The City Council of the City of La Quinta does ordain as follows:
SECTION 1. Riverside County Ordinance No. 348 (which was
adopted by reference by this City Council by Ordinance No. 5,
operative August 29, 1982) is further amended by adding the "Special
Residential Single-Family" Zone in accordance with the text which is
attached to and made a part of this ordinance, and which attached
text is labeled Exhibit "A".
SECTION 2. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall be in full
force and effect thirty (30) days after its adoption.
SECTION 3. POSTING. The City Clerk shall, within 15 days after
passage of this ordinance, cause it to be posted in at least three
public places designated by resolution of the City Council; shall
certify to the adoption and posting of this ordinance; and, shall
cause this ordinance and its certification, together with proof of
posting, to be entered into the Book of Ordinances of this City.
The foregoing ordinance was approved and adopted at a meeting of
the City Council held on this 5th day of Auqus~ 1986, by the
following vote:
AYES: Council Members Allen, Bohnenberger, Cox, Wolff and
Mayor Pena.
NOES: None.
Ordo No. 95
9.03.010 PURPOSE: The SR Zoning District is generally appropriate
where a density of between four (4) and eight (8) units per
acre is provided for in the General Plan of the City. It
is intended to provide development standards for single-
family residential uses and to assure high quality
development especially in the "Cove" area.
9.03.020 ALLOWABLE USES: The following uses shall be allowed in the.
SR Zone subject to obtaining a Precise Plan approval as
provided by Section 9.03.040.A (Precise Plan):
A. Single-Family Dwellings
B. Accessory buildings and uses incidental to the
use of the property as a single-family residence.
C. Home Occupations (See Section 18.42)
D. Small and Large Family Daycare homes pursuant to
the State Health and Safety Code
E. Residential Care Facilities, where the number of
residents under care is six (6) or fewer, pursuant
to the State Welfare and Institutions Code
F. Temporary real estate tract offices located within
a subdivision, to be used only for and during the
original sale of the subdivision (Section 18.30)
G. Public Facilities and Utilities
9.03.021 CONDITIONAL USES: The following uses may be allowed in the
SR Zone subject to obtaining a Conditional Use Permit as
provided by Section 18.28 (Conditional Use Permits):
A. Educational Institutions, not including trade or
vocational schools
B. Churches, Temples and other places of religious
C. Second Unit or "Granny Flat" within a single-family
house pursuant to Section 65852.2 of the California
Government Code
D. Residential Care Facilities, where the number of
residents under care is greater than six (6),
pursuant to the State Health and Safety Code.
! - 1 - EXHIBIT "A"
Ord. No. 95
E. Bed and Breakfast
F. Nursery Schools
G. Golf Course Maintenance Facility
projects are permitted in the SR Zone pursuant to the
provisions of the Municipal Land Division Ordinance and
the development standards in Section 18.5. In addition,
the design and siting of all buildings within a standard
subdivision shall be subject to review and approval in
conjunction with the tentative tract map.
9.03.030 SITE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: All uses shall comply with the
following development standards.
A. Minimum Lot Size: 7,200 square feet.
1. A smaller minimum lot size may be established
pursuant to Section 9.03.022 in conjunction with
a cluster subdivision or similar planned residen-
tial development provided that the overall project
density conforms to applicable regulations and
that appropriate common open space and recreation
areas have been provided.
2. Within existing subdivided areas consisting of
5000-square-foot lots, the voluntary merger of
existing lots of records into larger parcels
shall be encouraged.
B. Minimum Lot Dimensions:
1. Width: 50-feet width for interior lots, 55-feet
width for corner lots, 30-foot width for cul-de-sac
lots, except where smaller lot sizes are estab-
lished pursuant to Section 9.03.030.A.
2. Depth: Depth of 90 feet which shall not exceed
2-1/2 times the width of the lot, except where
smaller lot sizes are established pursuant to
Section 9.03.030.A.
