1984 03 20 CC"ZAY AGENDA CITY *COUNCIL CITY OF IA QUINTA A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, to be held at City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. March 20, 1984 7:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER A. Invocation B. FiaQ Sa1*tr 2.* a)Ii * 3. PUBLIC *1II:r'i This is the time *t aside for citizens to. address the City Council on matters relating to City business. When addressing the City Council, please state your name and address. The proceedings of the Council meetings are recorded on tape, and **ts of each person shall be limited to three 3) minutes. 4. * CON*ICATICNS A. A o**' cation f* Alice Bailes regarding l* enforcement service. 5. *ENT BY COUNCIL M*dBERS 6. HEARGS 7. CONSENT CAL***DAR A. Approval of the Minutes of the regular Meeting of March 6, 1984, and the adjourned regular Meeting of March 15, 1984. B. PROPOSED RESOLUTION. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF IA QUINTA, CALIF**IA, APP*VING DE*S. 8. BUSINESS SESSION A. P*POSED ORDINCE. AN OPDIN*CE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, C*LI*RNIA, AMENDING THE: LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE, ENACTING A *CONFLICT OF *REST CODE. 1. Ordinance for adoption. *LL CALL) B. Reconsideration of a request for an Extension of Time, Conditional Use Case No.2394, a proposed 127 unit planned residential development located at the northwest corner of 50Th Avenue and Adams Street alignment; Charles Soffer, Applicant. 1. *tion for adoption. C. Reconsideration of a request for an Extension of Time, Conditional Use Case No.2395, a proposed 200 unit planned residential development located at the *northeast corner of 50th Avenue and Washington Street; Charles Soffer1 Applicant. 1. *tion for adoption. BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZAY ii City Council Mar* 20, 1984 Page *. D. Request for an Extension of Time, Tentative Tract Map No. 14496 Revised, Anden Corporation, Applicant. 1. Report from the Plaiiing Ccitrnission. 2. *tion for adoption. E. Request for an Extension of Time, Tentative Tract Map No. 13640-Amended No.2, M.B. Johnson Properties, Applicant. 1. Report from the Planning C*tiuission. 2.-Motionforadoption. F. PEOPOS* Resolution. A RESOLUTION OF * CITY.*UNC* OF * CITY OF LA QUINTA, * APPLYING FOR FEDERAL BIDOD INSURANCE** As AJfl*RIZED BY * *I*AL *FLOOD INSURANCE?*NCE ACT OF 1968. 1. Resolution for adoption. G. Report from the City Manager regarding preparation of a La Quinta General Plan. INF*P**TIONAL) H. Report from the City Manager regarding a an Aeendr**nt to the SunLine Transit Agency Joint Powers Transportation Agency Agreement*nent. 1. Motion for adoption. I. Report from the City Manager regarding a Downtown Landscaping/Beautification Program. 1. Motion for adoption. J. Report from the C*riunity Safety Coordinator regarding Traffic Control Facilities and Street Maintenance re*mendations. INFORM**TIc*L) K. Report from the Catrr**ty Safety Coordinator regarding an Empty Lot Clean-up Pi*ram. INFOR**I*L) L. O*er. 9. ADJOUI*** BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZAYMarch 6, 1984 Riverside County Sheriff La Quinta Office At approximately three a.m. on March 5, I was awakened by someone trying to break in. I dialed the 0 operator as I did not know the sheriff's number, and was too frightened to look in the directory. The 0 operator immediately connected me with the sheriff's department. Within minutes they were on the scene. It is reassuring to know that they can respond so quickly. I feel your service rates a gold star. Thank you so much for your prompt protection. Alice B A new resident in the community MARCELLA PRESS P.O. Box 1185 78-035 CaIle Estado La Qti;nta, CA 92253 BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZAY RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEMANDS. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, to approve demands as shown on the Demand A 11-*2ri I APPROVED an* ADOP****ED *h-i**2*th * of*Mar'ch;Ll9a4* MAYOR ATTEST CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: CITY ATTORNEY CITY *ANAGER 7.3 BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZAY NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZAY NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZAY ORDINANCE No. AN ORDI**CE OF THE CIT' *UNCIL OF ThE CITY OF LA * C*LIEO*IA, AMEM)ING THE LA QUIN*A MUNICIPAL CODE, ENACTING A CONFLICT*FLICT OF * CODE. The city *uncil of the City of La Quinta, California, does ordain as follows: *pter 2.60 oonsisting of sections 2.60.010 2.60.120) is added to Title 2 to read as follows: Conflict-Of interest Code- 4 r Z.60.010 Title. This*diaper shall be known as the Conflict of Interest Code of the Cty of La Quinta. 2.60.020 Definitions. The definitions contained in the Political Reform Act of 1974, regulations of the Fair Political Practices Commission 2 Cal. Mm. Code Sections 18100, et. seq.), and any *drents to the Act or regulations, are incorporated * refer- ence into this Conflict of Interest Code. 2.60.030 Designated Employees. The persons holding positions listed in the Appendix are designated employees. It has been determined that these persons make or participate in the making of decisions which may fore seeably have a material effect on financial interests. 2.60.040 Disclosure Categories. This code does not establish any disclosure obligation for those designated employees who are also specified in Governr**nt Code Section 87200 if they are designated in this Code in that same capacity or if the geographical jurisdic- tion of this agency is the same as or is wholly included within the jurisdiction in which those persons must report their financial interests pursuant to Article 2 of Chapter 7 of the Political Reform Act, Govermr'ent Code Sections 87200, et *. 