2000 12 05 CCTiat 4 4 Q" City Council Agendas are now Available on the City's Web Page @www.la-quinta.org City Council Agenda CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 Regular Meeting Tuesday. December 5. 2000 - 2:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER Beginning Res. No. 2000-160 Ord. No. 352 ROLL CALL: Council Members: Adolph, Henderson, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Pena PUBLIC COMMENT At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "request to speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. Please watch the timing device on the podium. CLOSED SESSION CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - PENDING LITIGATION - ROBERT M. READY AND HELEN B. READY V. CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, RIVERSIDE SUPERIOR COURT CASE NO. INC 018982 - GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9(a). 2. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - PENDING LITIGATION - COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT V. CITY OF LA QUINTA, RIVERSIDE SUPERIOR COURT CASE NO. INC 010827 - GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9(a). 3. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION - DECISION WHETHER TO INITIATE LITIGATION - GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9(c). City Council Agenda Page 1 December 5, 2000 4. CONFERENCE WITH CITY'S REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR, MARK WEISS, PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 CONCERNING POTENTIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF ACQUISITION AND/OR DISPOSITION OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF HIGHWAY 111 AND LA QUINTA CENTER DRIVE (APN 649-030-057). PROPERTY OWNER/NEGOTIATOR: STAMKO. 5. CONFERENCE WITH CITY'S REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS, CHRIS A VOGT AND MARK WEISS, PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 CONCERNING POTENTIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF ACQUISITIONS AND/OR DISPOSITION OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF HIGHWAY 111 AND WASHINGTON STREET (APN'S 643-050-011 643-020-002, -003, -004, -005, -006 AND -007). PROPERTY OWNERS/NEGOTIATORS: DAVE MILLER, FAIRWAY OUTDOOR ADVERTISING AND DALE FRANK, JR., DALE FRANK AND ASSOCIATES, INC. NOTE: Time permitting, the City Council may conduct Closed Session discussions during the dinner recess. Additionally, if the City is considering acquisition of real property, persons identified as negotiating parties are not invited into the closed session. RECONVENE AT 3:00 P.M. IV. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE V. PUBLIC COMMENT At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on items that appear within the Consent Calendar or matters that are not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "request to speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name for the record. Please watch the timing device on the podium. For all Business Session matters or Public Hearings on the agenda, a completed "request to speak" form must be filed with the City Clerk prior to the start of City Council consideration of that item. The Mayor will invite individuals who have requested the opportunity to speak to come forward at the appropriate time. VI. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA VII. CONFIRMATION OF ELECTION RESULTS AND SWEARING IN CEREMONY 1. CONSIDERATION OF ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION RECITING THE FACTS OF THE NOVEMBER 7, 2000, GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION, DECLARING THE RESULTS AND SUCH OTHER MATTERS AS PROVIDED BY LAW. A. RESOLUTION ACTION. City Council Agenda Page 2 December 5, 2000 0O? 2. ADMINISTRATION OF THE OATH OF OFFICE. A. OFFICE OF MAYOR B. OFFICE OF CITY COUNCIL MEMBER VIII. PRESENTATIONS 1. PRESENTATION OF CERTIFICATES OF ELECTION IX. WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE - NONE X. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF NOVEMBER 21, 2000. XI. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER DATED DECEMBER 5, 2000. 2. APPROVAL OF ANNUAL REVIEW OF THE HOME DEPOT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT 3. APPROVAL OF A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING AND DESIGN SERVICES FOR THE CITYWIDE STREET AND SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS, PROJECT NO. 2000-04. 4. APPROVAL OF AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR THE PARK AVENUE SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS. 5. APPROVAL OF 2001 RISK MANAGEMENT GRANT APPLICATION FOR PURCHASE OF OPTICOM SYSTEM. 6. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING TWO ROUNDS OF GOLF FROM NICKERSON AND ASSOCIATES FOR THE EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION BANQUET. 7. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING A CASH DONATION FROM RSG FOR THE EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION BANQUET. XII. BUSINESS SESSION 1. CONSIDERATION OF CITY COUNCIL REORGANIZATION, SELECTION OF MAYOR PRO TEM TO SERVE A TERM AS PROVIDED BY RESOLUTION NO. 98-109. A. MINUTE ORDER ACTION 2. CONSIDERATION OF ALLOCATION OF PROPOSITION 12 FUNDS TO THE COACHELLA VALLEY RECREATION AND PARKS DISTRICT. A. MINUTE ORDER ACTION City Council Agenda Page 3 December 5, 2000 003 3. CONSIDERATION OF ARTWORK LOCATIONS ON THE BEAR CREEK BIKE TRAIL. A. MINUTE ORDER ACTION 4. CONSIDERATION OF ENTRY SIGN TEXT AND GRAPHICS FOR THE COVE/OASIS/LAKE CAHUILLA TRAIL HEAD IMPROVEMENTS, PROJECT NO. 98-18. A. MINUTE ORDER ACTION 5. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE NO. 351 APPROVING ZONE CHANGE 2000-094, RJT HOMES, LLC A. READ BY TITLE ONLY, WAIVE FURTHER READING AND ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 351. DISCUSSION OF VIVA LA QUINTA MARKETING PROGRAM PROPOSAL. XIV. REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 1. CVAG COMMITTEE REPORTS 2. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WORKSHOP/INFORMATION EXCHANGE COMMITTEE (ADOLPH) 3 C.V. MOSQUITO AND VECTOR CONTROL DISTRICT (PERKINS) 4. C.V. MOUNTAINS CONSERVANCY (SNIFF) 5. DESERT RESORTS REGIONAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY (HENDERSON) 6. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES COMMITTEES 7. MUSEUM EXPANSION COMMITTEE (ADOLPH/SNIFF) 8. PALM SPRINGS DESERT RESORTS CONVENTION & VISITORS AUTHORITY (HENDERSON) 9. PALM SPRINGS DESERT RESORTS AIRLINE SERVICES COMMITTEE (HENDERSON) 10. PALM SPRINGS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT COMMISSION 11. RIVERSIDE COUNTY FREE LIBRARY SYSTEM ADVISORY COMMITTEE 12. RIVERSIDE COUNTY DESERT LIBRARY ZONE ADVISORY BOARD (HENDERSON) 13. RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION (PENA) 14. SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY/SUNLINE SERVICES GROUP (PENA) XV. DEPARTMENT REPORTS 1. CITY MANAGER A. RESPONSE(S) TO PUBLIC COMMENTS B. GRANT UPDATE 2. CITY ATTORNEY 3. CITY CLERK A. REPORT ON UPCOMING EVENTS. 4. BUILDING AND SAFETY DIRECTOR 5. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR 6. COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTOR 7. FINANCE DIRECTOR 8. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER 9. POLICE CHIEF 10. FIRE CHIEF City Council Agenda Page 4 December 5, 2000 AM XVI. MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS' ITEMS RECESS TO REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING RECONVENE AT 7:00 P.M. XVII. PUBLIC COMMENT This is the time set aside for public comment on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "request to speak form and limit your comments to three (3) minutes. Please watch the timing device on the podium. XVIII. PRESENTATIONS 1. PRESENTATION OF ADAMS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ART AWARDS. XIX. PUBLIC HEARINGS For all Public Hearings on the agenda, a completed "request to speak" form must be filed with the City Clerk prior to the start of City Council consideration of that item. The Mayor will invite individuals who have requested the opportunity to speak, to come forward at the appropriate time. PUBLIC HEARING ON STREET VACATION 2000-041, A REQUEST TO VACATE A PORTION OF 53RD AVENUE, EAST OF JEFFERSON STREET. APPLICANT: COUNTRY CLUB PROPERTIES, LLP. A. RESOLUTION ACTION 2. JOINT PUBLIC HEARING WITH THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF LA QUINTA ON APPROVAL OF AN ADDENDUM TO ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT NO. 2000-399; ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE PUBLIC INTEREST AND NECESSITY OF ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA IDENTIFIED AS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 604-050-011, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS TO THE INTERSECTION OF WASHINGTON STREET AND HIGHWAY 1 1 1; AND ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING APPROPRIATION OF FUNDING BY THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FOR THE ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY FOR AN EXCLUSIVE RIGHT TURN LANE ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF WASHINGTON STREET AND HIGHWAY 111 AND MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. A. RESOLUTION ACTION(S) XX. ADJOURNMENT - Adjourn to the next regular meeting to be held at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 19, 2000, in the City Council Chambers, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253 City Council Agenda Page 5 December 5, 2000 005 DECLARATION OF POSTING I, June S. Greek, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, California, do hereby declare that the foregoing agenda for the City Council meeting of December 5, 2000, was posted on the outside entry to the Council Chambers, 78-495 Calle Tampico and on the bulletin boards at the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce and at Stater Bros., 78-630 Highway 111, on Friday, December 1, 2000. DATED: December 1, 2000 JUN S. GfREEK, CIVIC City Clerk, City of La Quinta, California PUBLIC NOTICE The La Quinta City Council Chamber is handicapped accessible. If special equipment is needed for the hearing impaired, please call the City Clerk's Office at 777-7025, 24-hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations will be made. City Council Agenda Page 6 December 5, 2000 006 T4'y,, °F 4Q" AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: December 5, 2000 CONSENT CALENDAR: Consideration of Adoption of a Resolution Reciting the Facts of the November 7, 2000 General Municipal Election, Declaring the Results and Such Other Matters as Provided by Law RECOMMENDATION: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Adopt a Resolution reciting the facts of the November 7, 2000 General Municipal Election, declaring the results and such other matters as provided by law. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The Elections Code of the State of California requires a Resolution be adopted by the City Council which sets forth the results of the General Municipal Election held on November 7, 2000 and declares the results of the election canvass completed by the Riverside County Registrar of Voters. The Certificate of the Registrar of Voters to the Results of the Canvass of Election Returns is attached as Exhibit A to the resolution. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Adopt a Resolution reciting the facts of the November 7, 2000 General Municipal Election, declaring the results and such other matters as provided by law; or 007 2. Do not adopt a Resolution reciting the facts of the November 7, 2000 General Municipal Election, declaring the results and such other matters as provided by law; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, Jun reek, CMC City Clerk Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. Certificate of Registrar of Voters to the Results Of the Canvass of Election Returns RESOLUTION NO. 2000- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, RECITING THE FACT OF THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD ON THE 7T" DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2000, DECLARING THE RESULTS AND SUCH OTHER MATTERS AS PROVIDED BY LAW WHEREAS, a General Municipal Election was held and conducted in the City of La Quinta, California on Tuesday, November 7, 2000, as required by law; and WHEREAS, notice of the election was given in time, form and manner as provided by law; candidates were nominated to fill the vacancy or vacancies as provided by law; the election was held and conducted and the votes were cast, received and canvassed and the returns made and declared in time, form and manner as required by the provisions of the laws of the State of California relating to General Law cities and the Charter of the City of La Quinta; and WHEREAS, the Riverside County Registrar of Voters canvassed the returns of the election and has certified the results to the City of La Quinta, and said results are received, attached and made a part hereof as Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, said General Municipal Election was held for the purpose of electing the following officers of said City as required by the laws relating to cities in the State of California, to wit: One (1) Mayor of the City Council of said City for the full term of two years; Two (2) Members of the City Council of said City for the full term of four years; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DECLARE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the names of persons voted for at said election for Mayor of the City Council of said City are as follows: JOHN J. PENA 009 003 Resolution No. 2000- Results of Election of November 7, 2000 Adopted: December 5, 2000 Page 2 SECTION 2. That the names of persons voted for at said election for Members of the City Council of said City are as follows: STANLEY SNIFF BOB WRIGHT DON ADOLPH SECTION 3. The City Council does declare and determine that John J. Pena was elected as Mayor for the full term of two (2) years; and Stanley Sniff and Don Adolph were elected as Members of the City Council for the full term of four (4) years. SECTION 4. That the City Clerk shall immediately make and deliver to each of the persons so elected, a Certificate of Election signed by the City Clerk and authenticated; that the City Clerk shall also administer to each person elected, the Oath of Office prescribed in the Constitution of the State of California and shall have them subscribe to it and file it in the Office of the City Clerk. Each and all of the persons so elected shall then be inducted into the respective office to which they have been elected. SECTION 5. That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resolution and enter it into the book of original resolutions. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 5th day of December, 2000 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: JOHN J. PENA, Mayor City of La Quinta, California 010 004 Resolution No. 2000- Results of Election of November 7, 2000 Adopted: December 5, 2000 Page 3 ATTEST: JUNE S. GREEK, CMC, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California (City Seal) APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California NOV-28-2000 TUE 09:50 AM FAX NO. P. 02/08 NIISCHELLE TOWNSEND Registrar of voters REGISTRAR OF VOTERS COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE 2724 Gateway Drive Riverside, CA 92507-0918 (909) 486-7200 FAX (909) 486-7272 CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRAR OF VOTERS TO THE RESULTS OF THE CANVASS OF ELECTION RETURNS State of California ) ) ss. County of Riverside ) I, MISCHELLE TOWNSEND, Registrar of Voters of said County, do hereby certify that, in pursuance of the provisions of Sections 307 and 15301 of the California Elections Code and the resolution adopted by the City Council, I did canvass the returns of the votes cast at the General Municipal Election held on November 7, 2000, as part of the Consolidated General Election, in the City of La Quinta and I further certify that the statement of votes cast, to which this certificate is attached, shows the whole number of votes for each candidate for elective office at said election in said City and in each precinct therein, and that the totals as shown for said election are full, true and correct. Dated this 22nd day of November, 2000 MISCHELLO TOWNSEND Registrar of Voters 012 007 NOV-28-2000 TUE 09:51 AM FAX NO. P. 03/08 11/27/00 2.48 PM RIVERSIDE COUNTY Statement of Vote 277 of 669 November 7, 2000 CONSOLIDATED GENERAL. ELECTION CITY OF LA QUINTA MAYOR 36 Vote for I C z w 0 c o x 0 CO 1= 44000 LA QUINTA 1419 056 62.44 770 10 44000-Absentee 1419 26 18.75 225 2 44001 LA QUINTA 933 505 60.62 437 1 44001 - Absentee 833 193 23.17 165 0 4d002 LA QUINTA 882 512 59.05 423 7 44002•Absentee BB2 301 34 13 238 44003 LA QUINTA 851 491 51.70 433 11 A4003-Absentee 851 185 2l•74 142 2 44005 LA QUINTA 917 532 54.45 446 10 44005-Abscntec 977 296 30.30 236 0 4400E LA QUINTA 591 355 50.07 299 IQ 44000 • Absenlcc 591 53 B 97 33 1 44007 LA QUINTA 1035 56b 54.69 450 24 W07-Absentcc 1035 220 22.13 177 44008 LA QUINTA 588 340 57 B2 274 13 44008•Absentee 568 104 17.69 84 0 4A009 LA QUINTA 314 415 50.98 339 21 A4009 - Ahscntee 81a 142 1744 105 0 44011 LA QUINTA loss 569 SS 03 A80 1 44011 - Absentco 1034 143 13.53 113 0 44012 LA QUINTA 190 445 55.33 371 1 44012 - Absentee 790 116 14 6A 90 2 4A015 LA QUINTA 357 19G 54.% 151 7 44016 - Abscntcc 357 117 32.71 8e 0 44017 LA QUINTA 612 284 55.47 224 5 44017 - Absentee S12 145 29.91 123 0 W19 LA QUINTA 0 0 0.00 0 0 44019 • Absentee 0 0 0100 0 0 44021 LA QUINTA 0 a 000 0 0 4A021 • Absentee 0 0 0.00 0 0 44022 LA QUINTA 2 0 0.00 0 0 44022 - Absenlce 2 0 0.00 0 0 Precinct ToLUIs 10656 6096 $7 05 5097 163 AbswAce rotas 10685 229 21.46 1811 7 Grind Totals 105a5 938 78.51 690a 170 n0.�3 NOV-28-2000 TUE 09:52 AM FAX NO. P. 05/08 11127100 2:48 PM RIVERSIDE COUNTY Statement of Vote 279 of 669 November 7, 2000 CONSOLIDATED GENERAL ELECTION ""Absentee Totals CITY OF LA QUINTA MAYOR 36 Vote for 1 4 e 0 a a v rA 6+ v o ` _ z m lK //�,�� W :r Q V / 64th Corivessional District 106s5 2293 21.46 1811 7 361h Senatorial District 0 0 0.00 0 37th Senatorial District 10685 2293 2146 1811 7 661h Assembly District 0 0 0.00 0 0 80th Assembly District 10685 2293 21,46 1811 7 RIVERSIDE COUNTY 10625 2293 21.46 1211 7 4th SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICT 10685 2293 21,45 1811 7 CITY OF LA QUINTA 10686 229 2145 1811 7 014 NOV-28-2000 TUE 09:51 AM FAX N0, P. 04/08 11127/00 2:48 PM RIVERSIDE COUNTY Statement of Vote 278 of 669 November T. 2000 CONSOLIDATED GENERAL ELECTION —Grand Totals CITY OF LA QUINTA MAYOR Vote for 1 36 F1 z m m o o IS., z ° 3 m 44th Congressional District 10685 933 7851 6908 170 Stith Scnatorw District 0 0 0.00 0 0 37th Senatorial District 10685 8389 75.51 6908 170 G6th Assembly District 0 0 0.00 0 0 80th Assembly DisInct 1068S a389 78.51 6906 170 RIVERSIDE COUNTY 10685 8389 7a.51 690R 170 Atli SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICT 10695 B38 78.51 8905 170 CITY OF 1A QUINTA 10685 8389 78 51 6908 170 015 01.6 NOV-28-2000 TUE 09:52 AM FAX NO. P. 06/08 11/27/00 2:48 PM RIVERSIDE COUNTY Statement of Vote 280 of 669 Novembor 7, 2000 CONSOLIDATED GENERAL ELECTION 016 011 NOV-28-2000 TUE 09:53 AM FAX NO. P. 08/08 11/27/00 2:48 PM Novomber 7, 2000 RIVERSIDE COUNTY Statement of Vote CONSOLIDATED GENERAL ELECTION 282 of 669 "'Absentee Totals 37 CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL MEMBER Vote for 2 aL LL_ z F- x :.7 V a' fr1 03 z0 w IS « H Nl m 1 O 4401 Congressional District 10685 2293 2 1.46 1285 959 1272 1 361h Senatorial District 0 D 0.00 0 0 0 0 37th .Senatorial Distriet 1068G 2293 21.46 1235 959 1272 1 66th As5cmhly DMrict 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 80th Assembly District 10685 2293 21.46 1285 959 1272 1 RIVERSIDE COUNTY 10695 2293 21.461 1286 959 1272 I ath SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICT 10685 2293 21.46 1235 959 1272 1 CITY OF LA QUINTA MEW 2293 21.46 1285 959 1272 1 017 01? NOV-28-2000 TUE 09:53 AM FAX NO, 11/27100 2:48 PM November 7, 2000 RIVERSIDE COUNTY Statement of Vote CONSOLIDATED GENERAL ELECTION P. 07/08 281 Of 669 ""Grand Totals 37 CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL MEMBER Vote for 2 LL LL co �_ x a e v s" !° W z tY �i p Q e 2 m D Ste. 44th Conlireimonrl District 10685 838q 78.51 4837 3042 433A 28 361h Senatorial Diatnet 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 37th senatorial District 10685 8359 78,51 41337 3042 4334 28 661h Acaembly District 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 Both Assr•.mbly Drslrict 10685 8389 75.51 4337 3042 4334 2 RIVEnSIDE COUNTY 106B5 8389 78.51 4837 3042 4334 28 4th SUPERVISORIA4 DISTRICT 10685 8389 78,51 4837 3042 4334 2B CITY OF I A QUINTA 10685 838 7$.51 4837 3D42 11334 2$ • • 011 v 5 G�yOFy04� AGENDA CATEGORY: COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: DECEMBER 5, 2000 ITEM TITLE: Demand Register Dated December 5, 2000 RECOMMENDATION: Approve Demand Register Dated December 5, 2000 BACKGROUND: Prepaid Warrants: BUSINESS SESSION CONSENT CALENDAR STUDY SESSION PUBLIC HEARING 43237 - 432411 16,062.00 43242 - 432431 400.00 43245 - 432461 15,375.21 43247 - 43252} 15,247.71 43253 - 432571 1,069.50 43258 - 43263} 43,401.56 Wire Transfers', 135,788.48 P/R 6003 - 6078; 99,738.67 P/R Tax Transfers; 24,216.11 CITY DEMANDS $820,968.87 Payable Warrants: 43264 - 433711 600,340.64 RDA DEMANDS 130,671.01 $951,639.88 $951,639.88 FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: Demand of Cash -City $820,968.87 015 CITY OF LA QUINTA BANK TRANSACTIONS 11/16/00 - 11/28/00 11/21/00 WIRE TRANSFER - RDA ESCROW 11/23/00 WIRE TRANSFER - DEFERRED COMP 11/23/00 WIRE TRANSFER - PERS 11/23/00 WIRE TRANSFER - CREDIT UNION 11/22/00 WIRE TRANSFER - RDA ESCROW 11/28/00 WIRE TRANSFER - RDA ESCROW TOTAL WIRE TRANSFERS OUT $44,681.00 $5,536.98 $11,944.50 $6,086.00 $21,140.00 $46,400.00 $135,788.48 1)1" ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP5005 CHECK REGISTER 3:35PM 11/29/00 CITY OF LA QUINTA BANK ID: DEF PAGE 1 CHECK CHECK VENDOR PAYMENT NUMBER DATE NO. NAME AMOUNT ***NO CHECKS WERE USED FOR PRINT ALIGNMENT.*** 43264 11/29/00 &01227 CALIFORNIA POOLS & SPAS 1.00 43265 11/29/00 &01243 AL MILLER & SON ROOFING 30.00 43266 11/29/00 &01244 CAROL CARMEL 25.00 43267 11/29/00 &01245 CE SOIR 15.00 43268 11/29/00 &01246 PENNY CHAZAN 75.00 43269 11/29/00 &01247 COACHELLA ENGINEERING 3.00 43270 11/29/00 &01248 EISENHOWER MEDICAL CENTER 15.00 43271 11/29/00 &01249 MARIE HARDY 25.00 43272 11/29/00 &01250 LAURA HUFF 50.00 43273 11/29/00 &01251 PAUL KEMP 50.00 43274 11/29/00 &01252 D R LUTZ 50.00 43275 11/29/00 &01253 BETTY MARRA 25.00 43276 11/29/00 &01254 MATTHEW MURPHY 48.00 43277 11/29/00 &01255 MARY LOU KULANDER 40.00 43278 11/29/00 &01256 MR & MRS DONALD SCHWIESOW 2875.76 43279 11/29/00 &01257 KARL SEHL 50.00 43280 11/29/00 &01258 VACATION POOLS 177.60 43281 11/29/00 &01259 STEVEN WALKER HOMES 32.40 43282 11/29/00 ACT100 ACT GIS INC 2000.00 43283 11/29/00 AME200 AMERIPRIDE UNIFORM SVCS 52.32 43284 11/29/00 ARC100 ARCH 46.46 43285 11/29/00 ATC010 ATCO MANUFACTURING CO 568.10 43286 11/29/00 BAK010 FRED BAKER 313.54 43287 11/29/00 BLU011 BLUEPRINTER 44.31 43288 11/29/00 CAD010 CADET UNIFORM SUPPLY 214.67 43289 11/29/00 CAL016 CA ASSEMBLY OF LOCAL ARTS 75.00 43290 11/29/00 CAL031 CALIF PARKS & RECREATION 219.00 43291 11/29/00 CAS100 MARIA CASILLAS 53.10 43292 11/29/00 COM046 COMMITTEE TO ELECT BRUCE 200.00 43293 11/29/00 CON010 CONRAD & ASSOCIATES 4000.00 43294 11/29/00 COU300 COUNTRY CLUB AUTO 218.97 43295 11/29/00 DES022 DESERT GRAPHICS 1131.38 43296 11/29/00 DESO40 DESERT JANITOR SERVICE 4753.50 43297 11/29/00 DES051 DESERT SANDS UNIFIED SCHL 127.50 43298 11/29/00 DES065 DESERT TEMPS INC 5374.75 43299 11/29/00 DES069 DESERT VALLEY INDUSTRIES 402.00 43300 11/29/00 DIA100 DENISE DIAMOND 115.44 43301 11/29/00 DLO100 DLO ENTERPRISES INC DBA 2387.20 43302 11/29/00 DOU200 LES DOUGLAS 308.00 43303 11/29/00 DRU100 DRUMMOND AMERICAN CORP 938.20 43304 11/29/00 ELM100 ELMS EQUIPMENT RENTAL INC 1372.25 43305 11/29/00 EQUO10 DALE EQUITZ 25.00 43306 11/29/00 FED010 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP 294.67 43307 11/29/00 FIR007 FIRST AID SELECT 157.15 43308 11/29/00 FIR015 FIRST AMERICAN REAL 140.74 43309 11/29/00 GAB050 GABRIEL'S WROUGHT IRON 4275.00 43310 11/29/00 GAL100 THE GALLERY COLLECTION 64.83 021 3 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP5005 CHECK REGISTER 3:35PM 11/29/00 CITY OF LA QUINTA BANK ID: DEF PAGE 2 CHECK CHECK VENDOR PAYMENT NUMBER DATE NO. NAME AMOUNT 43311 11/29/00 GAS010 GASCARD INC 74.23 43312 11/29/00 GRA010 GRANITE CONSTRUCTION CO 397900.00 43313 11/29/00 HIG010 HIGH TECH IRRIGATION INC 1063.30 43314 11/29/00 HIG050 HIGH TECH MAILING SERVICE 1788.15 43315 11/29/00 HOM030 HOME DEPOT 438.87 43316 11/29/00 ICM020 ICMA DISTRIBUTION CENTER 4.65 43317 11/29/00 IMP100 IMPACT SCIENCES INC 220.00 43318 11/29/00 INS050 INSIDE WASTE 275.00 43319 11/29/00 INT013 INTERNATIONAL CITY/COUNTY 698.27 43320 11/29/00 JUD010 JUDICIAL DATA SYSTEMS COR 100.00 43321 11/29/00 KIN050 KINKO'S 1063.23 43322 11/29/00 KIN100 KINER/GOODSELL ADVERTISNG 11977.71 43323 11/29/00 KRI100 BRUCE KRIBBS CONSTRUCTION 7201.00 43324 11/29/00 LAQ220 LA QUINTA HIGH SOFTBALL 500.00 43325 11/29/00 LOG020 MARK LOGAN LANDSCAPE INC 816.67 43326 11/29/00 MAC050 JACK MACKIE 99.41 43327 11/29/00 MCDO10 MC DOWELL AWARDS 6.09 43328 11/29/00 MCD100 PAUL MC DONNELL TREASURER 133.98 43329 11/29/00 MCK010 McKESSON WATER PRODUCTS 158.88 43330 11/29/00 MIR010 MIRASOFT INC 3.17 43331 11/29/00 MOM100 MOM'S GAS STATION 2413.64 43332 11/29/00 NAW010 RON NAWROCKI 2000.00 43333 11/29/00 NEX010 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS 2917.24 43334 11/29/00 NIC101 NICKERSON & ASSOCIATES 8280.00 43335 11/29/00 OVE100 OVERLAND RESOURCES 500.00 43336 11/29/00 OWE020 OWEN & BRADLEY 300.00 43337 11/29/00 PER010 RONALD A PERKINS 26.57 43338 11/29/00 POS050 POSITIVE PROMOTIONS 826.23 43339 11/29/00 PRI020 THE PRINTING PLACE 1562.27 43340 11/29/00 PUR100 PURKISS ROSE-RSI 648.39 43341 11/29/00 RAS020 RASA - ERIC NELSON 1540.00 43342 11/29/00 RIV005 RIVERSIDE ARTS COUNCIL 60.00 43343 11/29/00 RIV081 RIV COUNTY HEALTH SERVICE 65.00 43344 11/29/00 RUT050 RUTAN & TUCKER 57428.44 43345 11/29/00 SAX100 SAXON ENGINEERING SERVICE 2625.00 43346 11/29/00 SFC100 SFC CONSULTANTS 600.00 43347 11/29/00 SHA040 ROSITA SHAMIS 43.27 43348 11/29/00 SMA010 SMART & FINAL 364.15 43349 11/29/00 SOU007 SOUTHWEST NETWORKS, INC 440.00 43350 11/29/00 SOU030 SO CALIF ASSOC GOVERNMENT 1107.00 43351 11/29/00 SOU037 SOUTHERN CALIF ASSOC CODE 240.00 43352 11/29/00 SOU100 SOUTHLAND GEOTECHNICL INC 1550.00 43353 11/29/00 STA050 STAPLES 210.60 43354 11/29/00 STE008 FRANK STEIN NOVELTY CO 357.55 43355 11/29/00 SUN050 SUN BADGE CO 100.23 43356 11/29/00 SUN075 SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY 453.00 43357 11/29/00 SUN080 SUNLINE SERVICES GROUP 510.87 43358 11/29/00 TDD052 T D DESERT DEVELOPMENT 710.00 43359 11/29/00 TER100 TERRA NOVA PLANNING & 18086.28 022 4 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP5005 CITY OF LA QUINTA CHECK CHECK NUMBER DATE 43360 11/29/00 43361 11/29/00 43362 11/29/00 43363 11/29/00 43364 11/29/00 43365 11/29/00 43366 11/29/00 43367 11/29/00 43368 11/29/00 43369 11/29/00 43370 11/29/00 43371 11/29/00 CHECK REGISTER BANK ID: DEF VENDOR NO. NAME TIM050 TIME & ALARM SYSTEMS TOP010 TOPS'N BARRICADES INC TRI100 TRI STATE LAND SUVEYORS & TRU010 TRULY NOLEN INC USC100 U.S. COMMUNICATIONS USO100 US OFFICE PRODUCTS USPO10 U S POSTMASTER UUN100 UUNET VAL005 VALLEY ANIMAL CLINIC VON010 VON'S C/O SAFEWAY INC WAL010 WAL MART STORES INC XER010 XEROX CORPORATION CHECK TOTAL 3:35PM 11/29/00 PAGE 3 PAYMENT AMOUNT 974.00 1382.49 26375.00 149.00 360.00 1076.77 1197.00 3130.00 170.00 6.78 43.07 1527.35 600,340.64 023 5 N N M v ul �a r 00 0) F z 0 0 rn N H U N r r N N N N N N N N N N .-a H H H e-4 H •-+ a m E+ E H E E E E E F E E+ F E+ M O O O O O O O O O O O O O N F Z E O O O O O O O O O O O O O W Z •--� 11'1 N N N M N ul O O O �rl x H •--� N H r H N LO Ln LO N 0 Q a 0 o O o O o o O o O o 0 o O o o O o 0 o O o Q o Ln a n n a M x Ln Lri CD Cl 0 U M U N W .