The City Council of the City of La Quinta does
ordain as follows:
SECTION 1. Title 8 of the Municipal Code is hereby
amended by adding a new Chapter 8.12, the "Earthquake Hazard
Reduction in Existing Buildings, attached hereto as Exhibit A.
SECTION 2. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall be
in full force and effective thirty (30) days after its adoption.
SECTION 3. POSTING. The City Clerk shall, within
15 days after passage of this Ordinance, cause it to be posted
in at least the three (3) public places designated by
resolution of the City Council; shall certify to the adoption
and posting of this Ordinance; and shall cause this Ordinance
and it's certification, together with proof of posting, to be
entered in the Book of Ordinances of this City.
The foregoing ordinance was approved and adopted at a
meeting of the City Council held on the 5th day of December,
1989, by the following vote:
AYES: Council Members Bohnenberger, Bosworth, Rushworth,
Sniff, Mayor Pena
NOES: None
City ofa, California
City of La Quinta
DA N HONEYWELL, City Attorney
City of La Quinta
BJ/ORDDRFT.014 - 1 -
I, SAUNDRA L. JUHOLA, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta,
California, do hereby certify the foregoing to be a full, true
and correct copy of Ordinance No. 157 which was introduced on
the 21st day of November, 1989 and was adopted at a regular
meeting held on the 5th day of December, 1989, not being less
than 5 days after date of introduction thereof.
I further certify that the foregoing ordinance was posted in
three (3) places with the City of La Quinta as specified in a
reso tion of the City Council.
City of La Quinta, California
I, SAUNDRA L. JUHOLA, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta,
Cali rnia, do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was
pos a pursuant to City Council Resolution on December 7, 1989
City of La Quinta, California
AUTHOR NOTE: Code Reference - 1985 Uniform Building Code
is used because the model ordinance engineering standards are
based upon the 1985 Uniform Building Codes. Only these types
of buildings will be affected.
The purpose of this Chapter is to promote public safety
and welfare by reducing the risk of death or injury that
may result from the effects of earthquakes on
unreinforced masonry bearing wall buildings constructed
prior to the adoption of earthquake design requirements.
Such buildings have been widely recognized for sustaining
life -hazardous damage, including partial or complete
collapse during moderate to strong earthquakes.
The provisions of this chapter are intended as minimum
_ standards for structural seismic resistance established
primarily to reduce the risk of life loss or injury.
Compliance with these standards will not necessarily
prevent loss of life or injury or prevent earthquake
damage to rehabilitated buildings. This Chapter does not
require alternation of existing electrical, plumbing,
mechanical or fire safety systems unless they constitute
a hazard to life or property.
This Chapter provides systematic procedures and standards
for identification and classification of unreinforced
masonry bearing wall buildings based on their present
use. Priorities, time periods and standards are also
established under which these buildings are required to
be structurally analyzed and anchored. Where the
analysis finds deficiencies, this Chapter requires the
building to be strengthened or demolished.
Qualified Historical Buildings shall comply with the
State Historical Building Code (SHBC) established under
Part 8, Title 24, of the California Administrative Code.
The provisions of this Chapter shall apply to all
buildings constructed which have unreinforced masonry
bearing walls as defined herein.
MR/ORDDRFT.024 -1-
For purposes of this Chapter, the applicable definitions
in Sections 2302 and 2312 of the Uniform Building Code
shall apply:
ESSENTIAL BUILDING: Any building housing a hospital or
other medical facility having surgery or emergency
treatment areas; fire or police stations; municipal
government disaster operation and communication centers.
HIGH RISK BUILDING: Any building, not classified an
essential building, having an occupant load of 100 or
more, as determined by Section 3302(a).
EXCEPTION: A High Risk Building shall not include
the following:
1. Any building having exterior walls
braced with masonry crosswalls or wood frame
crosswalls spaced less than 40 feet apart in each
story. Crosswalls shall be full -story height with
a minimum length of one -and -one-half times the
story height.
2. Any building used for its intended
purpose, as determined by the Building Official,
for less than 20 hours per week.
LOW RISK BUILDING: Any building, not classified as an
essential building, having an occupant load of less than
20 occupants as determined by Section 3302(a).
