RDA Resolution 1994-0200L RESOLUTION NO. **20 A RESOLUTION OF THE LA QUNT.* * 1*)LOPMENT AG!'** ADOPTING A FIVE YEAR IllWLEM'N'f*ON PLAN FOR T1* * QUNTA REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 1) AND PROJECT i**Th 2 WHEREAS, the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency the Agency") is a pub*';c body, corporate and politic formed, organized, existing and exercising its powers pursuant to the Community Redevelopment Law, California Health and Safety Code, Sections 33000, et seq. the CRL"); and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California the City Council"), did duly pass and adopt Ordinance No.43 on November 29, 1983, and did thereby approve the Redevelopment Plan for the La Quinta Redevelopment Project the Redevelopment Plan") and did thereby establish the La Quinta Redevelopment Project Project No.1"); and WHEREAS, the City Council did duly pass and adopt Ordinance No.139 on May 16, 1989, and did thereby approve the Redevelopment Plan for the La Quinta Redevelopment Project Area No.2 the Redevelopment Plan") and did thereby establish the La Quinta Redevelopment Project Area No.2 Project No.2"); and WHEREAS, the California Legislature by Assembly Bill 1290, Statutes 1993, chapter 942 AB 1293"), amended the CRL, and, particularly in relation to this Resolution, Section 33490 was added to the CRL, and the Legislature by Senate Bill 732, Statutes 1994, chapter 936, as supplemental legislation to AB 1290, made minor modifications to Section 33490, which Section 33490 provides in part that every agency shall consider and adopt an implementation plan for each project area; and WHEREAS, CRL Section 33490(a)(1) provides in pertinent part as follows: On or before December 31, 1994, and each five years thereafter, each agency that has adopted a redevelopment plan prior to December 31, 1993, shall adopt, after a public hearing, an implementation plan that shall contain the specific goals and objectives of the agency for the project area, the specific programs, including potential projects, and estimated expenditures proposed to be made during the next five years, and an explanation of how goals and objectives, programs and expenditures will eliminate blight within the project area and implement the requirements of Section 33334.2, 33334.4, 33334.6 and 33413."; and WHEREAS, CRL Section 33490(d) provides as follows: Notice of public hearings conducted pursuant to this section shall be published pursuant to Section 6063 of the Government Code and posted in at least four permanent places within the project area for PuBL:217l5*1I424I1*2338.o November28, 1994 BIB] 11-03-1997-U01 11:39:37AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDARES-U02 94-U02 20-U02 0L RESOLUTION NO. RA 94-20 a period of three weeks. Publication and posting shall be completed not less than 10 days prior to the date set for hearing. * and WHEREAS, on December 6,1994, the Agency conducted and concluded the above- referenced duly noticed public hearing; and WHEREAS, all legal prerequisites to the adoption of the Resolution have occurred. NOW, THEREFORE, the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency, does hereby resolve as follows: Section 1. The Agency hereby specifically finds all of the facts stated in the Recitals, above are true and correct. Section 2. Pursuant to Section 33490 of the Community Redevelopment Law, California Health and Safety Code Sections 33000, et seq., the Agency hereby adopts the document entitled the Five-Year Implementation Plan for the La Quinta Redevelopment Project No.1) and Project No.2, a true and correct copy of which is on file with the City Clerk of the City of La Quinta and is incorporated herein by this reference as the Implementation Plan for the La Quinta Redevelopment Project No.1 and the La Quinta Redevelopment Project No.2. Section 3. The Secretary of the Agency shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency held the 6th day of December 1994, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Chairman Sniff* Board Members Bangerter, Pena, Perkins NOES: NONE ABSENT: Board Member McCartney ABSTMN: NONE ATIE*T: *ency Clerk PuBL:217I5*1I424IB2338 0 November28, 1994 BIB] 11-03-1997-U01 11:39:37AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDARES-U02 94-U02 20-U02 0L II RESOLUTION NO* RA 94-20 APPROVED As TO FORM: DAWN HONEYWELL* &I* A*rney and Agency Special Counsel PUBL:21715*1 14241B2338.O November28, 1994 BIB] 11-03-1997-U01 11:39:37AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDARES-U02 94-U02 20-U02