Sierra Pacific/Traffic Sig Tampico & Washington 93SECTION 1300 AGREEMENT THIS CONTRACT, by and between the CI-I'y OF LA QUINTA, a municipal corporation, herein referred to as "City, and Sierra Pacific Electrical Contracting herein referred to as, "Contractor". — WITNESSETII: In consideration of their mutual covenants, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Contractor shall furnish all necessary labor, material, equipment, transportation and services for the TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT CALLE TAMPICO AND WASRINGTON STREET, PROJECT NO. 92-20, in the City of La Quinta, California pursuant to the Notice Inviting Bids, dated March 17, 1993, Specifications for the above work, and Contractor's Proposal, dated Apr i 1 9, 1993 , all of which documents shall be considered a part hereof as though fully set herein. Should any provisions of Contractor's Bid be in conflict with the Notice Inviting Bids, Specifications, or this Contract, then the provisions of said Contract, Specifications, and Notice Inviting Bids shall be controlling, in that order of precedence. The time frames for construction work shall be in accordance with those specified in the Contractor's Proposal and as specified below and shall he considered part of this Contract. 2. Contractor will comply with all Federal, State, County, and City laws, including the La Quinta Municipal Code, which are, as amended from time to time, incorporated herein by reference. 3. All work shall he done in a manner satisfactory to the City Engineer. 4. Contractor shall commence work within fifteen (15) calendar days after the issuance of a written Notice to Proceed and agrees to have all work completed within one hundred twenty (120) calendar days. The time for completing the work to be done hereunder may be extended in writing by the City Engineer upon a showing of good cause. 5. In consideration of said work. City agrees to pay Contractor such sums as shall he approved by the City Engineer at lump sums and/or unit prices stated in the Contractor's Bid, the base consideration of$ 77 Thousand 565 Hundred 00/100($ 77,565,00 ), plus such additional amounts for adjustments to the estimated quantities contained in the Bidder's Proposal and for extra work covered by approved Change Orders, if any, as are provided for in the Specifications, which combined amount shall not exceed $—_ , so that the total expenditures on said Contract shall not exceed $ without prior approval of the City Council and written amendment to this Contract. All payments shall be subject to approval by the City Engineer and shall be in accordance with the terms, conditions, and procedures provided in the Specifications. 6. The Contractor shall not knowingly pay less than the general prevailing rate for per diem wages, as determined by the State of California Department of Industrial Relations and referred to in the Notice Inviting Bids, to anv workman employed for the work to he perhtnned under this contract; and the Contractor shall forfeit as a penalty to the City the surn of Twenty -Five Dollars ($25.00) for each calendar day, or fraction thereof. for such workman paid by him or by any subcontractor tinder him in violation of this provision (Sections 1770-1777. Labor Code of California). Agreement 1-17.1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the dates stated below. Dated: L' 63 APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney CITY OF LA QUINTA, r a California municipal J corporate no I By: # V Mayo "CITY" Sierra Pacific Electrical Contracting Dated: April 26, 1993 By: Name: Barry W. Loop Title: President By: Name: Title: "CONTRACTOR" (If corporation, affix seal) Agreement 1-17.4 IP.PH FWIFIC TEL Nil. :4 JJ .'_I cr,d 1ij: 11 FI'rd SECTION 1320 PAYIFNT BOND BOND #800764679 PREMIUM: INCLUDED KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT the City of La Quinlx, a municipal corporation, hcrrmattcr designated the City, has, on APRIL 9, 1993 pwardedto SIERRA PACIFIC ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ,hereinafter dcsfbnatcd as the Principal, a Contract for the Gunnh uc l'n,o oI the I.affle Signal at Calle Tampico find Washington Street, Pr( ject 92-20, and WHEREAS, said Principal is required to furnish a bond in connection and with said Contract, providing that if said Prrnegial, or any of it or its subcontractors shall fail to pay for any materials, provisions, or ulhcr supplies u,�ei in, upon, for, or about the performance of the work contracted to be done, or for any work