--� U r W F H U N U In U N U LO U F El> x > x 0 x x x x x o ££ w 0 w 0 0 w w w w w h a s x U x v x x x x x W W U H U H a U U U U U F W a rt a Q a H Q £ CD (D CWA O Ow0 a m 0.wl PO .] z z a a a a m a a a a a a Q Q H H Q Q Q w Q Q Q W Q x Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Z W F ❑ ❑ E z El Z E. Z E. Z F E+ F Z E-F Z F Z F Z E. z 0 a 0 a 4 0 ❑ U H 0 ❑ O H 0 I4 O 5 0 ❑ 0 ❑ U ❑ O .'. W H W F H H F C7 E+ cn F C7 F to E. Q E C7 H C7 F 0 F. 0 F U F > a O Q ❑ Q ❑ W Q Q Q Q H GL O a fA CQ a a s m a a s ro a x a .a a a s a s 1 a a O H O O O O O 0 O O O O O > a ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ in ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ O ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Z U z Z z z Z Z Z z z z z z z Z Z Z z z Z Z Z Z Z Z H co ❑ w O ❑ w 5 w ❑ w a w ❑ w ❑ w ❑ W .'. w O W w ❑ w w> w r. > w> w> w> w> w> w> c. > w> w> w p w W W W W W W w w W w w W w w a a s a a a a a a a a a a U w o H H ❑ a CO 0 0 w > 1 > m 1 1 z z E H H M N N N N a\ r H H ❑ H •J H H m N r H ii' m r r r 00 H Z O O N 0) iA N N LO N Ln In V) ❑ H A4 0 0 r M r N r r r r r r a CO CO W m a 1 O 0 w E+ a 0) O O V O C O m v v e IT a W O O O 1r1 O N O N N N LO L £ M O O O v O c v v C v c 5 rn m m r o r w m r r r r r z M H M H M M M r) M M F V' W C IT V' V' V' V' C' C' V' R' V' z O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Cl O O O O O U O O O O O O O O O O O O O U H Q O O O O o O O O C. 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O N r N u) .-1 V r O O M m moo l0 l0 O o N o m o m o u) u) r-1 r m ul to w E �+ Z D O�y N ,-1 O r N r Ln .--1 O c .--1 r N w u) o �D M (,j o N c m M W �1 N O M u) m r u7 r O O M m M N O O O M u) r m v 01 N m r in r-1 O C H N r N v w v r O E+ O E O O 0) M l0 O u) a m m r m M V a o. a rl r M a w x a H a H D a m EF+ RC U RC RC ❑ w w w FC \ \ RC FC H a a FC a ca a W Z o H FC E E H o a4 E E 0 E > m E 0 F+ a W F 0 E. a a U E 0 (n (n CO a E E o (n E (n F 0 F 0 H F 0 E o W r UP " aL E-E x E-F x in a H a z < a > 0 a (D E+ a x U a x U a x U a E z a 0 Z 0 E a. m F a \ (7 E a (/) E+ a a < 0 > H a 0 - U F-1 O 4 ❑ O ❑ U (n O ❑ U O ❑ z H o in D oa D a D a4 O (n ❑ a (n a O ❑ E O w H 0 ❑ z H 0 W ❑ H O ❑ aw N z H U (n z a z a z E W (n z w O a z w w ❑ z w E-E w Z w a a a z W w w W w z W U H a a1 z w E+ z Z a w a Z w U H W ❑ w >> w> 0c H > F> w Q> x w> a w D w O w> D w w w> w x a, D > H> a a> D z a m w 0 0 w E m (� w w w h h 0 a m E H 0 ❑ a w O 1 O I C m M Ln I M in 1 m W 1 m N M N > Z H I ❑ > Z H CO E D u) 1-1 �0 u7 r 10 m m lD m u) O M r m O r u) coo O O O r N O N m m m m a m N ❑ H x z I N I Ln M .--I V7 '-1 r-1 O m r-1 O 01 O m O m r O r O r T l0 C O r-1 M O a aL z r.0 w m I m a o o E w a W m M In O O O O O O O O O O to c D w 0 v M In O O O O r c N r O O E In O O O O O VJ t0 l0 u) ul O m In m o D z E rn O w N v �o M o r m 0 � M o %o r a m (o m m r m o a M o w In Lr) m M o r Ln o (o O r In � Z ❑ O 0) r l0 M u-) ri N o N u) M u) v o cr 0 In 0 In o Ln m co %o m m ko In C In V (N o V v In C N o 1 U (.% RC r-1 0 0 r-1 O r-I o r-I O r-I O r-1 O u7 e-1 O u) .-/ O In r-i O r-1 O r-1 O r--1 O -4 O O o O O OU OU U H U `� W U > a H M a a O W a O a a U z O z O z O z O W O W o o a U m U E. w W F x W a El E E C� Z W m m z a O U m m a a ~ m W FC E"' x W Rai x W ❑ H a W 3 m a W z H z H z H o U o U x m x E O a E+ >4 OI a s C E El1w-1 a a (<j o❑❑ a a � CO H W H w E w F w H w ❑ H ❑ a< a o ❑ o W 0 W a H a H m a w x m < m < w < z 9 z U 0 (n E w z W w w w w E H H H O Z D 0 U O TI H > o O W o O W r O O H In O o u) O 0 O .--I 0 H O o r-I o 0 rl O 0 e-i O 9 o r-I o 9 0 ri O c7 o r-1 O (7 0 u1 O u 0 M O 0 0 N O E < U rC FC (D a U < O O u x x 029 i� z CL O O 1 .--1 N m 1n m O v l0 r 4 OD (N N 0) m 0 0 F Z rn N \ r .-1 ,-I� W U• m U F F(; 04 N .-i N N .-i N N ri rn N .--1 N N r ti r r N N N H N N m N N N r H rn N r H a m F E4 E4 E+ E F F E E E+ H E E E. E m N E Z E+ O O . O O . r N . O O . M N . O O . O O . 1-1 r . O O . O O . O O . O O . O O . r lO . H v . W £ >. z o O o N N 1n r N m 0) w o o m O rn m O rn r O rn 1n m o o O 0 c 1n OD �o r O o o LO iD m rn 0) Wr-1 N v' N m r 1n l0 O O O O r N O O M N 1 r O O O O r l0 cT Z H ❑ O N N LO r N m 01 \O O N E (D O r-� m w O E rl r r 0) H U) a H Q .--1 O N r CDl0 O 1n co E. .--1 £ m Z:) H W H O \ 1 [++ Z O W a E z W £ O a a FC U s RC a FC a FC Z F s r� a r� W r❑r� a o N a a E+ w w v) H rC E-F H a 4 f2' U< .a > z w >+ `° a a (1) Z O E O H (7 E. O Z O E. O E O E F. O E O 0 rt w U w E 0 U] z w W E O > U) E+ O £ H FH E• O a W H E. H a O o E a H w F a w x E+ a H E a C7 F a z w Z m Fr�� O a E s H E a E 4 U E a E E a w w F r.Z m a O > H a O ❑ H m❑ O H a O cn a❑ O U z❑ O z H❑ 0 H E H E+ ry U W Z❑ O Z W Z W H a❑ O H z❑ O < U❑ O Z H U U) Z w W Z W U U) Z W W m Z W H x Z W E. z Z W a W a W G. H FC Z W £ O £ O F U Z W O £ z W U) ❑ Z O w F W ❑ > F H > m 'J" > £ w > a Ft > H a > > ❑ > ❑ .] O H w > z 0 z O W a > £ O > Z > 4 n w U £ w w u U W H ❑ O Z I H ❑ Z H a w £ D w N w N ,� O H H l0 N M O H ❑ x Z '-I N N N .--� m O M r .--1 r H r ri m r-1 m 1p m 10 U a m O 0) � z w � m w m a I o O w F a W O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N N N N N N N N N 1-1 N lO O O ul M m 1n O O Ol a1 r m m m m m 1n m LO N tf) w - O m U') M 1n Ol O r z E ID N Ln l0 v l0 O l0 v l0 C w VT w O �O O �O In N N �O O t0 l0 l0 C. l0 m lO Z U O O O O .--1 O V N O H H 1n m N O v N O 0) U) O 0) H LO N m O O O O 11 1n N -�r 1n v .-1 1n N O 0) w H 1n N O O O O O 1n O l0 O c Cl ,-1 O O r O O O O O E z O U z U) z V) z v) z O 0 H 0 N 0 H ra U z U L) \ co W z w z w z w z w H D a El D a El D a m E w w M O z H >+ E. 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O . . . . . . . . O . O . O . O . O . O . W z �O m H H l0 M M O O O O r Ul O O �n �n O £ O (n r r O O O O e-1 N O O r r 110 >+ O •-+ c Ln Ln Ln Ln rn In m m m m m N N 44 m m r 'Ir o a C O Ol m .--I l0 O N ON n. �o m m M M 0 1r o m Ln O a F N N N U a F H H E H z U F H F H E= U z z z z > Z Z Z z z U O O O 0 (n W W w W W W a E+ U U U U £££££ E a O a a a a a a a s (n a \\\\ a W a W W W W W\ � F F E F Z 0 E. 0 o FC 0 E- < F E- 0 a, c4 (w El U U U U F O F Q Q z W H H F. E H 3 3 3 E D 0 E. 4 x 0 > E. M > M > M > M O EF x L4 0 E-F z Z z z z£ H w a z a r a c� (� (� a U) a a s H H H E a a s O H O H O E. O Z Z Z 0 In O D O U �Uay ru ru O FC O H F E F H E+ .Z+ � W W W Z z W W W � F E E W a W h h h h h h w > 0 > Rwi O > z 1--1 F-1 H > [D. a > a w > z z z z > a > 0 0 0 0 0 0 ❑ z a a x a 0 D O o 0 o w a a a a a a w G. W a. ❑❑❑ w E. 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E E U H H H H 1 FC z z V] x x x x £ w w 41 w w w FC 0 3 3 3 H U U U V £ W E- a ❑ cn O O O O O Z z z z z z .7 z a z Z z E < a a a a U O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 w0 0 3 3 3 3 m m 0 m to w FC D 3 £ co a a a a a a a a a am N d 0 (n (n co (r (n z z z z w w w w w w w a o ❑ o x x an FC Y. x E z z z z x cxi (xi cxi a Z £ a U U U H O O O O O W H . H H H . I m H W W £££ £ £ a a a a z z z z z z z z o > O 0 0 O O O 0 0 0 0 O 0 D H 0 0 O O O O o O 0> 0 H o 0 0 0 H o 0 0 o O .-1 . ., U E+ ❑ ❑ JG x x a £ 3 3 3 3 x U U U U U U U 14 U U U U U H O < a a• [ 7 F-1 H H 1--1 F-A H < U £ £ £££ £ £ z z z z Z z z z z z z 031 13 N lD r m N r m m m o H N M c N �o r OC z O M M M M N N N N M C c a v v V v V v E Z o 0 m N � m x U m m m m o) r r r m m m m m ON m m m m W E N N N N N N N N N N N N N w a m H P Eti F E H El F H El F F F E H E. E. E M O O O O o o O o r M O r m o o O o O N E z E+ O . O . O . o . O . O . O . o . Ln . N . N . O . M . O . O . O . o . o . 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W M a < a a a a G. 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E u) W w f z z ai m ai U z z m z O > z 1 > z W x £ M N �0 M N V' M o O H r H I m N m cV (n m m I H N m I r-4 N I0 Ol N Lf) m N o N O r m o H ❑ H ❑ H A4 H :D z m l0 N .--� H N O N H m o) H rn a) r LO m O H .--I O H .-1 M in N O N O N N Ln ut < a z < w ro Im 1 I a O o E w M W to H m o o o H 0 ID O o O O o O O 0 O O 0 in O c o O o O O o O O o O N H m In H m ON H N ID a. �o o z M O M O 01 O O� c o) -w l0 O w O l0 O r o r r-4 O r H l0 0 M O r M O r M O N Ol H t0 E z D O M N M N O N M in H O N Ln M m m w m m l0 H O N N O N O M Ln c in c in o O H O V RC O o O O O O O O .--1 O .-i O N O M O M O O O in O r-I H V' C' H ♦-i H H .--� H H In U E W W O U H U H H z U o a s OU U M [� > u) H z H z } E W (D FCC W (D 0 N a a0 H U rl W W w W 1 a z s z 2 0 u) a 0 (w7 0 (w7 z z O O EnH Z a a Z U ❑ z o m w w E u) a" N a El 3 x iH-1 Q w x a x W a W a CO] a (n d4 a w� 0 W H W H F:4 a s a 0 a z x z E 0 U O E Oo E 0 F 0 a F a F a F zr� fx �� a M a D o E W z W m u) u) (n u) u) m cn m a u) u) u) m z O U 0 E H > o o z o 0 r� r O 0 O o M 0 D r M 0 O o o O 0 O H 5 0 11) o RC o LO o << o Tn o m Cl 0 W o in o z o Ln o z Ln r 0 z o m 0 z 1:4 U u) £ u) O u) O u) O u) 0 u) 0 u) E u) E+ u) C. u) E u) 5=) !n fn O fn O u) 034 16 m O N M Ln to r m m 0 H N m e Ln w z m O� 01 01 O� d\ 01 01 01 O1 m O O O O O O O E4 Z O O N N \ H � U 01 m m m O1 m m m m m m m m C1 O1 Ol ON m H W F N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N W W F E El E F F E F. F E F E F H El E.E+ m O m O O In m m �o N O O O O O O O m N E+ Z E-F o r Ln o r rn Ln m r 0 0 0 0 o O O o w z O m r v H m 1n t0 m l0 N m 1n O M l0 o r E O H m -w r o m In N to m m aO r O o m m r-1 m H m c 0 H r m N N m M a r o m 0 rn o 0 0 m O N O c O O O O O �o c N F F W W Lrn rn O •� .� U m r eo m m E£ r c 4 �o to m r > O M m m m m W M W m m Z Z m m co u H N a W> Q m m m w CO L Q Q Q Q 41 E. 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NAME AMOUNT ***NO CHECKS WERE USED FOR PRINT ALIGNMENT.*** 43258 11/28/00 COA080 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER 296.79 43259 11/28/00 IMPO10 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 11590.73 43260 11/28/00 PER010 RONALD A PERKINS 26.42 43261 11/28/00 SOU038 SOUTHERN CALIF ASSOC CODE 120.00 43262 11/28/00 TRI100 TRI STATE LAND SUVEYORS & 31210.00 43263 11/28/00 VER200 VERIZON 157.62 CHECK TOTAL 43,401.56 037 19 az u O E+ z co 0 \ N \ H � U W F £ cu w m O O E z F W z £ O >1 O a � a r m m O H N M v 0 to r m m O .--I N M Vr In N N N N N N C7 C7 C7 C7 C7 C7 C7 (7 C7 C7 C7 C7 C7 C7 C7 C� C� C� (� C7 C7 C7 C7 C7 C7 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W F E F F E F F F F F F F E F F F F F F F F F E. F E. 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W z N o rn oo rn >+ O in v� M rn H U) Wr m r O N O l0 z z z o r E E x Ln In V1 (n N r-1 CO CO m ti W W W M U) M m U) m m E H H H W > > > a ❑ a z W W W E E E O m w 0 O U E. S S T E O U U F H a a s 0. z H > > a > PHG N N N Q W q H cn > > > W H z z W ❑ o 0 0> x o> U w m m m H a a o a a a� N N rn O W M M M T) H X) > I > ca \ N Ol Ir z Z E ODMM H O H O N N N r m C. H z r r ❑ x M M M r r M � z a a w m w a I O O w E+ p O O O N M O W O O O M to O C. O O ID LO O M 01 ON O1 m LO z O O O M O M E z C In 10 O Ir Ir r ur) r Ln O ID ID w U < O O O O O O H W W W U) Cl) m x a a O O O W W W M > > > O p ::) p o m m m tiI a ❑ ❑ ❑ a z z z 1 <ba .4 z F EW 14 El W H FC H EC z z z >. OI U) co U) ON N N a r o H H H a z z E. Gzj F F H > > > z O > O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N N N < U F F E > > > 039 21 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP5005 CHECK REGISTER 09:11AM 11/22/00 CITY OF LA QUINTA BANK ID: DEF PAGE 1 CHECK CHECK VENDOR PAYMENT NUMBER DATE NO. NAME AMOUNT ***NO CHECKS WERE USED FOR PRINT ALIGNMENT.*** 43253 11/22/00 INT005 INTERNAL REVENUE SVC-ACS 50.00 43254 11/22/00 LAQ050 LA QUINTA CITY EMPLOYEES 299.00 43255 11/22/00 RIV040 RIV CNTY DISTRICT ATTORNY 426.50 43256 11/22/00 SUP100 SUPPORT PAYMENT CLEARING- 150.00 43257 11/22/00 UNIO05 UNITED WAY OF THE DESERT 144.00 CHECK TOTAL 1,069.50 040 22 N M c ul z O EF Z O O N N \ r r-1 U 01 01 01 01 �-1 W E.01 m 01 O) O� OQ Oa, F+ El F El E. 0 0 0 0 o o o E O O O O O Z F W Z o Ol 0 o c ?� O N a o o o o 0 0 0 o 0 cn o 0 m ❑ W o c u-I to Ol N O V c P: N > aU] rl ri H N H FC a I a I I 3 x ci m [!1 Cn u) V] ❑ H U H H (y] z z Z F a s a s a .a a s H a 0U' F z a E. U' E-F 0 E � E O 1• O IE.• O I• O IE.• O 1• O W E. d N u H ) 0. 4-1 ai J�1 ai 4j x N a O H w 0 m 0 m 0 co O u)O Z V ❑ z ❑ z ❑ z ❑ z ❑ z H c11 W W W W W o x> x> x> a> a> a a a a a w w U w H ❑ a O w > I > m z z E H ❑ H H z H AG � z W < m w m a 1 O O w E. a 0 0 0 0 0 w o 0 0 o 0 £ o 0 0 0 0 M r-1 in Z z clj N (N N N N E N N N N N a o 0 o 0 0 O o 0 0 0 0 O U o 0 0 0 0 Ci FC O ri o r-1 O r-1 O r-4 O I U W m z a FC W O H w oEl > a 4 W A m r a a o £ F U W D W H N El F FC W E-F ElW G W O E 0 U ❑ N N W 04 m H z Z E E. Q a lz Z)W U W a a O a u) z rzi .a7 a ai F Cu W z O > N o 0 0 1n D O N o o u) 0 v o o r 0 o E, E+ 01 > a, H U 1 a 4 U H a u) I ❑ H a w m I O E+ 041 23 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP5005 CHECK REGISTER CITY OF LA QUINTA BANK ID: DEF CHECK CHECK VENDOR NUMBER DATE NO. NAME ***NO CHECKS WERE USED FOR PRINT ALIGNMENT.*** 43247 11/17/00 COA005 CITY OF COACHELLA 43248 11/17/00 COA080 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER 43249 11/17/00 FRA075 MARY HOPE FRANCO 43250 11/17/00 LAQ040 LA QUINTA CHAMBER COMMERC 43251 11/17/00 PAL003 PALM DESERT CHAMBER OF 43252 11/17/00 VER200 VERIZON CHECK TOTAL 4:34PM 11/17/00 PAGE 1 PAYMENT AMOUNT 25.00 11987.78 2516.45 15.00 650.00 53.48 15,247.71 042 24 rl N M c u) w r m rn o rl N E z 0 0 r ~ U r-I W C9 W E r.0 W £ W E-F £ w E-F £ W E+ £ W F+ £ W H £ W E £ W E £ W H 0 £ W E U £ W E 00 £ W E £ W E+ O N c F Z E+ O o kD (n u) (3) r O) .-+ ON rn N �o u) c o o rn u7 r w >+ z O N v O H m io M m cD O) m co10 m o M u7 Na, ~ o � r N N N r c N O m N O O r m O r c O O v' O o N r m C) > O aLr) aU� W rl a o o u) w x m a u) r.0 E 0 W 0 a - O £ H Z w W " H ❑ H G+ ❑ I ❑ H Y• W U H O > z H > H Z O H E a H a U u) W ❑ C m x 7" 1 H H E H £ £ D U) FC a Q H 0 E+ a O ❑ z w > w U H > a w 0 a W E+ 3 Cn D H > w U H > a w cn a W E a 3 fn o O > w U H > a w cn o W E+ 3 (n D O > w U H > a w w a W H 3 (n D O > w U H > a w m x W E+ rs 3 (n D O > w U H > a w w rz w H a 3 (n D O > a a E+ O F as O o z w > w £ O U E. £ n, ❑ z N a FC x E+ U OE a a O m ❑ - z cz W O > >+ a E E O x O ❑ z w > 1 a O EO Z O w cn E Z W > W a E. £ O E O a £ O ❑ a Z < w z > U H v) 0 r N a r r z H E (x7 H a w H O £ w a 0 0 � M r r a >£ F+ aL cz O o z w > I ❑ H a W ❑ O H a z a a 14 w w z I O O w E C W W O O O N M �O u7 �o t0 O O O N M l0 M w �O Ln w to O O O O O O O o 0 m .-i w v tD to D Z H r M M M m M •� M M N O) r M r M r N u) M Z 0 O U 0 N c u) c u) c Im LO v uv)' c Ln c N rn N c) Ln c vn ul c U < o 0 0 0 0 0 0 LO 0 0 o O o U a M w a ca a� FC a F z H D a FCC w z O W w K O G. O > E. U w 3 a r>� .7 a w x U Q O w 3 a > .4 a w x U < O w 3 a > i�-1 a w x U < O w 3 a > a a w x U FC O w 3 a 14 > a a w x U < O w 3 a 9L > a a w x U 8 z L G+ a o x >+ a £ £ U o: U H z H D OI rC 1. 0 o W CQ xx U E u) W ❑ £ a a z o H o >> z 0 H a z 0 O < O >+ - U > u) O O O U 0 m O O U 0 m O OOOO U 0 m O O U 0 m O U 0 m O U o m o U u) r G o c <� a M O O a 00 O N w >> 0 NUH W 043 25 4CCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP5005 CHECK REGISTER CITY OF LA QUINTA BANK ID: DEF CHECK CHECK VENDOR NUMBER DATE NO. NAME ***NO CHECKS WERE USED FOR PRINT ALIGNMENT.*** 09:17AM 11/17/00 PAGE 1 43244 11/17/00 DES090 DESERT .CITIES DEVELOPMENT 43245 11/17/00 SIM025 SIMON MOTORS INC 43246 11/17/00 VER200 VERIZON CHECK TOTAL PAYMENT AMOUNT 10528.00 4619.69 227.52 15,375.21 AM 26 fn v N CRL� O E-E Z O O r F £ E E E E 14 £ a In Ew-F F El F F r 0 o rn c c c � F o a m m m O Z E W Z co rn NLn, r- £ N 1D r r r 0 Lr) ID O On N O l0 ut Ln m W rn r N C4 N E n o N z O til c o a U U H u H w a > a a a a H < H < FC 0 u)0 M 0 0 W H W E+ O E+ E %a �a 0 x a >>> x o ff a 0 O m m fn o z L) z w z w w w z H w> a> 0 0 0> � E a a w w w w H o a N O W N O r 01 > 1 > [P O N z z £ N c Ol CA O) H O H "J' N H z O O l0 to to 0 N N In o N H x KC z a a m w as a I o o w F W r c O O O fT7 O O O O Ol 01 N N Ln z l0 l0 l0 �D �O E Z N .--I rn rn M O m o Ln Ln In O n U F4 O O O O O Lo E. z w £ a 0 a P1 w O > o w Ln O z a H r.� m W m I H S E 0 W E H E a z U 0 £ F 0 0 0 N a a z N N N W a o u)E a o w H w w w z O u) > > > E [.0 Gj z 0 > O Ln o 0 0 O aN N O O O O F 04 U u) E z z w FC U o u)> > > 041i 27 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP5005 CHECK REGISTER 2:40PM 11/16/00 CITY OF LA QUINTA BANK ID: DEF PAGE 1 CHECK CHECK VENDOR PAYMENT NUMBER DATE NO. NAME AMOUNT ***NO CHECKS WERE USED FOR PRINT ALIGNMENT.*** 43242 11/16/00 ADO010 DON ADOLPH 2O0.00 43243 11/16/00 SNIO10 STANLEY SNIFF 200.00 CHECK TOTAL 400.00 046 2 9 z N 9O E-E Z 0 0 H U (D C7 H W F ID FC W W 0 M O O N F o 0 z E W z o O x O O O >1 O N N a 0 0 0 0 0 0 O o N N E+ E+ H H E E a a W a W a W FICp a. LC Z E. O O w (D EO 0 E. 0 E. H H H a m a cn a O H O O Z U z z z z H to O W O W a a W w H ❑ (Y O W > I > co z z £ H ❑ H ^.J H Z a z C1 W a I o 1 O w E. O4 n Ln w a• a R7 M M O H r-i z c c F Z o O O O O O O O U U H Q O O H H a w w I H FC m z W E+ W !n a z a W H O >+ a x z a < o z a a ❑ O E co z ❑ U) &+ w W z O > o O a H H O >1 o 0 U E O H U H ❑ z Q U a to 047 29 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP5005 CHECK REGISTER 4:43PM 11/15/00 CITY OF LA QUINTA BANK ID: DEF PAGE 1 CHECK CHECK VENDOR NUMBER DATE NO. NAME ***NO CHECKS WERE USED FOR PRINT ALIGNMENT.*** 43237 11/15/00 BRE100 TOM BREWSTER PHOTOGRAPHY 43238 11/15/00 COA080 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER 43239 11/15/00 FRA075 MARY HOPE FRANCO 43240 11/15/00 IMP100 IMPACT SCIENCES INC 43241 11/15/00 VER200 VERIZON CHECK TOTAL PAYMENT AMOUNT 150.00 787.40 2516.45 12531.14 77.01 16, 062.00 048 30 z ti N (n R' u) 4* O E Z O O .ti F £ w E g E E a s E F E. F F M O O u) a v F O 2 E W z o r b r or r >+ O r+ u7 u) O v c H O x O r M tD Z N r w Ln 0 \ H H M r r H In N E N 0 N W E a Ot m W � W oa > a a a O a < a a o a a a s u< ¢ F. W o H a 3 E+ 0 x E H 0 E-F 0 O 0 E 0 E w a Dui s > a >. a 0 a > a H U W O a a U w U O z u w z a z w z z w z H (n O W W W 4L W W W z w W > > p> 3> c4 a> W W w u w H O a m a w > ao co i > 0 � rzi [] rz-� PH4 0 H z O LO im > o uO x rC z w FC Ga W m a O o w E a O N O O O W O M O O O 0 0 0 0 O l0 r-i N H u) z ul M 01 l0 M �O l0 10 N �D E z Q d' N O M O O Lo O O in O c rn o H u) O o o O r-1 r-1 tT rl H >4 x a a w F u M 3 O o E O >+ 0 H w z a u F > a H c H W W na7 O z a m x >>. 0 N lz a a to z F U > E C+ W z O > O O o O O O > O U a O rpy i-4 (x W < u Pq u 0a H > 31 A/P - AP6002 CHECKS TO BE VOIDED 09:OOAM 11/16/00 CITY OF LA QUINTA BANK ID: DEF PAGE 1 CHECK BK INVOICE VENDOR VENDOR NUMBER ID DATE AMT. PAID NUMBER NAME 43199 DEF 10/27/00 826.22 POS050 POSITIVE PROMOTIONS 43199 DEF 11/01/00 826.23 POS050 POSITIVE PROMOTIONS TOTAL VOIDED 1,652.45 INVOICE DESCRIPTION LLEBG PROMO ITEMS SUPPLIES 050 31 A/P - AP6002 CHECKS TO BE VOIDED CITY OF LA QUINTA BANK ID: DEF CHECK BK INVOICE VENDOR VENDOR NUMBER ID DATE AMT. PAID NUMBER NAME . 43195 DEF 11/14/00 26.42 PER100 PERSONAL TOUCH MOBILE TOTAL VOIDED 26.42 08:22AM 11/29/00 PAGE 1 INVOICE DESCRIPTION HOME PHONE FAX LINE 33 T-,,,dy 4 4 Q" AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: December 5, 2000 CONSENT CALENDAR: CP-- ITEM TITLE: STUDY SESSION: Approval of Annual Review of The Home Depot PUBLIC HEARING: Development Agreement RECOMMENDATION: Approve finding that The Home Depot is in substantial compliance with the Development Agreement with the City of La Quinta dated December 5, 1996. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The City of La Quinta, Home Depot U.S.A., and Credit Suisse Leasing entered into a Development Agreement in December 1996. Said agreement provides that The Home Depot improve the segments of Jefferson Street, Highway 1 1 1 and the Whitewater Channel that adjoin its retail center. Upon completion of the improvements and acceptance by the City, the Development Agreement/Developer Lease Agreement provides that the City lease the improvements for a period of ten years. At the conclusion of the lease, the improvements will then be dedicated to the City. The Home Depot opened its store in July 1997 and has completed the infrastructure improvements outlined in the Development Agreement. The State statute that empowers cities to enter into development agreements requires that a periodic compliance review be held at least every twelve months during the term of the development agreement. This report represents the third compliance review of The Home Depot development agreement. 0 5 ?,. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: Alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Approve finding that The Home Depot is in substantial compliance with the Development Agreement with the City of La Quinta dated December 5, 1996; or 2. Do not approve finding that The Home Depot is in substantial compliance with the Development Agreement with the City of La Quinta dated December 5, 1996; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submit ed, Britt W. Wilson, Management Analyst City Manager's Office Approved for submission by: homas P. Genovese, City Manager CCSTFFHOMEDEPOTDEVAGMT12-05-OO.wpd 053 002 Titit 4 4 Q" COUNCIURDA MEETING DATE: December 5, 2000 ITEM TITLE: Approval of a Professional Services Agreement to Provide Professional Engineering and Design Services for the Citywide Street and Sidewalk Improvements, Project No. 2000-04 AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: a STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Appropriate funds in the amount of $32,400 from SB 821 Funds toward the Dune Palms Road Street and Sidewalk Improvements; and Approve a Professional Service Agreement in the amount of $29,046 with the firm of The Keith Companies to prepare Plans, Specifications and Engineer's Estimate for Citywide Street and Sidewalk Improvements, Project No. 2000-04. The following represents the available funding and funding sources for the individual projects identified within the Citywide Street and Sidewalk Improvements, Project No. 2000-04: Project Funding Source Available Avenue 50 Low Water Crossing Interim DIF Transportation $373,695 Improvement, Project No. 2000-04 Sagebrush Drive Sidewalk Improvement, City Infrastructure $71,507 Project No. 2000-08 Street and Sidewalk Improvements on Dune SB 821 Funds $32,400 Palms Road, Project No. (Unassigned) RDA PA # 2 $76,083 Washington Street Sidewalk Improvement, RDA PA # 1 $35,000 Project No. (Unassigned) City Infrastructure $57,435 TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDING: $646,120 As illustrated, additional appropriations from RDA Project Area No. 2 Funds are required as a City matching funding source in order to qualify for the SB 821 Funds for the Dune Palms Road street and sidewalk improvements. 054 T:\PW D EPT\COUNCIL\2000\001205e. wpd Considering approval of the funding sources presented above, the following represents the recommended combined project budget: Design $42,1 12.00 Inspection/Testing/Survey $52,012.00 Construction $455,078.00 Contingency $64,612.00 City Administration $32,306.00 TOTAL ANTICIPATED COSTS: $646,120.00 As indicated, adequate funds are available overall to support the recommendation. The project is partially funded with RDA Project Area Funds. The project is required to be bid using prevailing wage specifications; therefore, there are no Charter City implications. On July 5, 2000, the City Council approved and adopted the Fiscal Year 2000/2001 Capital Improvement Program (CIP). The following CIP projects were included: Avenue 50 Low Water Crossing Interim Improvement, Project No. 2000-04; Sagebrush Drive Sidewalk Improvements, Project No. 2000-08; and sidewalks and handicap ramps at various locations within the City. In addition to the aforementioned projects, on May 16, 2000 the City Council authorized staff to submit an application for SB 821 Funds, in the amount of $32,400.00, to develop street and sidewalk improvements near the La Quinta High School. The application for the SB 821 projects included improvements along the east side of Dune Palms Road from the Whitewater River Channel to Westward Ho Drive, along the west side of Dune Palms Road 400' north of Westward Ho Drive, and on the north side of Westward Ho Drive 100' west of Dune Palms Road. The proposed SB 821 sidewalk projects were not included in the CIP, since the result of the grant application was unknown during the development of the CIP. 055► TAMDEMCOUNCIL\2000\001205e.wpd 0 0 %i During the May 16, 2000 City Council Meeting, the City Council approved the application for SB 821 Grant Funds to complete street and sidewalk improvements Dune Palms Road and Westward Ho Drive. The total amount of the SB 821 Grant was $32,400, with the City's match in the amount of $76,083 to be funded by RDA Project Area No. 2 funds. The additional appropriations from RDA Project Area No. 2 Funds are required as a City matching funding source in order to qualify for the SB 821 Fund for the Dune Palms Road street and sidewalk improvements. The combined projects will provide the following: 1. Avenue 50 Low Water Crossing Interim Improvements (Project No. 2000-04). The interim improvement will widen the existing low water crossing on Avenue 50 spanning the La Quinta Evacuation Channel, from two to four lanes. The improvements will also include a 6' paved asphalt path on the east side of Washington Street from Saguaro Drive to Avenue 50, and a 6' paved asphalt path on Avenue 50 from Washington Street for a distance of approximately 1,300 LF east of Washington Street to join with the existing concrete sidewalk on the north side of Avenue 50 fronting the Sports Complex. 2. Sagebrush Drive Sidewalk Improvement (Project No. 2000-08). This project shall include the installation of sidewalk and handicap ramps on the north side of Sagebrush Drive from Washington Street to approximately 1,260 LF east of Washington Street joining with the existing sidewalk within the Rancho La Quinta development. 3. Street and sidewalk improvements on Dune Palms Road. The improvements include the installation of sidewalks on three segments near the La Quinta High School. The sidewalk improvements include a 6' sidewalk on the east side of Dune Palms Road from the Whitewater River Channel north to Westward Ho Drive (approximately 1,250 LF), an 8' meandering sidewalk on the north side of Westward Ho Drive from Dune Palms Road west approximately 100 LF, and an 8' meandering sidewalk on the west side of Dune Palms Road from Westward Ho Drive north approximately 400 LF. Dune Palms Road shall be improved to its ultimate width, including curb and gutter on the west side of Dune Palms Road from Westward Ho north approximately 400 LF. 4. Washington Street sidewalk improvements. This project shall include a 6' sidewalk on the west side of Washington Street from Avenida La Fonda to Avenue 52. 056 003 T AMDEPT\COU NCI L\2000\001205e. wpd On October 3, 2000, the City Council added the Dune Palms Road Street and Sidewalk Improvement Project to the Fiscal Year 2000/2001 CIP; authorized staff to combine the following projects and their respective budgets into a single combined Citywide Street and Sidewalk Improvement Project: Avenue 50 Low Water Crossing Interim Improvement, Project No. 2000-04; Sagebrush Drive Sidewalk Improvement, Project No. 2000-08; Street and Sidewalk Improvements on Dune Palms Road, Project No. (Unassigned); and Washington Street Sidewalk Improvement, Project No. (Unassigned); and authorized staff to distribute a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the preparation of plans, specifications, and engineer's estimates for the combined Citywide Street and Sidewalk Improvements and approve the Consultant Selection Committee. On October 31, 2000, the City received eight proposals in response to the RFP advertised to obtain professional engineering and design services for the Citywide Street and Sidewalk Improvement, Project No. 2000-04. The proposals were received from: The Keith Companies, Inc. (TKC) David Evans & Associates, Inc. Holmes & Narver CNC Engineering DMC Design Group Wheeler & Gray Berryman & Henigar DMR TEAM The eight proposals received were reviewed by a Consultant Selection Committee consisting of: Chris A. Vogt, Public Works Director/City Engineer John Freeland, Senior Engineer Leonard St. Sauver, Assistant Engineer I Nick Nickerson, Project Administrator The committee's unanimous selection was TKC. TKC's proposal met the requirement of the RFP and indicated a considerable amount of research into the design requirements to complete this project within the defined schedule. The remaining proposals were ranked in the following order: 2) David Evans & Associates 3) Holmes & Narver 4) DMC Design Group 5) Wheeler & Gray 6) Berryman & Henigar 7) DMR TEAM 8) CNC Engineering 057 TAMDEPT\COUNCIL\2000\001205e.wpd 0 41 Considering City Council approval of a Professional Services Agreement with TKC (Attachment 1), the following represents how the project is expected to proceed: Approval of Design Contract Project Design Approval of PS&E/Authorization to Receive Bids Bid Period Approval to Award Construction Construction Period (30 days) Accept Improvements December 5, 2000 December 18, 2000 - March 9, 2001 March 20, 2001 March 21, 2001 - April 19, 2001 May 1, 2001 May 10, 2001 - June 8, 2001 July 2001 The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Appropriate funds in the amount of $32,400.00 from SB 821 Funds toward the Dune Palms Road Street and Sidewalk Improvements; and approve a Professional Service Agreement in the amount of $29,046 with the firm of The Keith Companies to prepare Plans, Specifications and Engineer's Estimate for Citywide Street and Sidewalk Improvements, Project No. 2000-04. 