1992 10 06 RDA Minutes LA Q?INTA REDEVELOPMENT AG?NCY MINUTES OCTOBER 6, 1992 Regular meeting of the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency was Called to order by Chairman Pena. PRESENT: Mr. Bohnenberger, Mrs. Franklin, Mr. Rushworth, Mr. Sniff, Chairman Pena ABSENT: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION It was moved by Mr. Rushworth, seconded by Mr. Sniff that the Minutes of September 1?, 1992 be approved as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC COMMENT None BUSINESS SESSION 1. CONSIDERATION OF SELECTION OF THE REVIEW PROCESS FOR THE VILLAGE RFP CONSULTANT. Mr. Genovese, Interim City Manager, advised that an RFP was presented to a?number of consultants and we have now received four responses. Staff is now seeking Board direction as to how to proceed with a review of the proposals. Mr. Sniff suggested that the process be delayed until the new Council/Board is seated. He also questioned how we can proceed with a project when acquisition of the park is undetermined at this time as well as the infrastructure. Perhaps the Board needs to discuss whether or not it's a good idea to proceed with this project at this time. Chairman Pena briefly reviewed the background of this project. He favored moving forward with interviews of the four consultants to select two for interview by the entire Board. The newly seated Council/Board would conduct those interviews. Mr. Rushworth suggested eliminating the proposal submitted by an out?of-town consultant and have the Board interview the remaining four. A brief discussion ensued with the Board concurring to select option No. 2 which sets forth a Council/Board/Staff committee to interview all four consultants to select two for interview by the entire Board. BIB] 07-18-1996-U01 12:51:09PM-U01 RDAMIN-U02 10-U02 06-U02 1992-U02 La Quinta Redevelopment 2 October 6, 1992 Age?cy Minutes MOTION t was moved by Mr. Sniff, seconded by Mrs. Franklin that Option No. 2 be selected and direct staff to proceed with the process and that the interview process narrow the field to two which would then appear before the Board for a final decision. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Sniff and Mrs. Franklin volunteered to serve on the committee with Chairman Pena as the alternate. Mr. Bohnenberger suggested that the final two appear before the new Board. 2. REV?EW AND DISCUSSION RE?ARDING REDEVELOPMENT HOUSING PROGRAMS. Mr. Spevacek, with Rosenow, Spevacek roup, advised that a report has been prepared in order to provide for some parameters in which to continue discussing the various housing proposals, which could be funded through the Agency's low- moderate income housing program, which heretofore have been discussed in Closed Session. The report provides an overview of the Agency's housing expenditures to date, outstanding commitments and a review of the pending housing proposals. Basically, we have expended $930,000 on housing programs Assessment Subsidy Program, Coachella valley Housing Coalition and WES Development Co. We have estimated another $756,000 to finish these programs as they stand today; plus another $400,000 to further fund administrative costs plus property purchase. There are proposals before the Board from Coachella valley Land Co., which involves both a rental subsidy program as well as a for sale' housing program and a proposal from Williams Development Co. to fund senior citizen rental housing. These two proposals along with a request from WES Development Co. to fund the remaining 30 homes provided for under his DDA would result in an additional expenditure of somewhere between $3.1 to $4.9 million. We estimate that $4.6 million will be available this year. This does not include funding the rebate to the State using 50% of the low-mod housing fund if no other funds are available. If that were to occur, then the $4.6 million estimate would be reduced to $3.9 million. Staff is looking for direction as to how they wish to proceed with funding these additional housing proposals. Mrs. Franklin questioned what sites Williams Development has looked at and Ms. Williams advised that they haven't BIB] 07-18-1996-U01 12:51:09PM-U01 RDAMIN-U02 10-U02 06-U02 1992-U02 La Quinta Redevelopment 3 October 6, 1992 Agency Minutes identified a specific site, but they are looking at a site behind Ralphs. Mr. Rushworth stated that he would like to see the Agency advance in the direction of providing senior housing. The Board concurred. Mr. Sniff felt that they are all excellent proposals and liked the location behind Ralphs and also suggested the area around Avenue 48 and Highway 111. He favored moving into meaningful negotiations with Coachella Valley Land, and Williams Development and that we proceed with the remaining 30 units under the WES Development project. Chairman Pena agreed that all three projects are unique and provide a good basis on which to proceed. He felt that the Agency should work with these three developers and not entertain any further proposals so that we can concentrate our efforts on them and move forward. The Board concurred. At this time, the qard adjourned to Closed Session CLOSED SESSION a. Discussion of negotiations pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 Williams Development Corporation Proposal for housing project including potential acquisition of properties in the Cove area. Coachella Valley Land Proposal for housing project including potential acquisition of properties in the Co?e area La Quinta Canyon Center Development and Disposition Agreement. Stockman WES?S) Development Project for housing project including potential acquisition and disposition of properties in the Cove area. The Board reconvened to regular session. BIB] 07-18-1996-U01 12:51:09PM-U01 RDAMIN-U02 10-U02 06-U02 1992-U02 La Quinta Redevelopment 4 October 6, 1992 Agency Minutes 3. REVIEW AND DISCUSSION REGARDING STOCKMAN WES DEVELOPMENT) AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROJECT. The Board directed that Attorney, Mark Huebsch, bring back some clarification language to consider at the next meeting regarding the Disposition and Development Agreement. There being no further business, the Board adjourned. Re ectfully submitted SAUNDRA L JUHOLA Secretary City of La Quinta California BIB] 07-18-1996-U01 12:51:09PM-U01 RDAMIN-U02 10-U02 06-U02 1992-U02