C. Maximum Lot Coverage: The maximum area of the lot
covered by buildings shall not exceed sixty (60)
percent. This calculation shall not include
trellises, covered patios and other similar
unenclosed structures.
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Ord. No. 95
D. Setbacks:
1. Front Yard: All structures shall be set back
a minimum of twenty (20) feet from the nearest
point on front property line of the lot.
(a) Double Frontage Lots:
(1) Double Frontage Lot Requirements: A
20-foot front setback shall be provided
against one frontage, and a 10-foot rear
setback shall be provided adjacent to the
other frontage.
(2) Selecting the Setback Location: Where
double frontage setback locations are not
specified by subdivision'requirements or
other applicable regulations, the
Applicant may select the front setback
street unless 50% of the lots on a double
frontage block are developed with the same
front yard orientation. In that case, all
remaining lots are to orient their front
setbacks with the majority.
2. Side Yard: All structures shall be set back a
minimum distance from the side property line as
(a) Interior Lots: Side yards shall not be less
than a width of 5 feet.
(b) Corner Lots: The side setback on the street
side of corner lots shall not be less than 10
feet from the right-of-way line.
(c) Zero Lot Line Development: A group of dwelling
units on adjoining lots may be sited so that
all units abut one side property line, provided
(1) The setback has been eliminated through
the Subdivision Map approval; and
(2) The modified setback requirements for the
project are recorded as part of a land
division map, deed restriction, or other
enforceable restriction; and
-, Ord. No. 95
- (3) The side yard setbacks opposite the zero
setback property line are not less than
10 feet; and
(4) The side yard setback shall not be elim-
inated or reduced on the street side of a
corner lot.
(d) Common Wall Development: Any two dwelling
'units and their accessory garages may be
constructed on adjoining lots without setbacks
between them, provided that:
~ (1) The setback has been eliminated through
subdivision map; and
(2) A common wall or party wall agreement,
deed restriction or other enforceable
restriction has been recorded; and
(3) The side yard setbacks opposite the
common wall property line are not less
than 10 feet; and
(4) Common wall construction is in compliance
_ with the Uniform Building Code and
Uniform Building Code and Uniform Fire
3. Rear Yard: All structures shall be set back a
minimum of 10 feet from the rear property line of
the lot.
4. Interior Setbacks:
(a) Detached Accessory Structures: In addition to
the general front, side and rear yard require-
ments, the following shall be complied with:
(1) No detached accessory building shall be
located closer than 10 feet from the
principal or main building.
(2) No detached accessory building shall
encroach upon the front half of the lot;
however, this setback shall not exceed
75 feet from the front property line.
(b) Residential Buildings: A principal residential
r- building shall not be located less than 10 feet
from another principal building when both
structures are one story in height, and not
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Ord. No. 95
less than 15 feet when one or both structures
are two stories or higher in height.
(c) Swimming Pools: Private swimming pools shall
not be located nearer than five (5) feet to
any dwelling excepting as provided by Section
5. Exceptions to Setback Standards: The minimum set-
back requirements shall apply to all uses, including'
accessory structures and mechanical equipment,
except as provided by the following:
Fences or walls six-feet or less, excepting the
twenty (20) foot corner cutback area where
fence height shall be limited to a maximum of
3-1/2 feet above the top of curb, or 3 feet
above the nearest pavement surface where there
is no curb (Section 18.40).
(b) Private swimming pools may be located no nearer
than five (5) feet to any property line
(Section 18.25). When a swimming pool is
r located within a front setback area, the
appurtenance mechanical equipment may also be
located within the front setback area, provided
that the equipment is located no closer than
five (5) feet from interior side yard property
lines and it is enclosed within a masonry
block noise attenuating enclosure.
(c) Outside stairways or landing places, if
unroofed and unenclosed, may be extended into
a required side yard for a distance of not more
than three (3) feet and/or into the required
rear yard a distance of not more than five (5)
(d) Cornices, canopies, bay windows, chimney chases
and other similar architectural features not
providing additional floor space within the
building may extend into a required side yard
not more than one (1) foot and into a required
front or rear yard not more than two (2) feet.
