2000 09 26 CC Minutes LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL
SEPTEMBER 26, 2000
A special joint meeting of the La Quinta City Council, Planning Commission, Architectural
and Landscaping Review Committee, Community Services Commission, Cultural Arts
Commission, Historic Preservation Commission and the Investment Advisory Board was
called to order at 4:30 p.m. by Mayor John Pe~a.
PRESENT: Council Members Adolph, Henderson, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Pe~a
1. Conference with Real Property Negotiator, Mark Weiss, pursuant to Government
Code Section 54956.8 concerning potential terms and conditions of acquisition
and/or disposition of real property located on the Southeast corner of Highway 111
and La Quinta Center Drive (Assessor's Parcel No. 649-030-057.) Property
Owner/Negotiator: Stamco Development Company
2. Conference with Legal Counsel - Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)
- Pending Litigation, City of La Quinta V. Baden, Case No. INC014012.
Council recessed to Closed Session to and until the hour of 5:00 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
The City Council meeting reconvened with no decisions being made in Closed Session
which require reporting pursuant to Section 54957.1 of the Government Code (Brown Act)
Mayor Pe~a led the audience in the pledge to the flag.
City Council Special Meeting Minutes September 26, 2000
Joint Meeting with Planning Commission, ALRC, Community Services,
CultUral Arts, Historic Preservation Commissions and Investment Advisory Board Page 2
PRESENT: Commissioners AbeIs, Butler, Kirk, Tyler and Chairman Robbins
PRESENT: Committee Members Bobbitt, Reynolds
ABSENT: Committee Member Cunningham
Mayor Pe~a welcomed all those in attendance and introduced Boy Scout Joel Kiener and
his father Col. Paul Kiener. Joel is working on a Citizenship Merit Badge, one of the
requirements to achieve the rank of Eagle Scout
Mayor Pe~a suggested the meeting be conducted in a question and answer format
and he asked the Chairperson of the Planning Commission Steve Robbins to open
the discussions.
Chairman Robbins asked about the progress of the General Plan update.
Director of Community Development Jerry Herman reported the public hearings
should be taking place before the Planning Commission near the end of the year
Council Member Henderson inquired how long the Planning Commission would have
the General Plan documents to review prior to the first hearing. Director Herman
replied there will be a joint study session of the City Council and the Planning
Commission held prior to the first Planning Commission public hearing. He said the
documents will be available as soon as possible prior to that meeting.
Chairman Robbins commented on the cohesiveness of the current Planning
Commission and the fact they rarely disagree on basic philosophy. Mayor Pe~a
expressed the Council's pleasure with this situation and praised the Commission for
their cooperation and thoroughness. Council Member Sniff agreed.
City Council Special Meeting Minutes September 26, 2000
Joint Meeting with Planning Commission, ALRC, Community Services,
Cultural Arts, Historic Preservation Commissions and Investment Advisory Board Page 3
Commissioner Tyler expressed his concern regarding the number of General Plan
Amendments being considered and approved by the City Council.
Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated that La Quinta, as a Charter
City, can process up to 12 General Plan Amendments per year. He reported that
this has allowed the City to implement a "fast track" program to assist in speeding
up the development process.
Council Member Henderson observed that there has not been an excessive number
of amendments when one takes into account the lengthy period of time that has
passed since the last General Plan Update. Chairman Robbins concurred and said he
feels the City should be concentrating on areas of the City that have not undergone
development or areas that may be annexed into the existing City boundaries.
Commissioner AbeIs said he likes receiving the Community Development monthly
report from staff and asked when the La Quinta Movie Theater is expected to open.
A discussion of the progress of the theater ensued and Council Member Henderson
shared information that she has recently received. She said one reason for the
delay in opening, has been because the developers have upgraded and reinstailed
seating and sound systems to insure the most up-to-date equipment is included in
the theater when it opens.