2. Do not appropriate funds in the amount of $32,400.00 from SB 821 Funds toward the Dune Palms Road Street and Sidewalk Improvements; and do not approve a Professional Service Agreement in the amount of $29,046 with the firm of The Keith Companies to prepare Plans, Specifications and Engineer's Estimate for Citywide Street and Sidewalk Improvements, Project No. 2000-04. 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. RespggPfully subm Chris A. Vogt Public Works D /City Engineer 1W T:\PW D EPT\COUNCI l\2000\001205e. wpd 005 Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. Professional Services Agreement 059 006 TAPW DEPT\COU NC IL\2000\001205e. wpd ATTACHMENT 1 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACT SERVICES (the "Agreement") is made and entered into by and between the CITY OF LA QUINTA, ("City"), a California municipal corporation, and THE KEITH COMPANIES, INC. ("Consultant"). The parties hereto agree as follows: 1.1 Scope of Services. In compliance with all terms and conditions of this Agreement, Consultant shall provide those services related to The Citywide Street and Sidewalk Improvements as specified in the "Scope of Services" attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference (the "services" or "work"). Consultant warrants that all services will be performed in a competent, professional and satisfactory manner in accordance with the standards prevalent in the industry for such services. 1.2 Compliance with Law. All services rendered hereunder shall be provided in accordance with all ordinances, resolutions, statutes, rules, regulations and laws of the City of La Quinta and any Federal, State or local governmental agency of competent jurisdiction. 1.3 Licenses. Permits. Fees and Assessments. Except as otherwise specified herein, Consultant shall obtain at its sole cost and expense such licenses, permits and approvals as may be required by law for the performance of the services required by this Agreement. Consultant shall have the sole obligation to pay for any fees, assessments and taxes, plus applicable penalties and interest, which may be imposed by law and arise from or are necessary for the performance of the services required by this Agreement. 1.4 Familiarity with Work. By executing this Agreement, Consultant warrants that (a) it has thoroughly investigated and considered the work to be performed, (b) it has investigated the site of the work and fully acquainted itself with the conditions there existing, (c) it has carefully considered how the work should be performed, and (d) it fully understands the facilities, difficulties and restrictions attending performance of the work under this Agreement. Should Consultant discover any latent or unknown conditions materially differing from those inherent in the work or as represented by City, it shall immediately inform City of such fact and shall not proceed except at Consultant's risk until written instructions are received from the Contract Officer (as defined in Section 4.2 hereof). 1.5 Care of Work. Consultant shall adopt reasonable methods during the life of the Agreement to furnish continuous protection to the work performed by Consultant, and the equipment, materials, papers and other components thereof to prevent losses or damages, and shall be responsible for all such damages, to persons or property, until acceptance of the work by City, except such losses or damages as may be caused by City's own negligence. The performance of services by Consultant shall not relieve Consultant from any obligation to correct any incomplete, inaccurate or defective work at no further cost to City, when such inaccuracies are due to the negligence of Consultant. 1.6 Additional Services. In accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Consultant shall perform services in addition to those specified in the Scope of Services when directed to do so by the Contract Officer, provided that Consultant shall not be required to perform any additional services without compensation. Any addition in compensation not exceeding five percent (5%) of the Contract Sum may be approved by the Contract Officer. Any greater increase must be approved by the City Council. Base-con.rev 0GQ Page 1 of 8 003�1 Q 1.7 Special Requirements. Additional terms and conditions of this Agreement, if any, which are made a part hereof are set forth in Exhibit "D" (the "Special Requirements"). In the event of a conflict between the provisions of the Special Requirements and any other provisions of this Agreement, the provisions of the Special Requirements shall govern. 2.1 Contract Sum. For the services rendered pursuant to this Agreement, Consultant shall be compensated in accordance with Exhibit "B" (the "Schedule of Compensation") in a total amount not to exceed Twenty-nine Thousand Forty Six Dollars ($29,046.00) (the "Contract Sum"), except as provided in Section 1.6. The method of compensation set forth in the Schedule of Compensation may include a lump sum payment upon completion, payment in accordance with the percentage of completion of the services, payment for time and materials based upon Consultant's rate schedule, but not exceeding the Contract Sum, or such other methods as may be specified in the Schedule of Compensation. Compensation may include reimbursement for actual and necessary expenditures for reproduction costs, transportation expense, telephone expense, and similar costs and expenses when and if specified in the Schedule of Compensation. 2.2 Method of Payment. Any month in which Consultant wishes to receive payment, Consultant shall submit to City no later than the tenth (10th) working day of such month, in the form approved by City's Finance Director, an invoice for services rendered prior to the date of the invoice. Such invoice shall (1) describe in detail the services provided, including time and materials, and (2) specify each staff member who has provided services and the number of hours assigned to each such staff member. Such invoice shall contain a certification by a principal member of Consultant specifying that the payment requested is for work performed in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. City will pay Consultant for all expenses stated thereon which are approved by City pursuant to this Agreement no later than the last working day of the month. 3.1 Time of Essence. Time is of the essence in the performance of this Agreement. 3.2 Schedule of Performance. All services rendered pursuant to this Agreement shall be performed diligently and within the time period established in Exhibit "C" (the "Schedule of Performance"). Extensions to the time period specified in the Schedule of Performance may be approved in writing by the Contract Officer. 3.3 Force Maieure. The time period specified in the Schedule of Performance for performance of the services rendered pursuant to this Agreement shall be extended because of any delays due to unforeseeable causes beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of Consultant, including, but not restricted to, acts of God or of the public enemy, fires, earthquakes, floods, epidemic, quarantine restrictions, riots, strikes, freight embargoes, acts of any governmental agency other than City, and unusually severe weather, if Consultant shall within ten (10) days of the commencement of such delay notify the Contract Officer in writing of the causes of the delay. The Contract Officer shall ascertain the facts and the extent of delay, and extend the time for performing the services for the period of the forced delay when and if in his or her judgement such delay is justified, and the Contract Officer's determination shall be final and conclusive upon the parties to this Agreement. 3.4 Term. Unless earlier terminated in accordance with Sections 7.7 or 7.8 of this Agreement, this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect until completion of the services, except as otherwise provided in the Schedule of Performance. 061 Base-con.rev Page 2 of 8 U09 r d0 0 : a ► n Q ki[�73ri�li 4.1 Representative of Consultant. The following principals of Consultant are hereby designated as being the principals and representatives of Consultant authorized to act in its behalf with respect to the work specified herein and make all decisions in connection therewith: Kris Schulze, P.E. President, Palm Desert Offices The Keith Companies, Inc. It is expressly understood that the experience, knowledge, capability, and reputation of the foregoing principals were a substantial inducement for City to enter into this Agreement. Therefore, the foregoing principals shall be responsible during the term of this Agreement for directing all activities of Consultant and devoting sufficient time to personally supervise the services hereunder. The foregoing principals may not be changed by Consultant and no other personnel may be assigned to perform the service required hereunder without the express written approval of City. 4.2 Contract Officer. The Contract Officer shall be John M. Freeland, Senior Engineer or such other person as may be designated by the City Manager of City. It shall be Consultant's responsibility to assure that the Contract Officer is kept informed of the progress of the performance of the services and Consultant shall refer any decisions which must be made by City to the Contract Officer. Unless otherwise specified herein, any approval of City required hereunder shall mean the approval of the Contract Officer. 4.3 Prohibition Aaainst Subcontracting or Assignment. The experience, knowledge, capability and reputation of Consultant, its principals and employees were a substantial inducement for City to enter into this Agreement. Except as set forth in this Agreement, Consultant shall not contract with any other entity to perform in whole or in part the services required hereunder without the express written approval of City. In addition, neither this Agreement nor any interest herein may be assigned or transferred, voluntarily or by operation of law, without the prior written approval of City. 4.4 Independent Contractor. Neither City nor any of its employees shall have any control over the manner, mode or means by which Consultant, its agents or employees, perform the services required herein, except as otherwise set forth. Consultant shall perform all services required herein as an independent contractor of City and shall remain at all times as to City a wholly independent contractor with only such obligations as are consistent with that role. Consultant shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its agents or employees are agents or employees of City. 4.5 City Cooperation. City shall provide Consultant with any plans, publications, reports, statistics, records or other data or information pertinent to services to be performed hereunder which are reasonably available to Consultant only from or through action by City. e ► .ileRill ► 111111 1111111 HIII ► �Lr1iLi ► : ► : �1�1��� 5.1 Insurance. Consultant shall procure and maintain, at its cost, and submit concurrently with its execution of this Agreement, personal and public liability and property damage insurance against all claims for injuries against persons or damages to property resulting from Consultant's acts or omissions rising out of or related to Consultant's performance under this Agreement. The insurance policy shall contain a severability of interest clause providing that the coverage shall be 062 Base-con.rev Page 3 of 8 � o primary for losses arising out of Consultant's performance hereunder and neither City nor its insurers shall be required to contribute to any such loss. A certificate evidencing the foregoing and naming City and its officers and employees as additional insured shall be delivered to and approved by City prior to commencement of the services hereunder. The amount of insurance required hereunder shall be determined by the Contract Sum in accordance with the following table: Contract Sum Personal IniuEylProprty Damage Coverage Less than $50,000 $100,000 per individual; $300,000 per occurrence $50,000 - $300,000 $250,000 per individual; $500,000 per occurrence Over $300,000 $500,000 per individual; $1,000,000 per occurrence Consultant shall carry automobile liability insurance of $1,000,000 per accident against all claims for injuries against persons or damages to property arising out of the use of any automobile by Consultant, its officers, any person directly or indirectly employed by Consultant, any subcontractor or agent, or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, arising directly or indirectly out of or related to Consultant's performance under this Agreement. The term "automobile" includes, but is not limited to, a land motor vehicle, trailer or semi -trailer designed for travel on public roads. The automobile insurance policy shall contain a severability of interest clause providing that coverage shall be primary for losses arising out of Consultant's performance hereunder and neither City nor its insurers shall be required to contribute to such loss. A certificate evidencing the foregoing and naming City and its officers and employees as additional insured shall be delivered to and approved by City prior to commencement of the services hereunder. Consultant shall carry Workers' Compensation Insurance in accordance with State Worker's Compensation laws. Consultant shall procure professional errors and omissions liability insurance in an amount acceptable to City. All insurance required by this Section shall be kept in effect during the term of this Agreement and shall not be canceled without thirty (30) days written notice to City of proposed cancellation. The procuring of such insurance or the delivery of policies or certificates evidencing the same shall not be construed as a limitation of Consultant's obligation to indemnify City, its officers, employees, contractors, subcontractors, or agents. 5.2 Indemnification. Consultant shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless City, its officers, employees, representatives and agents, from and against those actions, suits, proceedings, claims, demands, losses, costs, and expenses, including legal costs and attorneys' fees, for injury to or death of person(s), for damage to property (including property owned by City) and for errors and omissions committed by Consultant, its officers, employees and agents, which arise out of Consultant's negligent performance under this Agreement, except to the extent of such loss as may be caused by City's own negligence or that of its officers or employees. 5.3 Remedies. In addition to any other remedies City may have if Consultant fails to provide or maintain any insurance policies or policy endorsements to the extent and within the time herein required, City may, at its sole option: a. Obtain such insurance and deduct and retain the amount of the premiums for such insurance from any sums due under this Agreement. Base-con.rev Page 4 of 8 063 v11 b. Order Consultant to stop work under this Agreement and/or withhold any payment(s) which become due to Consultant hereunder until Consultant demonstrates compliance with the requirements hereof. C. Terminate this Agreement. Exercise of any of the above remedies, however, is an alternative to any other remedies City may have. The above remedies are not the exclusive remedies for Consultant's failure to maintain or secure appropriate policies or endorsements. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as limiting in any way the extent to which Consultant may be held responsible for payments of damages to persons or property resulting from Consultant's or its subcontractors' performance of work under this Agreement. ,-Xo1MF-.T*R@-T;TPT1►� ��; 6.1 Reports. Consultant shall periodically prepare and submit to the Contract Officer such reports concerning Consultant's performance of the services required by this Agreement as the Contract Officer shall require. 6.2 Records. Consultant shall keep such books and records as shall be necessary to perform the services required by this Agreement and enable the Contract Officer to evaluate the cost and the performance of such services. Books and records pertaining to costs shall be kept and prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principals. The Contract Officer shall have full and free access to such books and records at all reasonable times, including the right to inspect, copy, audit, and make records and transcripts from such records. 6.3 Ownership of Documents. Originals of all drawings, specifications, reports, records, documents and other materials, whether in hard copy or electronic form, which are prepared by Consultant, its employees, subcontractors and agents in the performance of this Agreement, shall be the property of City and shall be delivered to City upon termination of this Agreement or upon the earlier request of the Contract Officer, and Consultant shall have no claim for further employment or additional compensation as a result of the exercise by City of its full rights of ownership of the documents and materials hereunder. Consultant shall cause all subcontractors to assign to City any documents or materials prepared by them, and in the event Consultant fails to secure such assignment, Consultant shall indemnify City for all damages suffered thereby. In the event City or any person, firm or corporation authorized by City reuses said documents and materials without written verification or adaptation by Consultant for the specific purpose intended and causes to be made or makes any changes or alterations in said documents and materials, City hereby releases, discharges, and exonerates Consultant from liability resulting from said change. The provisions of this clause shall survive the completion of this Contract and shall thereafter remain in full force and effect. 6.4 Release of Documents. The drawings, specifications, reports, records, documents and other materials prepared by Consultant in the performance of services under this Agreement shall not be released publicly without the prior written approval of the Contract Officer or as required by law. Consultant shall not disclose to any other entity or person any information regarding the activities of City, except as required by law or as authorized by City. VAIMAL11161; 11 ► I; 1l ► 7.1 California Law. This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted both as to validity and to performance of the parties in accordance with the laws of the State of California. Legal Base-con.rev Page 5 of 8 064 v12 actions concerning any dispute, claim or matter arising out of or in relation to this Agreement shall be instituted in the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of California, or any other appropriate court in such county, and Consultant covenants and agrees to submit to the personal jurisdiction of such court in the event of such action. 7.2 Disputes. In the event of any dispute arising under this Agreement, the injured party shall notify the injuring party in writing of its contentions by submitting a claim therefor. The injured party shall continue performing its obligations hereunder so long as the injuring party commences to cure such default within ten (10) days of service of such notice and completes the cure of such default within forty-five (45) days after service of the notice, or such longer period as may be permitted by the Contract Officer; provided that if the default is an immediate danger to the health, safety and general welfare, City may take such immediate action as City deems warranted. Compliance with the provisions of this section shall be a condition precedent to termination of this Agreement for cause and to any legal action, and such compliance shall not be a waiver of any party's right to take legal action in the event that the dispute is not cured, provided that nothing herein shall limit City's right to terminate this Agreement without cause pursuant to Section 7.8. 7.3 Retention of Funds. City may withhold from any monies payable to Consultant sufficient funds to compensate City for any losses, costs, liabilities, or damages it reasonably believes were suffered by City due to the default of Consultant in the performance of the services required by this Agreement. 7.4 Waiver. No delay or omission in the exercise of any right or remedy of a non defaulting party on any default shall impair such right or remedy or be construed as a waiver. City's consent or approval of any act by Consultant requiring City's consent or approval shall not be deemed to waive or render unnecessary City's consent to or approval of any subsequent act of Consultant. Any waiver by either party of any default must be in writing and shall not be a waiver of any other default concerning the same or any other provision of this Agreement. 7.5 Rights and Remedies are Cumulative. Except with respect to rights and remedies expressly declared to be exclusive in this Agreement, the rights and remedies of the parties are cumulative and the exercise by either party of one or more of such rights or remedies shall not preclude the exercise by it, at the same or different times, of any other rights or remedies for the same default or any other default by the other party. 7.6 Legal Action. In addition to any other rights or remedies, either party may take legal action, at law or at equity, to cure, correct or remedy any default, to recover damages for any default, to compel specific performance of this Agreement, to obtain injunctive relief, or to obtain any other remedy consistent with the purposes of this Agreement. 7.7 Termination Prior To Expiration Of Term. This section shall govern any termination of this Agreement, except as specifically provided in the following Section 7.8 for termination for cause. City reserves the right to terminate this Agreement at any time, with or without cause, upon thirty (30) days' written notice to Consultant. Upon receipt of any notice of termination, Consultant shall immediately cease all services hereunder except such as may be specifically approved by the Contract Officer. Consultant shall be entitled to compensation for all services rendered prior to receipt of the notice of termination and for any services authorized by the Contract Officer thereafter in accordance with the Schedule of Compensation or such as may be approved by the Contract Officer, except as provided in Section 7.3. 7.8 Termination For Default of Consultant. If termination is due to the failure of Consultant to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement, City may, after compliance with the provisions of Base-con.rev Page 6 of 8065 013 Section 7.2, take over work and prosecute the same to completion by contract or otherwise, and Consultant shall be liable to the extent that the total cost for completion of the services required hereunder exceeds the compensation herein stipulated (provided that City shall use reasonable efforts to mitigate such damages), and City may withhold any payments to Consultant for the purpose of setoff or partial payment of the amounts owed City as previously stated in Section 7.3. 7.9 Attorneys' Fees. If either party commences an action against the other party arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorneys' fees and costs of suit from the losing party. = • � • :►� u' • ►•►� a ►: •► 8.1 Non -liability of City Officers and Employees. No officer or employee of City shall be personally liable to Consultant, or any successor in interest, in the event or any default or breach by City or for any amount which may become due to Consultant or to its successor, or for breach of any obligation of the terms of this Agreement. 8.2 Conflict of Interest. No officer or employee of City shall have any personal interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement nor shall any such officer or employee participate in any decision relating to the Agreement which affects his or her personal interest or the interest of any corporation, partnership or association in which she or he is, directly or indirectly, interested, in violation of any State statute or regulation. Consultant warrants that it has not paid or given and will not pay or give any third party any money or general consideration for obtaining this Agreement. 8.3 Covenant against Discrimination. Consultant covenants that, by and for itself, its heirs, executors, assigns, and all persons claiming under or through them, that there shall be no discrimination against or segregation of, any person or group of persons on account of race, color, creed, religion, sex, marital status, national origin or ancestry in the performance of this Agreement. Consultant shall take affirmative action to insure that applicants are employed and that employees are treated during employment without regard to their race, color, creed, religion, sex, marital status, national origin or ancestry. 9.1 Notice. Any notice, demand, request, consent, approval, communication either party desires or is required to give the other party or any other person shall be in writing and either served personally or sent by prepaid, first-class mail to the address set forth below. Either party may change its address by notifying the other party of the change of address in writing. Notice shall be deemed communicated forty-eight (48) hours from the time of mailing if mailed as provided in this section. To City: CITY OF LA QUINTA Attention: Chris A. Vogt, P.E. 78-495 Calle Tampico P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, California 92253 To Consultant: The Keith Companies, Inc. Attention: Kris Schulze, P.E. 41-865 Boardwalk, Suite 101 Palm Desert, CA 92211-9031 9.2 Integrated Agreement. This Agreement contains all of the agreements of the parties and all previous understanding, negotiations and agreements are integrated into and superseded by this Agreement. Base-con.rev Page 7of8 066 O14 9.3 Amendment. This Agreement may be amended at any time by the mutual consent of the parties by an instrument in writing signed by both parties. 9.4 Severability. In the event that any one or more of the phrases, sentences, clauses, paragraphs, or sections contained in this Agreement shall be declared invalid or unenforceable by a valid judgement or decree of a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, sentences, clauses, paragraphs, or sections of this Agreement which are hereby declared as severable and shall be interpreted to carry out the intent of the parties hereunder. 