WHEREAS, in 1986 the California Legislature enacted AB
2948, "Hazardous Waste - Management Plans and Facility Siting
Procedures"; and
WHEREAS, the purpose of the legislation is to insure that
the siting and management of hazardous waste facilities are
safe, effective and for the management of hazardous waste as
well as to ensure that the public health and environment are
protected from such facilities; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to this legislation, the County of
Riverside has prepared and adopted a Hazardous Waste Management
Plan ("CoHWMP"); and
WHEREAS, Section 25135.7(c) of the California Health and
Safety Code, requires that within 180 days of receiving
notification from the State Department of Health Services that
it has approved the CoHWMP, cities are to take one of three
specific actions, one of which includes enactment of an
ordinance requiring that all applicable zoning, subdivision,
conditional use permit and variance decisions are consistent
with the portions of the final CoHWMP which identify general
areas or siting criteria for off -site hazardous waste
management facilities; and
WHEREAS, the CoHWMP dated September 12, 1989 was approved
by the State Department of Health Services on February 28,
1990; and
WHEREAS, copies of the final CoHWMP are available at the
Office of the City Planning and Development Department, and
City Clerk's Office; and
WHEREAS, the final CoHWMP is submitted as part of this
Ordinance to be incorporated by reference.
Chapter 6 of the La Quinta Municipal Code shall be amended
by the addition of the following:
Ordinance No. 184
"Chapter 6.10 Hazardous Waste Facilities.
6.10.010. Purpose and Intent.
The purpose of this Chapter 6.10 is to establish a uniform
conditional use permit application and review process for the
location, design, and maintenance of Hazardous Waste Facilities
proposed to be located within the City of La Quinta, and to
ensure protection of the health, safety, and the welfare of the
residents of City of La Quinta. All Land Use Decisions made
with regard to an application for a Hazardous Waste Facility
Project shall be consistent with the approved Riverside County
Hazardous Waste Management Plan.
A person shall not use any premises for a Hazardous Waste
Facility except as permitted in this Chapter 6.10. All
Hazardous Waste Facilities are subject to all regulations and
conditions enumerated in this Chapter.
6.10.030. Definitions.
For the purposes of this Chapter 6.10, the following terms
are defined. Additional definitions contained in Health and
Safety Code Sections 25100 et lea• are incorporated herein by
A. "Hazardous Waste" means either of the following:
(1) A waste, or combination of wastes, which
because of its quantity, concentration, or physical,
chemical, or infectious characteristics may either:
(A) Cause, or significantly contribute to
an increase in mortality or an increase in serious
irreversible, or incapacitating reversible, illness.
(B) Pose a substantial present or potential
hazard to human health or environment when improperly
treated, stored, transported, or disposed of, or
otherwise managed.
(2) A waste which meets any of the criteria for
the identification of a hazardous waste adopted by the
California Department of Health Services pursuant to
Section 25141.
Ordinance No. 184
(b) "Hazardous waste" includes, but is not limited
to, RCRA hazardous waste.
(c) Unless expressly provided otherwise, the term
"Hazardous Waste" shall be understood to also include
extremely hazardous waste and acutely hazardous waste.
(3) A waste which meets the criteria as set
forth in California Health and Safety Code Section
B. "Hazardous Waste Facility" or "Facility" means all
contiguous land and structures, other appurtenances,
and improvements on the land used for the treatment,
transfer, storage, resource recovery, disposal or
recycling of hazardous waste, which may consist of one
or more treatment, transfer, storage, resource
recovery, disposal, or recycling hazardous waste
management units, or combinations of those units, or
as otherwise defined in Health and Safety Code Section
25117.1. Unless expressly provided otherwise,
"Hazardous Waste Facility" includes a "Specified
Hazardous Waste Facility."
C. "Hazardous Waste Facility Project" means a project
undertaken for the purpose of siting and constructing
a new Hazardous Waste Facility that will require a
hazardous waste facilities permit pursuant to Health
and Safety Code Section 25200, or for the purpose of
significantly expanding or modifying an existing
Hazardous Waste Facility that is being used or
operated under a permit issued pursuant to Health and
Safety Code Section 25200 or a grant of interim status
pursuant to Section 25200.5, or as otherwise defined
in Health and Safety Code Section 25199.1(b). Unless
expressly provided otherwise, "Hazardous Waste
Facility Project" includes a "Specified Hazardous
Waste Facility Project."