Commissioner AbeIs questioned the uses to be included at the new Point Happy
Center, stating he was surprised to read the announcement in the newspaper that a
hotel would be included. A general discussion among the members of the Council
and the Commission concluded a hotel use would have to come back before the
Planning Commission for approval and at this juncture it may be more rumor than
Commissioner AbeIs also stated he had been approached by Mr. Boudreau of the
Cliff House Restaurant about the need for a sidewalk or walkway on the north side
of Highway 111 between the Cliff House and the Point Happy development.
Council Member Henderson felt a walkway north of the rocky outcropping might be
a possibility, in the area that is planned for a bike path.
Chairman Robbins expressed his concerns with not providing some kind of an
access based on the public safety aspects. He felt Cal Trans or the City or County
really needed to "step up to the plate" and address this matter.
Mayor Pe~a responded that Cal Trans may need to close that area off somehow and
make it known that the area is prohibited to pedestrians.
City Council Special Meeting Minutes September 26, 2000
Joint Meeting with Planning Commission, ALRC, Community Services,
Cultural Arts, Historic Preservation Commissions and Investment Advisory Board Page 4
Commissioner AbeIs asked the status of the KSL time-share project at Eisenhower
and Coachella Drive. Director Jerry Herman advised a completely new project will
be submitted by KSL for that property.
Commissioner Kirk requested some feed-back regarding the new process with the
ALRC and Planning Commission and if the Council thinks it is working well since the
City Council reorganized the organizational structure. Council Member Adolph
stated he has received positive feed-back from the Building Industry Association
Commissioner Kirk said he feels from a commissioner's standpoint it is going well
but would like to know if the Planning Commission is basically on the same track as
the City Council when it comes to policy. He cited recent sign issues and
circulation as two areas of concern.
Council Member Adolph said the City Council, on occasion, deals with other
considerations in these cases and because they do not uphold a Planning
Commission recommendation, in no way suggests there is a basic philosophical
difference between the Commission and Council. He pointed out that even the
Council agrees to disagree from time to time.
Council Member Sniff said he feels things are working out much better than in the
Council Member Perkins commented he feels the Planning Commission provides the
most important input and support the City Council receives. He further stated he
sees no major problems between the Commission and Council.
Mayor Pe~a agreed with Commissioner Kirk that signage is an issue that needs to be
addressed and he feels lighting issues are also surfacing as a potential problem area.
Commissioner Tyler expressed real concern about the noise and light intrusion from
both the Southwest Congregational Church and the Indian Wells Tennis Stadium in
the vicinity of Washington and Fred Waring.
Architectural and Landscaping Committee Member Bill Bobbitt said he feels the
Committee is more effective when it is recognized as being comprised of
"specialists" in the areas of architecture and landscaping. He also asked to have
the opportunity to provide input on the landscape standards during the General Plan
update process. He mentioned such issues as planting the wrong plant materials,
particularly trees near pools and sidewalks. He stated the number one problem is
tree damage to hardscapes and sees the need to "nip the problem in the bud" by
approving a selection of appropriate trees and plant materials.
City Council Special Meeting Minutes September 26, 2000
Joint Meeting with Planning Commission, ALRC, Community Services,
Cultural Arts, Historic Preservation Commissions and Investment Advisory Board Page 5
Mayor Pe~a commented that the landscape renderings provided by developers
present such attractive images that the type of plant material proposed, sometimes
doesn't get the consideration it deserves.
Council Member Sniff said he would like to see limits on the height of date palm
trees placed in the standards.
Council Member Henderson stated she has observed some honest dialog going on
between the members of the Planning Commission and she believes differences of
opinion are healthy. She encouraged the Commission to continue in this manner.
Commissioner Butler and Committee Member Bobbitt thanked the Community
Development staff for the thoroughness of the staff reports prepared for their
respective bodies.
Committee Member Frank Reynolds said he feels the ALRC has, for the most part,
been able to send most of the developers and applicants, who appear before them,
away from their meetings happy with the changes and suggestions made.