1/ Such persons are covered * this Code for disqualification purposes only. With respect to all other designated erployees, the disclosure categories set forth in the Appendix specify which kinds of financial interests are reportable. 1/ Designated employees who are required to file stater*ts of economic*nic interests under any other agency's Conflict of Interest Code, or under Article 2 for a different jurisdiction, may expand their statement of economic interest to cover reportable interests in both jurisdictions, and file copies of this expanded statement with both entities in lieu of filing separate and distinct statements, provided that each copy of such expanded statement filed in place of an original is signed and verified by the designated employee as if it were an original. See Government Code Section 81004. BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZAY NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZAY NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZAY NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZAY MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: The Honorable Mayor and *rr*ers of the City Council From: Sandra Bonner, Principal Planner Date: Mardi 20, 1984 Subject: *OM,I**ED CC*DITI*S OF APPPOV* FOR EXTE**SION OF TIME, Conditional Use Case No.2394, a proposed 127 unit planned residential develo*xnent on 42 acres, located at the northeast corner of 50th Avenue and Adams Street aligrin*nt; Charles Soffer fear, Applicant. The following conditions will aca*r*lish the desires of the City Council relative to the extension of time for Conditional Use Case No. 2394. 1. The expiration date of Conditional Use Case No. 2394 shall be extended twelve 12) months to October 21, 1985. The Applicant understands and agrees that this is the final extension on this permit. 2. The Applicant understands and agrees that the conditional use plan, dated February 22, 1980 Exhibit *A" of Conditional Use Case No. 2394), including the design, improvements and standards contained herein, is no longer consistent with current policies and standards; and that the future required application for tentative tract map approval must be in accordance with standards and policies in effect at the date of such tentative tract map application or approval. * BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZAY NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZA Y NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZAY MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: The Honorable Mayor and * of The City Council From: Sandra Bonner, Principal Planner Date: March 20, 1984 Subject: R*O*'IMFM)ED C*ITICNS OF AFPROV* FOR *XTENSI* OF TIME, Conditional Use Case No. 2395, a proposed 200 unit planned residential develo**ent located at The norTheast corner of Washington Street and Sagebrush Avenue; Charles Soffer, Applicant The following conditions will acc*nplish The desires of The City Council relative to The extension of time for Conditional Use Case No.2395. 1. The expiration date of Conditional Use Case No. 2395 shall be extended twelve 12) monThs to October 21, 1985. The Applicant agrees and understands That This is The final extension of tjine on This pe]rit. 2. The Applicant understands and agrees That The conditional use plan, dated February 22, 1980 E*iibit A" of Conditional Use Case No. 2395). including The design, improvements and standards contained herein, is no longer consistent wiTh The current policies and standards; and That The future required applicat- ion for tentative tract map approval must be in accordance wiTh The standards and policies in effect at The date of such tentative tract map application or approval. APPhU*VED TO CONTENT. CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF CITY MAN*AGER BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZAY NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZAY NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZAY fiTh-/ MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To; The Honorable Mayor and * of the City Council From: The Planning Catrniss ion Date March 20, 1984 Subject EET*SI(* OF TIME IN *HICH To FII A FINAL r* FOR TENTATIVE TRACT * NO.14496, REVISED; *ANDEN *i**o*CORPORATION, APPLICANT The Planning C*uiission respectfully requests the City Council to approve the re*iest for an extension of tixne in which to file a final map for Tentative Tract Map No. 14496, Revised, to * 20, 1984. * L* * Jr u C BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZAY MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: The Honorable Cha** and *r*bers of the Planning **ssion Sandra L Bc*nner, Prin'c1*1 Planner D*e Marchq3; 1984-------------------------------------------------------------- Subject EXTE**SI* OF TIME IN WHICH TO FIL** A FIN** * FOR *EATIVE * * No.14496, Anden Oorporation, Applicant * BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZAY * MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: The Planning Commission Date: March 20, 1984 Subject: EXTENSION OF TIME IN WHICH TO FILE A FINAL MAP FOR TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 13640, AMENDED NO. 2; M.B. JOHNSON, APPLICANT Tentative Tract Map No. 13640, Amended No. 2, Laguna de la Paz, was approved by the Riverside County Board of Supervisors on September 4, 1979. The Applicant