CC Resolution 1985-016+ RESOLUTION NO. 85-16 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEMANDS. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, to approve demands as shown on the Demand/Warrant Register dated March 5, 1985. APPROVED and ADOPTED this 5th day of March, 1985. ATTEST: CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: C TY ATTORNEY CITY 1ANAGER BIB] 05-21-1996-U01 09:34:58AM-U01 CCRES-U02 85-U02 16-U02 + CITY OF LA QUINTA DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER March 5, 1985 EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 3857 $ 866.72 State Income Taxes for January, 1985. SECURITY PACIFIC BANK 3858 1,746.50 Federal Income Taxes for January, 1985. PAYROLL 2/9/85 2/22/85 & 3859- 15,741.63 AUTOMOBILE COMPENSATION 3895 RIVERSIDE COUNTY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 3896 449.00 Employees' Credit Union Deductions for Payroll Period Ended 2/22/85. STEVE KOCHELL 3897 570.65 Payroll for Period Ended 2/22/85. ROGER HIRDLER 3898 73.80 Mileage Reimbursement for Period 1/24/85 2/19/85. PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 3899 4,729.08 Retirement Contributions for Period 1/12/85 2/8/85. PALM DESERT DISPOSAL 3900 89,694.26 Residential & Delinquent Refuse Collection Fees, First Apportionment Payment 84-85). CONTINENTAL LAND TITLE COMPANY 3901 100.00 Public Financing Seminar, March 5, 1985, Royce Resort Hotel, Frank Usher, Lawrence Stevens, Sandra Bonner, & Gary Price Attending. THE BLUEPRINTER 3902 55.81 Maps BERRYMAN & STEPHENSON, INC. 3903 7,730.11 General Plan Circulation Study. MORT BRENNAN 3904 2,178.00 City Hall Office Rental for March, 1985. CLEAN AS A WHISTLE 3905 193.50 Custodial Services for February, 1985. COTTON/BELAND/ASSOCIATES 3906 4,425.00 Contract Services General Plan. BIB] 05-21-1996-U01 09:34:58AM-U01 CCRES-U02 85-U02 16-U02 +Demand/Warrant Register March 5, 1985 Page 2 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 3907 $ 286.07 Street Sign Installation, Changing of Street Name Signs from Oreste Drive to Simon Drive. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 3908 4?5.00 Operation of State Highway Traffic Control & Safety Installations for December, 1984. THE DESERT SUN 3909 72.89 Legal Advertisements. DUCA & MCCOY 3910 500.00 Engineering Services Washington Street Realignment. FEDERAL EXPRESS 3911 87?00 Federal Express Charges. FIRSTWORLD TRAVEL CENTER 3912 82?.Q0 Air Fare for Planning Commission to Attend League of California Cities Planning Commissioner S Institute, San Jose? CA, February 28-March 2, 1985. PAUL GARDNER CORPORATION 3913 23,026.68 Traffic Signal, Eisenhower & Washington. GENERAL TELEPHONE 3914 831.19 Telephone Expense for Period 2/16/85 3/15/85. HALPRIN SUPPLY COMPANY 3915 5.37 Special Departmental Supplies, Streets & Highways Dept. HOLMAN INDUSTRIES 3916 30.38 Special Departmental Supplies, Non-Dept. IBM CORPORATION 3917 653.97 Maintenance Agreement Charges On IBM Equipment. IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT 3918 44.12 Electric Expense for 1985. INDIO SHOE STORE 3919 109.13 Special Departmental Supplies, Streets & Highways Dept. ANN JENNINGS 3920 291.02 Expense Reimbursement for League of Calif. Cities, City Managers Dept. Meeting. BIB] 05-21-1996-U01 09:34:58AM-U01 CCRES-U02 85-U02 16-U02 +Demand/Warrant Register March 5, 1985 Page 3 LA QUINTA BUILDERS SUPPLY, INC. 3921 $ 291.25 Special Dept. Supplies, Public Safety Dept. & Streets & Highways Dept. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES 3922 1,158.00 Annual Dues for 1985. MARTIN & CHAPMAN CO. 3923 47.12 Special Departmental Supplies, Non-Dept. NCR CORPORATION 3924 114.04 Cash Register Maintenance Contract for Period 2/16/85 10/31/85. PJS DESERT TROPHIES & GIFTS 3925 47.81 Name Badges, Recognitions. NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION 3926 31.07 Publication, Building Department. THE PRESS-ENTERPRISE 3927 122.04 Legal Advertisements. THE PRINTING PLACE 3928 1,033.50 Printing of Newsletters & Master Business Cards. COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE SUPPLY SERVICES DIVISION 3929 116.22 Office Supplies. SAFETY STRIPING SERVICE, INC. 3930 2,504.30 Installation of Stop Signs at Various Locations, Retention. SECURITY PACIFIC BANK 3931 520.72 Credit Card Charges Relative To Council Admin. Travel & Meetings, January, 1985. MANFRED SCHENIRER 3932 70.20 Delinquent Service Fee Refund. SCHWAAB 3933 i3.O? Office Supplies. SHELL OIL COMPANY 3934 169.52 City Vehicle Operation. SMART & FINAL 3935 98.24 Janitorial Supplies. SPARKLETTS 3936 38.45 Equipment Rental, January, 1985. BIB] 05-21-1996-U01 09:34:58AM-U01 CCRES-U02 85-U02 16-U02 +Demand/Warrant Register March 5, 1985 Page 4 STATE OF CALIFORNIA OFFICE OF 3937 $ 121.98 Publications, Building Department. SUSKI?I & SAKEMI 3938 21.50 Equipment Maintenance, Streets & Highways Dept. TOPS & BARRICADES 3939 460.00 Rental of Temporary Stop Signs at Eisenhower & Washington. TRIAD ENTERPRISES 3940 75.00 City Yard Rental for February, 1985. VALLEY ANIMAL CLINIC 3941 56.00 Animal Control Services. WEST PUBLISHING COMPANY 3942 144.16 Publication, City Attorney. LEE WIGGINS 3943 150.00 Lease Agreement Re: Additional City Offices, for March, 1985. XEROX CORPORATION 3944 537.21 Copier Rental for January, 1985. TOTAL $163,746.29 BIB] 05-21-1996-U01 09:34:58AM-U01 CCRES-U02 85-U02 16-U02