CASE NO: ZOA #90-012
The City Council of the City of La Quinta,
California does ordain as follows:
SECTION 1. City of La Quinta Municipal Code Title
9 (Riverside County Ordinance No. 348 adopted by reference by
this City Council in Ordinance No. 5, operative August 29,
1982) is hereby amended by eliminating Chapter 9.160 of the La
Quinta Municipal Code.
SECTION 2. There is hereby added to the La Quinta
Municipal Code Chapter 9.160 to read as setforth in Exhibit
"A", attached hereto and made part of.
SECTION 2. WHEREAS, said Amendment of the Zoning
Ordinance has complied with the requirements of "The Rules to
Implement the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970"
(County of Riverside, Resolution No. 82-212, adopted by
reference in the City of La Quinta Ordinance No. 5), in that
the Planning Director conducted an initial study, and has
determined that the Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance will not
have a significant adverse impact on the environment; and,
SECTION 3. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall
be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its adoption.
SECTION 4. POSTING. The City Clerk shall, within 15
days after passage of this ordinance, cause it to be posted in
at least three public places designated by resolution of the
City Council; shall certify to the adoption and posting of this
ordinance; and, shall cause this ordinance and its
certification, together with proof of posting, to be entered
into the Book of Ordinances of this City.
The foregoing Ordinance was approved and adopted at
a meeting of the City Council held on the 3rd day of April
1990, by the following vote:
AYES: Council Members Bohnenberger, Bosworth, Rushworth,
Sniff, Mayor Pena
NOES: None
BJ/ORDDRFT.038 - 1 -
JOHN PEW, Mnta,UcLifornia
City of La
AUNDRA L. JU , City Clerk
City of La Quinta, California
City of La Quinta, California
I, SAUNDRA L. JUHOLA, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta,
California, do hereby certify the foregoing to be a full, true
and correct copy of Ordinance No. 167 which was introduced on
the 20th day of March and was adopted at a regular meeting held
on the 3rd day of April not being less than 5 days after date of
introduction thereof.
I further certify that the foregoing ordinance was posted in
thre (3) places with the City of La Quinta as specified in a
res lotion of the City Council.
City of La Quinta, California
I, SAUNDRA L. JUHOLA, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta,
Ca 'fornia, do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was
p s ed pursuant to City Council Resolution on April 23, 1990.
City of La Quinta, California
BJ/ORDDRFT.038 - 2 -
9.160.005 PURPOSE
9.160.005 PURPOSE. Vehicular parking is a secondary land
use required by all other land uses. The provision of
parking is not an end in itself. Rather, parking must be
provided to make possible the transition from vehicular
to pedestrian modes of movement. Off-street parking is
a requirement because it ensures the health, safety, and
welfare of the public by preventing the blockage of
on -street rights -of -way and off-street fire lanes and
pedestrian routes. Requirements for off-street parking
are set at a level deemed to be the minimum necessary to
accommodate reasonably expected recurrent peaks. To
require more parking would increase costs for land,
increase paving, compound drainage, reduce open space and
landscaping areas, etc. To require less would invite
threats to the safety and mobility of the public and/or
discourage patronage of the land uses.
9.160.010 OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIRED. Off -Street parking
is required for all uses of property, in accordance with
this Chapter, with regard to numbers of spaces,
locations, design, parking plans, guarantees, who may
provide spaces, and development standards.
BJ/ORDDRFT.004 - 1 -
A. Determination. Off-street vehicle parking
requirements shall be determined and provided in
accordance with this Chapter when the subject
building or structure is constructed or the use is
initiated, or a use is changed. The City (in the
interests of the public health, safety and welfare)
will be the final judge of how many off-street
parking spaces a use or a mix of uses may require.
In determining the off-street parking requirements,
the City offers a number of alternative methods:
1) A schedule of the standard number of parking
spaces required for most uses. This schedule
should be used for smaller, single use,
typical developments. This schedule is
required unless the applicant can prove it
does not apply. Other options may then be
employed to determine the required parking
2) The Urban Land Institute "Shared Parking"
methodology for calculating the peak demand
overtime for parking in a developmenL of
mixed uses using the same parking facilities;
3) Verifiable actual data and experience from
other comparable developments with the
particular uses in question, especially
pertaining to captive market discounts in
parking demand;
4) A City of La Quinta methodology for
calculating the parking demand for extremely
complex or unusual uses or combinations of
uses (following 9.160.045 A) for which the
standard schedule, the ULI methodology and/or
verifiable data are not applicable.
5) An experimental approach permitting a trial
period within which parking demand may be
proven (with appropriate guarantees).
B. City Judgement. The City reserves the option of
requiring the use of more than one method where
different levels of information are provided for
determining parking requirements as the nature of
the development proposal may dictate.
BJ/ORDDRFT.004 - 2 -
C. Increases:
1. Additional off-street parking shall be
provided in accordance with this Chapter at
the time 'an existing building is altered, or
dwelling units, apartments or guest rooms are
added, or a use is intensified by the
addition of floor space or seating capacity,
or there is a change of use.
2. If the number of parking spaces actually
provided (according to a certified parking
plan) proves by experience to be inadequate
to reasonably protect the health, safety, and
welfare of the public, the required number of
parking spaces may be required to be
increased. Such increase shall be ordered by
City Council, based on findings and
recommendations from the Planning
Commission. If the property owner or user is
unable or unwilling to provide the additional
required parking, the City may initiate
proceedings which have the effect of reducing
the intensity of the land use to a level
commensurate with the amount of parking
D. Reductions: Required parking capacity may be
reduced if a significant permanent reduction in the
use can be demonstrated -and guaranteed.