.... The Commission and Council briefly discussed a meeting scheduled by the
developers of Wallgreens. The Council and Commission agreed that the flyer
announcing both the meeting and the participation of the City and other agencies,
such as the Water District, was not appropriate since the developers didn't notify or
invite any of the parties named as participants to attend.
Council Member Sniff asked the Planning Commission for their feelings regarding
annexation of areas to the east of the present City boundaries. Commissioner Rich
Butler stated he has concerns about running out of room for Redevelopment
Commissioner Kirk outlined what he called "the larger issues", consisting of the
matters of signage, the Highway 111 development, the southeast area annexation
and density. He said he feels the General Plan Update process offers an excellent
opportunity to address these issues. He believes for the long term the General Plan
usually works but the really important issues are more short term and even when
the General Plan is updated there will still be amendments that come up. He
recommended that the City focus on the southeast annexation area, on Highway
111, signs, and density and not spend too much time on the policy language. He
said he is enthusiastically in favor of annexing the proposed area.
Council Member Sniff said he sees the need to address parks and recreation
requirements, density and affordable housing as top priorities.
The City Council and Planning Commission discussed the Community Park in the
north section of La Quinta and the challenges facing the City with its development.
City Council Special Meeting Minutes September 26, 2000
Joint Meeting with Planning Commission, ALRC, Community Services,
Cultural Arts, Historic Preservation Commissions and Investment Advisory Board Page 6
They cited lighting, multiple uses, noise, and cost as being areas that may be
difficult to resolve.
Commissioner Tyler suggested the City Council look at the new "pocket" park being
developed by the City of Palm Desert, which he feels is very well designed with a
number of good amenities for a small park.
Commissioner AbeIs recommended the City work with Imperial Irrigation District to
upgrade the landscaping of their properties.
Mayor Pe~a questioned the Commission regarding their impressions of the Highway
111 Corridor development.
Commissioner Kirk said the General Plan update provides a wonderful opportunity
for planning of the undeveloped areas. He suggested it provides a chance to be
creative and innovative.
Council Member Sniff stated he feels long-range planning needs to be consistent
with what has been developed in other areas of the City such as the Village.
Commissioner Tyler reported he attended a meeting on Foreign Trade Zones
recently. He felt the City's Economic Development staff should be focusing some
effort in this area.
Council Member Sniff stated has been a good meeting and the minutes need to be
"fairly expansive".
Mayor Pe~a thanked the Commission and Committee Members and adjourned this
joint portion of the meeting at 6:05 p.m.
6:45 P.M. - Meeting Jointly with the Community Services Commission
PRESENT: Commissioners Bechard, Henson*, Rebich and Chairperson St. Johns
Mayor Pe~a called the joint meeting with the Community Services Commission to
order at 6:50 p.m.
City Council Special Meeting Minutes September 26, 2000
Joint Meeting with Planning Commission, ALRC, Community Services,
Cultural Arts, Historic Preservation Commissions and Investment Advisory Board Page 7
Mayor Pe~a announce that Commissioner Davis, who is attending the Olympics in
Sydney, Australia had been excused.
Mayor Pe~a asked Community Services Director Dodie Horvitz to make a brief staff
report prior to opening the meeting up to a question and answer format.
Director Horvitz recapped the Commission's notable activities including the meetings
with residents of the proposed Community Park neighborhood in North La Quinta
and their participation and support of the City Picnic.
Mayor Pe~a stated he feels one of the challenges for the Commission in the near
future will be the Community Park development. He mentioned the desire on the
part of the soccer enthusiasts to have the entire park dedicated as a soccer facility.
He also mentioned the lighting of the park may create some dissension.
Commissioner Rebich suggested the light level in that neighborhood is already a
serious concern and the lights at the high school are very invasive. She asked if
there was a way the City could approach the school district about shielding the
lights more effectively to alleviate some of the concerns of the residents.
*Commissioner Hanson arrived at 7:00 p.m.
Council Member Perkins agreed that shielding of the high school lights would be a
very good idea. He also questioned if the sports field lights ate on all night.
