Desert Sun/Advertising 91 (2)ADVERTISING CONTRACT Account#Q.\'~"._(3~\ Form Number. Date ~\ ]\~ It THIS AGREEMENT is made on ~the~?;;~ day of \'~,.~--~ , between The Desert Sun division of The Desert Sun P~blishing Co. Inc., (hereinafter called the "Company") and ~~ D~ ~~~%~ ,~catedat. ~- k~ ~k~ ~~ Cit~ ~ ~ ~%~ State ~ Zip ~ ~ ~ ~ (~pe of Business) ~ ~ ~~~ (hereinafter called the "Advertiser"). I. The company is hereby a~orized to inset: ~ t~?l Classified ~1 CAP ~Z1 National to ~n Full Run or in ~rea(s) as checked ~low: II. Type of contract: _~ .~-J ~ W~k ~3 Full Page Frequency [~ Preprints x ~'~ Business Builder Discount x UJ Desea Adve~ser [~ Super Saver L'J Mon~ly Frequency Preprints .... x L~I O~er : [.~ W~kly Frequency t r *n i ted on the Company's (net~gros~ rate schedUl~svhich is incorporated herein by reference and mad~ part of this Agreement, subject to the rate revision provisions of paragraph (4) below. 2. The term of the Agreement shall ~rom the date hereof, and it shall be automatically renewed for each Ilk(pc}tod the~fter, unless either party gives written notice to the eontra~ypfior to theX~niversary date, or prior io a rate revision as provided in paragraph (4). 3. By committing to purchase a minimum amount of advertising during each term of the Agreement, the Advertiser is being given a special discounted rate. If during the term of this agreement the Advertiser shall use more or fewer pagesfincbes/columas,qines/times than the agreed in paragraph (I) above, Advertiser's rate for all space used during this year shall be reduced or increased, if applicable, to the the appropriate earned rate or non-discounted open rate and the Advertiser shall pay, or receive a credit for, the difference up to a ceiling of 2 levels. Rebates will be applied to balances due the Company, if applicable. 4. The Company reserves the right to increase the contract rate from time to time, as well as realign areas, giving the Advertiser the option of continuing at the new rate in a rea]igned area or discontinuing when th~ new rate or area becomes effective, without short rate, provided immediate payment in full is mad~ or nH obligations then duo under the contract, and that the Company is notified in writing prior to the effective date of the n~w rates of Advertiser's intent to discontinue. 5. The Company may, in its sole discretion, edit, classify or reject any advertising copy submitted by Advertiser. 6. Advertiser shall m~e the payment within the credit terms indicated on the Company's statement...for the previous billing period's advertisements, or upon presentation of bill, etc., and, in the event that the advertiser fails to make payment within such time, Company may reject advertising copy and/or immediaely cancel this contracL and Advertiser agrees to indemnify Company for all expenses incurred in connection with the collection of amonnls payable under this contract, including court costs, attorney fees, and 9% interest charge per annum. If this Agreement is canceled due to Advertiser's failure to make timely payment, Company may re-bill the Advertiser for thc outstanding balance duc at thc open or earned contract rates, whichever is applicable. 7. This Agreement cannot be invalidated for typographical errors, incorrect insertions or omissions in Advertising published. The Company agrees to run corrective advertisements for that portion of the first insertion which may have been rendered valueless by such typographical error, wrong insertion or omission. Advertiser shall notify the Company of such errors in time for correction hefore the second insertion. Thc Company shall not be liable to Advertiser for any loss that results from thc incorrect publication of ils advertisements. g. Agency commission, if any, shall apply to all space charges and adjustments under this contract. If Advertiser utilizes an agency, the Advertiser and the agency shall be jointly and severally liable for payment and for compliance with all of thc terms and conditions of this Agreement. All rates quoted are net. 9. Thc Advertiser agrees to hold harmless and indemnify the Company from all damages, costs and expenses, of any nature whats, oevcr, for which thc Company may become liable by reason of its publication of Advertiser's advertising. 