CC Resolution 1985-024+1 RESOLUTION NO. 85-24 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA APPROVING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 85-005 AMENDING THE LA QUINTA GENERAL PLAN BY ADDING A PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND FACILITIES ELEMENT THERETO. WHEREAS, a General Plan provides for both short-term and long- term physical needs of a city; and WHEREAS, there is considerable evidence to substantiate that the City has major deficiencies in certain public buildings and facilities; and WHEREAS, the establishment of a Public Buildings and Facilities Element as part of the La Quinta General Plan will allow the City to establish goals and policies regarding this important component of community development; and WHEREAS, approval of this General Plan Amendment will not have a significant effect on the environment, the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report is not necessary. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of La Quinta does hereby approve General Plan Amendment No. 85-005 adding a Public Buildings and Facilities Element, as set forth in attached Exhibit A, to the La Quinta General Plan. APPROVED and ADOPTED this 19th day of March 1985. ATTEST: fr4;;LC;w;;KL?:L APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: C?Y MANAGER?R BIB] 05-21-1996-U01 09:40:08AM-U01 CCRES-U02 85-U02 24-U02 +1 C? OF IA QUI? PUBLIC BUILDINGS?S AND FACILITIES ELEMENT[??T CW' THE GE?E?L HAN I. Instructions? The City of La Quinta is required by state law to adopt and implement?rent a c(?comprehensive log-term General Plan for the physical development of the City, consisting of se'Ten required el?r?nts and any other elements ich relate to the physical development?r? of the City. In order to pro?ide for a lete and c?comprehensive plan for the development of the c?NRiuflity in accord with state general plan r?requirements&r?nts, it is de??d essential that provision be made for the adequacy of pL?public buildings and facilities to ser're existing and future residents of the City, and accordingly, that this general plan element be adopted and implemented forthwith. II. Purpose and Need The City of La Quinta was incorporated in 1982 and, on an interim basis, the City adopted the existing County General Plan. The City is now in the process of preparing its own o?rplete General Plan ich will include all required elements. Since its incorporation, the City has been and continues to experience significant development?rr?t pressure in the form of applications and pr?proposals for new residential and commercial land development within the City. At the present time, the City has serious deficiencies in that its public buildings and facilities are inadequate to se?ve its residents. Such inadequacies include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following. a. There are inadequate drainage facilities in the City causes an immediate and serious?s threat to public health and safety since the City is located in several flood zones and is therefore subject to serious flooding of both a local and regional nature; BIB] 05-21-1996-U01 09:40:08AM-U01 CCRES-U02 85-U02 24-U02 +1b. There are currently no public safety buildings in the City, with the exception?tion of the County?maintain fire station?, hich is inadequate?uate to serve the health and safety needs of its residents. C. The City currently has no public administration and o?community buildings, stich as city hall, community?ty center, public library or corporation? yard. d. The City's eXisting park facilities are inadequate??te to provide for the City's public park and recreation needs and to a??accommodate the City's fast expanding? p?population?. e. The City1 S existing circulation system? is inadequate to serve present and future residents and it is now essential to widen City streets which h?e inadequate width, inpra?e the circulation system?n to accommodate an anticipated increase in traffic, and to improve and develop bridges and traffic signals for suitable traffic flow and to minimize conflicts between vehicle, bicycle and pedestrian movement?v?rent. f. There are currently no pL?public s?schools in the City and all student residents tmist be bussed to sd?schools located outside its boundaries. A si?stantial impact will be created on existing public facilities as new bb?1? divisions and other developments occur in the undeveloped portic?i? of the City and its extended planning area. This continued development??t of the City, with the consequent increase in p?population and in the use of public facilities, will impose increased reuuir?rents for such facilities and buildings, including, but not limited to, sd?schools, parks, jor streets and bridges, traffic signals, drainage facilities, and public buildings, such as fire station?s, police facility- ties, library, multi-purpose o??ty center, corporate maintenance facilities, and administration offices. The necessity for such public buildings and facilities n? or expanded) results, both directly and indirectly, from?r new development?in?t within the City. Financing of such needs cannot be ret fran ordinary 2- BIB] 05-21-1996-U01 09:40:08AM-U01 CCRES-U02 85-U02 24-U02 +1 City revenues. All development?:ir?nt approvals and zone d?es necessary to such n? development???nt st be accomplished in a?cord with the General Plan and especially in accord with this public facilities and building element. It is her? determined to be a basic tenet of the General Plan that areas planned for residential use shall not be put to such a use nor zone changes or SL?,subdivisions- sion a?ro?als considered until the City is assured that all necessary public facilities for the area to be develop?ed oan and will be available c?concurrent with c?ty need. The quality of the subdivision and zoning ordinances and the manner?r of their administration, in accordance with this General Plan policy, will greatly affect the character of the future City. Th order to implement this General Plan, it will be necessary to carefully administer the subdivision and zoning processes to ensure that all necessary public services are m?de available concurrent??rrent with need. III. Goal and Objective The goal and objective of this Public Facilities and Building El?r?Element is to provide a o?comprehensive public service and facilities and public building program for the citizens of the City of La QUinta now and in the future so as to enre that all necessary public facilities will be available concurrent with need in connection with the development??ir?t of the City pursuant to the balance of the General Plan. Iv. Policy and Standards Before giving a?approval to zoning, rezoning, development?irent or redevelopment?irent pr?osals, the public health and safety and the general welfare of the car!community and all its citizens r?uire that the pr?proponent of any such actions shall preeent evidence satisfactory to the City that all necessary services and facilities and public buildings will be available current with need and that such proponent?t will contribute its fair share thereto. Such evidence and assurances may include the following concepts?ts, policies and standards: 3- BIB] 05-21-1996-U01 09:40:08AM-U01 CCRES-U02 85-U02 24-U02 +11. It is fair, equitable? and a?appropriate?riate that developers?ers be required to beer the prime? responsibility for pr?providing said public and c??ty facilities to serve the r?ds of those o will reside in the development?rrent area. Said reaired public facilities and services may be provided and financed by developer impact? fees, special asses?assessments, other developer eKactions, or cc??combination? thereof, including City contribution ere appropriate. In the case of developer impact?t fees, such fees sh?ild be fairly apportioned between residents and existing c?community development. 2. For tl? services and facilities provided by another entity, Such as public utility company or school district, the City should continue to be guided by an appropriate certificate of availability from? such entity. 3. For those services and facilities provided by the City, in order to establish a policy that will allow development???t to proceed in an orderly manner while ensuring that the requirements of the General Plan, including this public BUILDINGS?s and Facilities Eleeent1 will be satisfied, it is appropriate to establish an suitable fee to be imposed Upon new?w development?rr?nt. The payment of such a fee will assist the City in funding a construction program to provide such pUbliC facilities as they are required and demanded?nam?ed. If a developer agrees to pay said development impact fee, the City could make its required finding that all necessary public facilities and services will be available concurrent with need and, in the event such finding cannot be made, the City shall be required to disapprove such development?rt?nt as not consistent with the General Plan. 4- BIB] 05-21-1996-U01 09:40:08AM-U01 CCRES-U02 85-U02 24-U02