9.5 Authority. The persons executing this Agreement on behalf of the parties hereto warrant that they are duly authorized to execute this Agreement on behalf of said parties and that by so executing this Agreement the parties hereto are formally bound to the provisions of this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the dates stated below. CITY OF LA QUINTA a California municipal corporation John Pena, Mayor ATTEST: June Greek, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. Katherine Jenson, City Attorney CONSULTANT M Name: Kris Schulze, P.E. Title: President, Palm Desert Office Date: Date 067 Base-con.rev Page 8 of 8 U Exhibit A Scope of Services The Keith Companies, Inc. scope of services, dated October 31, 2000, is attached and made a part of this agreement. 068 010 I SECTION III -SCOPE OF WORK ' I. SERVICES BY TKC The proposed project consists of a combination of efforts which will be performed by several disciplines within TKC. As requested in the Request For Proposals, the following outlines the specific tasks for each of the project phases required to complete the project. It is assumed that all four projects will be prepared concurrently under a single bid package. The bidding support will be for the combined projects. PHASE I -PROJECT REVIEW AND SURVEY Task Area 1.0 - Research and Review 1.1 Initial Coordination Meetings (1 meeting) • Within one week of receiving the written notice to proceed, a coordination meeting will be scheduled with City Staff. This meeting will focus on obtaining and sharing information pertinent to a successful project and to set forth a clear line of communication between the involved parties. The project work and scope may be reviewed and adjusted as necessary. Existing data will be gathered and reviewed. Standards for sheet arrangement and drafting details shall be agreed upon. A time schedule for completing the work shall be confirmed and agreed upon. Milestones of design work shall be confirmed. ' 1.2 Collect and Review Design Data 1 TKC will contact affected agencies having jurisdiction over any part of the proposed project. Information to be accumulated includes: • Existing Tract Maps and Assessor Parcel Maps for the project area. • Most current local street improvements plans and right-of-way maps and AutoCAD files. It is anticipated that the City will provide AutoCAD files for the Sagebrush Avenue project and the first segment of the Dune Palms Road project. • Existing utility maps, plans, and plats. An initial utility notification will be submitted to all affected agencies requesting utility maps and information. Task Area 2.0 - Field Survey and Aerial Mapping 2.1 Survey Research Research record maps for survey documentation, tie notes and horizontal and vertical control. Assemble survey information from local agencies and the City of La Quinta. CITY OF LA QUINTA SCOPE OF WORK r' , 7 1 1 11 2.2 Field Survey A field survey will be performed to augment the information provided by the City (for Projects 2 and 3). TKC provide the necessary field surveys for Projects 1, 3 and 4. PHASE H — DESIGN PHASE Task Area 1.0 — Preparation of Design Documents 1.1 Preliminary Improvement Plans Base sheets will be created using the existing information as provided by the City and the new surveys completed by TKC. The proposed street widening and sidewalk alignments will be plotted for review by the City. In order to show sufficient detail, plans will be prepared at 1 "=20', unless otherwise noted. The following plan format will be prepared for each project area: Project 1: Plan and Profiles for the low water crossing. Plan view only, double stacked for the sidewalk. Signing and striping plans will be prepared at 1"=40' scale for the low water crossing area. Project 2: Plan view only, double stacked for the sidewalk and retaining wall design. Project 3: Plan view only, double stacked for the sidewalk along Dune Palms Road. Plan and profiles for the street widening for the Westward Ho and Dune Palms Road street/sidewalk improvements. Project 4: Plan view only for the sidewalk improvements. 1.2 Final Improvement Plans Upon receipt of City comments, TKC will complete the final improvement plans. Final construction notes, shading and hatching, and details for the items of work will be added. 1.3 Utility Coordination TKC will coordinate utility relocations and/or adjustments with affected agencies. An initial and final notice will be submitted to each utility company. Relocations and/or utility adjustments will be coordinated with the respective agencies. 1.4 Specifications and Cost Estimates Specifications/special provisions will be provided using the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction "Green Book" format. The special provisions will be provided to the City (City to prepare contract documents and Boilerplate Documents. TKC will prepare the bid schedule. CITY OF LA Q UINTA SCOPE OF WORK 0(0 018 C TKC ' • TKC will prepare preliminary and final opinion of estimated construction costs with the plan submittals. Cost estimates will be broken out by project location. ' PRODUCTS: ■ Improvement Plans. ' ■ Utility Letters and Correspondence ■ Special Provisions and Bid Schedule ■ Quantity and Cost Estimates ' Project Submittals: ' Project Submittals for each project will adhere to the following schedule. ' Plans will be submitted to the City in final hard copy mylar and AutoCAD formats. Special provisions will be submitted in hard copy and Word Perfect 7.0 format. Design documents will be submitted for design review at 50% complete and 95% complete. Upon receipt of comments from the 95% submittal, the final design documents will be modified ' in accordance with final review comments and final documents submitted and marked "Issued for Construction". Plans will not be issued for construction until all applicable agency permits have ' been obtained. Three (3) blue line sets will be submitted to the City per submittal for review. Final plans will be on standard 24"x36" double mat mylar and 11 "x 17" reduced size on bond. Plans will also be submitted in AutoCAD R14 .dwg format. PHASE III — BIDDING PHASE ' TKC will provide assistance in preparing the necessary documents and coordinate advertisement of the project for bidding. TKC will provide technical support during the bidding and award process. It is assumed that all 4 projects will be advertised and bid as a single bid package and that meetings and bid support will not be duplicated for each project site. f� I CITY OF LA QUINTA SCOPE OF WORK 071 019 1 TKC Project Management ' TKC firmly believes coordination and communication with the client is essential towards insuring a successful project. The functions listed below are some of the items which are required for a successful project. We will provide these services during the listed Phases ' through submittal of final documents. ♦ Continuous design supervision by a Registered Civil Engineer. ' ♦ Courier Service for submittals. ♦ Plan check reproduction for design research and plan check purposes. Plan reproduction for bid purposes as listed above. ' II. SERVICES AVAILABLE THROUGH TKC WHICH CAN BE PROVIDED AT ADDITIONAL EXPENSE BUT NOT REQUESTED ' BY THE PROPOSAL ' The above scope of work is predicated upon an understanding of the project. The following items are expressly not a part of the scope of work. TKC would be pleased to submit a proposal for the following work if desired. 1. Potholing for the verification of existing utilities. 2. Materials testing. 3. Construction management services. 4. Construction staking. 5. Pavement testing or deflection testing for design purposes. III. SERVICES BY THE CITY The scope of work can only be completed if the Agency provides the following: 1. Prints of all existing improvement plans contained in City files for the project areas. The City will provide AutoCAD files for the Sagebrush and Dune Palms Road projects. 2. Existing survey data contained in City files to establish horizontal and vertical controls. 3. Timely review of plans and documents. 4. Required permits and processing fees. It is not anticipated that Corp of Engineers 404 and Fish and Game 1603 permits will be required. CITY OF LA QUINTA SCOPE OF WORK 072 020 Exhibit B Schedule of Compensation Payment shall be in full at the rates listed in the Schedule of Billing Rates attached herewith for the actual hours submitted in conformance with Section 2.2 of the Agreement. Total compensation for all work under this contract shall not exceed Twenty-nine Thousand Forty Six Dollars ($29,046.00) except as specified in Section 1.6 - Additional Services of the Agreement. The Keith Companies, Inc. Rate Schedule is attached and made a part of this agreement. 073 U21 SECTION V -FEE PROPOSAL The Keith Companies mmc Project: City Wide Street and Sidewalk Improvements Submitted to: City of La Quinta Submitted by: The Keith Companies Kris R. Schulze, P._. President, Palm Desert Division Date: Revised — November 15, 2000 TKC proposes to perform the scope of work described in the proposal on a fixed fee basis as shown below. All mileage, telephone, general office supplies and overhead, etc. are included in the fixed amount. Invoicing will be performed monthly on a percentage completed for Project Area. Project Fixed Fee Project 1 -Avenue Low Water Crossing $10,726.00 Project 2 - Sagebrush Avenue Sidewalk $ 4,466.00 Project 3 - Dune Palms Road Sidewalks $ 9,424.00 Project 4 — Washington Street Sidewalk $ 4,430.00 Total Fee $29,046.00 Palm Desert Division 41-865 Boardwalk Suite 101 Palm Desert Califomia 92211614 T: 760.346.9844 F: 760.346.9368 (; r) www.keithco.com 0 2 2 o; c� 888 888888 888 888 888888 sss M �4j 888 888888 8 8 888 888888p 8 8 S ass 888888 8 8. 8. 8. 888888 s ash M8aRa99 Si YRE23N8M 8 8 {4 N N N W s8s 888888 8 s sss 888888 s p8p - �4 888 888888 8 8 888 888888 8 8 »as s .6«ss N s N»� 9sx.9„„s s s a N N ��. P4 888 888888 8 8 888 888888 8 8 $r6nRo 8N«« 8 c N H N x s »N»» N 8� B� 988 988988 8 8 sss 888888 s 8 Vi A 9 0. C Q 4 s a A� w OM �-t' I'l i�� a e 8ss 888888 8ss 8ss s.8ss s s.ss g h M pg F b 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 $8.A 999999 9 $ 999 98$« S 888 888888 8 8 888 8888 8 8 8 SRO 999999 9 � oc N�� 9"699 8 9 d «!, f M U W w s s g o s O sp s s g 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 g 8 g S c�wpi pgp p Ma�wNYR Y4 M g g 6 » N LLM M M YI W w » » O N ry g 5 ry p n ry ry p ry q 888 888888 8 8 888 888888 8 8 Na4» §�Yiaps a4 8 gp8»8 w 8 0 cS 8 w w x p =$ o 888 88888s 8 8 888 888888 8 8 0 R»R spxl., 25t 3 o3R 332�9 8 ry ry m�.ry v 888 88 888 $ 8 888 888888 8 8 g Ul -I] _ fol I m" .sQp �!s Exhibit C Schedule of Performance The Keith Companies, Inc. project Schedule is attached and made a part of this agreement. 077 ra 0 SECTION IV - PROJECT WORK SCHEDULE As is common with any engineering design process, a timely and efficient completion of the project is required by the public agency. TKC recognizes the responsibility to pursue the project and deliver a complete, professional package to the City within the prescribed time frame as outlined on the following schedule. TKC proposes the following schedule for the completion of the each phase as identified in the Scope of Work. The following schedule, prepared on Microsoft Project, is a general time line schedule of the major tasks involved from the initial onset of the project through completion. CITY OF LA QUINTA PROJECT SCHEDULE 078 0 111 6 M 0 N O N --- --------- . . .... N N O a LL N N _________________ _______________ _____________________ _____ � V � r y o c ::: :::: E E O „d L. G� '^� N ►n ril �..�j ^ Q arc a - •GA ♦� N d N � N N o•.o.. a000sos00000 w N N Ol N N O M M M (%) _ M _ N N a M M M M O iw W jy C 0 'C LL L LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL N LL V i a 0 0 0 0 s o 0 o s s s s 0 0 a a a a Or c a r M 1-; N p O 0 0 O O O O li O 0 3 LO l0 N l0 A A N t0 t0 A N >. N >. N M. N CO f0 p O LO LO N O O O O OID O O a d m H LLI c"a C 0 U Lo 2` 2 N m N U n Lp U U L a c a U v x N m 3 4.1 aci y N a O a y Li a H a c� W > O` Lo cn S 0 O t y N L d > a n E c c d c T > 3 u 3 o E m d E 0 a 0 c 2 m E > t a m � t m t> c 0 E° O Z 0 0lL H m d N LL n 2 o U D N UcaE L N N a 10 a 0 a 0 oo Y � n t y YY� O T m O• E N o 0 O N Lh i N M V h N r O O ? p>j Uo a Exhibit D Special Requirements None. Tit�t 4 XP 09AM COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: December 5, 2000 ITEM TITLE: Approval of Award of a Contract for the Park Avenue Sidewalk Improvements AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: ) I CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Award a Contract in the amount of $15,867.25 to Kribbs Construction to construct the Park Avenue sidewalk improvements, east side and west side from Avenue 50 north; and Authorize the City Manager to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding for a 50% cost share of the sidewalk on the east side of Park Avenue with the Desert Sands Unified School District (DSUSD) contingent upon the approval of the wording by the City Attorney. On May 2, 2000, the City Council approved the Five Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for Fiscal Years 2000/2001 through 2004/2005. Identified in the CIP are sidewalks and handicap ramps at various locations. The following project funding has been identified in the CIP: CIP Project 651 Sidewalks at Various Locations $88,453 CIP Project 652 Handicap Ramps at Various Locations $29,091 Total Available $1 17,544 Based on the low bid amount of $15,867.25, the following represents the proposed project construction budget: Park Avenue Sidewalk Improvements $15,867.25 Inspection and Testing $1,230.00 Construction Management $1,587.00 Administration $934.00 Sub -Total $19,618.25 Contingency $1,962.00 Total Anticipated Costs $21,580.25 Sufficient funding exists within the approved CIP to complete the project. TAPW D EPT\CO U NC I L\2000\001205c.wpd Through discussions with representatives of DSUSD, the school district is willing to participate in a 50% cost share of all costs for the completion of the sidewalk along the east side of Park Avenue. The contract bid price for the east side of Park Avenue is $10,358.75. With the costs of Construction Management, Administration, and Inspection, the total cost for the sidewalk on the east side of Park Avenue is $12,808. Including a 10% contingency, the total cost is $14,089. DSUSD share would be an amount not to exceed $7,044.50. City staff and the City Attorney are presently working with DSUSD staff and Council to complete the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). Included as Attachment 1 is a draft of the MOU. This project is funded entirely by Infrastructure Fees. Therefore, costs were solicited without the provision of prevailing wages. A cost savings may have been realized since prevailing wages were not utilized in this bid. On October 17, 2000, a representative of the La Quinta Middle School Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) submitted a petition to the City Council with 580 signatures requesting that City Council consider constructing a sidewalk on the east side of Park Avenue north of Avenue 50. The City Council responded by informing the representative that the City is in the process of coordinating an Ad -Hoc committee with the representatives of the School Board for coordination of issues such as these. City Council also stated that they are willing to move forward with the sidewalk; however, the Desert Sands Unified School District (DSUSD) must resolve a number of circulation elements onsite to minimize potential safety concerns. Presently, there is a traffic signal at the intersection of Park Avenue and Avenue 50. Crosswalks with handicap ramps are at each corner. Sidewalk extends on both sides of Park Avenue south of Avenue 50 and on both sides of Avenue 50 west at Park Avenue. A pedestrian sidewalk also extends on the west side of Park Avenue north of Avenue 50 to the driveway of the YMCA Preschool Building. The developer of Rancho La Quinta has not been conditioned to place a sidewalk along the east side of Park Avenue; however, the developer has been conditioned to provide landscaping. The developer also graded a flat area adjacent to the curb. Although it appears the sidewalk is required in this area, there are other considerations regarding the safety of students that must be coordinated with the DSUSD. In the afternoon, school buses stack beyond the improved sidewalk area from the La Quinta Middle School toward Avenue 50. In the morning parents are dropping their children off at various locations along Park Avenue to access the schools. There is concern with the circulation and student's safety. If a sidewalk is provided along the east side of Park Avenue, parents may drop their students off along the improved sidewalk. Students wishing to access Truman Elementary School may cross at various locations 082 TAMDEMCOUNCIL\2000\001205c.wpd 01 0 1 along the improved sidewalk that are not marked for crossing. This may become hazardous in times of peak traffic flow. On November 3, 2000, City staff met with representatives of DSUSD to discuss the traffic circulation issues and the possibility of the installation of sidewalk. DSUSD staff stated that they would discuss the traffic circulation issues with the principals at the La Quinta Middle School and Truman Elementary School. DSUSD staff has already taken steps in order to improve the circulation of that site, including barricading parking lots that were being utilized by parents to drop off students. DSUSD will also work with the schools to limit bus stacking in the afternoon and inform parents where the proper areas for student drop off are located. Presently, the curb along the east side of Park Avenue is a No Parking zone and is painted red. The City will maintain the red curb area and install signs indicating "No Stopping At Anytime" after the sidewalk is constructed. Representatives of DSUSD stated they would consider a 50% cost share of all costs for the sidewalk on the east side of Park Avenue. There are also areas of missing sidewalk and handicap ramps along the west side of Park Avenue that would be entirely the City's responsibility. City staff and DSUSD staff are working with their respective attorneys on a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for cost reimbursement at a 50% share per jurisdiction for the placement of the sidewalk on the east side of Park Avenue. Due to the estimated contract amount, City staff followed the provisions of the informal bidding procedure. Three contractors responded to the call for bids. The results of the bidding are as follows: Kribbs Construction $15,867.25 Archuleta Concrete $40,735.00 Larry Jacinto Construction $35,490.25 Engineer's Estimate $25,448.50 The bid has been broken out into two sections. The Base Bid Area 1 being the east side of Park Avenue and Base Bid Area 2 representing the west side of Park Avenue. The apparent low bidder is Kribbs Construction at $151867.25. Of this, Base Bid Area 1 (East Side) is $10,358.75, Base Bid Area 2 (West Side) is $5,508.50. The City Attorney has already completed comments and they have been incorporated into the MOU. This MOU has been sent to the DSUSD representatives for their comments and approval. It is anticipated that this work will be completed during the students' Christmas Break to have the least impact on the Contractor, students, and parents. 083 TAMDEMCOUNCI02000\001205c.wpd ' 0 3 The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1 . Award a Contract in the amount of $15,867.25 to Kribbs Construction to construct the Park Avenue sidewalk improvements, east side and west side from Avenue 50 north; and authorize the City Manager to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding for a 50% cost share of the sidewalk on the east side of Park Avenue with the Desert Sands Unified School District (DSUSD) contingent upon the approval of the wording by the City Attorney; or 2. Do not Award a Contract in the amount of $15,867.25 to Kribbs Construction to construct the Park Avenue sidewalk improvements, east side and west side from Avenue 50 north; and do not authorize the City Manager to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding for a 50% cost share of the sidewalk on the east side of Park Avenue with the Desert Sands Unified School District (DSUSD) contingent upon the approval of the wording by the City Attorney; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, Chris A. Vogt Public Works Director/City Engineer Approved for submission by: homas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. Draft Memorandum of Understanding 084 004 T APW DEPT\COU NCI L\2000\001205c. wpd MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING ATTACHMENT 1 This MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (the "Memorandum") dated , by and between the DESERT SANDS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT, a California unified school district (the "District"), and the CITY OF LA QUINTA, a municipal corporation (the "City") outlines the respective obligations of District and City regarding the construction of sidewalk along the eastern boundary of Park Avenue from Avenue 50 north to a point of termination to meet the existing sidewalk at the La Quinta Middle School, in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California. RECITALS WHEREAS, the Truman Elementary School and La Quinta Middle School parents/teachers organization (PTO) requested a sidewalk along the east side of the entrance to the La Quinta Middle School and Truman Elementary School parking lot from Avenue 50 north to join with the existing sidewalk on the east side of the entrance approximately 600' north of Avenue 50; and WHEREAS, the District desires to assist the City constructing the Improvements, and the City desires to maintain the Improvements; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter contained and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: Section 1. Recitals. The foregoing recitals are true and correct. Section 2. District's Obligations a. The District shall provide one half of the cost associated with the completion of the sidewalk improvements, including the cost for design, construction management, construction administration, soils testing, and inspection necessary to provide a 6' sidewalk adjacent to curb from Avenue 50 north to a terminus approximately 600' to meet the existing sidewalk on the east side of the entrance road for the La Quinta Middle School and Truman Elementary School. Section 3. City Obligations a. City shall, construct sidewalk within the Improvements Area in accordance with the City's standard plans and specifications. b. City shall provide one half of the cost associated with the completion of the sidewalk improvements, including the cost , for design, construction T:\PWDEPT\STAFF\VOGT\DSUSDMOUA.wpd 085 U06 management, construction administration, soils testing, and inspection necessary to provide a 6' sidewalk adjacent to curb from Avenue 50 north to a terminus approximately 600' to meet the existing sidewalk on the east side of the entrance road for the La Quinta Middle School and Truman Elementary School. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, District and City have caused this Memorandum to be executed as of the date first above written. DESERT SAND UNIFIED SCHOOL CITY OF LA QUINTA DISTRICT Approved as to Form: Approved as to Form: DSUSD Attorney Date City Attorney Date By: By: Date: Date: Name: Name: Thomas P. Genovese Title: Title: City Manager ATTEST: ATTEST: Date June Greek, City Clerk Date T:\PWDEPT\STAFF\VOGT\DSUSDMOUA.wpd 086 007 T,iht 4 4 QuiRm COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: December 5, 2000 Approval of 2001 Risk Management Grant Application for Purchase of Opticom System RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Approve a 2001 Risk Management grant application requesting $25,000 from the Joint Power Insurance Agency (JPIA) for the purchase and installation of Opticom devices at various City traffic signals. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: If the City's grant application is approved by JPIA, the City will receive $25,000 to purchase and install ten Opticom devices at various traffic signals throughout the City. The JPIA grant program does not require that the City provide matching funds. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The California Joint Power Insurance Authority (JPIA) is making grant funds available through their 2001 Risk Management Grant Program. JPIA will be funding new and established risk management projects that will help reduce exposures and liabilities. Up to $25,000 is available for each successful proposal, with a total of $100,000 in grant monies available for awards. City staff has prepared an application (included in draft form as Attachment 1) for the purchase and installation of Opticom devices at various traffic signals throughout the City. Opticom systems allow emergency service vehicles to saturate an intersection with an encoded, infrared signal that is received by a device installed at a traffic signal, then decoded and validated to give the requesting vehicle the safest possible driving condition --- a green light. The City began to require Opticom devices on new traffic signals in the early 1990s. Although most of City's traffic signals are equipped with the devices, several signals still need them. Staff is taking advantage of this grant opportunity to obtain funds to complete installation of the Opticom devices and complete the effort the City has initiated. In November 2000, staff conducted an inventory of Opticom devices in the City (included as Appendix "B" of the grant application) and found that the City has successfully completed the installation of Opticom systems at 23 of its signaled intersections. The inventory also shows that eleven Opticom devices are still needed at eight intersections. The intersections, and number of devices needed at each, are as follows: 1. Eisenhower Drive/Coachella Drive (2) 2. Eisenhower Drive/Avenida Mazatlan (1) 3. Washington Street/Eisenhower Drive (1) 4. Eisenhower Drive/Avenida Fernando (2) 5. Washington Street/Avenue 47 (1) 6. Jefferson Street/Vista Grande (1) 7. Washington Street/Channel Drive (2) 8. Highway 1 1 1 /Depot Drive (1) Assuming a purchase and installation cost of $2,500 per Opticom device, staff has calculated that ten devices can be funded with a $25,000 JPIA grant. Staff would need to drop one device from the list, and would opt to drop the one needed at Highway 1 1 1 /Depot Drive given Highway 11 1's designation as a state highway (falls under the purview of Caltrans). Staff will endeavor to identify funds for the final device if the grant is awarded. The deadline for submittal of grant proposals is December 8, 2000. Staff will be completing the application by adding a City map and possibly some photographs. This application is before the Council for review and approval. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Approve a 2001 Risk Management grant application requesting $25,000 from the Joint Power Insurance Agency (JPIA) for the purchase and installation of Opticom devices at various City traffic signals; or 2. Do not approve a 2001 Risk Management grant application requesting $25,000 from the Joint Power Insurance Agency (JPIA) for the purchase and installation of Opticom devices at various City traffic signals; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. 0818 002 Respectfully submitted, ' Casillas, Managemen Analyst Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachment: 1. Draft 2001 Risk Management Grant Application 080 003 ATTACHMENTS O-b 004 ATTACHMENT 1 2001 Risk Management Grant Program Application Opticom System/Public Safety Program December 8, 2000 Contact Information Member Name: City of La Quinta Contact., Maria Casillas Title: Management Analyst Address: P.O. Box 1504, La Quinta, CA 92253-1504 Phone Number. (760) 777-7086 Fax Number. (760) 777-7101 Category State whether the application is to be considered as an innovative new risk management program or as a successful established risk management program. The Opticom System/Public Safety Program is a successful established program which the City of La Quinta initiated in the early 1990s. The City is seeking a grant in the amount of $25,000 to complete the program. Exposure Applicant shall concisely describe the problem or exposure to be addressed by the risk management program. Where possible, there should be reference to specific exposures that are current and significant. The applicant should use statistics or other means to demonstrate the magnitude of the problem. In the early 1990s, the City of La Quinta recognized the growing need for emergency service vehicles (ESV) to be fully equipped with the necessary technology to be able to regulate traffic signals for safer passage through signaled intersections. The City took into consideration, not only the public's safety, but also the potential liability problems that would result from a collision between an ESV and motorist at an unregulated intersection. Consequently, the City initiated an Opticom System/Public Safety Program, whereby it required that all new traffic signals be constructed with Opticom devices in place. 