0. All Advertising copy which represents thc creative effort of the Company and/or ,e utilization, labor, composition or material furnished by it, is and remains the 'operty of the company including all rights of copyright therein. Advertiser understands and agrees that it cannot authorize photographic or other reproductions, in whole ur in part, of any such advertising copy for use in any other medium without the expn~ written consenl of the Company. I l. Whenever in the judgment of the Company any advertisement bears resemblance to news matter, or is of such a character as to convey to the reader that it is news or ndveaisements in cartoon technique or comic strip form, same will be placed with classification head 'advertisement' over the column. 12. A composition charge in addition to contract or transient rates shall be paid by advertiser for intricate layout, copy calling for type to be set on the bias, circles and other difficult composition and revisions of original copy. 13. Advertisements in excess of 19 inches in depth shall he billed as a full colunm. 14. The company shall not be responsible for any drawings, art work, photographs, engraving, plates, or mechanicals furnished by thc advertiser to be used in advertisements urdcss inslrdc~ms to return at ndvcRiser's expense arc furnished with ordar. 15. Wlea orders ate furnished by agency or advertiser which c~ntain incorrect rate or' conditions the advertising w'dl be iasetqed and charged al Ilg ate in fore gouea'aing such adveO, ising and in accordance with the conditions contained herein. 16. The Advertiser agrees to pay for all special art work and materials furnished by the Company at the request of thc Advertiser. and for composition if advertising is not ordered published. 1'/. Advertiser agrees m pay positio~ c~es as stated in r~te c~xL i$, Specifications on orders for the use of ~y page or barring the placing of ndvet~ising on any page os relating to the kind of news or ad'~'tising on the i~ge shall be treated as requests onlF 19. Conditions under which advertising is accepted under this contract require that all advertisements running Full Run must be the same in size and in copy except for addresses aM appear in all Areas specified in this contract within a seven day period. When advertising is used in addition to Full Run it will be charged at the rate at which the Advertiser would be charged under an individual Base Area contract (for the amount of space) for the first Area at the expanded coverage rate for two or more areas according to the schedule of cunent advertising rates in effect at the time such space is used. Rebates and short ra~s do not apply to advertising which is in addition to a FULL RUN contracted for hereunder, placed in individual Areas nor does such additional advertising space count towards the completion of the Full Run space conLract. 20. In the event any federal, state, of local taxes are imposed on the printing of advertising material or on the sale of advertising space, such taxes shall be assumed aM paid by the advertiser. 21. When advertising is placed under a repeat rate disconnl provisions the discounted portion only does not apply to fulfillment of advertisers' contract and will not be subjeel to rebate. Advertising inse~4ed under any other discount condition will not be credited toward the fulfillment of adverlisers' contract and will not be subjecl to rebate. 22. This agreement may not be assigned or transferred by Advertisedagency. 23. Newspaper may require advance payment for all advertising placed by Adverliser or ils agency if periodic credit checks are not satisfactory. 25. PI.EASE MAKE NOTE BEFORE SIGNING: This Agreement is a special rate contract. By agreeing in Paragraph 1 hereof to place at least a specified amount of advertising with in the Newspaper during each term of this Agreement, you as the Advertiser have been given special, discounted rat~. If you are unable to fulfill Ibis obligation within the term of this Agreement (i.e., if you don't place the amount of advertising you have committed to in Paragraph I hereof), within the period set forth in this Agreement, the amount of advertising you do place may not qualify you for any discount than that offered herein. THIS COULD RESULT IN ADDITIONAL CHARGES TO YOU AS THE ADVERTISER! By signing this Agreement, you are acknowledging that you are hereby agreeing to pay any such additional %hort rale" charges. ¢ {,.LL~_(S ales Represtr~ative Name & NO') Accepted By , , 15, I Date ! AGENCY Desert Sun Publishing Nalne Address Corp. Name if different Phone Number Title and Signature Date MASTER FILE MAINTENANCE Non-Profi~}~' Agency t'ill Political Account No ............ llii New Contract .>~Upgrade from ((3C~t~ Ii ii Downgrade from i'iI Renewal Umbrella Contract For: (Customer Number & Business Name) New Account ADVERTISER , Com. N~e if different Title ~d~i~ature Print N~e Ii-~-~l Date ..... %-7/ Eff~five Date Approved By Billing Address: (If different from above)