obtained two one-year extensions of time in which to file a final map, with the last extension due to expire as of February 14, 1983. On January 18, 1983, prior to the map's expiration date, the La Quinta City Council approved the final map for Tract 13640-1, the first phase of the project). The Applicant believed that the City Council also reapproved the tentative tract map at that time, thereby making the new expiration date January 18, 1985. Jim Longtin reviewed the case and concluded that the City Council did not reapprove Tentative Tract 13640 and that in his opinion the last extension of time has expired. He stated that the city planning staff had no objection to the processing of the extension of time and that the City would not be at legal risk for approving the request. At the Planning Commission hearing, the Applicant's representative acknowledged that M. B. Johnson Company would assume the risk of going forward with the extension of time, and that if the extension of time were challenged, the Applicant would be required to file a new tentative tract map on the project. The Planning Commission respectfully requests the City Council to approve the last extension of time for Tentative Tract Map No. 13640, Amended No. 2, to August 14, 1984. F*1-4T* * J G*TY COdi*C*L MEETING OF_ CITY M*GER BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZAY MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To. The *norable *iaia* and *r*ers of the Planning Ccccission *rom *andra L. Bonner, Prinaioal Planner t*te * 13, 1984 * Subject *Si* OF TIME IN *HI* TO FII** A FIN** * FOR TE**ATIVE TRACT No. 13640, AME**DED No.2; M. B. Johnson, Applicant REC*MENI:**TIC* That the Planning *:itinjssion reo*nd to the City Council approval of an extension of tin* for Tentative Tract Map No. 13640, 1*r*nded No.2, to August 14, 1984. The Applicant is requesting an extension of tirr* in which to record the final map for Tentative Tract Map No.13640, *ed No.2, Laguna de la Paz). The project first received approval by Riverside County Board of Supervisors on August 14, 1979.*. The Applicant has recorded three 3) of the eleven 11) phases of the project. Four 4) additional phases are currently in plan ch* with the City Engineer. The request is consistent with the Di*cipal Land Division Ordinance, which allows the City to approve a on*year extension of time. It is also in *liance with State law which p*ovides for five years fran date of original approval to file a final subdivision map. Findings 1. The Applicant has made substantial progress in complying with the requir*rents of approval necessary to file the final subdivision maps. 2. The request is in c*liance with the Municipal Land Division Ordinance and State law. BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZAY L *. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPLYING FOR FEDERAL FLOOD INSURANCE AS AUTHORIZED BY THE NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE ACT OF 1968. WHEREAS, certain areas of La Quinta are subject to periodic flooding, mudslides i.e. mudflows), or flood-related erosion, causing serious damages to properties within these areas; and WHEREAS, relief is available in the form of Federally sub- *--iaized *1oo* i,nsur*--flce *s * *he Nation*l Flood* Insuran6e*A&t of l9*8;*and *: WHEREAS,*it is the intent of this Qity.Council-to:re-quire * the rec9gnition and evaluation of flood, mudslide i.e.,--mudflow), or flood-related erosion hazards in all official acion* rel-ating to land use in areas having these*hazards; and WHEREAS, this body has the legal authority to adopt land use and control measures to reduce future flood losses pursuant to NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this City Council does hereby enact as follows: 1. Assures the Federal Insurance Administration that it will enact as necessary, and maintain in force in those areas having flood, mudslide i.e., mudflow) or flood-related erosion hazards, adequate land use and control measures with effective enforcement provisions consistent with the Criteria set forth in Section 1910 of the National Flood Insurance Program Regulations; and 2. Vests the City of La Quinta with the responsibility, authority, and means to: a) Assist the Administrator, at his request, in his delineation of the limits of the area having special flood, mudslide i.e., mudflow), or flood-related erosion areas. b) Provide such information as the Administrator may request concerning present uses and occupancy of the flood plain, mudslide i.e., mudflow) or flood-related erosion areas. c) Cooperate with Federal, State and local agencies and private firms which undertake to study, survey, map, and identify flood plain, mudslide i.e., mudflow), or flood-related erosion areas, and cooperate with neighboring communities with respect to management of adjoining flood plain, mudslide i.e., mudflow), and/or flood-related erosion areas in order to prevent aqqrava- tion of existinq hazards. d) Submit on the anniversary date of the community's initial eligibility an annual report to the Administration progress made during the past year within the co the development and implementation of flood plai measures. BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZAY MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Frank M. Usher, City Manager Date: March 15, 1984 Subject: Preparation of the La Quinta General Plan The accompanying report from Lawrence Stevens, our new Planning Director, indicates his recommendation regarding procedure for the preparation of our General Plan. Because of the reasons