1985 08 27 RDA Minutes MINES LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY A special meeting of the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency held at City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado. La Quinta, California. August 27, 1985 8:00 a.m. I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Cox called a special meeting of the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency to order at aproiately D6 a.m. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Agency Members Allen, Wolff and Chairman Cox. Absent: Agency Members Bohnenberger and Pena. also resent executive Director Usher and Administrative Secretary Wright. Frank Soriano. Paine Webber, Inc.; Larry Arceneaux and Keith Breskin, Katz Hollis. Moved by Agency Member wolff, seconded by Agency Member Allen, to excuse Agency Members Bohnenber9er and Pena. Unanimously adopted. 3. HEARINGS 4. CONSENT CALENDAR 5. BUSINESS SESSION A. The Executive Director presented a report regarding flood control bonds and approval cf the official statement, and Introduced Mr. Frank Soriano, Paine Webber. Inc.. and asked to Mr. Soriano to present a report from Paine Webber regarding issuance of flood control bonds. Mr. Usher explained that the Agency would be asked to approve two actions: a resolution of the Agency amending Resolution No. RA-85-5. authorizing issuance of the tax allocation bonds. which would Include some additional changes in the previous resolution, and to adopt a resolution making these changes, along with a third resolution approving the Official Statement of the Redevelopment Agency. Mr. Soriano explained the proposed amending resolution. and reviewed the suggested changes with the Agency members. Changes to the resolution were described in depth. with both Mr. Usher. Executive Director. and Frank Soriano describing changes to be made by bond counsel. Bond counsel will forward the completed Resolution following preparation. Executive Director Usher recommended adoption of the following proposed Resolution-. RESOLUTION NO. RA-85-1l. A RESOLUTION OF THE QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY. AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. RA-85-5, AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE O TAX ALLOCATION BONDS OF SAID AGENCY IN A PRINCIPAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED TWENTY MILLION DOLLARS $20,000,000) TO FINANCE PORTION OF THE COST OF A REDEVELOPMENT PRO3ECT KNOWN AS ThE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT. Moved by Agency Member Wolff. seconded by Agency Member Allen, to adopt Resolution No. RA-85-11 amending Resolution No. RA-8S-S, with the understanding that this Resolution, when completed in final written form. will include both sections present plus additional changes as described verbally by Mr. Soriano and Executive Director Usher. Unanimously adopted, with Agency members Bohnenberger and Pena absent. B. The Executive Director presented a report regarding a proposed Resolution amendin9 Resolution No. RA-85-1O, declaring its intention to sell bonds of said Agency In the amount of $20,000,000, fixing time and place for taking bids and directing publication of Notice Inviting bids. RESOLUTION NO. RA-85-12. A RESOLUTION OF THE QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY. AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. RA-85-10. DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO SELL BONDS OF SAID AGENCY IN THE AMOUNT OF $20,000,000, FIXING TIME AND PLACE FOR TAKING BIDS AND DIRECTING PUBLICATION OF NOTICE INVITING I0S. The Executive Director explained that amendments contained In the Proposed Resolution would provide for an Increased bid bond from $100,000 to $500,000, which would ensure good faith bidding by all parties. It was further noted that unsuccessful bidders would have their bid bonds returned to them upon award of bid. BIB] 09-04-1996-U01 08:17:04AM-U01 RDAMIN-U02 08-U02 27-U02 1985-U02 MINUTES La Quinta Redevelopment Agency August 27, 1985 Page Two. moved by Agency Member Allen, seconded by Agency Member Wolff, to adopt Resolution No. RA-85-12, amending Resolution No. RA-85-10, relating to increased bid bonding from $100,000 to $500,000. Unanimously adopted, with Agency members Bohnenberger and Pena absent. C. The Executive Director presented a report regarding a proposed Resolution relative to adoption Cf the Official Statement of the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency. Mr. Soriano reviewed changes to the Official Statement as noted by Staff. The executive Director recoended adoption of the following proed Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. RA-85-13. A RESOLUTION or THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPment AGENCY APPROVING THE OFFICIAL STATEMENT FOR THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT TAX ALLOCATION bonds. SERIES 1g85. Fo1loing discussion regarding changes and revisions relative to the Official statement. Agency Member Wolff reested the Agency adjourn for a five r.ite recess. Chairman Cox adjourned the meeting at 9.20 a.m.. and reconvened the Agency meeting at 9.30 a.m. Discussion resumed regarding changes to the Official Statement. after which it was moved by Agency Member Allen. seconded by Agency Member Wolff, to adopt Resolution No. RA-85-13. subject to changes as described by Mr. Soriano. Unanimously adopted. with Agency Members Bohnenberger and Pena absent. 6. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Agency Member Allen. seconded by Agency Member Wolff, to adjourn. Unan. adopted. The special meeting of the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency held on August 27. 1985. was adjourned at 9:52 a.m., at City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. BIB] 09-04-1996-U01 08:17:04AM-U01 RDAMIN-U02 08-U02 27-U02 1985-U02