
be taken. The development must be market driven.
t. Commissioner Anderson stated it should be private sector driven, but
to maintain, the City needs to have design criteria. The City has the
ability to have input over the image of what is constructed. The City
of Bakersfield had a blighted area and needed ideas on what to do.
Students from a local college, with no input from City, were invited
to participate and give their ideas. They ran rampant with ideas of
what could be done. The process produced ideas for the city leaders.
Students could give La Quinta some creative ideas.
u. Commissioner Tyler stated his initial impression of the VSP was that
it was too specific. You need community involvement to see if it is
viable for today. what we have has not worked. Something radical
has to be done and the City should take the leadership.
v. Commissioner Gardner stated private enterprise is the only way to go.
Palm Springs has had similar problems, and the private sector got
together to solicit new businesses. You must have an idea of what the
City wants before pursuing individuals. The Chamber alone is not
able to bring them in.
w. Mr. Greg Shannon, 74-596 Pepper Tree, stated he owns a business in
community and works at the Chamber. They have been in touch with
Cal Poly Pomona and are researching the prospect of bringing
students to participate in a study. The Chamber has canvassed local
property owners and they believe the problem is the infrastructure.
*join? of the Ci? Council & Planning Commission
January30 1096
How can this problem be solved? Property owners are restricted to
where they can develop on their land and the infrastructure coSts
prohibit it every time.
x. Ms. Catherine Hull, resident, stated that as a member of the Cultural
Commission they discuss a lot about the aesthetics of the City. In
their opinion, the City still must have a master plan so businesses can
fit into it. Things will be lopped in" and the Village needs aesthetic
design to make a delightful place. A cultural facility is something
that the Commission is discussing to bring people in. When a theater
event is attended approximately $26.00 is being spent in that town.
If the theater seats 1,000 people, and 300 performances, $6.5 million
could be generated. A theater should be considered as it will bring
people to La Quinta. It seems the Planning Commission and Cultural
Commission should get together to discuss the cultural diversity and
aesthetic development of the Village and how they could work
together to create a unique Village. Council Member Adolph stated
a cultural center might be the impetus to get the Village started. Ms.
Hull went on to state the Cultural Commission is working on a
Master Cultural Plan for La Quinta and it would determine if a
facility is needed, how large it should be, and what it should contain,
etc. It could have a direct effect on how the Planning Commission
and City Council would look at the Village.
y. Mr. Fred Wolff, resident, stated the original concept of the Village
began with the idea of a cultural center in the center of the town. The
Arts Festival has become a success and the Village has not. Mr.
Wolff stated he felt a vision was missing. Mr. Nicholson was going
to develop a center, but no one really knew where it would be built.
The City needs a vision to determine what will draw people into our
community. If this happens all existing businesses will benefit. The
City needs to focus on a vision.
Mayor Bangerter called a break at 7:55 P.M. and reconvened 8:00 P.M.
B. Hi?highway 111 Corridor
City Manager Tom Genovese stated the Highway 111 Corridor Plan had the
same status as the VSP; staff was waiting to complete the Economic
Development Strategic Plan to give direction as to what could happen, and
when it should happen. Community Development Director Jerry Herman
informed everyone that the Highway 111 property owners approached the
City with the prospect of creating an assessment district to pay for the
improvements. Staff did the necessary research and determined the cost
* * * JOINT??I Meeting?g of the Co??ciI & Paiinjn? commission
Jan?? 30, 1996
would be $36,000,000 distributed over three phases. Based on the figures the
property owners determined they did not Want to assess themselves in three
phases. Public Works Director Dave Cosper stated this was based on a
backbone approach with two additional alternatives. Community
Development Director Jerry Herman stated that due to the these figures, the
Improvements would not happen until the area was developed.
Commissioner Abels asked if this study was done before or after the
proposed mall development by Tucker and Associates. Staff stated it was
after and went on to state what projects were currently approved for Highway
2. Commissioner Tyler asked staff why Radio Shack and Chief Auto Parts,
which were approved for the One Eleven La Quinta Center, were not being
constructed. Community Development Director Jerry Herman informed
everyone that neither had submitted plans for plan check. Council Member
Henderson asked how long the projects had been approved. Staff stated they
were approved four-six months prior.
