1993 02 16 RDA Minutes LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES FEBRUARY 16, 1993 Regular meeting of the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency was called to order by Mayor Pena. PRESENT: Mrs. Bangerter, Mr. Mccartney, Mr. Perkins, Mr. Sniff, Chairman Pena ABSENT: one CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Ms. Honeywell, Legal Counsel, asked that a Closed Session item regarding the County of Riverside withholding tax-increment payment under potential litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 and the matter of the WES Disposition and Development Agreement and acquisition of properties in the Cove be added to the Closed Session agenda under negotiations pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 MOTION It was moved by Mr. Sniff, seconded by Mrs. Bangerter that the matters pertaining to the WES DDA and County of Riverside be added to the Closed Session agenda as outlined. Motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC COMMENT None BUSINESS SESSION 1. APPROVAL OF CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER FOR IRRIGATION SYSTEM RELOCATION CALLE TAMPICO IMPROVEMENTS. Mr. Speer, Ass't. City Engineer, advised that there was a 20' wide swath of the date grove on Tampico at the northeast corner of Eisenhower that was given to the City by the Fritz Burns Foundation. There were trees on it which were sold and after we started construction, it was discovered there as a private irrigation system in the portion of land that was given to the City. In order to keep the irrigation system functional, there is a need to modify it. The Contract Change Order is in the amount of $39,195.00, which is within the 10% contingency allocated for this project. Mr. Sniff questioned the type and size of line and Mr. Speer recommended that this matter be continued so he could research those questions. The Board concurred. BIB] 07-18-1996-U01 10:28:19AM-U01 RDAMIN-U02 02-U02 16-U02 1993-U02 BIB] 07-18-1996-U01 10:28:19AM-U01 RDAMIN-U02 02-U02 16-U02 1993-U02 BIB] 07-18-1996-U01 10:28:19AM-U01 RDAMIN-U02 02-U02 16-U02 1993-U02 BIB] 07-18-1996-U01 10:28:19AM-U01 RDAMIN-U02 02-U02 16-U02 1993-U02 Redevelopment Agency Minutes 2 February 16, 1993 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROPRIATE ADDITIONAL FUNDING TO THE PHASE IV COVE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT TO COVER COSTS INCURRED DURING CONSTRUCTION. MOTION It was moved by Mr. Sniff, seconded by Mr. Mccartney to appropriate the additional funding to the Phase IV Cove Improvement Project for costs incurred during construction. Motion carried unanimously. 3. CONSIDERATION OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING AGREEMENT WITH COACHELLA VALLEY LAND REGARDING PROVISION OF LOW MODERATE HOUSING IN THE COVE. Chairman Pena and Mrs. Bangerter left the dias advising that they would be abstaining due to conflicts of interest. Mr. Genovese, Interim Executive Director, advised that this item entails the funding of thirty 30) units, 20 of which are rental and 10 of which are home-buyer. Frank Spevacek, presented a map of the Cove depicting the locations of the 20 rental units and the 10 for-sale properties. This is a two-component program. The first component would involve 10 for-sale units where the Agency will be providing a subsidy of up to $7,000 per unit to cover closing costs and dawn-payment assistance. CVL and Bill Cusack own all 10 of these units and will be selling them to moderate-income households. The assistance will be provided in he form of a second trust-deed in which principal and interest payments would accrue until the units are sold. At that time, when the first home-buyer that steps up and purchases the unit sells the unit, the Agency will get the principal and interest back along with an additional seven percent 7%) of the units' appreciation for that time-frame. The program component will involve a total cost of $70,000 to the Agency with each $7,000 increment being funded as each unit closes. The second component involves twenty 20) units that will be a part of a Section 8 rental subsidy program. Those units will be rented to very-low income households that would also qualify for Housing Authority Section 8 Certificates. With this program component, the Agency will provide $20,000 per unit for a total of $400,000 that would also be issued in the form of a second trust-deed that would be repaid once the program is completed within five years. Principal and interest repaid or pledged toward purchase of the units if the Agency elected to buy the units for additional housing programs. That will earn the Agency approximately $587,000 over the life of the five-year term of the loan in principal BIB] 07-18-1996-U01 10:28:19AM-U01 RDAMIN-U02 02-U02 16-U02 1993-U02 BIB] 07-18-1996-U01 10:28:19AM-U01 RDAMIN-U02 02-U02 16-U02 1993-U02 BIB] 07-18-1996-U01 10:28:19AM-U01 RDAMIN-U02 02-U02 16-U02 1993-U02 BIB] 07-18-1996-U01 10:28:19AM-U01 RDAMIN-U02 02-U02 16-U02 1993-U02 Redevelopment Agency Minutes 3 February 16, 1993 and interest. This component also involves a $2,000 per year subsidy for its property management and maintenance. CVL will continue to own the units, rent them and maintain them for the life of the agreement. The agreement provides that the Agency will, on an annual basis, look at the cost of the renting and maintenance cost of these rental units and then provide up to $2,000 per unit per year or a subsidy between the actual costs and the limit set- forth. That program component could cost an additional $200,000 to the Agency over the same five-year program. Mr. Perkins questioned the definition of very-low income" and Mr. Spevacek advised that it's based on a family that earns 50% or less of the median income