1991 DSUSD - YMCA Sewer UseAGREEMENT BETWEEN DESERT SANDS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT AND THE CITY OF LA QUINTA FOR YMCA CHILD CARE CENTER This Agreement, entered into on the 19th day of _February, 1991, between Desert Sands Unified School District ("District") and the City of La Quinta ("City") does hereby allow, solely for the YMCA Child Care Center Project ("Project"), use of the site sewer distribution system currently serving schools located on Avenue 50 and Park Avenue with connection to the existing sewer line at the Kindergaten classrooms at John Adams Primary School, subject to the following conditions: I. The project design plans shall be approved by the District prior to commencing work. 2. All costs associated with the design and development of the sewer lines shall be the responsibility of the City, or its agent, and no cost of the design, construction, demolition, or damage repair shall be incurred by the District. Record drawings of all work performed per this Agreement shall be provided to the District following its completion. I All construction work associated with this Agreement shall be Performed outside of school hours; and no incomplete work, which may create a hardship or safety hazard to the students, staff, or public, shall remain during school hours. All work associated with this Agreement must be inspected by a Certified OSA Inspector to be provided by the District. 4. The City, its agent, or contractor shall be responsible for obtaining any approvals or permits required from public utilities agencies and all, applicable fees. 5. The City, its agent, or contractor shall provide the District with proof of insurance for the minimum amount of the District's insurance requirements, as per attached Exhibit A, and shall hold the District harmless for any and all liability resulting from the Project. 6. The City, its agent, or contractor shall assume any and all responsibility for any damage to District property during construction, and all costs to replace or restore to its existing conditions. 7. The District reserves the right to terminate the City's use of the system if the use creates a potential cost or unavoidable restriction on the school's sewer system. Espera a Zende erint dent Desert Sands Unified School District Date: February 19, 1991 U Ronald Kiedrowski, City Manager City of La Quinta Date: N\FIEO S o o a %o y BERMUDA DUNES r Desert Sands Unified School District RANCHO MIRAGE C INDIAN WELLS (A 82_879 H1 11Wa PALM DESERT y 111 • Indio, California 92201-5678 • (619) 347-8631 • FAX# 342-1265 S LA OUINTA �� `�'p INDIO y BOARD OF Anderson EDUCATION L. Gilbert SUPERINTENDENT' OF SCHOOLS Rene' L.. AGarcia Dr. Esperanza Zendejas William R. Kroonen Matt Monica " BUSINESS SERVICES DIVISION Amy Swan -Draper � April 2, 1991n `E City of La Quinta 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, California 92253 Subject: Agreement Between Desert Sands Unified School District and City of La Quints for YMCA Child Care Center Attn: Mr. Ronald Kiedrowski City Manager Dear Mr. Kiedrowski: Attached are three original copies of the Agreement between the Desert Sands Unified School District and the City of La Quinta for the YMCA Child Care Center. Please execute all three copies and return them to my office. We are waiting to receive a copy of the project review plans to be approved by the District prior to commencing of work. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Thank you. Richard M. Beck, Director Facilities Planning and Development RMB:kme Attrachment - Three original copies of Agreement