3. Commissioner Abels asked that since Desert Sands Unified School District
Administration Center was being constructed west of Jefferson Street and
south of Highway Ill, would the City be able to annex the southwest corner
of Jefferson Street and Highway I 1. He thought this area would be ideal for
the development of light commercial or an office park, with offices fronting
onto Jefferson Street and Highway 111; similar to Cook Street in Palm
Desert. This could bring the City a tax base. The whole area needs to be
developed. Community Development Director Jerry Herman informed
everyone that the City had requested the City of Indio to dc-annex this area.
Indio denied the request. They would not give up the commercial corner.
Commissioner Abels suggested a joint venture with the City of Indio might
be worth looking into again.
4. Commissioner Tyler stated that with the construction of the new courthouse
building in Indio, this could create a drive for more commercial space.
Council Member Sniff stated the Highway 111 Corridor has to be the most
significant area the City has and the City needs to encourage businesses that
are high revenue and tax producers to locate here. This will be the motor to
drive the City for next 50-years. He stated he had no objection to
professional buildings, but the City needs major sales tax producers such as
motels or hotels, to produce TOT tax. He thought offices should be located
off the Highway ill frontage on one of the side streets. Commissioner Tyler
stated the City of Palm Desert was wall to wall with small shops.
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*Joint M?etin? ofth? City ouncil & PIann?ng Commission
Jan?ary3O, 1996
5. Commissioner Abels asked staff if a time extension had been approved for
the Jefferson Square project at the northwest comer of Jefferson Street and
Highway I 1 1. Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated it
would expire in February. Staff went onto state that the City had received
a lot of inquiries from developers, but nothing was submitted. Commissioner
Abels stated a motel between Simon Drive and Jefferson Street would be an
ideal location. When Cook Street started it was nothing, but now it is a
money making area. Council Member Sniff agreed, but stated it was not
Highway ill frontage. He thought this type of business should be located
on the perpendicular streets.
6. Council Member Henderson stated the Village area commercial rental rates
were $1.56 a square foot and Cook Street was $.56 a square foot. The
Village could not compete at those prices.
7. Council Member Perkins reminded everyone of the hotels along Highway
ill in the City of Indio and they were continually without occupancies.
8. Commissioner Butler stated Cook Street will now be a thoroughfare from the
freeway to Highway 111. Our Highway 111 is going to make it a major
thoroughfare to the City of Indio. The Planning Commission needs direction
from the City Council as to how to optimize on the kind of businesses the
City wants along this Corridor. The City approved Wal-Mart and they don't
have a lot of money coming in. Mayor Bangerter stated that between the
Village and the Highway 111 Corridor, these were the two biggest issues the
City had to deal with. The Council and Commission need a vision for both
of these areas and try to work cohesively to provide incentives to developers
to bring in the development.
9. Council Member Henderson asked staff if the City did give the farm away
when they approved the Wal-Mart shopping center. City Manager Tom
Genovese stated the City did not. The City provided off-site improvements,
for the whitewater Channel improvements, Adams Street, Washington Street,
and Highway 111 improvements from Washington Street to Adams Street.
These costs were shared with the developer to pay his fair share costs. None
of the sales tax generated by Wal-Mart goes back to Wal-Mart. The City
receives $3 50-400,00 a year in sales tax from the Center. The City receives
1% of the 7.75% sales tax as required by the State and this is true of whole
development. This was the arrangement negotiated with the developer and
there have been no subsequent agreements since that time to create any
incentives for future users.
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*join? M?eting of?e Ci? Co?nciI & Planning Commission
Jan?a? 30 1996
10. Commissioner Butler stated this information has never been made available
to the public and should have been made available to keep from having the
misconceptions. City Manager Tom Genovese stated these are all public
documents and when the City is addressed with the rumors they answer them.
When any agreements are finalized, the facts are made known. Council
Member Henderson stated it was a problem of perception as to how the
community perceives what happens.
11. Mayor Bangerter stated the Economic Development Strategic Plan would
address these issues and the City would go forward with incentives. She
further stated that the need to meet after this meeting was very apparent, to
put a plan together to develop specifics.
12. Commissioner Tyler asked if staff had access to information as to the type of
industry that might be brought in and what type of revenues they could
produce. City Manager Tom Genovese stated this would be addressed at the
Economic meeting in a general manner. Re stated there were sales tax
consultants available who supply any information of this type the City would
want. They are able to give ballpark figures as to what that business can
generate. The Strategic Plan will produce this information to help the
Council determine what the City's market can bring together.
