RDA Resolution 1988-003 465 RESOLUTION RA-88-3 A RESOLUTION OF THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AZENCY APPROVING DEMANDS. a) BE IT RESOLVED by the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency of the City of La Quinta, California, to approve demands as shown on the Cr) Demand/Warrant Register dated February 16, 1988. roll APaP1R1OVED and ADOPTED this February 16, 1988 by the following Co vote: AYES: Mrs. Cox, Mr. Pena, Mr. Sniff, Chairman Hoyle NOES: None ABSENT: Mr. Bohnenberger ABSTAIN: None W LLIAM R. HOYLE, CHAIRMAN ATZST SAUNDRA L JUHOZ, SECRETARY BIB] 03-04-1997-U01 09:10:45AM-U01 RDARES-U02 88-U02 03-U02 RESOLUTION NO. RA 88-3 46E)Z IA Z Z Z *pZnZnd/WZant ZisZ Zebruary 16, 1988 9ZckI NAME 344 Wjl1jZ Zyle Zto/pZne cZrpenSatiOfl, Jan 1/22/88 $ 100*00 34S Judi Z: Zto/pZne ZITpensat1cZ, Jan 1/22/88 $ 100.00 346 stanley Sniff Zto/phone CUTpensatlon, JZ 1/22/88 $ 100.00 347 SeZZirity ac Tax allocation Znds, tax InZ. 1/22/88 $ 1,555,338.78 348 D. Zhnenberger Zto/phone oZtpenSation, Jan 1/22/88 $ 100.00 349 Diehi Evans Bal due FZ 86-87 audit 1/22/88 $ 500.00 350 John Pena Auto/phone cZrZeflsation, Jan 1/22/88 $ 100.00 351 void- 352 Security Pac Tax allocation bonZ, tax Inc. 1/27/88 $ 68,441.81 ZIZL $ 1,624,780.59 BIB] 03-04-1997-U01 09:10:45AM-U01 RDARES-U02 88-U02 03-U02