Director Horvitz responded the lights are on a satellite timing device that
unfortunately malfunctions fairly regularly and the lights don't go off at all.
Commissioner Bechard suggested it would be very helpful if information about
modification of the high school lights could be available prior to the next community
Commissioner Bechard questioned the City's future park plans. City Manager Tom
Genovese stated the City Council recently approved a Request for Proposal (RFP) to
update the parks master plan and future expansion will be a part of that planning.'
Council Member Adolph said the development of property located at Miles and
Washington is planned to include a community park.
Council Member Sniff suggested the Commission give some thought to the naming
of the Community Park and recommended it be kept simple, for example La Quinta
Community Park.
In response to Mayor Pe~a, Commissioner Bechard said one of the requests the
Commission hears often from the High School age residents is for a Teen Center.
City Council Special Meeting Minutes September 26, 2000
Joint Meeting with Planning Commission, ALRC, Community Services,
Cultural Arts, Historic Preservation Commissions and Investment Advisory Board Page 8
Council Member Henderson expressed the opinion that teens really do not want a
"structured" program. She said she feels they would prefer to have a place to "hang
out", but not necessarily a place to go for planned activities.
Chairperson St. John asked if the recent "open swim" night for the teens was
successful. Director Dodie Horvitz responded that only about 20 people artended.
Commissioner Hanson asked if the City could do a survey to look at what the teens
themselves would like to have in the way of recreation programs. Council Member
Sniff said the City has done many surveys and the responses are always the same,
a Teen Center and a skateboard facility are repeatedly listed.
Council Member Henderson discussed the idea of holding a regular Friday night teen
dance at the recreation facility at Lake Cahuilla. She felt this could be combined
with an evening swim party at that location in the summer months.
Council Member Perkins commented, it has been his observation that teenagers do
not like anything that is "sponsored" by the school or the City.
Council Member Sniff asked what the plan is after the meeting in October with the
residents of the Community Park area. A general discussion took place which
covered identifying the other areas of interest for the Community Park site such as a
dog park, fire station location, playing fields and picnic areas.
Commissioner Hanson felt some emphasis should be placed on golf facilities for the
public as a part of future parks and recreation planning. Council Member Henderson
advised that staff is presently investigating the possibility of an 18-hole putting
course being located in the Village. She outlined that this would consist of putting
greens being located at the Civic Center Campus and various restaurants and
businesses in the Village to increase interest in the area and provide some diversity.
Mayor Pe~a thanked the Commissioners for their input and adjourned the joint
meeting with the Community Services Commission at 7:26 p.m.
7:30 P.M. - Meeting Jointly with the Cultural Arts Commission
PRESENT: Commissioners Diamond, McMillan, Reynolds, Woodard, Chairperson
City Council Special Meeting Minutes September 26, 2000
Joint Meeting with Planning Commission, ALRC, Community Services,
CultUral Arts, Historic Preservation Commissions and Investment Advisory Board Page 9
Mayor Pe~a called the joint meeting with the Cultural Arts Commission to order at
7:30 p.m.
Chairperson Shamis stated the Commission would like to individually cover five very
important subjects and requested permission to have each member address a
particular subject with the Council. Mayor Pe~a suggested she might wish to begin.
Chairperson Shamis spoke regarding communications between the City Council and
Commission. She asked that the City Council meet with the Cultural Arts
Commission more frequently. She also said she would prefer to return to the seven
(7) member commission to accommodate the number of important tasks the
Commission has. She addressed the upcoming Cultural Arts Symposium and asked
that the City Council share with the Commission their vision of what the role of the
Cultural Arts Commission should be.
Commissioner Elaine Reynolds spoke regarding the Temporary Art program. She
asked that the City Council consider paying for the installation of loaned artwork
and for the required liability insurance for temporary art pieces. She stated she has
been speaking with representatives of KSL about financing this and locating
temporary art in the median near the La Quinta resort. She also stated she has
spoken with Mr. Ed Kibbey of the BIA who said, while he does not favor this
program, he would not oppose it.
