1993 11 02 RDA Minutes LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES NOVEMBER 2, 1993 Regular meeting of the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency was called to order by Chairman Pena. PRESENT: Members Bangerter. Perkins. Sniff. Chairman Pena. ABSENT.' Member McCartney MOTION It was moved by Members Sniff/Bangerter that Member McCartney be excused. Motion carried unanimously. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Confirmed APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION It was moved by Members Sniff/Bangerter that the Minutes of October 19, 1993 be approved as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC COMMENT None. BUSINESS SESSION I. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL TO POOL CITY AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ACCOUNTS. MOTION It was moved by Members Sniff/Bangerter to approve the pooling of City and Redevelopment Agency accounts. Motion carried unanimously. 2. CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION REVISING THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY'S POLICIES TO ENCOURAGE CONTRACTS EMPLOYING FIRMS AND INDIVIDUALS RESIDING IN THE PROJECT AREAS. Mr. Genovese, Ass't. Executive Director. advised that pursuant to adoption of Resolution No. RA 93-10. staff developed the forms and procedures necessary for implementation of the program. At that time. staff determined that it was necessary to revise this resolution modifying the six-month residency requirement to residency at the time of the award of bid. BIB] 07-18-1996-U01 07:48:02AM-U01 RDAMIN-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1993-U02 Redevelopment Agency Minutes November 2. 1993 RESOLUTION NO. RA 93-12 RESOLUTION OF THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD REVISING THE aGENCY'S POLICIES TO ENCOURAGE CONTRACTS EMPLOYING FIRMS AND INDIVIDUALS RESIDING IN THE PROJECT AREAS. t was moved by Members Sniff/Perkins that Resolution No. RA 93-12 be adopted. Motion carried unanimously. 3. FIRST QUARTER BUDGET REPORT. MOTION l? was moved by Members Bangerter/Sniff that the First Quarter Budget Report be continued to November 16. t993. Motion carried unanimous[y. 4. TRANSMITTAL OF TREASURER'S REPORT SEPTEMBER 30, 1993. MOTION It was moved by Members Bangerter/Perkins to receive and file the September 30.1993 Treasurer's Report. Motion carried. CONSENT CALENDAR None DEPARTMENT REPORTS None CHAIR AND BOARD mEMBERS ITEMS None PUBLIC HEARINGS None CLOSED SESSION A. Discussion of negotiations pursuant to Government Code Section 45956.8 The Tucker Company's proposal for commercial project La Quinta Canyon Center) located generally south of Highway 11 \Vest of Adams Street and east of Dune Palms Road. The Koenig Companies proposal for commercial project La Quinta ViIIa2c Shopping Center) located northeast corner of \Washington Street and Calle Tampico. BIB] 07-18-1996-U01 07:48:02AM-U01 RDAMIN-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1993-U02 Redevelopment Agency Minutes 3 November 2. 1993 The Board reconvened with no action being taken. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. submitted, AU JU L eta ry La Quinta Redevelopment Agency BIB] 07-18-1996-U01 07:48:02AM-U01 RDAMIN-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1993-U02