RDA Resolution 1991-011 RESOLUTION NO. RA9l-ll RESOLUTION OF THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY APPROVING THE ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY AND DETERMINING THAT THE USE OF THE PROPERTY FOR PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS IS OF PUBLIC BENEFIT TO THE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AND THE IMMEDIATE NEIGHBORHOOD IN WHICH THE PROJECT IS LOCATED AND DETERMINING THAT THERE ARE NO OTHER REASONABLE MEANS OF FINANCING SAID PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS WHEREAS, the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency the *`Agency*) desires to purchase real property described in the attached Escrow Instructions Exhibit A") the Agreement") in order to complete a street widening and improvement project which will be of benefit to the La Quinta Redevelopment Project Area No. 1 and the immediate neighborhood in which the Project is located; and WHEREAS, California Health and Safety Code Section 33342 provides for the authority of the Agency to purchase real property in the Project Area; and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Plan for Project Area No. 1 authorizes and directs the Agency to pay all or part of the value of the acquisition and construction of public improvements, which are enumerated in materials referenced in the Redevelopment Plan and which includes street improvements; and WHEREAS, California Health and Safety Code Section 33445 provides that the Agency may, with the consent of the legislative body, pay all or part of the value of public buildings, facilities, structures or other improvements upon a finding that such public improvements are of benefit to the Project Area or the immediate neighborhood in which the Project is located and that there is no other reasonable means of financing such public improvements available for the community; and NOW, THEREFORE, the Agency does hereby find, determine, order and resolve as follows: Section 1. The approval and execution of the Agreement Exhibit A") for the acquisition of the property is exempt from CEQA pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) of the State CEQA Guidelines. BIB] 07-30-1997-U01 03:33:02PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDARES-U02 91-U02 11-U02 IL RESOLUTION NO. RA 91-11 Section 2. Pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33445: i) the proposed street improvements for which the property is being acquired are of benefit to the Project Area and the neighborhood in which such improvements are to be situated; and ii) no other reasonable means of financing the improvements are available to the City of La Quinta. Section 3. The Agency finds and determines based upon the analysis presented with respect to the value of the property attached hereto as Exhibit D*), that the purchase price set forth in the Agreement to be paid by the Agency is a fair mar*et value for the subject property. Section 4. The Agency hereby approves the acquisition of the subject property and authorizes and directs the Executive Director to execute all necessary documents in order to acquire said property. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 17*h day of September 1991. AYES: Council Members Bohnenberger, Franklin, Rushworth Sniff & Mayor Pena NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None Chairman 09/11/91 7269u/2588/0OO 2- BIB] 07-30-1997-U01 03:33:02PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDARES-U02 91-U02 11-U02 RESOLUTION NO. RA 91-11 EXI*BIT A' Dim ESCR* C*IN! *. 43-145 * AVE.1 SUZ!E IL CL 12261 61D 568-2521 flz 619 568-6283 3.*- mc!*m Escrow,' NWUEUI i2*U*C *u *guat *. 1l9* CON5ZD*!Z0I afte* *January 1, 1992*acy L, LISa. but iwt later than ua* Outside * i.or* e * LI, 1152, z vill cagi. be bauded Depoiit thro'ig* Emoraw *0,o00.00 * aua,ooo.o. + all uleciug *e.t. i* ILiut * Deed o.eo o*eetLoi vith this auorov. lewelid *rust Deed 0.00 * CwEU**T*W U *o,oc*.oo aud CTi7 *ndl and Ln.tguuntw uwge..arp *gr m to o*ly *ith tbe.e i*.t*otion., which * are to tile pro'idmd yo* can hale isuued thr*gh chLoago itlu a *A utSfldIrd coverage pulicy of title insurance vlth the Lia*LlLty or the totaL c*3idCrt*oD on the goL*ovLng de.ar*hed *L pruperty An the Zee *tnta, ce*ty eg RL*ereA4e, State 0 OalLteiuia. ziut 13* in Ilock 114 *g eanta cuaelLta at Vale zia Quinta, tiuLt 112, 95 U** hy Hap 011 ILLe Lu Deck 15, laic(s) il-ic, An the eii... the co*n*y Receidew *I *vmg.*de co**nty. j*m'*VUw**I *!T OP La Q*ZV* and*or their nm*ee 0i If nmf 0 leacids generaL gmd apeoial district levies not delin**enti geleTLaute. conditiaDs and reicivatians irw*udi:1g eleeptiop. of oil, gas, sinerala and *4*0ar*OnI, vi*?1ou't iigh* 0 surface entry*, e.triOtlonui rights, *ightE af way and eu*enti far p*LbLLU utiLities. districts. water ee*aniee, alley and streCtel stip*1ezwnta1 t3*ea, if any. assessed pursuant to the provision 0 Chapter 491, Statutes of 1353e the state * *lLg.*ia. Sake enly tbe prorations and ad*ustseDts ind*oated Sy en K" a. eg * * 55C'Law3 3) *5355' lire Zosuranac ireuLim * Zotereut c* ruut Dead 0 Reoord p.I.A. *artygu Znsu*enae 1;PmL*, if any IDue*wr Aus*oietL*u d*e. ssntu Selleg end bu*ai are avare taxes ale ub*ent te *-a.sessueat, in ace*d*.e with the Statutas 0 the State 0 California. * proratLon of such tazes are to he handled outside t**s escrow. A-i BIB] 07-30-1997-U01 03:33:02PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDARES-U02 91-U02 11-U02 RESOLUTION NO. RA 91-11 SENT *Y:XerGx Telocopier 7020; 9-10-91 li:OOAM 5*4**17* 714 725 4100;# 4 liz. umuvmme *LLwy te **ev the *pwnve*e*tu property dei*ibed a*wve Im*wn aa I 5L740 U*eDbovP* DziYgu Li Q**nt&, * 92213 1, * a*e to thu f*egoLng * ind * t* tha uaid dato vL*L bend yu aay *undu **d 1aut**ta