D. "Land Use Decision" is any discretionary decision of
the City Council or Planning Commission concerning a
Hazardous Waste Facility Project, including the
issuance of a conditional use permit, the granting of
a variance, the subdivision of property, and the
modification of property lines.
E. "Local Assessment Committee" or "LAC" is a seven
member public body appointed by the City Council to
represent the interests of the community in the
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Ordinance No. 184
Hazardous Waste Facility Project review process. The
LAC shall be established and administered in
accordance with Health and Safety Code Section 25199.7
F. "Specified Hazardous Waste Facility" means an offsite
facility which serves more than one provider of
hazardous waste, or as otherwise defined in Health and
Safety Code Section 25199.1(m).
G. "Specified Hazardous Waste Facility Project" means a
project undertaken for the purpose of siting and
constructing a new Specified Hazardous Waste Facility
or for the purpose of significantly expanding or
modifying an existing Specified Hazardous Waste
Facility that is being used or operated under a permit
issued pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section
25200 or a grant of interim status pursuant to Health
and Safety Code Section 25200.5, or as otherwise
defined in Health and Safety Code Section 25199.1(n).
Section 711.040. Procedures.
The following procedures are established for all Land Use
Decisions relating to any Hazardous Waste Facility Project:
A. All Hazardous Waste Facility Projects.
The following requirements shall apply to all
applications for a permit or Land Use Decision for all
Hazardous Waste Facility Projects. All actions of the
City shall comply with the requirements of the CoHWMP
and Health and Safety Code Section 25135, gLt Sea.
1. Applicants shall submit to the Planning Director
(the "Director") the application required by
Chapter 6.10.050.
2. The Director shall notify the California Office
of Permit Assistance within ten (10) days after
an application is deemed complete. At the
request of the applicant, the City Council shall,
within sixty (60) days after the application has
been deemed complete, issue by resolution an
initial written determination on whether the
proposed project is consistent with the General
Plan and applicable zoning ordinances and is
consistent with the CoHWMP. This determination
does not prohibit the City Council from making a
different determination when the final Land Use
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Ordinance No. 184
_ Decision is made, if the City Council's final
determination is based on information which was
not considered at, the time the initial
determination was made.
3. The Director or the City Council may request
another agency to jointly review such
applications, and may consolidate with other
public agencies such public meetings and hearings
permitted or required by law or regulation for
the issuance of a permit or making of a Land Use
Decision for a Hazardous Waste Facility Project.
4. Not later than one (1) month prior to any public
hearing, the applicant shall provide the Director
with three (3) sets of mailing labels indicating
all (i) property owners of record (as shown on
the latest County Equalized Assessment Roll)
(ii) residents, (iii) businesses and (iv) tenants
within a two thousand (2,000) foot radius of the
boundary of the lot or lots on which the proposed
Hazardous Waste Facility will be located.
5. A Local Assessment Committee ("LAC") may be
formed at the option of the City Council to
advise it in considering an application for such
Land Use Decision. The members of the LAC shall
be appointed, and shall have such duties, as are
set forth in Health and Safety Code Section
25199.7. The City shall provide staff resources
to assist the LAC in performing its duties.
6. A public hearing upon the application shall be
set before the Planning Commission as soon as the
Director has determined that the application
complies with all requirements of Chapter 6 of
the La Quinta Municipal Code and all requirements
by the City of La Quinta with regard to the
California Environmental Quality Act have been
met. Such hearing shall be conducted in the
manner set forth in Chapter 9.172 relating to
conditional use permits.
7. The application shall be approved or disapproved
by the City Council within the time periods
established by Sections 65950 and 65952 of the
Government Code.
8. The conditional use permit shall be denied if the
Planning Commission or the City Council finds
that the proposed project is inconsistent with
the CoHWMP. The conditional use permit shall be
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Ordinance No. 184
denied if the Planning Commission or City Council
finds that the detrimental impact of the proposed
project upon the health, safety and welfare of
the citizens of La Quinta outweighs the county,
regional, and statewide needs for the proposed
9. The following findings shall be made in writing
prior to the City Council making a Land Use
Decision which will permit the development of a
Hazardous Waste Facility Project:
A. The project is consistent with the City
General Plan.
