So California Gas Co/Franchise 82FRANCHISE STATEMENT of SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY The City of la Quinta was incorporated on May 1, 1982. This statement, therefore, shows the amount due the City of La Quinta under Riverside County Ordinance No. 272 subsequent to the effective date of the incorporation. STATEMENT FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 1982 PURSUANT TO THE FRANCHISE GRANTED BY City of La Quinta $Y ORDINANCE NO. 272 Computation of payment equivalent to two percent (2%) of the gross receipts of the grantee for the above period arising from the use, operation or possession of the franchise computed in accordance with the decisions of the Supreme Court of the State of California in the cases of County of Tulare vs. City of Dinuba, et al., 188 Cal. 664 and County of Los Angeles vs. Southern Counties Gas Company of California, 42 Cal. 2d 129. A. Gross Receipts applicable to Distributing Agencies in Highways of which this Franchise is a part Total Investment in Physical Properties ....................... $1, 907, 767, 247 Investment in Distributing Agencies in: Public and Private Rights of Way ......................... $ 909,643,802 Public Highways Only ................................... $ 216,240,050 Percent of Distributing Agencies to Total for: Public and Private Rights of Way ......................... 47.68107% Public Highways only ................................... 11.33472% Total Gross Receipts from Operations for Period: Gross Revenues........................................$2,819,666,834 Less Uncollectible Bills ................................. $ 5,920,205 Total..............................................$2,813,746,629 Gross Receipts applicable to Distributing Agencies in: Public and Private Rights of Way (47.68107% x $2,813,746,629)........................ $1,341,624,500 Public Highways only (11.33472% x $2,813,746,629)........................$ 318,930,302 B. Mileage of Main in Pipeline System Total Mileage in Pipeline System ......................... 37,417.3480 mi. Mileage in Highways .................................... 32,284.4009 mi. Percent of Mileage in Highways to Total Mileage ........ 86.28191% Gross Receipts applicable to Mileage in Highways for: Public and Private Rights of Way ( 86.28191% x$1,341,624,500)........................$1,157,579,244 Public Highways only (100.00000o x $318,930,302 )........................$ 318,930,302 Total..............................................$1,476,509,546 Total Mileage in Highways as above .......................... 32,284.4009 mi. Mileage in Highways of this Franchise ........................ 22.5626 mi. Percent of Mileage of this Franchise to Total Mileage in Highways ................................ .06988% C. Gross Receipts applicable to this Franchise ( .06988% x $1,476,509,546 )............................ $ 1,031,785 D. Amount due based on 2% of the above applicable Gross Receipts ......................................... $20,635.70 284-1S CERTIFICATION I, the undersigned, say: I am an officer, to wit, Treasurer of Southern California Gas Company. I am duly authorized to prepare and file the foregoing statement on its behalf, and I hereby verify that the same is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on March 10 , 19_83_ , at Los Angeles, California. easurer of Southern California Gas Company If additional information is required, please address inquiries to SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY Attention: Treasury/Tax Box 3249, Terminal Annex Los Angeles, California 90051 SOUTHERN CAL IFOR fU 6 A INTEROFFICE 6 CORRESPONDENCE gs a �,COMPAIIIV To Mr. P. B. Bevan FROM P. Bradley DATE July?2, 1982 SUBJECT Acceptance Letter -City of La Quinta _ Please sign all copies of the attached gas franchise acceptance letter for the City of,La Quinta and forward to the Secretary's office for signature. Please return to P. D. Bradley, mail,location 425. /jh Attachment Project E-82-6 64-D ACCEPTANCE OF FRANCHISE The Honorable City Council City of La Quinta California Gentlemen: Los Angeles, California July 28, 1982 In compliance with the terms of Section Twelve of Ordinance No. 8 entitled "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA GRANTING TO SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION, THE RIGHT, PRIVILEGE AND FRANCHISE TO LAY AND USE PIPES AND APPURTENANCES FOR TRANSMITTING AND DISTRIBUTING GAS FOR ANY AND ALL PURPOSES UNDER, ALONG, ACROSS OR UPON CERTAIN PUBLIC STREETS, WAYS, ALLEYS AND PLACES, AS THE SAME NOW OR MAY HEREAFTER EXIST, WITHIN SAID MUNICIPALITY", said Ordinance having been adopted on the 6th day of July, 1982, Southern California Gas Company hereby accepts said franchise and agrees to comply with the terms and conditions thereof. Yours respectfully, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY L: B. Bevan, Vice President ► � 0 0 Vir is A. Robinson, Secretary Approved: ACCEPTANCE OF FRANCHISE Los Angeles California July 28, 1962 The Honorable City Council City of La