1996 01 16 CC Minutes* LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES January 16, 1996 Regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council on January 16, 1996 was called to order at the hour of 3:00 p.m. by Mayor Bangerter, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENT: Council Members Adolph, Henderson, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Bangerter ABSENT: None CONFT?MATION OF AGENDA Confirmed APPROVAL OF MINUTES Council Member Adolph asked for clarification of a comment made by Council Member Henderson in the Minutes of January 2, 1996 regarding the Community Service Grants and Council Member Henderson responded. M?ON It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to approve the City Council Minutes of December 19, 1995 as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. M?ON It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Perkins to approve the City Council Minutes of January 2, 19% as submitted. Motion carried with Council Member Adolph ABSTAINING. None PRESj? None Mr. Martin Lemire 78 227 Indigo Drive, asked why Adams Street has still not yet been completed all the way through from Highway 111 to Miles Avenue. Mr. Genovese, City Manager, advised that the Council recently authorized funding to construct that section of Adams Street and it should be completed within 45 to 60 days. BIB] 05-20-1996-U01 10:22:29AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 01-U02 16-U02 1996-U02 *City Council Minutes 2 January 6, 1996 Ms. Michelle Dallas, 51-351 Avenida Bermudas, advised that the Chamber of Commerce will open an additional office at the Vons Shopping Center in February which they feel will generate a substantial increase in assistance to the community and in their membership. She asked that the sign ordinance be amended to allow the use of directional signage for the purpose of maximizing their visibility. They propose to erect up to six two-foot square, free-standing signs along Highway 11 and Washington Street if the ordinance is amended. Mr. Genovese, City Manager, advised that a preliminary discussion on the sign ordinance is on the current agenda under Mayor and Council Members' Items. Mr. Seth Etinger, 78-720 Avenida La Fonda, asked if any consideration has been given to digging up and refurbishing the Desert Club pool that was filled in some years ago at the Fritz urns Park site, advising that he knows someone who has done that on their property. Mr. Genovese, City Manager, advised that he would contact Mr. Etinger. Council Member Henderson asked that responses to public comments be included in the following agenda packets as a routine matter so that the public is aware of the disposition of the matter. Council concurred 1. LETThR FROM EMILY BLACKWOOD REQUESTING FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR CLASS TRIP TO WASHINGTON, D.C. Council Member Henderson believed that Ms. Blackwood's efforts are commendable, but felt that financial assistance from the City would be an inappropriate allocation of tax funds. Mayor Bangerter concurred, but will assist the effort on a personal basis. Council Member Sniff advised that the City has helped similar efforts in the past, but was concerned about supporting it with public funds. Mayor Bangerter advised that she would relay the Council's comments to Ms. Blackwood in a letter. BIB] 05-20-1996-U01 10:22:29AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 01-U02 16-U02 1996-U02 *City Council Minutes 3 January 16, 1996 BUSINESS SESSION CONSIDERATION OF RECOMMENDATION FROM THE ART IN PUBLIC PLACES COMMISSION TO PREPARE AND INSTALL ARTWORK AT THE RETENTION BASIN WnHIN THE LA QUINTA VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER AND THE APPROPRIATION OF ADDITIONAL FUNDS. Mr. Herman, Community Development Director, advised that the Request for Proposals RFP) for design and installation of artwork to be located at the retention basin in the La Quinta Village Shopping Center was distributed twice to prospective artists and the Art in Public Places Commission APP) has recommended that Barbara Grygutis be commissioned for the project. He advised that $20,OOO.was appropriated for the project, but the Commission has recommended that an additional $30,000 be appropriated for a contract not to exceed $50,000, leaving a balance in the APP fund of $38,157.44. In response to Council Member Adolph, Mr. Herman advised that no additional elevations or artist sketches are available at the present time, but the Council can approve the funding subject to final review of the drawings. In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Herman advised that the RFP was distributed to all of the artists' names contained in the City's artist-selection bank as well as some names received from the Arts Foundation and eight responses were received. After the submittals were reviewed by three members of the APP, the Commission requested three of the applicants to make a presentation to the Commission. He didn't remember any landscape architects being on the list, but advised that the owner of the shopping center is responsible for landscaping the basin with trees and grass. The purpose of contracting with an artist is to add some type of art feature" to the landscaped basin. Re advised that the proposals that were received from