091 00 5 Almost a decade later, public safety and potential liability issues remain a growing concern for the City of La Quinta, especially as traffic and population numbers continue to increase. La Quinta has a current population of about 24,250. It was the fastest growing city in California in 1997, and the second fastest growing City during the 1990s. As such, the City of La Quinta has experienced steady increases in traffic and higher levels of congestion. [A map of the City is included as Appendix "A"]. The City's population figure jumps to about 30,000 during "high season," at which time traffic and congestion issues are of particular concern to the City and its emergency service vehicles. Current traffic counts in the City continue to rise, with two major corridors leading in average daily trips (ADT): 2000 Highway 1 1 1 25,000 ADT Washington Street 32,000 ADT 2010 Highway 1 1 1 44,000 ADT (est.) Washington Street 43,000 ADT Population projections indicate that the City's traffic and traffic -related issues will continue to deserve careful monitoring and intervention. The City is expected to reach a population of about 32,000 by 2005, with a seasonal population of roughly 45,000. Figures like these alert the City to continue its quest to increase public safety and guard itself against potential liabilities. Program Summary Applicant should present a detailed narrative of their idea and the proposed mechanism(s) of implementation. This account shall include details regarding the scope, participants, duration and benefits of the project. The City's proposal involves the completion of the Opticom System/Public Safety Program it initiated in the early 1990s. An Opticom System gives authorized vehicles (e.g., emergency service vehicles) a safe advantage over other traffic, intersection by intersection, as needed. The Opticom device allows an emergency service vehicle to saturate the, intersection with an encoded, infrared signal that is received by a device installed at the signal, then decoded and validated to give the requesting vehicle the safest possible driving condition --- a green light. The receiving Opticom devices are installed at every "leg" of an intersection. 0 9: 006 A current inventory of traffic signals in the City of La Quinta (included as Appendix "B") shows that the City has successfully completed the installation of Opticom devices at 23 of its intersections. The inventory also shows that the City still needs eleven Opticom devices (at a total of eight intersections) to complete its program. Below is a list of intersections (in priority order) that need the devices, along with an indication of how many devices are needed at that particular intersection: 1. Eisenhower Drive/Coachella Drive (2) 2. Eisenhower Drive/Avenida Mazatlan (1) 3. Washington Street/Eisenhower Drive (1) 4. Eisenhower Drive/Avenida Fernando (2) 5. Washington Street/Avenue 47 (1) 6. Jefferson Street/Vista Grande (1) 7. Washington Street/Channel Drive (2) 8. Highway 1 1 1 /Depot Drive (1) The City wishes to take advantage of this Joint Power Insurance Agency (JPIA) grant program to apply for a $25,000 grant that will fund the installation of ten (of the eleven) Opticom devices still needed in the City. If the City is awarded the funds, the City's Opticom System/Public Safety Program will be essentially complete. Estimated Cost To the extent portions of the implementation plan can be quantified, the applicant shall provide a financial statement itemizing the estimated costs of the program. In some cases... An estimated cost -benefit analysis could also be included. The applicant should indicate what, if any, matching contribution will be made by the member to further the program. The City's estimated budget for this project (i.e., installation of ten Opticom devices) is as follows: Intersection Devices Needed Cost Per Device(s)* Eisenhower Drive/Coachella Drive 2 2 x $2,500 = $5,000 Eisenhower Drive/Avenida Mazatlan 1 1 x $2,500 = $2,500 Washington Street/Eisenhower Drive 1 1 x $2,500 = $2,500 Eisenhower Drive/Avenida Fernando 2 2 x $2,500 = $5,000 Washington Street/Avenue 47 1 1 x $2,500 = $2,500 Jefferson Street/Vista Grande 1 1 x $2,500 = $2,500 Washington Street/Channel Drive 2 2 x $2,500 = $5,000 Total Cost 10 $25,000 * Cost includes equipment and installation (i.e., labor costs). 091 0,07 Concluding Remarks Additional remarks for the sake of summation, clarification or qualification are welcome. The City of La Quinta is proud to have taken a proactive approach in securing public safety and reducing liabilities via its implementation of the Opticom System/Public Safety Program. The importance of completing the program and installing Opticom devices where they are needed is certainly magnified by the fact that the City will continue to experience steady population growth and traffic increases. Appendices Appendices might include, but are not necessarily limited to, graphs, charts, tables or photos. Appendix "A" --- City of La Quinta Map Appendix "B" --- Traffic Signal Inventory, Opticom Devices 094 Mi 1 1 -0 APPENDIX "B" Opticom System/Public Safety Program Traffic Signal Inventory City of La Quinta Opticom systems have been completely installed at the following signaled intersections: - Washington Street/Avenue 52 - Washington Street/Calle Tampico - Washington Street/Village Shopping Center - Washington Street/Avenue 50 - Washington Street/Avenue 48 - Washington Street/Highway 111 - Washington Street/Miles Avenue - Washington Street/Fred Waring Drive - Highway 1 1 1 /Plaza La Quinta - Highway 1 1 1 /Simon Drive - Highway 1 1 1 /La Quinta Center - Highway 1 1 1 /Adams Street - Highway 1 1 1 /Dune Palms Road - Fred Waring Drive/Jefferson Street - Fred Waring Drive/Dune Palms Road - Fred Waring Drive/Adams Street - Miles Avenue/Adams Street - Miles Avenue/Dune Palms Road - Avenue 48/Jefferson Street - Avenue 48/Dune Palms Road - Avenue 48/Adams Street - Calle Tampico/Desert Club Drive - Avenue 50/Park Avenue 095 009 Opticom devices are needed at the following signaled intersections*: - Washington Street/Eisenhower Drive - Washington Street/Avenue 47 - Washington Street/Channel Drive - Eisenhower Drive/Coachella Drive - Eisenhower Drive/Avenida Fernando - Eisenhower Drive/Avenida Mazatlan - Highway 1 1 1 /Depot Drive - Jefferson Street/Vista Grande * Some Opticom devices are in place at each of the intersections mentioned above; however, the Opticom system is not complete because in every case one (or more) of the "legs" of the intersection still needs a device. For example, if the intersection is a "four -legged" intersection, there may be two devices that are serving north and southbound emergency service vehicles, with two devices still needed for east and westbound vehicles. Data compiled November 2000 096 010 T4ht 4 XP Q" AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: December 05, 2000 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TITLE: STUDY SESSION: Adoption of a Resolution Accepting Two Rounds of Golf from Nickerson PUBLIC HEARING: and Associates for Employee Recognition Banquet RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution accepting two rounds of golf from Nickerson and Associates for Employee Recognition Banquet. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: On November 27, 2000, Nickerson and Associates provided the City of La Quinta with two (2) rounds of golf to be used for the Employee Recognition Banquet. This donation will be used as a door prize. The Banquet will be held on December 9, 2000, at the La Quinta Mountain and Dunes Club House. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Adopt a Resolution of the City Council accepting two rounds of golf for Employee Recognition Banquet; or 097 2. Do not adopt a Resolution of the City Council accepting two rounds of golf from Nickerson and Associates for Employee Recognition Banquet; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, JVh R , erso n /Risk Manager Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager 08/1 1 /99 S:\CITYMGR\CCSHELL.WPD 002 098 RESOLUTION NO. 2000- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING TWO ROUNDS OF GOLF FROM NICKERSON AND ASSOCIATES, FOR EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION BANQUET WHEREAS, on November 27, 2000, Nickerson and Associates generously made a donation of two rounds of golf to the City, for the Employee Recognition Banquet to be held December 9, 2000, at the La Quinta Mountain and Dunes Club House in La Quinta, California; and, WHEREAS, the gift was donated to the City and its personnel and was not given to or limited to the use of any particular employee or official; and, WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the City to accept the donation and to direct the City Manager to control distribution of the donation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: 1. The City of La Quinta hereby accepts the donation of two rounds of golf. 2. The City Manager is hereby directed to control distribution of said donation. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 5th day of December, 2000, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: JOHN J. PENA, Mayor City of La Quinta, California 099 003 ATTEST: JUNE S. GREEK, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California (City Seal) APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON , City Attorney City of La Quinta, California 100 004 Titit 4 4Qu&tw AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: December 05, 2000 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TITLE: STUDY SESSION: Adoption of a Resolution Accepting a Cash Donation from Rosenow Spevacek Group Inc. PUBLIC HEARING: for Employee Recognition Banquet RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution accepting a cash donation from Rosenow Spevacek Group (RSG) for Employee Recognition Banquet. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: On November 27, 2000, RSG provided the City of La Quinta with a cash donation of $500.00 to be used for the Employee Recognition Banquet. This donation will be used for the purchase of door prizes. The Banquet will be held on December 9, 2000, at the La Quinta Mountain and Dunes Club House. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1 . Adopt a Resolution of the City Council accepting a cash donation from RSG for Employee Recognition Banquet; or 101 2. Do not adopt a Resolution of the City Council accepting a cash donation from RSG for Employee Recognition Banquet; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, 3k Manager 08/1 1 /99 S:\CITYMGR\CCSHELL.WPD Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager 102 RESOLUTION NO. 2000- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING A CASH DONATION FROM ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP, INC., FOR EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION BANQUET WHEREAS, on November 27, 2000, the Rosenow Spevacek Group Inc., generously made a cash donation of $500 to the City, for the Employee Recognition Banquet to be held December 9, 2000, at the La Quinta Mountain and Dunes Club House in La Quinta, California; and, WHEREAS, the gift was donated to the City and its personnel and was not given to or limited to the use of any particular employee or official; and, WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the City to accept the donation and to direct the City Manager to control distribution of the donation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: 1. The City of La Quinta hereby accepts the cash donation of $500. 2. The City Manager is hereby directed to control distribution of said cash donation. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 5th day of December, 2000, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: JOHN J. PENA, Mayor City of La Quinta, California t� 01 103 ATTEST: JUNE S. GREEK, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California (City Seal) APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON , City Attorney City of La Quinta, California n0 104 Titit 4 e(wQut«tw AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: December 5, 2000 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TITLE: STUDY SESSION: Consideration of City Council Reorganization, PUBLIC HEARING: Selection of Mayor Pro Tern to Serve a Term as Provided by Resolution No. 98-109 RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council select a Mayor Pro Tern to serve a term as provided by Resolution No. 98-109. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The provisions of Resolution No. 98-109 require that in accordance with Government Code Section 36801, the Council shall meet on the Tuesday after each general municipal election and choose one of its members as Mayor Pro Tempore. Each selection shall be by three or more affirmative votes, and a failure to achieve such total of affirmative votes shall be deemed a selection of the incumbent to remain in office. Each person so selected shall serve until a successor is chosen (at any time) by three or more affirmative votes, provided that at the second regular meeting in November of each odd numbered year, the office of Mayor Pro Tempore shall automatically be reconsidered by the Council. Council Member Stanley Sniff was elected by the Council to serve as Mayor Pro Tern in November 1999; however, since a general municipal election was held in November of this year, an election is again required. While Government Code Section 36801 spells out the Tuesday after each general municipal election as the date to make this selection, it was not scheduled at that time, pending the official certification of results of the November 7, 2000 election. 105 FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Select a Mayor Pro Tern to serve a term as provided by Resolution No. 98-109; or 2. Do not select a Mayor Pro Tern to serve a term as provided by Resolution No. 98-109; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, Jun eek, CIVIC City Clerk Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager V4C Titit 4 4 Q" COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: December 5, 2000 ITEM TITLE: Consideration of Apportionment of Proposition 12 Funds to the Coachella Valley Recreation and Park District RECOMMENDATION: As deemed appropriate by the City Council. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: It is anticipated that the City of La Quinta will receive approximately $265,000 from the Safe Neighborhood Park Bond Act of 2000 (Proposition 12). Since the Coachella Valley Recreation and Park District's (CVRPD) boundaries encompass the City of La Quinta's boundaries, the City and CVRPD must agree on a percentage of funds that the City will allocate to CVRPD for capital improvements to facilities within the City's boundaries. CVRPD is requesting 20% of the Proposition 12 funds allocated to the City of La Quinta for improvements to the Frances Hack La Quinta Community Park. The estimated amount CVRPD is requesting is $53,000. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: With the passage of Proposition 12, $338,000,000 was approved by the voters of California to be used by each city, county and special district for capital improvements to parks and recreation facilities. Each city and county will receive approximately $6.00 per person for the Statewide Program and approximately $3.00 per person for the Small Cities and Districts Program. The January 2000 Census numbers are used to calculate the population of each city or county. It is anticipated that the City of La Quinta will receive approximately $265,000. Special District boundaries are not included in the Census count, therefore, each city which includes a special district must reach an agreement on the percentage of population served by the city and the special district in order to determine the amount allocated to the special district. 107 The actual dollar amount will not be determined until the percentage of population that is served by each entity has been identified. Should cities with special districts that overlap service areas not come to an agreement by April 1, 2001, the California Department of Parks and Recreation will arbitrarily assign percentages to each entity. The actual dollar amount for each agency will then be calculated. This agreement must be presented to the California Department of Parks and Recreation before funds are released to either agency. A resolution adopted by both the City and CVRPD stating that both agencies have agreed to the terms regarding the Proposition 12 funds will satisfy the California Department of Parks and Recreation requirements. The Coachella Valley Recreation and Park District has requested 20% of the Proposition 12 funds allocated for the City. These funds can only be used for capital improvements to facilities within the City's boundaries. The estimated dollar amount requested by CVRPD is $53,000 to be used at Frances Hack La Quinta Community Park. Staff met with Mr. Don Martin, General Manager of CVRPD on November 9, 2000 at Frances Hack La Quinta Community Park to discuss possible park improvements. The park improvements discussed at the November 9 meeting are included as Attachment 1 . It is anticipated that the park improvement concepts discussed will exceed the $53,000 requested by CVRPD. The City could provide the funds to CVRPD to do as they deem appropriate at Frances Hack La Quinta Community Park, or the City may wish to work in cooperation with CVRPD on the park improvements. With the completion of the improvements to the Village Area and the expansion of the La Quinta Museum, Frances Hack Park will become a focal point in the Village area. The current Village Improvements will provide new streets, curbs and gutters around the perimeter of the park. The City Council may wish to direct staff to work with CVRPD staff to coordinate park improvements in conjunction with the City utilizing the City's share of Proposition 12 funds allocated to the City to fund some of the improvements to Frances Hack La Quinta Community Park as identified in Attachment 1. CVRPD would then use some portion of their share of Proposition 12 funds to hire a consultant to incorporate the design improvements into the park's overall plan as identified in Attachment 1. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1 . Adopt a Resolution of the City Council approving the allocation of 20% of the Proposition 12 funds to the Coachella Valley Recreation and Park District to use as they deem appropriate at Frances Hack La Quinta Community Park; or 2. Adopt a Resolution of the City Council approving the allocation of 20% of the Proposition 12 funds to the Coachella Valley Recreation and Park District to be used to upgrade the Frances Hack La Quinta Community Park and direct staff to work with CVRPD to coordinate park improvements in conjunction with the City utilizing the City's share of Proposition 12 funds allocated to the City to fund some of the improvements as identified in Attachment 1; or 108 S:\Community Services\CCReports\CC.084.wpd 0 0 2 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. R pe tfully su mitted, Dodie Horvitz, Com unity Services Director Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. Possible Improvements Frances Hack La Quinta Community Park S:\Community Services\CCReports\CC.084.wpd MY RESOLUTION NO. 2000- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ALLOCATING 20% OF PROPOSITION 12 FUNDS TO THE COACHELLA VALLEY RECREATION AND PARK DISTRICT FOR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS AT FRANCES HACK LA QUINTA COMMUNITY PARK WHEREAS, the voters of the State of California passed the Safe Neighborhood Park Bond Act of 2000, also known as Proposition 12 on March 7, 2000; WHEREAS, the City of La Quinta will receive funds from Proposition 12 based on the January 2000 Census report; and WHEREAS, the City of La Quinta will receive approximately $265,000 from Proposition 12 to be used for capital improvements to facilities located within the City; and WHEREAS, the Coachella Valley Recreation and Park District's boundaries overlap the City of La Quinta's and the Coachella Valley Recreation and Park District provides the Frances Hack La Quinta Community Park for the residents of La Quinta; and WHEREAS, the City of La Quinta and the Coachella Valley Recreation and Park District have determined that it is the best interest of the community to allocate a portion of Proposition 12 funds to be used for capital improvements to the. Frances Hack La Quinta Community Park. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: The City of La Quinta does hereby allocate 20% of the Proposition 12 funds due to the City to the Coachella Valley Recreation and Park District for capital improvements to Frances Hack La Quinta Community Park. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 5th day of December, 2000, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Ito 004 Resolution No. 2000- PROPOSITION 12 FUNDS Adopted: DECEMBER 5, 2000 Page 2 Fly-'3/_1ILT; JOHN J. PENA, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: JUNE S. GREEK, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California (City Seal) APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON , City Attorney City of La Quinta, California III 0o.5 ATTACHMENT 1 Possible Improvements: Frances Hack La Quinta Community Park Community Center: Gazebo: Shade Structure: New doors and windows Tile roof Paint Landscaping Tile roof Paint Landscaping New Roof -line Paint Restrooms: Tile Roof Paint Ballfield: Dug -outs: Roof Structure New drinking fountains Fencing: Raise Fencing Install "Ad" Boards Remove "second" set of fencing Bleachers: Recycled "Wood" seats Roof Structure Park Amenities: Landscape: Hedges around perimeter of the park Underground wires "Village" type lamp posts and fixtures Relocate basketball courts to Fritz Burns Park Amphitheater 007 S:\Community Services\CCReports\CC.084.wpd Tit!t 4 4 Qum& COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: December 5, 2000 ITEM TITLE: Consideration of Artwork Locations on the Bear Creek Bike Trail RECOMMENDATION: As deemed appropriate by the City Council. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None for this action. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: 3 CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: The Cultural Arts Commission (Commission) has reviewed a proposal from a local artist who desires to place his work at various locations along the Bear Creek Bike Trail (Trail). The Commission is requesting consideration by the City Council to authorize the Trail as a location for Art in Public Places artwork. The Commission believes that artwork placed along the Trail would encourage additional trail use by participants viewing the artwork. The proposed locations for the artwork would be the entrance points along the Trail: Eisenhower Drive at Calle Tampico, Montezuma at Ensenada, Montezuma at Chillion, and Madero at Tecate, as well as locations along the Trail. Should the City Council approve the Trail as a location for Art in Public Places artwork, a Request for Proposals will be developed by the Commission, in accordance with the City's solicitation and selection procedures for Professional Services. The Request for Proposals will be submitted for City Council consideration at a later date. Artwork has been placed on the Bear Creek Bike Trail as a joint project between the VIVA Foundation, the La Quinta Arts Foundation and the City of La Quinta. This artwork consists of a Bear and Fish Trap with descriptive tiles outlining a brief history of the area and is located at the entrance to the trail on the corner of Madero and Tecate. 113 The City Council approved a grant application at the September 19, 2000 City Council meeting for descriptive markers to be placed along the Trail. These markers will be designed to match the signs currently being constructed for the Cove/Oasis Trailhead. Should the grant application be approved by the State of California Parks and Recreation Department, the markers will be placed in the same locations as the proposed artwork. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Approve the Bear Creek Bike Trail as an Art in Public Places location and direct the Cultural Arts Commission to recommend a Request for Proposals for artists for the artwork; or 2. Do not approve the Bear Creek Bike Trail as an Art in Public Places location; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. RespecIfully supmitted, e Horvitz," toM.rx*nity Services Director Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager 114 002 S:\Community Services\CCReports\CC.085.wpd • COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: December 5, 2000 ITEM TITLE: Consideration of Entry Sign Text and Graphics for the Cove Oasis/Lake Cahuilla Trailhead Improvements, Project No. 98-18 AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Approve Trailhead sign text and graphics as presented by Seto Construction, Inc., for Project No. 98-18, Cove Oasis/Lake Cahuilla Trailhead Improvements as defined within the base bid area. There are no fiscal implications associated with this recommendation. None. On May 19, 1998, the City Council adopted the Fiscal Year 1998/1999 through 2002/2003 Capital Improvement Program (CIP). Improvements to the Cove Oasis/Lake Cahuilla Trail were identified to receive funding during Fiscal Year 1998/1999. According to the CIP, this project includes the development of the Cove Oasis Area (south of Calle Tecate) as a future park and the installation of Trailhead improvements. On May 4, 1999, the City Council authorized staff to prepare and distribute a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the design of the Cove Oasis/Lake Cahuilla Trailhead Improvements and appointed a Consultant Selection Committee which included Mayor Pro Tern Sniff and City Council Member Henderson. On October 5, 1999, the City Council authorized the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with the firm of David Evans and Associates for a fixed amount not to exceed $60,130, to provide design services for the Cove Oasis/Lake Cahuilla Trailhead Improvements. On December 15, 1999, the City Council selected Concept "A" to be the Cove Oasis Master Plan and directed staff to further refine the proposed site amenities for further City Council consideration. 