MEDIUM RISK BUILDING: Any building, not classified as a
High Risk Building or an Essential Building, having an
occupant load of 20 occupants or more as determined by
Section 3302(a).
all of the following characteristics:
1. Provides the vertical support for a
floor or roof.
2. The total superimposed load is over 100
pounds per linear foot.
3. The area of reinforcing steel is less
than 50 percent of that required by Section 2407(h).
(1) All Section number references in the model ordinance that
are not in the 88 series, e.g., Section 2302, Section 2312,
Section 3302(a), and so forth, indicate passages in the Uniform
Building Code, 1985 edition.
MR/ORDDRFT.024 -2-
The rating classifications shown in Table No. 8.12-A are
hereby established and each building within the scope of
this Chapter shall be placed in one such rating
classification by the Building Official. The total
occupant load of the entire building as determined by
Section 3302(a) shall be used to determine the rating
EXEMPTION: For the purpose of this Chapter,
portions of buildings constructed to act
independently when resisting seismic forces may be
placed in separate rating classifications.
The owner of each building within the scope of this
Chapter shall cause a structural analysis of the building
to be made by a civil or structural engineer or architect
licensed by the State of California. If the building
does not meet the minimum earthquake standards specified
in this Chapter, the owner shall either cause it to be
structurally altered to conform to such standards, or
cause the building to be demolished.
The owner of a building within'the scope of this Chapter
shall comply with the requirements set forth above by
submitting to the Building Official for review within the
stated time limits:
(a) Within 270 days after the service of
the order, a structural analysis, which is subject
to approval by the Building Official, and which
shall demonstrate that the building meets the
minimum requirements of this Chapter; or
(b) Within 270 days after the service of
the order, the structural analysis and plans for
the proposed structural alterations of the building
necessary to comply with the minimum requirements
of this Chapter; or
(c) Within 120 days after service of the
order, plans for the installation of wall anchors
in accordance with the requirements specified in
Section 8807(c); or
(d) Within 270 days after the service of
the order, plans for the demolition of the building.
MR/ORDDRFT.024 -3-
After plans are submitted and approved by the Building
Official, the owner shall obtain a building permit,
commence and complete the required construction or
demolition within the time limits set forth in Table No.
8.12-B. These time limits shall begin to run from the
date the order is served in accordance with Section
8.12.060(a) and (b).
Owners electing to comply with Subsection (c) of this
Section are also required to comply with Subsections (b)
or (d) of this Section provided, however, that the
270-day period provided for in such Subsections (b) and
(d) and the time limits for obtaining a building permit,
commencing construction and completing construction for
complete structural alterations or building demolition
set forth in Table No. 8.12-B shall be extended in
accordance with Table No. 8.12-C. Each such extended
time limit, except the time limit for commencing
construction shall begin to run from the date the order
is served in accordance with Section 8.12.060(b). The
time limit for commencing construction shall commence
from the date the building permit is issued.
(a) Service of Order. The Building Official
shall issue an order, as provided in Section 8.12.060(b),
to the owner of each building within the scope of this
Chapter in accordance with the minimum time periods for
service of such orders set forth in Table No. 8.12-C.
The minimum time period for the service of such orders
shall be measured from the effective date of Chapter
8.12. Upon receipt of a written request from the owner,
the Building Official shall order a building to comply
prior to the normal service date for such building set
forth in this Section.
(b) Contents of Order. The order shall be in
writing and shall be served either personally or by
certified or registered mail upon the owner as shown on
the last equalized assessment, and upon the person, if
any, in apparent charge or control of the building. The
order shall specify that the building has been determined
by the Building Official to be within the scope of this
Chapter and, therefore, is required to meet the minimum
seismic standards of this Chapter. The order shall
specify the rating classification of the building and
shall be accompanied by a copy of Section 8.12.050 which
sets forth the owner's alternatives and time limits for
MR/ORDDRFT.024 -4-
charge or
of Appeals
that the
Such appeal
within 60
be decided
date that
in writing
clearly and
Appeal Form Order. The owner or person in
control of the building may appeal to the Board
the Building Official's initial determination
building is within the scope of this Chapter.
shall be filed within the scope of this
Such appeal shall be filed with the Board
days from the service date of the order
in Section 8.12.060(b). Any such appeal shall
by the Board no later than 60 days after the
the appeal is filed. Such appeal shall be made
and the grounds thereof shall be stated
Appeals or requests for slight modifications from any
other determinations, orders or actions by the Building
Official pursuant to this Chapter, shall be made in
accordance with the normal appeal procedures established
in this Code.
