Desert Sun/Advertising 91 'l e ie e 3un ADVERTISING CONTRACT PUBLISHING COMPANY Account ,~ (~l!E2'/| ~' Form Number THIS AGREEMENT is made on the ~,~ day of News Division of The Desert Sun Publishing Co. Inc., . (Type ~(~ess:~ ~ o located at~-I~ ~1~. ~~ ~Od.~. between The Desert Sun/Daily (hereinafter called the."Company") and (hereinafter called the "Advertiser"). The company is hereby authorized to insert (circle one) Retail, Local, Classified, Real Estate, Automotive, CAP, National, Resort & Travel advertising Full Run or in Area(s) as checked below: · CI Sun Publishing (PSI) nCV Sun El Business Builder  The Desert Sun · El TV Week I~ Super Saver IZi Daily News r-I Desert Advertiser E} Monthly Frequency C} Special Discount/ El Preprints El Weekly Frequency sperry [/~) 1. The Advert ~ser shall purchase a mininum of per (~kt~ ' at the rates indicated on the Company'~gross) rate schedule, which is incorporated herein by reference and made a I~art of this Agreement, subject t~ the rate revision provisions of paragraph (4) below. 2. The term of this Agreement shall he ,, [ {.~-. from the date hereof, and it shall be automatically renewed for each like period thereafter, unless either party gives written notice to the contrary prior t~he anniversary date, or prior to a rate revision as provided in paragraph (4). ?,. By c.mmitting to purchase a mininum amount of advertising dur~sll-ga~h term of this Agreement, the Advertiser is being given a special disco~mted rate. If during the term of this Agreement the Advertiser shall use more or fewer pag~lumns/lines/times than agreed to in paragraph (1) above, Advertiser's rate for all space used during the year shall be reduced or increased, if applicable, to the appropriate earned rate or non.discounted open rate and the Advertiser shall pay, or receive a credit for, the difference up to a ceiling of _o levels. Rebates will be applied to balances due the Company, if applicable. 4. The Company reserves the right to increase the contract rate from time to time, as well as realign areas, giving the Advertiser the option of continuing at the new rate or in s realigned area or disc.ntinuing when the new rate or area becomes effective, without short rate, provided immediate payment in full is made or all obligations then due under the c'~.~t tact. and that the Company is notified in writing prior to the effective date of the new rate or area of Advertiser's intent to discontinue. 5. The C.mpany may, in its sole discretion, edit, classify, or rejecl any advertising copy submitted by Advertiser. ~. Advertiser shall make paymenI within the credit terms indicated on the company's statement.., for the previous billing period's advertisements, or upon presentation of bill, etc.. and. in the event that it fai~s lo make payment within such time, Company may reject advertising copy and/or immediately cancel this contract, and Advertiser agrees to indemnify C.mpany fi)r all expenses incurred in connection with the collection of amounts payable under this contract, including court costs, sttoruey's fees, and g', interest rharge per annum. If this Agreement is cancelled due to Advertiser's failure to make timely pa~ent, Company may re-bill the Advertiser for the outstanding balance due at the .pen or earned contract rate, whichever is applicable. 7. This Agreement cannot be invalidated for t~lx~graphical errors, incorrect insertions or omission in Advertising published. The Company agrees to run corrective advertisement fl~r t hat porti.n of the first insert ion which may have been rendered valueless by such typographical error, wrong insertion or omission. Advertiser droll notify the Company of such errors in time f.r correction before the second insertion. The Company shall not be liable to Advertiser for any less that results frees the incorrect publication of its advertisements. 8. Agency e.mmission, if any, shall apply to all space charges and adjustments under this contract. If Advertiser utilizes an agency, the Advertiser and the agent')' shall be jointly and severally liable for payment and fl~r compliance with all of the terms of this Agreement. 9. The Advertiser agrees to h.ld harmless and indemnify the Company from all damages, costs and expenses, of any nature whatsover, for which the Company may become liable hy reason .f its publication of Advertiser*s advertising. Io. Ali Advert ising c,,py which represents t he crest ire effort of the Company and/or the utilization of creativity, illustrations, labor, composition or material furnished by it, is and remain.. ~he propertv .f the company, including all rights of copyright t herein. Advertiser understands and agrees that it cannot authorize photographic or other reproductions, in ,~ h,,le -r in part, .f any such advertising copy for use in any other medium without the express written consent of the Company. 