E. Certification: Parking requirements shall be
initially determined and amended for increases or
reductions and certified by means of the approval
of the parking plan, pursuant to Subsection
A. A plot plan, pursuant to the provisions of Chapters
9.180 and 9.182 of this title, shall be filed for
approval of all off-street parking facilities,
except for one- and two-family residences, unless
the off-street parking facilities have been
previously approved as a part of a conditional use
permit or plot plan approval and no changes in
intensity of use are being proposed.
BJ/ORDDRFT.004 - 3 -
B. The plot plan shall show both the off-street parking
facilities and the use(s) to be served, together
with pedestrian arrangements (including crosswalks,
if necessary) connecting them. Accompanying the
plot plan shall be submitted information required to
determine total parking requirements as described in
Subsection 9.160.045, together with documentation of
the appropriate guarantees, pursuant to Subsection
C. The Planning Director may, without notice or
hearing, permit modifications to the on -site
circulation, landscaping, and parking layout
requirements where topographic or other physical
conditions make it impractical to require strict
compliance with these requirements.
A. The continuation of any permit to use property
shall be directly contingent on the continued
provision and proper functioning of the required
off-street parking. Failure to continue to provide
the required parking in the approved usable
condition shall become groundsfor immediate
revocation of all permits for use of the property
on the grounds that it is a threat to the public
health, safety, and welfare.
B. The owner of the property shall be directly
responsible for the continued provision of the
required off-street parking.
C. The user of the property shall demonstrate to the
satisfaction of the City that the continued
provision of the required parking has been
adequately guaranteed for a period at least as long
as the permitted use.
D. Among the forms of guarantee which may be required
by the City are the following:
1. The inclusion of exclusive or joint use
rights for the required parking spaces in the
lease for structural space on the same
2. A recorded covenant merging together two
properties under the same ownership which
subordinates all other use claims and
obligations to the provision of the required
parking on the adjacent parcel;
- 4 -
3. In a contract for parking on other parcels,
a. A non -cancellable provision; or
b. The earliest expiration or cancellable
date for parking facilities occurring
simultaneously or after the time limit
for the use requiring the parking; or
C. A bond or other acceptable equivalent
instrument in favor of the City which
guarantees (in the event of the contract
cancellation, termination, or
expiration, suit, court jurisdiction, or
other occurrence which has the effect of
rendering, the required parking spaces
unavailable), the continued provision of
the required parking by means of
alternate arrangements.
Off-street parking may be provided for a particular use
by any or a combination of the following entities (so
long as the appropriate guarantees described in Section
9.160.025 remain in effect):
A. On property containing the use: the property
owner, lessee, or agent of the use for which the
parking is required; or
B. On an adjacent property under the same ownership:
the property owner, lessee, or agent of the use for
which the parking is required; or
C. On an adjacent property not under the same
ownership: an approved adjacent property owner,
lessee, or agent who reserves spaces on a contract
basis for the adjacent use; or
D. On an adjacent or nearby property not under the
same ownership:
1. An approved private (for profit or not for
profit) parking company which reserves,
sells, leases, or rents adjacent or nearby
parking spaces for that use; or
2. An approved private parking association (such
as in a shopping center) which creates and
allocates parking spaces as credits or shares
available to its subscribers/members to meet
their parking requirements; or
BJ/ORDDRFT.004 - 5 -
3. A duly authorized public entity (parking
district, assessment district, redevelopment
district, or similar agency) among whose
powers are the authority to acquire and make
available parking spaces and maneuvering
areas, pedestrian walkways, shade structures,
landscaping and other improvements.
A. Regardless of the entity or entities providing
parking, the sum of parking spaces provided for all
uses in a given area shall be equal to or more than
the sum of the parking spaces required by the uses
for that area, even if two or more non-residential
uses jointly develop and use required parking
facilities, unless either Subsection B or C, or D
applies in its entirety.
B. The approved parking plan was developed and
designed based on parking demand established by
means of the Urban Land Institute "shared parking:
methodology (as described in ULI Shared Parking,
1983) using locally adopted data (especially
considering Coachella Valley's unique seasonality
and demographics).
C. The approved parking plan was developed and
designed based on the methodology for unique parking
demands on alternative parking demand determinations
(following 9.160.045).
D. In cases where joint -use time shared parking is
desired, but insufficient data are available to use
either of the methodologies available, an
experimental parking arrangement can be temporarily
approved under the following conditions:
1. Reasonably comparable data from similar
joint -uses demonstrates to the satisfaction
of the City that the joint use proposal is
potentially workable; and,
2. The joint uses are separated in time by a
minimum of 60 minutes and/or are for separate
days; and,
3. A 15 percent excess capacity is provided to
accommodate unforeseen miscalculation of peak
use and/or separation of time; and,
BJ/ORDDRFT.004 - 6 -
4. The joint time-shared use of parking
facilities is a binding part of one or more
approved plans for the uses requiring the
parking; and,
5. A two-year proof period is guaranteed: the
land for additional parking is reserved or
optioned, and a bond or acceptable equivalent
mechanism (in favor of the City) is posted to
cover the costs-plus-10-percent for acquiring
the land and constructing the credited
parking spaces for a period of two years from
the commencement of the last joint use at 100
percent capacity, or until such time prior to
the expiration of the two year period as the
City elects to release the guarantee pursuant
to the conditions of approval.
6. An acceptable program of data gathering to
document the actual parking demand claimed
during the trial period.
All Zones.