the first RFP mailing exceeded the $20,000 budget indicated in the RFP and the Commission chose to re-distribute it to an expanded list which included those on the original list. Some re-submittals were received from the artists on the original list. The artists were not told that the $20,000-budget was a firm amount. They were told that if their proposals exceeded the budgeted amount the Commission would decide whether or not they wished to seek additional funding to cover the additional cost. Council Member Henderson understood that Ms. Grygutis was flown in from Arizona to make her presentation and asked if local artists were offered per diem for their expenses to which Mr. Herman responded no. In response to Council Member Adolph, Mr. Herman advised that the artist would work with the Public Works Department to make sure that the retention basin remains functional. The drain-pipe system will be camouflaged in some manner. BIB] 05-20-1996-U01 10:22:29AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 01-U02 16-U02 1996-U02 *City Council Minutes 4 January 16, 1996 Council Member Sniff advised that $50,000 is only an amount not to be exceeded and he hoped that the final costs would be significantly lower. He felt that the project should move forward because it's been a long process and the owner of the adjacent restaurant is anxious to have it completed before his restaurant opens. He also wished to see the final design prior to the execution of the contract because of the significance of the dollar amount and location. Council Member Henderson wished to see a more in-depth proposal submitted. She understood that Ms. Grygutis' proposal included importing soil into the basin and was concerned that that might conflict with the purpose of the retention basin. Council Member Sniff believed that the soil for the bridge would come from the basin itself and fi?lt that Ms. Grygutis should he given an opportunity to produce a more-defined plan. Council Member Perkins agreed that a more-defined plan, including elevations, should be submitted. In response to Council Member Perkins, Mr. Herman advised that the APP funds are derived from fees placed on all new developments within the City and if they're not allocated for within two years of collection they must be returned to the developer. The only reason for rushing this project is to have it completed prior to the grand-opening of the adjacent restaurant. Council Member Henderson wished to see the RFP distributed again to local artists with the expanded budget since the more-in-depth proposal by Ms. Grygutis would prob?bly delay the project anyway. She wished to see it distributed to landscape architects as well. Council Member Sniff recalled that some of the presentations before the Commission were by local artists and felt that it was appropriate at this time for this process to move forward. Mayor Bangerter agreed with Council Member Sniff that a lot of work has gone into this project and she felt that it's important for it to move forward. She, too, wished to see the final design before final approval is given. Council Member Perkins felt that the two Council Members who participated in the Commission's interview process had the benefit of knowing more of the details involved and would support their recommendation, even though he, too, had concern that not all of the artists may have had the opportunity to work within the expanded budget. BIB] 05-20-1996-U01 10:22:29AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 01-U02 16-U02 1996-U02 *City Council Minutes 5 January 6, 1996 MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Perkins to authorize staff to enter into a contract commissioning the Ia Quinta Shopping Center Retention Basin Artwork to Barbara Grygutis in an amount not to exceed $50,000, appropriate the money from the Arts in Public Places Fund, and authorize the Mayor sign and execute the contract pending final Council approval of the plan to be submitted within 30 days. Council Member Henderson advised that she?s read all of the minutes from the APP and was of the understanding that there was a favorable response to several local artists until somewhere in mid-stre,am a decision was made to re-distribute the RFP and include other artists that were personally solicited by phone to submit their proposals. She felt that the local artists on the original RFP list should be allowed to resubmit their proposals during this 30-day period. Motion carried with Council Member Henderson voting NO. MINUTE ORDER NO. 96-03. 