neamluiry rei * to am** the:ev*th, pr*id.d y.u bo*d the g*jj an* *atm**u deL*ve;**e *o mi icy Ipy naizmbr*aeu uugeu.e;y * plioc * * the floDditioR ailied for. * ED * UWN UEID im navzi2m mum au 3 8.Liei*a IuTe*I8 *Lg:het**e Eli_________________________ *i1*t*C * ILVE MOLIMY * * *FQ1MZA c*c. 4. addeaul 170 2nd Utrqat Aidreici 7U*LO5 aalie Eitadn Lifayette, Ca. U454* **Utef Ca, 93313 4. A-2 BIB] 07-30-1997-U01 03:33:02PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDARES-U02 91-U02 11-U02 iL RESOLUTION NO. RA 91-11 SENT DY:XerGx Tel*copLer 7020 3-10-91 11:o1AM 5*45*17* 714 725 4100;g 5 PAG!l CI'RitALPROYISiONS *. ARE FURTHER *ThUCTED As FOL*WSu En I*'i wywit N nil bi i*weiee*y papet ta cempIV wit?1 th* C***ti*i a* i"uIiac*** al t*is ai*, a*i aulhiftaed ii bi W*aI*ad dur** thi peft*i*Y el ihI* aiciew* efly I*di Wp*U*inii *U' * ba*k ia**ii MW *Cfl U3WiaI***. i**ja Com*C*V be iteddI.* ic *?`e * ef Dlii. lielow Cein*a*y1 fr*., UDo" ***Cide:jan II the *:iiowianis Iee*i,9g wi i.c*eaf *C*pIiIa t*a i*taw. hid f* ifti *UMInIi ehall b. etinwd I. he*e bti* *ae.weil by jeid * CWY'peity, ivw'* Plif te hiulPi tRe luftIl emlt*wnta ave iv QW poiiIfliDft ci ihe bimI*. ihytit aft' I*a* aitec*i* * litla kmuta*i CCm*I*y. If thi *Iy invelved in IW elcuew II *I*li ft ic,tw Iftlt**i.fli wIIh a baMi, laY'ftII lid Ipifi *at*iaII.v. 11111 ftiv,C*9 ernuntiany a'e'hi* waitew a.m*v Iie.u**id wwivt 1* Itiviw Ael. than ditil I*iaw Cmmta,,v. ine. Ii * Ia ivab. iue* evv**pnicn* with *h henli. tiyir*aid1 lean Cil*lCI* till. *nSUTeftcC tD1!Iplfl* U licEniti aIc*ew age*1 a: C i.i*.t I. ii *t *aih w IMt#*eMt it *II4 enibb IC IcVp* Ce*'*ny. I*e. te temply wit* in. i*iq*tieni in *Ii Iwiaw. 3. ml ail*iutttenli II'il*ar pr'vali* prevliiid fer m 9II ant I). tiall be *ede In ecc.evdangi with ihi iflI*IiW'fti Inittupitioni, ii if env uwnilenad Tft.I Dead 1 *i litwi. pat.*. *titlIyifflE bp ewn.* ii ha *ti leiwad theitby, cv ih* h.Idet fev icileetlen. aftd adi'*t Iflieviti thev* in tie bail, 1 * Itatimunt. hi Charge vu *n credit the lelle? Vii emitint ef anv i*i ilitwi, e,' S*IIcIary ilainment aa Ignmw*iti*. Ivtwu If life I*te*e lt*Iwiw, t*. e* met Igeg. Eiwwmi* pe*iuuia anti p#*aie mortail, itamluwit peid by*HAittv*i* the *i.*Cftv ulintiti, bated en lug eletenlelil. put 12 * *rwCle tagea, buiw in jelfil tell taIeu,ieeie c*eIIabEn ti 1*i i*htiiliig ill Iti*. agitearin1 m tig blIi* eupipt lieu cvi *t*tai **p*rty tet owliucyit vi* elcaew. dl Pierili tenteis bated en tIflt&I platement * V." by mill?. Yeti are Ic canilder cvi bill: 1 laId tint UCICft*I, tili icilet will ceIlact 8:1 vents wh*h fell Eul *ieu te ug dde ci cicret, imlelt Pie liiatvu.ii veu In wviIb*g ta the wntrafy. Nc ed*wimeni ageI*it btiyev an wi*eIi.cted tefiteli. I) Accept 1w me audi iMwaiti fcIi*Iu El lie Ilibtiltied cvi blaildinji altuitid cvi Pelierty licing e*iy*pei in *hli eigvCw anti peti* premium: thenin at eir itairuttlifti