(d) Recordation. At the time that the
aforementioned order is served, the Building Official
shall file with the Office of the County Recorder a
certificate stating that the subject building is within
the scope of Chapter 8.12 EARTHQUAKE HAZARD REDUCTION IN
EXISTING BUILDINGS. The certificate shall also state
that the owner thereof has been ordered to structurally
analyze the building and to structurally alter or
demolish it where it is not found to comply with Chapter
If the building is found not to be within the scope
of this Chapter, or as a result of structural alterations
or an analysis is found to be structurally capable of
resisting minimum seismic forces required by this
Chapter; or is demolished; the Building Official shall
file with the Office of the County Recorder a certificate
terminating the status of the subject building as being
classified within the scope of Chapter 8.12 - Earthquake
Hazard Reduction in Existing Buildings.
(e) Enforcement. If the owner or other person in
charge or control of the subject building fails to comply
with any order issued by the Building Official pursuant
to this Chapter within any of the time limits set forth
in Section 8.12.050, the Building Official shall order
the entire building vacated and remain vacated until such
order has been complied with. If compliance with such
order has not been accomplished within 90 days after the
date the building has been ordered vacated, or by such
additional time as may have been granted by the Appeals
Board, the Building Official may order demolition of the
building in accordance with the Abatement of Dangerous
Buildings provisions of the Uniform Code for the
Abatement of Dangerous Buildings.
MR/ORDDRFT.024 -5-
(a) General. Every structure within the scope of
this Division shall be analyzed and constructed to resist
minimum total lateral seismic forces assumed to act
nonconcurrently in the direction of each of the main axes
of the structure in accordance with the following
V = ZIKCSW (8.12-1)
The value of IKCS need not exceed the values set forth in
Table 8.12-D based on the applicable rating
classification of the building.
(b) Lateral Forces on Elements of Structures.
Parts or portions of structures shall be analyzed and
designed for lateral loads in accordance with Subsections
8.12.070(a) and 2312(e) of the Uniform Building Code, but
not less than the value from the following equation:
Fp = ZICp SWp (8.12-2)
For the provisions of this Subsection, the product of IS
need not exceed the values as set forth in Table No.
EXCEPTION: Unreinforced masonry walls in buildings
not having a rating classification of I may be
analyzed in accordance with Section 8.12.080.
The value of Cp need not exceed the values set forth in
Table 8.12-F.
(c) Anchorage and Interconnection. Anchorage and
interconnection of all parts, portions and elements of
the structure shall be analyzed and designed for lateral
forces in accordance with Table No. 8.12-F of this Code
and the equation Fp = ZICpSWp as modified by Table No.
8.12-E. Minimum anchorage of masonry walls to each floor
or roof shall resist a minimum force of 200 pounds per
linear foot acting normal to the wall at the level of the
floor or roof.
(d) Level of Required Repair. Alterations and
repairs required to meet the provisions of this Chapter
shall comply with all other applicable requirements of
the Uniform Building Code unless otherwise specifically
provided for in this Chapter.
(e) Required Analysis.
MR/ORDDRFT.024 -6-
1. General. Except as modified herein,
the analysis and design relating to the structural
alteration of existing structures within the scope
of this Chapter shall be in accordance with the
analysis specified in Chapter 23.
2. Continuous Stress Path. A complete,
continuous stress path from every part or portion
of the structure to the ground shall be provided
for the required horizontal forces.
3. Positive Connections. All parts,
portions or elements of the structure shall be
interconnected by positive means.
(f) Analysis Procedure.
1. General. Stresses in materials and
existing construction utilized to transfer seismic
forces from the ground to parts or portions of the
structure shall conform' to those permitted by the
Uniform Building Code and those materials and types
of construction specified in Section 8.12.080.