Residential Uses. Required parking shall be
located on the same parcel of land as the
residential building which the parking is to
serve, and/or on an adjacent parcel held in
common to that and other residential
buildings, provided that:
a. The parking is on that portion of the
parcel where the erection of garages,
carports, or shade structures is
permitted; and,
b. The placement and distribution of
required parking is such that for any
dwelling unit, the assigned or
reasonably available parking spaces are
no further than 100 feet by physical
walkway to the entry of that dwelling
HJ/ORDDRFT.004 - 7 -
2. Non-residential uses.
a. Required parking provided by any entity
shall be located on the same parcel of
land as the use for which the off-street
parking is to serve, or on an adjoining
parcel of land, or be located on a
parcel across an alley, or be located
across a street (other than a major or
primary arterial) only if a
properly -designed crosswalk is also
required to connect the parking with the
use(s) requiring it.
b. Such parking must be within a reasonable
walking distance of the uses requiring
parking, and be on a parcel in a
commercial zone, or in a zone adjacent
to a commercial zone which by
conditional use permit allows off -site
B. Requirements of Special Zones. Certain zones or
subzones, for objectives serving a particular
Specific Plan, may place additional restrictions or
requirements or grant special allowances on parking
location, configuration, and other matters, which
shall apply to that zone in addition to the general
parking requirements of this section.
A. Rationale. All land uses require the support of
the accessory use of off-street parking. The
demand for parking depends on the degree to which
the land use involves any of the following factors:
1. Occupants
2. Employees
3. Customers
4. Visitors
5. Vehicles stationed at the site of the use
6. Services (and loading space)
7. Handicapped access
8. Emergency access for fire, medical, law
9. Encroachment by unauthorized parking
The simplest land use, single-family residential,
involves a minimum of five of these factors (and
possibly more, if they involve employees or
handicapped persons); the most complex, hospitals
and commercial lodging, involve all nine factors.
All other land uses involve six or seven or eight
of these factors.
The following minimum requirements for parking are
based on averages and should suit the majority of
simple uses. The number of parking spaces required
are a combination of the various factors expected
for each use.
B. Definitions.
1. GLA: Gross leasable area. Includes storage,
hallways, restrooms, i.e., all the area
2. Public Area: The area accessible to the
public, i.e., in front of counters, not
storage areas, not employee areas, not
3. Indoor Area: Public area for the display of
merchandise, waiting rooms, restrooms.
4. Outdoor Area: Outdoor public area for the
display of merchandise, not including fenced
off storage areas.
C. Number of Required Parking Spaces. The minimum
number of off-street parking spaces to be provided
is established as follows:
1. Single-family detached and duplex
residential: two covered enclosed spaces (in
a garage) plus two spaces in driveway (tandem
to garage) per unit.
2. In all of the following uses, employee parking
shall be separated from customer parking.
3. Condominium and multi -family residential:
a.) Boarding and rooming houses and single
room occupancy: 1 space per sleeping
b.) Studio unit: 1 space per unit
c.) One bedroom unit: 1.5 spaces per unit
d.) Senior - reserved units: 2 spaces per
e.) Two bedroom (or more) units: 2.5 spaces
per unit
4. Mobile Home Parks: 2 spaces per unit (may be
in tandem) plus one guest parking space per
two units.
5. Homes for the aged (not covered in #2),
sanatoriums, convalescent homes, psychiatric
and similar therapeutic institutions: one
space per two patient beds.
BJ/ORDDRFT.004 - 9 -
6. Resort or luxury hotel facilities with more
than 200 rooms, time-shared facilities, guest
ranches, clubs with rooms or suites to rent
for 30-days or less, and similar uses with
significant recreational amenities on -site
such as golf courses, four or more tennis
courts, major convention facilities or similar
facilities: two spaces per guest room (or
parking for suites rented to two or more
parties); i.e., two spaces per key.
7. Non -resort and/or non -luxury hotels, or
motels, facilities with 200 rooms or less, and
similar uses without significant recreational
amenities or convention facilities: 1.1 space
per guest room (or parking for suites rented
to two or more parties); i.e., 1.1 space per
8. Restaurants, dining rooms, cafeterias,
clubhouses, cafes, taverns, bars, and similar
uses providing food and beverage service: 20
spaces per 1000 square feet of public area.
(Drive through facilities will be individually
evaluated for design.)
9. Retail sales (figured separately per ownership
or rental contract):
a.) Free-standing convenience stores or
liquor stores (not in a center where
additional parking is provided), shall
have a minimum of 10 parking spaces for
the first 2,000 square feet, or portion
thereof, plus any contribution of parking
spaces for being over 2,000 square feet
at the rate of one per 250 square feet.
b. Convenience stores or liquor stores in
centers under 2,000 square feet: 1 space
per 200 square feet, GLA.
c.) Food and drug stores over 2000 square
feet: 1 space per 250 square feet, GLA.
d.) Other retail under 2000 square feet: 1
space per 250 square feet, GLA.
e.) Other retail over 2000 square feet but
under 50,OOO square feet: 1 space per
300 square feet, GLA.
f.) Other retail over 50,000 square feet: 1
space per 400 square feet, GLA.
g.) Furniture, appliance, lumber, building
material stores: 1 space per 500 square
feet public area.
h.) Automobile, boat, R.V., trailer, or
mobile equipment sales, retail nurseries,
and other commercial uses both indoors
and outdoors: 1 space per 300 square
feet indoors plus one space per 2000
square feet outdoors.
i.) Mobile home sales: 1 space per 2500
square feet outside.
10. Services (figured separately per ownership or
rental contract):
a.) Offices (business and professional): 1
space per 250 square feet GLA including
lobbies and reception areas.
b.) Auto and light truck service station: 6
spaces per service bay.
c.) Barber shops, beauty parlors: 2.5
spaces per station.
d.) Coin -operated laundries: 1.1 space per
washing machine.
e.) Cleaners/laundries: 1 space per 100
square feet of public area.
f.) Coin -operated car washing facilities: 2
spaces per washing bay, in addition to
the washing bay itself.
g.) Hand car washing facilities: 4 spaces
per washing bay, in addition to the
washing bay itself.
h.) Car and truck rental agency: 1 space
per 200 square feet of public area, plus
one space for each rental unit.
i.) Day child care centers: 1 space per
four children the facility is designated
to accommodate, plus a queuing area in
the driveway capable of accommodating at
least four cars arranged to prevent
conflict between departing cars and the
cars in the que. Credit for parking can
be given to additional queing area.
