2016 Speed Limits Survey (June 23, 2016)ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY W WILLDAN June 23, 2016 Mr. Edward Wimmer, P.E. Principal Engineer Public Works Department City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Subject: 2016 Engineering and Traffic Survey Dear Mr. Wimmer: As requested, Willdan has completed a review of the recommended speed zones on Jefferson Street from Avenue 50 to Avenue 52 and Jefferson Street from Avenue 52 to Avenue 54 in the City of La Quinta. The Engineering and Traffic Study dated November 19, 2014 is amended to include these two segments. We are pleased to submit the enclosed recommendation and supporting documentation for the above segments. The Engineering and Traffic Survey for the above segments was conducted in accordance with applicable provisions of the CVC, following procedures outlined in the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (California MUTCD) dated November 2014, and as required by Section 627 of the California Vehicle Code. The Report is intended to satisfy the requirements of Section 40802 of the CVC to enable the continued use of radar for traffic speed enforcement. We appreciate the opportunity to serve the City of La Quinta and the assistance and cooperation afforded to us during the course of this study Very truly yours, WILLDAN 4 4 Jeffrey Lau, P.E. Senior Engineer Enclosure 106154/R01 okoF ESS10N Y C. C 83887 G EXP. -7 ,t (09civ ` FCA Engineering and Planning I Energy Efficiency and Sustainability I Financial and Economic Consulting I National Preparedness and Interoperability 562.908.6200 1 800.499.4484 1 fax: 562.695.2120 1 13191 Crossroads Parkway North, Suite 405, Industry, California 91746-3443 1 www.willdan.com 2016 Engineering and Traffic Survey City of La Quinta Page 2 SEGMENTS WITH SPECIAL CONDITIONS The following segments surveyed had recommended speed limits that were 5 miles per hour (mph) or more below the critical speed due to conditions not readily apparent to the driver. Each segment is discussed below. Segment #19 — Jefferson Street — Avenue 52 to Avenue 54 This segment is currently posted at 55 mph and has 3 through lanes in each direction with an ADT of 14,496 vehicles per day. The adjacent land use is residential and vacant land. The critical speed is 57 mph and would normally justify a 55 mph posted speed limit. However, due to heavy pedestrian traffic during special events and the lack of roadway lighting that may not be apparent to unfamiliar drivers and to maintain uniformity with an adjacent street segment, a lower speed limit is prudent. It is recommended that the speed limit be posted at 50 mph for the above reasons. 2016 Engineering and Traffic Survey City of La Quinta Page 3 STREET: Jefferson Street CITY OF LA QUINTA ENGINEERING & TRAFFIC SURVEY between Avenue 50 DATE: 4/28/16 TIME: 9:45 OBSERVER: J. Lau I PART I: HIGHWAY & ROADWAY CHARACTERISTICS and Avenue 52 LOCATION: 18 Sight Distance Obstructions? S/B N/B Notes es or no 1. Horizontal No No 2. Vertical No No 3. Superelevation (%) None None 4. Shoulder Conditions (paved or unpaved) Paved Paved 5. Profile Conditions (grade,%) 6. Commercial Driveway Characteristics At -Grade At -Grade Limited driveways on (at grade, dustpan, etc) each side of roadway 7. Pedestrian Traffic in the Roadway without No No Sidewalks on both sidewalks (yes or no) sides 8. Adjacent Land Use Residential Residential (residential, commercial, office, etc) 9. Intersection Spacing and Offsets _ No offsets TS at Avenue 50 & (spacing, feet -offsets, yes or no) Pomelo; Roundaboutat Avenue 52 10. Pavement Condition Satisfactory Satisfactory (good, satisfactory, poor) 11. Truck Traffic (heavy, moderate, light) Light Light 12. Channelization (# of lanes, divided, 6 lanes with bike 20' raised median undivided, painted, or raised median) lanes, divided with araised median 13, Street Width and Alignment 44' 44' (width, feet — straight or curved) 14. Traffic Flow Characteristics Moderate Moderate (heavy, moderate, light) 15. Uniformity with the Community Yes Yes (yes or no) 16. Heavy On -Street Parking Turnover No No No parking allowed (yes or no) on both sides Only at traffic signal 17. Street Lighting and roundabout locations STREET: Jefferson Street CITY OF LA QUINTA ENGINEERING & TRAFFIC SURVEY between Avenue 50 and Avenue 52 LOCATION: 18 Direction ❑Northbound * Bi-directional ❑ Eastbound * ❑ Southbound ❑ Westbound kRT II: PREVAILING SPEED MEASUREMENT Location of Radar Measurement S/O Pomelo y Number of Accidents Date of Radar Measurement 4/19/2016 Time of Radar Measurement (24 hour) 9:30 TO 10:00 Expected-Statewide/Year 1.17 per MVM 50%ile (mph) 85%ile (mph) 48 53 Actual 0.06 per MVM 10 mph Pace (% of Vehicles) 43-52(70%) Posted Limit Prevailing Limit 55 mph 55 mph PART III: ACCIDENT RECORDS Time Period Evaluated 1/1/2012 TO 12/31/2014 y Number of Accidents Midblock 1 Midblock Accident Rate Expected-Statewide/Year 1.17 per MVM Acc1MVM Actual 0.06 per MVM PART IV: ADDITIONAL REMARKS California MUTCD Option 2 RECOMMENDED SPEED LIMIT 50 mph may oe usea in cases where two or more separate roadways are provided. CERTIFICATION: I, Jeffrey Lau, do hereby certify that this Engineering and Traffic Survey within the City of La Quinta was performed under my supervision and is accurate and complete. I am duly registered in the State of California as a Professional F�'li,per (Civil). 6 /Z5//& CE 83887 Lau Date State Registration Number STREET: Jefferson Street DATE: 4/28/16 C CITY OF LA QUINTA ENGINEERING & TRAFFIC SURVEY between Avenue -52 TIME: 10:00 OBSERVER: J. Lau and Avenue 54 LOCATION: 19 ART I: HIGHWAY & ROADWAY CHARACTERISTICS Sight Distance Obstructions? SIB NIB Notes es or no 1. Horizontal No No 2. Vertical No No 3. Superelevation (%) None None 4. Shoulder Conditions (paved or unpaved) Paved Paved 5. Profile Conditions (grade,%) 6. Commercial Driveway Characteristics At -Grade At -Grade Limited driveways on (at grade, dustpan, etc) each side of roadway 7. Pedestrian Traffic in the Roadway without No No Sidewalks on both sidewalks (yes or no) sides 8. Adjacent Land Use Vacant Land Residential (residential, commercial, office, etc) 9. Intersection Spacing and Offsets No offsets Roundabout at (spacing, feet -offsets, yes or no) Avenue 52; Stop at Avenue 54 10. Pavement Condition Satisfactory Satisfactory (good, satisfactory, poor) 11. Truck Traffic (heavy, moderate, light) Light Light 12. Channelization (# of lanes, divided, 6 lanes with bike 20' raised median undivided, painted, or raised median) lanes, divided with a raised median 13. Street Width and Alignment 44' 44' (width, feet — straight or curved) Moderate Moderate 14. Traffic Flow Characteristics (heavy, moderate, light) 15. Uniformity with the Community Yes Yes (yes or no) 16. Heavy On -Street Parking Turnover No No No parking allowed (yes or no) on both sides 17. Street Lighting Only at roundabout location CITY OF LA QUINTA ENGINEERING & TRAFFIC SURVEY STREET: Jefferson Street between Avenue 52 and Avenue 54 LOCATION: 19 ❑ Northbound * ❑ Southbound Direction