which he has presented, and in the light of the experience of other small cities, I agree with the recommendation to use a consulting firm. There will be full opportunity for Planning Commission and Council input during the process of Plan preparation. Also, our own staff can devote their time to current projects and participation with the others involved in the preparation of a Downtown Development Plan. BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZAY NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZAY NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZAY MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Frank M. Usher, City Manager Date: March 16, 1984 Subject: Amendment to the Sunline Transit Agency JPA The accompanying Joint Powers Agreement amendment provides for full membership by the City of La Quinta and the City of Cathedral city on the Sunline Transit Agency. Until now, our representative has not been a voting member of the Board of Directors. With approval of this amendment by all cities, our representative will have full voting privileges. BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZAY NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZAY* * MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From; Frank M. Usher, City Manager Date: March 16, 1984 Subject: Downtown Landscaping/Beautification The following plan for landscaping and beautification of the down- town portion of La Quinta has been developed. 1. Southern California Water Company will place water meters at the ends of Calle Estado and Avenida La Fonda and in the three 3) triangular islands along Avenida Bermudas at the intersections of Calle Cadiz, Calle Barcelona and Calle Amigo. This can be done at no cost to the City, or the City can pay Southern California Water Company's standard rate of $300 per meter $2,100) 2. A landscape contractor will be hired to install waterlines in the paved areas between the islands on Calle Estado and Avenida La Fonda. Approximately 584 linear feet of waterline will be installed, at an estimated cost of $3,000. 3. A landscape contractor will be hired to install sprinklers and plant trees and lawn in the islands, similar to the present landscaping in the island in front of the La Quinta Art Center. Bermuda grass is already established in the islands, which would create maintenance problems if we choose to plant the islands in another manner, such as desert landscape or shrubs and flowers. A maintenance contract will be let to an independent contractor for monthly maintenance of islands. An estimate of the cost of these two items will be provided to staff on Monday, March 19. 4. The City Engineer is preparing plans and specifications for street repairs between the islands on Avenida La Fonda and Calle Estado. Plans for slurry seal of the remainder of BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZAY 1 *` MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: The Honorable Mayor and City Council Members From: Douglas Brown, Community Safety Coordinator Date: March 7, 1984 Subject: TRAFFIC CONTROL FACILITIES/STREET MAINTENANCE SPECIAL REPORT On the list of goals and objectives established by the City Council on January 19, 1984, Item # 7 had to do with a report on Street Maintenance. The primary due date for that report was set for 2-21-84. The revised date was then reset for 3-6-84 which was approved by the City Council. I would like to call to the attention of the City Council that all of the data required in such a report on Street Main- tenance was included in the Special Report by the Traffic Safety Committee dated March 1, 1984. Particularly I would like to call to your attention items relating to street maintenance projects and work that were discussed in detail on pages 3,4,5,6,7, and 8 of the Traffic Safety Committee report.The items mentioned on those pages should adequately provide you with comprehensive data on street maintenance. I regret that I did not inform the City Council that it was my intention to combine the data requested by you for the Goals and Objectives, Items # 7 Street Maintenance) and Item # 2 Traffic Control Facilities) into the overall report from the Traffic Safety Committee since all of these items are very closely related. I also felt that the information could better be covered in one report that three separate ones, thus saving staff time and extra work. If it is your pleasure to receive separate reports on each of these items I would be happy to excerpt the data from the Traffic Safety Committee report and re- present it in individual and separate formats. However, to do so would require additional staff time and another request for an extension of time. Respectfully submitted, Douglas A. Brown Community Safety Coordinator BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZAY I * *iAT HAS BEE*N *NE? Traffic safety in La QQiflta has fallen under the duties of the Community Safety Coordinator. originally, any traffic related matters were telephoned in to the Riverside County Roads Department who would take care of such matters for a charge. Potholes, downed stop signs, damaged delineators, roadside grading, etc. were all done at our request by the RCRD. The probl* encountered under this method were primarily that unless the matter was of an urgent" nature, it might not get taken care of for several weeks. Paperwork has to be routed through the Riverside office of RCRD and the an*unt charged for the work would not be kuwn for several more weeks when the billing carr* to city hall. *hat got our attention was that