Mayor Pe~a asked in what capacity Commissioner Reynolds had been speaking with
these individuals. She responded she was just trying to help the City get one of the
Commission's programs accomplished.
Mayor Pe~a cautioned that commitments should not be made by an individual
Commissioner without the express direction of the Council and concurrence of the
other members of the Commission.
Commissioner Woodard suggested the discussion of Temporary Art should be
confined to the general subject, not to site specifics.
Council Member Perkins stated he would oppose placement of temporary art in the
medians because of safety concerns and possible driver distraction that this might
Council Member Sniff said he feels this program needs to be investigated thoroughly
by the City Attorney and if the problems can be worked out, the City Council would
then look into designating an appropriate site,
Council Member Henderson pointed out an important factor to consider is the cost
of installation of temporary art. She felt the installation required for some large
pieces of artwork, on a temporary basis, could be cost prohibitive,
City Council Special Meeting Minutes September 26, 2000
Joint Meeting with Planning Commission, ALRC, Community Services,
Cultural Arts, Historic Preservation Commissions and Investment Advisory Board Page 10
Commissioner Denise Diamond spoke to the subject of discretionary funds for the
use of the Cultural Arts Commission. She outlined projects that could be done if the
Commission had some discretionary funds at its disposal. One such project might
be the creation of a catalog of the art collection located in City Hall. She felt a self-
guided tour with a brochure describing the pieces, their location, and a short
biography of the artist would be an excellent project.
Mayor Pe~a explained that, under the Government Code, only the City Council is
authorized to approve expenditures of public funds. He advised that the Council
sets aside discretionary funds each year during the budget process and should the
Commissions have a special project they would like to have funded, they may
request that the Council consider it.
Commissioner Woodard asked what happens with funds raised by a program put on
by the Cultural Arts Commission. Mayor Pe~a said he is not able to answer that
question at this time but he would explore it with staff.
Commissioner Leslie Mc Millan spoke regarding the need to have performing arts
events play a strong part in the City's Cultural Arts program. She indicated holidays
and the City's birthday would be perfectly suited for variety performances featuring
dancing, singing, talent shows, etc.
Council Member Adolph advised that "La Quinta On Stage" is in the process of
reorganizing with new expertise taking on leadership. He said they should be ready
to present some performances by next year.
Mayor Pe~a asked the Commission to present the Council with a plan for a program
of this kind.
Commissioner Stewart Woodard spoke regarding the strong influence golf has on
the City of La Quinta. He encouraged the City to look at golf courses as settings for
public arts and suggested the City prepare a self-guided tour brochure to the various
locations such as the City of Brea has done.
Commissioner Woodard suggested the City Council give the Commission some
guidelines for the type of art they feel is most appropriate for areas such as the
Civic Center campus.
Mayor Pe~a asked that the Commission turn this request around and that they
provide the Council with recommendations along these lines.
Council Member Sniff stated he feels the Civic Center should have art that is
"uncluttered' and reflects a historic theme as well as a desert influence.
City Council Special Meeting Minutes September 26, 2000
Joint Meeting with Planning Commission, ALRC, Community Services,
Cultural Arts, Historic Preservation Commissions and Investment Advisory Board Page 11
Council Members Henderson and Perkins both expressed their convictions that the
City Council should not be giving directions that are too specific, since visual art is
not something that can be defined in that way. Council Member Perkins further
stated recommendations should be coming to the Council from the Commission, not
the other way around.
Council Member Sniff felt the Commission should not feel they are not being taken
seriously because the Council does not always agree with their recommendations.
Commissioner Diamond said she feels the Commission's role needs to be as a bridge
from the City to the Art community. She sees the Commission in a position to
nurture relationships with local artists during the planning and implementation
phases and the Council's role to make the decisions regarding final selection of Art
in Public Places.