Bi-directional ❑ Eastbound * ❑ Westbound PART II: PREVAILING SPEED MEASUREMENT Location of Radar Measurement S/0 Rosewood Lane Date of Radar Measurement 4/19/2016 Time of Radar Measurement (24 hour) 10:10 TO 10:35 50%ile (mph) 85%ile (mph) 52 57 r mph Pace (% of Vehicles) 47-56(71%) Posted Limit Prevailing Limit 55 mph 55 mph 1RT III: ACCIDENT RECORDS Time Period Evaluated 1/1/2012 TO 12/31/2014 Number of Accidents Midblock 2 Midblock Accident Rate Expected-StatewideNear 1.17 per MVM Acc/MVM Actual 0.12 per MVM I PART IV: ADDITIONAL REMARKS I The 85'h percentile speed is 57 mph and would normally justify a 55 mph posted speed limit. However, due to heavy pedestrian traffic during special events and the lack of roadway lighting that may not be apparent to unfamiliar drivers and to maintain uniformity with an adjacent street segment, a lower speed limit is prudent. It is recommended that the speed limit be posted at 50 mph for the above reasons. RECOMMENDED SPEED LIMIT 50 mph may ue useu in cases wnere two or more separate roaaways are provided. CERTIFICATION: I, Jeffrey Lau, do hereby certify that this Engineering and Traffic Survey within the City of La Quinta was performed under my supervision and is accurate and complete. I am duly registered in the State of California as a Professional Engineer (Civil). 6 h-5/16 CE 83887 Jeffrey Lau Date State Registration Number City of La Quinta Radar Speed Survey f.[1A 1dT—. 11 A,.50_A-52 ILocaflon: mnnm.■mrN■nn■n■■■■mo n.u.■■■.■■■.■.■■nn■■.■■n.Between- ■n■■.■■nn■n■ trot.■■■.■nn■■'a■■■m■.■■■ns �C�CCCCOCIC�1�o000■ .:::�:�:::a:o� Qo�Q■■n..a..o�©�■®...Ai■�Time 033 ■.u..■■■.i■333#3E3E3.n■■�n■To. E3EiE3©DEi�i.Irt■■■.■F3��Q■n■■i■.■■lilt•. �rl.■■■■■nN..�or~tn■n■■r..■■© 33>fl■n■■lnn! © ME3E3f31■■■■■■MMf3l3F3n■■..■Iti..■8 RF3Ei■.■W■n■.1F30■■l■W■n>tl■O E3E3E3■.■■!!■■■.m3M■.■■m■.■ E3t3■tun■n■■.■. lun■■■><■.■.■■■■W.■n■■.■..ta■ .■mn■lii■■.num..■.�■.■nllll'■ 1311rn■Wll,■Nl■.n ■.>t■.lunW■>,>,■.tnr■lrr.■ ■■.'■■■.r.■■1�.■■W.IN■.■■.■■d .■K■■■.. ■■■■■■■■■.■.■■ ■■■■■■.>!■■■MMM ■W■■■■■■!.■u■■Wnn■■.■tr.■n■ ■■.■[■■■i,■>,■■nu■■■ur■�■■■■>ula ■n■.■>l..■.W■.■tnm�.o un■.Radar .■■■! ■■3u.■■... n■uu!■�F■■■r.■■>�n>,.■■■....rtFl�.r ...u.■tm■■mn.nll■■■.■■luAt ■.n■■.■....■..■■lllnui■!l■.■. ..■■■■>.■■■.■.■.3rli■u....■■llins3lit nn■■■■■m ..l..iR... ::::::'.� ®f3�n■■i..■■■ ■n....■■■■■■©l ■■■� t[■■n■.m..■■■lam m■■10■■n.■■■..tlln. tr■.olll■l.■■tu GRAND TOTALS . is o _tom ,. Jefferson Street Avenue 50 _ . _ _ 4/19/16 , 10:00 - C Speed Limit: 55 Percentile�.: . 50th Percentile .:l Speed 85th PercentileCritical . - Avenue 52 M.P.H. 70% . MPH - Survey Conducted By: Counts Unlimited, Inc. .. Box Corona, CA 92880 T 951-268-6268 F 951-268-6267 oto 3R'�tatti • •, : - • : • rr�tao l�33lttt■ ©o X00.■...ilt■.�.■■!.■MEN aoo mroitt3� nor■■ 100th QdlO ti./ra© EMU" alit• d3©tA o©lli 000 orae �ss■ttr■t pool OQO' onto DMO moor oao moth moo 1137n0 0030 moo moo mratt� f.[1A 1dT—. 11 A,.50_A-52 City of La Quinta Radar Speed Survey I.QA_JdT,—. 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Box 1178 f�f[�11i111 W■■N■■1■1■■ i 0 If�!>lliiiil>w ■■1NW■■■1■■1■■■O■11u■11N■l0 CA 92880 1■�1C1t! W n■■■■■11■■I ■■■a■■1l■■1/N■Corona, 1fQ1IQ/! 1■■it■1■1■1■1■■■1■■:■1111■W■■� T 951-266-6268 F 951-268-6267 I.QA_JdT,—. II_A,c S'' -_Ax: 54 LEGEND: SPEED LIMIT MPH 25 30 35 40 ---° 45 50 55 = CITY LIMITS s W i �s 7 4 y CALLS TECATE A DARBY ROAD d y 0 F CITY OF LA +QUiNTA SPEED LIMITS PREPARED MAY 2016 dMVE sO AVENUE 54 AIRPORT BOULEVARD AVENUE 58 L W � ti W N F VI p2La `N 3 AVENUE 60 r) m Z 4 N.T.S. AVENUE 62 1.1