iI*n an ccii en. ill hetibi. Vet ma* ui*ethat livettitim: Ofi laid Doilciet Itavi bain acid asitl ittat the p*iicie* hive tel been hypitieteted, in hi event ciiuti* lnawatce f: tvanilevtiil 1* buyer aid Ii ict ft WCh ameuvit. if i*m, I. tn*t vattuivemeitti 1 n.y *ndii'g iftstit*Iian. yet U. Cttthwiai Ia wtieit additlanal C.VCFC8C W Meet leniet', * anti pap aciltienil pramI*, Ii *ged, hem bupuv*a iwida. a. NeeiiviltaIimn 1 mv iiuW**yienti deliveratitiveugh tilt pievaw. if te*ettirv n * In Ite Ii--** 1 thi tellelet 1 iW lvii Celled io*. i. buth*iaed avlii ft tltvtnittienihariwith, I'ihdl entliw inttrtirninti re*etvid in Itila 43trq* be *iIyereti tC* C urance any tlI* EfiliugMe ee.npmw. hu*. ie*, aid maR CaRCIllijen, ileeniad CIC*lw &3Cft*** Iw the * ci e*mplyi* di*tiiid with aid cendlI*em *f thaic am leictiom. with hi levine I. IJee yew UlLial IMIrrLa*Rt fetie at' bueri datea anti lItfiji ei* inatt**C If Claetted ineeinplet. in eteth tlaptt.*iav,. lirt'ldtd he ineifilene eel-p wilt eLir erittem buWuItien:. A*i Inteveti oft tiew W**btiv*a by ei*eemtii an n*teia* ii deeds ci IrwI *te **CY' 6y lit: mirey Mete alt *tiitvviuite midlif *eratitna Ut hi kale ci a 30 day wientit, *Qs2 * ISCR*i* I: the dci inattuhinta are vecw** * lellev Cgf"1 Ic fap, ewtald. ettiew, anti beine *Unq',**y, eli te iii in pirignil andleg veal Uve*tp vial tcttva* Ikw*iqtt titi: icicy. which aptiar a lien en abeve da:ctb* lvcea'ty, anti are net to be t*erneti thiiewi* 4. All dlib*MIvIInte el fwi* InWiUF Inivvintnti ci ltlu witew ihall lie iy*lIiiU UNttft*I3TUit**, IC thi teaipnatw p.r ty In ICeIrdlici Ich libjeel eterew Ivtaittatlcnl* etilbea: ef ehem ii fri*rpwatad herein. Deliver teat title policy te buptir tar te *itit ci ihfat endiw Ut' ettuinb,aII*. *. II the cenditiens ci liii atcveir have ftet Iletin camIllicti elti at thW tii'*e heiqin ite*ited. yeu eve never ihelet: te CCntplete the mm. * Iwi II ifie COrililIOnt etuept ella tlII'W) liave been Cempliel tU', urtliat I i?'alI Itava matte written laming UPWI pela iw the tit,rn eiittttievantller inttrgrntrvtti tepeelied b* vie. to. NoNOTiC* lbEhlANb alt *HAllCI ti* IHSIiiUfiii'10li5 SIIALL Ii air ANY EPFRCT IN Vlii5 ESCRO? tjNLUSS aiv* IN IRITIN' IV ALL PANTIIS A'PICttli T'4.*RnY. In the e*ent c*ftfiiCtlrtg de'l'anda lvi mide or Mutt, ceiveti * yet t,h* rilpict te ilile ilpew Iht pittle: e*preaily cpu that y**i iltail hive the ebealute right at yen'? eleatlen ta de either whethil the icIitwin*i at Withheld anti itep all Utirthet preceetlinge in anit p'vi*mgw. ef. nil me*aw, a. Ii Pile a tuit lvi inlerplaetet anti abICin an erder Irom titi Cciii ieliutrlvi the partle: Ic Interplead and litigate in itch eewi their aeveral Clalmi ant ilihit e,.a't, ii thepiwelve.. In the event ilach intC,pt.i* i'lt It b.etght, p*u Ihall ipie iCC,e be f'iily teleated anti diatIwgeil(vc*y*aliehllgetietite itrthe* lerlorm any anti all Wullil Cl