Parking for teachers/day care workers
(one space per employee) is in addition
to parking for parents. Parking for
teachers/day care workers should be
separated from the parking for parents.
BJ/ORDDRFT.004 - 11 -
One-way drives are preferable to prevent
conflict between arriving/departing
children and cars.
j.) Self storage: 1 space per 10 storage
bays. If RV/boat storage is associated
with the self storage facility, one
space per stored vehicle, in a separate
area away from storage bays. Alley ways
between storage bays must be wide enough
for a fire lane plus a parked vehicle.
k.) Funeral homes: 1 space per employee
plus 1 space for vehicles stored
on -site, plus assembly requirements (see
1.) Private clubs, lodges, halls: 1 space
per 75 square feet gross area.
11. Entertainment:
a.) Theaters and cinemas: 1 space per three
b.) Churches, funeral homes, auditoriums,
stadiums, convention facilities,
ballrooms, conference facilities,
banquet facilities and other places of
public assembly capable of attracting
persons not otherwise staying on -site
(such as in a hotel): 1 space per 3
seats or 1 space per 25 square feet of
assembly area.
c.) Gymnasiums, martial arts studios, health
and fitness clubs, spas: 1 space for
each 150 square feet of public area.
d.) Golf courses: 5 spaces per hole (in
addition to other uses on -site).
e.) Driving ranges: 1.1 space per tee.
f.) Game courts: 2.1 spaces per court (plus
other uses).
g.) Bowling alleys: 3 spaces per alley
(plus other uses).
h.) Pool and billiard halls: 2 spaces per
table (to be added to the parking
requirement of any other facility which
includes food or beverage service
BJ/ORDDRFT.004 - 12 -
i.) Library: 1 space per 500 square feet,
plus the requirements of any meeting
j.) Skating rinks: 1 space per 100 square
feet (plus other uses).
12. Public utility facilities: 1 space per 250
square feet of office area; 1 space per 500
square feet maintenance or warehouse facility.
13. Wholesale, industrial or heavy commercial
uses: 1 space per two employees on the
largest shift, plus 1 space for each vehicle
stored on -site.
14. Schools (private):
a.) Kindergarten through 9th grade: 2
spaces per classroom or office.
b.) Grades 10- through 12th: 10 spaces per
classroom, plus one per office.
C. Colleges, business, professional, and
tzade schools: 20 spaces per classroom,
— plus 1 per office.
d. If an auditorium or playing field is
included in the school, additional
parking spaces shall be provided at the
rate of one space per four seats.
15. Hospitals: 2 spaces per each patient bed plus
any spaces required for offices or outpatient
9.160.050 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS. The following standards
shall apply to the development of all parking
facilities, whether the space is required or
A. Parking Lot Layout and Circulation.
1. With the exception of single-family detached
and duplex residential, no parking
arrangement shall be permitted which requires
a vehicle to back out into a public street.
2. No parking space shall be located within
three feet of any property line.
3. Tandem parking shall only be permitted on
single-family detached residential, duplex
residential, and in mobile home parks on
rental lots or mobile home subdivisions.
BJ/ORDDRFT.004 - 13 -
4. With the exception of single-family, duplex,
and mobile home park lots, all parking areas
shall be bordered by continuous curb to serve
as drainage channels and as wheelstops.
Separately mounted wheelstops shall be
permitted if maintained.
5. All driveways shall be designed for positive
drainage. If an inverted crown is proposed
for a driveway, the width of the center
portion, commensurate with the drainage
cross-section, shall be of portland concrete,
rather than asphaltic concrete.
6. Parking lot layouts, depending on their
capacity, shall exhibit a clear hierarchy of
major drives, fire lanes, loading areas,
minor drives, parking bay maneuvering areas,
etc. Parking shall not be arranged to
require backing out into major drives.
7. Driveways within a parking lot shall exhibit
a looped pattern, or shall have an on -site
turn -around area.
8. Entry driveways shall lead into the parking
area without parki::g along the driveway,
except for very small parking lots.
Sufficient throat shall be provided to allow
for deceleration/queuing in -bound and queuing
out -bound traffic.
9. Entry/exit driveways shall be placed where
they constitute the least interference with
the free -flowing function of the public
street to which they connect. Sufficient
distance shall be maintained from
intersections for entry/exit points.
10. Adjacent driveways shall exhibit a connection
between them to allow parking lot maneuvering
from one establishment to another without
requiring exit to the street. Adjacent
properties shall maintain agreements which
permit reciprocal driveway connections across
property lines.
11. The design of parking lots may utilize any of
the following design features, provided that
the design and dimensions in the next
subsection are maintained:
a.) One-way or two-way drives.
BJ/ORDDRFT.004 - 14 -
b.) Single loaded or double loaded parking
c.) Parallel;:.angled or head -in (90-degree)
parking angles.
d.) Regular and compact spaces.
e.) Handicapped spaces.
B. Parking Lot Design and Dimensions.
1. Marking: With the exception of single-family
detached and duplex residential, all parking
spaces shall be clearly marked with white
paint or other easily distinguished
material. Marking shall be a minimum of
4-inches wide.
2. Regular vehicle spaces: A minimum of 80% of
all parking spaces shall be designated for
regular vehicular parking. Regular vehicle
spaces shall have dimensions as follows:
length 18 feet to curb, plus two feet
overhang; where curbs are not provided, a
total of twenty feet is required; widt-h 9 feec
3. Compact vehicle spaces: In parking lots
containing 15 or more- spaces, a maximum of
20% of all parking spaces may be designated
for compact vehicle parking. Compact vehicle
spaces shall have dimensions as follows:
length 16 feet to curb, plus 1-1/2 feet
overhang; width 8-1/2 feet. Compact vehicle
spaces shall be clearly marked and
conveniently placed throughout the parking
area. Where curbs are not provided, a total
length of 17-1/2 feet is required.