(e) Eaves may extend three (3) feet into a required
yard, unless otherwise restricted by the
requirements of the Uniform Building Code.
r- (f) Concrete flatwork may extend to the property
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.. Ord. No. 95
(g) Satellite receiving and similar communication
dishes and devices six (6) feet or less in
height when installed and located within the
rear setback or rear yard area only.
E. Maximum Building Height:
1. Maximum Building Height: The height of structures
shall be limited to seventeen (17) feet or one story
in height, whichever is less.
2. Measurement of Height: The height of the structure
shall be measured as the vertical distance from the
highest point of the structure to the point where
the exterior walls touch the finish grade. For the
determination of structure height, finish grade
shall be the minimum pad height as required by the
Uniform Building Code or applicable City Ordinances
relating to flood hazard management.
3. Exceptions to the Height Limitation:
(a) Chimneys and roof vents extending no more than
two (2) feet above the height limitation speci-
fied in this section.
(b) Radio and television receiving antennas of the
type customarily used for home radio and
television receivers, when five (5) feet or
less in height.
(c) Solar collectors not more than five (5) feet
above the height limitation specified in this
9.03.031 BUILDING DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: All single-family residen-
tial uses shall comply with the following development
standards, unless an adjustment is approved pursuant to
Section 9.03.040.B.
A. Minimum Gross Livable Area: 1200 square feet, excluding
the garage, as measured from the exterior walls of the
B. Bedroom Dimensions: A minimum of ten (10) foot clear
width and depth dimensions, as measured from the
interior walls of the room.
C. Bathrooms: There shall not be less than 1-1/2 baths in
one or two-bedroom dwellings, and not less than 1-3/4
baths in dwellings with three or more bedrooms,
excepting that 1-1/2 baths may be permitted for the
- 6 -
-.. Ord. No. 95
latter provided that both bathrooms have bathing
D. Garage Dimensions: Each dwelling shall have a two-car
garage with interior dimensions not less than twenty
feet square (20' x 20'), which space shall remain clear
of mechanical equipment, appliances, or other improve-
ments which conflict with its purpose to store vehicles.
An additional four (4) feet shall be provided to the
width or depth if mechanical equipment or appliances,
including but not limited to washer, dryer, and forced
air unit, are ground mounted within the garage interior.
A water heater is permitted without additional interior
garage area being required provided that it is located
so as not to conflict with vehicular parking or pedes-
trian access.
E. Access Between House and Garage: A separate pedestrian
door into the garage shall be provided as either an
interconnecting door providing direct access between
the dwelling and the garage, or a pedestrian door
leading outside to a paved walkway area which is
sheltered by a minimum 36-inch roof eave, enclosed
within a secured, walled area and provides direct
access to a keyed entry into the dwelling.
F. Mechanical and Related Equipment: Heating and cooling
mechanical equipment, including satellite receiving
and similar communication devices, shall be ground
mounted, or completely screened from all sides by the
roof structure.
9.03.032 SITE DESIGN STANDARDS: All single-family residential uses
shall comply with the following design standards unless an
adjustment is approved pursuant to Section 9.03.040.B.
A. Landscaping:
1. The front yard of all lots, and in addition, the
side yard of corner lots, shall be landscaped to
property line.
2. The landscaping shall include trees, shrubs and
groundcover of sufficient size, spacing, and
variety to create an attractive and unifying
appearance. Landscaping shall be in substantial
compliance with the standards set forth in the
Manual on Architectural Standards and the Manual
on Landscape Standards as adopted by the Planning
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-.. Ord. No. 95
3. An irrigation system shall be provided for all areas
required to be landscaped.
4. The landscaping shall be continuously maintained in
a healthy and viable condition.