the County was billing the City at a rate that seemed very high. As an example, to replant a stop sign that had been knocked down the County would bill us an average of *50.00 ir*re than double the price of the sign and post itself) and that was just for labor, vehicle mileage), and an ever present 10% administrative fee. Considering that one wind storm or one vandal could knock down a half dozen stop signs in one short time, the City was being nickled and dimed to death. Pretty scon staff fran city hall would go out and replant the signs themselves at considerable less expense. A rec*rmendation was made to hire a Maintenance *rker which, for budgetary reasons, was combined with an Animal Control Officer position. It soon was apparent that animal control calls were outh\:n**ering maintenance calls by 9 to 1. Consequently we had 90% anirr*l control service and only 10% street maintenance. * continued to rely heavily on the County for road services of a heavier nature and for backup on nights, weekends, and holidays. The private sector was recruited to clean up roadsides Sid Felix) at $95.00 per mile. This was a very visible service and was worth the money. However, the contractor proved harder to get to work due to other work he had. The end result was that the contract was terminated. Juvenile labor was recnij ted through the Y* program to continue on with this work and has had some successes. Being a new city we had no statistics, no records, and no doc*inen-- tation of what services were needed, how much they should cost, how of ten they needed to be done, etc. fran the County. Attempts to get such information fran the County were met with resistance and such c**ents as we already sent those to you when you became a city". This meant that we had no data base fran which to plan for various types of improv*ments. How many miles of road? *hat type? How many stop signs? How many intersections? How many linear feet of double yellow line? The result w*s that staff had to start from scratch to canpile and collect this data. Much remains to still be done. This data is needed in order to get estimates on re-stripping the roads, replace stop signs, grade roadsides, and other items which we could contract out cheaper than having the County doing the work. BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZAY NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZAY NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZA Y NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZA!Y NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZA"Y NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZA#Y 7 MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: *rank M. Usher, City Manager From: Douglas Brown, Community Safety Coordinator Date: March 15, 1984 Subject: Empty Lot Cleanup SPECIAL REPORT The City Council has requested a proposal and recommendation regarding empty lot clean-up in La Quinta. The Community Safety Department has been using a non-structured program to address this problem on a complaint basis. Code Enforce- ment Officer Mazza has handled roughly 30 cases to date regarding empty lot clean-up. Attached is a copy of a memo that will be going out to all the property owners associations in La Quinta very soon. The memo more or less explains the magnitude of the problem based on the volume of empty lots in our City. Of particular concern is the Indian Springs area, where high brush and prevalent shake-shingle roofs are a potential fire disaster if not abated soon. A 11structured1' nuisance abatement program is being devised to comply with all the requirements of the La Quinta Municipal Code, Chapter 11.72. The 11action form" to document this program similar to the one used in our highly successful vehicle abatement program) has been drafted and is undergoing minor revisions prior to adoption and use. The hiring of an additional Code Enforcement Officer is requested as well as a full-time secretary for the proper and timely administration of this type of program. I would envision these positions being allocated for budget year 1984-85. This would be a continuous and on-going program much as it is in other cities. Plans are also being studied to use our Maintenance Worker position to effect the City ordered abatement of nuisances in lieu of going out to bid to private contractors. This could generate substantial revenues for the City to cover the cost of our personnel and equipment to effect abatements. Due to the high number of absentee, out-of-town landowners of vacant parcels, it is going to create a critical communications and logistics problem in just notifying those people. Persons BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZA$YEmpty Lot Clean-Up March 15, 1984 Page Two. appealing such abatements will require special hearings by the City Council. This can be very time consuming and will impact available staff time much more than it presently is. Unless we add more staff to administer this program, all other current programs are going to suffer. Respectfully submitted, 2 Douglas A. Brown Community safety Coordinator DAB/tb Attachments: 1. Letter to Property Owner's Associations 2. L.Q.M.C., Chapter 11.72, Public Nuisances) APPROVED AS TO CONTENT CITY CO)U CII M*TING * BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZA%Y NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZA&Y At MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Frank M. Usher, City Manager Date: March 19, 1984 Subject: Additional Positions for Street Maintenance and Clerical Support in the Building