4. Handicapped parking spaces: Handicapped
spaces are required according to the
following formula:
BJ/ORDDRFT.004 - 15 -
Total Number of
Handicapped Parking
Parking Spaces
0 -
space unmarked
6 -
space marked
41 -
spaces marked
81 -
spaces marked
121 -
spaces marked
161 -
spaces marked
301 -
spaces marked
401 -
spaces marked
The above require -
meets plus 1 for
each 200 additional
spaces provided.
Handicapped spaces shall be 14 feet in width
and 20 feet in length, close to entrances,
clearly marked, with minimum slope, a ramp
provided, and meeting all State regulations.
5. End spaces: Parking spaces at the end of a
parking bay against a curb shall be widened
by two additional feet and/or shall have a
backing -out pocket provided.
6. Parallel spaces: Spaces provided for
parallel parking shall be a minimum of 9 feet
wide and 24 feet in length, to permit room
for maneuvering. If a wall or curb in excess
of 8 inches in height is adjacent to the
parallel parking space, the space shall be 10
feet in width. The end space, if confined by
a curb, shall be 30 feet long.
7. Driveways: Entry driveways for commercial
and multi -family parking lots, shall be a
minimum of 24 feet wide, plus any median width
(minimum of 3 feet wide). Additional turning
lanes (if required) shall be a minimum of 12
feet in width. A one-way entry or exit lane
shall be a minimum of 12 feet in width.
Maximum driveway width shall be 48 feet plus
median width properly radiused. Internal
driveways shall conform to the minimum widths,
depending on the angle of parking in Table 1.
8. Radii: Entry driveways shall
5 feet. Internal planter radiu
minimum of 3 feet. Driveway
a minimum of 16 feet inside
outside if confined by a
BJ/ORDDRFT.004 - 16 -
be radiused at
s shall be a
radius shall be
and 29 feet
curb or other
9. Walls: All parking areas, other than those
required for single and two family residential
uses, which adjoin property zoned for
residential uses, shall have a six foot high
solid masonry wall installed in such a manner
as to preclude a view of the parking area from
such adjoining residential property, except
that any walls within 10 feet of any street or
alley shall not exceed 30 inches high. This
restriction shall not apply in the C-V-T
Subzone of the Village.
10. The following dimensions shall apply as
minimums for one way and two way parking
lanes, for parallel, 45 60 , and 90
parking, for standard and compact vehicles,
see Table 1:
11. Site Distance: No parking space adjacent to a
major drive within the parking lot, shall
encroach on the obstruction -free zone provided
for clear view sight distance at access points
to major drive where traffic control is not
provided. The obstruction -free zone shall be
a 6-feet wide linear strip adjacent to the
curbline of the street or major drive and
shall extend in both directions from the
access point in accordance with Riverside
County Road Department Standard Drawing No.
BJ/ORDDRFT.004 - 17 -
;4 v, Q al
v o
x x A
0 4
a w
BJ/ORDDRFT.004 - 18 -
C. Fire Lanes.
1. Fire lanes, meeting Fire Department
standards, shall be provided to access all
structures (both in front and to the rear).
Fire lanes also serve for medical emergency
and law enforcement purposes.
2. Fire lanes shall be kept separate from
loading or servicing areas and shall have a
minimum of parking capable of backing into
the fire lane and blocking it.
3. Fire lanes shall be adequately marked and
patrolled to prevent parking which may block
D. Pedestrians
1. The purpose of a parking lot is to provide
for the transition from vehicular to
pedestrian movement. All parking lot
arrangements shall be designed to provide for
maximum safety and convenience of pedestrians
in their movement to and from the parking
2. Where possible, landscaped areas shall also
contain paved pedestrian walks for the safe
movement of pedestrians.
3. On major driveways, crosswalks shall be
provided to call attention to the vehicular
driver the place to expect cross -vehicular
pedestrian movement.
4. Textured surfaces and speed bumps shall be
used to keep vehicular speeds within a
tolerable range.
E. Service
1. Off-street Loading Requirement.
a. Whenever the normal operation of any
requires that goods,
or equipment be routinely
delivered to
or shipped from that
a sufficient off-street
loading and
unloading area must be
provided in
accordance with this section
to accommodate
the delivery or shipment
in a safe and convenient
BJ/ORDDRFT.004 - 19 -
b. The loading and unloading area must be of
sufficient size to accommodate the
numbers and types of vehicles that are
likely to use this area, given the nature
of the development in question. The
following table indicates the number and
size of spaces that, presumptively,
satisfy the standards set forth in this
subsection. However, the City may
require more or less loading and
unloading area if reasonably necessary to
satisfy the foregoing standard in Table 2.
Gross Leasable
Area of Building Number of Spaces
1,000 -
19,999 1
20,000 -
79,999 2
- 127,999 3
- 191,000 4
- 255,999 5
- 319,999 6
- 391,999 7
Plus cne
(i) space
for each
72,000 square feet
or fraction thereof.
C. Each loading berth shall be not less
than forty-five feet in length and
twelve feet in width exclusive of aisle
or maneuvering space, and shall have an
overhead clearance of not less than
fourteen feet.
d. Such space may occupy all or any part of
any required yard space, except front
and exterior side yards, and shall not
be located closer than fifty feet to any
lot in any residential zone unless
enclosed on all sides except the
entrance by a wall not less than eight
feet in height.
e. Loading and unloading areas shall be so
located and designed that the vehicles
intended to use them can (1) maneuver
safely and conveniently to and from a
public right-of-way; (2) complete the
loading and unloading operations without
obstructing or interfering with any fire
lane, public right-of-way or any parking
space or parking lot aisle, and (3) be
internalized whenever possible.