tblllatient imieteg apes' yet in Ihia elitee, aid the fartici leIntly ant eevevatlv agvac 8 pay yeii itt Ccii., Cl*ReCt, a.'d ceawiable atiwYwV'e leel a:tai'ead U Ijiqiaped by yet, the ein*t,*t tt,e,ecf te be flied lid a *gament tiered I. be verItifell by * Ceuri in itch aLilt. Ii. hia ave *T ic be held liable fel the tutI*lticy el ICpIec*Ae* hi IC f*. lamer Cf eie*utlcn Cv cEildity el any lnitr'iin,ent depeit CII in' thu eacrew, ftw lit. identity, euthatIty. c' righti of any leti* Cl*c'1tbng the time, net Ili faIiu'e ii comply with any ef t*e pevtiiane CI any ig,ee*,ne, **tvaet. mi Ct*P iM*Un,C,,t liled lievebli 1 *Cfervetl IC h*ve*. and * diatiau h*Cqmde, iheil ha limited Ie hi Iafileeuinft ci utiCh meilyr, Ivitrtimctit Ir ether dt**enta rftilveii by lati a: cipew heiler, and icir tie lilpetilIwi 1 came it cleeviavite with the written Iniipwmenti accepted by peu in thu ecirew. I*. All partiti hetelo fwttter agree, *intly anti severally, to pay *n*liin* a' well C: Ii lvttiimttlfy end hill yttt haimlest rem arti alainet eli mails, demigi:, *dgftiinti, att*t'*y'I Itea1 eMlieniet, ebIIg*ilen' end ilibiJlii.a ci any I'li'd ci *hit*a *l,ich, Ir' gCetl leiih. pet may ireur tit tuitein in cciw*eeticn wilt if tilting eut ci thu CitvCv1 arid * ave hereby gIven a lien upan the lIghIa, tithE aid Inleveit ci cich ci the trilir:.'gned in all Ceerewed peperi end ether pretqrty eM I"entei *P*aItitl in thie aa*iow, IC pletC* veur right: anti IC inteinnily ml #eimbu** pet tintier thia alrecmenl, and ti 11ev auCti veCi*hle ettoriwy': fee. and cewi cetta ic mey tie *red by IIu. A-3 BIB] 07-30-1997-U01 03:33:02PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDARES-U02 91-U02 11-U02 IL RESOLUTION NO. RA 91-11 SENT *y:X,rox Telacopier 7020; 8-10-91 11:O2AM 5*45517* 714 725 4100;# a IL * *Dw *a el mwuIbqI** q,ee. lijy and aevuwilly te ueliwbwse *,u lif any lupinee. peu lsv* bww,.d * * bu*iwIIem, UW eu ine*didiice a itauviebla ce*IllalIon faa fw luryicti r*id * you at law In a mianji which erniullap e*ICsb* R**e m hm*iMbe#. *eyidsd, * I*i dipeiltad by a jail islets k*igr *lt* SI hliii1 IF IF e*h* I**i *. w be iit'ft*d I* the pel*$tta) *la.lIIiq eeI*,I. Is. Ii la a flad liv Ihe *IleI hirite ShaC I. laf is y*u* vljhia aifil ileblililea sri lppip*vgW1 Ih* uTansii*Iwt Is an Iaiv* * 1 iny *m* legal *laI*anii em an * *uIil* w'Iy an * ll* 1iaaftlIbtlllV a*I*IW:*1IleMI * *ISY p**pffty hefain * anv Il I'. partial Ihia *vw * * lief 11.5 this in*IW an* ethe* * Uwalveul In cwwwcUwi taaaIwdt* fipegli bV any 9ff au% tipie if CW*VUii* f fi3s*II*wi liii fact ***t fteh t?N*Nclianleiift*V*hsnliad by yiai In thia e*mw ir Inw'wWwr lievuw. IL Yew cienieny Ii au*lli* e. flilfay if iSapw&ii diafelIllafty int all ds*wv*Us. pipers. IMtitlclI*hI, Ciffesparlenee iftd etifap w*iirlal. liflaiflint 1. 111 u*r#w It Iha litra'i* IC Divi viers Irun 1. dii. et lest *.nas* activity ci fa fiat. el eny a-ian' ameftatliel: **ew, atfiiIttef'll if U*PIa*niel *In=iieu if aai.