1996 01 16 CCV > M OF 7Ht city council ACM& CITY COUNCIL CLAMBER 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 Regular Meeting January 16, 19% - 3:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER a. Pledge of Allegiance b. Roll Call CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Beginning Res. No. 96-02 Ord. No. 280 APPROVAL OF HIINUTFS a. Approval of Minutes of December 19, 1995 and January 2, 1996. PUBLIC CO&EMIM This is the time set aside for public comment on any matter not scheduled for public hearing. Please complete a "request to speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. Please watch the timing device on the podium. 000001 WRITTEN CORRFSPONDENCE LETTER FROM EMILY BLACKWOOD REQUESTING FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR CLASS TRIP TO WASHINGTON, D.C. CONSIDERATION OF RECOMMENDATION FROM THE ART IN PUBLIC PLACES COMMISSION TO PREPARE AND INSTALL ARTWORK AT THE RETENTION BASIN WITHIN THE LA QUINTA VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER AND THE APPROPRIATION OF ADDITIONAL FUNDS. A) MINUTE ORDER ACTION. IA. CONSIDERATION OF RECOMMENDATION FROM THE ART IN PUBLIC PLACES COMMISSION TO ALLOCATE ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUNDS TO COVER THE COST OF PLACEMENT AND SUPPORT FOR THE ARTWORK TO BE LOCATED AT THE FRITZ BURNS PARK. A) MINUTE ORDER ACTION. 2. CONSIDERATION OF THE APPOINTMENT OF TWO COUNCIL MEMBERS TO SERVE ON THE CONSULTANT INTERVIEW COMMITTEE FOR THE HISTORIC RESOURCES SURVEY PROJECT. A) MINUTE ORDER ACTION. 3. CONSIDERATION OF ADOPTION OF AMENDMENT TO SECTION 7.04 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE HISTORICAL PRESERVATION COMMISSION. A) MOTION TO TAKE UP ORDINANCE NO. BY TITLE AND NUMBER ONLY AND WAIVE FURTHER READING. B) MOTION TO INTRODUCE ORDINANCE NO. ON FIRST READING. 4. REVIEW OF CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE/BOARD ASSIGNMENTS. A) MINUTE ORDER ACTION. 5. INTERVIEW OF APPLICANTS FOR PLANNING COMMISSION AND CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENT. A) MINUTE ORDER ACTION. 6. CONTINUED CONSIDERATION OF FY 1995-96 COMMUNITY SERVICE GRANT APPLICATIONS. Page 2 00000 CONSENT CALENDAR Note: Consent Calendar Items are considered to be routine in nature and will be approved by one motion. 1. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER DATED JANUARY 16, 1996. 2. TRANSMITTAL OF TREASURY REPORT FOR THE CITY OF LA QUINTA AND LA QUINTA FINANCING AUTHORITY DATED NOVEMBER 30, 1995. 3. APPROVAL OF OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR THE FINANCE DIRECTOR TO ATTEND THE 1996 CSFMO SEMINAR IN BURBANK, FEBRUARY 25-27, 1996. 4. APPROVAL OF OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR THE PLANNING COMMISSION, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR AND PLANNING MANAGER TO ATTEND THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES PLANNING COMMISSIONER'S INSTITUTE IN LONG BEACH, MARCH 20- 22, 1996. 5. APPROVAL OF OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR THE CITY CLERK TO ATTEND THE CITY ATTORNEYS/CITY CLERKS JOINT CONTINUING EDUCATION SEMINAR ON ELECTIONS IN BURBANK, FEBRUARY 1, 1996. 6. DENIAL OF CLAIM FOR DAMAGES BY CLAIMANT ROBERT W. GUTIERREZ, DATE OF LOSS, NOVEMBER 30, 1995. 7. ACCEPTANCE OF STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY IN SOUTHWEST QUADRANT OF THE FRED WARING DRIVEIJEFFERSON STREET INTERSECTION. 8, ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION ACCEPTING PASSES TO THE BOB HOPE CHRYSLER CLASSIC GOLF TOURNAMENT TO BE HELD JANUARY 17-21, 1996. 9. APPROVAL OF A REQUEST BY THE LA QUINTA ARTS FOUNDATION TO UTILIZE THE COUNCIL CHAMBER FOR DOCENT TRAINING. 1. DISCUSSION OF COMMUNITY SERVICE GRANT PROCESS. Page 3 000003 REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS A. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF DECEMBER 12 & 19, 1995 B. ART IN PUBLIC PLACES COMMISSION MINUTES OF DECEMBER 4, 1995 C. PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 13 & DECEMBER 11, 1995 D. CVAG COMMITTEE REPORTS E. SUNLINE REPORTS F. C.V. MOUNTAINS CONSERVANCY G. COACHELLA VALLEY MOSQUITO ABATEMENT DISTRICT MINUTES OF DECEMBER 12, 1995 H. RIVERSIDE COUNTY FREE LIBRARY ADVISORY COMMITTEE I. ALL OTHER BOARDS/COMMISSIONS/JPA'S A. CITY MANAGER B. CITY ATTORNEY C. CITY CLERK - NONE D. BUILDING AND SAFETY DIRECTOR - NONE E. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR 1. DISCUSSION OF ISSUES FOR JOINT CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF JANUARY 30, 1996. F. FINANCE DIRECTOR 1. TRANSMITTAL OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES REPORT FOR THE CITY OF LA QUINTA AND THE LA QUINTA FINANCING AUTHORITY DATED NOVEMBER 30, 1995. G. PARKS & RECREATION DIRECTOR I. TRANSMITTAL OF RECREATION ATTENDANCE REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER, 1995. H. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR - NONE I. SHERIFF'S STATION COMMANDER - NONE MAYOR AND COUNCM MEMBERS' IIEW DISCUSSION OF SIGN ORDINANCE. (HENDERSON) RECESS TO REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING Page 4 00000 i RECESS UNTIL 7:00 P.M. PUBLIC COARM3M This is the time set aside for public comment on any matter not scheduled for a public hearing. Please complete a "request to speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. Please watch the timing device on the podium. PRESENTATIONS PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. APPROVAL OF THIRD ONE-YEAR EXTENSION OF TIME FOR PHASE 9 OF TENTATIVE TRACT 24890 TO CREATE 37 LOTS CONSISTING OF THREE SINGLE-FAMILY, 34-DUPLEX, AND FIVE LETTERED LOTS ON TEN ACRES WITHIN SP 85-006. KSL RECREATION. Note: To be continued to February 6, 1996. CLOSED SFS.SION Note: Persons identified as negotiating parties where the City is considering acquisition of theirproperty are not invited into the Closed Session meeting. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9(C) REGARDING POTENTIAL LITIGATION (1 CASE). Page 5 000005 DECLARATION OF P031'IIVG I, Saundra L. Juhola, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, California, do hereby declare that the foregoing agenda for the City Council meeting of January 16, 1996 was posted on the outside entry to the Council Chamber, 78495 Calle Tampico and on the bulletin board at the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce on Friday, January 12, 1996. ;AUNDRA A D: January 12, 19 6. L. JUHOL , City Clerk City of La Quinta, California PUBLIC NOTICE The La Quinta City Council Chamber is handicapped accessible. If special equipment is needed for the hearing impaired, please call the City Clerk's Office at 777-7025, 24-hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations will be made. Page 6 000006 Dear Mayor Bangerter and La Quinta City Council, Hello! This letter is to inform you of the wonderful trip I may be able to experience. In late June of 1996, my eighth grade class has a chance to visit Washington D.C. for a full week. During this week, we will visit some the most famous places in the United States, including the Smithsonian Institution and the White House. We will also go to the Lincoln Memorial and the Vietnam Vetkans' Memorial. Few have the chance to visit this ch and even fewer people have the chance to visit all the places that are on our agenda. That] why I am dedicated"to earning enough money to"go." Unfortunately, I am too young to have arealjob iand so I am doing everything I canto accomplish this goal. I have started saving money especially for this trip ever since I heard about it. I have had my own bank account since seventh grade, and every dime I have left over, goes into it. ` The full price for this trip is an estimated fourteen "hundred dollars. It seems like an overpriced -trip, but this includes food, a room to stay in, souvenirs, and a round-trip flight from Los Angeles air port to Washington D.0 National airport. I am involved -in school fund raisers, like selling posters, and soon I will be selling "shacks" Ilk beef jerky. But this is not all, I've done babysitting for friends and family and have been car washing like crazy! But to earn all that I need, I am now looking for sponsorship.' I am requesting that your office sponsor me for a penny or more, for some or all of the miles I will be flying. Every dollar I earn will help me get to D.C.and home again. This is an educational trip and also a lot of fun. From Los Angeles International Airport to Dulles National Airport, in Washington D.C., I'w01 fly 2,298 miles one way. This trip is very important to me and I would greatly appreciate your support. Thank you very much, -I Emily Blackwood December 16, 1995 h? p [lid N'9?Q �C, {619}564-9224 09000 T4hf 4 4 09 M & AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCILIRDA MEETING DATE: January 16, 1996 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TITLE: STUDY SESSION: Consideration of a recommendation from the Art in Public PUBLIC HEARING: Places Commission to commission Barbara Grygutis to design and install artwork at the La Quinta Village Shopping Center Retention Basin with the appropriation of an additional $30,000 Authorize staff to enter into a contract commissioning the La Quinta Shopping Center Retention Basin artwork to Barbara Grygutis in an amount not to exceed $50,000, appropriate the money from the APP fund, and authorize the Mayor to sign and execute the contract. An amount not to exceed $50,000 ($20,000 previously committed and $30,000 to be committed) would be appropriated from the Art in Public Places fund (Account No. 701-000-255-210) for the La Quinta Village Shopping Center Retention Basin. Currently there is $68,157.44 available in the APP fund as can be seen on the attached Recap of the Art in Public Places Fund (Attachment 1). i; , -'allml "1 / In August, 1995, the Art in Public Places Commission (APP), with Council authorization, sent out a Request for Proposals (RFP) for artwork within the La Quinta Village Shopping Center Retention Basin. During the first review, the Commission, with Mayor Bangerter and Council Member Sniff, determined that none of the proposals met the criteria for this important corner. Another RFP was sent out in September, 1995, and three artists were selected by the Selection Committee (consisting of Carolyn Lair, Rosita Shamis, Nancy Nard, Council Member Stan Sniff, and Mayor Bangerter) to refine their proposals and make a verbal presentation to the entire Commission and Council Members on December 4, 1996. As a result of those interviews, the Commission asked Barbara Grygutis to come to La Quinta, view the site in person, and enhance her proposal for the Commission's January 8, 1996, meeting, before making a final selection. At the meeting of January 8th, the Commission, with Council Member Sniff (Mayor Bangerter sent a letter of support for Ms. Grygutis), unanimously voted to recommend to the City Council to award the contract to Ms. Barbara Grygutis. The Commission unanimously thought Ms. Grygutis' proposal to use land massing (Attachment 2) with an art feature, would be the most effective way of enhancing this crucial comer. The proposal is presented to you in concept form only and not a completed design. Final details wilt be coordinated with the Public Works Department and the developer. 000003 The concept is to construct a bridge extending off the northwesterly portion of the basin from the Sesame Restaurant fountain. The bridge would extend into the center of the basin with an art structure extending upward from the platform. The sides of the basin would be terraced and landscaped to appear as an amphitheater. There are no final plans, at this time, for the art feature that would be constructed at the end of the bridge. The concept consists of several elongated objects of different heights and sizes extending upward and illuminated with lights. A final rendering will be presented to Council and the APP Commission for their approval. The bridge and art feature would enhance the corner and at the same time not compete with the restaurant fountain, but complement it. The terracing of the sides of the retention basin would allow residents to sit and view the art feature. In addition, the terracing could serve as a small gathering area for those working in the area, perhaps for lunch. As part of the recommendation, the Commission is requesting an additional $30,000 be added to the original budget for this project to enable the artist to design a comprehensive art piece. During the interview process, it became apparent that the original budget of $20,000 would not allow any artist to design and install an art piece appropriate for this corner. Therefore, the Commission determined that in light of the amount of money allocated for the Civic Center artwork ($73,000) and the Fritz Burns Park project ($51,000), this site should be given equal or greater attention due to its location; the entrance to the Village and the center of our downtown area. The options available to the City Council arc: Approve the request as submitted; Approve the artist selection for the Retention Basin, but deny the additional funds; Refer the matter back to the Art in Public Places Commission. 4pfl�e4an, Community Development Director Attachments: Concept drawings from Barbara Grygutis 000009 Ccrx.aoa ATTACHMENT 1 City of La Quinta Arts in Public Places Recap Expenditures Inception to 12/31/95 Conference - Phoenix 07/24/92 Bank of America 07/31192 Meg Robertson 10/15/92 A.E.S. 01/12/93 Jerry Allan 03/10/93 Regents - University of Calif. 