2. Connections. Materials and connectors
used for interconnection of parts and portions of
the structure shall conform to the Uniform Building
Code. Nails may be used as part of an approved
3. Unreinforced Masonry Walls. Except as
modified herein, unreinforced masonry walls shall
be analyzed as specified in Section 2406, 2407 and
2408 to withstand all vertical loads as specified
in Chapter 23 of the Uniform Building Code in
addition to the seismic forces required by this
Chapter. The 50 percent increase in the seismic
force factor for shear walls as specified in
Section 2407(h)4F of the Uniform Building Code may
be omitted in the computation of seismic loads to
existing shear walls.
No allowable tension stress will be permitted in
unreinforced masonry walls. Walls not capable of
resisting the required design forces specified in this
chapter shall be strengthened or shall be removed and
1. Unreinforced masonry walls in buildings
not classified as a Rating Classification I
pursuant to Table No. 8.12-A may be analyzed in
accordance with Section 8.12.080.
MR/ORDDRFT.024 -7-
2. An unreinforced masonry wall which
carries no design loads other than its own weight
may be considered as veneer if it is adequately
anchored to new supporting elements.
(g) Combination of Vertical and Seismic Forces.
1. New Materials. All new materials
introduced into the structure to meet the
requirements of this section which are subjected to
combined vertical and horizontal forces sha:_
comply with Section 2303(f).
2. Existing Materials. When stresses in
existing lateral force resisting elements are due
to a combination of dead loads plus live loads plus
seismic loads, the allowable working stress
specified in the Uniform Building Code may be
increased 100 percent. However, no increase will
be permitted in the stresses allowed in Section
8.12.080, and the stresses in members due only to
seismic and dead loads shall not exceed the values
permitted by Section 2303(d) of the Uniform
Building Code.
3. Allowable Reduction of Bending Stress
by Vertical Load. In calculating tensile fiber
stress due to seismic forces required by this
chapter, the maximum tensile fiber stress may be
reduced by the full direct stress due to vertical
dead loads.
(a) General. All materials permitted by the
Uniform Building Code including their appropriate
allowable stresses and those existing configurations of
materials specified herein may be utilized to meet the
requirements of this Chapter.
(b) Existing Materials.
1. Unreinforced Masonry Walls.
Unreinforced masonry walls analyzed in accordance
with this Section may provide vertical support for
roof and floor construction and resistance to
lateral loads. The facing and backing of such
walls shall be bonded so that not less than four
percent of the exposed face area is composed of
solid headers extended not less than four inches
into the backing. The distance between adjacent
full-length headers shall not exceed 24 inches
vertically or horizontally. where the backing
consists of two or more wythes, the header shall
extend not less than four inches into the most
distant wythe, or the backing wythes shall be
bonded together with separate headers whose area
and spacing conform to the foregoing.
Tension stresses due to seismic forces normal to
the wall may be neglected if the walls do not
exceed the height to thickness ratio in Table
No. 8.12-G and the in -plane shear stresses due to
seismic loads as set forth in Table No. 8.12-J.
If the wall height -thickness ratio exceeds the
specified limits, the wall may be supported by
vertical bracing members designed in accordance
with Section 8.12.070. The deflection of such
bracing member at design loads shall not exceed
one -tenth of the wall thickness.
EXCEPTION: The wall may be supported by
flexible vertical bracing members designed in
accordance with Section 8.12.070(b) if the
deflection at design loads is not less than
one -quarter nor more that one-third of the
wall thickness.
All vertical bracing members shall be attached to
floor and roof construction for their design loads
independently of required wall anchors. Horizontal
spacing of vertical bracing members shall not
exceed one-half the unsupported height of the wall
nor ten feet.
The wall height may be measured vertically to
bracing elements other than a floor or roof.
Spacing of the bracing elements and wall anchors
shall not exceed six feet. Bracing elements shall
be detailed to minimize the horizontal displacement
of the wall by components of vertical displacements
of the floor or roof.
2. Existing Roof, Floors, Walls, Footings,
and Wood Framing. Existing materials including
wood shear walls utilized in the described
configuration may be used as part of the lateral
load resisting system, provided that the stresses
in these materials do not exceed the values shown
in Table No. 8.12-H.
