1995 06 20 RDA Minutes LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES June 20, 1995 Regular meeting of the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency was called to order by Chairman Sniff. PRESENT: Board Members Bangerter, Cathcart, Pena, Perkins, Chairman Sniff ABSENT: None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Confirmed APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION It was moved by Board Members Perkins/Bangerter to approve Minutes of June 6, 1995 as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION It was moved by Board Members Cathcart/Perkins to approve Minutes of June 7, 1995 as submitted. Motion carried with Board Members Bangerter and Pena ABSTAINING. PUBLIC COMMENT None BUSINESS SESSION 1. CONSIDERATION OF AGREEMENT FOR PURCHASE AND SALE OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATeD AT ADAMS STREET AND AVENUE 48, BY AND BETWEEN STAMKO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, KESTAM CORPORATION, AND LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY. Chairman Sniff advised that action on this item would be deferred until after the hearing of Public Hearing Item No. 1. 2. CONSIDERATION OF THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF ITS REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA NOS. 1 AND 2, 1995 HOUSING TAX ALLOCATION BONDS IN A PRINCIPAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $28,000,000 TO FUND REDEVELOPMENT PROJECTS AND APPROVING CERTAIN DOCUMENTS AND TAKING CERTAIN OTHER ACTIONS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. BIB] 07-15-1996-U01 08:53:05AM-U01 RDAMIN-U02 06-U02 20-U02 1995-U02 Redevelopment Agency Minutes 2 June 2.0 1995 RESOLUTION?ON NO. RA 95-09 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF ITS REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA NOS. 1 AND 2, 1995 HOUSING TAX ALLOCATION BONDS OF SAID AGENCY IN A PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF NOT TO EXCEED TWENTY-EIGHT MILLION DOLLARS $28,000,000) TO FUND A REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT, APPROVING CERTAIN DOCUMENTS AND TAKING CERTAIN OTHER ACTIONS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. It was moved by Board Members Bangerter/Cathcart to adopt Resolution No. RA 95-09 as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. 3. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER WARRANT NUMBER 21967 WILLIAMS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION). MOTION It was moved by Board Members Cathcart/perkins to approve Demand Register Warrant Number 21967 Williams Development Corporation). Motion carried with Board Member Pena ABSTAINING. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER, DATED 3JUNE 20, 1995. MOTION It was moved by Board Members Cathcart/Perkins that the Consent Calendar be approved as recommended. Motion carried unanimously. DEPARTMENT REPORTS None CHAIR AND BOARD MEMBERS' ITEMS None PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. ADOPTION OF MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR EA 95-303 FOR THE ACQUISITION OF APPROXIMATELY 50 ACRES LOCATED NORTHEAST OF THE INTERSECTION OF ADAMS STREET AND AVENUE 48. APPLICANT: CITY OF LA QUINTA. Mr. Herman, Community Development Director, advised that the proposed resolution is fot the certification of a Mitigated Negative Declaration for EA 95-303 that was BIB] 07-15-1996-U01 08:53:05AM-U01 RDAMIN-U02 06-U02 20-U02 1995-U02 Redevelopment Agency Minutes 3 June 20,1995 prepared for the acquisition of property that will be used for affordable housing. He advised that no environmental impacts exist and recommended that Council adopt the resolution. Chairman Sniff declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN. Mr. Joe Hainmer, owner of property at Dune Palms Road and Highway 111, and Dune Palms Road and Avenue 48, questioned the plans for the property. Chairman Sniff advised that the Agency would be discussing the matter in more detail under Business Session Item No. There being no one else wishing to speak, the Chairman declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED. RESOLUTION NO. RA 95-10 A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF LA QUNTA, CALIFORNIA, CERTIFYING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 95-303, PREPARED FOR STAMKO ACQUISITION OF 57 ACRES LOCATED EAST OF ADAMS STREET AND NORTH OF AVENUE 48. It was moved by Board Members Bangerter/Cathcart to adopt Resolution No. RA 95-10 as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. BUSINESS SESSION.................continued CONSIDERATION OF AGREEMENT FOR PURCHASE AND SALE OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT ADAMS STREET AND AVENUE 48, BY AND BETWEEN STAMKO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, KESTAM CORPORATION, AND LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY. Mr. Herman, Community Development Director, advised that the matter before the Agency is the acquisition of 55.45 acres at $1.9 million to be used for affordable housing. The property is located at the northeast corner of Adams Street and Avenue 48. He advised that the purchase funds will come from the proceeds from the upcoming Agency bond issue, but the Agreement will not be concluded until proceeds are available to fund the purchase in August, 1995. He advised that a series of community meetings will be conducted to obtain public input on future site-planning efforts and once concluded, preliminary concept plans will be prepared for the Agency to review. BIB] 07-15-1996-U01 08:53:05AM-U01 RDAMIN-U02 06-U02 20-U02 1995-U02 Redevelopment Agency Minutes 4 June 20 1995 MOTION It was moved by Board Members Ban Bangerter/Cathcart to approve the Agreement and authorize the Executive Director to execute documents necessary to complete the purchase transaction. Mr. Tom Cullinan. of Rancho La Quinta, commented that a lot of money has been spent to improve the north side of their property and wished to go on record that he opposes any type of affordable housing on the subject property. He felt that there are other areas in the City that would be more appropriate for affordable housing? Motion carried unanimously. Agency recessed to Closed Session. CLOSED SESSION 1. Conference with real property negotiator concerning the sale of real property located at the northeast corner of Avenue 48 and Dune Palms Road. Negotiator: Desert Sands Unified School District; Instructing the negotiator concerning price and terms of payment for the acquisition of the property pursuant to Government Code Section 54946.8. 2. Conference with real property negotiator concerning 50 individual, residential properties located generally in the Cove, specifically identified in the Agreement with Coachella Valley Land. Negotiator: Byron Radakker; Instructing the negotiator concerning price and terms of payment for acquisition of properties pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8. The Board reconvened to regular session and Agency Counsel announced that out of the negotiations concerning the transfer of property to the School District, that it became apparent that because the State will not accept grant deeds that include the mineral rights reservations, that it. was moved and unanimously adopted by all Agency Board Members that the Agency's usual policy of reserving the mineral rights would not be applicable to grant deeds to the School Districts or other State Subdivisions. There being no further business the Agency adjourned. Res?ectfully submitted AUNDRA L JUHOLA Secretary La Quinta Redevelopment Agency BIB] 07-15-1996-U01 08:53:05AM-U01 RDAMIN-U02 06-U02 20-U02 1995-U02