Council Member Henderson said she feels meetings need to be productive but the
Commission should not feel pressured to accomplish too much at any given
meeting. She suggested, rather than being rushed to make decisions, the
Commission should feel free to continue a business meeting, to allow them time to
be comfortable with their recommendations.
Commissioner Woodward stated presentation of a written rationale for the
Commission's recommendations might be helpful the next time they are presented
to the City Council.
Mayor Pe~a thanked the Commissioners for their participation and adjourned this
portion of the joint meetings at 8:10 p.m.
8:20 P.M. - Meeting Jointly with the Historic Preservation Commission
PRESENT: Commissioners: Irwin, Sharp, Chairperson Wright
ABSENT: Commissioners: Mitchell, Puente
Mayor Pe~a opened the joint session at 8:20 P.M. and suggested the members of
the Commission individually speak to any questions or concerns they might have.
Commissioner Barbara Irwin stated she is very happy with the newly approved
curation program and she suggested that the City's office trailer might be used for
this program after the construction company completes their work in the Village.
City Council Special Meeting Minutes September 26, 2000
Joint Meeting with Planning Commission, ALRC, Community Services,
CultiJral Arts, Historic Preservation Commissions and Investment Advisory Board Page 12
Chairman Bob Wright also spoke about the curation program and described a visit by
the Commission to a facility designed for this purpose in Fort Irwin. He also stated
he feels the Commission needs to expand the cataloging of historic residences in the
Cove area.
Commissioner Irwin said she feels the "Desert Club Housing" built in the 1940's has
become historic and should be catalogued.
Council Member Sniff questioned what the Commission means by "Desert Club
Housing." Commissioner Irwin responded she wasn't able to provide specific
addresses but she was referring to the concrete block housing that was constructed
in the 40's.
Council Member Sniff stated there weren't too many of those houses and they were
scattered in different blocks, basically ending at Avenida Ensenada.
Mayor Pe~a said he would very much like to see an oral and/or written history
prepared on the development of the Cove area.
Commissioner Irwin reported that the Historic Preservation Commission staff reports
have a standardized format and the reports themselves are so comprehensive they
are historically significant. She thanked the staff for all their efforts.
Commissioner Sharp, in response to Council Member Henderson, said as a newly
appointed commissioner, he is very impressed with the operation of the Historic
Preservation Commission.
Council Member Perkins thanked the Commission for having the ability to involve
the City Council in the construction of the museum.
Mayor Pe~a thanked the Commission and adjourned this joint portion of the meeting
at 8:41 p.m.
8:45 P.M. - Meeting Jointly with the Investment Advisory Board
PRESENT: Commissioners: Irwin, Chairperson Osborne
ABSENT: Commissioners: Olander, Mahfoud, Lewis, Moulin and Filice
Mayor Pe~a called the joint meeting with the Investment Advisory Board to order at
8:45 p.m.
City Council Special Meeting Minutes September 26, 2000
Joint Meeting with Planning Commission, ALRC, Community Services,
Cultural Arts, Historic Preservation Commissions and Investment Advisory Board Page 13
Council Member Perkins stated his pleasure with the recommendations from the
Investment Advisory Board (lAB). He said with the expertise of the members of the
lAB and the members of City staff involved in making investments he feels La
Quinta is in good financial condition.
Council Member Sniff said the Advisory Board was created as the result of an
unfortunate situation that occurred but it's establishment turned out to be of
significant benefit to the City Council.
Commissioner Irwin asked if the board is providing the Council with the product
they are looking for. Council Member Adolph responded he is very well satisfied
with the recommendations from the board and has a great deal of confidence in
their combined abilities.
Council Member Henderson thanked the board for the education they have provided
her. She said as a result of the formation of the Investment Advisory Board and
their annual reports, she feels she is much more knowledgeable in the area of
investment planning.
Chairman Osborne stated the board is planning to look seriously at the GSE question
in the upcoming months.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Council
Members Sniff/Henderson to adjourn the Joint City Council/Boards, Committees and
Commissions meeting at 8:52 p.m. The motion carried unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
City Clerk, City of La Quinta, California