1987 04 07 RDA MinutesV POvED AGENDA TEM DEN!ED CONTINUE TO M I N U T E S LA UINTA REDEVL.LOPMI:.T AGLNCY A Reular rneeti3. of the La uj.ta Rdeveloprnent 3'ency, held at City Hall, 78iO5 Calle Estado, La Pjnta, Califoria April 07, i87 8:46 pIT CALL TO ORDER Chairman Hoyle called the La Quinta Redevelopment Aency meetin'3 to order at 8:46 p m oll Call: AYES.. A3ency Members Eohnenbere- Pena Sniff, and Chairman Hoyle NOES: None ASENT: A.ency Meirber Cox A.ency Meniber Cox' absence as excused HARIN(;S None 4 CONSENT CALENDAR Moved by A.3ency Member Bohnenberger seconded by Aency MelTiber Sniff to adopt the Consent Cd lendar Roll Call ote: AYES: Agency Members Eohnenberer Pena Sniff, and Chairman Hoyle NOES: None ASENT Agency Member Cox A App"ovl f the Minutes O a regular iyieeti1g of the L Quinta Redevelopment Agency held March i7, i987, as submitted BUSINESS SESSION A Request for Approval Joint Use Sports Community Use Complex Development and Improvement Project BIB] 08-30-1996-U01 02:07:49PM-U01 RDAMIN-U02 04-U02 07-U02 1987-U02 VMiutes RedevelopITIeYt ecy april 7, 1987 Pa3-e Two The City Mai,Manager explained that ichdrd Eeck, Desert dY1d5 Unified School District, was unable to attend the meeting' and illustrated the configuration of the proposed sports complex with the use of map to oucjl In summarizing, he recommended that Council 1 approve the conceptual plan for the project, including th site layout and use of property, 2) approve the project list, and 3) authorize a) the development of a lease agreement to include major issues of joint/land use and land/title considerations, b the drafting of a memorandum of understanding, c to develop a financial plan and pro ram, and ci) take formal action to re9uest the relocation of the lID power lines to be at the school site Additionally, he cited correspondence to be entered into the A'ency record from Fred Wolff ur3in inclusion of a swimming pool as part of the proposed sports complex Council Membr Sniff stated that he felt it important that the District provide timel ines regarding in' process of the sports complex project, which was echoed by other A3ency Members Moved by Aenc*y Member Sni ff, seconded by Ad- ency Member Pena, to approve the Joint Use Sports & Community Use Complex lex Development and Improvement project recommendations as amended, and direct Staf'f to request the Desert Sands School District provide the Council with quarterly timelines and performance updates Chairman Hoyle moved to amend the motion to include the swim complex item F of the project) Amended motion died for lack of a second ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES A.3ency Members Bohnenber3er, Pena, Sniff NOES-. Chairman Hoyle AESENT: A9ency Member Cox B. Finance Directors Report March, 1987) No questions/comments 6 ADJOURNMENT Moved by A'ency Member Sniff, seconded by Aency Member Bohnenber'er to adjourn Unanimously adopted The Redevelopment A3ency meeting held April 7, 19B7, was adjourned at 9:00 at City Hall, 78-iO Calle Estado, La Quinta, California BIB] 08-30-1996-U01 02:07:49PM-U01 RDAMIN-U02 04-U02 07-U02 1987-U02