1-A. CONSIDERATION OF RECOMMENDATION FROM THE ART IN PUBLIC PLACES COMMISSION TO ALLOCATE ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUNDS TO COVER THE COST OF PLACEMENT AND SUPPORT FOR THE ARTWORK TO BE LOCATED AT THE FRITZ BURNS PARK. Mr. Herman, Community Development Director, advised that the Arts in Public Places Commission APP) has recommended that $16,786 be allocated to cover additional costs incurred by the Public Works Department to install plumbing and structural supports for the artwork at the Fritz Burns Park. This appropriation of funds will leave a balance of approximately $21,000 in the APP Fund. In response to Council Member Adolph, Mr. Herman advised that the only portion of the artwork that is completed is the gate which will be placed in storage until a suitable site for it is found. The mosaics will be placed within the sidewalks leading from the parking lot into the park and the spray towers will be located near the tennis courts. Mayor Bangerter advised that when the artwork was initially approved, it was supposed to be constructed with the pool which was not approved and that?s the reason for the additional costs for installation. In response to Council Member Adolph, Mr. Herman advised that this would complete the funding for artwork at the Fritz Burns Park. The artwork located near the Automobile Club building at Highway 111 and Washington Street is the only other project that is due to get underway in the near future, but that funding has already been allocated. BIB] 05-20-1996-U01 10:22:29AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 01-U02 16-U02 1996-U02 *City Council Minutes 6 January 16, 1996 In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Herman advised that monument signs have been designed for the entrances to the City on Highway 111 and staff is currently seeking approvals for installation from CalTrans and the property owners involved. The funding for the signs, which was approximately $6,000, didn?t come from the APP Fund. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to authorize staff to appropriate the funds necessary to complete the installation of the artwork at the Fritz Burns Park per the Public Works Department request in the amount of $16,786 from the Arts in Public Places Fund Account No.701-000-255-210. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO.96-04. 2. CONSIDE?ON OF ITIE APPOINTMENT OF TWO COUNCIL MEMBERS TO SERVE ON THE CONSULTANT INTERVIEW COMMITTEE FOR THE HISTORIC RESOURCES SURVEY PROJECT. Mr. Herman, Community Development Director, advised that on October 3, 1995, the Council approved the distribution of a Request for Proposals RFP) for a survey of cultural resources and sites which is a State requirement to retain certification. The survey will be funded by a grant from the Certified Local Government program. He asked that Council consider appointing two Council Members to serve on the Consultant Selection Committee. Council Member Sniff volunteered and suggested that Council Member Henderson also be appointed since she has served on the Historical Preservation Commission. M?ON- It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Perkins to appoint Council Members Henderson and Sniff to the Consultant Selection Committee Historic Resources Survey Project). Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 96?5. 3. CONS?E?ON OF ADOPTION OF AMENDMENT TO SE?ON 7.04 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE HISTORICAL PRESERVATION COMMISSION. Mr. Herman, Community Development Director, advised that on December 19, 1995, the Council adopted Resolution No. 95-97, permitting the recruitment of non-residents for the ifiree professionally-qualified positions on the Historical Preservation Commission. The City Attorney has requested that an amendment to the ordinance relating to the Historical Preservation Commission be made, deleting the following language: to the extent that such professionals are available in the City.... BIB] 05-20-1996-U01 10:22:29AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 01-U02 16-U02 1996-U02 *City Council Minutes 7 January 6, 1996 It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to take up Ordinance No.280 by title and number only and waive further reading. Motion carried unanimously. ORDINANCE NO.280 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE MUNICIPAL CODE, CHAPTER 7.04, SECTION 7.04.020 HISTORICAL PRESERVATION COMMISSION. It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to introduce Ordinance No 280 on first reading. Motion carried unanimously. 4. REVIEW OF CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE/BOARD ASSIGNMENTS. Mrs. Juhola, City Clerk, advised that the Council is reviewing Committee and Board assignments at this time because of the addition of the fifth member on the Council. The Council proceeded to discuss the various assignments. Council Member Sniff suggested that Council Member Henderson might be interested in serving as a member on the Palm Springs Regional Airport Commission, noting that the current member, Tom Freeman, has not presented a report to the Council on that Commission for quite some time. Mayor Bangerter advised that there has been some discussion that possibly the purpose of this Commission might be coming to a close. Mr. Genovese, City Manager, advised that he would check on the current status of the Commission with Tom Freeman and find out if Mr. Freeman wishes to remain the City's representative on the Commission. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to appoint Council Member Henderson as alternate on the CVAG Children & Youth Commission; as the member on the CVAG Public Safety Committee; as the member to the Chamber of Commerce Education Committee'. as the member to the Coachella Valley Mountains Conservancy; and as alternate to the Coachella Valley Regional Airport Authority. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO.964)6. BIB] 05-20-1996-U01 10:22:29AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 01-U02 16-U02 1996-U02 *City Council Minutes 8 January 16, 1996 5. INTERVIEW OF APPLICANTS FOR PLANNING COMMISSION AM) CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENT. Mayor Bangerter advised that she has always been uncomfortable with the process that has been used in the past and suggested that subcommittees be formed in the future to review the applications and recommend two or three people to the Council for consideration. She suggested that the subcommittees be made up of members of the Council, Planning Commission, and the community at large. She felt that such a process would allow a more-tn?epth interview of the applicants by the Council. She felt that the caliber of the current Planning Commission applicants was overwhelming. Council Member Henderson agreed that the process should be reconsidered, including whatever latitude the Council has regarding the process scheduled for this appointment. Council Member Perkins didn?t disagree, but felt that any changes for today should have been decided prior to this meeting. Since the resumes have been reviewed by the Council, he suggested that the applicants be allowed to remain in the audience and each give a three-minute presentation without?any question period by the Council. Mayor Bangerter agreed and advised that the Council needs to decide on whether they wish to utilize the nomination process or use the ballot system. Council Member Adolph agreed that the number of applicants makes individual interviews difficult, but would like to see a policy established in the future to handle such situations. He felt that the list contains some outstanding applicants who would. fit the professional needs of the Historical Preservation Commission and encouraged them to apply for that Commission if they're not appointed to the Planning Commission. Council Member Sniff felt that the Planning Commission is the most important Commission in the City and didn?t understand the need to rush the appointment process. He believed that the interview process has worked well in the past and was willing to devote the time and energy necessary to conduct the interviews. Re felt that changing the process because of the number of applicants was ridiculous and felt that the Council owes the people of the community and the applicants a reasonable opportunity to be heard and seen. He felt that the interview process is illuminating and advised that he enjoys hearing how the applicants respond to the Council's questions. Mayor Bangerter agreed that it's an important decision, which is why she suggested the formation of a subcommittee to conduct in-depth interviews with the applicants. She didn't feel that it's a matter of rushing the process, but rather providing the time necessary to make such important decisions. Should the Council wish to move forward with the current appointment, she preferred to allow each applicant three minutes to make a presentation without questions by the Council. BIB] 05-20-1996-U01 10:22:29AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 01-U02 16-U02 1996-U02 *City Council Minutes 9 January 16, 1996 Council Member Perkins felt that establishing a subcommittee would require a great deal of ought and didn't feel that this appointment should be postponed until such a subcommittee could be formed. Re felt that the Council would be able to select the proper applicant to fill this vacancy after listening to each applicant's presentation since their resumes have been reviewed already. Mayor Bangerter asked if the Council wished to utilize the nomination process or use the ballot system. Council Member Sniff advised that he would go along with the three-minute presentation process, but absolutely wanted to use the ballot system. Should a decision not be reached on the first ballot, he felt that only those applicants receiving votes on the first ballot should be considered on the next ballot. At this time the following applicants were allowed to give a three-minute presentation on their qualifications and background: Layne Arthur Rutiho Brito David Rarbison John Roughtelin David Jackson George Kieffer, III Thomas Lyon, Jr. Ron Nawrocki Steve Robbins B. J. Seaton Shelton Stringer Robert Tyler The following applicants were not present: Andrew Devin, Robert Metkus application withdrawn), Daniel Newman, Frank Reynolds application withdrawn), Victor Ruiz, J. Richard Santo due to illness), Dennis Wish, and Stewart Woodard. Mayor Bangerter commented on the difficulty of the decision before the Council due to the caliber of the applicants and thanked each one for their interest in the community. Council Member Adolph advised that Dan Newman and Stewart Woodard, both of whom he felt were well qualified for the position, had informed him that they would be unable to attend this meeting due to prior commitments and advised that he felt they were viable applicants for consideration. He felt that he was probably more aware of the needs of the Planning Commission than the other Council Members and felt that it's necessary to appoint someone who can work with the existing Commission and read a set of plans. BIB] 05-20-1996-U01 10:22:29AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 01-U02 16-U02 1996-U02 *City Council Minutes 10 January 16, 1996 Council Member Perkins had a problem with discussing candidates that weren't present and advised that he wouldn't support their