*g ci.* ml aatia.* wftheui ii U*ty wishmill iwihw mII*. S. * N. Y*u *aII mehe i* *icaI eua*imilin * **seitsSIan at laef * pefteftal pr,*iy * In ats * 4***j** in *uw uaia' ehIII qill I. fylfenitita lif Pie *elwiUIm *hwIII. 17. *gw Is Mi fupaluSbia Iwanv pe,wial p*ap*iy Iaa whIeh snay be SIICUII any *.L5. ewim at Ibu pft*y * N *Ia 1*mv, I- I.' tiw CIv;IifitMfl if *miq wu el u*y *wrpmra Sian as a * gyrsif. * all fiu'ji In wv**Iw* wish hit Svaiisacii*n In an *I**iw Titts*Fww A*m*ta wiWIu'y*U b*e*k. wishmit aw, IilbilItv Iw liLsi * All diSltwt**a I. mile by cIi*ti ef pmw an jald e*cittstt and emp**taaa*ll*t I*ftIlgV any p.y* if 8ue1in1rn ii anv bins. I,. * ih* C*efw any Ollaf IC PurcI*eie. Diamit liccipt ef any e* feiffi 1 P-wi. A*,epniiwi is d-IaW In Ihie eIcvwwiw, liii *iiteel list weli daewft.nt atill be efiecilyw enip as be*een thi 95i11.t sigi*ln saiW liic*n*ang. Ye" ia a*ew ichiar ale nat Ia be 11th *w I,1i*W Cl PII*h *ku.wnl eitll as. laIi*vad *l all l*iiehlibiiity iw liabliliy Iw Iha eftlwcaniqu ii ta*iIw afti w rhea,.w*wieue::aI,Il:y'1bitt?lsl..atitelnIatiISfl**Ians act e',t in his ca*i.w. i'Iwteiiipurts, wech el wht*i* te Ii*tag siiIii* ki.l*tlya If *1 Wise ml Its lI*t* ani 41*viy*. bi iae*il ie ailg*ai. afii aai* *siiitafflf Is Waithar iheil gCnatlluts ens 1" ile aa* * iL Any am**ri'vnt Ir iup*iImafIt IC Wwa* lnsl***ilans *heii iws blvw y**r em*iny titian in irliltil and taileslIw wish Veu* I*lhfaisy. 22. * apm. * i'd-ta *CiIitemi* Cuhisal * *t&2iel Cheab elenyd lynisa * ilUw mutlif, ii, i*utiet ist* lsclitcl * * illeral *is ar**ai icsilu* ai *ttrned iwCU*yta *p*- Ii' e* L* Pl'tyWUlilly IhtIv * eec* telii vtll be I,'efeNid I. escrew lOO* iw iftd kfykIl IC IWIIa* Clif *Ctheii b,*1*ti* aieil hlsiictices*** 10 tiss iu*Iftdicaiu WY UTh*nisio*l **;*a*us end * Mi I he* IAYZ twU* * A *ALZ1Q***A VQRF.* CX?? 0? LA QUI* A-4 BIB] 07-30-1997-U01 03:33:02PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDARES-U02 91-U02 11-U02 RESOLUTION NO. RA 91-11 SENT DY:X.rex Telucopier 7020 3-10-Bi 1i:oZAi 5*45*17* 714 725 4100;8 7 e-*3* ZUC. W*LCe*i * A. co*i Mom* *VI., UUZ* & n*purtyi 5*40 ULianhu*imr * 1 DURR*, C& *281 La *inta, CA 9*53 i IIC-3531 Waz d*5 *58-*2Ci 8.g*w ma. 53*8*o Page 3 * ie Dmmi* * 1. ehi. emc*av ii a*ntiniuut *on cml Lai a coquimition eg * 3OPerty AF?E* 1, *ID* uLd prier to the cLoac of emarow. 2. mia eio*ml La aL*o aentiulent feUURL a*eval * the aity oa*iuc** of th* eity of La 914uta at the firut available cOLuLeil umeting. 3. 1iqe* herein agreum to *ay for all title and a.arov Chargea ii aonneation *ith thi. traum action. 4 * emormi Lu nubject to and contizugent uP* Rui*r'a IDDIOVCL Of the Preilainary *port vithin 7 day. of *uoei;t of cam fron Iaorov Uolder. *f 5uye* faila to dluapp*u acid report Li' *i*iting vithLn the 7' jay tLm peri*1 Iia*ev moLder Li to deem * e* diaclomed by acid report ca approved and thi. c*tingency *aived. 