BJ/ORDDRFT.004 - 20 -
f. Each loading berth shall be accessible
from a street or alley or from an aisle
or drive connecting with a street or
g. Entrance from and exists to streets and
alleys shall be designed to minimize
traffic congestion.
h. Sufficient room for turning and
maneuvering delivering vehicles shall be
provided on the site so that vehicles
shall cross a property line only by
driving forward.
i. The loading area, aisles, and access
drives shall be paved so as to provide a
durable, dustless surface and shall be
so graded and drained so as to dispose
of surface water without damage to
private or public properties, streets,
or alleys..
j. Bumper rails and bollards shall be
provided at locations where needed for
safety or to protect property.
k. If the loading area is illuminated,
lighting shall be deflected away from
abutting residential sites so as" to
cause no annoying glare.
1. No repair work or servicing of vehicles
shall be conducted in a loading area.
M. Off-street loading facilities shall be
located on the same site with the use
for which the berths are required.
n. If more than one use is located on a
site, the number of loading berths
provided shall be equal to the sum of
the requirements prescribed in this
title for each use. If more than one
use is located on a site and the gross
floor area of each use is less than the
minimum for which loading berths are
required but the aggregate gross floor
area is greater than the minimum for
which loading berths are required,
off-street loading berths shall be
provided as if the aggregate gross floor
area were used for the use requiring the
greatest number of loading berths.
BJ/ORDDRFT.004 - 21 -
o. Off-street loading facilities for a
single use shall be considered as -
providing required off-street loading
facilities for any other use as long as
sufficient spaces are provided to meet
the requirements of all uses.
p. There shall be provided off-street
loading berths prior to the time of
initial occupancy, major alterations or
enlargementof a site, or of completion
of construction of a structure, or of a
major alteration or enlargement of a
structure, meeting the requirements. The
number of loading berths provided for a
major alteration or enlargement of a site
or structure shall be in addition to the
number existing prior to the alteration
or enlargement.
q. No area allocated to loading and
unloading facilities may be used to
satisfy the area requirements for
off-street parking, nor shall any
portion of any off-street parking area
be used to satisfy the area requirements
for loading and unloading facilities.
r. Loading space being maintained in_
connection with any existing main
building existing on the effective date
of the ordinance codified in this
chapter shall thereafter be maintained
so long as the building remains, unless
an equivalent number of such spaces are
provided on a contiguous lot in
conformity with the requirements of this
chapter; provided, however, that this
regulation shall not require the
maintenance of such space for any type
of main building other than those
specified above.
s. No loading space which is provided for
the purpose of complying with the
provisions of this title shall hereafter
be eliminated, reduced, or converted in
any manner below the requirements
established in this title, unless
equivalent facilities are provided
elsewhere, conforming to this Chapter.
BJ/ORDDRFT.004 - 22 -
t. Alleys and loading areas, because of the
weight of trash trucks and other delivery
vehicles shall be improved with a minimum
structuralsection of 3-1/2-inches to
6-inches of Portland concrete over a
suitable base, depending on a
recommendation by a civil engineer.
2. Utilities. All utility connections, utility
meters, and mechanical equipment shall be
accessible from an area adjacent (but not
within the maneuvering area) to the fire
lanes. Enough space shall be provided for a
service truck to park adjacent to the utility
area. Such area shall not conflict with the
loading and maneuvering areas in Subsection 1
3. Solid Waste. A separate area shall be
provided for the collection of solid waste.
Such area shall meet the specifications of the
contracting solid waste company. Solid waste
containers shall be screened from view by
means of an opaque 6 foot wall and opaque
gates. Gates shall not open toward the street
or on -site parking areas.
1. Landscaping of parking lots is beneficial to
the public in that landscaping ensures public
welfare, minimizes nuisances such as noise and
glare, moderates the microclimate, and
enhances the visual environment.
2. Landscaping shall be incorporated into the
design of all off-street parking areas as
a. Parking lot shading. Trees, of suitable
eventual size, spread and climatic
conditioning, shall be placed throughout
the parking area to provide adequate
shade for pedestrians and vehicles.
Shade trees shall be placed so as to
shade a portion of the total parking area
with tree canopies within 15 years per
the following Table. Professional
landscaping judgement shall be used to
evaluate the plan as to its 15-year
growth and coverage.
BJ/ORDDRFT.004 - 23 -
Spaces Required
5 - 24 spaces
25 - 49 spaces
50+ spaces
Tree coverage shall
approximate crown
at 15 years of age.
% of Total
Parking Area
to be Shaded.
30% minimum
40% minimum
50% minimum
be determined by the
diameter of each tree
A shade plan shall be submitted with
detailed landscaping plans, which shows
canopies after 15 years growth to confirm
the above percentages. Tree locations
should not interfere with required
lighting of public areas or parking areas.
b. Landscaped planters and perimeter
treatment. Trees shall be placed in
planters that must also include plant
material such as groundcover or
appropriate vines and screen shrubs.
Boulders, gravel, and the like, may be
integrated with plant material into a
well conceived plan; berming or other
aesthetic approaches integrating into
the overall design are encouraged.
c. Labeling the plant material. A plant
list shall be included giving the
botanical and common names of the plants
to be used and size at time of planting.
d. Screening. Proper screening by fences,
hedges or walls shall be installed as
required in the process of design
review. Parking areas that adjoin
residential zoned property shall be
screened by minimum 6 foot fences or
walls provided in connection with each
residential zone.
e. Whenever any parking area, except that
provided for single family dwellings,
adjoins a street right-of-way, a
planting strip between the right-of-way
and the parking area shall be
established,and continuously maintained
and landscaped. Any planting within 10
feet of any entry or exit driveway shall
not be permitted to grow higher than 30
- 24 -
inches. Berms or low walls may be
incorporated into the planting strip.