(c) Strengthening of Existing Materials. New
materials including wood shear walls may be utilized to
strengthen portions of the existing seismic resisting
system in the described configurations provided that the
stresses do not exceed the values shown in Table
No. 8.12-I.
MR/ORDDRFT.024 -9-
(d) Alternate Materials. Alternate materials,
designs and methods of construction may be approved by
the building official in accordance with the provisions
of the Uniform Building Code.
(e) Minimum Acceptable Quality of Existing
Unreinforced Masonry walls.
1. General Provisions. All unreinforced
masonry walls utilized to carry vertical loads and
seismic forces parallel and perpendicular to the
wall plane shall be tested as specified in this
Subsection. All masonry quality shall equal or
exceed the minimum standards established herein or
shall be removed and replaced by new materials.
Alternate methods of testing may be approved by the
Building Official. The quality of mortar in all
masonry walls shall be determined by performing
in -place shear tests or by testing eight inch
diameter cores. Alternative methods of testing may
be approved by the Building Official. Nothing
shall prevent pointing with mortar of all the
masonry wall joints before the tests are first
made. Prior to any pointing, the mortar joints
must be raked and cleaned to remove loose and
deteriorated mortar. Mortar for pointing shall be
Type S or N except that masonry cements shall not
be used. All preparation and mortar pointing shall
be done under the continuous inspection of a
Registered Deputy Building Inspector. At the
conclusion of the inspection, the inspector shall
submit a written report to the licensed engineer or
architect responsible for the seismic analysis of
the building, setting forth the result of the work
inspected. Such report shall be submitted to the
Building Official for approval as part of the
structural analysis. All testing shall be
performed in accordance with the requirements
specified in this subsection by a testing agency
approved by the Building Official. An accurate
record shall be kept of all such tests and of their
locations in the building, and these results shall
be submitted to the Building Official for approval
as part of the structural analysis.
2. Number and Location of Tests. The
minimum number of tests shall be two per wall or
line of wall elements resisting a common force, or
1 per 1500 square feet of wall surface, with a
minimum of eight tests in any case. The exact test
or core location shall be determined at the
building site by the licensed engineer or architect
responsible for the seismic analysis of the subject
MR/ORDDRFT.024 -10-
3. In -Place Shear Tests. The bed joints
of the outer wythe of,the masonry shall be tested
in shear by laterally displacing a single brick
relative to the adjacent bricks in the wythe. The
opposite head joint of the brick to be tested shall
be removed and cleaned prior to testing. The
minimum quality mortar in 80 percent of the shear
tests shall not be less than the total of 30 psi
plus the axial stress shall be based on the gross
area of both bed joints and shall be that at which
movement of the brick is first observed.
4. Core Tests. A minimum number of mortar
test specimens equal to the number of required
cores shall be prepared from the cores and tested
as specified herein. The mortar joint of the outer
wythe of the masonry core shall be tested in shear
by placing the circular core section in a
compression testing machine with the mortar bed
joint rotated 15 degrees from the axis of the
applied load. The mortar joint tested in shear
shall have an average ultimate stress of 20 psi
based on the gross area. The average shall be
obtained from the total number of cores made. If
test specimens cannot be made from cores taken,
then the shear value shall be reported as zero.
(f ) Testing of Shear- Bolts. One-fourth of all
new shear bolts and dowels embedded in unreinforced
masonry walls shall be tested by a Special Inspector
using a torque calibrated wrench to the following minimum
or dowels
= 40
or dowels
= 50
or dowels
= 60
No bolts exceeding three-quarters inch shall be used.
All nuts shall be installed over malleable iron or plate
washers when bearing on wood and heavy cut washers when
bearing on steel.
(g) Determination of Allowable Stresses for
Design Methods Based on Test Results.
1. Design Shear Values. Design seismic
in -plane shear stresses shall be substantiated by
tests performed as specified in Section 8.12.080(e)
3 and 4.
Design stresses shall be related to test results
obtained in accordance with Table No. 8.12-J.
Intermediate values between 3 and 10 psi may be
MR/ORDDRFT.024 -11-
2. Design Compression and Tension Values.
Compression stresses for unreinforced masonry
having a minimum design shear value of 3 psi shall
not exceed 100 psi. Design tension values for
unreinforced masonry shall not be permitted.