5. 3*er acknauLedge. *aeipt of the change of Oveexahip' ewu* vhieb Li ueq*ired by thu county Recorder *. office te accompany doaumentu ealled for herein at the oLome of eaa*ov, in &agord**e with Cect*na *IO.3 of the aeveThue and *Xation code. *Duy* ii aware ha *at return the for. to emoraw anepLeted aftd migned hefo*e the olmue e* eeeu*w. ah*Ld ye* dio*ine te compLete maid pleLialnary Chan* of O*ermhip u*yer wiLl be ucceumed vith am aiditLonal ma.. Co m*har*e b7 t*u county *eorder gc* recording the arant Deed ithe*t the completed change of Qvn'r.hiD o** luyer Lu tarther aware that he Li ispanaible fur completing the form and returning it to the County Ackamor am moon am *iaibLe aftew the eleme ei emewew if it La mot completed emd rit*ned prior to t*e dome of emcrmv. 5i:ye* La further evare that ev.n if the f* ii compLeted and forwarded to. county Reoorder along with the doe*ent. in thu umerow, the Co*nty ReCorder may not *ept t* for:' and aheige u:o.oo ii the cou*y * det.*oe. t*. o* ii incompLete. ailure of the Dllyer to camplete and return the change of O'i*e*ahip Tore to tt, county A*UiEI*1 VLthLu 45 day. after ale.. e* eucrew viii remult, under authority of Smatien 480. in a penalty. * 1O*LiQWXUg ARE KR*ThRU DY AN* CE*Wuii IUYER AND SELLER WZ!H VH!CI IScR*W Bo*ZR UWLLL H* ID OOICWRNED, ULD L*Alz* OR AND ARE A COWDZ*ZOI 0? INZa E.c*v',. a) Poameacion of a*ject p*perty viii he gi*ei' * luyer hurein at oloac of e.orov. A-5 BIB] 07-30-1997-U01 03:33:02PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDARES-U02 91-U02 11-U02 IL I RESOLUTION NO. RA 91-11 SENT *y:Xerox Telecopier 7020; 9-10-91 11:O3AM 5*45517* 714 725 4100;# 9 b) 8uy*N he*aAu RO)W**ed*. hi. * i*a ObligatLc* to r.eeLve * lellur *Ldav*ta of gze*ti*u 1* 1ai.Lqn 2flleE*ru Real * A.t *n ae..#4no. * the D*5i *eLqn ZftVCUtmot Lu Real P**t7 ax *t o* 1910 aa Rindad hi! t*w az *ef acm *t eg **4 *" unationi ICIOI a* Z* cud 2s*3: K* 2* *g t*e CaliE**a *even*e amd iz*tiori CDde. 5aa* Io1de* im C***ued aad ii'mt*ot* ta *aqu.at umid AZgidaytt1 * Sel1e* *i delivuty to atiye* at * og * Z* the eveftt 1ac*ov Holder d*a n*t rugeiy. aRid *gidVLti P*o* to ologe of euerm,* Ilarow Holder La aut**Lu.d ar* inat*tei to proaeed vLt* the eloac * D**r Ia**L.geu lug uD*utand. t*t t* *bta*Lny o* maid *Ldvita shell he him a*lm raa?en.ih*lLt* and Imurow ImLda* je *51eaaei II*d alLeved ol all *aapan.Lbil*7 aDd lLhil*y j* *fl*ation with said IlIfudavit.. The p*;taaa to tills t1&n5atio* i*a1l iee* hftgj a*all waly * on their lea pea tive attoruuy *U aaoin*tmnt a or ethaw a;eei*i.t I opL*on *nou*Lng amid **dawit* iti DeucaiLty azid **eat. IL* MOUMI DXABLO ez* op L* *ZM* A-6 BIB] 07-30-1997-U01 03:33:02PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDARES-U02 91-U02 11-U02 IL RESOLUTION NO. RA 91-11 SENT DY:Xerex JeI,ccpier 7020; 3-10-Bi 11:O4AM **L5D17* 7JL 725 4ioo;gio z. UCCIWI CWI?NT nia. ogg*,*1 JDTee A. coe*er 45 NOUYINUT AVU.