B. The project is consistent with the
C. The detrimental effect of the Facility
on the health, safety or general
welfare of the community will not
outweigh the needs of the county,
region or state for such Facility.
D. There are adequate City services
available to service the project.
E. The project has met or exceeded each
requirement of this Ordinance.
F. All environmental impacts identified in
any environmental document prepared as
part of the process to comply with the
California Environmental Quality Act
and this Ordinance have been mitigated
or avoided.
G. All the findings set forth in Chapter
9.172 have been met.
10. The duration of the Land Use Decision will be
determined at the time of conditional use permit
approval but shall not exceed ten (10) years.
11. The conditional use permit may be renewed for an
additional time period not to exceed ten (10)
years, upon the submission of a new application
in accordance with Chapter 6.10.050 and payment
of processing and review costs as set forth in
Chapter 6.10.040(15).
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Ordinance No. 184
12. If the applicant fails to commence operation of
the facility within two (2) years of the date of
the Land Use.Decs,ion, the conditional use permit
shall expire.
13. A comprehensive review of the Facility will be
required after every five (5) years.
14. Failure to comply with the conditions contained
in the conditional use permit, to conduct the
mitigation required by CEQA or failure to comply
with the provisions of this Ordinance will be
considered grounds for permit review and possible
revocation at the discretion of the City Council.
15. The applicant will pay all costs related to City
processing and review of the Facility
application, the preparation, review and
administration of all documentation and programs
prepared pursuant to CEQA, and all activities of
the LAC related to the Facility application
review and processing. An initial deposit amount
to cover such costs shall be set by resolution of
the City Council.
16. No variance shall be granted to the requirements
or conditions set forth in this Ordinance.
The following requirements shall apply to all
applications for a permit or land use decision for all
specified Hazardous Waste. Facility Projects, in
addition the requirements set forth in Subsection A
1. At least 90 days before filing an application,
the proponent shall file with the City a notice
of intent to make an application for a Land Use
Decision. The notice of intent shall specify the
location to which the notice of intent is
applicable and shall contain a complete
description of the nature, function, and scope of
the project. The Director shall publish a notice
in a newspaper of general circulation in the area
affected by the proposed project, shall post
notices in the location where the proposed
project is located, and shall notify, by a direct
mailing, the owners of contiguous property, as
shown in the latest equalized assessment roll. A
notice of intent filed with the City shall be
accompanied by a fee which shall be set by the
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ordinance No. 184
City in an amount equal to the City's cost of
processing the notice of intent and carrying out
the notification requirements of this section. A
notice of intent is not transferable to a
location other than the location specified in the
notice and shall remain in effect for one year
from the date it is filed with the City or until
it is withdrawn by the proponent, whichever is
earlier. A notice of intent is not effective and
a proponent may not file an application for a
Land Use Decision for a Specified Hazardous Waste
Facility Project with the City unless the
proponent has first complied with this
2. The City Council shall appoint a LAC to advise it
in considering the application.
Every application for a Hazardous Waste Facility Project
shall be filed with the Director and accompanied by a deposit
in the amount set forth in Chapter 6.10.040(15). The
application shall include, but not be limited to the following
A. Name(s), address(es), and telephone number(s) of
the applicant(s).
B. Evidence that the applicant is the owner of the
premises involved or that the applicant has the
written permission of the owner to make such
C. A complete project narrative, demonstrating the
need for siting the proposed Hazardous Waste
Facility in the specific location identified.
D. A project analysis, plot plan, and development
plan drawn to scale in sufficient detail to
clearly illustrate the following:
1. The physical dimensions of the property and
structures, both existing and proposed;
2. The site plan, indicating the initial
project proposal and the ultimate land use
layout and utilization of property;
3. The location of existing and proposed
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Ordinance No. 184
4. Setbacks and landscaping;
5. Parking and circulation;
6. Ingress and egress;
7. Drainage patterns;
8. Storage and processing areas;
9. The distance to the nearest residences, to
properties designated in the General Plan or
actually used for residential use, to
proposed or presently zoned residential
areas and to immobile populations;
10. The distance from the project property line
to the nearest adjacent structures, and a
description and location of such structures;
11. A topographic description of the property
and surrounding area within two thousand
(2,000) feet of the boundary of the lot or
lots on which the proposed Facility will be
12. The proximity of site to the 100 year flood
plane boundary as established by FIRM or
13. The proximity to all ground water supplies,
dry washes and rivers and aquifers;
14. The proximity to pumping water wells or well
fields, whether operational or not;
15. Existing and proposed utilities which
service or will be required to service the
E. An analysis of visual, noise and any olfactory
impacts associated with the project and
recommended mitigation measures.