03/31/93 Martin & Chapman 03/31 /94 City of La Quinta Admin Fee 05/10/95 Rositas Shamis - Reimburse for supplies Total Operating Expenses 06/09/92 Adams/Truman PTA 04/14/93 Louis De Martino 06/29/94 K.Emerson &A.Dematteis 10/18/94 Youth Art Work Hwy 111 TDC - Paid Hwy 111 TDC - Credits Hwy 111 TDC - Future 12/15/92 Ministrelli TT25429 06106/95 Bear Creek Path Art Work 06/20/95 L.Q. Village Shopping Center Total Art Punccases 821.66 244.08 Expended $1,065.74 23.70 2,275.00 105.00 242.05 6,000.00 35.91 $9,747.40 Total Balance of Commitments Commitments Expended n/a n/a $846.00 73,500.00 13,217.00 60,283.00 51,000.00 16,000.00 35,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 47,578.99 47,578.99 0.00 10,810.63 10,810.63 0.00 36,610.38 36,610.38 0.00 15,000.00 7,981.87 7,018.13 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 0.00 $264500.00 $167198.87 $108,147.13 file: APP.VVK4 00(: %,, City of La Quinta Recap Arts in Public Places Available Funds 12/31/95 Deposits collected through development Less expenditures: Operating expenses Art purchased Unexpended deposits Less Encumbrances Less Commitments Balance of De Martino Sculpture for Civic Center Balance of K.Emerson & A.Dematteis Fritz Burns Park Balance of Youth Art Work Deposits committed to HWy 111 TDC Shopping Center - Paid Deposits committed to Hwy 111 TDC Shopping Center - Credit Future Deposits committed to Hwy 111 TDC Shopping Center - Future Ministrelli TT25429 L.Q. Village Shopping Center Total Commitments Available deposits Add interest earned since inception Total available funds through 12/31/95 $280,103.40 (13,217.00) (16,000.00) (5,000.00) (47,578.99) (10,8%63) (36,610.38) (7,981.87) (20,000.00) (9,747.40) (108,147.13) 162,208.87 A ff (157,198.87) 5,010.00 63,147.44 $68 157.44 0 0 V4`4 CITY OF LAQUINTA RECAP ARTS IN PUBLIC PLACES INTEREST EARNE ANNUAL INTEREST FY 1990/91 3,384.22 FY 1991/92 11,024.51 FY 1992/93 12,156.96 FY 1993/94 20,006.54 FY 1994/95 12,046.50 TOTAL ACCUMULATED INTEREST 58,618.73 FY 1995/96 INTEREST YTD 4,528.71 INTERESTTHROUGH 12/31/95 63,147.44 � Obi �P�WK4 ATTACHMENT n2 T414t 4 MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE ART IN PUBLIC PLACES COMMITTEE FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DATE: JANUARY 8, 1996 SUBJECT: REVIEW AND SECTION OF ARTWORK/ARTIST FOR THE LA QUINTA SHOPPING CENTER At your meeting of December 4, 1995, this item was continued in order to have the third finalist, Ms. Barbara Grygutis, view the retention basin and elaborate on her proposal. Since that meeting Ms. Grygutis has visited the site and before you is her concept. As she has stated this is a concept plan. The concept will be refined to meet any engineering and developer concerns. Upon review and discussion, the Commission will need to make a selection on the artwork/artist to recommend to the City Council your selection. Again the three artists before you for your consideration are: Mr. Steve Rieman Mr. Paul Berlier & Mr. Bob Silva Ms. Barbara Grygutis APPMEMO.003 u;;U�13 From PHONE No. : Ian.04 1996 11:34RM P02 Barbara GrY0utltt 273 N. Main Ave. Tucson, Artsona 85701 Tc1O&)( (520)602-5572 10 Members of the Selection Committee; Public Art for the La ouinta Village Shopping Center Retention Basin. My proposal for a work of art is focused on the concept of a alto integrated work which will create usable space for the community at large. My intention is to create a small amphitheater within the retention basin, using native stone. Additionally, I intend to create a multi use platform that visually connects the amphitheater to the shopping center development. The platform could be used as a staging space or simply an additional place for seating. The model before you was designed before I had the opportunity to look at the space and talk with city staff. Based on information I have gained as a result of my envision uld be significantly t ateip to La ccommodatenta, the the retention n basinrk of art , butlwould retain the integrated feeling of the sculptured earth. Description of Proposed Artwork: Amphitheater seating will follow the contours of the retention basin around all sides. The steps will be three feet wide and one foot high. This arrangement will conform to the slope currently existing in the basin. Stone walls will form the steps and create the terracing that forms the amphitheater seating. The walls will be one fool wide and one foot tall. The remaining areas between the watts will be sod. A stone path and elevated platform will come from the fountain, around the large pipe, and create the stagelseating areas. This will also be constructed with a native stone. The shape of this sculptural unit will similar to the shape in the model which you have before you, with modifications to better ac ommodate the site. e Platform Will be a series of eoturn Leading centerfrom the fountain to the that a e I t to form a path offight toivertical he center of the platform. I am including a small drawing to illustrate the Pasal- It is a m selected it the artist withan l will elevation explaining the amphitheater seating, If l build another model which wilt be more detailed. 00 00 14 From : PHONE No, Jan.04 1996 11:35AM P03 Qrygutis, Proposal for La Quints Shopping Center public artwork. Pg. 2. Notes: If a native stone is not available I will use sandstone. Color will be an important element in the sculptured environment. Stone will be Chosen aCCording to Color. The layers of stonework will be graded from a lighter stone at the bottom of the basin to a darker stone at the top tiers. The columns of light will be of a material that conforms to the budget. This material could be an expanded metal which is illuminated from within. The pillars could also be glass blocK or glass btock in combination with stone. The type of lighting would be determined at a later stage in the design development. if you have questions about this proposal please do not hesitate to call me at my studio number listed above. Thank you. Copyright. Barbara GrWilit. 1995 000015 From PHONE No. Jan.04 1996 11:36AM PO4 CONCEPT DESIGN r 00 �Ns wAws TmLoto Qo0l'0QL or- 1)M)AGG D rcu - Merniviv6 rl RALLS 91 s AGENDA CATEGORY: k C F pow BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCILIRDA MEETING DATE: January 16, 1996 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TITLE: STUDY SESSION: Consideration of a recommendation from the Art in Public PUBLIC HEARING: Places Commission to allocate Art in Public Places Funds to cover the cost of placement and support for the artwork to be located at the Fritz Burns Park per a request from the Public Works Department Authorize staff to appropriate the funds necessary to complete the installation of the artwork at the Fritz Burns Park per the Public Works Department request. An appropriation of $16,786 from the Art in Public Places fund (Account No. 701-000-255-210) would be allocated to the Fritz Burns Park construction project for the installation of the approved artwork. Currently there is $68,157.44 available in the APP Fund as can be seen on the attached Recap of the Art in Public Places Fund (Attachment 1). The Art in Public Places Commission (APP) at their meeting of January 8, 1996, reviewed a request for $16,786 from the Public Works Department (Attachment 2) for site work expenses to relocate the artwork. As noted in the attached staff report (Attachment 3), when the construction of the pool was put on hold, the APP Commission felt they needed to honor their contract with the artist for the proposed artwork. An alternative site was proposed and discussed with the Public Works Department. As the revised plans for the Park were finalized, the Public Works Department worked directly with the artist to finalize the site for the artwork. These changes created the need to add plumbing, structure supports, and "Fall Safe" ground protection matting. Therefore the Public Works Department presented a request to the APP Commission for the additional funds to cover the cost of installing the plumbing and foundation work. Following a discussion with the Public Works Department regarding alternative sources of paying for these costs, the APP Commission unanimously voted to recommend to the City Council the appropriation of the funds. CCn1.005 Alternatives available to the City Council are as follows: 1. Approve the request as submitted by the Public Works Department and recommended by the Art in Public Places Commission; 2. Deny the request; 3. Refer the matter back to the Art in Public Places Commission; 4. Refer the matter back to the Public Works Department. Development Director Attachment: 1. Public Works Department memo dated January 5, 1996 2. City Council report of May 16, 1995 2 jo CCIH.005 City of La Quinta Arts in Public Places Recap Expenditures Inception to 12/31/95 Conference - Phoenix 07/24/92 Bank of America 07131/92 Meg Robertson 10/15/92 A.E.S. 01/12/93 Jerry Allan 03/10193 Regents - University of Calif. 03/31/93 Martin & Chapman 03/31/94 City of La Quinta Admin Fee 05/10/95 Rositas Shamis - Reimburse for supplies Total Operating Expenses 06109/92 Adams/Truman PTA 04/14193 Louis De Martino 06/29/94 K.Emerson & A.Dematteis 10/18/94 Youth Art Work Hwy 111 TDC - Paid Hwy 111 TDC - Credits Hwy 111 TDC - Future 12/15/92 Ministrelli TT25429 06/06/95 Bear Creek Path Art Work 06/20/95 L.Q. Village Shopping Center Total Art Punceases 2a ATTACHMENT 1 821.66 244.08 Expended $1,065.74 23.70 2,275,00 106.00 242.05 6,000.00 35.91 $9,747.40 Total Balance of Commitments Commitments Expended n/a n/a $846.00 73,500.00 13,217.00 60,283.00 51,000.00 16,000.00 35,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 47,578.99 47,578.99 0.00 10,810.63 10,810.63 0.00 36,610.38 36,610.38 0.00 15,000.00 7,981.87 7,018.13 5,000.00 OAO 5,000.00 20.000.00 20,000.00 0.00 $264 500 00 $157 198.87 $108 147.13 file: APP.WK4 City of La Quinta Recap Arts in Public Places Available Funds 12/31/95 Deposits collected through development Less expenditures: Operating expenses Art purchased Unexpended deposits Less Encumbrances Less Commitments: Balance of De Martino Sculpture for Civic Center Balance of K.Emerson & A.Dematteis Fritz Burns Park Balance of Youth Art Work Deposits committed to Hwy 111 TDC Shopping Center - Paid Deposits committed to Hwy 111 TDC Shopping Center - Credit Future Deposits committed to Hwy 111 TDC Shopping Center - Future Ministrelli TT25429 L.Q. Village Shopping Center Total Commitments Available deposits Add interest earned since inception Total available funds through 12/31195 2b (13,217.00) (16,000.00) (5,000.00) (47,578.99) (10,810.63) (36,610.38) (7,981.87) (20,000.00) $280,103.40 (9,747.40) (108,147.13) 162,208.87 I �� (157,198.87) 5,010,00 63,147.44 $68,157.44 file: APPAK4 000020 CITY OF LAQUINTA RECAP ARTS IN PUBLIC PLACES INTEREST EARNE ANNUAL INTEREST FY 1990/91 3,384.22 FY 1991/92 11,024.51 FY 1992/93 12,156.96 FY 1993/94 20,006.54 FY 1994/95 12,046.50 TOTAL ACCUMULATED INTEREST FY 1995/96 INTEREST YTD INTERESTTHROUGH 12/31195 58,618.73 4,528.71 63,147.44 le• APP WK4 04� 2c 021 ATTACHMENT n2 Twit 4 4 OR&& MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Chairman and Commissioners of the Arts In Public Places Commission From: John M. Freeland, Senior Engineer Date: January 5, 1996 Subject: Request for additional funding for installation of Art Feature at Fritz Burns Community Park The Art Feature previously approved by the APP and contracted for with artists Albert Dematteis and Kim Emerson was not included within the original scope of work for the Fritz Burns Community Park now under construction. Creation, construction and installation of the Art Feature itself was included as part of the Artist's contract however, there was no consideration given to the placement or support of the structure. Since the "Feature" has an overhead structure in this public facility, it falls under the guidelines of the Uniform Building Code (U.B.C). The design of the overhead structure must be performed by a California registered Civil Engineer and approved by the City Building Official. The following represents the various items of work not included in the Artists scope of work, but required for support, function or access. Item Description Amount Modify Landscaping & Irrigation *$2,254.00 Install Sidewalk (480 sf) *$1,315.00 install Waterline & Isolation Valve *$285.00 Install Drainage System $31249.00 Aggregate Base (450 sf) $630.00 Install Pier Footings (4 ea.) $2,576.00 Masonry Seat Wall (62 if.) $2,799.00 Relocate Electrical Line *$575.00 Grading & Layout $1,070.00 Mow Curb *$247.00 `Fall Safe' fall protection matting (550 sf) $5,462.00 Field Survey *$11000.00 3 000022 Item Description Amount Materials Testing *$500.00 Landscape Architect (T.I.Maloney) *$11700.00 Inspection *$500.00 Structural Design (Horowitz & Taylor) 00 0 TOTAL $25,162.00 The funding to Fritz Bums Park was limited to $699,630 by the City Council on June 20, 1995. The estimated expenditures on the project are as follows: Base Bid $453,265.00 Add. Alternates $132,690.00 Contract Change Orders $20,900.00 Owner Supplied Equipment $13,500.00 Inspection/Testing/Survey $41,000.00 Contract Administration $29,875.00 TOTAL $6919230.00 The Public Works Department, has in the past, indicated it will accommodate the Art Feature to the extent that Rutdmg is available. As outlined above, there are not adequate funds in the project to fund the remaining costs of installing this Art Feature. Therefore, a request of $16,786 of APP. funds is necessary at this time. This amount is derived by deducting the total amounts ($8,376) indicated by an asterisk (*) from the total Art Feature installation costs ($25,162 - $8,376 = $16,786). The asterisk amounts were paid from existing project funding. 4 000023 aCMADDXL n A TACHMENT 3 TAI�t 4 ,r AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: 3 CouNICILJRDA MEETING DATE: May 16, 1995 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TITLE- STUDY SESSION: Consideration of a recommendation by the Art in Public Places PUBLIC HEARING: — Committee (APP) to commit additional monies in the amount of $21,000 to enhance the previously approved artwork at the Fritz — Burns Park due to the relocation of the artwork Approve the relocation of the artwork and the appropriation of $21,000. The additional appropriation will be expended from the fees collected in the Art in Public Places Fund (Account 701- 000-255-000) in the amount of $21,000. This fund is generated by building permits and its sole purpose is for the construction and administration of the Art in Public Places program. 'ZIll IJU 1_: ►1 i � / �1':>B On June 21, 1994, the City Council authorized the City Manager to sign a contract with Mr. Alber DeMatteis and Ms. Kim Emerson for an amount not to exceed $30,000 for artwork to be installed in conjunction with the construction of the pool at the Fritz Burns Park. With the additional appropriation of $21,000, the total appropriation for this project will be $51,000. The contract (Attachment 1) consisted of three mosaic spray towers to be installed within the children's pool area; a mosaic sidewalk consisting of desert wild life and landscape of the La Quinta area to be located in the sidewalk immediately in front of the entrance to the Aquatic Building; and an entry gate of forged steel in a desert flora and fauna design. The location of the gate was to be located at the east facade of the Aquatic Building and serve as an entrance to the swimming pool area. Since it is unknown at this time when the construction of the pool and Aquatic Building may occur, the APP asked the artists to submit an alternative proposal to the original locations and the costs involved. The artists submitted an amendment to the contract (Attachment 2). In the original contract, the building contractor was to construct the towers and the artists would apply the artwork to them. The amendment shall require the artists to construct the entire tower (all four) and apply the artwork (mosaic design and the copper shade design). As the status of the pool is unknown, the Committee thought that a fourth tower would provide a unique water feature to the park and increase the attractiveness of the artwork as well as provide a source of relief from the heat for the youth. During the construction contract a drain, water line, and electricity will be provided to the area selected for the towers. Ccnt.002 5- OOtli124 The mosaic sidewalk is suggested to lead up to the spray towers and provide an interesting walkway. Again, the sidewalk framework for the mosaic animals to be set into will be provided during the construction contract. At the present time there is no location to install the gate. As final plans are made for the Park, the Engineering Department as well as the APP will be looking for a location to install the gate. Should no location be found at that time, the gate will be completed and stored until a location is found. The additional cost is for the construction of the tower structure itself as well as the adding the fourth tower. The cost includes the additional copper shade work as well as mosaic materials to apply to the towers. The original contract called for the completion of the artwork in conjunction with the construction of the pool and the Fritz Bums Park. Since that time, the status of the Park has been undecided and the artists have been unable to complete their contract. It has been approximately a year since