* IUZ!3 A Property: 5174C ELueuh*iiew D*vm * DUIEI1 CL s22*1 La Qt:LJLti, CL I*2E3 *iC-252* nhl **I 5*8-aI3 IbIOW 0. I**5*a 1'. 4 * OR-c. * 0) flye?, it hiu *xp*Due, ihiLl i*til* snoke d.taotor. i* a*11IC. with the pgiv*u*ua og lCC*0* **L13.U 0 the Ci*1foz** HeaLth md 8i*ety Cade *0* tO aLone of eaggev* 4) * Lu buLug coLd to *yer L* ite pre.e*t condLt*o* and ac dLicLe.e4 to hoye*. lupar han bid tim. for a p*iLaiL i*peot*i 0 *roperty and heweb7 *eLgegu8 uciLer of. any obLigation to iaintii* condition a* p1ep.*y 031 Hake any repairu of a* damagem mdc tO w*3erty fet * xeacan, i**Liad*ny arthqLaiiw, g*ie* v***1sm* d*ing ciawi period. Buyer in p*ahiaing P*operty for pub*io flue e *eed neacluity. C) Yhere Lu no puicuniL P*Pevt7 inaLuded in p**hauu price. 7. Zn the event that the *UOipaLu to thic trinuaati.n1 their igentu1 or ineigne, utiLiac *:ao.*aLLu* 1IDu*ttud *ntrumemtu hi *AX* *FAX1 eta.)1 Ieo*ov Ro*er ai* * and lot upan n':eh inutrrr:tioau Ln the em Banaeg &e LI erLgLnaL eLqa* L*etg*tigpe e in the poineelion 0 3eazow Holder and parti*i haie*i ag*e to fo:vard cigned hard *Leu 2 inet*g*oug eud?a; Letteri VLt*n 48 houri of trani*auicn. Enorow HoLder aLl hive no Liability to allv Party *or relying lipen aa*LaiLe Lfli*ctione vhiuh ve*e *:**iaa1y tranmitted to ECOXOW loldur. 5dm aui*oi *0r*a*r agree thet when neceee* to permit cornpliaaae with elocing *mtiuotieni, enerow ujy *ly en fionimile trinui*tted *ender d**du. 3. No Ca*-FLrpta diio1ou*e La re*ired inuimob ii property oonlide*ation LU uDder *LoeIcoo.,o. 0- end e inutauntioun..... q. 44 NO* D* L& A-7 BIB] 07-30-1997-U01 03:33:02PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDARES-U02 91-U02 11-U02 RESOLUTION NO. RA 91-11 EXHIBIT *B' La *h*ta *aln*I fealty citv Ce 1 Q.l,Iflfu P.O. 1*O4 1 Quinta, CA. 92253 * 6, 1991 ATThi: Qt! Minager1 Ronald K[edro**d RE: M*t Ev*luadoz*, 51-740 Ei8enhower Dr., la Quinta, Cik. Mr. KLcd:uwiki, Thank you * the opporti*nit! * anlut the CIW in d*z*mil*g a Mr mar* hmIi fbr the above id*r*ced prop*. Rmclond you will find * Pwp* Evah*a*an and flmker'i Opinion of Value. ThiB prope*ty, U I'm sure you * awir* is mther wi[*1C I fbund it noeea* to draw upon * nine yeira of * woddr*g in the * Quir*ta Cove a. a * r*i1 * S*ifl In * det=ine a Uuly 1*ir mar*et value iodlcatlvc or i'ot*nly Ehe smc*ure, b* aI*o refiec*tve Or the drwms* iir'rl*. whldL IL 13 tu be acquired. or thc * owner have arn' qLieuton8 re-I'a th* nazmIive ipp:*ia*1, or if * rwq-e addft[oaal data or aldiI*nce, *ie do not hes*tate to * I.would likc to th* you opportonit* for the opportImIt! to be of aervice to you. D*c Y. Cathcut * *Inw Pairm * 51*i Ebleithow I P.O. * 341 J La Qulnta. * e22531 U1g) 5*4104 I Pu' elo) ml *11 EXHIBI* * BIB] 07-30-1997-U01 03:33:02PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDARES-U02 91-U02 11-U02