for Riverside County. Based upon a family of four that would be a family earning $18,300 annually. Mr. Perkins questioned the City's requirements and what it presently has and Mr. Spevacek advised that they are currently putting together a comprehensive housing plan. Currently, it appears that during a 40-year period we have to make approximately 4,000 units available to very-low, low and moderate-income households. To date, we have approximately 15 units that would give us credit toward that 4,000. Mark Huebsch, Agency Counsel, pointed Out that we're dealing with vacant property, so we don't expect to have any replacement housing issues. He noted that if approved, at the next meeting of the Council, they will be asked to approve a resolution that will give the Agency the flexibility to use not only the housing set-aside funds from Project Area No. 1, but also from Project Area No. 2. Bill CuSack, General Partner of C. V. Land, advised that this has been a very complex issue to put together and complimented the City's legal counsel and consultants on the work they've done. RESOLUTION NO. RA 93-1 A RESOLUTION OF THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY APPROVING AN AFFORDABLE HOUSING AGREEMENT WITH COACHELLA VALLEY LAND, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP AND WILLIAM J. CUSACK PERTAINING TO PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AND PROJECT NO. 2 OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF SAID AGREEMENT. BIB] 07-18-1996-U01 10:28:19AM-U01 RDAMIN-U02 02-U02 16-U02 1993-U02 BIB] 07-18-1996-U01 10:28:19AM-U01 RDAMIN-U02 02-U02 16-U02 1993-U02 BIB] 07-18-1996-U01 10:28:19AM-U01 RDAMIN-U02 02-U02 16-U02 1993-U02 BIB] 07-18-1996-U01 10:28:19AM-U01 RDAMIN-U02 02-U02 16-U02 1993-U02 Redevelopment Agency Minutes 4 February 1?, 1993 It was moved by Mr. Perkins, seconded by Mr. Mccartney that Resolution No. RA 93-1 be adopted. Motion carried with Chairman Pena and Mrs. Bangerter absent. 4 TRANSMITTAL OF TREASURER'S REPORT DECEMBER 31, 1992. MOTION It was moved by Mr. Perkins, seconded by Mrs. Bangerter that the Treasurer's report dated December 31, 1992 be received and filed. Motion carried unanimously. BUSINESS SESSION NO. 1.......continued?....... Mr. Speer advised that the pipe that will be installed at $25.00 per lineal foot is 12' PVC. The existing pipe is thought to have been concrete mortar-lined pipe, which is not salvageable. The valves should be at a not-to-exceed amount of $405. We will pay the material cost plus the allowed mark-up in the specifications and then a fixed fee for the labor. MOTION It was moved by Mr. Sniff, seconded by Chairman Pena to approve the Contract Change Order for the irrigation system relocation on Calle Tampico Improvements Project No. 92-12 in an amount not to exceed $39,195. Motion carried unanimously. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL? OF DEMAND REGISTER DATED FEBRUARY 16, 1993. 2. AWARD OF BID FOR PROJECT NO. 93-01 SEWER CONNECTIONS TO LOW BIDDER HENDRICKSON CONSTRUCTION, INC. MOTION It was moved by Mr. Sniff, seconded by Mrs. Bangerter to approve the Consent Calendar as recommended. Motion carried unanimously. DEPARTMENT REPORTS Transmittal of Statement of Financial Position December 31, 1992. PUBLIC HEARINGS None BIB] 07-18-1996-U01 10:28:19AM-U01 RDAMIN-U02 02-U02 16-U02 1993-U02 BIB] 07-18-1996-U01 10:28:19AM-U01 RDAMIN-U02 02-U02 16-U02 1993-U02 BIB] 07-18-1996-U01 10:28:19AM-U01 RDAMIN-U02 02-U02 16-U02 1993-U02 BIB] 07-18-1996-U01 10:28:19AM-U01 RDAMIN-U02 02-U02 16-U02 1993-U02 Redevelopment Agency Minutes 5 February 1?, 1993 CLOSED SESSION a. Discussion of negotiations pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 Riverside County b. Discussion of negotiations pursuant to Government Code Section 549S6 B WES Disposition and Development Agreement and Acquisition of Properties in the Cove Council reconvened to regular session. Mark Huebsch of Stradling, Yocca, Carlson & Rauth, Agency Legal Counsel and Frank Spevacek, Principal of Rosenow, Spevacek Group RSG) Agency Consultants, returned to make a report to the Agency regarding their discussion with Mr. Walt Stockman regarding certain issues. MOTION It was moved by Mr. Sniff, seconded by Mr. Mccartney that regarding six 6) housing units proposed for sale Saldivar, Rigney, Aguilar, Ferrarro, Bliss, and Perez) the Agency and the Developer would split the costs excess to the housing ost that would be affordable for the particular homebuyers in questions; the assistance provided by the Agency would be reallocated from the total already approved by the Agency in respect to the WES transaction; the staff was authorized and directed to negotiate an amendment to implement the details of this motion; the Executive Director was directed to proceed to close the six 6) units at the earliest feasible time consistent with the terms of the existing agreement including without limitation provisions relating to affordable housing costs); the Executive Director, Attorneys, and Consultants were directed to proceed to close the transactions without necessity of formalizing an agreement, which agreement was to be brought back to the Agency Board at a later time for ratification. Mr. Stockman indicated that the motion was acceptable in substance to him. Motion carried with Mrs. Bangerter not present, having been excused prior to consideration of the Stockman item. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. AUNDRA L. JUHOLA Secretary La Quinta Redevelopment Agency BIB] 07-18-1996-U01 10:28:19AM-U01 RDAMIN-U02 02-U02 16-U02 1993-U02 BIB] 07-18-1996-U01 10:28:19AM-U01 RDAMIN-U02 02-U02 16-U02 1993-U02 BIB] 07-18-1996-U01 10:28:19AM-U01 RDAMIN-U02 02-U02 16-U02 1993-U02 BIB] 07-18-1996-U01 10:28:19AM-U01 RDAMIN-U02 02-U02 16-U02 1993-U02