RDA Resolution 1988-013 415 RESOLUTION RA-88-13 A RESOLUTION OF THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY APPROVING DEMANDS. BE IT RESOLVED by the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency of the City of La Quinta, California, to approve demands as shown on the Ln Demand/Warrant Register dated November 15, 1988. Cr) APPROVED and ADOPTED this November 15, 1988 by the following roll call vote: AYES: Mr. Bohnenberger, Mrs. Cox, Mr. Pena, Mr. Sniff, NOES: None ABSENT: Chairman Hoyle ABSTAIN: None WILLIAM R. HOYLE, CHAIRMAN ATZST: Z Z Note: William Hoyle was unavailable for signature after trying numerous times to reach him. BIB] 03-04-1997-U01 09:24:51AM-U01 RDARES-U02 88-U02 13-U02 CONSENT ITEM NO. RESOLUTION NO. RA 88-13 Z ZZrA Z Z Zd/Warrant Zi ster 11/15/88 check Z ZURPOSE 402 William Zle AutarZbi1e/pZne ZL 10/14/68 $ 100.c 403 404 Dale ZZerger ALltaZbi1e/pZZ Oct 10/14/88 100.c 405 John Pena ZtZrobile/phoiZe ZI 10/14/88 1oO.c 406 Judith Zi ALltarobile/pZne Oct 10/14/88 100.c 407 Stanley Sniff ZZbile/phone Oct 10/14/88 100.c 408 Diehi Evans part payeent audit FY 87-88 10/14/88 1350.C 409 William Zy1e ZtarDbile/phoZ Zv 10/31/88 100.c 410 Dale BohneribeZer AutZZbile/phone 10/31/88 100.0 Z11 John Pena Al]tZrZile/phone Zv 10/31/88 100.0 412 Judith Oox ZtZZbile/phone bbv 10/31/88 100.0 Z13 Stanley Sniff AutZZZbile/phone NZ 10/31/88 100.0 jZiZT. $ 2350.0 BIB] 03-04-1997-U01 09:24:51AM-U01 RDARES-U02 88-U02 13-U02