F. Identification of all waste water, treated and
untreated, generated by the proposed facility,
and the method and place of final discharge.
G. An analysis of all anticipated air quality
impacts associated with the project and proposed
— mitigation measures to ensure no degradation of
air quality occurs in the area.
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Ordinance No.184
H. Identification of any rare or endangered species
of plant or animals within the project site and
recommended impact mitigation measures.
I. Identification of the amounts (in tons), sources
and types of Hazardous Wastes to be treated,
stored, or disposed of at the proposed Facility,
the ultimate disposition of the wastes, and
anticipated useful life of the Facility. This
information shall be based on an actual survey of
the industries to be served by the Facility and
thereby be representative of the wastes that will
be processed at the Facility.
J. A risk assessment, consistent with the Risk
Assessment Report requirements of CoHWMP, which
analyzes, in detail, potential health and
environmental risks, all possibilities and
probabilities of accidents or spills involving
Hazardous Materials or wastes to be used or
stored at the site, transportation related
accidents from the point of origin to the
Facility, and other probabilities requested by
either the Director, the Planning Commission or
the City Council. Such analyses shall specify
mitigation measures to reduce the identified
risks. The risk assessment shall also identify
the most probable routes for transporting
Hazardous Waste to the Facility, and identify
provisions for automatic Facility shutdown and
resumption of Facility.operations in the event of
adverse meteorological conditions, fire, flood,
earthquake or other geologic or natural phenomena.
K. The Monitoring Program required by Chapter
6.10.070. The Monitoring Program shall also
include any monitoring requirements imposed by
other permitting agencies, including but not
limited to, the South Coast Air Quality
Management District, the Regional Water Quality
Control Board and the Department of Health
L. A water consumption report for the project and
proposed mitigation measures for water
conservation to the City of La Quinta and to the
local water purveyor.
M. An Emergency Response Plan as approved by the
Director which contains, at a minimum, the
following information:
2899u/2588/000 -10-
Ordinance No. 184
1. A statement that the proposed plan is
consistent with any and all applicable
county, and regional emergency response
plans and all City, county, state and
federal regulatory requirements
regarding emergency response procedures;
2. Detailed procedures to be employed at
the time of emergency for each and
every type of chemical substance and
emergency, including contingency
3. Anticipated impacts on local fire,
police, and medical services; and
4. Names, home and business addresses, and
home and business telephone numbers of
all management personnel at the
Facility, and a detailed description of
uncontrolled release and emergency
situation reporting procedures.
N. An Environmental Assessment Questionnaire.
O. A land use map which depicts land uses within
2,000 feet of the boundary of the lot or lots on
which the proposed Facility will be located.
P. A title report completed within 6 months of the
date of Facility application submittal.
Q. Financial statements for the applicant including
proposed means for financing the development of
the Facility, and anticipated costs and revenues
associated within operation of the Facility,
including evidence that the applicant has met all
of the financial responsibility requirements
imposed by the California Department of Health
Services, the City and any other state or federal
R. Detailed information regarding how the applicant
will meet the state pollution liability insurance
requirements for sudden and non -sudden events,
and state requirements for funding closure and
post -closure.
S. A vicinity map which indicates, at a minimum, the
proximity of the Facility to schools, parks,
residences, hospitals, and other immobile
populations, community facilities, and to
2899u/2588/000 -11-
ordinance No. 184
properties designated by the General Plan for
residential use.