or labor dune thereon of any kind, the Surety of this bond will pay the sarne to the extent hereinafter Set to lh: NOW, THEREFORE. we. the Principal, and AMERICAN CASUALTY COMPANY OF READING, PA. as Surety, arc held and firmly bound unto the City in the just and frill amount of SEVENTY SEVEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED SIXTY FIVE NO CENTS dollars 11FORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of if -al iFe'el R County of uyjsad r2 I On X - F- 93 before me, C a77 ,, A • %� �/ DATE NAME, TITLE OF OFFICER - E.G., "JANE DOE, G-23208-B STATE OF CALIFORNIA (COUNTY OF ORANGE JDZI C. NIfHBLS 3 Comm • 9M28 NOTARY POM- CAIFOM OmgeCuaely ]I a M Coma. Esdri Jar. 29.1997 -r SS. I, JOZI C. NICHOLS No. 5193 OPTIONAL SECTION CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER Though statute does not require the Notary to fill in the data below, doing so may prove invaluable to persons relying on the document. ❑ INDIVIDUAL ®-CORPORATE OFFICER(S) Notary Public ofORANGE County, in the State of CALIFORNIA do hereby certify that —SU5AN AMPSON Attornl y-in-fact, of the AMERICAN CASUALTY COMPANY OF READING who SS personally known to me to be the same person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, appeared befs-! me this day in person, and acknowledged that he signed, sealed and delivered said instrument, for and on behalf of the AMERICAN CASUALTY COMPANY OF READING for the uses and purposes therein set forth. Given under my hand and notarial seal at my office in the City ofORANGE in said County, this 26TH day of APR I L A..D. 19 93 Notary Public. PA PA 01993 NATIONAL NOTARY ASSOCIATION • 8236 Remmet Ave., P.O. Box 7184 • Canoga Park, GA 91 aua-r lav IF'FH F`iI-IFIi= TEL file. -1 44:'=i 'ol „'' 11I:ra1 P.11) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Principal and Surety have executed this instrument under their seals this 26TH day of APR I L 19 93 seal of each Corporal ,the [lama and cgtpOrxle c party tieing herein affixed and the,, presents duly signed by its undersigned represenlativc, pursuant to authunt)of its governing body. SIERRA PACIFIC ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING (Seal) principal -- Signature for Principal Title of of Siguat,ay AMERICAN CASUALTY COMPANY OF READING, PA. Surely (Scat) arc for Sur y ATTORNEY —IN —FACT Titic of Signatory r y,h,,,t n„,d 1.21 American Casualty Company of Reading, Pennsylvania CNA For All the Commitments You Make' Offieaslchicago, Illinois POWER OF ATTORNEY APPOINTING INDIVIDUAL ATTORNEY -IN -FACT Know All Men by these Presents, That AMERICAN CASUALTY COMPANY OF READING, PENNSYLVANIA, a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and having its principal office in the City of Chicago, and State of Illinois. does hereby make, constitute and appoint Susan J. Sampson, Individually of Orange California its true and lawful Attorney -in -Fact with full power and authority hereby conferred to sign, seal and execute in its behalf bonds. undertakings and other obligatory instruments of similar nature - In Unlimited Amounts - and to bind AMERICAN CASUALTY COMPANY OF READING, PENNSYLVANIA thereby as fully and to the same extent as if such instruments were signed by the duly authorized officers of AMERICAN CASUALTY COMPANY OF READING, PENNSYLVANIA and all the acts of said Attorney, pursuant to the authority hereby given are hereby ratified and confirmed. This Power of Attorney is made and executed pursuant to and by authority of the following By -Law duly adopted by the Board of Directors of the Company: "Article VI —Execution of Obligations and Appointment of Attorney -in -Fact Section 2. Appointment of Attorney -in -fact. The President or Vice President may. from time to time, appoint by written certificates attorneys - in -fact to act in behalf of the Company in the execution of policies of insurance, bonds, undertakings and other obligatory instruments of like nature. Such attorneys -in -fact, subject to the limitations set forth in their respective certificates of authority, shall have full power to bind the Company by their signature and execution of any such instruments and to attach the seal of the Company thereto. The President or any Vice President or the Board of Directors may at any time revoke all power and authority previously given to any attorney -in -fact-" This Power of Attorney is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authority of the following Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of the Company at a meeting duly called