1992 03 17 CC Minutes LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 17, 1992 Regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at the hour of 3:00 P.M. by Mayor Pena, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENT: Council Members Bohnenberger, Franklin, Rushworth, Sniff, Mayor Pena ABSENT: None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Mr. Kiedrowski asked that Public Hearing No. 2 be removed from the agenda as the individual has paid. He also asked that consideration of an OPA with TSA relative to the Heritage property be added to the Closed Session agenda. Ms. Honeywell advised that Business Session Item No. 9 should be a resolution and a similar resolution also needs to be added to the Redevelopment Agency agenda. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Bohnenberger that discussion of the OPA with TSA be added to the Closed Session agenda. Motion carried unanimously. ANNOUNCEMENTS PUBLIC COMMENT Ginny Bauer, 51-230 Rubio, addressed the Council on the matter of Desert Sands School District's proposal to locate a school on Montezuma. The people in the neighborhood are appalled. The ramifications seem to be enormous considering the environmental impact. Superseding that is the fact that they plan to take existing homes. A few of the neighbors are here today to seek support from the leadership of this City either by resolution or by individually contacting the School Board Members. She presented the Council with a copy of the proposed plan. Mayor Pena said that he, too, was surprised that the plan is as extensive as it is and suggested that the residents go to the School Board. Faris Meier, 51-733 Madero, stated that it's her home and two other ' that the School wants to take. Two of them have historical value. .. She received one letter from the School, which didn't say that much. A week ago she received a call from the neighbors letting her know what was going on. On Friday, an appraiser came to her house to appraise it without prior notification. City Council Minutes 2 March 17, 1992 Mr. Kiedrowski suggested inviting the School to attend the next meeting to make a presentation on their proposed plans. Council concurred. Jo Duncan, also a resident of the area of the proposed school, advised that they moved here from Orange County for the environment and this school will effectively abolish the atmosphere for which they moved here. Seth Ettinger, wished to remind the Council of the problems with the ditch on La Fonda. There is no reason why the street can't be restored - there are other ways to dispose of the water. Mayor Pena advised that this matter is on the Study Session agenda. Bill Chamas, 78-955 Delmonte Ct. at Desert Fairways, addressed the Council on the matter of the ballfield lighting at the Sports Complex, advising that they are new homeowners and the bright lighting is an invasion of their privacy. He asked if there isn't something that can be done about it. He asked that a study be done. Mr. Kiedrowski advised that staff will take a look at it. WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE a. Letter from July 4th Greater Desert Fireworks requesting the City's participation and support for 1992. b. Letter from Living Desert Reserve regarding continued sponsorship. Council concurred on considering these requests during budget deliberations. BUSINESS SESSION 1. REPORT OF PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION ON PLOT PLAN 92-479 TO ALLOW NEW MODEL TYPE AND A NEW HOME MODEL COMPLEX WITHIN PGA WEST ON THE EAST SIDE OF INTERLACHEN AT COLONIAL. APPLICANT: SUNRISE COMPANY. Mr. Trousdell, Associate Planner, advised that the application before the Council is for a new model type and for a model -- City Council Minutes 3 March 17, 1992 complex for the "Trophy" units. There are four different styles ranging from 2,100-2,800 sq. ft. They are all two and three bedroom, single-story units located on the Nicklaus Course. Mayor Pena asked if there has been any discussion about extending the roofs out for an over-hang and Mr. Trousdell advised that there was some discussion at the Design Review Board meeting. In some instances there are over-hangs over some of the windows. Council Member Sniff also expressed concern about the lack of eaves on the new homes going in. He wished for staff to take a look at the building codes relative to energy efficient methods that can be implemented. He felt that 3' eaves are needed on these homes. Mr. Trousdell advised that staff (under the directive of the Planning Commission) is going to evaluate the eave question and formulate a policy. He noted that the Building Department will require the the applicant to certify the units, which could mean larger air conditioners, reducing the size of windows, etc. at the time of plan checks. Alan Levin, Vice President of Sunrise Co., advised that they currently have no inventory as a result of the auction, which is one of the reasons they have begun their advertising program prior to having a models available. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Bohnenberger to accept the report of the Planning Commission's action relative to Plot Plan 92-479. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 92-51. 2. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF ART IN PUBLIC PLACES MISSION STATEMENT. Mr. Kiedrowski advised that the Art in Public Places Committee is looking for Council's approval of the "Mission Statement", which is intended to state the Committee's purpose and to provide guidance. In response to Mayor Pena regarding the use of "visual" rather than leaving it more open to getting into other kinds of art like music, Mr. Kiedrowski noted that the ordinance which the Art in Public Places Committee is dealing with is relative to tangible art. City Council Minutes 4 March 17, 1992 MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Rushworth/Sniff that the Mission Statement submitted by the Art in Public Places Committee be approved as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 92-52. 3. CONSIDERATION OF ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC ART SCULPTURE PROPOSED BY TDC FOR THE CORNER OF WASHINGTON AND HIGHWAY 111 AS RECOMMENDED BY THE ART IN PUBLIC PLACES COMMITTEE. Mr. Kiedrowski advised that the Council has received a copy of the sculpture being proposed by TDC to be placed at the corner of Highway 111 and Washington, which has been approved by the Art in Public Places Committee. Tom Childress, representing TDC, advised that because of the current market conditions, the center will end up with a number of phases (possibly twenty), whereas, it previously was to be done in three. The way it currently will work with a variety of owners, some of them won't even have a place to put art. Some of the users have no interest in art at all and will simply pay the fee and the art work will then sit someplace else. He suggested a concept, whereas with a project like this, that a project-wide art program be put together by the developer, then the individual tenants don't have to worry about paying the fee or putting in the art work. If the City were to be receptive to the comprehensive art program, they would come in with a program to reinstitute the three theme plazas with similar art in each of them so there would be a related series of statements. In response to Council Member Franklin regarding the bareness of it's appearance on that corner, Mr. Childress advised that it will sit on top of a three-foot lighted pedestal and will be fenced with landscaping and seating. He presented a sketch of it. Council Member Sniff felt that the three theme plazas are a good idea. These art works should be incorporated into some type of suitable setting. He asked if there were other choices of art work or if they just looked at this 6he. Mr. Childress advised that they selected this one because they have used his art before and it was well-received. The artist is a native american and is well-known. He thought it was appropriate to do something to reflect the multi-cultural trends in this area. He added that once the piece is up, if it turns out to be too small in scale for the location, they will use their next increment of fees to replace it with a larger one. That decision will be made by the Committee. - City Council Minutes 5 March 17, 1992 In response to Mayor Pena, Mr. Childress advised that work will begin on the Automobile Club, Albertsons and some of the other stores in April. Council Member Sniff questioned the matter of security and insurance and Mr. Childress advised that security isn't a significant problem because the art work requires a crane to remove it. Insurance will be a common area charge at the Center. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Bohnenberger that the Council accept the recommendation of the Art in Public Places Committee for the art work for TDC. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 92-53. 4. AUTHORIZATION FOR CITY MANAGER TO SIGN A COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT WITH RIVERSIDE COUNTY FOR THE MORTGAGE CREDIT CERTIFICATE PROGRAM AND ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AN APPLICATION TO THE CALIFORNIA DEBT LIMIT ALLOCATION COMMITTEE BE SUBMITTED BY RIVERSIDE COUNTY. Mr. Baker, Principal Planner, advised that Riverside County has requested that the City transfer its Private Activity Bond Allocation to the County for a Mortgage Credit Certificate Program (MCC). The Program would be administered by the County's Economic Development Agency for low and moderate income first-time home buyers in the County. By doing this, La Quinta residents interested in buying a home who are qualified would receive priority for the first six months of the program. If we choose not to do this, the money will go back to the State. In response to Council Member Bohnenberger, Mr. Baker advised that the during the first six months, the money will stay in La Quinta, after that the money becomes available County-wide including La Quinta. Sharon Merrit, Riverside County Economic Development Agency, 3499 Tenth Street, Riverside, advised that the Mortgage Credit Certificate Program is available through the Federal Government. The funds start out as private activity bonds to the States and then different municipalities compete for the funds. Cities under 500,000 population are entitled to $20 million. The County participates in various programs which can attach these fund and those include single family mortgage revenue bonds, industrial development bonds, CHAFA and mortgage credit certificates. The County will administer the MCC program at no cost to the City - they only request that the City turn over their allocation of monies to them for the first six months of the program. City Council Minutes 6 March 17, 1992 In response to Council Member Bohnenberger, Ms. Merrit advised that they have been administering the program since August 1988. Council Member Franklin asked what period this program will cover and how it will be made known to the public. Ms. Merrit advised that if approved, the funds will become available in July and run through December 1994 or until the funds run out. There will be press releases through the County and the 50 participating lenders market the program heavily. Mr. Baker noted that the City will receive our housing credits under the low-mod program. Ms. Honeywell suggested that if approved, that it be approved subject to her review and approval as it isn't clear as to a time frame and there is no indemnity for the County's performance. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Rushworth that the City Manager be authorized to sign the Cooperation Agreement to assign La Quinta's allocation of private activity bonds to Riverside County for the Mortgage Credit Certificate Program subject to the City Attorney's review. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 91-54. RESOLUTION NO. 92-32 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING AN APPLICATION TO THE CALIFORNIA DEBT LIMIT ALLOCATION COMMITTEE AND TO PERMIT THE ISSUANCE OF MORTGAGE CREDIT CERTIFICATES IN LIEU QUALIFIED MORTGAGE BONDS. It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Rushworth that Resolution No. 92-32 be adopted subject to City Attorney's review. Motion carried unanimously. 5. CONSIDERATION OF AUTHORIZATION FOR CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE AND SIGN A CONTRACT WITH CH2M HILL TO PROVIDE CONSULTING SERVICES TO ASSIST WITH THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SOURCE REDUCTION AND RECYCLING ELEMENT (SRRE). Mr. Baker advised that staff is asking Council's authorization to negotiate a contract with CH2M Hill to help us implement the Source Reduction and Recycling Program to meet the State- wide waste diversion goals required by AB939. -- City Council Minutes 7 March 17, 1992 Mayor Pena asked if there is a provision in the contract with Waste Management for them to share in the cost of AB939 and Mr. Baker advised that they will be sharing some of the cost - they will be paying for the entire composting program. Council Member Bohnenberger said he would like to see residential composting service provided and asked that it be investigated. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Bohnenberger that the City Manager be authorized to negotiate and enter into a professional service contract with CH2M Hill; and transfer $20,000 from the Contingency Fund to the Professional Services Account 01-4240-111-010. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 92-55. 6. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER #6-B, ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 91-1, AREA B, RELOCATION OF WATER MAiN DUE TO STREET VACATION FROM CALLE PALOMA TO AVENIDA LA FONDA. Council Member Bohnenberger advised that he would be abstaining from this issue. Mr. Speer, Assistant City Engineer, advised that this Change Order is a result of the recent vacation of a portion of Calle Paloma. At that time, the Council indicated that they wished to have the water line relocated from the residents future backyard and front yards. The work will cost $14,245 plus an additional $5,000 charge by the C.V.W.D. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Rushworth to approve Contract Change Order #6-B for Assessment District No. 91-1 in an amount not to exceed $20,000. Motion carried with Council Member Bohnenberger abstaining. MINUTE ORDER NO. 92- 56. 7. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF WASHINGTON STREET IMPROVEMENTS AND AWARD OF DESIGN CONTRACT. Mr. Kiedrowski advised that as a result of the approval of the Simon Project we now have decided to amend the design of the intersection of Highway 111 and Washington. He asked that he be authorized to execute a contract with Hall & Foreman, Inc. at a fixed fee of $35,400 to come from the infrastructure account and staff will be back to Council relative to the cost implications like whether or not it's RDA; Project Area 2; how much may be reimbursable from the other programs, Measure A and others etc. City Council Minutes 8 March 17, 1992 MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Bohnenberger/Sniff that the City Manager be authorized to execute a contract with Hall & Foreman, Inc. at a fixed fee in the amount of $35,400 for design services for the intersection of Highway 111 and Washington. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 92- 57. 8. CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENTS TO PALMER CABLEVISION ADVISORY COMMITTEE. This matter was continued to April 7, 1992. 