115 TAMDEPT\CO U NCI L\2000\001205d. wpd On March 7, 2000, the City Council approved the site amenities for the Cove Oasis/Lake Cahuilla Trailhead Improvements. In addition, the City Council directed staff to recommend phasing of the improvements in accordance with available funding which include, but are not limited to, the underground infrastructure. The Phase I improvements recommended shall be constructed utilizing the existing budget and proposed additional appropriation as stated in the recommendation. Future phases will be constructed as additional funding is identified. On August 1, 2000, the City Council appropriated an additional $50,217.55 from RDA Project Area No. 1 funds toward the Cove Oasis/Lake Cahuilla Trailhead Improvements, approved the revised project budget, and awarded a contract in the amount of $146,157.00 to Seto Construction, Inc. to construct Project No. 98-18, Cove Oasis/Lake Cahuilla Trailhead Improvements as defined within the base bid area. On October 2, 2000, the Notice to Proceed was issued. The current contract completion date is January 3, 2001. The project specifications call for the contractor to submit a mock up sign for approval by the City Council. The proposed sign will consist of two sides. The front side (Attachment 1) will contain a trail map, a heat index chart, safety and general information. The back side (Attachment 2) will contain a trail map with trail destinations as well as the distances to several major cities. The sign will also consist of pictures and information about the local plant and animal life one may encounter while at the trail. Pending the decision of the City Council, the sign may also contain distances to other National Monuments as well as the City Council Placard naming the City Council Members. The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Approve Trailhead sign text and graphics as presented by Seto Construction, Inc., for Project No. 98-18, Cove Oasis/Lake Cahuilla Trailhead Improvements as defined within the base bid area; or 2. Do not approve Trailhead sign text and graphics as presented by Seto Construction, Inc., for Project No. 98-18, Cove Oasis/Lake Cahuilla Trailhead Improvements as defined within the base bid area; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, 4411-�� Chris A. Vogt Public Works Director/City Engineer T:\PW DEPT\C0U NCI L\2000\001205d. wpd Approved for submission by: (I -W� � AY, e , � � � Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachment: 1. North Facing Sign Sample 2. South Facing Sign Sample 117 �0 T:\PW DEPT\COUNCIL\2000\001205d. wpd t aJ -� i L t _■o■■■wwwn ill # fit I BUSINESS SESSION ITEM: 5 ORDINANCE NO. 351 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA APPROVING A ZONE CHANGE FROM TOURIST COMMERCIAL TO A LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DESIGNATION ON 73 ACRES LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF 50TH AVENUE AND JEFFERSON STREET CASE NO.: ZONE CHANGE 2000-094 . RJT HOMES, LLC WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, did on the 21 st day of November , 2000, hold a duly noticed Public Hearing for RJT Homes, LLC for review of a Zone Change to allow the zoning of 73 acres at the southwest corner of Avenue 50 and Jefferson Street to Low Density Residential; and WHEREAS, at said Public Hearings, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons wanting to be heard, said City Council did make the following mandatory findings recommending approval of said Zone Change: 1 . The proposed project is consistent with the goals and policies of the La Quinta General Plan, and the Land Use Map for the General Plan in that less than four units per acre will be developed, ensuring land use compatibility. 2. The Zone Change will not be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare, as it has been designed to be compatible with surrounding development, and conform with the City's standards and requirements. 3. The Zone Change is compatible with the City's Zoning Ordinance in that it supports the development of a range of housing in an integrated community. 4. The Zone Change supports the orderly development of the City. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California that it does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. PURPOSE. To rezone a portion of land generally located at the southwest corner of 50th Avenue and Jefferson Street, more particularly described as APNs 772-050-007 and 772-050-008, from Tourist Commercial to Low Density Residential (RL). 1M0 Ordinance No. 351 Change of Zone 2000-94 RJT Homes Adopted: December 5, 2000 Page 2 SECTION 2. ENVIRONMENTAL. This Zone Change has complied with the requirements of the CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 as amended) and adopted by City Council Resolution 83-68, in that the Community Development Director has determined that the proposed Zone Change will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment. SECTION 3. EFFECTIVE DATE: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its adoption. SECTION 4: POSTING. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this Ordinance, and shall cause the same to be posted in at least three public places designated by Resolution of the City Council, and shall cause this Ordinance and its certification, together with proof of posting, to be entered into the Book of Ordinances of this City. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTEDat a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 5th day of December, 2000 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: JOHN J. PENA, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: JUNE S. GREEK, CMC, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California (City Seal) Ordinance No. 351 Change of Zone 2000-94 RJT Homes Adopted: December 5, 2000 Page 3 APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California 122 T4t�t 4 4 Q" AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: December 5, 2000 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TITLE: I STUDY SESSION: Discussion of Viva La Quinta Marketing PUBLIC HEARING: Program Proposal RECOMMENDATION: Review and discuss Viva La Quinta marketing program proposal. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The Viva La Quinta marketing program is estimated to cost $62,250. The Marketing Plan adopted by the City Council on June 20, 2000 (and amended on July 5, 2000) has a total marketing budget of $217,300 with $109,000 of that reserved for Business Retention. Approximately $46,625 of the $109,000 is currently unallocated towards any specific project thereby leaving a shortfall of $15,625 to implement the Viva La Quinta program. The Council may wish to allocate funds from the Community Involvement Programs portion of the Marketing Plan for those projects which potentially may not occur this fiscal year. Those projects and their respective budgets are as follows: La Quinta 8 Theater Grand Opening ................... $4,500 La Quinta 8 Theater On -Screen Economic Advertising ....... $4,800 TOTAL potential available .......................... $9,300 Aternative sources of funds may include the Media Promotion (Account No. 101-103- 643-823) which included an original budget of $34,000 for miscellaneous unallocated, with a current balance of approximately $26,000 and General Fund Emergency Reserves (Account No. 101-000-300-290). CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. 123 BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The City Council approved a Marketing Plan (the "Plan") for the City at its June 20, 2000 meeting and subsequently amended it on July 5, 2000 (Attachment 1). The Plan is comprised of three major components: Business Retention, Business Attraction, and Community Involvement. Kiner/Goodsell Advertising (the City's marketing consultant) has developed a program called Viva La Quinta as part of the Business Retention component of the Plan. As developed by Kiner/Goodsell, Viva La Quinta presents an advertising and marketing proposal that is "intended to boost business in La Quinta" and one that will attempt to "drive more business from neighboring cities into La Quinta." Viva La Quinta will offer consumers who patronize La Quinta businesses the opportunity to participate in drawings for various prizes (e.g. tentatively dinner packages, hotel stays). The program has been designed with simplicity in mind (i.e. no cards or coupons). Instead, shoppers will receive a drawing entry with each purchase which they will place in a collection box at each participating business. In accordance with applicable laws, the City may also be required to provide free entry drawing slips to those that request them. Participating retailers will display Viva La Quinta posters on the store premises and there will be no cost to the businesses to participate in the program (i.e. they do not have to provide any discount). Kiner/Goodsell suggests that advertising alone can not create success for this program and that the drawing concept is vital to the program's success. Attached to this staff report is an overview of Viva La Quinta, the advertising strategy, sample television and radio spots, sample print advertisements, and budget information (Attachment 2). Kiner/Goodsell reports that the total cost of the Viva La Quinta proposal is estimated at $62,250. Budget funds currently available in the Business Retention component of the Plan total $46,625. Accordingly, the Viva La Quinta proposal, as envisioned by Kiner/Goodsell, will require reallocation of $15,625 (i.e. possibly from the La Quinta 8 Theater programs, miscellaneous Media Promotion, or General Fund Emergency Reserves). This program is being brought forward to the City Council as an alternative to the "Shop/Dine La Quinta" program which was not included in the final version of the adopted Plan.' Last year's "Shop/Dine La Quinta" program required merchant participation in its implementation with various merchants offering discounts on their goods and services. The Viva La Quinta proposal includes merchant participation albeit not in the form of discounts. The merchants participation is primarily in the distribution of drawing entry slips, displaying a drawing collection box, and displaying a poster highlighting the program. ' The Council deleted the Shop/Dine La Quinta component during a study session on the Marketing Plan on May 16, 2000, prior to its final adoption on June 20, 2000. L 002 Alternatives available include proceeding with the Viva La Quinta program as proposed by Kiner/Goodsell; or utilizing the Business Retention funds for more generic advertising that would not include merchant participation; or developing some alternative advertising/marketing proposal. Staff and Kiner/Goodsell seek City Council comment on these alternative program concepts. Staff has requested that Kiner/Goodsell have a representative present at the December 5, 2000 meeting to provide additional input on Viva La Quinta. Respectfully submitted, Britt W. Wilson, Management alyst City Manager's Office Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. City of La Quinta Marketing Plan FY2000-2001 2. Kiner/Goodsell Viva La Quinta Proposal CCSTFFVIVALAQUINTAPLAN 12-05-OO.wpd 125 003 ATTACHMENT 1 CITY OF LA QUINTA MARKETING PLAN 2000-2001 APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL J U N E 20, 2000 AMENDED JULY 5, 2000 12 009 . ! 400� K1NER / GQ» SELL A D V E PST' .' S I N G Revised Ada ,Vtlsing]PR/Eeonomie Development Mark"g for the City of La Quinta Fieeal Year July 19 2000 - June 30, 2001 After receiving input from the Mayor and City Council at the City Council Meeting dated May 16, 2000, recommendations indicated that the City of La Quinta needs to look at taking a new marketing direction for the next fiscal year. The primary focus needs to be business retention and attraction, with less emphasis on community involvement programs. Because of the elimination of some labor-intensive and time-consuming community involvement programs, Kiner/Goodsell estimates that it will take less hours to service this account and recommends a reduced retainer, from last year's $3,400/40 hours per month to $3,000/35 hours per month in the next fiscal year. Kiner/Goodsell proposes the following strategies to attain these economic development objectives: Business Retention • Without infringing on the "gift of public funds" guidelines, the best strategy for supporting businesses would be a straightforward advertising campaign showcasing the businesses in La Quinta. To give equal exposure to everyone, we recommend creating 3-4 different 30-second spots -- each "panning" shots of the different businesses in La Quinta using a theme such as , "Have you seen La Quinta Lately?" (focusing on some of the new businesses, like the auto mall and movie theater). Another component of an advertising campaign in support of La Quinta businesses is a special section in the Desert Sun; a full 4-page broad sheet that's in 4-color process, listing all the businesses in their respective business categories (i.e. restaurants, services, etc.). We could encompass the section with a slogan like "Errands. Dining. Recreation. All your needs... with one spectacular view. Only in La Quinta: the Gem of the Desert." The section could also focus on new businesses and "coming attractions" in La Quinta. We could overprint the special section and have it available at the City and the Chamber of Commerce. We could also use a theme like "Celebrate La Quinta", and have a state official (perhaps Mary Bono) declare "Celebrate La Quinta" week. The initiative could include a kick-off event at City Hall, and businesses would be encouraged to offer discounts or special promotions as part of "Celebrate La Quinta" week. • La Quinta businesses have plenty to offer the travel/tourism market in Southern California. To reach this audience, we recommend producing a rack card that can be distributed on informational travelAourism racks in hotels, restaurants, visitor centers, and other locations throughout the Inland Empire. This take- 7 3.101 Hwy. 111, Suite 4 Palm Desert, Colifomia 92260 760-773-0290 fax 760.773-17SO 006 home piece will give prospectives a glimpse of La Quinta, and encourage those people to spend their leisure time -- and leisure dollars -- in the City of La Quinta. • Update outdated material in the City's economic development infomercial, adding more prominent footage of the businesses in La Quinta -- such as the Auto Mall, the La Quinta Resort, restaurants and various retail establishments. Explore new regional media placement vehicles, such as cable systems in different affluent communities in Southern California and expansion to the Pacific Northwest region. > Using the same strategy, update 10-second TV factoids and 30-second economic development TV spots. Business Attraetion • The aforementioned,travel/tourism rack card will also act as a business attraction/economic development tool. • Remain active in the annual ICSC (International Council of Shopping Centers) Convention -- October 2000. Advertise in the Las Vegas convention's program guide. • Market La Quinta to the film community -- specifically site locators for film and commercial ventures. Work closely with the Inland Empire Film Commission, including advertising in their widely -distributed Production Guide -- which is distributed -at 5-6 trade shows, 4 film festivals as well as mailed to film studios and all location managers. • Explore advertising/PR opportunities in trade publications of franchisers and other business that look for business expansion sites (such as Franchise Times, circ. 100,000, targeting retail and restaurant franchisees). In addition, continue to do some national economic development advertising (such as the Wall Street Journal). • Advertise in selected economic development "special sections", such as the annual economic development section in "Palm Springs Life." • Host the 2nd annual breakfast event at the La Quinta Hotel for commercial real estate agents and commercial loan institutions, updating them on economic development within the City. Speakers will include the City Manager as well as key members of the Community Development and Public Works Departments. The event will also feature a full breakfast buffet (by invitation only). - Page 2- 128 007 Community Involvement • Maintaining a presence in community activities, such as: > Golf Cart Parade > international Date Festival Parade • Plan grand opening festivities for the Civic Center Park, scheduled to open next spring. • Re -visit seasonal event signage/banners to give La Quinta a quaint, hometown community atmosphere. • Become more active in events hosted by local businesses, such as KSL's Breakfast of Champions during the Bob Hope Chrysler Classic and/or Mariachi Festival over Labor Day Weekend. • Coordinate promotional activities in conjunction with the new movie theater (late August or early September). In addition, purchase on -screen advertising at the theater (slide advertisements displayed prior to movie features). • Reserve a small portion of the budget for any miscellaneous collateral item needs that will arise throughout the year. - Page 3 - 129 008 K1NER / G A D V E -#: Marketiu Bud SELL S 1 N G t Breakdo-wvn City of La Quinta Fiscal Year 2000-24101 Business Retention Programs: Television Advertising (production & media) $14,100 Radio Advertising (production & media) $ 5,500 Print advertising peLe-rt_V IS)((() *IVCIL $18,000 -7— S M $13,700 U12date/Expand Infomercial & Spot TV (,prod & medial $58,000 TOTAL BUSINESS RETENTION $109,300 Business Attraction Programs: ICSC Program Ads and Fall Event $ 4,300 Film/Site Locator Marketing $ 3,000 Retail Trade Publication Advertising $ 6,500 National Economic Print Advertising (WSJ, etc.) $ 7,500 Palm Springs Life Advertorial $ 5,900 2nd Annual Commercial Realtors Breakfast $ 2,500 Development Process Brochure $ 2,500 TOTAL BUSINESS ATTRACTION $32,200 Community Involvement Programs-. Golf Cart Parade $ 2,800 Date Festival Parade $ 1,400 Civic Center Park Grand Opening $13,000 Seasonal Banners $ 6,000 Support Various Business Events (i.e. Mariachi Fest.) $ 2,000 Bob Hope Classic Program Ad (design) $ 300 La Quinta 8 Theater Grand Opening $ 4,500 La Quinta 8 Theater Advertising $ 4,800 Miscellaneous Collateral Materials $ 5,000 TOTAL COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT $39,800 Agenev Retainer: Kiner/Goodsell Retainer at 35 hours/month $36,000 TOTAL RETAINER $36,000 TOTAL MARKETING BUDGET: $217,300 130 73-101 Hwy. 111, Suite 4 Palm Desert, California 92260 760.773-0290 fax760.773-1750 009 ATTACHMENT 2 KINER / Gar SELL A D V E�` S I N G10, THE CITY OF LA QUINTA HAS REQUESTED KINER/GOODSELL TO PRESENT THEM WITH AN ADVERTISING AND MARKETING PROPOSAL INTENDED TO BOOST BUSINESS IN LA QUINTA. RECENT TRENDS INDICATE THAT MORE RESIDENTS OF LA QUINTA ARE VENTURING OUTSIDE THE CITY FOR THEIR SHOPPING AND DINING NEEDS. THIS REPRESENTS A LOSS OF REVENUE. THE CITY OF LA QUINTA WOULD FURTHER LIKE TO DRIVE MORE BUSINESS FROM NEIGHBORING CITIES INTO LA QUINTA TO FURTHER BOOST BUSINESS. 73-101 Hwy. 111, Suite 4 Palm Desert, California 92260 760-773-0290 fax 760.773-1750 131 010 A QUICK `SWOT' ANALYSIS STRENGTHS WIDE AND VARIED MIX OF BOTH SHOPPING AND DINING OPTIONS SET IN A `NEW' AREA. WEAKNESSES NOTHING DIFFERENT FROM OTHER NEIGHBORING CITIES IE. NO HOOK. ALSO, IT APPEARS THAT LA QUINTA IS PERCEIVED AS A PLACE ONLY TO LIVE, NOT NECESSARILY TO SHOP OR DINE IN. OPPORTUNITIES NO NEGATIVE PERCEPTION SO IF WE CAN PERSUADE TARGET TO EXPERIENCE LA QUINTA ONCE, THEY MAY WELL CONTINUE AND BUILD LOYALTY. THREATS NEIGHBORING CITIES ARE BETTER ESTABLISHED AND HAVE THE SAME MIX OF SHOPPING/DINING OPTIONS AS LA QUINTA DOES. ALSO, FREQUENT EVENTS IE. STREET FA R, ETC. 132 O11 THE TASK • POSITION THE CITY OF LA QUINTA AS THE PERFECT SHOPPING/DINING DESTINATION WITH ESSENTIAL STORES AND EXCITING VARIETY. • IDENTIFY AND COMMUNICATE DIRECTLY WITH THE TARGET USING LOGIC AND PERSUASION TO MOTIVATE THEM. • IDENTIFY AND UTILIZE RELEVANT & EFFECTIVE MEDIA AND PR OPPORTUNITIES. THE TARGET 0 PRIMARY - PERMANENT AND SEASONAL RESIDENTS OF LA QUINTA • SECONDARY - PERMANENT AND SEASONAL RESIDENTS FROM NEIGHBORING CITIES LIKE PALM DESERT, INDIAN WELLS, ETC. 133 012 ADVERTISING STRATEGY • USE A PROMOTION WITH SIMPLE MECHANICS TO MOTIVATE TARGET INTO ACTING. • MONTHLY DRAWINGS WITH ONE GRAND PRIZE AND A SERIES OF SMALLER PRIZES. • EASY TO FILL, TEAR -OFF COUPONS. • REWARDS OF PROMOTION TO DRIVE BUSINESS BACK INTO LA QUINTA. • EVENTUALLY BUILD LOYALTY SO TARGET SHOPS/DINES IN LA QUINTA ON A REGULAR BASIS. • EXCITING FULL COLOR PRINT ADS IN LOCAL MEDIA TO KICK OFF PROMOTION, FOLLOWED BY SMALLER SIZE, B&W FOLLOW-UPS. • TELEVISION AND RADIO TO COMPLEMENT PRINT MEDIA. FULL -COLOUR, ATTRACTIVE POSTERS IN ALL OUTLETS IN LA QUINTA WITH DETAILS OF PROMOTION, POSITIONED NEXT TO DROP BOXES FOR COUPONS. 134 013 tifs layout.qxd 11/14/00 11:29 AM Page 1 BuyOnGet f Only in La Quinta can you win the most fabulous weekend getaway when yCu buy dinne,'. Or groceries. Or anything at all. Its all happening during our Viva La Quinta Fiesta of Winning where every time you shop or dine in La Quinta, you automatically 4 k enter to 1:.N ?I weekend getaways, shopping Sprees, dinners, beauty treatments, gift vouchers andmuch, uch, much more- Drawings will be held every month so there are multiple chances of witin -et down tc, b Quinta and .Yin : few free dreams! La u V, nt(a 33 ! e 'i,� L, City of La Quinta 135 014 �tifs layout.qxd 11/14/00 11:29 AM Page 2 e % A 0111'f in La Quinm can you Wirl the [TIOSt fabulousNeeaerc. gerawam when vcij an ice-rca.—. anything at all it all nappe:"�:g l'u, ki, -jul Winning nn VIva -a Quirim Fiesta of WiWinning v. nz- o Avery time You ;n--:,, or d;.� a yCju ititor-n-'Itic-aily -o v�.--ekend �etavvays. shopping Sprees, dinners, eatwer)ts, cifi, -and MUCh, much mon2. D.,--wings wz` be he:c rder`Y rino r" dh A TC L a 66 015 tifs layout.gxd 11/14/00 11:29 AM Page 3 BuyOnGet One Free Only in La QUlnta can you wire the most fabulous wee4,erld getaway ether. you buy an ice :rear^. Or ,i _'"ies. %r anything at all - It". all happer;iss; during e,ur Vtua a Quinra Fiesta of Winning whar,a every time you or thane ' in La 0111;nta.you auwrriatlcall y 7^tEr O, t, i s weel•;°andetaaVays. shopping Sprees, dinners, beauty re:itmenes,;Aft and Q k`dG rzh, Tyiu-in n?ore. Qr:=.'.wins °xii oc i?c;G ?°Lfr•ri: a'Or1Ch. sc. U',ure .are ntuli,ii:e chances .,f 4"%Lit71t7�. fr�� �:J. �:(f u. fr u 134 016 tifs layout.gxd 11/14/00 11:29 AM Page 4 1+1 I Get One Free Only in La Quinta can you win the most fabulous weekend getaway when you buy an ice cream. Or groceries. (-)r anything at all. its all happening during our Viva La Quinta Fiesta of Winning where every time you shop or dine in La Quinta, you automatically s enter to LL weekend getaways, shopping Sprees, dinners, beauty treatments,gift vouchers and MUCh, much more. Drawings will be held every month so there are multiple chances of Wj GCE down to La Quinri and win a few free dream 9 La i Quinta City of La Quinta 138 017 Itifs layout.gxd 11/14/00 11:29 AM Page 5 BuyOnGet One Free Only in La Quinta can you win the most fabulous weekend getaway when you buy an ice cream. Or a can of paint. Or anything at oil. Its all happening during our Viva La Quinta Fiesta of Winning where every time you shop or dine in La Quinta, you automatically enter to 1t;`_I 1 weekend getaways, shopping SpreeS, dinners, beauty treatments, gift vouchers and MUCh, much more. Drawings will be held every month so there are multiple chances of winning Get down to La Quinta and win a few free dreams! tv La Quinta City of La Quinta :i I it I- -.I;' ". d— -x ;.. v_.. :I: n t...P, .::n E.' at ,;t;' Mir r if :;f_ -. r- :j n -..,r ::.r, SI::r_.. ..i 1,.-,... , r "In 'J.'; 139 1 018 TELEVISION CLIENT: City of La Quinta LANGUAGE: English PRODUCT: Viva La Quinta DURATION: 30" NB: The commercial implies a daydream to convey the character's wish to win the product. The reality sequences will inform the viewer on how the contest works. VIDEO Open on WS of woman lying outdoors on a massage table. Mountain range backdrop. Frame edges blurred. Soft cut to CU of woman's head and shoulders Masseuse hands rubbing upper back. Cut to CU of ornate pitcher and strong hands pouring drink into very tall glass of ice. Cut to MS of handsome male attendant handing woman a drink. Cut to MS of woman in street clothes standing at a cash register. Sales woman looking up concerned. Frame edges sharp. Fast cuts of CU's, p.o.p. poster and hand filling out coupon. Cut to CU of woman in dining situation. Frame blurred. AUDIO Music. Soothing string instruments. SFX: Woman sighs with pleasure. SFX: Birds singing, waterfall sounds. SFX: Waterfall becomes pouring liquid sounds with cracking ice. MVO: "Will there be anything else Miss?" SFX: Woman sighs with pleasure. FVO: "Will there be anything else Miss?" Voice morphed mid -sentence to woman's voice. SFX: Loud store noises. FVO: "Where am I?" FVO: "You're in La Quinta Madame." MVO: "Shop or dine in La Quinta and win weekend get getaways, dinners, shopping sprees, beauty treatments and more!" SFX: Door buzzer. FVO: "Pardon me." 140 Page 2of2 VIDEO Cut to WS of woman daydreaming in store doorway. Customer trying to enter. Super -imposed Viva La Quinta logo bottom of frame. MVO: "Get down to La Quinta " and win your dream." 141 020 RADIO CLIENT: City of La Quinta LANGUAGE: English PRODUCT: Business DURATION: 6o" SFX: Ambient sounds of water lapping, birds chirping, and soft guitar music. FVO: (Sigh of pleasure) SFX: Ice cracking and clinking against glass as fizzy liquid is poured. MVO: Will that be all Madam? FVO: (Sigh of pleasure) MVO morphs into FVO in mid sentence: Will that be all Ma'am? Ma'am? FVO: What? Oh! Where am I? SFX: Ambient shop sounds, cash registers, etc. FVO 2 (patiently): You're in La Quinta, Ma'am. ANNCR: It's all happening in La Quinta during the Viva La Quinta festival of winning! Shop or dine in our lovely city of La Quinta and win weekend getaways, dinners, rounds of golf and gift vouchers! Drawings held every month so there are multiple chances of winning! So get down to La Quinta and get going! SFX: Ambient restaurant sounds. MVO: More wine, Madam? FVO: (Sigh of pleasure) SFX: Shop bell rings indicating someone has entered. MVO (Impatient): Excuse me! Excuse me! ANNCR: It's Viva La Quinta and the winning never ends! 3.42 011 11/28/2000 15:02 7607731750 KINER GOODSELL PAGE 02 ADDITIONAL FUNDS NECESSARY FOR VIVA LA QUINTA PROMOTION PRODUCTION TV — $5,500 Radio — $1,000 Print — $1.500 TOTAL NECESSARY $8,000 DISPLAYS Poster/display Design — $1,500 Poster Production — $2,500 Display Qrawiugy Box) Production — $1,$00 TOTAL NECESSARY $5,500 PROGRAM COORDINATION Requires roughly 150 hours to obtain participation agreements and coordinate display distribution with every retail business in La Quinta, organize drawings, coordinate prize donations/purchases from La Quinta retailers, conduct PR for the program, coordinate program evaluation, etc, Subtract 25 hours of Kiner/Goodsell's retainer in the months of December, January, February, March and April to be applied to program coordination (at least 10 hours of the retainer per month need to be designated for other projects) = 125 retainer hours to be applied to project coordination. Remaining hours necessary Ig coordinate Program: 25 X $85/houl = $2.125 ADDITIONAL DOLLARS NECESSARY FOR PROGRAM COORDINATION: $2,125 TOTAL ADDITIONAL FUNDS NEEDED FOR VIVA LA QUINTA PROMOTION: $15,625 1143 1in{1 11-28-00 15:00 RECEIVED FROM:7607731750 P-02 DEPARTMENT REPORT: v s CF`y OF TNtiO TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager A DATE: December 5, 2000 RE: Department Report — Response(s) to Public Comments The following is the response to public comments made at the November 21, 2000 City Council meeting: 1. Mr. Robert Tyler, 44-215 Villeta Drive, addressed the City Council regarding the need for road improvements on the north side of Fred Waring Drive, between Washington Street and Palm Royale, and on the south side between Dune Palms Road and Jefferson Street . The Public Works Director/City Engineer will be contacting Mr. Tyler regarding his concerns. 2. Mr. Alvin Cox (and son, Justin Cox), 10612 Hambletonian Place, Santa Ana, addressed the Council regarding a lot Mr. Cox purchased on Avenida Ramirez which had a lien against it of which he was unaware. Mr. Cox objected to the costs associated with the lien and requested the City waive all or part of the legal fees involved. The Finance Director, in conjunction with the City Attorney, is preparing a letter for Mr. Cox regarding the property's lien and associated legal issues. 