and held on the l lth day of November, 1966: "Resolved. that the signature of the President or a Vice President and the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile on any power of attorney granted pursuant to Section 2 of Article VI of the By -Laws, and the signature of the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary and the seal of the Company may be affixed by fascimile to any certificate of any such power- and any power or certificate bearing such facsimile signatures and seal shall be valid and binding on the Company. Any such power so executed and sealed and certified by certificate so executed and sealed shall, with respect to any bond or undertaking to which it is attached, continue to be valid and binding on the Comr , In Witness Whereof, AMERICAN CASUALTY COMPANY READING. PENNSYLVANIA has used these presents to be signed by its Vice President and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed this day of OVem�er , 19—. �"" AMERICAN CASUALTY COMPANY OF READING, PENNSYLVANIA State of Illinois I ss.�""""re ex County of Cook I � „", r "" J. E. Purtell Vice President. On this 5th day of November , 19 91 , before me personally came J. E. Purtell, to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say: that he resides in the Village of Glenview, State of Illinois: that he is a Vice -President of AMERICAN CASUALTY COMPANY OF READING. PENNSYLVANIA, the corporation described in the which executed the above instrument: that he knows the seal of said Corporation; that the seal affixed to the said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed pursuant to authority given by the Board of Directors of said corporation and that he signed his name thereto pursuant to like authority, and acknowledges same to be the act and deed of said corporation. e ;� Linda C. Dempsey otary Public. CERTIFICATE My Commission Expires 0 to er 19, 1994 1, Robert E. Ayo, Assistant Secretary of AMERICAN CASUALTY COMPANY OF READING, PENNSYLVANIA, do certify that t Power of Attorney herein above set forth is still in force, and further certify that Section 2 of Article VI of the By -Laws of the Company and the Power of the Board of Directors, set forth in said Anof Attorney are still in force. In testimony whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the seal of the said Company this day of APR I L , 19 9 3 . jJfJrr dDO,.,r� nm a R ert E. Ay. sistant Secretary. INV. NO G-57442-6 8.23142-0 IPPH F"HCIFIC TEL flr_I.;:1.4 SECTION 1310 FAITHFUL, PERFORMANCE BOND KNOW ALL I%IEN HY THESE PRESENTS: pl i .'-1 Ili:Cl It F. l? BOND #800764679 PREMIUM: S93i.00 THAT (he. City of La Quinta, a municipal corporation, hereinafter designated the City, has. On APRIL 9, 1993 awarded to SIERRA PACIFIC ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING hereinafter designated as the Principal, a Contract for the construction of tbc. Ti lie Signal ut Calle Tampico and Washington Street, Project 92-20 and WHEREAS, said Principal is required under the terms of Said Contract to furnish a bond for the faill id Performance. of said Cuntrmo: NOW. THERRFORE, we. thu.. Principal, and AMERICAN CASUALTY COMPANY OF READING, PA. as Surety, are held and lu'mly hound unto the City in the just and hill amount of SEVENTY SEVEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED SIXTY FIVE NO CtEMTS L5 77,565.00 ) lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which sum CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT No 5193 State of l rAL1Fo eN/f1 OPTIONAL SECTION D CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER County of Though statute does not require the Notary to fill in the data below, doing so may prove C �y1 invaluable to persons relying on the document. On �%��-S 3 before me, ME TITLE A I�R ///R'r n p , DATE AME, TITLE OF OFFICER � E.G., "JANE DOE, NOTARY P da ucINDIVIDUAL G-23208-8 ss. 1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE JOZI C. NICHOLS I, Notary Public of ORANGE County, in the State of CALIFORNIA , do hereby certify that SUSAN J . SAMPSON JOU C. NIpI0L5 v Attorney -in -fact, of the E AN CASUALTY COMPANY OF READING, F Clmm.t983528 who IS personally known to me to be the same person whose name 3 NOTARYDrume MOW �ON� D IS subscribed to the foregoing instrument, a y in 4 - fy Cmm. Exiamsam. 