appointment in respect to the applicants who were present. Council Member Sniff believed that the caliber of the applicants has steadily increased each year and pointed Out that two potential Planning Commission vacancies would exist in June and encouraged the applicants who aren't appointed at this time, to reapply in June Council Member Henderson agreed that it's a difficult decision. VOTING BALLOT?T NO.1 Council Member Adolph voted for Steve Robbins Council Member Henderson voted for Robert Tyler Council Member Perkins voted for Robert Tyler Council Member Sniff voted for Steve Ro6bins Mayor Bangerter voted for Robert Tyler M?ON- It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Perkins to appoint Robert Tyler to the unexpired term on the Planning Commission, term to expire June 30, 1998. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO.964)7. 6. CONTINUED CONSIDERATION?ON OF FY 1995/96 COMMUNITY SERVICE GRANT APPLICATIONS. Mayor Bangerter abstained due to a conflict of interest and left the dais. Council Member Sniff felt that the Council should deal with the current applications under the existing process and discuss possible changes to the process during the study session. He wished to retain some of the funds in the Special Project Contingency Fund for future use. Council Member Adolph agreed and wished to see the grants stay within the budget of the program Council Member Henderson continued to have her original concerns, but agreed that the current applications should be dealt with. She, too, wished to retain a balance in the Contingency Fund and asked how the grant applications should be addressed. BIB] 05-20-1996-U01 10:22:29AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 01-U02 16-U02 1996-U02 *City Council Minutes It January 16, 1996 Council Member Sniff suggested ihat each Council Member indicate which applications they support to find Out if a consensus exists. Council Member Perkins agreed that some of the funds should be retained and questioned how much. Council Member Sniff suggested that an approximate amount of $9,000 be retained for significant needs that could arise before June 30th. Council Member Henderson advised that she supports each of these programs and her lack of support for funds for any of them is based on her belief that their needs are being addressed through other means. Council Member Adolph agreed that some of the programs receive funding from other agencies and felt that it's important to support the programs that are specific to La Quinta. In response to Council Member Sniff, Ms. Nicholson advised that the staff report contains an application analysis which indicates which applications lacked information. She also advised that Family Service of Coachella Valley wishes to implement a program wherein parenting classes would be held at the C. V. Park & Recreation building for the purpose of educating parents and interaction between parents and children. Council Member Sniff suggested the following amounts for funding the grants: Friends of the La Quinta Library, $3,500; Friends of the Senior Center, $4,000; Round Table West, $1,500; Truman PTA, $1,000; and YMCA Childcare Program, $2,000. Council Member Adolph agreed with Council Member Sniff's recommendations. Council Member Henderson was in favor of Seniors becoming computer literate, but didn't believe that it would guarantee them a job and pointed Out that optional programs exist for learning computers such as the computer room at the Boys & Girls Club and possibly an evening computer training lab at La Quinta High School. She didn?t believe that running educational programs is the City's responsibility. She felt that the Library need is well known and should be supported, possibly through a joint effort between the City and the Desert Sands Unified School District and favored increasing that amount to $5,000. She supported giving $1,000 to the Truman School PTA, but wished to see a report of their cooperative effort with the City's emergency plan, including the purchase of emergency supplies. Council Member Perkins supported giving $5,000 to the Friends of the La Quinta Library, but wished to hold back on the Friends of the Senior Center request until the availability of computers at the Boys & Girls Club is investigated. He supported funding Round Table BIB] 05-20-1996-U01 10:22:29AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 01-U02 16-U02 1996-U02 *City Council Minutes 12 January 16, 1996 West with $1,500 and Truman School PTA with $1,000, but wished to increase the YMCA Childcare Program grant to $3,500. After a brief discussion, the Council concurred on the following grant amounts: * Friends of the La Quinta Library $4,000 * Friends of the Senior Center hold back $4,000 until the next Council meeting * Round Table West $1,500 * Truman School PTA $1,000 * YMCA Childcare Program $2,000 MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to indicate support for the following grants: $4,000 for the Friends of the La Quinta Library; holding the $4,000 for the La Quinta Senior Center in abeyance until the next Council meeting; allocating $1,500 to Round Table West; $1,000 to the Truman School PTA; and $2,000 to the YMCA Childcare Program. Motion carried unanimously with Mayor Bangerter ABSENT MINUTE ORDER NO. 96?S. 1. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER DATED JANUARY 16, 1996. 2. TRANSMITTAL OF TREASURY REPORT FOR THE CITY OF LA QUINTA AND LA QUNTA FINANCING AUTHORITY DATED NOVEMBER 30,1995. 3. APPROVAL OF OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR THE FINANCE DIRECTOR TO ATTEND THE 1996 CSFMO SEMINAR IN BURBANK, Fl?FEBRUARY 25-27, 1996. 4. APPROVAL OF OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR THE PLANNING COMMISSION, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR, AND PLANT?G MANAGER TO ATTEND THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES PLANNING COMMISSIONER'S INSTITUTE IN LONG BEACH, MARCH 20-22, 1996. 5. APPROVAL OF OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR THE CITY CLERK TO ATTEND THE CITY ATTORNEYS/CITY CLERKS JOINT CONTINUING EDUCATION SEMINAR ON ELECTIONS IN BURBANK, FEBRUARY 1, 1996. 6. DENIAL OF CLAIM FOR DAMAGES BY CL?AN'I' ROBERT W. GUTIERREZ, DATE OF LOSS, NOVEMBER 30, 1995. 7. ACCEPTANCE OF STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY IN SOUTHWEST QUADRANT OF THE FRED WARING DRIVE/JEFFERSON STREET INTERSECTION. BIB] 05-20-1996-U01 10:22:29AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 01-U02 16-U02 1996-U02 * City Council Minutes 13 January 16, 1996 8. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION ACCEPTING PASSES TO THE BOB HOPE CHRYSLER CLASSIC GOLF TOURNAMENT TO BE HELD JANUARY 17-21, 1996. 9. APPROVAL OF A REQUEST BY THE LA QUINTA ARTS FOUNDATION TO UTILIZE THE COUNCIL CHAMBER FOR DOCENT TRAINING. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to approve the Consent Calendar as recommended with Item No.8 being approved by RESOLUTION NO.96- 02. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTe ORDER NO. 96?9. STUDY SESSION 1. DISCUSSION OF COMMUNITY SERVICE GRANT PROCESS. Council concurred on continuing this discussion for one month: All reports were noted and filed. I. Ms. Nicholson Parks & Recreation Director, briefly reviewed the Parks & Recreation Attendance Report for the month of December and advised of upcoming department events. 2. Mr. Herman, Community Development Director, advised that a list of issues the Planning Commission wishes to discuss at the joint meeting on January 30th is contained in the staff report and asked if there were any changes or additions by the Council. Council Member Sniff wished to add infrastructure funding, possible proto-type projects, and promotion efforts for The Village discussion. Re also wished to add, a discussion regarding the types of future commercial projects in the City. Re felt that the Council should meet and discuss these issues and the City's destiny prior to the joint meeting because the new Council Members may have some significant new ideas to bring up. Council Member Perkins was concerned about the time the proposed agenda might require, pointing out that the discussion on The Village could take all evening. He felt that it's the private sector S place to dictate what businesses will locate in The Village and not the BIB] 05-20-1996-U01 10:22:29AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 01-U02 16-U02 1996-U02 *City Council Minutes 14 January 16, 19?6 Council's because other cities have tried to develop some of their areas with particular types of businesses in mind and the finances weren't there to make it work. In regard to the Highway 11 1 Corridor, he felt that it has gotten off track and that the property owners should be coming to the City with their ideas for what will work. He didn't feel that the discussion on the Sculpture Park would take long and wasn't sure that the fee waiver discussion even belonged on the agenda. He suggested using the Study Session Room for the joint meeting. Mayor Bangerter was also concerned about the amount of time these issues might take to discuss and was opposed to adding to the agenda. Council Member Adolph felt that a discussion regarding the viability of rezoning certain areas of the City to light industrial should be included on the agenda, pointing out that staff was directed to work on this some time ago. Council Member Perkins and Mayor Bangerter agreed with adding it for discussion. Mayor Bangerter felt that the joint meeting should be postponed if the Council plans to meet and discuss these issues prior to the joint meeting. Mr. Genovese, City Manager, advised that the Economic Development Plan for The Village is scheduled to be brought before the Council on February 20, 1996 and that many of the Council's questions would probably be answered at that time. Council Member Adolph felt that the Planning Commission was looking to the Council for additional guidelines to follow. Council Member Perkins felt that this meeting should be less structured than past joint meetings. Ms. Honeywell, City Attorney, advised that the Planning Commission requested the joint meeting because of discussions they have been involved in regarding the zoning ordinance, which includes The Village plan and they need some feedback from the Council in order to decide some of the zoning details. Mayor Bangerter felt that a joint meeting at this time would be premature and should be held after the Council discusses the Economic Development Plan in February. Council Member Perkins believed that an informal and general discussion would give the Planning Commission