9. CONSIDERATION OF REIMBURSEMENT TO WAL-MART FOR ADDITIONAL OFF- SITE IMPROVEMENTS. Council Member Bohnenberger advised that he would be abstaining because it relates indirectly to the CVWD for the installation of water lines. Mr. Speer, Assistant City Engineer, advised that this item is coming before the Council as a result of some construction timing problems with Wal-Mart. In December the Council approved the creation of a new Capital Improvement Project in which we would connect Adams St. from Avenue 47 to the Highway. One of the things that was driving that request was the fact that is was a water line connection that needs to go in that segment of street and it needed to be installed near the ultimate street grade. The existing ground is quite low, there will be 8 or 9 feet of fill needed and CVWD does not permit that kind of fill to go on a water line. We are now at a point where in order for Wal-Mart to continue with their schedule, they need to get their underground work in now, so they can finish with the surface improvements. It was been suggested that Wal-Mart do the rough grade work and have the City reimburse them in some fashion, because we could not be in a position to do the work for 4 or 5 weeks taking the bidding procedure into consideration. Ms. Honeywell noted that this matter cannot be handled as a reimbursement agreement, the OPA has to be amended to expand the scope of off-site work to include this work in question. The amendment will have to include the RDA paying for these additional off-site improvements. Resolutions of both the City and the Agency are necessary to amend the OPA and to accomplish these improvements. -- City Council Minutes 9 March 17, 1992 RESOLUTION NO. 92-33 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, APPROVING AND MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS REGARDING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Rushworth that Resolution No. 92-33 be adopted. Motion carried with Council Member Bohnenberger abstaining. 10. CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSAL TO DIVIDE THE INLAND EMPIRE DIVISION OF THE LEAGUE. Mr. Kiedrowski advised that a discussion has been going on for some time as to whether we should have Divisions that are split by County or along the desert/non-desert region. He believed that if you continue to split the divisions along County boundaries, the organization will become so large, it's no longer effective. He believed that the "Desert Mountain Division" would not be feasible because we have nothing in common with mountain communities. Also, the Division would be too large geographically. Following discussion regarding the pros and cons of each possible division, Council concurred that the Division should remain unchanged. There was discussion regarding whether or not the Division would be too small if divided along regional lines and therefore be ineffective; and discussion about not having anything in common with the Desert Mountain Division; and the possibility of having more clout being a part of the entire County. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Rushworth/ Bohnenberger that La Quinta indicate their desire to remain as is. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 92-58. 11. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES. ORDINANCE NO. 203 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CHAPTER 2.65 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE "ART IN PUBLIC PLACES". It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Bohnenberger that Ordinance No. 203 be adopted on second reading. Motion carried by the following vote: City Council Minutes 10 March 17, 1992 AYES: Council Members Bohnenberger, Franklin, Rushworth, Sniff, Mayor Pena NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER. 2. APPROVAL OF REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF FILING AND INSPECTION FEES FOR DANSKIN WOMEN'S TRIATHLON ON MAY 24, 1992 AT LAKE CAHUILLA - MINOR TEMPORARY OUTDOOR EVENT 92-041. 3. DENIAL OF CLAIMS SUBMITTED BY ALMA DAVIS AND CHRISTOPH ROSHARDT. 4. APPROVAL OF OUT-OF-STATE TRAVEL FOR MAYOR TO ATTEND THE TWELFTH INTERNATIONAL JERUSALEM CONFERENCE OF MAYORS MARCH 27 TO APRIL 6TH. 5. ACCEPTANCE OF DEED FROM LA QUINTA COUNTRY CLUB FOR THE DEDICATION OF RIGHTS-OF-WAY FOR AVENUE 50 AND EISENHOWER DRIVE. 6. AUTHORIZATION FOR OUT-OF-STATE TRAVEL FOR PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR TO ATTEND THE NATIONAL PLANNING CONFERENCE IN WASHINGTON, D.C. 7. ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT DEEDS FOR STREETS IN THE INDIAN SPRINGS AREA. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Bohnenberger/Sniff that the Consent Calendar be approved as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 92-60. With regard to Item No. 7, Council concurred on recognizing the work Wally Reynolds did for the City in obtaining all of the 65 deeds from the Indian Springs Area with a plaque. STUDY SESSION 1. DISCUSSION OF LOWER COVE STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM. Council Member Bohnenberger advised that he would be abstaining. Council Member Franklin asked if the options before the Council are to accelerate the project or to redesign the project? City Council Minutes 11 March 17, 1992 Mr. Curtis, Engineer with Kicak and Associates advised that they do not have a cost for re-designing the project, because they don't know what the re-design would entail. Currently, we're part-way through a final design in that we have a channel that enables water to be brought from the central area of the City easterly and out of a potential flood area. In the future, as we improve the streets in the Cove, one of the alternatives is to put piping in the channel, which is and has been a consideration. Mayor Pena stated that he would like to see an accelerated version of that and asked if the ditch/median would be narrowed as a result, as it's extremely wide and it makes it difficult for the homeowners to get in and out of their drives with anything other than a car. Mr. Curtis said it depends how you want