11. Whenever in the judgment of the company any advertisement bears resemblance to news matter, or is of such a character as to convey to the reader that it is news or advertisements in cartiere technique or comic strip form, same ~11 be placed with classification head 'advertisement' over each column. 12. A c.mposition charge in addition to contrac~ or transient rates shall be paid by advertiser for intricate layouts, copy calling for type to be set on the bias, circles and other d if ricoh coml~sition and revision of original copy. I;t. Advertisements in excess of 19 inches in depth shall be billed as a full column. 14. The Company will n.t he resp.nsihle for drawings, art work. photographs, engraving, plates, or mechanicals furnished by the advertiser to he used in advertisements unless inst ructi.ns to ret urn at advertiser*s expense are furnished with order. I ?,. When .rders are f-rwarded hy agency or advertiser which omtain incorrect rate or conditions the advertising call for will be inserted and charged at the rate in force governing ~uch adver6sing and in accordance with 1he conditi.ns contained herein. 16. The Advert iser agrees lo pay fi,r all special art work and materials furnished by the Company at ~he request oft.ha Advertiser, and for composition if advertising is not ordered lmhlished 17. Adxertiser ag?es to pay p~si~i.n charges as fi~lh,ws: full ptsition, i.e., top of column or following and next to reading mater, at the company's option, 25% in addition to ,'onlracl or transient rates; specified page ~% additional. It4. Specificati.ns on orders for the use of any page or barring the placing of advertising on any page or relating to the kind of news or advertising on the page shall be treated as requesls only. 19. ('onditi.ns under ~'hich advertising is accepted under this contract require that all advertisements running Full Run must be the same in size and in copy except for addres~s and appear in all Areas specified in this contract within a seven day period. When advertising is used in addition to Full Run it ss. ill be charged at the rate at which the Adverliser w.uld he charged under an indMdual Base Area contract flor the amount of space to be used under this contract] for the first Area and at the expanded coverage rate fi,r tw..r more Areas acc.rding t. t he schedule of current advertising rates in effect at the time such space is used. Rebates and short rates do not apply to advertising which is in addifi.n t. Full Run c.ntracted f.r hereunder, placed in indix~ual Areas nor does such additional advertising space apply towards the completion of the Full Run space coal ra('t. 2u. In t he event I hat any federal, state ur h~al taxes are imposed e~ the printing of advertising material or on the sale of ndvertising space, such taxes shall he assumed and paid by t he advertiser. · 'q. When advertising is placed under repeal rate discount pa,vision, the discounted portion only does not apply to fult'fllment of advertisers' contract and will not he subject to rebate. Adverlising inserted under any uther diso~unt condition will nut be credited toward the fulfillment of advertisers' contract and ~ill not be subject to rebate. :?2. 'Fbi. agreement may n.I be assigned or transferred by Advertiser/agency. 23. Newspaper may require advance payment for all advertising placed by Advertiser or its agency if periodic credit checks are not satisfactory. 24. PI.EASE NOTE BEFORE SIGNING: This Agreement is a special rate contract. By agreeing in Paragraph I beceof to place st least a specified amount of advertising with the Newspaper during each term of this Agreemenl you as the Advertiser have been given a special, discounted rate. If you are unable to fulfill this obligation within the term of this Agree .mc. at Ii.e, if you do not place the amounl of advertising .s~m have committed to in paragraph 1 herenf), within the period set forth in this Agreement, the amount of advemsmg y.u do place ma)' no! qualify you for any discount or it may qualify you for s smaller discount than that offered herein. THIS COULD RESULT IN ADDITIONAL ('H A R(;I,;':, TO YOU AS THE ADVERTISER! By signing this Agreement, you are acknowledging that you are hereby agreeing to pay any such additional'short rate' charges. TEAR SHEET REQUEST tive's. Name andl R No.) Accepted by date AGENCY name address "~ ~ ph e nu~ title and signature t slg tur ,~' , '~ _ ~tl date ; (/ MASTER FILE MAINTENANCE ff Date New A¢ct. ACcount Number Change [] Prepared Non Profit [] Agency F'I Political ["] Sales No. Class Display NAME & ADDRESS Acct. Name Special Bill [] Street City/State Tears [] Zip Phone CSI Change [] (For Data Processing O~ly) ! CUSTOMER MASTER FILE MAINTENANCE MAJOR ACCOUNTS PROD/CLASS NBR TEARS w/BILL TEARS w/AD PROD/CLASS CODE TEARS TO MAIL