T. A seismic and geological evaluation of the site
conducted by a certified geologist/seismologist
which shall confirm, at a minimum, the following
1. The proximity to earthquake fault zones;
2. Whether or not active faults or lineaments
which would suggest the presence of faults
are located within two thousand (2,000) feet
of the proposed site;
3. A preliminary geological study of the
property and surrounding area, which soils
analysis is conducted to the depth of all
known aquifers, regardless of the potability
of those aquifers; and
4. Information as to whether ground subsidence
and liquefaction have occurred or whether
they may occur at the proposed site.
for Hazardou5
All Hazardous Waste Facilities shall comply with the
following standards and locational criteria:
A. Facilities shall be located in areas designated on the
zoning map as G-C (General Commercial), I-P
(Industrial Park), M-1 (Light Manufacturing), M-4
(Medium Industrial), M-2 (Heavy Industrial), M-R
(Mineral Resources) and M-R-A (Mineral Resource and
Related Manufacturing). In the event that at the time
an application is received the proposed location for
the CUP does not have one of the above zoning
designations a request for change of zone and/or
general plan amendment may need to be concurrently
B. No Facility shall be permitted within two thousand
(2,000) feet of any temporary or permanent residences,
residential zoned sites, hospital sites, school sites
or sites planned for immobile populations. A
separation greater than two thousand (2,000) feet may
be required if determined necessary by a risk
C. The site on which the Facility is located shall be of
adequate size and shape to accommodate yards, walls,
2899u/2588/000 -12-
. 4
Ordinance No. 184
parking, loading and storage, landscaping and other
development requirements prescribed by this Chapter
6.10. A condition of -conditional use permit approval
may be that the proposed use will be required to
integrate with surrounding uses.
D. All setbacks shall be landscaped. The minimum
setbacks shall be twenty feet for front yard; side
yard and rear yard setbacks may be at the property
line. Landscape plans shall be subject to approval by
the Director.
E. All Facilities shall erect a minimum eight (8) foot
decorative block wall along the required setbacks
and/or property lines of the property.
F. No Facility shall be placed within two thousand
(2,000) feet of any known active earthquake fault
zones. No active portion of the Facility shall be
located within five hundred (500) feet of any fault
and the Facility must be designed in such a manner to
ensure structural integrity should a seismic event
occur of up to 8.3 on the Richter Scale. If it is
demonstrated that ground subsidence and/or
liquefaction has occurred or may occur on the site,
— the proposed Facility shall be engineered and designed
to ensure structural stability in such an event.
G. No Facility shall be constructed in any area
identified as being within a one hundred (100) year
flood plane boundary established by FIRM or FEMA, or
in areas subject to flash floods, debris flow, selches
or storm surges.
H. No Facility shall be placed within one thousand (1000)
feet of a dry wash or river, aqueduct, reservoir,
supply well, or major aquifer recharge area. No
Facility shall be located within any area known or
suspected to be supplying principal recharge to a
regional aquifers.
I. Facilities generating wastewater shall be located in
areas with adequate sewer capacity and treatment
capability to accommodate the expected wastewater
J. All Facilities shall be prohibited in areas of
potential rapid geologic change, or areas with high
rate of subsidence and areas subject to liquefaction
unless containment structures are designed,
constructed and maintained in a manner acceptable to
the Director of Public Works and/or the City Engineer
so as to preclude failure as a result of such changes.
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Ordinance No. 184
K. All Facilities shall locate in areas posting minimal
threats to the contamination of drinking water
supplies contained in reservoirs and aqueducts.
L. All Facilities shall be prohibited in areas of
recreational, cultural or aesthetic value, as
determined by the Director.
M. All Facilities shall locate in areas where fire
departments are able to quickly respond to Hazardous
Materials accidents and where demonstrated emergency
response times are deemed acceptable by the local Fire
Department Official. In addition, Hazardous Materials
accident response services at the Facility may be
required based on the type of wastes handled or the
location of the Facility.
N. Facilities shall be located so that distance traveled
on City streets is kept to a minimum, and any routes
to and from state or interstate highways to or from
the Facility are used primarily by trucks, and the
number of non -industrial structures (homes, hospitals,
schools, etc.) along such routes is minimal. As part
of conditional use permit approval, the City may
impose limitations on the use of access routes to and
from the Facility by vehicles containing Hazardous
Waste. This may include specifying the number and
size of vehicles used and the hours of travel.
0. All Facilities shall comply with the provisions of the
California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA").
P. Any modifications of the types and quantities of
Hazardous Wastes to be managed at the proposed
Facility or significant modifications to the processes
employed at the Facility which were not considered in
the original Facility approval by the City, shall be
presented to the Director in writing. The proposed
modifications may, at the discretion of the Director,
result in the approval of minor modifications to the
process, or require revision of the Facility's
conditional use permit through a public hearing both
before the Planning Commission and the City Council,
or may require a new application for the Facility and
a new conditional use permit.