to approach it from a design standard. Presently, it's designed for a ten-year period. Also, when all the improvements are made in the downtown area, it does require that some of the water be taken elsewhere and detained. The idea of putting what ordinarily would go down La Fonda in an underground piping system and -- redesigning the road to go with it is within the alternatives. It has been part of the plan to do this as part of the next design phase. Mr. Kiedrowski advised that staff should be able to have some cost estimates available by the next meeting for putting pipes through the neighborhood (1,200'); giving it a wider road bed; and for additional asphalt. Mayor Pena stated that he would like to see it as visual as possible. He wants to see what the alternatives will look like. Council Member Franklin asked if the swail is really necessary and Mr. Curtis advised that it can be re-designed to underground everything, which is expensive compared to other alternatives. Mayor Pena felt that Council needs to see those alternatives and their costs. Mr. Seth Ettinger questioned the purpose of the swail. Mr. Curtis advised that it will carry the water without putting it in the streets. One of the considerations discussed with staff at one time was putting in piping that would cover a low-flow situation, like nuisance water and minor storms. When you do that the swale becomes more significant, as it will carry the major storms. The more City Council Minutes 12 March 17, 1992 piping used, the less needs to be carried by a swale. Mr. Ettinger asked why the swale can't be run down Washington and Mr. Curtis advised that it is against grade. Mayor Pena suggested that Mr. Curtis meet with Mr. Ettinger to discuss this matter prior to the next Council meeting. REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS Mayor Pena advised that he has been meeting with a group of parents to discuss the gang problem, which also resulted in a meeting with the kids. These meetings have been well-attended and will be on- going. The parents have indicated a willingness to work with the City, schools and Sheriff's Department to get the kids out of the gangs. Council Member Sniff suggested that this may be something that could be referred to Clint Bohlen - to provide some alternatives for the kids. Mayor Pena advised that the Vintage Classic is planning to make a significant contribution to the City for youth programs, which would be "seed money" to get a program underway. DEPARTMENT REPORTS Mr. Genovese, Ass't. City Manager, noted that Council has a report in their packet regarding the progress billing schedule which has been arranged with the Chamber of Commerce for the Street Fair. Ms. Honeywell advised that the Investment Policy Task Force may be needing additional time. They will let the Council know if that is the case. Mr. Hartung, Building and Safety Director, advised that the Spring Clean-Up Day was successful - 110 tons of trash was hauled. Council Member Bohnenberger suggested that in the future there be two bins - one for regular trash and for compost materials. Mr. Hartung advised that staff is considering moving the site from the park to behind the City Yard. Mr. Herman reminded the Council the there was a scoping session this afternoon on the EIR for the mall. About fifteen people were present. City Council Minutes 13 March 17, 1992 MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS ITEMS - None COUNCIL COMMENT - None Council recessed until 7:00 P.M. PRESENTATIONS Mayor Pena advised that the recipient for February's La Quinta Beautiful Award - Landscaped for Ecology is Sloyette Lesperance & Belinda Leslie of 54-404 Avertida Madero. PUBLIC COMMENT PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 27332 FOR SUBDIVISION OF 7 ACRES INTO 5 LOTS ON THE EAST SIDE OF INTERLACHEN SOUTH OF MERION, AND NORTH OF HERMITAGE AND 58TH AVENUE. APPLICANT: SUNRISE DESERT PARTNERS. Mr. Herman advised that this is a 5-lot subdivision to create 42 residential units. All the improvements exist at this point in time. The prior Environmental Impact Report for the Specific Plan for PGA West and the subsequent addendum has been determined to adequately address this tract map, so no additional environmental review was prepared. ALAN LEVIN, representing Sunrise Co., 42-600 Cook St., Palm Desert, responded to a question about street names advising that all the street names are derived from various PGA courses. Mayor Pena asked if they have considered a signage program to direct people or emergency equipment to various streets. He noted that there have been times when the guards have not known where the streets are. Mr. Levin felt that it would be too confusing, but they will take a look at it. He added that the guards should know where the streets are. City Council Minutes 14 March 17, 1992 RESOLUTION NO. 92-34 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT 27332 TO ALLOW THE CREATION OF A CONDOMINIUM SUBDIVISION. CASE NO. TT 27332 - SUNRISE CO. It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Franklin to adopt Resolution No. 92-34 as recommended. Motion carried unanimously. 