29,1997 g 9 appeared before me this da person, and acknowledged that he signed, sealed and delivered said instrument, for and on behalf of the AMER ICAN CASUALTY COMPANY OF READ,ING,PA for the uses and purposes therein set forth. Given under my hand and notarial seal at my office in the City of ORANGE in said County, this 2 6TH day of A PR I L —A.D. 19 93 Notary Public. IN NATIONAL(1)1993 • • •P.O.91309-7184 IF'F:N F'HCIFIC. EL P•lii. a 44:-::' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Principal and Surety have exc used this instrument undcr their seals (his _ 26TH day of APR I L , ly 93 , the name and corporate seal of each corporalc party heing hereto affixed :and thcsc pre.cenlg duly signed by its undersigned ti'Prele"lauve, pursuant to authority of its governing body. SIERRA PACIFIC ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Principal (Seal) Signature for Principal (Sea) t _ '_ Title of Signatory AMERICAN CASUALTY COMPANY OF READING, PA. Surely ATTORNEY —IN —FACT Title of Signatury re; � ,m n,..d 1-21 American Casualty Company of Reading, Pennsylvania CNA For All the Commitments YOU Make' officesiChicago, Illinois POWER OF ATTORNEY APPOINTING INDIVIDUAL ATTORNEY -IN -FACT Know All Men by these Presents, That AMERICAN CASUALTY COMPANY OF READING, PENNSYLVANIA, a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and having its principal office in the City of Chicago, and State of Illinois, does hereby make, constitute and appoint Susan J Sampson Individually of Orange, California its true and lawful Attorney -in -Fad with full power and authority hereby conferred to sign, seal and execute in its behalf bonds. undertakings and other obligatory instruments of similar nature In Unlimited Amounts - and to bind AMERICAN CASUALTY COMPANY OF READING, PENNSYLVANIA thereby as fully and to the same extent as if such instruments were signed by the duly authorized officers of AMERICAN CASUALTY COMPANY OF READING. PENNSYLVANIA and all the ads of said Attorney, pursuant to the authority hereby given are hereby ratified and confirmed. This Power of Attorney is made and executed pursuant to and by authority of the following By -Law duly adopted by the Board of Directors of the Company: "Article VI —Execution of Obligations and Appointment of Attorney -in -Fact Section 2. Appointment of Attorney -in -fact. The President or Vice President may, from time to time, appoint by written certificates attorneys. in -fact to act in behalf of the Company in the execution of policies of insurance, bonds. undertakings and other obligatory instruments of like nature. Such attorneys -in -fact. subject to the limitations set forth in their respective certificates of authority, shall have full power to bind the Company by their signature and execution of any such instruments and to attach the seal of the Company thereto. The President or any Vice President or the Board of Directors may at any time revoke all power and authority previously given to any attorney -in -fact." This Power of Attorney is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authority of the following Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of the Company at a meeting duly called and held on the 11th day of November, 1966: "Resolved, that the signature of the President or a Vice President and the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile on any power of attorney granted pursuant to Section 2 of Article VI of the By -Laws, and the signature of the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary and the seal of the Company may be affixed by I.ascimile to any certificate of any such power, and any power or certificate bearing such facsimile signatures and seal shall be valid and binding on the Company. Any such power so executed and sealed and certified by certificate so executed and sealed shall, with respect to any bond or undertaking to which it is attached, continue to cb��e valid and binding on the Comr 1 In Witness Whereof, AMERICAN CASUALTY COMPANY READING, PoENNSYLVA%1haes mD se these presents to be signed by9 it51VIce President and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed this Y IIVV yy AMERICAN CASUALTY COMPANY OF READING, PENNSYLVANIA State of Illinois 1 ss County of Cook t siioil l �Y"'"f J. E. Purtell Vice President. this 5th day of November , 19 91 . before me personally came On J. EPu this to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say: that he resides in the Village of Glenview, State of Illinois: that he Is a Vic.e-President of AMERICAN CASUALTY COMPANY OF READING. PENNSYLVANIA, the corporation described in the which executed the above instrument: that he knows the seal of said Corporation; that the seal affixed to the said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed pursuant to authority given by the Board of Directors of said corporation and that he signed his name thereto pursuant to like authority, and acknowledges same to be the act and deed of said corporation. c9 CDerr o . ''00TAf1Y " PVBIIC Linda C. D My Commission CERTIFICATE res I, Robert E. Ayo, Assistant Secretary of AMERICAN CASUALTY COMPANY OF READING. PENNSYLVANIA, do certify that herein above set forth Is still In force, and further certify that Section 2 of Article VI of the By -Laws of the Company and thel of Directors, set forth in said Power of Attorney are still in force. In testimony whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name the said Company this 2 6 TH day of A PR 1 , 19_93_ . ter 19, 1994 Power of Attorney ution of the Board affixed the seal of •sea.,t� lTr IPt ®Rerlt E. Ayo sistant Secretary. I^I:. t40 G-57442-8 8.23142-D SECTION 1330 WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE CERTIFICATE In accordance with California Labor Code Section 1861, prior to commencement of work on the Contract, the Contractor shall sign and file with the City the following certification: "I am aware of the provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code which require every employer to be insured against liability for workers' compensation or to undertake self- insurance in accordance with the provisions of that code, and I will comply with such provisions before commencing the performance of the work of this contract." Signature Barry W. Loop Name of Contractor Title April 26, 1993 Date Workers' Compensation Insurance Certificate 1-22 ACH)Hi►® Akasaka Ortiz & Varela Insurance Associates Inc. P. O. Boa 14080 Orange CA 926134080 CODE SUBCODE _...... _ LETTER Lo INSURED COMPANY `. Sierra Pacific Electrical Contracting LETTER 2542 Avalon Street COMPANY D Riverside CA 92509- -. LETTER COMPANY E lET1EA THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS POLICY EFFECTIVE 'POLICY EXPIRATION LIMITS '0 TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER DATE (MMODA-Y) DATE (MMADDNY) TR GENERAL LIABILITY GENERAL AGGREGATE $ COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY PRODUCTSCCMI ASS. $ CLAIMS MADE OCCUR PERSONAL 8 ADV. INJURY $ OWNER'S 8 CONTRACTOR'S PROT. EACH OCCURRENCE $ FIRE DAMAGE (Any one lire) $ MED. EXPENSE (my one prison)'.$ AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT '$ ANY AUTO _... _... ALL OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY $ (Per Person) SCHEDULED AUTOS _._ _.... _. _.. _..... HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY (Per accident) '$ NONOWNEDAUTOS GARAGE LIABILITY '. PROPERTY DAMAGE EXCESS LIABILTY EACH OCCURRENCE _ $ UMBRELLA FORM AGGREGATE $ OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM ... _. _... STATUTORY LIMITS WORKER'S COMPENSATION -. 1000000 p WA1-032762.00 07/01/93 I 01/01/94 EACH AccioENr $ ......... AND ' I DISEASE -POLICY LIMIT :$ 11100000 EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY __. _.. _.. _.... pISEA$E - EACH EMPLOYEE $ 1000000 OTHER 10 DAYS NOTICE OF CANCELLATION FOR - NONPAYMENT OF PREMIUM. DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS&OCATIONSNEHICLE&SPECIAL ITEMS SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE CITY OF LA OUINTA a. EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO 78.105 CALLE ESTADO MAIL 30 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LA OUINTA CA 92253- LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE COMPANY, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. CONTRACTORS STATE LICENSE BOARD tinn�e Number EaDla 2b4048 CORP NamelllamealEle SIERRA PACIFIC ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ElaaslNcatlems) C 10 A 8 Exehalloo Date 12/31/93 V j FM of vN�v CONTRACT: Traffic Signal at Calle Tampico/Washington Street CONTRACTOR: SIERRA PACIFIC ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING 2542 Avalon Street Riverside, CA 92509 CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO. 01 Sheet I of 2 PROJECT NO. 92-20 :k��%k%k:k#�:K#�%k;k�:K*:k;k%k%k#:K�*%k%k�:k:k:K*%k:k%k#:K:K:k:k:k#%k:k:K:K %: %K:k :k �:k:K:K:K:k %k:k%k:k:K:K:k;k;k%k:k:K:K%k:k:k:k:k:k;e ;k %k:k:k:K �;k ;k %k :Y•�:K:K;K:k Pursuant to the terms of the Contract, you are hereby directed to make the herein described changes or do the following described work not included in the plans and specifications for this Contract. Unless otherwise stated all work shall conform to the teens, conditions, and provisions of the original contract. *:K*:k*:k%k*:K**%k*:k :K***%k**:K**;k**:k:K:K:k* *%k:k:K *:k•:k*:B**:K*:k %k:Y•:k:k *:k*:k %k:k:::**:k*&;k :k:k *:k:k*:k:6 **:Y•:k%k*:k:k:K:Y•;k* *:K *:k:k:k* DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE Furnish and install additional service conduits and pull boxes in place complete per contractor's quote (Exhibit "A"). Lump Sum Amount $1,761.00 ************************************:k************:%***********:k**:k*******:k:k:k:k****:k:k:k******* Previous Contract Amt. through Change Order No. 0 $ 77,565 Add this Change Order $ 1,761 Revised Contract Total $ 79,326 By reason of this order the time of completion will be adjusted as follows: 0 calendar days added/deleted to contract time. *:K*:K* *%k:S :K*:K:k%k*:k%k *:k:K:k *;k%k*::K:k:k%k*:k:k *:K*;k%k*:K* *::kjk* "r****:k:k:k:k:k:k:k:k:k:k:k:k:k:K:k *:k•:k:k:B:K :k%k *:;oK:K:k:k %k:k *:K*:k%k*%k :;::k Submitted B �� Date:9 � Approved By. Z1��iW�ii Date:"I//{{ -10'13 We, the undersigned Contractor, have given careful consideration to the change proposed and hereby agree, if this proposal is approved, that we will provide all equipment, furnish all materials, except as may he noted above, and perform all services necessary for the work above specified, and will accept as full payment the prices shown above. Accepted By: L��) Title: Vice Prey i dent Contractor: Sierra Pacific Electrical Contracting Date: Sept. 7, 1993 ggA 1!,kc �,� 1 r 2542 AVALON ST. • RIVERSIDE, CA 92509 • PHONE (714) 784-1410 • FAX (714) 784-4489 LICENSE #264048 A, C-10 July 1, 1993 Attention: John Freeland City of La Quinta P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 Re: Calle Tampico and Washington St. Subject: REQUEST FOR CHANGE ORDER CITY OF LA QUINTA J U L 0 6 1393 PUBLIC WORKS Provide and install additional service conduit runs and pull boxes required by the County of Riverside. One 21 inch conduit run from meter pedestal to a new No. 5 pull box at pole "E" and from said pull box a tflinch conduit run to traffic signal controller. $936.00 Provide and install five additional No. 5 pull boxes and two (2 inch) ninety degree ells at poles B, C, D, G, and H. A pull box is required by the County within five feet of each pole. $825.00 If you need any further information please feel free to contact me. Yo s tru(/fy,,, Gil Loo f Estimator CONTRACT: Traffic Signal at Calle Tampico/Washington Street CONTRACTOR: SIERRA PACIFIC ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING 2542 Avalon Street Riverside, CA 92509 CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO. 02 Sheet 1 of PROJECT NO. 92-20 xxxxxxx********x*xxxxxxxxxxxx*******x*x****x**xx*xx***xxx*xxxxx********xxxxxxxxxxx*xx*xxxx Pursuant to the terms of the Contract, you are hereby directed to make the herein described changes or do the following described work not included in the plans and specifications for this Contract. Unless otherwise stated all work shall conform to the terms, conditions, and provisions of the original contract. xxxxxxx*x**xxxxxxxxxxx**x*x*****x*xxxxx*********xxxxxxxxxxx*********xxxxx**xxxxx****xxxx** DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE Revise Bid Item #4 - 12" Limit Line: Use Yellow thermal plastic at cross walks in lieu of standard paint. New unit price to be $1.30/L.F. per contractor's quote (Exhibit 'A"). This Change Order not to exceed $ -531M zxxxxxxx**xxxxxxx*xxxx****xxx*xxxxxx*xxx**xxxxxxxxx*xxxxxx**x**xxxxxxxxxxxx*xxxxxxxxx*xxxx Previous Contract Amt. through Change Order No. 1 $ 79,326 Add this Change Order $ 530 Revised Contract Total $ 79,856 By reason of this order the time of completion will be adjusted as follows: 0 calendar days added/deleted to contract time. zxxx*xxxxxxx***xxx*xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx�xxxx***xxxxxxxx*xxxxxxxxx****xxxxx*x*xxxx***x Submitted By: i" Date: 6193 Approved By: t--f T 1 . }i ll "-, Date: 9- In - 3 xs*xx****x***x*xxxxxxx***xx***xxx**xxx****x***xxxxxxxxxxx***xxxx****x******************xxx We, the undersigned Contractor, have given careful consideration to the change proposed and hereby agree, if this proposal is approved, that we will provide all equipment, furnish all materials, except as may be noted above, and perform all services necessary for the work above specified, and will accept as full payment the prices shown above. Accepted By: �LE4,a< �9 1 -7X tie-7 -� Title: Vice President Contractor: Sierra Pacific Electrical Contracting Date: Sept. 7, 1993 — z cFya CONTRACT: Traffic Signal at Calle Tampico/Washington Street CONTRACTOR: SIERRA PACIFIC ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING 2542 Avalon Street Riverside, CA 92509 CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO. 03 Sheet 1 of 2 PROJECT NO. 92-20 ********#******#***#*******************#xxx*x*********#*##******#************##*x***xxx**x Pursuant to the terms of the Contract, you are hereby directed to make the herein described changes or do the following described work not included in the plans and specifications for this Contract. Unless otherwise stated all work shall conform to the terms, conditions, and provisions of the original contract. DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE Furnish and install in place complete, (1) Opticom system at the intersection of Calle Tampico and Washington Street, including all testing as applicable. System to be accessible to emergency vehicles from all four directions. Compensation to be per contractor's quote (Exhibit "A" attached) Lump Sum Amount $ 8,398.00 ###*######################*###*###x***#**#*x#*#######################**##**xxx**x**x****** Previous Contract Amt. through Change Order No. 2 $ 79,856 Add this Change Order $ 8,398 Revised Contract Total $ 88,254 By reason of this order the time of completion will be adjusted as follows: 0 calendar days added/deleted to contract time. Submitted B�1V1rj' _ Date: rovedB �Z%Z3�93 A 'fil-C, �, PP � �L��-� / Date: #########################x#xxx**x*x******#####*##*###############x###*x#xx*#x************# We, the undersigned Contractor, have given careful consideration to the change proposed and hereby agree, if this proposal is approved, that we will provide all equipment, furnish all materials, except as may be noted above, and perform all services necessary for the work above sQe�:ifiefl, and will accept till payment the prices shown above. Accepted By: ��-� Title: hr c s , pie., k Contractor: 5 i e r r c, R c, i, E l e c Ce r t. Date: 12 - 2 c - ti 3 EICHIbIT "A" z/2 ,�gRA '��1� ��0 9z-2o-() ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING 2542 AVALON ST. • RIVERSIDE, CA 92509 • PHONE (714) 784-1410 • FAX (714) 784-4489 LICENSE 026404 A, C-10 Ociobor 29, 1993 City of La Qulnta Mr. John Fro P. 0. Box 15 4 La Qulnfa, CA. 92253 Re: Washington 8 Calle Tampica La Qulnta Project No. 92-20 Dear ,John: Please issue a change order to our contract to cover the work Ils'lod below, in the amount of $ 8,398.00. Provide and install complete opticom system at Washington and Calle Tampico to Include: 4 - 511 detector hoads 4 - defector clamps 2 - 262 phaso solectors opticom Cable if you have any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely, �/'.(c:�6 ". fv giI Loop GL/jI M , r Return to: 0 0 110-4 CITY CLERK / U x City of La Quinta Q ? rn CD H P.O. Box 1504 M m ~ La Quinta, Ca. 92253 '--4 CX NOTICE OF COMPLETION W� NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT: U UJ ° cc 1. The City of La Quinta, California, is a municipal corporation, organized and incorporated pursuant to the laws of the State of California. 2. The City Clerk of the City of La Quinta is authorized and directed to execute, on behalf of said City, any and all notices of completion. 3. The address of the City of La Quinta. is City Hall, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California (P.O. Box 1504, La Quinta, Calif. 92253). 4. The public work improvement - PROJECT NO. 92-20 - on the hereinafter referred to real property within the City was COMPLETED on the 15th day of March, 1994. 5. The name of the contractor for such work of improvement was SIERRA PACIFIC ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING. 6. The property on which said public work of improvement was completed is in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California, and is described as follows: Installation of Traffic Signal at Calle Tampico/Washington Street. 7. The street address of said property is: Corner of Tampico and Washington Streets. DATED: March 16, 1994 CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA BC6 Q� TITLE CITY CLERK STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) I hereby certify that I am the City Clerk of the governing board of the City Council of the City of La Quinta, the political subdivision which executed the foregoing notice and on whose behalf I make this verification; that I have read said notice, know its contents, and that the same is true. I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed at La Quinta, California on March 16, K"AUNDRA L. JUMLA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California