6.10.070. Monitoring Program.
All applications for Hazardous Waste Facility Projects
shall include for approval a Monitoring Program that complies
with the following requirements.
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Ordinance No. 184
A. For the purpose of ensuring compliance with all
standards, conditions and other requirements, the City
or its designated representative shall be allowed to
enter the premises on which a Hazardous Waste Facility
conditional use permit has been granted.
B. A provision shall be included for a periodic general
review by the Planning Commission and/or City Council
of the applicant's compliance with the Facility's
conditional use permit, with provisions for modifying
the existing conditions or adding new conditions, as
C. The owner or operator of a Hazardous Waste Facility
shall file a written quarterly report to the City.
This report shall include but not be limited to the
amount (in tons), type and disposition of all wastes
processed by the Facility. The report shall also
include copies of all manifests showing the delivery
and types of Hazardous Wastes and include a map
showing the exact location by coordinates and
elevation of the quantities and types of materials
placed in repositories or otherwise stored or disposed
of on -site. The report shall also include information
on Hazardous Waste releases to the air, water or soil,
spills and injuries to Facility personnel.
D. The owner or operator of a Hazardous Waste Facility
shall immediately send copies of all complaints
relating to the Facility and/or the operation of the
Facility and copies of all inspection reports made by
other local, state or federal agencies to the Director.
E. The emergency response plan shall be updated annually
by management personnel at the Facility. The updated
plan shall be distributed to all local emergency
response agencies including the Emergency Response
Person for the City.
F. The owner or operator of the Facility shall
immediately notify the City of any unauthorized
release to the air, water or soil from any Facility.
G. The owner or operator of the Facility shall pay all
monitoring costs. Such costs shall include but are
not limited to preparation and administration of a
CEQA mitigation monitoring program for the Facility
and administration of the Monitoring Program provided
for in this Chapter 6.10.070.
H. The LAC may recommend to the City Council that a
separate body act as a "standing committee" to serve
during the period which Facility is in operation to
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Ordinance No. 184
promote ongoing communication between the owner or
operator and the community, and to monitor adherence
to the requirements of this Chapter 6.10.
A. The applicant shall agree to indemnify, defend, and
hold harmless the City, the Director, the Planning
Commission, and the City Council, and all officers,
employees and agents of the City against and from all
claims, actions or liabilities relating to the Land
Use Decision or arising out of its implementation at
the Facility location.
B. All costs of compliance with this Chapter shall be
borne by the Facility owner/operator.
C. The City may employ any and all methods permitted by
law to enforce this Chapter.
D. The owner/operator shall keep all equipment, buildings
and the site in an orderly condition and in good
repair and shall employ technological advances as may
be required by the California Department of Health
Services, the South Coast Air Quality Management
District, or the Federal Environmental Protection
E. The City Council may impose, as necessary, conditions
and standards other than those presented, in order to
achieve the purposes of this Chapter and to protect
the health, safety, or general welfare of the
community and the environment.
6.10.090. Severability.
If any Section, sentence, clause or phrase of this
Ordinance is, for any reason, held to be invalid or
unconstitutional by a decision of any court of competent
jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of
the remaining portions of this Ordinance. The City Council
hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance and
each Section, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, irrespective
of the fact that any one or more Sections, sentences, clauses
or phrases be declared invalid or unconstitutional.
2899u/2588/000 -16-
PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 15th. day of. January
199"., by the following vote:
AYES: Council
Sniff &
NOES: None
ty Clerk
Members Bohnenberger, Franklin, Rushworth,
Mayor Pena
City Attorney
I, SAUNDRA L. JUHOLA, City Clerk of the City of La
Quinta, do hereby certify the foregoing to be a full, true
and correct copy of Ordinance No. 184 which was introduced
by the La Quinta City Council at a regular meeting held on
the 18th day of December, 1990, and was adopted at a
regular meeting on the 15th day of January, 1991, not being
less than five days following date of introduction. I
further certify that the foregoing ordinance was posted in
(3) places within the City of La Quinta.
Juhol City Clerk
City of La Quinta, California
2899u/2588/000 -17-
I, SAUNDRA L. JUHOLA, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, California, do hereby
certify that the foregoing ordinance was posted pursuant to City Council Resolution
on 22nd day of January, 1991.
City of La Quinta, California