ORD 111 DATE AGENDAITEM # DATE AGENDA ITEM (.,~/;":i':" :D {) DENIED (~CppnOVED ( () C'D~'~'~'iNU~D~A~rL~'~I~'~7 111 '" ( ONTINUED TO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA ~UINTA, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING THE RATE FOR INDIVIDUAL RESIDENTIAL REFUSE PICKUP AND DISPOSAL SERVICE, AND ELECTING TO HAVE CHARGES PAYABLE FOR SUCH SERVICES COLLECTED ON THE TAX ROLL PURSUANT TO SECTION 5473 OF THE HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE. The City Council o{ the City o{ La qutnta does ordain as {ollows: SECTION 1. This Ordinance is enacted pursuant ,o authorization contained in SEctions 547~ and 5473 o{ ,he Health and Sa{ety Code o{ the State of Cal~{ornia. SECTION 2. The rate and charge {or Ctty-{urntshed garbage and re{use collection and disposal services for tnd~vtdual residences [curb service, once per wee~ pickup o{ any combination of six cans~ bags or bundles), is hereby established, prescribed and {ixed at t5.75 per month plus 10.55 per month dump ~ee surcharge commencin9 July 1, 1987~ and ,hereafter. SECTION 3. The City of La ~u~nta hereby continues ~ts ejection to have a11 such charges, unt~Z such elect~on appropriately changed, established {or C~ty-{urn~shed garbage and refuse collection and d~sposal services {or ~nd~v~dual residences, collected on the tax ro11 and ~n the same manner, by the same persons, and at the same t~me as, together ~jth and not separately {tom, the Denera1 taxes. SECTZON 4. The C~ty Cler~ shall i~th~n ~5 days a{ter the passage of th~s ordinance, cause it to be posted in at least the 3 public places designated by resolution o{ the C~ty Council; shalJ certify to the adoption and posting of th~s ordinance, and shall cause th~s ordinance and ~ts certification, together ~th proof posted9, to be entered ~n the boo~ of ordinances of th~s C~ty. APPROVED and ADOPTED th~s _~_day o{ _~g~ ....... , 1987, by the {oZlo~in9 roll call vote: AYES: Coanc&lmembe=s ~o~nenbe=qe=~ Cox, ~ena, Sn~ an~ ~{a~o= ~o~le NOES: ~one ABSENT; ~one ABSTAIN: ~one - -..~~ ..~ ..... NAYOR ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FOR~: .... . , - STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF LA QUINTA ) I, RON KIEDROWSKI, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, do hereby certify the foregoing to be a full, true and correct copy of Ordinance No. 111 which was introduced by the La Quinta City council at a regular meeting held on the day of July 7, 1987 and was adopted at a regular meeting held on the 4th day of August 1987, not being less than five days following date of introduction. I further certify that the foregoing ordinance was posted in three (3) places within the City of La Quinta. RON KIEDROWSKI, City Clerk City of La Quinta, california