B. Screening: Refuse containers and bottled gas tanks
shall be concealed by landscaping or other means.
C. Underground Utilities: All electric services, overhead.
wires, or associated structures must be installed under-
D. Driveway Materials: The driveway shall be surfaced with
concrete and have an asphaltic concrete connecting pave-
ment edged with a 2" x 4" header to the existing street
pavement, constructed in accordance with City Standards.
E. Lighting: All exterior lighting shall be located and
directed so as not to shine directly on adjacent
properties or otherwise create a nuisance.
F. Fencing:
1. Rear and side yards shall be completely enclosed
and screened by view-obscuring fencing, walls,
vegetation-planted screens, or combination thereof.
2. Fences, walls, and vegetation screens shall
generally conform with the design standards and
typical layouts contained within the Manual on
Architectural Standards.
3. Vegetation screens must consist of planting
materials of a suitable type, size and spacing, so
as to provide a view obscuring barrier within a
reasonable time of planting as set forth in the
landscape plan approval, and shall be watered by an
automatic irrigation system. The planting plan
shall be approved by the Community Development
4. All walls and fences shall be continuously main-
tained in good repair, and vegetation screens shall
be continuously maintained in a healthy and viable
9.03.033 BUILDING DESIGN STANDARDS: All single-family residential
uses shall be determined to be in substantial compliance
with building standards set forth in the Manual on
Architectural Standards as adopted by the Planning
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Ord. No. 95
Commission unless an adjustment is approved pursuant to
Section 9.03.040.B.
A. Manual on Architectural Standards: The Planning
Commission shall, by resolution, adopt a Manual on
Architectural Standards to be used as a guideline in
reviewing architectural style, exterior building
materials, colors, and similar features.
B. Architectural Variety: When houses using similar archi-
tectural styles are located within 250 feet of each
other, exterior building elevations shall make
provision for architectural variety by using different
colors, styles, roof treatments, window treatments,
garage door treatments, and similar methods.
C. Roof Material: Except for flat roof designs, roof
material shall be limited to clay and/or concrete
D. Adjustment: The Planning Commission may approve an
adjustment to a Precise Plan allowing use of archi-
tectural styles, exterior building materials, colors,
and similar features not set forth in the adopted
Manual when the Planning Commission determines that
the adjustment will be compatible with the surrounding
Developers or Applicants who have obtained or applied for
twenty (20) or more approvals for construction of single-
family houses within the City shall comply with the
A. Master Design Guidelines: Submit master design guide-
lines to the Planning Commission for approval,
containing plans and information specifying the
methods for varying the exterior appearance of the
single-family houses. This shall include, but not be
limited to, variations of architectural styles, roof
types, window treatments, entry treatments, and siting.
B. Compliance with Guidelines: Precise Plan approvals
for the single-family houses shall comply with the
design guidelines as approved by the Planning
9.03.035 LIMIT ON APPROVALS: A maximum of five (5) unsold houses
may be under construction by a single Applicant at any one
time unless an adjustment has been approved pursuant to
Section 9.03.040.B.
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Ord. No. 95
A. Precise Plan: The following procedures shall apply to
all applications for approval of a Precise Plan that is
required by any section of this ordinance.
1. Filing: Applications for consideration of a Precise
Plan approval shall be made to the Planning
Director. The application shall be accompanied by
four (4) complete sets of plans consisting, as a
minimum, of the site plan, floor plan and exterior
building elevations, a deed showing the Applicant's
ownership of the subject property or a letter of
authorization from the property owner consenting to
the submittal of this application, and a filing fee
of twenty-five ($25) dollars.
2. Determination of Completeness: The Planning
Department shall make a Determination of
Completeness at the time of submittal of the appli-
cation and shall not accept for processing any
application which is not complete. This deter-
mination shall be based upon a written checklist,
a copy of which shall be provided to the Applicant
if the application is determined to be incomplete.