The width of the planing strip shall be
as follows (from the property line:
Highway 111 50 feet
Major and Primary Arterials 20 feet
Other Streets: 10 feet
f. In addition, where more than 4 automobile
spaces are required on a lot or a parcel
of land, not less than 5 percent of the
interior parking lot area shall be
landscaped, not including parking lots
located in enclosed structures. Planting
along the exterior perimeter of a parking
lot will not be considered as a part of
the 3 percent interior landscaping. At
least one 5-gallon size tree for every 10
spaces, or major fraction thereof, shall
be included in the development of the
landscaping program. All open areas
between any curbs, walls, and the
property line shall be permanently
landscaped with suitable materials and
maintained.. Landscaping shall include
shrubs, trees, vines, groundcovers,
hedges, flowers, bark, chips, decorating
cinders, gravel, and similar material
which will• improve the appearance of
parking area..
g. All planter beds containing trees shall
be at least 6 feet in diameter. All
landscape planter beds not containing
trees shall be not less than 3 feet in
width. All planter beds shall be
bordered by a concrete curb not less
than 6 inches or more than 8 inches in
height adjacent to the parking surface.
h. Curbs shall also be installed as
protection of buildings, sidewalks,
walls, fences and against encroachment
into public or adjoining property.
Wheelstops may be used in the center of
parking lots provided that any breakage
or displacement of wheelstops shall be
immediately repaired.
BJ/ORDDRFT.004 - 25 -
i. Landscaped areas shall be distributed
throughout the entire parking area as
evenly as is appropriate in the design of
the parking facility.
j. Effective irrigation systems shall be
installed and maintained in all
landscaped areas so that landscaping
remains in a healthy growing condition
and in compliance with the approved
plan. All dead vegetation shall be
removed and replanted. Hose bibs shall
be placed at intervals of not less than
200 feet. Irrigation water shall be
contained within property lines.
k. Where trees already exist, the parking
lot shall be designed to make the best
use of this existing growth and shade.
1. Any open areas, including future pads,
in the interior of any parking area
shall be landscaped with appropriate
plant material and be maintained in good
M. On large projects (exceeding 20 acres)
an option is provided: the exterior
portions of the parking lots adjacent to
the streets (up to 25% of the required
parking spaces) (excluding driveways and
other maneuvering spaces) may be planted
with grass block (a form of block into
which grass is planted). This practice
increases percolation of rain, reduces
detention basin sizes, gives the
impression of greater landscaped space,
reduces the hard paved surface thereby
reducing the local heating effects.
Grass block areas must be irrigated
(preferably at night) and mowed. The
configuration of the grass block will
require solid block between spaces to
demarcate parking stalls. Curbs are
still required as edges of grass block
parking areas. This option is provided
on the theory that the outer edges of
parking lots are only used during
holiday season peak periods.
HJ/ORDDRFT.004 - 26 -
G. surfacing
1. All parking areas shall be designed and
built -with positive drainage to an
approved drainage conveyance. No
ponding shall be permitted.
2. All parking and maneuvering areas shall
be paved with asphaltic or portland
concrete, over the appropriate base. The
structural section of the pavement and
base material shall be commensurate with
the anticipated loading, and shall be
calculated in accordance with the method
promulgated by the California Department
of Transportation (Caltrans).
a.) The minimum thickness for Portland
concrete is 3-1/2 inches and shall
be increased as needed to
accommodate the expected loading.
Expansion joints shall be provided.
b.) The minimum structural section for
asphaltic concrete pavement shall be
compacted to a minimum thickness of
3 inches on 4 inches of Class 2
base.,. The base thickness can be
varied based on the recommendation
of a preliminary soil report. The
structural section may be modified
based upon the recommendation of a
registered civil engineer.
H. Valet Parking
1. Valet parking shall be approved by the
Planning Commission as a separate item
apart from the plot plan approval.
2. When valet parking is provided, a
minimum of 25% of the required parking
area shall be designated and arranged
for self -parking, to prevent on -street
parking and blocking of fire lanes.
3. The drop-off point for valet parking
shall be convenient to the front door of
the facility, shaded, one way, and of
sufficient capacity to handle 3 cars
BJ/ORDDRFT.004 - 27 -
4. The route from the drop-off/pick-up point
to the area designated for valet parking -
shall be via a private drive on -site and
not involve any public street.
5. A safe pedestrian route for valet staff
shall be provided without crossing the
path of the valet parking route.
6. Valet parking shall contain a condition
of approval that sufficient liability
insurance for patrons be carried each
year of operation.
Shopping Carts.
1. Every use which utilizes shopping carts
shall provide a shopping cart collection
area or cart racks.
2. Each cart rack or collection area shall
be placed within 100 feet of any parking
space, to prevent parking spaces being
lost to the random abandonment of
shopping carts.
3. Each cart rack or collection area shall
utilize either a steel frame or curbs (on
the lower side) to contain the shopping
4. A condition of approval of commercial
plot plans shall contain a provision
that parking lots be cleared of shopping
carts no less frequently than once every
two hours. More than 25% of the
required parking spaces being blocked by
shopping carts shall constitute a public
nuisance and shall be abated.
5. Parking shall be arranged around uses
which involve shopping carts in such a
way that pedestrians with carts need not
cross major internal driveways, or
provide a crosswalk at the appropriate
point with textured material proceeding
the crosswalk to alert the driver of the
approach of a crosswalk.
6. If sidewalks adjacent to stores are used
for temporary storage of assembled
shopping carts, such sidewalks shall be
designed with extra width so that
pedestrian flows are not blocked by
shopping carts.