the signing of the contract and the artists are asking to complete the work. Should Council approve the relocation and additional appropriation, the artwork should be completed before the end of the year, which is agreeable with the artists. The alternatives available to the Council are: 1. Approve the relocation of the artwork and the appropriation of $21,000 from the Art in Public Places Fund; 2. Deny the recommendation; 3. Refer the matter back to the Art in Public Places Committee for additional information. Attachments CClrt.00z 6 000025 T,&t 4 w 4 AGENDA CATEGORY: COUNCILJRDA MEETING DATE: June 21, 1994 ITEM TITLE: Consideration of a recommendation by the Selection Committee to contract with Mr. Alber DeMatteis and Ms. Kim Emerson for art at the Fritz Burns Park in an amount not to exceed $30,000 Authorize the City Manager to sign the contract. -16i'_ 4�► BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: The City Council has previously authorized an appropriation up to $30,000 from the Art in Public Places Fund. The City Council at its meeting of January 18, 1994, authorized the Art in Public Places Committee to meet with the architect for the Fritz Burns Park to explore the possibility of art as part of the design. Following that authorization the Committee met with the architect to determine where art could be utilized in the project. At its meeting of March 1, 1994, the City Council authorized a Request for Proposals to be sent to several artists. The Art in Public Places Committee and Mayor Pro Tern Bangerter and Council Member Sniff interviewed three artists and are recommending Mr. Alber DeMatteis and Ms. Kim Emerson to design artwork for the Park. A copy of the proposal (Attachment 1) submitted by Mr. DeMatteis and Ms. Emerson and the standard contract form to be used with an proposals previously approved by the City Attorney (Attachment 2) are attached for your review. Both artists will be available for questions following a brief presentation. The options available to the City Council 1. Authorize the City Manager to sign the contract; 2. Reject the Selection Committee's recommendation. & Development Director -- cCMM.W7 000026 Attachments: 1. Proposal for Artwork for the Fritz Burns Park by Alber DeMatteis and Kim Emerson 2. Contract for Artwork at the Fritz Burns Park .g 000027 � ATTACHMENT 1 I. Project Description OW team ill taarttposed of two professional 8MO, both having public art experience, whose is oompifinentary and harmonious to each other. Aber DeMattsfs is a sculptor and desiprter specializing in architectural and sculptural forged steel work From growing up in France and Italy and working with his father in all building trades, Alter has mastered many Crafts required for creative and Quality constructioa Albers many commissions with the San Oiago City Schools for public school art projects (see resume and slides) have kept him attuned to meeting deadlines and installation and construction schedules. Currently, Atber's metal sculpture is well known in the Southern Can and region and he exhibits his work in fine art galleries and shows, rnia Kim Emerson has been painting since a young age, but has been creating mosaics for the last four years (see resume and slides). Her work has been applied to architecture, furniture as well as individual art pieces. Her professional expertise also inciades working in architecture, Specifically field of historic preser lion. She is accustomed to negotiating and with the architects and engineers. Kim's paintings and mosaics are also pare` Southem California. represented[ by several gagerias in To enhance the special sense of place at the Fria. BUMS Park Aquatic 901dlng, the artists' designs for the an Inclusions wig be sensitive to the architectural detaU, oolors and visual owdoxt at the site. The artwork will directly draw upon the visual surroundings and •toat;nq• of the place guiding Me artists to create according to the specialness of the site and Its architecture. The main themas draw upon the unkifre landscape. geology, history. }fora and fauna of the La Quintaa area. By the use of these elements, treated in a contemporary way, the artists see their work as a link between the past and the future. Briiging joyful, symbolic and attractive motive along with color and texture, the artwork wig celebrate the uniqueness and beauty of the place. This celebration wig help create a sense of pride and spirit for all Involved in the CorrmWt of La Oukila. The artwork WIN be for everyone to enjoy, no mattar how young or old. or wits or wi*=t any education inart it will be a visual statement as we as allow for an intimate interaction of discovery. With qualay and nteyrity and from years of experience In creating public art, the artists will estabf sh a level pf etccelisnge in their execution d these artworks at the Fritz Bums Park Aquatic Building. The City of La Quinn wig be proud to give such experence to the community. The following are the descriptions. drawings and budget for the all inclusions in an one areas. Resumes. slides and a slide list are also included as supporting material. Tire artists are wift to work closely with the committee and archliac is to create the best possible designs and artwork for fl» center. We the artists, Alber DeMattais and Kin F-person, hope that the Gly Staff, comm4gea and council enjoy reviewing the idaas tar this exciting project as much as we enjoyed creating them. A. Site and Matertala The proposed artwork for the three Spray Towers will be created in nines phases (site drawing A). The rwgt phase will be the oontracmes 1`e51on8al ty. Cast In reinforoad Concrete, the three Spray Towers will be created In truncated shapes and different angles. Each Spray Tower will be approximately 29' wide x IY high. In this same phase. spray noules wig be installed into Cte Spray Towers and a simple connecting tregis wig tie the three free standing towers together. The second phase K to mate a colorful mosaic applied directly to the ocrion" Spray Tower surface. This wig be created and irmialled by the artlt & The mosaics wig consist of o ftftllnand. s �00028 made ceramic tiles. Venetian glass mosaic, and natural stones from the La Quirtta area. The hand- made ceramic tiles will be made by the artists spmAcaly for this project. The mosalo designs created for each Spray Tower will bo unique and different. The third phase will be to attach copper MOW elements to the connecting trellis above the Spray Towers. These copper elements will be made by artlat Alber DeMattais, and the copper -green patina color of the metal will be a compliment to the mosaic work below. Organic shapes of copper Cut from thin sheets will expren water spraying and roiling from the tops of the Spray Towers, as welt as provide shading. The theme of the Spray Towers will be inspired by the unique desert geology of the La Quints area. From the bottom to the top of the Spray Towers, each will express a transition of stratus from sea to lake to desert. Colorful and whimsical motlfs will be created with. mosaic to illustrate this fascinating desert history of landscape. The mosaic work will be visually pleasing to view at a distanoa across the pod area, as well as providing detailed surprises In the mosaic to be discovered when viewing the towers from up close. The mosaic will be directly applied to the pre-existing concrete Spray Towers with traditional tine setting materials such as thin -set and grout. The mosaic designs will be installed in a creative way to co -exist with the water sprays and buttons. The relief of the mosaic tiles wilt be smooth and pleasant to the touch, and will not create a rough texture. The mosaic is very low maintenance and can withstand constant exposure to heat and water. S. Location and Support The three mosaic Spray Towers shall be IOOdted Wi to the childrenb pool area adjacent to the main swimming pool at the Fritz Bums Park Aquatic Canter. A. Size and Materials The Entry Gabe will be designed created and irta WW by ad* ARW DaMatteia. Alber employs the old European technique of bladkamilthAng to create an original work of art made of forged steel The steel is all hand worked requiring precision in bending and hammering Ute steel "No It is red W. No elements of the Entry Gate wtv be prefabacebd or Cant, and this work is of the highest integrity and quality available. The unique style of Albers metal work Incorporates the understanding of the old tradition in combination with contemporary forma and expression. The application of this type of entry gate for the Fritz Bums Aquatics Canter will contribute to tte revival of this craft while giving the oonnmunky the exposure to an exciting and uplilting work of art, Specifically created for Ihfs project, Mbar has designed the &" Gate to be approximately r high x 7 wide. The theme of the Entry Gab will exposes the desert flaraa and fauna of the La Quin a< area (see drawing 8). The double Entry Gate VAN be fabricated with a combination of forged and art out shapes depleting plants and animals. The fJrbq Gab will be approximately 3' thick Other typea of metals such as copper may be incorporated for added dimension and texture. The Entry Gate will be painted in order do make it Met osai6 W for longevity and low maintenance. The color of the painted steel will be coordinated with the selected color scheme of the building. 10 400029 S. Location and Support The Entry Gate Is to be located at the east facade of the Aquatic Building and serve as an entrance to the swimming pool area_ A. Slza and Materials The artists shall create Mosaic Skisw&lk designs to be welcoming to all visitors. The theme for the Mosaic Sidewalk designs (See drawing E and the detail drawing) are also inspired by the desert wild life and landscape of the La Quinta area. An owl. roadrunner, quail, coyote, rabbit and a desert bighorn sheep are some of the motffs. Prickly pear cactus, ocotiNo and other desen plant No in full spring bloom will tie the designs together. the artists will desWL fabricate and Install approximately 6 large tree size animals, 6 serge plant designs, and 6 smell Ise size animals. The shapes for the designs, such as the coyote. will be cut out of Plywood and used by the contractor to leave an imprint approximately tr2' deep in the concrete. The imprint will later be frilled in by the artists with colorful mosaic pieces. The same plywood forms wM also be used in the artists studio where the mosaic elements will be prepared. Creating the artwork in the sdrdio VAN reduce the time spent for the installation on site during construction. Again, the mosaics will be directly applied to the pre-existing concrete with traditional life swing materials such as thin -Set and grout. The mosaics will not be slippery when wet. and they will be smooth enough for easy access by wheelchair users. 8- Location and Support The Mosaic Sidewak designs shall be located in the aidewalk immediately in front of the entrance to the Aquatic Building. VII. Budget Considering the artists Alter DeMatteis and Kim Enwn*n will be designing, fabricating and installing All project the Of the artwork for an three areas of the mselves, there is no charge of an artist's fee per se. The anjW3 fee is covered throughout each step of the entire project. Other fees are combined together rather than listed separately, for example transportation and travel are expenses included together under the same amount The budgets are the following: I. Sorav MOM a. Design a Fabrication (AdWs Fee) $5.�. b Transportation a Trawl 700. c. Delivery a Installation 215W. d. Liability Insurance a Worker's Compensation 5W. Tom $10,00M 2. Entry' Got a. Design a Fabrication (A,rt es Fee) s700. 900. b Transportation a Travel l . C. Delivery a Installation am, Liability Insuranoe a workers Corpensation 800_ 3 TOW $106000. a. Design a Fabrication (Aftft Fee) $5,000. b Transportation a Travel c. Delivery a Installation 00. 500. 2,7 d. Ltabi6ty Insurance a Workers Compensation 00. Total $9AW. TOTAL BUDGET S 00� Vlll. Schedule of Psymo is First payment pnw to starting oorwmt SO% a 574.500. Second payment hat way through fabrication: 20% a $5,000. Third Payment prior to inhalation: 10% ; $2,9M Fatal payment after installation: 20% $5,8W. 12 090031 _ ATTACHMENT 2 THIS ART PURCHASE AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is entered into this _ day of , 1994, by and between THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, a California municipal corporation (the "City"), and ALBER DEMA=IS AND KIM EMERSON "Artist"). A. The City is currently constructing the Fritz Burns Park. By this Agreement, the City desires to retain the Artist to cause the fabrication and installation of certain artwork (the "Artwork") to be installed and displayed at the Fritz Bums Park. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto, for the consideration and under the conditions hereinafter set forth, hereby mutually agree as follows: ARTICLE I. SCOPE OF SERVICES 1.1 Sc= of Design Services. Artist shall prepare or cause to be prepared, and obtain any required approvals for all shop drawings, details, and samples, and shall do all other things necessary and incidental to the performance of Artist's obligations pursuant to this Agreement. 