13. Council Member Perkins stated there was an impact when Albertsons
opened. He wondered if the City gained from Albertsons, but lost from
Vons. What the City brings in should not downgrade what is existing.
14. Commissioner Anderson stated that it was not just the economic motor that
businesses bring, but typically smaller hotel projects locate themselves in a
somewhat residential area. They try to maintain a residential atmosphere.
The City has developed a median landscape plan, and he would like to see it
move forward rapidly. Public Works Director Dave Cosper stated that design
plans have been submitted to Caltrans for their review. The City anticipates
a four week review. In the interim the City is obtaining the needed right-of-
way from the property owners and when the City has approval from Caltrans,
the City will put the project Out to bid. Commissioner Anderson stated this
would enhance the perception of the Highway 111 Corridor. It will create a
more developed feeling and will enhance the appeal of the general public.
15. Commissioner Abels stated he had wanted to see the City annex the Bermuda
Dunes area to gain access to the freeway. Now the City is landlocked. He
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Ja?ua?y30 1996
asked if there was any possible chance the City would annex this area. City
Manager Tom Genovese stated staff was aware of its importance and would
continue to watch to make sure no one else pursues annexation of this area
In order to protect the City's interest. The City will express its concerns
should that happen.
16. Commissioner Tyler asked if the City was still trying to annex the area to the
north of Fred Waring. Community Development Director Jerry Herman
explained that the property owner had currently backed away from
annexation plans due to the opposition of some of the residents in the
Bermuda Dunes area.
17. Council Member Henderson stated that she had been attending CVAG
meetings to discuss the economic development of the Valley. One of the
smaller issue addressed by all the cities was Highway ill. CVAG intends
to find out if each of the cities wants to absorb the Highway into their own
city to gain control. Consideration of the narne and the synchronizing of the
lights would have to be addressed. They were also making suggestions to
form a Joint Powers Association to address the economic development of the
Valley in terms of bringing light industry or retail sales with revenue sharing
among all the Valley cities. She then asked staff about Bed and Breakfast
18. Mr. Shamis, resident, asked about the proposed movie complex to be
constructed within the Wal-Mart Center. The City of Indio announced the
construction of a theater at same time and their theater is almost constructed.
Council Member Perkins informed everyone that the City of Indio helped to
finance their theater which allowed them to start construction sooner.
Commissioner Abels stated the theater to be constructed in La Quinta would
probably be a different kind of theater than the one in Indio.
19. Council Member Sniff asked if everyone thought La Quinta should have a
specific plan developed for the Highway Ill Corridor? Commissioner Abels
stated he thought the Council and Commission should address Highway 111
during a joint meeting. Council Member Sniff stated the City needs to
consider it and have it be of significant importance. If the City has a specific
plan for the Village, then they should have one for Highway 111.
20. Council Member Perkins stated the problem with specific plans is that it
locks things in. The City should be careful in their consideration of acquiring
Highway 111 as it could cost the City a lot to maintain. The City needs to
look into all aspects.
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Jo??t Meeting of the City Council & PIannL.n? Commission?sion
January30. 1996
21. Mr. Greg Shannon stated that rather than light industrial, a business park
would sound better. One of the problems with the Village is that the ground
is more expensive than Cook Street land. If the La Quinta Hotel could
relocate its laundry facilities space to an area that had a tax base instead, it
could generate additional tax revenue and businesses. General contractors,
living in the Cove area, store supplies in their garage because it costs too
much to rent in a business areas in Indio or Coachella, and La Quinta has no
light industrial.
C. Light?ht Industrial DeveloPment
1. Mayor Bangerter noted that this subject had been included in the discussions
on Highway 111.
2. Commissioner Butler stated he thought light industrial should be included in
the Economic Development Strategic Plan. Council Member Perkins stated
the City should look into finding an area to encourage this type of business.
3. Commissioner Tyler asked where this stands at present?
4. Commissioner Anderson stated that light industrial areas are usually buffered
with other types of development.
5. Commissioner Tyler stated that with the development of the DSUSD
Administration Center, consideration should be given to the peripheral area
for light industrial.
D. Sculpture Park
1. Mayor Glenda Bangerter asked if the Planning Commission had a general
idea of what they wanted in regards to this project. Community Development
Director Jerry Herman stated the Sculpture Park had been processed as a
Public Use Permit PUP) as they were going to build a school, in conjunction
with the Park, as a teaching facility. The PUP was approved as such and as
of this date no school has been constructed. This is their last extension and
it will expire next year. If it expires, there are no provisions for the Park to
continue; it would have to go away. Should the City create an Entertainment
Zone in a residential area, or rezone it to Tourist Commercial in a residential
area with a General Plan Amendment. The City needs to address the
Sculpture Park.