Quinta California Gentlemen: In compliance with the terms of Section Twelve of Ordinance No. 8 entitled "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA GRANTING TO SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION, THE RIGHT, PRIVILEGE AND FRANCHISE TO LAY AND USE PIPES AND APPURTENANCES FOR TRANSMITTING AND DISTRIBUTING GAS FOR ANY AND ALL PURPOSES UNDER, ALONG, ACROSS OR UPON CERTAIN PUBLIC STREETS, WAYS, ALLEYS AND PLACES, AS THE SAME NOW OR MAY HEREAFTER EXIST, WITHIN SAID MUNICIPALITY% said Ordinance having been adopted on the 6th day of July, 1982, Southern California Gas Company hereby accepts said franchise and agrees to comply with the terms and conditions thereof. Yours respectfully, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY By ,,P. B. Bevan, Vice Fr., ident Y Virg a A. Robinson, Secretary Approved: H. T. JOHNSON Treasurer City Clerk City Hall La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Sir: SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA gqS COMPANY 810 SOUTH FLOWER STREET • LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA Mailing Address: BOX 3249 TERMINAL ANNEX, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90051 March 30, 1983 Enclosed is the certified franchise statement of Southern California Gas Company showing the amount due for the calendar year 1982. A check covering payment thereof will be forwarded to you within the time period specified under the terms of the franchise. Very truly yours, TW:ia Enclosure FRANCHISE STATEMENT of SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY 1, 1982. This to was incorporated on May City of La Quinta The City of La eQ f re, sus theamunt due the statement, they ce No. 272 subsequent to the under Riverside County � ation. effective date of the STATEMENT FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 1982 PURSUANT TO THE FRANCHISE GRANTED BY City of La 4uinta RY ORDINANCE NO. 272 Computation of payment equivalent to two percent (2%) of the gross receipts of the grantee for the above period arising from the use, operation or possession of the franchise computed in accordance with the decisions of the Supreme Court of the State of California in the cases of County of Tulare vs. City of Dinuba, et al., 188 Cal. 664 and County of Los Angeles vs. Southern Counties Gas Company of California, 42 Cal. 2d 129. A. Gross Receipts applicable to Distributing Agencies In Highways of which this Franchise is a part Total Investment in Physical Properties ....................... $1,907,767,247 Investment in Distributing Agencies in: Public and Private Rights of Way ......................... $ 909, 643, 802 Public Highways Only ................................... $ 216,240,050 Percent of Distributing Agencies to Total for: Public and Private Rights of Way ......................... 47.68107% Public Highways only ................................... 11.33472% Total Gross Receipts from Operations for Period: Gross Revenues........................................$2,819,666,834 Less Uncollectible Bills .................................. $ 5,920,205 Total..............................................$2,813,746,629 Gross Receipts applicable to Distributing Agencies in: Public and Private Rights of Way (47.68107% x $2,813,746,629) ......................$1,341,624,500 Public Highways only (11.33472% x $2,813,746,629)........................$ 318,930,302 B. Mileage of Main in Pipeline System Total Mileage in Pipeline System ......... .............. 37,417.3480 mi. Mileage in Highways .................................... 32,284.4009 mi. Percent of Mileage in Highways to Total Mileage ........ 86.28191% Gross Receipts applicable to Mileage in Highways for: Public and Private Rights of Way (86.28191% x$1,341,624,500)........................$1,157,579,244 Public Highways only (1.00.00000% x $318,930,302 )........................$ 318,930,302 Total..............................................$1,476,509,546 Total Mileage in Highways as above .......................... 32,284.4009 mi. Mileage in Highways of this Franchise ........................ 22.5626 mi. Percent of Mileage of this Franchise to Total Mileage in Highways ................................ .06988% C. Gross Receipts applicable to this Franchise ( .06988% x $1,476,509,546 )............................ $ 1,031,785 D. Amount due based on 2% of the above applicable Gross Receipts ......................................... $20,635.70 284-1S CERTIFICATION I, the undersigned, say: I am an officer, to wit, Treasurer of Southern California Gas Company. I am duly authorized to prepare and file the foregoing statement on its behalf, and I hereby verify that the same is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on March 30 , 19 83_ , at Los Angeles, California. easurer of Southern California Gas Company If additional information is required, please address inquiries to SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY Attention: Treasury/Tax Box 3249, Terminal Annex Los Angeles, California 90051