1.2 . rop9 of Fabrication Services. Artist shall fabricate, transport and install the Artwork pursuant to and by the times set forth in the Scope of Design Build Services and the Schedule of Performance attached hereto as Exhibit A and Exhibit B, respectively, and incorporated herein by this reference. The City shall have the right to review the Artwork at reasonable times during the fabrication thereof. Artist shall submit to the City monthly progress narratives, including photographs, as required by the Schedule of Performance (Exhibit B). The narratives shall include the percentage of the Artwork completed to date, along with an estimated completion date. Artist agrees to furnish all tools, equipment, apparatus, facilities, plant, labor, services, materials, and all utilities and transportation, including power, fuel, and water, and to perform all work necessary to construct, transport and install in a good and workmanlike manner the scope of work set forth in the Scope of Design Build Services (Exhibit A), or reasonably inferable therein, together with the appurtenances thereto, at the Site Location. It is understood and agreed that all said plant, labor, services, materials, equipment, and facilities shall be furnished and said work performed and completed by Artist as an independent contractor, subject to the inspection and approval of the City or its representatives. soruu.mz 13 000032 Art Putchus Agreement The Artist shall present to the City in writing for further review and approval any and all significant changes in the scope, design, color, size, material or texture, of the Artwork not permitted by or not in substantial conformity with the approved working drawings and the Scope of Design Build Services (Exhibit A). A significant change is any change in the scope, design, color, size, material, texture, or Site Location which affects installation, scheduling, site preparation, or maintenance for the Artwork or the schematic concept of the Artwork as represented in the schematic drawings, the approved working drawings, and the Scope of Design Build Services (Exhibit A). For and in consideration of the furnishing by Artist as herein provided of said tools, equipment, apparatus, facilities, plant, labor services, materials, and all utilities and transportation, including power, fuel and water and the performing of all work for the construction, installation and completion of the Artwork in strict accordance with this Agreement, Artist shall be entitled to receive and shall be paid by the City, and Artist agrees to accept in full satisfaction therefor the sum (the "Contract Price") designated in the Schedule of Compensation attached hereto as Exhibit C and incorporated herein by reference, subject to any additions thereto or deductions therefrom which may be made pursuant to Section 1.3 hereof, which Contract Price shall be paid at the times and in the manner set forth in said Schedule of Compensation (Exhibit C), and addenda thereto or modifications thereof issued on behalf of the City. Artist shall at all times maintain proper facilities and provide safe access for inspection of the Artwork by the City, its engineer or representatives, and to the sites wherein the Artwork is located prior to installation. Where specifications require work to be specially tested or approved, it shall not be tested without timely notice to the City, of its readiness for inspection and without the approval thereof, or consent thereto by the City. The Artist shall promptly notify the respective departments or official bodies when its work is ready for inspection and shall, at once, do all work required to remove any violations or to comply with such inspections, without additional charge to the City. The Artist shall perform all work necessary to obtain approvals from the authorities mentioned above without additional cost to the. City. In addition to the change orders and extra work specified and provided for in the Scope of Design Build Services (Exhibit A), the City may at any time during the progress of the completion and installation of the Artwork and up to the date of the issuance of a Notice of Completion as hereinafter defined, when in the City's reasonable determination the public interest and necessity so require, request any alterations, deviations, additions to or omissions from this Agreement, Scope of Design Build Services (Exhibit A), or the work, labor and materials to be furnished thereunder, and the same shall in no way affect or make void this Agreement. I;X s 9W I 14 000033 Art Pueehue A`resmnr The Artist hereby agrees, without nullifying this Agreement, to make any and all such changes or deviations from and additions to the Scope of Design Build Services (Exhibit A), when specifically ordered by the City to do so in writing. Furthermore, the Artist, prior to commencement of revised work, shall submit to the City within seven () days written copies of the cost or credit proposal for such revised work. Artist will support all claims for changes with a detailed breakdown showing differences in quality, and value of labor and material involved. Should the City elect to have any extra work performed on a time and material basis, in lieu of unit prices or a negotiated lump sum, and so notifies the Artist in writing, the Artist will perform the work at his actual net cost plus overhead and profit at the City's option. The Artist's markup for overhead and profit shall be Fifteen Percent (15%) (including field supervision, tools and plant) unless agreed to by the city in advance of the commencement of work. Charges for time and material must be supported by records checked and approved daily by the City's agent. Artist will permit the City to audit its books, records, estimates, orders and files as necessary to check and verify charges and credits involved. Artist shall adhere strictly to the Scope of Design Build Services bit A), unless a change therefrom is authorized in writing. In such case, the terms of said change shall be understood and agreed upon in writing by the City and Artist before commencement of said revised work. Additional work or deviation from the Scope of Design Build Services (Exhibit A), performed without written authorization will not be subject to reimbursement. Disputed work indicated or necessary to complete the project shall be promptly performed as ordered by the City and the proper cost or credit breakdowns therefor shall be submitted, immediately thereafter, to the City for consideration. a. The Artist shall notify the City in writing when fabrication of the Artwork is completed and ready for delivery and installation at the Site Location which is designated in Exhibit A and B, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. b. The Artist shall cause the Artwork to be delivered to the Site Location (Exhibit A and B) at the direction of the City. C. If Artist fails or refuses to supply sufficient workers, or to deliver materials or equipment on schedule, and delays the progress of the Artwork or if the different parts thereof are not commenced, performed, finished and delivered on time, the City shall have the right to direct the Artist to furnish additional labor and expedite deliveries of material and equipment at Artist's cost and expense. FORM.mz 000034 An Purchase A`reem- d. The City shall be responsible for all expenses, labor and equipment to physically prepare the Site Location for the timely installation of the Artwork, including landscaping, electrical and plumbing stubs, public access, and public security. e. Upon completion and at all times during fabrication and installation, the Artwork shall comply with all applicable statutes, ordinances and regulations of any governmental agency having jurisdiction over the Artwork. 1.5 Post -Installation. a. The Artist shall be available at such reasonable time or times as may be agreed between the City and the Artist to attend any and all inauguration, groundbreaking, or presentation ceremonies relating to the transfer of the Artwork to the City. b. The City shall use reasonable efforts to arrange for publicity for the completed Artwork by local media and publications, and otherwise as may be determined between the City and the Artist as soon as practicable following installation. C. Upon installation of the Artwork, the Artist shall provide the City with written instructions for appropriate maintenance and preservation of the Artwork, with which the City shall comply subject to Section 6.4 hereof. a. The Artist shall advise the City in writing when all installation services have been completed in substantial conformity with the approved working drawings and Scope of Design Build Services (Exhibit A). b. Promptly following receipt of such notice the City shall cause the installed Artwork to be inspected by suitably qualified and appropriate professional(s), and within five (5) days following completion of such inspection(s), the City shall either provide Artist with reasonably specific written objections to the installed Artwork or notify the Artist of its "Final Acceptance" of the Artwork by a Notice of Completion in the form attached hereto as Exhibit D. Such Notice of Completion (Exhibit D) shall be evidence of the satisfactory completion and installation of the Artwork in conformity with this Agreement, subject to the indemnification, representations, and further performance obligations set forth in this Agreement. C. Final Acceptance shall be effective as of the date of the Notice of Completion (Exhibit D). 1.7 Risk of Loss. The risk of loss or damage to the Artwork shall be borne by the Artist until Final Acceptance, and the Artist shall take such measures as are necessary to protect FORM.mz 000035 Art Furchns A`runwo the Artwork from loss or damage, through insurance or other adequate security, and to maintain the Artwork until the Notice of Completion is issued by the City, except that the risk of loss or damage shall be borne by the City prior to Final Acceptance during such periods of time, if any, as the partially or wholly completed Artwork is in the sole custody and control of the City at the Site or another approved location, or their agents for the purposes of storing or installing the Artwork. 1.8 r&. Tide to the Artwork and any construction drawings, plans, or other work product generated pursuant to this Agreement shall pass and vest to the City upon issuance of a Notice of Completion or upon Termination pursuant to Article IX hereof. ARTICLE H. T VIE OF PERFORMANCE 2.1 Site Construction Delas. If, when fabrication of the Artwork is completed in accordance with the approved Schedule of Performance (Exhibit B), and Artist notifies the City that the Artwork is ready for installation, and installation is delayed as a result of the construction of the Site Location not being sufficiently complete to permit installation of the Artwork thereon, the City shall promptly reimburse the Artist for reasonable transportation and/or storage costs which were incurred during the time period provided in the Schedule of Performance (Exhibit B), for commencement of installation and the date upon which the Site Location is complete reasonably to permit installation of the Artwork, which sufficiency shall be determined at the sole and absolute discretion of the City. 2.2 Early Completion of Artist Services. The Artist shall bear any transportation and storage costs resulting from the completion of the Artwork prior to the time provided for such completion as set forth in the Schedule of Performance (Exhibit B), and for transportation and storage costs otherwise required by this Agreement to be paid by Artist. 2.3 Time Extensions. Time is of the essence in this Agreement. Artist and the City agree to punctually and diligently perform all their obligations under this Agreement, except Artist's performance dates shall.be subject to change by the City as reasonably deemed necessary or convenient to the overall progress of the completion of the Master Project. Artist shall confer with the City, or others designated by the City, to coordinate the installation of the Artwork with other phases of the work being completed within the Master Project so as to expeditiously undertake and perform the Artist's obligations at the time most beneficial to the completion of the Master Project. It is hereby understood that the time for the completion of all work provided for in this Agreement is the schedule provided in the Schedule of Performance (Exhibit B), excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, subject, however, to delays caused by reason of a suspension ordered in writing by the City or because of any other act or neglect of the City, or their officers or employees without contributory fault or negligence on the part of Artist or FORM.tn2 _ ,7 _- 000036 M Pwchar AgMfmnt his agents or employees or subcontractors, or if the work should be delayed by fire, storm, flood or other acts of God, by war or act of public enemies, by restriction of the use of, procurement of, or inability to obtain materials, by strikes, by unusual delay in transportation, unavoidable casualties or any cause beyond the control and without the fault and negligence of Artist, or for any other reason which, in the opinion of the City, is proper justification for delay. The time for completion shall be extended for the length of time equal to the delay caused by any of the above -mentioned causes; provided, however, all claims for extension of time shall be made in writing to the City no more than ten (10) days after the occurrence of the delay, otherwise, such claim for a delay shall be waived by the Artist. Artist shall provide in its notice an estimate of the probable effect of such delay on the progress of its work. It is further understood and agreed that should Artist fail to furnish the plant, materials, equipment and do and perform all work and labor as herein provided in the manner herein set forth in good and workmanlike manner, it shall, in addition to any other penalties provided in the Agreement, be liable to the City for all losses or damages that either may suffer on account thereof. In the event Artist at the time refuses or neglects to supply a sufficient number of properly skilled workers or a sufficient quantity of materials of proper quality, or in effect be adjudicated bankrupt, or files a voluntary petition in bankruptcy, or commits any act of insolvency, or makes an assignment, for benefit or creditors, without the City's consent, or fails to make prompt payment to his materialmen and laborers, or fails in any respect to properly and diligently prosecute the work covered by this Agreement, or otherwise fails to perform fully any and all of the Covenants and obligations herein contained; then the City may, at their option, after giving twenty-four (24) hours written notice to Artist, provide any such labor and materials as may be necessary and deduct the cost thereof from any money then due or thereafter to become due to Artist under this Agreement; or the City may at its option, terminate the Artist's right to proceed with the work and, in that event, the City shall have the right to enter upon the Artist's warehouse and take possession, for the purpose of completing the work included under this Agreement, of the Artwork or any portion thereof, and all materials, tools, and appliances thereon, and may employ any other person or persons to finish the work and provide the materials therefor. In the case of such discontinuance of Artist's right to proceed with the work, Artist shall not be entitled to receive any further payment under this Agreement until the work undertaken by the City is completely finished. At that time, if the unpaid balance of the amount to be paid under this Agreement exceeds the expenses incurred by the City in finishing Artist's work, such excess shall be paid by the City to the Artist, but if such expense shall exceed such unpaid balance, then Artist shall promptly pay to the City the amount by which such expense shall exceed such unpaid balance. The expense incurred by the City as herein provided, either for furnishing materials or for finishing the work, and any damages incurred by the City by reason of Artist's default, shall be chargeable to, and paid by Artist, and the City shall have a Gen upon all materials, tools, and appliances, taken possession of, as aforesaid, to secure the payment thereof. if the City elects not to terminate Artist's right to proceed, Artist agrees to reimburse the City for losses or damages resulting from the delay in speedy progress of work. roRt.au 18 OOQ037 AR Punhaae AReeme t If Artist should neglect to prosecute the work properly or fail to perform any provisions of this Agreement, the City, after three (3) days' written notice to Artist, may without prejudice to any other remedy it may have, make good such deficiencies and may deduct the cost thereof from the payment then or thereafter due Artist; provided, however, that the City shall approve such action and certify the amount thereof to be charged to Artist. ARTICLE M. WARRANTIES 3.1 Tills. The Artist represents and warrants that: (a) the Artwork is solely the result of the artistic effort of the Artist; (b) except as otherwise disclosed in writing to the City,. the Artwork is unique and original and does not infringe upon any copyright; (c) the Artwork, or a duplicate thereof, has not been accepted for sale elsewhere; and (d) the Artwork is free and clear of any and all encumbrances and/or monetary liens from the Fabrication Agreement, if applicable, or any source whatever. 