Sestich, Anthony/Sewer Lines 89 AGREEMENT This Agreement made and entered into between City of La Quinta hereinafter referred to as City and Anthony Sestich and Avonna Sestich, owner of certain parcels within Assessment District 88-1 in the City of La Quinta, hereinafter referred to as Owners. WHEREAS, said Owners now own and have owned prior to confirmatzon of Assessment District 88-1, certain parcel of land described as Lots 9. 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 of Block 272, Unit 25, Santa Carmelita at Vale La Ouinta in the City of La Quanta, as said lots are shown on map recorded in Book 19, of Maps, Page 51 thereof, Records of Riverside County, State of California; and WHEREAS, prior to and during the proceedings for Assessment District 88-1, said lots were identified as a single assessor's parcel number, Assessor's Number 774-262-028, and therfore for the purpose of assessing the property, said parcel was assessed as a single parcel, Assessment No. 3.046, consisting of all of the 6 lots; and ~EREAS, the Owners indicated that these six lots have never been legally merged into a single parcel, however were treated as such by the Assessor's Office to simplify the tax bill; and ~{EREAS, the Owners w~sh to have the said lots represented ~s individual parcels; and WHEREAS, at the request of Property Owners, the Assessor did in fact change the County Assessor's records in July of 1989 to represent each lot as a separate assessor's number; and - i - WHEREAS, to [acilitate filing of Debt Jervlce Report, the uri~inallv assigned assessment r~umber !.046 for ail ~,× luts, .,as se~reqated into o new assessment numbers as follows: Orlsinal Assessor's Or~81nal Ori81nal Parcel Assessor's No. Assessment No. Lots 9, 10, 11, 12, ]3 & 14 774-262-028 3.046 New Assessor's Parcel New Assessor's No. New Assessment No. Lot 9 774-262-029 ;3.046.006 Lot 10 774-262-030 ~.046.005 Lot 11 774-262-031 ~.046.004 Lot 12 774-262-032 ~.046.003 Lot 13 774-262-033 13.046.002 Lot 14 774-262-034 3.046.001 and WHEREAS, the Owners have requested additional services be provided to these parcels and assessed against said parcels; and WHEREAS, a field review indicated that certain parcels contained structures crossing property lines of said parcels, and WHEREAS, it is hereby agreed that those parcels having structures over and across the property lines shall be considered as a single parcel and single building site hencetorth, with the assessments pursuant to the proceeding of Assessment District 88-1 shall be levied accordingly. The facilities to be construcued shall be provided in the manner that ~ould provide these parcels to be considered as single buildable }arcels. NOW, THEREFORE. [HE PARTIES ~) HEREBY AGREE AS ~OLLOWS 1. The foregoing Recitals are true and correct. 2. City agrees that a total ~t £our, 4" diameter sewer lateral shall be provided, une to each o£ the parcels, ]~arcels ] through 4 doscr,beu as follows: {a) Parcel 1 Lot Number Assessor's No. \ssessment No. 13 774-262-033 3.046.002 14 774-262-034 3.046.001 Parcel 2 Lot Number Assessor's No. \ssessmen[ No. 11 774-262-031 3.046.004 12 774-262-032 3.046.003 Parcel 3 Lot Number Assessor's No. Assessment No. 9 774-262-029 3.046.006 Parcel 4 Lot Number Assessor's No. Assessment No. lO 774-262-030 ~.046.005 3. The (~ners agree that the assessments for the above parcels shall be as follows: Parcel 1 ........................................ $1,453.34 Parcel 2 ........................................ 51,483.34 Parcel 3 ........................................ $1,287.19 ?arceI 4 ........................................ ~. [hat this A~reement snail l~e recorded an~ shail be a covenan[ rema±nln8 wlth the land. ~. That the Owner shall pay the costs o~ preparation and recordation of n ,~ended Assessment D~asram and the reapportionment of assessment, as :i~v of La Ouin:a Dated: '"l~ ' ~ "' -"~ "'o o~ 264 > r