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*joint M??ting of the City Council & P(annin? Commission
January 30, 1996
2. Commissioner Anderson asked if they intended to construct a school.
Community Development Director stated he was not aware of what their
plans. Council Member Henderson stated she thought this was a very viable
and unique business. The City could generate signage to direct people to
Lake Cahuilla, Ranch of the 7th Range, and the Sculpture Park. Bernardo
Gouthier, owner, states he is running a school. The City needs to find a way
to work with him. Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated
the PUP permits the school as the primary use and the park secondary. The
City needs to fix this or they will lose it. Council Member Henderson asked
staff to talk with Mr. Gouthier and determine his direction. He currently has
plans to hold concerts in the green. The City needs to find a zoning that
meets his needs.
3. Council Member Perkins stated that if the City wants to keep the Park, it will
need to address his needs. Council Member Adolph stated it makes a
beautiful backdrop for those playing golf. Discussion followed regarding the
4: Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated Mr. Gouthier wants
to hold night concerts. This type of use generates a lot of activity and noise
and the Park is surrounded by residential properties. The City will have to
zone the Park and its uses it to handle this.
5. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated the City might want to use a
Conditional Use Permit to allow entertainment. This would also limit the
type of uses that could be permitted. Everyone agreed.
6. Council Member Henderson asked staff how close the nearest residential lot
was to the Park. Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated
there are, or will be, residential projects adjacent and in all directions. Lots
are currently being created to the west and east. Council Member Henderson
asked if fencing could be looked into.
7. Commissioner Barrows stated that potential residents would already be aware
that the Park exists before they move in. Commissioner Anderson stated the
problem was with nighttime activities. Staff stated that parking would also
be a big issue.
8. Ms. Catherine Hull stated the City needs to be aware that this is the only
facility of this type in the country. There is more valuable art located in the
Park than anywhere else in the United States. The City should keep this in
mind while discussing it; it is an important asset.
* * JOINT?nt Meet??g of the C?(y Co??c?I & PIa?ning Cornmk?io?
Ja??a? 30 1996
9. Commissioner Newkirk reminded everyone that the La Quinta Hotel is the
largest generator of revenue to the City. There were plans for a 1,000 room
Hotel at PGA. That was too large, but 300 rooms would be fine. Anything
the City can do to help this happen should be done. Losing the Bob Hope
Classic was a detriment to the City. He was glad to see the Skins Game
returned to La Quinta and would be held at Rancho La Quinta. The City
needs to try and get the Bob Hope Classic back for the nationaL recognition.
10. Council Member Perkins stated the Hotel generates more tax revenue than all
the businesses in La Quinta together. Commissioner Gardner stated the
number of employees that work for KSL Recreation live in La Quinta. La
Quinta Hotel has 44 gardeners just to take care of the Hotel alone. He asked
that as a part of the Economic Development Strategic Plan, would the
consultants take this plan and go out and find businesses, or would that be
delegated to someone? City Manager Tom Genovese stated there were two
answers to that question. Ultimately it is a decision of the City Council,
however, the City has already started recruiting businesses. The City attends
the International Conference of Shopping Centers each year in order to reach
developers. After the adoption of the Economic Development Strategic Plan
it would become more direct and a function of City staff and the consultants
to implement the Council's direction. Council will decide if others need to
be involved. New positions have been created as well as the hiring of
consultants to enable the City to continue to be an outreach to new
11. Mayor Bangerter asked if there was any further discussion. There being
none, she thanked those who were present for attending. It was a beneficial
meeting to discuss the direction the City will be taking.
E. Other Items
1. Commissioner Abels asked about a timetable for the next meeting. City
Manager Tom Genovese stated it would probably be in April.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to
adjourn this joint meeting to a regular meeting of the City Council on February 6, 1996, at 3:00P.M.
It was moved and seconded by Planning Commissioners Abels/Newkirk to adjourn this joint meeting
to a regular meeting of the Planning Commission on February 12, 1996, at 7:00P.M. This joint
meeting of the City Council and Planning Commission was adjourned at 8:55 P.M. Unanimously
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