3. Required Plans: The plans shall be drawn to scale
and shall indicate clearly, and with full dimension-
ing where applicable, the following:
(a) Name and address of the Applicant.
(b) Name and address of all property owners.
(c) Legal description and assessor's parcel
(d) Lot dimensions.
(e) Location of adjacent streets, drainage
structures, utilities and other features
that may affect the use of the property.
(f) The use and dimensions of all proposed
buildings and structures, (including existing
structures proposed for retention) and their
setbacks from property boundaries and between
(g) Location and construction of proposed driveways
and off-street parking areas.
- 10 -
Ord. No. 95
_ (h) Exterior building materials and colors.
(i) Landscaping plan for the front yard and for
the side yard adjacent to the street for
corner lots which shall indicate the size,
species and location of all materials.
(j) Location and type of materials for all fences
or walls, including retaining walls.
(k) Grading and drainage plan showing existing
elevations at one-foot contour intervals,
proposed elevations, adjacent roadway eleva-
tions, finish floor elevation of garage, finish
elevations at each building corner and flow
lines of surface water on and off the site.
4. Findings Required For Approval: No Precise Plan
shall be approved unless the Planning Director
determines that it complies with the following
(a) The proposed use and design conform to all
_ applicable requirements of the La Quinta
General Plan and any other applicable specific
_ plan adopted by the City and in effect at the
date of approval.
(b) The proposed development complies with the
requirements of the zone in which it is
(c) The architectural aspects of the development
will be compatible with, and not detrimental
to, the present and future logical development
of the surrounding property. These aspects
shall include but not be limited to the
structure's size, shape, width, bulk, height,
materials and architectural style.
(d) ApprOval of the development shall not be a
detriment to the public's health, safety and
(e) The design takes into account the existing
physical characteristics of the site, including
topography, drainage, and trees.
_ _ (f) Approval of this development does not exceed
the maximum limit of five (5) unsold houses
under construction by a single Applicant at
- 11 -
Ord. No. 95
any one time, unless an adjustment raising
this limit has been approved.
5. Review of Application: Within two weeks after
acceptance of a complete application, the Planning
Director shall approve, conditionally approve, or
deny the Precise Plan application; or shall advise
the Applicant that an adjustment must be requested.
6. Term for Approval: A Precise Plan shall be approved.
for a period of time not to exceed six (6) months,
by which time a building permit shall have been
obtained. Upon securing a building permit, time
limits set forth in the Uniform Building Code shall
B. Adjustments Procedure: Where provided for in this
Chapter, an Applicant may request an adjustment to
certain design and development standards.
1. Filing: Applications for the consideration of an
adjustment shall be made to the Planning Director.
The application shall be accompanied by six (6)
complete sets of plans consisting, as a minimum,
of the site plan, floor plan, and exterior building
elevations, a deed showing the Applicant's owner-
ship of the subject property or a letter of
authorization from the property owner consenting to
submittal of this application, a listing of all
property owners within a 150-foot radius of the
subject property, and a filing fee of seventy-five
($75) dollars.
2. Determination of Completeness: Same as Section
3. Required Plans: Same as Section 9.03.040.A.3.
4. Findings Required for Approval: Same as Section
5. Review of Application: Within 30 days after
acceptance of a complete application, the applica-
tion shall be presented to the Planning Commission,
who shall approve, conditionally approve, or deny
the adjustment application. The Planning Commission
may continue consideration of the application from
time to time.
' - 6. Notice of Planning Commission Review: A notice
shall be mailed a minimum of seven (7) calendar
days prior to the Planning Commission meeting to
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Ord. No. 95
all property owners within a 150-foot radius of the
subject property.
7. Term of Approval: Same as Section 9.03,040.A.6.
C. Appeals Procedure: An Applicant or any other interested
party may appeal, in writing, stating the reasons there-
fore, the decision of the Planning Director to the
Planning.Commission within fifteen (15) calendar days of
the date of decision, in accordance with the provisions
of Section 18.30 (e).
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