RDA Resolution 1992-005A5 RESOLUTION NO. RA92-5A RESOLUTION* OF THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOP KENT AG**CY APPROVING PROCEDURE TO I*IMPLEMENT O*ER PARTICIPATION RULES AND DESIGNATED*NATED AREA FROM WHIcH IT DESIRES TO RECEIVE *PROPOSALS WHEREAS* the La Quinta Redevelopment A*ency the *Agency") i* carrying out the Redevelopment Pl*n the Plan*) for L* Quinta Redevelopment Project No. 2 the Project"); and WHEREAS, the Agency *as adopted Rules *overning Owner Participation and Business Re-Entry the P*rticipation Rules*) pertaining.* to the redevelopment of the Pro*ect Area for *he Project; and WHEREAS, the Agency desL*re* to approve certain *roce*ures to implement such Participation Rules in the forrn attached as Exhibit A" hereto and incorporated herein by reference the Procedures"); anC WHEREAS, the A*ency desires to desi*nate as a Lirnited Area" for the receipt of redevelopment proposals, as TnCtC fully set forth in the Procedures* that action area described in Exhibit B" and in*orporated herein by reeren*e the *subject Area") I N0W1 *RZYORE, the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency here*y resolves as follows: 1. The Agency approves *nd adopts the Procedures. 2. flased *pon *he staff report pr*sented in connection herewith, as well as further evidence presented, the Agency designates the Subject Area as a Limited Area", within the meaning o* the P**cedure*1 and *utho*i*e* cnd direct* the Executive Director to elicit proposals and implement the Procedures in respect to the Subject Area. The Executive Director shall allow a period of up to three 3) weeks for the submittal of proposals, and shall so notify all owners of record of real property within the Subject Area. The Aqency further intends to consider at its meeting scheduled for 7:00 p.rn. on July 7, l9*2 whether development of the Subject Area *hould be acco*pli*hed as an integrated development. BIB] 09-16-1997-U01 10:50:09AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDARES-U02 92-U02 05A-U02 5RESOLUTION NO. RA 92-5A PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 5th *ay of May 1992. AYES: Mr. Bohnenberger, Mrs. Franklin, Mr. Rushworth, Mr. Sni: *one and Mayor Pena ABSENT: *one A*STAI*: *one LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Chairman BIB] 09-16-1997-U01 10:50:09AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDARES-U02 92-U02 05A-U02 5RESOLUTION NO. RA 92-5A PROCEDURES AND CRITERIA FO* Evaluation OF SUBMITTAL S I. Back*round. The La Quinta Redevelopment Agency the Agency") by Ordinance No. 139 established the La Ou*nta Redevelopment Pro*ect No. 2 the Redevelopment Project"). The Agency, in connection with the Redeveloptr*nt Project, has adopt*d Rule* Governing o*n.r Parti*ipati*on and Busine*s Re-Entry the Participation Rules"). The L* Quint* RedeveloFruent A*ency desires to set forth procedures and criteria for the eliciting and consideration of proposals for participation by owners within certain portions of t*e Project Area as may hereafter be designated from time to time such area Constituting a Limited Area"). The Agency now desires to more fully set forth procedures and criteria *or the ovalu*tio* 0 *ub*ittalu inade by ow*ers and/or tenants interested in participating in some manner in such Limited Area(s) as the Agency may hereafter designate from time tQ time by Reaalution. The design for development for the propo8ed project should address the following parameter,: Subject Are* The *ub*ect Area is approximately 160 acres in size and includes four par*elm of property. The Subject Arco is located approximately 1-1/2 miles from the intersection of Washington Street and Highway 111 and is currently vacant. The Develg*ment The Agency desires to facilitate the development of a retail, commercial, and office complex or residential units. The Agency anticipates that approximately 1.9 million square *feet of retail and office space can be acco**odated on the Subject Area. This spice would include 1) an approximately 1.0 million square root regional mall* 2) a 417*000 square *oot power retail center, and 3) approximately 452,000 square feet of accessory Office and retail s*ace. or Low/Mod Housing component; or a combination of both. Development of the Subject Area would most likely occur over a 5-year time frame. Parking and Land*ca*inp Th* development shall embody applic**1e development 5tan*ar*s set forth in the City of La Quinta Zoning OrCinance* The City BIB] 09-16-1997-U01 10:50:09AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDARES-U02 92-U02 05A-U02 5RESOLUTION NO. RA 92-5A has discussed the possibility of establishing a specific plan for the Subject Area. The specific plan would set forth the *pp1icible development standards which would be depe*dent vn the final uses redeveloped on the site. Access Primary access shall be from *ighway 111, with secondary access from Dune Palms road and Adams Street. II. Procedure. Upon rec.ipt of requests for consideration by owners or tenants from within a Limited Area with respect to owner participation andlor reentry of business within the Project Area, the Agency will review such submittals. a) Upon receipt of subruittalSD initial evaluation shall be conducted by the Executive Director or Deputy *ze*utive Director) oE the Agency. *ach party *ek*ng B submittal is responsible for the completeness and accuracy of its submittal.. If requested by the Agency*s Executive Director or Deputy)1 submittals shall i*clud* * con5truction pro forma if applicable), an operating pro forma, and a business p*an. In the event the Executive Director or Deputy) noti*ies a party mak*ng a submittal that the submittal is incomplete or that additional information is required, such party shall be allowed three 3) weeks to complete its submittal. The failure to ti*ely provide such additional information of the submittal, and consideration of such nubmittal shall the*eupon cease. Upon receipt of one or **re submittals and additional information as applicable, the *xecutive Director or Deputy) will evaluate the submittal and I