3. Ms. Robin Clifton, 47-680 Via Montego, addressed the Council regarding her objection to what she considered a "circus atmosphere" at the La Quinta Auto Center, due to the flags, banners, etc. She also strongly objected to the practice of using a large crane to lift a truck high into the air; and 4. Mr. Robert Tyler, 44-215 Violleta Drive, presented the Council with photographs of the Auto Center showing the size of the crane and the suspended truck, stating that the truck incident has occurred twice on weekends. Mr. Tyler voiced his concern for the public's safety and objected to the unauthorized display. 144 The Community Development Director is drafting letters in response to the concerns raised by these two residents regarding the La Quinta Auto Center. 5. Ms. Betty Mangan Smith, 82-470 Avenue 54, Thermal, thanked the City for its well -maintained equestrian trails. She presented and read a letter from Frank Bogart regarding the preservation of trail systems and asked that the City look into signage for the equestrian trail along Madison Street; 6. Mr. Michael Bowler, 82-470 Avenue 54, Thermal, spoke in favor of preservation, maintenance and development of new trail systems; 7. Ms. Martha Brown, 80-138 Hermitage, spoke in favor of preserving and maintaining existing trails; 8. Ms. Gayle Cady, 82-831 Avenue 54, Thermal, addressed the Council regarding the need to provide amenities for the equestrian community as well as the other recreational groups in the area. Ms. Cady also noted that Lake Cahuilla Horse Park needs to have some sign recognition to let people know it exists. She questioned the recent posting of a "no trespassing" sign at the Madison Street trailhead; and 9. Ms. Marilyn Gilborne spoke about the desirability of establishing an extensive trail system throughout the area. The Community Services Director will be writing letters to the residents who expressed concerns or set forth requests in relation to the City's trails. 145, -z-- DEPARTMENT REPORT:c&t,, 4 l �� f�'Gv U - �i OF TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager A) -V DATE: December 5, 2000 RE: Department Report - Grant Update The following is an update of various grants for which City staff has applied, will be applying, or is currently exploring. During this calendar year, the City obtained $165,922 in grant awards. ■ Bicycle Transportation Account Grant This program, administered by Caltrans, provides funds for projects that improve safety and convenience for bicycle commuters. The City Council approved the grant application for this program on December 21, 1999. The proposed project is the creation of a Class II Bike Lane (signs and striping) along Calle Tampico (between Washington Street and Park Avenue) and Park Avenue (between Calle Tampico to Avenue 50). The City was awarded $30,600 for this project. The City recently received the Cooperative Agreement from Caltrans and will be going forward with project development and design. t State of California Office of Traffic Safety The Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) funds a wide variety of projects that improve traffic safety in local jurisdictions. The City Council approved the grant application for this program on January 18, 2000. The proposed project is the development and implementation of a Geographic Information System -based traffic analysis program for the City's Police and Engineering Departments. The system will be used to identify and analyze high collision locations so that enforcement activities, traffic controls, and safety improvements can be placed where they are needed most. The grant request was originally for $51,500 and the City was awarded $49,000. Staff is currently working in conjunction with the Police Department on the 14C selection of the software, and with OTS on a final agreement which will allow implementation of the program. a Safe Routes to School This program, administered by Caltrans, provides funding for projects that address pedestrian and bicycle safety issues, thus encouraging students to walk or bike to school. The City Council approved two applications for this program on April 18, 2000: Installation of Sidewalk along Sagebrush and Washington Street in the amount of $97,120 and Installation of a Traffic Signal at Calle Tampico and Avenida Bermudas in the amount of $172,360. Neither project was approved for funding as Caltrans funded only 85 of the 650 applications they received. The next funding cycle for this program is March 2001. ■ SB 821 Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Program The Riverside County Transportation Commission administers the SB 821 program, which provides funding for bike lanes and sidewalks. The City Council approved the grant application for this program on May 16, 2000. The proposed project is the installation of sidewalk on Dune Palms Road and Westward Ho near La Quinta High School. The City was awarded $32,400 for this project. The design agreement is going before the City Council for approval on December 5, 2000 as part of the "Citywide Street and Sidewalk Improvements" project. Construction is scheduled to begin in mid -May 2001 and will take approximately thirty days to complete. ff Recreational Trails Program The California Department of Parks and Recreation offers this grant program to create and improve hiking/biking trails throughout the State. The City Council approved the grant application for this program on September 19, 2000. The proposed project is an Interpretive Sign Program for Cove Area Trails, and includes the installation of seven signs along these trails (i.e. entrance, directional, informational, and map signs). The grant request is for $41,588. The California Department of Parks and Recreation is currently reviewing the applications submitted for consideration under this program. ff Department of Conservation The California Department of Conservation provides funding for programs that encourage recycling and litter abatement. The City Council approved the grant application for this program on May 16, 2000. The proposed program activities include purchase and placement of recycling containers for 147 002 parks and shopping areas, and side yard pick-ups for elderly residents. The City was awarded $6,358 for this project. Staff is working with Waste Management of the Desert on the implementation of this program. ■ Risk Management Grant This program, administered by the California Joint Power Insurance Authority (CJPIA), funds programs that reduce exposure to liabilities and risks. The City Council will be considering a $25,000 application for this program on December 5, 2000 for the purchase and installation of an Opticom System, which allows emergency service vehicles to regulate passage through signaled intersections. Because the newer signals in the City are equipped with Opticom devices, this grant would be used to upgrade older signals in need of these devices. ■ Local Law Enforcement Block Grant 2000 This program is administered by the Federal Bureau of Justice Assistance for programs that reduce crime and improve public safety. This year, the City applied for funds on-line, and was awarded $22,564. On November 21, 2000, staff obtained City Council approval to accept the award and proceed with the next steps in the process (i.e. convening the Advisory Board and "drawing down" the funds). The funds will be used for officer overtime and special enforcement activities. ■ Alternative Fuels Subvention Match Program The South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) is implementing a new program that provides additional funding for alternative fuel refueling infrastructure or for the purchase of medium and heavy-duty alternative fuel vehicles. Cities using their AB2766 funds for refueling infrastructure will receive a 50% match from the AQMD. An additional match of up to 25 % is awarded to cities that partner with other agencies and meet additional criteria. SCAQMD will provide a 100% match for alternative fuel vehicles of up to $10,000 for medium -duty vehicles and up to $20,000 for heavy-duty vehicles. The City is currently exploring potential projects. Grant applications will be considered by the AQMD on a first - come -first -serve basis beginning February 1, 2001, and will be accepted until June 2001. ■ Museum Grants Staff is conducting research on grant opportunities that may be available to assist with the City's museum project. It is staff's understanding that 143 003 construction money will be a challenge to obtain; however, several sources will be explored, including the Institute of Museum and Library Services (national grants). Other areas in which grants will be explored include the development of programs for the museum's collection and the organization/display of the collection. ■ State of California Proposition 12 Fundin This year, California voters passed Proposition 12, The Safe Neighborhood Park Bond Act of 2000, which issued $338,000,000 in bond funds for park and playground capital improvements statewide. The money will be allocated to counties and cities based on population figures from the 2000 Census, and the City anticipates that its share will be approximately $265,000. ■ Soccer Field Grant La Quinta's State and Federal representatives have access to discretionary funds, called the Members Request Program. They are able to allocate funds for local projects within their jurisdictions at the beginning of the budget year. This year, the City was awarded $500,000 to develop soccer fields in the La Quinta Community Park on Westward Ho Drive. ff Library Grants Staff has been monitoring the implementation of the Library Bond Act approved by voters in March 2000 (the City supported this legislation and sent a support letter). Currently, the State is undertaking the rulemaking process with final adoption of rules anticipated to occur in September 2001. The State anticipates offering Technical Assistance Workshops in September 2001. The application deadline will be decided through the formal rulemaking process. Staff continues to monitor this potential funding source and intends to seek grant funds when they become available. This listing does not include subvention funds, block grants, and other funds that the City automatically receives from the Federal, State, and County governments. Examples of this type of revenue include California Traffic Congestion Relief Funds (AB 2928), California Law Enforcement Equipment Program funds, various law enforcement funds, Community Development Block Grant funds, COPS funds, and various transportation -related funds. 14 004 DEPARTMENT REPORT: 0-1 DECEMBER 7 DECEMBER 9 DECEMBER 15 DECEMBER 19 DECEMBER 20 JANUARY 2 JANUARY 8 JANUARY 16 CITY COUNCIL'S UPCOMING EVENTS CITY'S HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION BANQUET RIVERSIDE DIVISION - LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES WORKSHOP - LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL MEETING KSL CIVIC APPRECIATION LUNCHEON CITY COUNCIL MEETING RIVERSIDE DIVISION - LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES MEETING - TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL MEETING ij0 December 2000 Monthly Planner Printed by Calendar Creator Plus on 11/30/2000 151 January 2001 Monthly Planner 6 New Years Day 2:00 PM City 10:00 AM ALRC 12:00 PM Council Meeting Mayors Lunch New Years Day � (City Hall ._ Closed) 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 10:00 AM CVAG 7:00 PM C.V. 9:00 AM RCTC- 12:00 PM Public Safety- Mosquito Pena Energy/Envi- Perkins Abate. -Perkins 5:30 PM Invest- Sniff 12:00 PM CVAG 7:00 PM Plan- ment Advisory 7:00 PM Cultural Transp-Perkins ning Commis- Board Arts Commission 6:00 PM League sion Meeting of Calif. Cities- Riv. Div. - Temecula 7:00 PM Commu- nity Services Commission 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Martin 9:00 AM CVB- 3:30 PM Historic IVLuther Henderson Preservation Kin 2:00 PM City Commission Holiday Council (City Hall Meeting Closed) 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 7:00 PM Plan- 12:00 PM CVAG 9:00 AM ning Commis- Human/Com- LAFCO- sion Meeting Adolph Henderson 4:00 PM DRRA Airp-Henderson 28 29 30 31 f; December 00 February 01 S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 1 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 8 19 20 21 22 23 24 31 25 26 27 28 Printed by Calendar Creator Plus on 11/30/2000 152 February 2001 Monthly Planner Printed by Calendar Creator Plus on 11/30/2000 153 T4ht 4 4a" AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: December 5, 2000 CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: Public Hearing on Street Vacation 2000-041, a PUBLIC HEARING: Request to Vacate a Portion of 53RD Avenue, East of Jefferson Street. Applicant: Country Club Properties, Inc. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a Resolution of the City Council vacating a portion of 53RD Avenue, east of Jefferson Street. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: As a part of the proposed Country Club of the Desert project on the north side of 54T" Avenue, between Jefferson Street and Monroe Street, the applicant has requested a street vacation of the existing 53RD Avenue east of Jefferson Street through their project (Attachment 1). Pursuant to the requirements of the Street Vacation Act of 1941, contained in the California Streets and Highways Code (Section 8300), the City Council adopted a Resolution of Intent setting this date for a public hearing to vacate the street. As required by the Street Vacation Act of 1941, the Planning Commission at its meeting of October 24, 2000, adopted Resolution 2000-081 confirming that the proposed street vacation is consistent with the City's General Plan. The other associated applications (specific plan, conditional use permit, and tentative tract) for the Country Club of the Desert project were approved by the City Council on November 21, 2000. 154 p:\stan\sv 2000-041 cc rpt.wpd No major utilities exist within the street to be vacated. There are several utility lines running from Jefferson street part several hundred feet east. These lines appear to have served the Country Club of the Desert property at some time in the past. They will be removed with the new project. To date, no comments have been received from the utility companies indicating a reason not to vacate the street. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Adopt a Resolution of the City Council vacating a portion of 53RD Avenue, east of Jefferson Street; or 2. Do not adopt a Resolution of the City Council vacating a portion of 53RD Avenue, east of Jefferson Street; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, Jury Hernia- Q/ommunity Development Director Approved for submission by: l ' Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachment: 1. Location map showing proposed street vacation p:\stan\sv 2000-041 cc rpt.wpd 15 J 002 RESOLUTION 2000- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA VACATING A PORTION OF 53RD AVENUE, EAST OF JEFFERSON STREET STREET VACATION 2000-041 APPLICANT: COUNTRY CLUB PROPERTIES, INC. WHEREAS, the Public Streets, Highways, and Service Easement Vacation Law, commencing with Section 8300 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California empowers City Councils with the authority to vacate Street Right -of -Way and Public Utility Easements within its jurisdiction that are found unnecessary for present or prospective public street purposes; and, WHEREAS, the City Council as required by law adopted Resolution 2000-146 declaring its intention to vacate the subject portion of Right -of -Way at least 15 days prior to conducting a public hearing regarding the proposed street vacation; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to Sections 8322 and 8323 of Public Streets, Highways, and Service Easement Vacation Law due notice of the public Hearing was given in the manner and time prescribed by law; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of La Quinta has conducted the required public hearing on the 5'" day of December, 2000, upon due notice and upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments of all interested parties desiring to be heard, did find the following facts to exist to justify approval and adoption of said public street vacation: 1. The Circulation Element of the City General Plan indicates the portion of 53RD Avenue under consideration for vacation as a collector street which distributes traffic from adjacent properties to surrounding arterial streets. 53RD Avenue is not planned to extend west of the project site (part of The Ranch Specific Plan area) and would only be needed in the project area for traffic generated by this project. Access to this project is planned on Jefferson Street, 52"D Avenue, and 53RD Avenue near Monroe Street in the area of the street proposed to remain. Properties on the north side of 53RD Avenue, between the vacated portion and Monroe Street will continue to have access to Monroe Street via 53RD Avenue. Therefore, the portion of the street under consideration for vacation is not needed for traffic purposes and consistent with the City General Plan. 2. The affected portions of the 53RD Avenue right-of-way are unnecessary for either present or prospective public use or purposes, including use as non - motorized transportation facilities. 156 P:\STAN\sv 2000-041 cc res.wpd 003 3. To date, no public agency has submitted objections to the street vacation, based on the comments received. 4. Approval and adoption of the proposed public street vacation will not cause a significant negative impact upon the environment, based on the analysis provided in the certified Environmental Impact Report prepared for the Country Club of the Desert, of which this vacated street right-of-way will be a part. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Pursuant to the procedure prescribed in Chapter 3 of the Public Streets, Highways, and Service Easement Vacation Law, the City Council of the City of La Quinta has held a public hearing and hereby finds from all evidence submitted that the portions of the public street known as 53RD Avenue, between Jefferson Street to a point 3,962.81 feet west of Monroe Street, more specifically described in the legal description and plat, labeled Exhibits "A" and "B", attached hereto and incorporated herein, are unnecessary for either present or prospective public use or purpose including use as non -motorized transportation facilities. SECTION 2. The City Council hereby orders the vacation of the portions of public street described in Exhibits "A" and "B" attached hereto, and incorporated herein, reserving excepting from the vacation any easements determined to be needed prior to recordation of this Resolution and completion of the street vacation. SECTION 3. The City Council hereby determines that adoption of the vacation will cause no significant environmental impact. SECTION 4. The City Council hereby orders that the vacation shall not be effective until a certified copy of this Resolution has been recorded with the Riverside County Recorder, that from and after the date of such recordation said portions of the public street vacated no longer constitute a public street. SECTION 5. The City Council hereby determines and orders that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to record a certified copy of this Resolution in the Office of the County Recorder of Riverside County, California, but only upon written and proper confirmation from the Director of Public Works of the City of La Quinta that any easements required herein in "SECTION 2" have been satisfactorily completed. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 5T" day of December, 2000, by the following vote, to wit: 15'7 P:\STAN\sv 2000-041 cc res.wpd 004 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: JOHN J. PEIVA, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: JUNE S. GREEK, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California 158 P:\STAN\sv 2000-041 cc res.wpd 00.5 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION THAT PORTION OF SECTION 9 AND 10, TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO MERIDAN, IN THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 93, PAGE 82 OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: THE NORTH 30.00 FEET OF THE SOUTH HALF OF SAID SECTION 9, INCLUDED WITH THE SOUTH 30.00 FEET OF THE NORTH HALF OF SECTION 9, INCLUDED WITH THE NORTH 30.00 FEET OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 10, INCLUDED WITH THE SOUTH 30.00 FEET OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 10 EXCEPT THAT PORTION LYING WEST OF THE EAST LINE OF JEFFERSON STREET AS SHOWN ON EXHIBIT B ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART OF. C-� I DATE 7/28/00 J LD . ANHORN JR P. .S. 7159 PCA LEGAL NO. 1451672800 1 12/31/2003 y € 'vo t v No, 7159 Exp. 12 31-03 ®F EAV\ 151 006 30.00 EXHIBIT B 53rd AVENUE i i INORTH 1/2 SEC D 53RD I AVENUE SOUTH U2 SEC a MATCH KInri-r'1 1 -I/M V J J J JJ L SEC 0 SCALE 1 "=200' 160 007 SHEET 2/3 EXHIBIT 53rd AVENUE NORTJ� 1/2 SAC D 53RD AVENUE 30.00 T SOUTH 1/2 SEC D 30.00 30.00 B SCALE=1 "=200' MATCH NOR-r -J 1/2 SLC D 53RD AVENUE SOUTH 112 SEC D MATCH SW 1/4 OF' Nil 1/4 SEC 10 I 53RD AVENUE NWl 1/4 Or SWl 1/4 SEC 10 008 wl T. H N89 45'36 "E (n 0. r 3, 962.81 ' Z, 161 o SHEET 3/3 ATTACHMENT #1 STREET VACATION 2000-041 VICINITY MAP IOUNDARY 162 01_ 0 T4tyl 4 4 Q" COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: December 5, 2000 ITEM TITLE: Joint Public Hearing of the City of La Quinta and the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency to Consider an Addendum to Environmental Assessment No. 2000-399; Declaring the Public Interest and Necessity of Acquisition of Property Located in the City of La Quinta Identified as Assessor's Parcel No. 604-050-01 1, for the Purposes of Roadway Improvements to the Intersection of Washington Street and Highway 1 1 1; and Authorizing Appropriation of Funding by the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency for the Acquisition of Property for an Exclusive Right Turn Lane on the Southeast Corner of Washington Street and Highway 111 and Making Certain Findings in Connection Therewith AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: 4 - Adopt a Resolution of the City Council approving an Addendum to Environmental Assessment 2000-399; Adopt a Resolution of the City Council declaring the Public Interest and Necessity of Acquisition of Property located in the City of La Quinta identified as APN 604-050- 01 1, for the purposes of roadway improvements to the intersection of Washington Street and Highway 1 1 1; and Adopt a Resolution of the City Council approving and authorizing the appropriation of funding by the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency for the acquisition of the property and making certain findings in connection therewith. The appraised value of the land in question is $30,000. Sufficient funding is available in Account No. 406-905-692-000 of the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency for the acquisition costs. That funding source is available for the acquisition if the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency Board make the findings in the attached Resolutions. 163 T:\PW DEPT\COUNCIL\2000\001205b.wpd None. On August 15, 2000, the City Council approved Specific Plan 2000-47, Conditional Use Permit 2000-050, Tentative Parcel Map 29791, and Site Development Permit 2000-680 for the La Quinta Court project, located at the southeastern corner of the Washington Street/Highway 1 1 1 intersection ("the Project"). One of the conditions of approval for the Project is the provision of an exclusive right turn lane from Washington Street onto Highway 1 1 1. To date, the developer of La Quinta Court has been unsuccessful in negotiating the purchase of APN 604-050-001, a remnant parcel consisting of approximately 3,485 square feet located at the southeastern corner of Washington Street and Highway 1 1 1 ("the Property"). If the Property is not obtained either by negotiation or condemnation, the developer will be excused from the requirement of having to install the exclusive right turn lane pursuant to Government Code Section 66462.5. An appraisal of the Property was completed and submitted to the City on October 13, 2000 by Lidgaard and Associates. The appraisal determined that the market value of the Property is $30,000. On November 1, 2000, an offer to purchase the property was made to the Property owner, Morris Communications Corporation, in accordance with Government Code Section 7267.2. Overland Resources, Inc., the City's right-of- way agent regarding the Property, has been unsuccessful in reaching an agreement with Morris Communications. On November 16, 2000, the City Clerk sent written notice of the City's intent to adopt a Resolution of Necessity in accordance with Code of Civil Procedure Section 1245.235. A copy of the notice is included as Attachment 1. On November 28, 2000, the City of La Quinta Planning Commission determined that acquisition of the Property was consistent with the City's General Plan. The City's General Plan identified this intersection as an impacted intersection. In response, the City has conducted studies of the intersection and has determined that a number of improvements were necessary, including the widening of Washington Street, which has been completed, and the addition of super -critical intersection improvements, including an exclusive right turn lane at the southeast corner of Washington Street and Highway 111. This road improvement was assessed previously under the California Environmental Quality Act by way of a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact for Environmental Assessment 2000-399, and approved by the City Council on August 15, 2000 in connection with the La Quinta Corporate Center Project. City Staff has determined that since the time of that certification there have been no subsequent changes with respect to the circumstances under which the Project is to be 16 4 TAMDEMCOUNCIL\2000\001205b.wpd undertaken, no new information of substantial importance regarding significant effects or mitigation measures or alternatives which have become available, and no subsequent changes have been proposed which would require important revisions to the previous mitigated negative declaration, such that no further environmental review attending this proposed acquisition is necessary. Staff is recommending that the Addendum to the Mitigated Negative Declaration be approved. This Addendum clarifies the Project Description portion of the Mitigated Negative Declaration so that it specifically identifies the proposed street improvements. After conducting the Pubic Hearing, the City Council will determine whether or not to adopt a Resolution of Necessity in order to proceed with the acquisition of the Property. In order to decide whether to adopt a Resolution of Necessity, the City Council will need to determine the following matters: A. Whether the public interest and necessity require the Project; B. Whether the Project is planned or located in a manner which is most compatible with the greatest public good and the least private injury; C. Whether the Property proposed to be acquired is necessary for the Project; D. Whether the offer required by Government Code Section 7267.2 has been given; and E. Whether the City had properly exercised all of its statutory responsibilities and duties antecedent to the exercise of eminent domain against the Property. Given the facts in this matter, findings on all of these issues support the adoption of the Resolution of Necessity. The public interest and necessity require the installation of the exclusive right turn lane at Washington Street and Highway 111. This intersection was identified in the General Plan EIR as an impacted intersection. In response to this determination, the City has undertaken studies which demonstrated the need for improvement to this intersection, including street widening, which has already occurred, and the addition of super -critical intersection improvements, including the proposed exclusive right turn lane. The addition of a dedicated right -turn travel lane will improve the levels of service of the intersection and reduce the amount of time vehicles spend idling, thereby decreasing pollutant emissions. When combined with the improvements in place, public services will be enhanced by improved police and fire response times. The proposed right turn lane by necessity must occupy the area encompassed in APN 604-050-01 1 . 