3.2 Quality and Condition. The Artist represents and warrants, except as otherwise disclosed to the City in writing, that: (a) the fabrication of the Artwork will be performed in a workmanlike manner; (b) the Artwork, as fabricated and following installation, will be free of patent and latent defects in material and workmanship, including any defects consisting of "inherent vice" or qualities which cause or accelerate deterioration of the Artwork; and (c) reasonable maintenance of the Artwork will not require procedures substantially in excess of those described in the maintenance recommendations to be submitted by the Artist to the City hereunder. The warranties described in this Section 3.2 shall survive for a period of one (1) year after the Final Acceptance of the Artwork, except the representation and warranty concerning latent defects shall survive for a period of three (3) years from after Final Acceptance of the Artwork. The City shall give notice to the Artist of any observed and claimed breach with reasonable promptness. The Artist shall, at the request of the City, and at no cost to the City, cure reasonably and promptly the breach of any such warranty which is curable by the. Artist and which cure is consistent with professional conservation standards (including, for example, cure by means of repair or refabrication of the Artwork). ARTICLE IV. PERFORMANCE BONDS The Artist shall not be required by the City to post any performance bonds or similar undertakings, and any requirement of any other authority for performance bonds shall be the responsibility of the City. Nevertheless, Artist shall prevent any lien from attaching to the Artwork by any person claiming under Artist. ARTICLE V. REPRODUCTION RIGHTS 5.1 Genes!. The Artist shall retain all rights under the Copyright Act of 1976, 17 U.S.C. Sections 101 gLM., and all other rights in and to the Artwork except ownership and possession, except as such rights are limited by this Agreement. In view of the intention that PORM.032 000038 19 Art Pumhus Armawot the Artwork in its final dimension shall be unique, the Artist shall not make any additional exact duplicate, dimensional reproductions of the final artwork, nor shall the Artist grant permission to others to do so except with the written permission of the City. The Artist grants to the City and its assigns an irrevocable license to make two-dimensional reproductions of the Artwork for noncommercial purposes, including but not limited to reproductions used in advertising, brochures, media publicity, and catalogues or other similar publications, provided that these rights are exercised in a tasteful and professional manner. 5.2 NWio- All reproductions by the City shall contain a credit to the Artist, provided that the Artwork is protested by United States copyright law and reasonable substantiation thereof is provided to the City. 5.3 Credit to the City of La Ouinta. The Artist shall use its reasonable efforts to give a credit reading substantially, "an original work owned by the City of La Quinta" in any public showing under the Artist's control of reproduction of the Artwork. 5.4 Registration. The Artist may at its expense cause to be registered, with the United States Register of Copyrights, a copyright in the Artwork in the Artist's name. ARTICLE VI. ARTIST'S RIGHTS 6.1 Identification. The City shall, at its expense, prepare and install at the Site, pursuant to the written instructions and subsequent approval of the Artist, a plaque identifying the Artist, the title of the Artwork and the year of completion, and shall reasonably maintain such notice in good repair against the ravages of time, vandalism and the elements. 6.2 Maintenance. The pies recognize that maintenance of the Artwork on a regular basis is essential to the integrity of the Artwork. a. The City shall have the right to determine, after consultation with a professional art conservator, when and if repairs and restoration to the Artwork will be made. To the extent practical, the Artist, during the Artist's lifetime, may be given the opportunity to make or personally supervise significant repairs and restorations and shall be paid a reasonable fee for any such services, provided that the City and the Artist mutually agree in writing, prior to the commencement of any significant repairs or restorations, upon the Artist's fee for such services. No foes shall be paid to Artist for repair or restoration due to a breach of the representations and warranties set forth herein. b. All repairs and restorations shall be made in accordance with recognized principles of conservation. v, f yl•I . •I i I V f }e", i N, 20 000039 Poaar.m: - Art Purchn A`tesWWW a. The City shall maintain the Artwork in any manner the City determines appropriate in its sole discretion. b. The City shall use its reasonable efforts to meet and consult with Artist prior to the time of making any alteration. If any alteration is made without the consent of Artist, Artist shall have the right to direct the City to remove Artist's name from the Artwork. In connection herewith, Artist hereby acknowledges and agrees that Artist is familiar with Section 987 of the California Civil Code and the rights and protection afforded Artist thereunder, and Artist hereby waives each and all of Artist's rights and protection under Section 987 of the California Civil Code to the extent such rights and protection are inconsistent with this Section 6.4; provided, however, that to the extent that the rights and protection afforded Artist under Section 987 of the California Civil Code are not inconsistent with this Section 6.4 or pertain to matters that are not dealt with in this Section 6.4, Artist shall retain such rights and protection. 6.5 Permanent Record. The City shall maintain a record of this Agreement and of the location and disposition of the Artwork. 6.6 Artist's Address. The Artist shall notify the City of changes in its address. The City shall take reasonable effort(s) to locate the Artist when matters arise relating to the Artist's rights under this Agreement. 6.7 Surviving Covenants. The covenants and obligations set forth in this Article VI shall be binding upon the parties, their heirs, legatees, executors, administrators, assigns, transferees and all their successors in interest, and the City's covenants do attach and run with the Artwork and shall be binding to and until twenty (20) years after the death of the Artist unless otherwise stated herein. Upon the death of the Artist, the representative of Artist's estate shall assume the surviving covenants and obligations of Artist set forth in this Article VI. ARTICLE VR. ARTIST AS INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR The Artist shall perform all work under this Agreement as an independent contractor and not as an agent, joint venturer, partner or an employee of the City. The Artist shall not: a. be supervised by any employee or official of the City; b. . exercise supervision over any employee or official of the City; C. have authority to contract for or bind the City in any manner; or represent itself as an agent of the City; or otherwise be authorized to act for or on behalf of the City; d. have status as the City's employees or have any right to any benefits that the City grants to its employees. _21 000040 notua.aoi - An Punhu" A`nc=W ARTICLE VIII. ASSIGNMENT OR TRANSFER No party shall assign or transfer an interest in this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other parties, provided, however, that claims for money due or to become due from the City under this Agreement may be assigned to a financial institution without approval. ARTICLE IX. TERMINATION The City may, by written notice to Artist, terminate this Agreement either (a) upon the failure by Artist to perform any of its obligations hereunder in accordance with the terms hereof or any other breach by Artist of the terms of this Agreement, when such failure or breach continues uncured for fifteen (15) days following notice thereof from the City to Artist ("Termination for Default% or (b) at any other time in the sole and absolute discretion of the City ("Discretionary Termination"). Termination for Default and Discretionary Termination are sometimes hereinafter collectively referred to as "Termination". Upon Termination, except as provided in this Article IX, all parties shall be released from all further obligations and liability hereunder. Effective upon a Termination, the Artwork, or so much thereof or has then been completed, shall be transferred to and shall belong to the City., In such event and upon Artist's written request, the City shall remove Artist's name from the Artwork. Upon a Termination for Default, the Artist shall be entitled only to that portion of the total compensation due Artist that is then payable pursuant to the Schedule of Compensation (Exhibit C); upon a Discretionary Termination, Artist shall be entitled to the full Artist Fees provided for in Exhibit C hereto and that portion of the costs and expenses of Design, Fabrication and Installation of Artwork provided for in Exhibit C hereto that is then payable pursuant to the Schedule of Compensation (Exhibit C), plus all other costs reasonably incurred by Artist following the last payment pursuant to the Schedule of Compensation (Exhibit C), prior to the date of the Discretionary Termination, provided that Artist shall be required to provide the City with reasonable substantiation for such costs. Notwithstanding anything else herein contained, Artist shall not be relieved of liability to the City for damages sustained by the City by virtue of any breach of this Agreement by the Artist, and the City may reasonably withhold payments to the Artist until such time as the exact amount of such damages is determined. ARTICLE X. CONTRACTOR ADMINISTRATOR The Contract Administrator for this Agreement shall be the City Planning and Development Director. Wherever this Agreement requires any notice to be given to or by the City, or any determination or action to be made by the City, the City Planning and Development Director shall represent and act for the City. ARTICLE XI. NON-DISCRIMINATION In carrying out the performance of the services designated, the Artist and the City shall not discriminate as to race, color, creed, religion, marital status, national origin or ancestry, and the Artist shall comply with the equality of employment opportunity provisions of State and local laws and regulations as presently existing or hereafter amended. F,M,tOn 7-2 - 000041 Art PdMhua Al fig ARTICLE XII. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement, consisting of eighteen (18) pages and five (5) exhibits, embodies the entire Agreement and understanding between the parties hereto, and there are no other agreements and understandings, oral or written, with reference to the subject matter hereof that are not merged herein and superseded hereby, except as set forth hereinabove. ARTICLE XIII. MODMCATION No alteration, change or modification of the terms of the Agreement shall be valid unless made in writing and signed by each party hereto and approved by appropriate action of the City. ARTICLE XIV. WAIVER No waiver of performance by either party shall be construed as or operate as a waiver of any subsequent default of any terms, covenants and conditions of this Agreement. The payment or acceptance of fees for any period after a default shall not be deemed a waiver of any right or acceptance of defective performance. ARTICLE XV. GOVERNING LAW 15.1 This Agreement, regardless of where executed or performed, shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California. 15.2 In addition to any other rights or remedies and subject to the restrictions otherwise set forth in this Agreement, either party may institute legal action to seek specific performance of the terms of this Agreement, to recover damages, or to obtain any other remedy, at law or in equity, consistent with the purpose of this Agreement. Such legal actions must be instituted in the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, in an appropriate Riverside County municipal court, or in the Federal District Court in the district of California which includes Riverside County. 15.3 If any party to this Agreement brings a legal action or proceeding against another parry to enforce the provisions of this Agreement, or on account of a claim or dispute arising out of this Agreement, then the prevailing party in such arbitration or legal action or proceeding shall be entitled to reimbursement by the other party of the legal fees and costs, including reasonable attorney fees, incurred by the prevailing party in connection with the legal action or proceeding. ARTICLE XVI. HEIRS AND ASSIGNS This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the City and Artist, and their respective heirs, personal representatives, successors and permitted assigns. 2-2 taoae+.aoi . 3 00004- - Art Ruehaie A`r amaat ARTICLE XVIL NOTICES All notices, requests, demands and other communications which are required or permitted to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given upon the delivery or receipt thereof, as the case may be, if delivered personally or sent by registered or certified mail, returned receipt requested, postage prepaid, as follows: a. if to the City, to: City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Attention: Planning and Development Director b. if to the Artist, to: Alber DeMatteis Kim Emerson 4476 Granger Street San Diego, CA 92107 ARTICLE XVM. INDENugM With respect to acts, errors or omissions in the performance of Artist's obligations hereunder, Artist agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the city and its officers, agents, employees, and representatives from and against any and all claims, demands, defense costs, liability or consequential damage of any kind or nature arising out of Artist's (including its subcontractors, agents, employees, assigns or licensees) negligent and/or willful acts, errors or omissions in the performance of Artist's obligations under this Agreement. With respect to acts, errors or omissions in the performance of the City's obligations hereunder, the City agues to indemnify and hold harmless Artist from and against any and all claims, demands, defence costs, liability or consequential damages of any kind or nature arising out of the City's ('including its contractors') negligent and/or wilful acts, errors or omissions in the performance of the City's obligations under this Agreement. The fgregoing indemnities shall be in effect without regard to the maintenance of insurance coverage for any such loss, costs, claims, damages or expenses. ARTICLE XUL INSURANCE 19.1 policies. Throughout fabrication of the Artwork the Artist shall maintain Comprehensive General Liability Insurance, or Commercial General Liability Insurance, including coverage for Premises and Operations, Contractual Liability, Personal Injury Liability (employee and contractual exclusions deleted), Products/Completed Operations Liability, Broad_ Form Property Damage and Independent Contractors' ($1,000,000) per occurrence, combined 24 000043 n�ur.aaz . _ An Pumhan Assam s single limit, written on an occurrence form, and such other forms and amounts of insurance as the city may deem necessary or desirable. All required insurance shall be evidenced by an insurance policy or policies (or the renewal or replacement thereof) reasonably acceptable to the City. Artist shall not proceed with any work nor receive payment under this Agreement until, among other things, the City has received the appropriate insurance certificates. Also, Artist shall maintain or cause to be maintained standard all-risk property insurance in an amount equal to or greater than the full replacement value of the Artwork. The General Liability policy required by this Agreement shall contain the following clauses: "The City of La Quinta and its officers, agents, employees, representatives, and volunteers are added as additional insureds as respective operations and activities of, or on behalf of the named insured, performed under contract with the City of La Quinta." Prior to commencing any work under this Agreement, Artist shall deliver to the City insurance certificates confirming the existence of the insurance required by this Agreement, and including the applicable clause referenced above. Also, within thirty (30) days of the execution date of this Agreement, Artist shall provide to the City an endorsement to the General Liability policy, which adds to this policy the applicable clause referenced above. Said endorsement shall be signed by an authorized representative of the insurance company and shall include the signator's company affiliation and title. Should it be deemed necessary by the City, it shall be Artist's responsibility to see that the City receives documentation acceptable to the City which sustains that the individual signing said endorsement is indeed authorized to do so by the insurance company. Also, the City has the right to demand, and to receive within a reasonable time period, copies of any insurance policy required under this Agreement. In addition to any other remedies the City may have if Artist fails to provide or maintain any insurance policies or policy endorsements to the extent and within the time herein required, the City may, at its sole option: a. Order Artist to stop work under this Agreement and/or withhold any payment(s) which become due to Artist hereunder until Artist demonstrates compliance with the requirements hereof. b. Terminate this Agreement. Exercise of any of the above remedies, . however, is an alternative to other remedies the City may have and is not the exclusive remedy for Artist's failure to maintain insurance or secure appropriate endorsements. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as limiting in any way the extent to which Artist may be held responsible for payments of damages to persons or property resulting fotua.oss 25 - 000044 An Purchase A`IC4r=nt from Artist's, or its respective agents' contractors' or subcontractors', performance of the work covered under this Agreement. ARTICLE XX. GENERAL 20.1 Any provisions of this Agreement which shall prove to be invalid, void, or illegal shall in no way affect, impair or invalidate any other provision hereof, and such remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect. 20.2 Whenever in the specifications any materials or process is indicated or specified by patent or proprietary name or by name of manufacturer, such specification shall be deemed to be used for the purpose of facilitating description of the material and/or process desired, and shall be deemed to be followed by the words "OR EQUAL", and Artist may offer any material or process which shall be equal in every respect to that so indicated or specified. 20.3 Artist shall not offer any substitute in said proposal or if a substitute so offered by Artist is not found to be equal to that so indicated or specified by name, if one only be so specified or named, or, if more than one be so specified or named, then such one as shall be specified in the proposal, or if none be so specified, then such one shall be required by the City. 20.4 Unless a different date is provided in this Agreement, the Effective Date shall be the latest Date of Execution, hereinafter set forth below the names of the signature hereto. Should the Artist fail to enter a Date of Execution, the Effective Date shall be the Date of Execution by the City. 20.5 The City shall give any subsequent owner of the Artwork written notice of the covenants contained herein, and shall cause each such successive owner to be bound thereby. IN WIi'NFSS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the day and year first written above. CITY: CITY OF LA QUINTA, a California municipal corporation By: THOMAS GENOVESE, City Manager City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: SAUNDRA L. JUHOLA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California is PONM.00: w04'5 AR Puchaw Apeemem APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney ARTIST: DeMatteis AA ;," , _ orn Emerson FORM.032 '27 000046 Art Pucha Apeemen EXHIBIT A 1. Artist shall furnish all labor, engineering, material, tools, equipment, etc., required to design, fabricate and install the Artwork in accordance with the quality level and intent of the concept drawings as previously prepared by Artist and approved by the City,along with all governing agency requirements and code criteria. 2. Artist is responsible for submitting all required documents relating to the Artwork design to appropriate government agencies so that building plan check and all required permits may be obtained in a timely manner. 3. Artist shall immediately notify the City in writing of any cost impact or schedule impact whether increase or decrease, resulting from any modifications to the design. Any redesign fees or any other costs incurred by the City due to Artist's negligence or failure to keep the City informed of scope variances in a timely manner shall be charged to Artist. 4. Artist shall coordinate the design, fabrication, transportation and installation of this work with the City in order to eliminate interference with other work taking place within the Master Project. S. Artist shall complete the design in sufficient scale and detail as required by the City and governmental authorities for approval. The design documents shall bear the stamp of a professional Mechanical, Structural and/or Electrical Engineer(s) licensed in the State of California. 6. Artist's design and specifications shall be subject to approval by the City and its consultants. II. GENERAL ITEMS OF INCLUSION: As a further clarification to the plans and specifications, the work shall include but not necessarily be limited to the following: 1. Artist shall examine or cause to be examined all supporting and adjacent surfaces and record any defects to the City prior to installing any material. The installation of any material constitutes the Artist's complete acceptance of all substrates as compatible with the work under this Agreement. EXHIBIT A Page 1 of 4 FOnM.032 28 000047 Art Putcluw A`msmat 2. Any work not provided for in this Agreement must be authorized by the City prior to the installation of such work. 3. Artist is responsible for all repairs or replacement of any existing property or work which is damaged as a result of the performance of the work under this Agreement. 4. Artist shall provide all unloading, hoisting, scaffolding, and bracing for the Artwork. 5. Artist shall provide all drilling, coring, cutting, fastening, and welding required for the Artwork. 6. Artist shall supply all specialty lighting required to complete the Artwork. 1. SRW Towers a. Size and Materials. The proposed artwork for the three Spray Towers will be created in three phases (see Drawing A). The first phase will be the contractor's responsibility. Case in reinforced concrete, the three Spray Towers will be created in truncated shapes and different angles. Each Spray Tower will be approximately twenty inches (20") wide by nine feet (9') high. In this same phase, spray nozzles will be installed into the Spray Towers and a simple connecting trellis will tie the three free standing towers together. The second phase is to create a colorful mosaic applied directly to the concrete Spray Tower surface. This will be created and installed by the artists. The mosaics will consist of colorful hand made ceramic tiles, Venetian glass mosaic, and natural stones from the La Quinta area. The hand made ceramic tiles will be made by the artists specifically for this project. The mosaic designs created for each Spray Tower will be unique and different. The third phase will be to attach metal elements to the connecting trellis above the Spray Towers. These copper elements will be made by artist Alber DeMatteis, and the copper -green patina color of the metal will be a compliment to the mosaic work below. Organic shapes of copper cut from thin sheets will express water spraying and rolling from the tops of the Spray Towers, as well as providing shading. The theme of the Spray Towers will be inspired by the unique desert geology of the La Quinta area. From the bottom to the top of the Spray Towers, each will express a transition of stratus from sea to lake to desert. Colorful and whimsical motifs will be created with mosaic to illustrate this fascinating desert history of landscape. The mosaic work will be visually pleasing to view at a distance across the pool area, as well as providing detailed surprises in the mosaic to be discovered when viewing the towers from up close. EXHIBIT A Page 2 of 4 29 tORM.«+z - 000048 Art Puch"u Agmemen The mosaic will be directly applied to the pre-existing concrete Spray Towers will traditional tile setting materials such as thin -set and grout. The mosaic designs will be installed in a creative way to co -exist with the water sprays and buttons. The relief of the mosaic tiles will be smooth and pleasant to the touch, and will not create a rough texture. The mosaic is very low maintenance and can withstand constant exposure to heat and water. b. Lotion and SuM=. The towers are to be located at the north end of the wading pool within the pool itself and behind the Aquatic building. 2. $may Gate. a. Size and Materials. The Entry Gate will be designed, created and installed by artist Alber DeMatteis. Alber employs the old European technique of blacksmithing to create an original work of art made of forged steel. The steel is all hand worked requiring precision in bending and hammering the steel while it is red hot. No element of the Entry Gate will be prefabricated or cast, and this work is of the highest integrity and quality available. The unique style of Alber's metal work incorporates the understanding of the old tradition in combination with contemporary forms and expression. The application of this type of entry gate for the Fritz Burns Aquatics Center will contribute to the revival of this craft while giving the community the exposure to an exciting and uplifting work of art. Specifically created for this project, Alber has designed the Entry Gate to be approximately seven inches (7") high by nine feet (9') wide. The theme of the Entry Gate will express the desert flora and fauna of the La quints area (see Drawing B). the double Entry Gate will be fabricated with a combination of forged and cut out shapes depicting plants and animals. The Entry Gate will be approximately three inches (3") thick. Other types of metals such as copper may be incorporated for added dimension and texture. The Entry Gate will be painted in order to make it rust resistant for longevity and low maintenance. The color of the painted steel will be coordinated with the selected color scheme of the building Four desert animal figures, similar to the ones included in the gate, will be supplied and attached to the fence located immediately to the east of the gate. b. LAcation and Support. The Entry Gate is to be located at the east facade of the Aquatic Building and serve as an entrance to the swimming pool area. 3. Sidewalk a. Size and Materials. The artists shall create Mosaic Sidewalk designs to be welcoming to all visitors. The theme for the Mosaic Sidewalk designs (see Drawing E and the Detail Drawing) are also inspired by the desert wild life and landscape of the La Quinta area. EXHIBIT A Page 3 of 4 ao, , 000049 Art Pumbam AQteamant An owl, roadrunner, quail, coyote, rabbit, and a desert bighorn sheep are some of the motifs. Prickly pear cactus, ocotillo, and other desert plant life in full spring bloom will tie the designs together. The artists will design, fabricate, and install approximately six (6) large life size animals, six (6) large plant designs, and six (6) small life size animals. The shapes for the designs, such as the coyote, will be cut out of plywood and used by the contractor to leave an imprint approximately one-half inch (%") deep in the concrete. The imprint will later be filled in by the artists with colorful mosaic pieces. The same plywood forms will also be used in the artists' studio where the mosaic elements will be prepared. Creating the artwork in the studio will reduce the time spent for tile installation on site during construction. Again, the mosaics will be directly applied to the pre-existing concrete with traditional tile setting materials such as thin -set and grout. The mosaics will not be slippery when wet, and they will be smooth enough for easy access by wheelchair users. b. Location and Su2=. The Mosaic Sidewalk designs shall be located in the sidewalk immediately in front of the entrance to the Aquatic Building. EXHIBIT A Page 4 of 4 PORM.012 000050 31. �nf 11. DRAWING A Spray Towers Mosaic Towers: Hand -made Ceramic Tiles, Venetian Glass Mosaic, Stone & River Pebbles Central Concave Notches: Blue Mosaic (1' 0" wide x 6" deep) Copper Sheet Metal Elements Attached to Beam Top Drawing: Elevation View Bottom Drawing: Plan View Scale 1 J4" = V 0" 32 000051 VI. DRAWING E Sidewalk (Preliminary Two) Ceramic Mosaic Set Into Concrete Drawing Not to Scale 34 _ 000053 30 LU a c —o d N 35 p00054 An Purchase Agteen ni EXHIBIT B SCHEDULE OF PERFORMANCE The project will take eight months. From start date (July 1, 1994) to months 7; fabrication of the three elements of the Artwork will be done. Month 8: Finishing, assembly and installation of the details of the final Artwork. REVIEWS: There may be one review by the Art in Public Places Committee of the work in progress if the Committee deems it necessary to be conducted prior to the installation of each element. Determination of whether the review will take place will be determined by the Chairman of the Art in Public Places Committee during the fourth month. EXHIBIT B Page 1 of 1 rORMm: 1 36 000055 An Pwahaw AgmermrA EXHIBIT C PRICE: Basic Contract: $29,000 Spray Towers $10,000 Mosaic Sidewalk $9,000 Entry Gate $10,000 Total Not to Exceed $30,000 SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS: First payment prior to starting contract: 50% = $14,500.00 Second payment upon completion of half of the fabrication 20 % = $5, 800.00 Prior to installation 10% $2,900.00 Final payment (after installation) 20% S5,8Q0.00 EXHIBIT C Page 1 of 1 FORM.032 37. Q Q 5 fi AA Pumhow Afce ra EXHIBIT D Piece of Artwork: WHEREAS, by that certain Art Purchase Agreement dated 11994 ("Agreement"), THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, a California municipal corporation (the "City") contracted with ALBER DEMA=S AND KIM EMERSON to provide certain "Artwork" (as defined in the Agreement); and, WHEREAS, as referenced in the Agreement, the City shall furnish Artist with a Notice of Completion upon completion of the fabrication and installation of the Artwork; and, WHEREAS, such certificate shall be conclusive determination of satisfactory completion of the fabrication and installation of the Artwork, as required by the Agreement, has been satisfactorily completed. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto certify as follows: 1. As provided in the Agreement, the City does hereby certify that the fabrication and installation of the Artwork has been fully performed and completed. Any executory obligations pursuant to the Agreement, which are hereby incorporated herein by reference, shall remain enforceable according to their terms. 2. Nothing contained in this instrument shall m6dify in any other way any executory portions of the Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Agency has executed this certificate this day of , 1994. CITY OF LA QUINTA, a California municipal corporation by: EXHIBIT E Page 1 of 1 FOM.032 38 1000,057 �, ,ATTACHMENT 2 ALBER De MATTEIS & KIM EMERSON 4476 Granger Street San Diego, CA 92107 (619) 223-5458 To: City of La Quinta Attention: Art in Public Places Committee 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Re: Contract Addendum: Estimate for Shade Structure March 14, 1995 MAR 1 S 19c� CITE FWmiti.; Lrr`�r'dftiT This is a modification of the Spray Towers design into a Shade Structure brought about by the revised schedule and changes of the Fritz Burns Park project. Our original contract requires installation of mosaic and copper artwork onto an existing structure built by the contractor. The revised estimate refers to the artists building the structure, and it does not change the previous contract for the artwork. The first estimate refers to a triangular type structure without additional artwork (see schematic drawing attached). The second estimate refers to a diamond shape structure which would double the shade area by just one added column. There will. however, be extra mosaic and copper artwork added. The estimates are as follows: L Construction of Three Columns & Shade Trellis: II. A. Labor. Construction of three columns by the artists. $ 6.500. B. Materials for three columns. $1.500. C. Labor. Construction of shade trellis. $ 2,500 D. Materials for the shade trellis. $ 1,200 Total $ 11,700. Includes pump mod ages. filters, settings, installation, powder coated mo ting & two year guarantee. n ed b To be iy plumbi contractor. Total $ 3.000. 39 x ��� t� Page 2. III. Construction of Four Columm & Sha a Trellis IV. V. A. Labor. Construction of four columns by the artists. B. Materials for three columns towers. C. Labor. Construction of shade trellis. (Shade Trellis size is doubled) D. Materials for the shade trellis. E. Mosaic work for the fourth column. $ 7,500. $2,000. $ 6,000. $ 3.000. $ 2,500. Total $ 21.000 Includes pump modul ages, titters, settings, installation, powder coated ste�mo ting & two year guarantee. To be installed -by plumbs contractor. Total $4.000. 3 keep spray mist Annual $ 250. This estimate assumes the City of La Quinta will resume responsibility to provide surface area. water and electricity to the Shade Structure Site. 000059 a0 Spray Towers With Trellis 714i eF. COLUMNS rUwy. ' 4*wa Or Iftu i Plod M44J: "Wilsomatl Cancrak ALBER De MATrEIS & KIM EMERSON phm View "76 Granger Street .41 000060 _ San Diego. CA 92107 ; (619) 223-5458 I Spray Towers With Trellis •:puR Co LLIM HS ALBER De MAITEIS & RIM EMERSON "76 (imager Street San Diego, CA 921UY (619) 223-5M Sprq Towers With Trd b -W2nl�7iT L3..—r,.s%-rIA� Wig mos"C'.I00%9 ro' wida 3ciif>nn i' 4' Wine Tof . W ; ' .ry MC I art AIL WR : 5 C� LQ:1CfL� W ¢(fir Wirt. Mesh Metnbrwhe.i„ 3 '� ' Rebcu' tad 1'(x' Sitel �ipr- S�rwc.•Euxe.. 42 d� 0100061 T4ht 4 4 Q" COUNCEL/RDA MEETING DATE: January 16, 1996 ITEM TITLE: Consideration of the appointment of two Council Members to serve on the Consultant Interview Committee for the Historic Resources Survey project. Appoint two Council Members to the Selection Committee. None. AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: On October 3, 1995, Council approved the distribution of a Request for Proposals (RFP) for a survey of cultural resources and sites. In compliance with the City's Historic Preservation Ordinance, a City- wide survey for prehistoric and historic resources, and sites must be conducted in order to retain the benefits of certification of the Certified Local Government (CLG) program. In keeping with this requirement, staff has prepared and distributed 55 Request For Proposals (RFP) to qualified professional consultants. The funding for conducting the survey is dependent upon the City receiving a monetary award from the CLG program in the amount of $15,000. This type of grant requires that the City match either the funds or provide in -kind services. It is the intent of this request to provide in -kind services such as staff and volunteer time, office supplies, printing, mileage, and other related expenses. The RFP clearly stipulates that the award of a contract to perform the survey would be contingent upon the City receiving a CLG grant award. The RFP calls for the selected consultant to conduct a comprehensive survey for historic structures and sites, to document them and assess their significance according to the Secretary of the Interior's standards. For archaeological resources, the consultant will conduct a record search and prepare a detail sensitivity map for use in planning and environmental decisions. The final products will consist of all identified historic sites being recorded on the appropriate State Office of Historic Preservation (SHPO) and Secretary of the Interior forms, all data on computer disks that are compatible with the City's computer system, and a final report. Ccjh.l 10-0IF00#t Proposals are due to the City by February 29, 1996. The projected schedule for the consultant selection identifies the April 2, 1996 Council meeting as the date the Selection Committee's recommendation will be considered. Based upon this date, Council will need to select two Council Members to serve on the Selection Committee at this time in order to participate in committee meetings between March 1 and March 20, 1996. Options available for Council consideration are 1. Appoint two Council Members; 2. Do not appoint Council Members and let the Historic Preservation Commission serve as the Selection Committee. 3. Do not appoint Council Members and let staff serve as the Selection Committee. Development Director Ccjh.1 0000s3 c% 4 01dA AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: -3 COUNCILIRDA MEETING DATE: January 16, 1996 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TnLE: STUDY SESSION: Consideration of Adoption an Amendment to Chapter 7.04 PUBLIC HEARING: of the La Quinta Municipal Code relating to the Historical _ Preservation Commission 1. Move to take up Ordinance No. _ by title and number only and waive further reading. 2. Move to introduce Ordinance No. on first reading. None. The Council adopted Resolution 95-97 on December 19, 1995, permitting the recruitment of non- residents for the three professionally qualified positions for the Historical Preservation Commission. The current regulations of Section 7.040.020 states: "A. Three Commissioners shall be appointed from among professionals in the discipline of architecture, history, architectural history, planning, or other historic preservation -related discipline, such as urban planning, American Studies, American Civilizations, cultural geography or cultural anthropology to the extent that -such professionals are available in the City. Two commissioners shall be lay members who have demonstrated special interest, competence, experience or knowledge in historic preservation, American studies, cultural anthropology, cultural geography or other historic preservation -related disciplines." The City Attorney recommends deletion of "...to the extent that such professionals are available in the City..." to eliminate any ambiguity that might restrict the Council from selecting non- residents who are professionally -qualified for the Historical Preservation Commission. 000064 The options available to the City Council are: 1. Adopt the amendment as presented; 2. Deny the amendment; 3. Provide direction to staff. J Hen o V unity Development Director QQnn6 % raAH WIw ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE MUNICIPAL CODE -CHAPTER 7.04, SECTION 7.04.020 "HISTORICAL PRESERVATION COMMISSION" The City Council of the City of La Quinta, California does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Section 7.04.020 A. of the La Quinta Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: A. Three Commissioners shall be appointed from among professionals in the discipline of architecture, history, architectural history, planning, or other historic preservation -related discipline, such as urban planning, American Studies, American Civilizations, cultural geography or cultural anthropology. Two commissioners shall be lay members who have demonstrated special interest, competence, experience or knowledge in historic preservation, American studies, cultural anthropology, cultural geography or other historic preservation -related disciplines. SECTION 2.EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its adoption. SECTION 3. POSTING. The City Clerk shall, within 15 days after passage of this Ordinance, cause it to be posted in at least three public places designated by resolution of the City Council; shall certify to the adoption and posting of this Ordinance; and shall cause this Ordinance and its certification, together with proof of posting, to be entered into the Book of Ordinances of this City. The foregoing Ordinance was approved and adopted at a meeting of the City Council held on this day of , 1996, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ORDDM.056 000066 lI M m i Ordinance ATTEST: SAUNDRA L. JUHOLA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California DAWN HONEYWELL, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California ORDDRFr.056 GLENDA BANGERTER, Mayor City of La Quinta, California 000067 T4tt 4 4 0" AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: 4 COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: January 16, 1996 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TITLE: STUDY SESSION: Review of City Council Committee/ PUBLIC HEARING: Board Assignments RECOMMENDATION: Review all committee/board assignments and make desired adjustments. BACKGROUND. AND OVERVIEW: The Council's committee/board assignments were made on December 4, 1995 at a time when there were only four Council Members. Now, with a fifth member being seated, there is a need to review these assignments for the possibility of including the fifth member in some of these assignments. The Palm Springs Desert Resorts Airline Service Committee was not on the original list presented to the Council on December 4, 1995, so that will need to be dealt with at this time. It is staff's understanding that Brad Quayle of KSL is willing to continue representing the City as the Business Community Representative. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: 1. Review Council Committee/Board assignments and make desired adjustments; or 2. Provide staff direction. AUNDRA L. RWLA City Clerk 11 -6 COACHELLA VALLEY ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: Member: Ron Perkins, Mayor Pro Tern Alternate: Glenda Bangerter, Mayor Non -Voting Member: Tom Genovese, City Manager Meets last Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. CHILDREN & YOUTH COMMISSION: Member: Glenda Bangerter, Mayor Alternate: Staff Support: Marty Nicholson, Parks & Recreation Director Meets first Monday of the month at 3:30 p.m. ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE: Member: Stan Sniff, Council Member Alternate: Don Adolph, Council Member Staff Support: Christine di Iorio, Planning Manager Meets second Thursday of each month at 11:45 a.m. HUMAN & COMMUNITY RESOURCES COMMITTEE: Member: Glenda Bangerter, Council Member Alternate: Don Adolph, Council Member Staff Support: Tom Hartung, Building & Safety Director Meets fourth Wednesday of each month at 11:45 a.m. 000069 MRF TASK FORCE: Member: Stan Sniff, Council Member Staff Support: Fred Baker, Principal Planner Meets second Monday of each month at 9:00 a.m. PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE: Member: Glenda Bangerter, Mayor Alternate: Ron Perkins, Council Member Staff Support: Tom Hartung, Building & Safety Director Roger Hirdler, Community Safety Manager Meets third Monday of each month at 10:00 a.m. IuL7`�l,�s���i=��_�i [i1►[K��Ti yltiy �� Member: Ron Perkins, Council Member Alternate: Stan Sniff, Council Member Staff Support: Dave Cosper, Public Works Director Meets third Monday of each month at 12:00 noon 000076 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE EDUCATION COMMITTEE Member: No member assigned COACHELLA VALLEY MOSQUITO ABATEMENT DISTRICT Board Member: Ron Perkins, Council Member Term Expires: June 30, 1996 Term: Two Years Staff Support: Tom Genovese, City Manager COACHELLA VALLEY MOUNTAINS CONSERVANCY Executive Board Member: Alternate: Staff Support: Stan Sniff, Council Member Glenda Bangerter, Mayor Jerry Herman, Community Development Director COACHELLA VALLEY REGIONAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY Member: Alternate: Staff Support: Stan Sniff, Council Member Ron Perkins, Council Member Jerry Herman, Community Development Director Meetings are held last Wednesday of each month at 4:00 p.m. at Thermal Airpon LA OUINTA PAGEANT SUB -COMMITTEE Member: Glenda Bangerter, Council Member Appointed: March 7, 1995 Re -confirmed: December 4, 1995 000071. PALM SPRINGS DESERT RESORTS CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU Executive Board Member: Alternate: Staff Support: Glenda Bangerter, Mayor Don Adolph, Council Member Tom Genovese, City Manager Meets third Tuesday of month at 9:00 a.m. at Palm Desert City Hall P.S.D.R.C.& V.B. AIRLINE SERVICE COMMITTEE Committee Member: (Formerly, John Pena, Mayor) Business Community Member: Brad Quayle of KSL Meets twice yearly - dates not predetermined. PALM SPRINGS REGIONAL AIRPORT COMMISSION Commission Member: Tom Freeman 54-220 Ave. Obregon Appointed: 10-18-94 Expires: 6-30-97 Alternate: Douglas Hofman 78-880 ViIleta Drive La Quinta, California 92253 772-6038 (Residence) 772-6928 (FAX) This is a three-year term as a full voting member. SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY Board Member: Alternate: Staff Support: Meets last Wednesday of each month at Noon Don Adolph, Council Member Ron Perkins, Council Member Tom Genovese, City Manager 000072 Member: RIVERSIDE COUNTY LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD Honey Atkins 52-470 Avenida Madero La Quinta, Calif. 92253 564-7400 (Residence) Appointed: 6-6-95 Expires: 6-30-97 000073 PALM SPRINGS DESERT RESORTS CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU Executive Board Member: Alternate: Staff Support: Glenda Bangerter, Mayor Don Adolph, Council Member Tom Genovese, City Manager Meets third Tuesday of month at 9:00 a.m. at Palm Desert City Hall PALM SPRINGS REGIONAL AIRPORT COMMISSION Commission Member: Tom Freeman 54-220 Ave. Obregon Appointed: 10-18-94 Expires: 6-30-97 Alternate: Douglas Hofman 78-880 Villeta Drive La Quinta, California 92253 772-6038 (Residence) 772-6928 (FAX) This is a three-year term as a full voting member. SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY Board Member: Alternate: Staff Support: Meets last Wednesday of each month at Noon Don Adolph, Council Member Ron Perkins, Council Member Tom Genovese, City Manager 000074 Member: RIVERSIDE COUNTY LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD Honey Atkins 52-470 Avenida Madero La Quinta, Calif. 