determinati*n with re5pect to whether the submittal or submittals, as applicable) conforms to the criteria set forth in paragraph C-l below. In the event a party havinQ made a submittal disagrees with conclusions reached by the Executive Director, such party may appeal such decision to the governing board of the Agency by making writt*n request thercEor within ten 10) days after the Executive Director or Deputy) transmits notice of the initial evaluation. The review of such submitt*l(*) by the Agency shall be * novo. b) Any decision by the Executive Director or Deputy) resolving a conflict between submittals may be appealed for * de novo review by the governing body of the Agency) by an affected party by making utjtt*n request theref*r within ten 10) days after the Executive Director Or Deputy) transmits notice of hi. decision. BIB] 09-16-1997-U01 10:50:09AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDARES-U02 92-U02 05A-U02 5RESOLUTION NO. RA 92-5A c) Criteripe *. The following* criteria shall be *pplied in reviewing submittals: I. Conformity of the submittal including with respect to uses* with the Redevelopment*t Plan and other applicable enactments; b. Fee*ibilityof the propc*a1; C. Successful development experiences; d. Financial capability; e. Manufacturer or franchise approval if applicable), including a) present co*Lrnit*ent o* *uch approyal, b) pest hi*tory of havin* obtained such approval, or e) facts demonstratin* a reasonab*e proba*iiity triat such approval will be given; and f* Experience in operating the use(s) proposed. The foregoing may be satisfied by the submitting party itself, or by a partner or joint venturer; any such partner or *oint venturer m*st be identified at the time *f submittal *nd rnUBt approve/authorize its involvement in such proposed partr*ership or *oint venture. 2. In the event conflicting subinittals are received which satisfy the criteria set forth in paragraph Cl above, the following criteria shall be applied to resolve such conflict: a. Which submittal best satisfies the criteria Bet forth in paragraph Cl; b. Sales tax generation reasonably anticipated; C. Employment generation; d. Environmental benefits or lesser degree of detrimental impact); e. Degree to which assistance soU*ht; BIB] 09-16-1997-U01 10:50:09AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDARES-U02 92-U02 05A-U02 5RESOLUTION NO. RA 92-5A f. Degree o* site control by party making the mubmittal; and g. Value of existing property land and improvements*ts) within the Limited Area by the party ***in; *ubuiitt*l. III. * These Proce*ures and Criteria Bhall be subject to review * a*endrnent by the Agency frorn time to time upon ado*tion of * r**o1ut*on *o *ro*idi**. BIB] 09-16-1997-U01 10:50:09AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDARES-U02 92-U02 05A-U02 5RESOLUTION NO. RA 92-5A LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT*T AGENCY LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT*B PROJECT No. 2) STATEMENT OF I*TEREST I* PARTICIPATION LA QUI*TA CE*TER hSubje* Areu*) I here*y ezpress my interest in actively participating in the redevelopment of the Subject Area and sub*it the following information: 1* Name Telephon. 2. Home Address 3. NarriC of Business 4. Address of Business 5. My present involvement in the Project Area is: I now Cwn property in the Project Area: ***idential c:Qmmercial industrial other I now lease property in the Project Area.' residential cor*nercial industrial other Explain: 6. I au* intere*ted in p*rticipcting; As a Property Owner As a Tenant Other please describe) 7. If X pm*ticipate: I wauld like to *ontinue at the sa*e lo*ation I would like to change my present location I would like to acquire real property for expansion indicate ap*roximat* require*e*t*) BIB] 09-16-1997-U01 10:50:09AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDARES-U02 92-U02 05A-U02 5RESOLUTION NO. RA 92-5A 8. BackgroundD experienceg and infor*ation concerning rour proposal a) If proposal i5 for business reguiring a franchise, describe relevant ezperiences and ind*cate whether you have approval of relevant *anufacturer b) Deuvribe the activities you propose and in*icate your ezperience relevant to your propoBBi c* Xf you enclose a business plan or conutruetion and operating pro form5 relative to your proposed activity theue *ill be considered *i*h yout statement *f i*terest. REM*RK5: BIB] 09-16-1997-U01 10:50:09AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDARES-U02 92-U02 05A-U02 5 RE SOLUTIQN*NO. RA 92-5A I 4 I S IAN! AN!) *ar At thi5 im**tin* *eld an the Li Quinta Zl.devel*pm.nt Agency the *Ageney*) desi*nated a certain ares th* ugu*j*** Area*), whi*h ig that are. generally boun*e* by and depicted on the enclosed * map, as an area from which the Agency desires to receive prcpcsals for the redevelopr*ent of that area. Pursuant to the Rules for Owner Participation previously adopted by the Agency, you are hereby notified that you have the opportunity to submit I statetnent of Interest in psrticipmting in the redevelop*ent of the Subject Area and a proposal for redevelapnient of the Subject Area. Your ztatem*nt af i**erest whieh should be in the forin gn;lose*), and your proposal which will be *val*ated based 1*Ofl the enclosed Procedures and Criteria) must be received not later than 5;OO p.m. of linsert date] St the office of the City Nanager. a La Quinta. California 9-. You are further a*vied that, at its meeting scheduled for 7:00 p.in. on datel, the A*eney will consider a finding that the r*d.veloprr*ent of the Subject Area should be acco*nplished is an integrated development. Should you desire *4ditionil information about these matters, contact it V*ry truly your*, E*clouures: 1. Nip 2. Statement of Interest 3. Procedures and Criteria BIB] 09-16-1997-U01 10:50:09AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDARES-U02 92-U02 05A-U02 5RESOLUTION NO. RA 92-5A EXHIBIT B AREA BOUNDRY MAP L w 0 C,) C,) C,) w z 0. AVENUE 48th P BIB] 09-16-1997-U01 10:50:09AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDARES-U02 92-U02 05A-U02