(h) Five percent of the existing rod anchors
utilized as all or part of the required wall anchors
shall be tested in pullout by an approved testing
laboratory. The minimum number tested shall be four per
floor, with two tests at walls with joists framing into
the wall and two tests at walls with joists parallel to
the wall. The test apparatus shall be supported on the
masonry wall at a minimum distance of the wall thickness
from the anchor tested. The rod anchor shall be given a
preload of 300 lbs. prior to establishing a datum for
recording elongation,. The tension test load reported
shall be recorded at one -eighth inch relative movement of
the anchor and the adjacent masonry surface. Results of
all tests shall be reported. The report shall include
the test results as related to the wall thickness and
joist orientation. The allowable resistance value of the
existing anchors shall be 40 percent of the average of
those tested anchors having the same wall thickness and
joist orientation.
(i) Qualification tests for devices used for wall
anchorage shall be tested with the entire tension load
carried on the enlarged head at the exterior face of the
wall. Bond on the part of the device between the
enlarged head and the interior wall face shall be
eliminated for the qualification tests. The resistance
value assigned the device shall be 20 percent of the
average of the ultimate loads.
(a) General. In addition to the seismic analysis
required elsewhere in this Chapter, the licensed engineer
or architect responsible for the seismic analysis of the
building shall determine and record the information
required by this Section on the approved plans.
(b) Construction Details. The following
requirements with appropriate construction details shall
be made part of the approved plans.
1. All unreinforced masonry walls shall be
anchored at the roof level by tension bolts through
the wall as specified in Table No. 8.12-I, or by
approved equivalent at a maximum anchor spacing of
six feet.
MR/ORDDRFT.024 -12-
All unreinforced masonry walls shall be anchored at
all floors with tension bolts through the wall or
by existing rod anchors at the maximum anchor
spacing of six feet. All existing rod anchors
shall be secured to the joists to develop the
required forces. The Building Official may require
testing to verify the adequacy of the embedded ends
of existing rod anchors. Tests, when required,
shall conform to Section 8.12.080(h).
When access to the exterior face of the masonry
wall is prevented by proximity of an existing
building, wall anchors conforming to Items 5 and 6
in Table No. 8.12-I may be used.
Alternative devices to be used in lieu of tension
bolts for masonry wall anchorage shall be tested as
specified in Section 8.12.080(i).
2. Diaphragm chord stresses of horizontal
diaphragms shall be developed in existing materials
or by addition of new materials.
3. Where trusses and beams other than
rafters or joists are supported on masonry, ledgers
or columns shall be installed to support vertical
loads of the roof or floor members.
4. Parapets and exterior wall appendages
not capable of resisting the forces specified in
this chapter shall be removed, stabilized or braced
to insure that the parapets and appendages remain
in their original position.
5. All deteriorated mortar joints in
unreinforced masonry walls shall be pointed with
Type S or N mortar (Masonry cements shall not be
used). Prior to any pointing, the wall surface
must be raked and cleaned to remove loose and
deteriorated mortar. All preparation and pointing
shall be done under the continuous inspection of a
special inspector certified to inspect masonry or
concrete. At the conclusion of the project, the
inspector shall submit a written report to the
building official setting forth the portion of work
6. Repair details shall be prepared for
any cracked or damaged unreinforced masonry wall
required to resist forces specified in this Chapter.
(c) Existing Construction. The following
existing construction information shall be made part of
the approved plans:
MR/ORDDRFT.024 -13-
1. The type and dimensions of existing
walls and the size and spacing of floor and roof
2. The extent and type of existing wall
anchorage to floors and roof.
3. The extent and type of parapet
corrections, if any, which were performed in
accordance with the Uniform Building Code.
4. Accurately dimensioned floor plans and
masonry wall elevations showing dimensioned
openings, piers, wall thickness and heights.
5. The location of cracks or damaged
portions of unreinforced masonry walls requiring
6. The type of interior wall surfaces and
whether reinstalling or anchoring of ceiling
plaster is necessary.
7. The general condition of the mortar
joints and whether the joints need pointing.
MR/ORDDRFT.024 -14-