2. WEED ABATEMENTS/LOT CLEANINGS AND PLACEMENT OF COSTS ON 1992/93 TAX ROLLS: This items was removed from the agenda. MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBER ITEMS - None COUNCIL COMMENT - None STUDY SESSION JOINT STUDY SESSION WITH THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION Mrs. Kennedy, Chairman of the Community Services Commission advised that Susan Francis has asked to be excused as she is busy with the Arts Festival preparations. Mrs. Kennedy advised that the Commission held a Special Meeting on March 9th and carefully reviewed the past criteria for the Community Services Grants and came up with modified criteria. Mrs. Franklin referred to the statement that applications will be received only from non-profit organizations which are La Quinta based. She asked if this won't result in missing some people that aren't La Quinta based, but do a lot of good for La Quinta residents? Mrs. Kennedy said that they are trying to narrow it down. Additionally, they felt that by saying "a direct benefit to the residents of La Quinta," it might encompass a bit more. Mr. Best said that it was his understanding that the Council wished for funding to go to La Quinta based organizations. -- City Council Minutes 15 March 17, 1992 Ms. Thompson believed that if it isn't limited, there will be more applications than can be dealt with. Mayor Pena said that there was also a suggestion previously that grants not be given to the same organization two years in a row. Ms. Thompson advised that was discussed, but it was felt that possibly an organization previously funded may have a new program they wish to have funded. Mr. Sniff wasn't sure that there aren't some organizations that need help every year. He felt that it can be considered, but it shouldn't be a determining factor. Mrs. Franklin asked if follow-up financial reports have been received from any of the recipients indicating how the funds were spent. Mrs. Juhola advised that the way it has been set up is that funds would be disbursed from the Finance Department upon presentation of a receipt for the purchase of the items the grant was for. So in effect, that requirement was fulfilled in that manner. There have been very few times up until this past year when organizations were funded operational costs for which a report should be filed. Reports for last year would be due this coming September which isn't really beneficial to the Commission in their deliberations this year, so the Commission's report date of April is more appropriate. Mrs. Kennedy then proceeded to review the proposed criteria in detail, noting that a sub-committee consisting of herself, Mr. Best and Ms. Thompson will be formed this year to screen the applicants. A brief discussion ensued regarding the fact that in the past, senior and youth organizations would be emphasized with the Commission believing that there may be other worthy organizations. Council Member Rushworth felt that every organization should be on an equal basis and it should be left up to the Commission to decide. Mayor Pena suggested that applicants be required to be 501(c)3 organizations at the time of filing applications. Council concurred on the remainder of the criteria. City Council Minutes 16 March 17, 1992 - Mrs. Kennedy thanked the Council for allowing them to attend the California Parks & Recreation Conference - they found it very beneficial. In order to get more PR, they will be attending the next Mayor's Breakfast in which all Commissioners will be introduced and a brief description of the Commission's role be given along with some of the existing programs. The Commission will be putting together a manual for themselves and new Commissioners and they are planning a tour of the City as an information and educational program. The Commission has also discussed the possibility of a retreat with the Council to discuss goals, objectives, budget, etc. Council Member Sniff wished to see the Commission get more involved and suggested that they give some thought to meeting more frequent, possibly twice a month. Council Member Bohnenberger encouraged them to be more pro-active and letting the Council know what they would like to see done so these things can be considered during budget deliberations. Council Member Sniff noted that earlier in the meeting Mayor Pena commented on the problem of gangs and felt that this is fertile ground for the Commission to get involved in. Mayor Pena suggested the possibility of a summer internship program for the kids or a sub-committee made up of only kids to address their issues like skateboarding. Council Member Franklin concurred, she liked the idea of a youth committee, noting that there seems to be a gap with the high school kids. Ms. Nard said she would like to see a teen center, possibly at the Fritz Burns Park and Mr. Kiedrowski asked her to come up with some ideas and do some study on the matter and present it. Council Member Sniff wished to see the Commission push for development of the Fritz Burns Park. City Council Minutes 17 March 17, 1992 CLOSED SESSION a. Discussion of potential pending litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) - Agreement with Riverside County Fire Department b. Discussion of pending litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) - International Treasury Management/Denman Company - Iowa Trust c. Discussion of negotiations pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 - Stockman Proposal - Owner/Participation Agreement with TSA d. Discussion of personnel pursuant to Government Code Section 54957. Council reconvened with no action being taken. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. # Clerk City of La Quinta, California