Department Because of the demands for services relative to animal control, as well as the need for street maintenance services, it has been necessary to allocate all of Kathy Aird's time towards animal control and to add an additional staff position for street maintenance. The Community Safety Coordinator has addressed what is needed relative to street maintenance in an accompanying memorandum. The priority and need for additional expenditure of capital funds relative to street maintenance seems more significant at this time than the acquisition of a City computer. Therefore, the transfer of funds is being proposed to come from the fund established for computer acquisition rather than being an appropriation of new funds from unappropriated surplus. It would be anticipated that the need for computer acquisition would be reassessed in the fiscal 1985 budget. The other added position being proposed is for a Clerk-Typist in the Building Department. With the addition of the Planning Director and increasing Planning Commission and Planning Depart- ment workload, Donna Velotta's time must be totally allocated to support for planning activities. There of course remains a need for clerical support in the Building Department, including the preparation of building permits, required reports, and reception of Building Department customers. The accompanying resolutions provide for the addition of the two described positions and set appropriate salary ranges and transfer funds appropriately for the positions and for necessary equipment. Adoption of the accompanying resolutions is respectfully recommended. BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZA'Y NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZA(Y f-/i MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From; Ann Jennings, Assistant to the City Manager Date: March 16, 1984 Subject: Appointment of Members to the Downtown Planning Advisory Committee At the March 6, 1984, meeting, the Council established the Downtown Planning Advisory Committee and directed staff to mail a letter to the various groups representing membership in the Committee. It was hoped that the City would have a response from these groups no later than Friday, March 16th, for Council action at their March 20th meeting. To date, we have received no response from the community relative to our request. We therefore recommend that this item be delayed until the Council meeting of April 3, 1984, to allow further time for their response. APPROVED *ASTO CONTENT CITY COu*ILM,E***G OF *AGER* BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZA)Y a BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZA*Y NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZA+Y NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZA,Y NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZA-Y NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZA.Y NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZA/Y NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZA0Y NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZA1Y NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZA2Y NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZA3Y NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZA4Y NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZA5Y NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZA6Y NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZA7Y NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZA8Y NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZA9Y NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZA:Y NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZA;Y NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZA<Y NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZA=Y NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZA>Y NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZA?Y NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZA@Y NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZAAY NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZABY NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZACY NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZADY NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZAEY NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZAFY NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZAGY NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZAHY NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZAIY NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZAJY NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZAKY NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZALY NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZAMY NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZANY NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZAOY NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZAPY NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZAQY NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZARY NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZASY NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZATY NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZAUY NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZAVY NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZAWY NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZAXY NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 "ZAYY NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-25-1997-U01 04:08:42PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 03-U02 20-U02 1984-U02