165 0i0� TAMDEMCO U NC I L\2000\001205 b. wpd On November 1, 2000, an offer to purchase the Property was made in accordance with Government Code Section 7267.2. The City also provided the notice of the City's intention to adopt a Resolution of Necessity at the December 5, 2000 meeting. The City has complied with all of the requisite statutory obligations in order to proceed with the adoption of the Resolution of Necessity at this point in time. If the City wishes to have the Agency fund the acquisition of the Property, it must first make certain findings pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33445, including: 1. That the acquisition of the property needed for these street improvements is of benefit to the Project Area No. 2 and the immediate neighborhood of the street improvements; 2. That no other reasonable means of financing the acquisition are available to the community; and 3. That the payment of funds for the acquisition and construction of improvement will assist in the elimination of one or more blighting conditions inside the Project Area. All three of these findings may be made in this instance. The Resolution sets forth the findings and the basis therefor. The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Adopt a Resolution of the City Council approving an Addendum to Environmental Assessment 2000-399; Adopt a Resolution of the City Council declaring the Public Interest and Necessity of Acquisition of Property located in the City of La Quinta identified as APN 604-050-01 1, for the purposes of roadway improvements to the intersection of Washington Street and Highway 1 1 1; and Adopt a Resolution of the City Council approving and authorizing the appropriation of funding by the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency for the acquisition of the property and making certain findings in connection therewith; or 2. Do not adopt a Resolution of the City Council approving an Addendum to Environmental Assessment 2000-399; do not adopt a Resolution of the City Council declaring the Public Interest and Necessity of Acquisition of Property located in the City of La Quinta identified as APN 604-050-01 1, for the purposes of roadway improvements to the intersection of Washington Street and Highway 1 1 1; and do not adopt a Resolution of the City Council approving and authorizing the appropriation of funding by the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency for the acquisition of the property and making certain findings in connection therewith; or 1.6 G T:\PWDEPT\COUNCIL\2000\001205b.wpd � U 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, Chris A. Vogt Public Works Director/City Engineer Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. November 16, 2000 Notice of Intent 167 TAPWDEPT\COUNCIL\2000\001205b.wpd 005 05 RESOLUTION NO. 2000- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING THE PUBLIC INTEREST AND NECESSITY OF ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, IDENTIFIED AS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 604-050-011, FOR THE PURPOSES OF ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS TO THE INTERSECTION OF WASHINGTON STREET AND HIGHWAY 111 WHEREAS, the City of La Quinta has been investigating the acquisition of various interests in Property, including a fee simple interest over and in Property located in the City of La Quinta and identified as Assessor's Parcel No. 604-050-01 1, for the purposes of widening and improving the roadway at the intersection of Washington Street and Highway 1 1 1, with a dedicated right turn lane and related roadway improvements ("Project"); and WHEREAS, on December 5, 2000, after no less than 15 days written notice to the record owner of the Property referenced above and more specifically described and depicted in the legal description and sketch attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and "B", respectively, which legal description and sketch are incorporated herein by reference, the City Council of the City of La Quinta held a hearing for the purpose of allowing the record owner of the Property a reasonable opportunity to appear and be heard on the following matters: A. Whether the public interest and necessity require the Project; B. Whether the Project is planned or located in a manner which is most compatible with the greatest public good and the least private injury; C. Whether the Property proposed to be acquired is necessary for the Project; D. Whether the offer required by Government Code Section 7267.2 had been given; and E. Whether the City had properly exercised all of its statutory responsibilities and duties antecedent to the exercise of eminent domain against the Property; and 163 T:\PW D EPT\COUNCIL\2000\001205bNecessityReso. wpd WHEREAS, the City Council, as a result of such hearing, has determined that the public health, safety, and welfare require that the City acquire various interests in the Property more particularly described herein (the "Property"), for the purposes of widening and improving the intersection of Washington Street and Highway 111 including, but not limited to, the addition of a dedicated right hand turn lane at the southeast corner of the intersection; and WHEREAS, the Project for which the Property to be acquired is sought has previously been reviewed under applicable environmental review procedures, including a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact for Environmental Assessment 2000-399, approved August 15, 2000, in which the City determined that, after the implementation of identified mitigation measures, the Project created no significant environmental impacts and the Addendum thereto was considered and approved on December 5, 2000; and WHEREAS, the City of La Quinta is authorized to acquire the Property under authority of its own charter, and Government Code § § 37350.5 and 40404; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, that the City Council does hereby find, determine and declare upon evidence presented to the City Council as follows: Section 1: The Project for which acquisition of the Property is required consists of the improving of the intersection of Highway 1 1 1 and Washington Street, by installing a dedicated right hand turn lane along the southeast corner of the intersection. Section 2: The Property to be acquired is located within the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California, at the southeast corner of Washington Street and Highway 1 1 1, and otherwise identified as Assessor's Parcel No. 604-050-01 1. The Property the City seeks to acquire, and the Property interests sought, consist of: A. Fee simple interest in and to approximately 3,485 square feet of the Property more specifically described and depicted in Exhibits "A" and "B" attached hereto. Section 3: The public interest and necessity require the Project, in that the City's General Plan, specifically the Circulation Element, calls for the improvement of the intersection in the manner contemplated by the Project. 169 007 T:\PW D EPT\COUNCIL\2000\001205bNecessityReso. wpd Section 4: The Project is located in a manner most compatible with the greatest public good and the least private injury, in that the design of the roadway widening must of necessity occupy land which is immediately adjacent to the existing roadway, in order to improve the continuity of the alignment of the road to improve the traffic flow capacity of the intersection. The Project is designed in a manner compatible with the greatest public good, in that the Project will involve roadway widening and improvements which will allow for the addition of a dedicated right turn travel lane which will improve the levels of service and associated idling, thereby decreasing pollutant emissions and, with the improvements in place, public services will be enhanced by improved police and fire response times. The Project will result in the least private injury in that, where possible consistent with safe roadway design restrictions, the Property chosen for potential acquisition was done so to minimize the number of Property owners affected, to avoid impacts to existing residences, and to be consistent with other approved development plans for adjacent Property. Section 5: The Property to be acquired is necessary for the Project, in that the contemplated roadway widening and improvement must occur on Property immediately adjacent to the existing roadway to insure the continuity of the roadway alignment, to accommodate increased traffic handling capacity of the roadway. Section 6: The offer required by Government Code Section 7267.2 has been made to the record owner on November 1, 2000. The City's acquisition agent has attempted to negotiate with the record owner subsequent to this offer, but such negotiations have not proved successful in securing the necessary Property interests outside of more formal proceedings. Section 7: To the extent any of the Property to be taken herein is devoted to a public use, the City finds that the proposed use for the Project is compatible with, or more necessary to, such public use, and that the City is authorized to acquire the Property pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure § § 1240.510 and 1240.610. Section 8: The Project has been reviewed and approved under the California Environmental Quality Act by way of approval of a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environment Impact for Environmental Assessment 2000-399, approved August 15, 2000, and the City Council finds and determines that since the time of that certification there have been no subsequent changes with respect to the circumstances under which the Project is to be undertaken, no new information of substantial importance regarding significant effects or mitigation measures or alternative which has become available, and no subsequent changes have been proposed to the Project which would require important revisions to the previous mitigated negative declaration, such that no further environmental review for this proposed acquisition is necessary. The City Council, prior to approving this Resolution, approved an Addendum to Environmental Assessment 2000-399. The City Council has reviewed and considered both the Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact for Environmental Assessment 2000-399 and the Addendum thereto prior to approving this Resolution. _ 1 1, 0 T:\PWDEPT\COUNCIL\2000\001205bNecessityReso.wpd 0 0 8 Section 9: The Project has been reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission, and is in conformance with the General Plan. Section 10: The City Council hereby declares it is its intent to acquire fee simple ownership of the Property, as more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto, in the City's name in accordance with the provisions of the laws of the State of California. Section 1 1: The law firm of Rutan & Tucker, LLP, City Attorney for the City of La Quinta ("City Attorney") is hereby authorized and directed to prepare and prosecute in the name of the City such proceedings in the Court having proper jurisdiction thereof, as may be necessary for the acquisition of the Property described herein, and to prepare and file such pleadings, documents, and otherwise prosecute such actions as may be necessary in the opinion of such attorneys to acquire the Property for the City. Such attorneys are specifically authorized to take whatever steps and/or procedures are available to them under the Eminent Domain Law of the State of California, including, but not limited to, seeking orders for prejudgment possession of the Property. 171 T:\PWDEPT\COUNCIL\2000\001205bNecessityReso.wpd 0 09 PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 5th day of December, 2000, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: JOHN J. PENA, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: JUNE S. GREEK, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California 172 TAMDEMCO UNCI L\2000\001205 bNecessityReso. wpd �1A-0 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) CITY OF LA QUINTA ) I, JUNE S. GREEK, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 2000-_ is a full, true and correct copy as adopted by the City Council on December 5, 2000. DATED: December 5, 2000 JUNE S. GREEK, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California 173 T:\PW DEPT\CO U NC IL\2000\001205 bNecessityReso. wpd 11 RESOLUTION NO. 2000- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATION OF FUNDING BY THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FOR ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY FOR AN EXCLUSIVE RIGHT TURN LANE ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF WASHINGTON STREET AND HIGHWAY 111 AND MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH WHEREAS, the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency (the "Agency") is engaging in activities necessary to carry out and implement the Redevelopment Plan (the "Redevelopment Plan") for La Quinta Redevelopment Project Area No. 2 (the "Project" of the "Project Area"); and WHEREAS, one of the specified activities in the Redevelopment Plan is the assistance with rehabilitating or constructing certain public improvements, including, but not limited to, public street improvements; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of La Quinta has adopted a Resolution of Necessity relating to the acquisition of APN 604-050-01 1 for the Washington Street right turn lane at Highway 1 1 1 in La Quinta within the Project Area; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33445, the evidence demonstrates that: (1) the acquisition of the property needed for these street improvements is of benefit to the Project Area and the immediate neighborhood of the street improvements since it will improve the flow of traffic, enhance vehicular safety at the intersection, and reduce vehicular delays; (2) no other reasonable means of financing the acquisition are available to the community, in that General Funds are not available and no other funding source has been identified; and (3) the payment of funds for the acquisition and construction of improvement will assist in the elimination of one or more blighting conditions inside the Project Area since the Highway 1 1 1 /Washington Street intersection has been identified as an "impacted intersection" with insufficient capacity for the current and anticipated future traffic levels. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA DOES HEREBY FIND AND RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The above recitals are incorporated as true and correct and are hereby adopted as the findings by the City Council. 174 i1 1 Section 2. The City Council hereby approved the Agency's appropriation of the funds necessary to acquire the Property. Passed, Approved and Adopted this 5th Day of December, 2000 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: JOHN J. PENA, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: JUNE S. GREEK, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California 175 J13 RESOLUTION NO. 2000- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA APPROVING ADDENDUM TO MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2000-399 WHEREAS, on August 15, 2000, the City Council of the City of La Quinta adopted Resolution No. 2000-_, certifying Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts for Environmental Assessment 2000-399 ("EA 2000-399"). EA 2000-399 was prepared in conjunction with Specific Plan 2000-047, Conditional Use Permit 2000-050, Site Development Permit 2000-680, and Tentative Parcel Map 29791 (the "La Quinta Court Project"); and WHEREAS, in conjunction with the La Quinta Court Project, the developer was required to obtain any necessary right of way needed for off -site improvement, and to construct, among other improvements, a dedicated right turn lane on the southeast corner of Washington Street and Highway 1 1 1; and WHEREAS, EA 2000-399 identified the proposed street improvements on page 6 of the Addendum to Environmental Checklist, EA 2000-399, in the explanation of the Transportation/Traffic impacts. However, the Description of Project on page 1 of the Environmental Checklist Form did not separately identify the proposed street improvements. Therefore, pursuant to CEQA Guideline 15164(b), this Addendum is proposed to clarify Paragraph 8 on page 1 of the Environmental Checklist Form to read as follows: Specific Plan to establish development standards for a 54,000 square foot retail shopping center on 5.65 acres. Plans call for four separate buildings. Conditional Use Permit will allow motorcycle and golf cart sales on the site. Parcel Map will allow motorcycle and golf cart sales on the site. Parcel Map will eliminate previously subdivided parcels which underlie the site. The Site Development Permit includes the submittal of development plans for the proposed center. The project also includes the acquisition of right-of-way and ; and T:\PWDEPT\COUNCIL\2000\001205bReso2.wpd 1 w G14 WHEREAS, since the time that EA 2000-399 was certified, there have been no changes with respect to the circumstances under which the Project is to be undertaken, no new information of substantial importance regarding significant effects or mitigation measures or alternative which has become available, and no subsequent changes have been proposed to the Project which would require important revisions to the previous mitigated negative declaration; and WHEREAS, no further environmental review for the acquisition and construction of the roadway improvements is necessary. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA DOES HEREBY FIND AND RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The above recitals are incorporated as true and correct and are hereby adopted as the findings by the City Council. Section 2. The City Council hereby finds that the circumstances which would require additional environmental review outlined in CEQA Guideline 15162 are not present. Section 3. The City Council hereby finds that the Addendum to Mitigated Negative Declaration of Impact for Environmental Assessment 2000-399, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated by this reference, was prepared pursuant to CEQA Guideline 15164 and is approved. Passed, approved and adopted this 5" day of December, 2000 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: JOHN J. PENA, Mayor City of La Quinta, California TAPWDEPT\C0UNCIL\2000\001205bReso2.wpd 1. • JL ATTEST: JUNE S. GREEK, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON, City Attorney City of La Quinta TAPWDEPT\C0UNCIL\2000\001205bReso2.wpd '�.J1V P.O. Box 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 November 16, 2000 Morris Communications Corporation c/o Lawton Jordan, Jr., Esq. Hull, Towill, Norman & Barrett 801 Broad Street, 7th Floor Augusta, GA 30901-1231 ATTACHMENT 1 (760) 7 7 7 - 7 0 0 0 FAX (760) 777-7101 Re: APN: 604-050-011, NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION OF NECESSITY FOR. ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF WASHNGTON STREET HIGHWAY 111 Dear Property Owner: This notice is sent to you under requirements of California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1245.235. This notice concerns the property located at the southeast corner of State Highway 111 and Washington Street, in the City of La Quinta, and bearing the Riverside County Assessor Parcel No. 604-050-011. The City of La Quinta has been investigating the acquisition of certain property for accommodation of the construction of a right turn lane from Washington Street onto Highway 111. California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1240.030 provides that the power of eminent domain may be exercised to acquire property for a proposed public project if the following conditions are established: A. The public interest and necessity require the project. B. The project is planned or located in the manner that will be most compatible with the greatest public good and the least private injury. C. The property sought to be acquired is necessary for the project. D. The offer required by Section 7267.2 of the Government Code has been made to the owner of the property. Morris Communications Corporation Page 2 This notice is sent to inform you that the City Council of the City of La Quinta will be asked to decide if the above conditions are met concerning the City's acquisition of the above -referenced property, and whether the City has complied with all other legal and procedural requirements for utilizing the power of eminent domain to acquire the property. This meeting will be held at our about 7:00 p.m. on December 5, 2000, in the City Council Chambers located at 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California 92253. If these conditions are met, the City Council will be asked to adopt a resolution of necessity, which is a prerequisite for the City's initiation of eminent domain proceedings to acquire property. For your information and convenience, a legal description of the property is attached to this notice. Please be advised that you are entitled to appear and be heard on any of the matters encompassed within the resolution, and specifically those matters listed above. Take notice that if you wish to legally challenge any action taken by the adoption of the resolution of necessity, or any of the findings or matters included within it, you may be limited in court to raising only those issues raised at the resolution of necessity hearing, or in written correspondence delivered to the City at, or prior to, the hearing on the matter. Please be further advised that pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1245.235(b)(3), if you wish to appear and be heard, you must file a written request with the City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California 92253, within 15 days after this notice was mailed. Your failure to file a written request to appear and be heard within 15 days after this notice was mailed will result in waiver of the right to appear and be heard. The City Council must adopt a resolution of necessity before an eminent domain proceeding can commence. Within six months after the adoption of a resolution of necessity, the City may commence eminent domain proceedings in the Riverside County Superior Court. In any such proceeding, the court will be asked to determine the amount of just compensation to which you may be entitled in the event the property is taken in eminent domain. Neither the pendency of the City Council's consideration of the resolution of necessity, nor the initiation of formal eminent domain proceedings, in any way prevents further negotiations from occurring for the acquisition of your property, and the City will be most willing to continue such negotiations. Im U 9 Morris Communications Corporation Page 3 If you have any comments or questions, please to not hesitate to contact Mr. Chris Vogt at (760) 777-7042. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Very truly yours, June S. Greek City Clerk, City of La Quinta cc: Mr. Dave Milner Morris Desert Media 1321 North Gene Autry Trail Palm Springs, CA 92262 Morris Communications Corp. 68-300 Perez Road Cathedral City, CA 92234 Morris Communication Corp. 725 Broad Street Augusta, GA 30901 (All cc's by Federal Express and U.S. Mail) Enclosure (Legal Description) CERTIFICATE OF MAILING I, June S. Greek, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, do hereby certify that on November 16, 2000, that I mailed this notice, via first class U.S. mail, to all four of the above addresses. I also certify that this notice was also sent to the above four addresses via Federal Express on November 16, 2000, for next business day delivery. Executed under penalty of perjury this 16" day of November, 2000, at La Quinta, California. JUNE S. GREEK, City Clerk City of La Quinta EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID SECTION 19 WITH EASTERLY LINE OF WASHINGTON STREET (80.00 FEET WIDE); THENCE NORTH 89022'09" EAST, ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE OF SECTION 19, A DISTANCE OF 26.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 89°22'09" EAST ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID SECTION 19, A DISTANCE OF 103.14 FEET TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION IN THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF STATE HIGHWAY NO. 111 (110 FEET WIDE), SAID POINT BEING IN A NON -TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 2320.00 FEET; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF STATE HIGHWAY 111, FROM AN INITIAL RADIAL LINE BEARING NORTH 30045'21" EAST, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 02006'03", A DISTANCE OF 85.06 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 63035'40" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 41.37 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00027'58" EAST, PARALLEL WITH AND 26.00 FEET EASTERLY OF MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES, FROM SAID EASTERLY LINE OF WASHINGTON STREET, A DISTANCE OF 35.93 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. 182 G21 EXHIBIT B I vr. :a Ai porr.6 �./ 'p 1. /0 Ac. + 10.0•1!� _Ttn G c. Fbr Poi o.2e Acl i Poi a J. 51 Act y�v 2 M 3' Pc �► Par. w a / •" e. �' 3.T6 we •b � J�q � el v D do 4 � �V' / !IZ• O �� Q.,O� to 7 nay — �_94 in x 0 061-4c 0.05� !/VSTR. 2//77/ /02/0 5W CDR. SE 1/4, SEC /9 s5� LIDGARD AND ASSOCIATES APPRAISERS -CONSULTANTS 183 0202 1 Morrislle��erto,, edia Dave Milner MARKET MANAGER December 5, 2000 Honorable John Pena City Council City of La Quinta 78-795 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 Dear Mayor Pena: /10-4 t>elivGvre b :o S P. (n -PA*--), This letter is in response to your Notice of Intention to adopt a resolution of necessity for acquisition of certain real property located at the southeast corner of Washington Street and Hwy 111 owned by Morris Communications Corporation. A separate document from Overland Resources representing themselves as acting for the City of La Quinta contained the outline of an offer to purchase said real property for $30,000 or approximately $8.62 per foot. Morris purchased said 3,480 foot parcel for $44,000 in 1988 or approximately $12.64 per foot. Moreover we understand that the property being developed contiguous to ours was sold recently at $15.00 per foot. We therefore cannot accept your offer of $30,000 and intend to have an appraisal of our property completed as soon as possible. In the interim, we propose another possible option. Our company has done business in the City of La Quinta for many years while at the same time contributing our many facilities and assets to your community to help promote myriad local events. More recently we have lost a substantial amount of revenue at our Fairway Outdoor division as many of its revenue producing signs have been taken down for one reason or another. Rather than face losing yet another asset we propose to swap our land at the corner of Hwy 111 and Washington for an easement for a sign on your property at Miles and Washington. The advertising on said sign would be mainly directional advertising for businesses located in La Quinta. Approximately 60% of outdoor advertisers' signs are directional and there is ample proof that this type of sign brings business to your community. Further, the construction of said sign would be in the form of a monument, perhaps made of attractive stone and subject to the approval of the City of La Quinta. Moreover, one side of this structure would be dedicated to your City and/or the community for promoting events in the City such as the Arts Festival. This would leave the other side for us to market. We trust that discussions may be had regarding our proposal. t Sincerely D...I., dj-z-�� 1321 North Gene Autry Trail — Palm Springs, CA 92262 — Tel 760.322.7890 — Fax 760.322.5493