78023 Estado (Calle) DPR 523L (09/2013) Identifier: 78-023 Calle Estado Date Constructed: 1930s UTM Zone: 11S, 564562 mE; 3726402 mN Neighborhood: The Village Tract: Desert Club TR Unit No 1; Recorded February 29, 1940, MB 19/75 Owner and Address: Abdulmassih Dourghalli, Amal Dourghalli; 460 N Mountain Avenue, Ontario CA 91762 Updated Description: The 78023 Calle Estado building was constructed the 1930s in the Village commercial district. Mellon and Associates did not describe the architectural style of the property during their 1997 survey. It is a Spanish Colonial Revival style commercial property. The building has a rectangular plan with a shed roof and a front-gabled porch roof addition along the northern elevation supported by posts and beams. Both the primary roof of the building and the porch gable are covered in Spanish terracotta roofing tiles. The building and porch roof has exposed rafters. The shed roof has shallow eaves. The walls consist of white painted brick. The north elevation has a central wood framed door with a full length central light. Two large metal framed multi-paned windows flank the front door on either side. The west window wraps around to the west elevation and encompasses the entire northwest corner of the building. The west elevation features a small casement window with a metal framed side door, both covered with metal grilles. The east elevation is obscured from view due to fencing. The south elevation has three small multi-light metal framed casement windows with a metal framed back door. All rear windows and doors are covered in metal grilles. No significant alterations appear to have occured since the prior survey. Updated Significance: The 78023 Calle Estado property was initially recorded in 1997 by Mellon and Associates. At that time, the site was given a status code 5S1 - individual property that is listed or designated locally. This prior evaluation found the property is significantly associated with early commercial development in La Quinta from the 1930s, although it does not appear that it was individually listed or designated. The 2022 evaluation found that the property should be assigned a 3S status code: Appears eligible for NR as an individual property through survey evaluation. Additionally, a 3CS status code should be assigned - appears eligible for CR individually through survey evaluation. The 5S1 status code should also be modified to 5S2 because the the property is not listed or designated locally. The current survey found that the property retains its integrity from the prior survey. This building housed the the Roxie Yessayian Real Estate Office. Roxie Yessayian opened the La Quinta Real Estate office in 1962. She was a charter member of the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce and was a prominent real estate professional in La Quinta. It is considered a significant example of pre-WWII commercial development in La Quinta. The property has been found individually eligible under NRHP/CRHR/Local Criterion A/1/B (events) as it is associated with significant events or patterns of events in local, regional, state, or national history; not individually eligible under Criterion B/2/B (persons), as it has not been identified as having an association with an important person; not individually eligible under Criterion C/3/C, as it does not embody the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, or method of construction; and not individually eligible under Criterion D/4/D, as further study of the dwelling would not appear to yield information which could be considered important in local, regional, state, or national history. Additionally, the property was not found to be individually eligible under Local Register Criterion A, as it was not found to exemplify a special element of the City of La Quinta. As the building has not been substantially altered since its ca. 1930s construction, this property maintains integrity from the historic period. State of California — The Resources Agency DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION CONTINUATION SHEET Primary#: HRI #: None Trinomial: N/A CRHR Status Code: 3S / 3CS / 5S2 Other Listings: Urbana Survey No. 048 ý Update Resource Name: 78023 Calle Estado Page 1 of 3 DPR 523L (09/2013) 78023 Calle Estado_1: View facing southeast of the north (front) and west elevations. State of California — The Resources Agency DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION CONTINUATION SHEET Primary#: HRI #: None Trinomial: N/A CRHR Status Code: 3S / 3CS / 5S2 Urbana Survey No: 048 Resource Name: 78023 Calle Estado Page 2 of 3 DPR 523J (09/2013) *Required Information *Map Name: La Quinta *Scale: 1:24,000 *Map Date: 2021 State of California — The Resources Agency DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION LOCATION MAP Primary#: HRI #: None Trinomial: N/A CRHR Status Code: 3S / 3CS / 5S2 Other Listings: Urbana Survey No. 048 Resource Name: 78023 Calle Estado Page 3 of 3 iT I .r. 4 If 4�o -ii�''�-�".....dd 0 • ly�� M (�IN ... , . _BOOR..._.0;.a4E.d::l�t3.a.+.�l�i.1®am+b:-•�,.:a. _. - .. V +�, ,� . 4.1