an opportunity to relate to the Council what they need in way of direction. BIB] 05-20-1996-U01 10:22:29AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 01-U02 16-U02 1996-U02 *City Council Minutes 15 January 16, 1996 Mr. Genovese advised that an informal joint meeting could be held prior to the presentation of the Economic Development Plan in February and then a follow?up joint meeting could be held later. Council Member Sniff felt that the proposed meeting is without rhyme or reason. Council concurred on the joint meeting being held in the Study Session Room with the following agenda: La Quinta Village including parking, development standards, architectural guidelines, and affordable housing; Highway 111 Corridor; Sculpture Park clarification of use); Light Industrial Uses, and other. MAYOR A? COUNCIL MEMBERS' ITEMS DISCUSSION OF SIGN ORDINANCE. Council Member Henderson advised that some members of the business community feel that the City's sign program is bogged down and not progressing. It has recently become apparent to her that an international food court exists within The Village area, consisting of German, French, Mexican, Italian, Asian, Continental, and Southwest restaurants and she felt that promoting that concept would generate interest in The Village. She suggested that the City utilize the community service signage contract with BIA to direct people to the City's international dining area in The Village without specifically listing individual restaurants. She felt that promotion of an international dining area concept was the responsibility of the Chamber of Commerce and businesses involved, but pointed out that it's within the City's power to utilize the BIA signs. The Cliff house has offered a letter of endorsement in support of an international dining concept as a marketing tool. M?. Verna LaW, 78-073 Calle Barcelona, representing Mario's Restaurant La Quinta Garden Cafe), felt that identification with an international dining area would help those who have a difficult time locating their restaurant. She also believed that the international dining area concept would benefit the businesses and the City. Mr. G? Shannon, 74-596 Peppertree, representing the Chamber of Commerce, advised that the Chamber has developed a sign program to help people locate businesses once they arrive here, but the program has been delayed because of the zoning ordinance review. He asked that the revised sign ordinance be pulled from the zoning ordinance and processed separately. Mayor Bangerter felt that the City's sign ordinance is too strict and should be reviewed as quickly as possible. She asked if it could be handled separately from the review of the zoning ordinance to which Mr. Genovese responded yes. BIB] 05-20-1996-U01 10:22:29AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 01-U02 16-U02 1996-U02 *City Council Minutes 16 January 6,1996 Mr. Herman?advised that the Planning Commission is currently reviewing the zoning ordinance, but the sign ordinance has been completed and could be pulled out and handled separately. If it'S approved by the Planning Commission on February 13th, it could be brought before the Council on March 5th which would expedite it approximately three months ahead of the zoning ordinance. In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Herman advised that the Chamber's sign program which is specific to The Village would have to be handled in the same time frame as the sign ordinance because the Environmental Assessment prepared for the zoning ordinance affects the sign ordinance as well. Council concurred on utilizing the BIA signs for international dining boards" and also concurred on taking the sign ordinance Out of the proposed zoning ordinance so that it can be adopted prior to the zoning ordinance. 2. Council Member Perkins asked that the matter of Charter City status be brought back before the Council as a Study Session item. 3. Council Member Perkins also asked that the letter from The Friends of the La Quinta Senior Center be given some consideration. Council recessed to Closed Session to and until the hour of 7:00 p.m. CLOSED SESSION I. Conference with legal counsel pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(c) regarding potential litigation 1 case). Council reconvened with no decision being made which requires reporting pursuant to Section 54957.1 of the Government Code Brown Act). 7:00P.M. PUBLIC COMMENT None BIB] 05-20-1996-U01 10:22:29AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 01-U02 16-U02 1996-U02 * City Council Minutes 17 January 16. 1996 PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. APPROVAL OF A THIRD ONE-YEAR EXTENSION OF TIME FOR PHASE 9 OF TENTATIVE TRACT 24890 TO CREATE 37 LOTS CONSISTING OF THREE SINGLE-FAMILY, 34 DUPLEX, AND FIVE LETTERED LOTS ON TEN ACRES WITHIN SP 85-006. APPLICANT: KSL RECREATION. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to continue the public hearing on the request of KSL for time extension on Tract 24890 to February 6, 1996. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO.96-10. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. R?Respectfully submitted AUNDRA L JUHOLA City Clerk City of La Quinta, California BIB] 05-20-1996-U01 10:22:29AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 01-U02 16-U02 1996-U02