- 28 -
J. Underground, Decked, and Covered Parking.
1. The minimum dimensions for underground,
decked,>.or covered parking shall be as
required for uncovered surface area
parking as specified throughout this
Section, except additional minimum
dimensions may be necessary for specific
circulation conditions resulting from
underground or decked parking.
2. The heights* of overhead obstructions
shall be clearly marked for all
underground, decked, or covered parking.
3. A level transition area between the
street and ramp serving underground or
decked parking shall be provided for a
distance which will provide adequate
site distance at the street.
4. Decked parking structures shall be
subject to design review in all cases.
Special care shall be taken to prevent
the mass and height of parking structures
from intruding into the street scape.
5. Landscaping shall be incorporated into
parking structures to blend them into
the environment. This shall include
perimeter grade planting and rooftop
landscaping as deemed appropriate by the
Planning Commission.
6. Multiple level (decked) parking
structures shall contain light wells
(minimum dimensions: 20 feet X 20 feet),
placed at least every 200 feet. The
base elevation of the light well shall
be landscaped. Tall trees (especially
palms) shall be used to tie together the
various levels of the parking structure.
K. Drive -through Facilities. Such facilities
shall conform to the following regulations.
Exceptions to these regulations may be
permitted by the Planning Commission when
existing on- or off -site conditions warrant
alternative design solutions.
1. No drive -through facility shall be
permitted within 200 feet of any
residentially zoned or used property.
BJ/ORDDRFT.004 - 29 -
2. Safe on- and off -site traffic and
Pedestrian circulation shall be provided,
including, but not limited to, traffic
circulation which does not conflict with
entering or exiting traffic to the site,
parking, or pedestrian movements.
3. A stacking area shall be provided for
each service window or machine and shall
provide a minimum of 7 tandem standing
spaces inclusive of the vehicle being
serviced. Said standing spaces shall
not extend into the public right-of-way
nor interfere with any internal
circulation patterns.
4. The drive -through facility shall be
designed to integrate with existing or
proposed structures, including roof
lines, building materials, signage and
5. Vehicles at service windows or machines
shall be provided with a shade structure.
6. Amplification equipment, lighting and
location of drive -through elements and
service windows shall be screened from
public rights -of -way and adjacent
7. Exits from drive -through facilities
shall be at least 3 vehicles in length,
shall Ihave adequate exiting
sight -distance, and shall connect to
either a signalized entry to a traffic
way or the.exit shall be right turn only.
1. Parking lot lighting shall be provided
for parking lots exceeding 4 spaces.
2. All off-street parking areas in multiple
residential zones shall be illtlmi nated
at night.
3. Commercial establishments shall provide
night lighting throughout required
parking areas at all hours of customer
and employee use.
4. Night use of loading areas shall be
provided adequate lighting.
BJ/ORDDRFT.004 - 30 -
5. Entries/exits to all parking areas shall
provide safety lighting all night as
approved by the Planning Commission.
6. Lighting, where installed for parking
area, sales and/or display area, shall
be so arranged as to reflect away from
adjoining residential areas and shall be
designed not to cause a nuisance either
to vehicular traffic or to the living
7. The light source shall not be visible
from off the property, shall not direct
light skyward, and shall be so arranged
by means 'of filters or shields to avoid
reflecting light onto adjoining
properties and streets.
8. Light standards should be placed between
parking spaces or built into landscaped
9. Light standard heights shall be as per
manufacturer's recommended photometics,
but in no case shall the ;eigat exceed
the maximum permitted building height of
the zone in which it is situated or 18
feet, whichever is greater. Graduated
light standard heights within a site with
lower heights in peripheral areas, may be
required by the Planning Commission to
provide compatibility with adjoining
properties and streets.
10. Illumination levels in parking areas
which require lighting shall be an
average of l foot candle with a ratio of
average light to minimum light of 3 to
1. Low voltage up -lighting wall
surfaces are also encouraged. Lighting
plans shall take into account the
placement and growth of landscape
11. Illumination of parking and loading areas
shall conform to the requirements of the
"Outdoor Light Control ordinance",
Chapter 9.210 of the Muncipal Code.
BJ/ORDDRFT.004 - 31 -
M. Bicycle Parking.
1. Commercial establishments shall provide
bicycle parking facilities at a ratio of
one bicycle space per 50 automobile
parking spaces.
2. Bicycle parking facilities shall be
placed in scattered locations, adjacent
to anchor store locations and/or where
youthful customers are likely to
3. Bicycle parking facilities shall be
placed in shaded locations, out of the
way of pedestrian flows and the areas
for assembly of shopping carts.
4. Bicycle parking facilities shall be
provided with a mechanism which permits
locking a bicycle into the parking
N. Encroachments.
1. Required parking spaces shall not be
used for the storage of vehicles unless
such storage is calculated into the
required parking formula.
2. No required parking spaces shall be used
for the display of vehicles for sale.
3. If an area of parking is for
park -and -ride programs, such area shall
be in addition to the required parking
area. if no additional area is provided
for such purposes, the owner/operator of
the parking lot shall arrange for part of
the parking lot, at peak usage hours, to
have encroaching parking removed by means
of tickets and/or towing.
0. Nonconforming Parking.
1. Multi -family and commercial
establishments which are legal uses,
properly permitted, at the date of
effectiveness of this Parking Ordinance
Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance, shall
be allowed to continue in operation at
whatever parking ratios are in effect at
that time.
BJ/ORDDRFT.004 - 32 -
2. Any additional uses, any intensifications
of use, any expansions, or any changes of
use which involve a need for added
parking shall comply with this Section.
That is to say, the existing use, if left
undisturbed by changes, may continue at
the pre-existing state. Only the changes
will be required to conform to this
Section, unless an overriding public
safety issue, confirmed by the Planning
Commission and the City Council, requires
some re -design of the existing parking.
BJ/ORDDRFT.004 - 33 -