92253 564-7400 (Residence) Appointed: 6-6-95 Expires: 6-30-97 000075 T-ity 4 4a Qumto AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCEL/RDA MEETING DATE: January 16, 1996 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TITLE: STUDY SESSION: Interview of Applicants and Consideration of PUBLIC HEARING: Appointment to the Planning Commission RECOMMENDATION: Interview applicants and appoint one member to the Planning Commission for a term to expire June 30, 1998. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The Planning Commission is a seven -member commission, each serving three-year staggered terms. The seat currently vacant is the unexpired term of Don Adolph, which expires June 30, 1998. The following individuals have applied: Layne Arthur Daniel V. Newman Rutilio Brito Frank Reynolds Andrew Devin Steven Robbins David Harbison Victor Ruiz John A. Houghtelin J. Richard Santo David W. Jackson B. J. Seaton George B. Kieffer, III Shelton L. Stringer Thomas F. Lyon, Jr., P.E. Robert T. Tyler Robert Metkus Dennis Wish Ron Nawrocki Stewart C. Woodard FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: 1. Conduct interviews; and 2. Make the appropriate appointments; or 3. Provide staf direction. AUNDRA L. J OLA, City Clerk O Q O 0 7 G i jj- PLA,Nr,NLN.G C0.1VL'NIISSION JACQUES ABELS Appointed: 7-01-93 P.O. Box 3052 Term: 3 years Palm Desert, Cal. 92261 Expires: 6-30-96 49-990 Avenida Mont ero (619) 564-4368 (Res) (619) 340-6880 (Bus) f DONALD ADO Appointed: 7-01-95 55-105 Rivier Term: 3 Years La Quinta al. 92253 Expires: 6-30-98 (619) -0577 (Res) ( 771-9508 (Bus) PAUL ANDERSON Appointed: 7-01-94 53-781 Avenida Herrera Term: 3 Years P.O. Box 277 Expires: 6-30-97 La Quinta, Cal. 92253 (619) 564-2688 (Res) (619) 564-5038 (Bus) KATIE BARROWS Appointed: 7-03-93 53-277 Avenida Diaz Term: 3 years La Quinta, Cal. 92253 Expires: 6-30-96 (619) 564-2413 (Res) RICHARD BUTLER Appointed: 7-03-94 44-180 Ocotillo Dr. Term: 3 Years La Quinta, Cal. 92253 Expires: 6-30-97 (619) 360-6801 (Res) (619) 320-1111 (Bus) (619) 320-1115 (FAX) WAYNE GARDNER Appointed: 7-01-94 78-475 Calle Felipe Term: 3 Years P.O. Box 506 Expires: 6-30-97 La Quinta, Cal. 92253 (619) 564-2183 (Res) (619) 564-3312 (Bus) ELWIN "AL" NEWKIRK Appointed: 7-01-94 55-111 Firestone Term: 3 Years La Quinta, Cal. 92253 Expires: 6-30-97 (619) 771-0910 000077 Updated: 6/ 12/95 RECE;'/ED Date 1D 9(D 60 RN 10 P19 3 18 r L; QUINTA CITY OF LA QUINTA C!+ Y ;; L E R K APPLICATION TO SERVE ON LA QUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION NAME: 40,VNF- AP-7 74-Tip, HOME ADDRESS: "7859'0 sAGU 4eo (Must be a La Quinta resident and eligible to vote in the City.) BUSINESS ADDRESS: SZ - S 79 14PV Y / I / f /NDIO TELEPHONE: (HOME) 56 y- 6� 35 / (BUSINESS) 7,7s 35-o o IF EMPLOYED, WHERE YOU WORK AND POSITION YOU HOLD: �SE27- SA-miDs ('N/Fic—f� SCr�eoL /�lS772icT APAjjrQ/STrZA-7--t0N — D{+�ieA�`icyyS M4n/ft�M T LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: S YR S Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other background. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. Cw9A'DVArt-7O ! AJ 1979 fiesM AwDekga-tu Uv1VW-srry [n/ ANDG0ZScN, (N w i'rH A PC-69ES IN PI /News A4)M1N1X(A-77urj *,r" .slx y�:S X .9vs/A6Z M4iVMa XrZ r&e .4 M,6-c~r co. (N `T-ucSaNt AZ / $& F, COAORAC-r AVMIAils77z~ A-rulD YZI2Cl+-A51Afro A6ir::%jr lyR SRcoN PCe-WPAjSA11- of P4U4 Tr-%:U�Rr $%hecoN vsvewpt-,o PMe� Ga out",/So-ffomE fFuD ON OOOO78 A/AC+lA(6ro1V. flFTgR 34 !v ITfF BA*,-_o/v . % WfrS 4S A p1-frA4-/,A)6 i Dro5wFA4y/- ASsi577�w7- wirtt DSUSP. fbN CaMPUEVON of CON57LACrfel l Or 44 Q lk" �k6Ff -5 f L. / w4s C-fto.SF:2/ 72� SCi2V5 AS AN Q/S-QAT7a►V.S M/9NAGEA PDX T*E� (tM 7 APPLICATION, PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Planning Commission. PUA-fVtg1(J6 CaMM /&i/on.t P-1=Vlew5; A/F(n/ tC--1 al-0�T5 Fq2 7b T/NE 6099£W 7— 6ENE� It+d%k -PLA 1. A-L50 DVS; Wt'�S q-Nn MPrr" r•}I A1S rHIFS E C EWOZ t- A," o SPEcr Fi c Pc.0�S -fb PIE5-r rw-E= AFP►2oMA7'6 DrYV .mPn4G�vT (ooAt-s of 7-,&tF- Cs". %flj�t PC,AWVjjVG 6D-A,"(.sS1onN HMQ!S 4r" CC- 1 T OME RC=CUz,4K/M T7NG Z--C-4 Mo&TI A'f"b 4l >OPr5 % � Mt�V17RTtaNS � fTf� �i/t`/ VNC(L. What specific issues or problems face the La Quinta Planning Commission and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? MA-1N7-AjAJj"6 AT/ Ci-�FEG7?VS 6aFWC K.- PLAl"J FL1G2U/2ES G(w77NUAL MOPIrt 94&ro OF Pcy U(-� *NO 6&*-1M&R-c4y TAZWDS . At>N V- Td 77t-6 A'PP2eyt D WITH &lv(_y M/NIMIft 1/ATZ/9nG8 CAS pr`tvw 7-4� G(T%f To G2451ry A-7v-O A106-r- T►t'c- NEE'OS OF /TS PgPVLA E. PNArvuAZ M4AX6rS AYVD PFVF-OP" Carl PET777 &N C&At erJrGaS -rN'E 6:rM nil 1 SS (ate 7D MA? NT)t7A1 A H I �f-i a� �a-c- r r'`f � y car Go -Ns cSreN tr' Gtiow-ry Pn-v purr: What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the La Quinta Planning Commission? l ff�1vE wo,¢Kbp PeR M`r^ii ` hRs W(TH /sTlwC-rVA4-L ei\trorNS!5R-S Awn R Rcrf-r7 r5 /N wow ,Na DRA-WINQS .69 Pe51Qe7,)?7A-t-, C&MA4eV ci 4L RND FPuCAr7IaNk'L Fi`tC/G1 T7�5 . UnJDSZS'rA-ND 7AfE neVec-opeRS M077VAlr7o"J AIV hlt SO F-C-A Z-47 7hbe- 60V''aepvMST,r}K, VieWrCWr rn P0/5t.aPnnf;1N1r PZVECTS. / NArvE. Daft>en A Fh,'F- -jLAA r rraE-1 nEs A -An Wh4t-S Ov ewNr- A-S A bIuFI 11P,5 PL*fvN ¢ A-Ir DS U S D. . 10 ( tct-, 6 PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION NO LATER THAN TO: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR CITY OF LA QUINTA P. O. BOX 4"Gry� LA QUINTA, C CA 92253 �rvv7rt THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT. 000079 RECEt'rD .6 JAN 10 P(9 3 59 Date Ly QU047Q Ci; Y CLERK CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION TO SERVE ON LA QUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION NAME: HOME ADDRESS: t'4 e r.; (Must be a La Quinta resident and eligible to vote in the City.) BUSINESS ADDRESS: ?C y 9'c� 0*-,i'S TELEPHONE: (HOME) (BUSINESS) •5CI 7 - l ( % IF EMPLOYED, WHERE YOU WORK AND POSITION YOU HOLD: LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other background. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. T' `��''�,N iti'�r L�/�r✓l • l,f,'r—lam �?ii?7 000090 APPLICATION, PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Planning Commission. What specific issues or problems face the La Quinta Planning Commission and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? —1I'- it, .. _,; What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the La Quinta Planning Commission? k' 4' T7,1 'i k!,r, /4nl?> (.� ;, ' .'T-14 Ta..uury 10, r�96 PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION NO LATER THAN TO: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR CITY OF LA QUINTA P. O. BOX 1504 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 000031 V THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GQ,{Tffl"f REOV7 '17D Date 12/22/95 DEG 22 PH 3 59 i r �.; G U i id TA CITY OF LA QUINTA CirY i;L-tRK APPLICATION TO SERVE ON LA QUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION NAME: Andrew Devin HOME ADDRESS: 78815 west Harland (Must be a La Quinta resident and eligible to vote in the City.) BUSINESS ADDRESS: 225 South Civic Drive, #2-14, Palm Springs TELEPHONE: (HOME) 360-5319 (BUSINESS) 320-6443 IF EMPLOYED, WHERE YOU WORK AND POSITION YOU HOLD: Law Offices of Michael Zitomer; Attorney LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: 1 year, 8 months Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other background. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. I have received a B.A. from the'University of Colorado and a J.D. from Pepperdine University School of law. I am a practicing attorney. My practice focuses primarily on business litigation and real estate issue. I have extensive experience reading, interpreting and applying statutes, ordinaces and zoning regulations. 00008w APPLICATION, PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Planning Commission. The functions of the planning commission are to develop and maintain the general plan develop specific plans when necessary or desirable, review the capital improvement program of the city periodically and other functions as directed by the City Council. The commission is reaulated by the California Planning and zoning Law the municipal code and other local ordinances. The commission is Aat spectefac sues of problems laceltRe jitfi�ta�latui ng commission and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? The two biggest issues facing the commission are the implementation of the Village Specific Plan and the development of the Highway III corridor. I suggest that the village plan either be modified or that a fast track program be established for variances to the plan. I believe a more fluid ment of The Village. r A comprehensive plan needs to be developed the Highway III corridor to ensure quality development of that portion of the city. What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the La Quinta Planning Commission? I believe my professional attitude and ability to focus issues would contribute to the professionalism and efficiency of the Planning Commission I also feel that my ability to read interpret and apply statutes, ordinances and zoning regulations would be an asset to the Plannina Commission. PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION NO LATER THAN DECEMBER 22, 1995 TO: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR CITY OF LA QUINTA 000091 P. O. BOX 1504 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT. RECE' IED Date January 9, 1996 36 AIN 10 Pill 12 03 r L Q U I N TA CITY OF LA QUINTA C i T Y CLERK APPLICATION TO SERVE ON LA QUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION NAME: David Harbison HOME ADDRESS: 44_385 rM no La onda, La Quinta 92253 (Must be a La Quinta resident and eligible to vote in the City.) BUSINESS ADDRESS: R n _ nnY l oss f Coachella, 92236 TELEPHONE: (HOME) (619) 360-7236 (BUSINESS) (619) 398-2651 IF EMPLOYED, WHERE YOU WORK AND POSITION YOU HOLD: Coachella Valley Water District, in the Palm Desert Operations Center. Title warpr Management Specialist. LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: 17 years Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other background. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. Bern. and raised —in_Missouri, graduated from the University of Missouri, lived in California since 1969, have always worked in or close to the irrigation industry, was on the orginal La Quinta City Design Review Board, for dhiepast 9 years have approved all new landscape irrigation water meters --the plans must meet CVWD planting and irrigation guidelines for approval, for A gears had irrigation system design firm, have co-authored G/erk _ four books on desert landscaping, have <� Mosk of the Valley cities planning departments. 000084 APPLICATION, PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Planning Commission. The Planning Commision is an advisory body to the city council in matters pretaining to land use, approval of new projects proposed for the city, variance to current city code, and help the council formulate new policy the abeve What specific issues or problems face the La Quinta Planning Commission and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? Keep the city on track to continue to make La Quinta a desir.^able city • • • • � • • • • • 1 • 1 • / 1 •may • ,I� • for What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the La Quinta Planning Commission? A long time city resident, appreciatev a good quality of life, accustomed to working with public offica)S, �a-�-• lC�, t9 Cr lv PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION NO LATER THAN TO: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR CITY OF LA QUINTA P. O. BOX 1504 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 fl 0 Q 0 8 r THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERWENT RE LD Date 1-09-96 A Jfily 10 Ai`i 14 59 CITY OF LA QUINTA V ' L" Q U i IN TA APPLICATION TO SERVE C! i 1' ;,LERK ON LA QUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION NAME: John A. Houghtelin HOME ADDRESS:, 50920 Calle Paloma La Quinta CA 92253 (Must be a La Quinta resident and eligible to vote in the City.) BUSINESS ADDRESS: 83-477 Avenue 62 Thermal CA 92274 TELEPHONE: (HOME) 564-1190 (BUSINESS) 399-5194 IF EMPLOYED, WHERE YOU WORK AND POSITION YOU HOLD: . Desert Pipeline, Inc. Estimator LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: 10 Years Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other background. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. Grades 1-12, Escondido California: Worked in family farming and ranching during summer vacations while in high school. Graduated from University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho with a B.S. in Ag Economics. Worked in Agri -business fields ten years. Since 1969 in construction related fields. All facets of construction management. Currently licensed "A" in California, (General Engineering Contractor) Have worked with engineering firms in various capacities. Field project review, engineering design coordinator, project manager, and quality assurance. APPLICATION, PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Planning Commission. An orderly process by which a general plan is developed and maintained through a review of proposed projects both public and private. An advisory to the city council regarding zoning and sub -divisions. What specific issues or problems face the La Quinta Planning Commission and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? The geography of La Quinta provides unique challenges and opportunities. Maintaining a balanced development plan. ie. The Hwy. 111 corridor, the Village, and the wide diversification in residential areas. What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the La Quinta Planning Commission? I would bring to the Planning Commission a background in Agriculture, Construction, Engineering, and Business Management, coupled with my enthusiasm, and attention to detail. IO, PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION NO LATER THAN TO: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR CITY OF LA QUINTA 000087 P. 0. BOX 1504 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 owqf THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT. RECE":'ED Date u OEC 18 . Pig 3 49 Q u i ti TA CITY OF LA QUINTA Ci 7 Y %JERK APPLICATION TO SERVE ON LA QUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION NAME: ,4u r bJ- �-) yt C- t�5 o N HOME ADDRESS: AyE M DA k)A tJA KP-CJ (Must be a La guinta resident and eligible to vote in the City.) BUSINESS ADDRESS: SA rr, e " TELEPHONE: (HOME) �i ` /— 3 (� Z 6=, (BUSINESS) -5--4 M If IF EMPLOYED, WHERE YOU WORK AND POSITION YOU HOLD: LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: 1�T �� Yt✓�FRS Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other background. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. :T-: Li t11VEP-s17,y of (�KLA tffl A A)/&koP—ruca iKL •4DE-SrSu Aura `'Yl A:mF--+ cu 5, i✓� -J���ED iAt21� A CAR'�L t K c-ru+2A.L ELD� iv1o�T t�Ec�NcTLY 1r�Rt= 77'4�—=- 1`7C5��T �di� l D YEARS- Z�✓� j�2�✓l�� L� �� N �' f+� D f��cZtl►►zEmEnLr Fc�cZ ,tLWME—FP.CPC-tS �lZ��� TifK�A�HoItT THE J7E-5E� APPLICATION, PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quints Planning Commission. TF1E' �aM.ti,issto�� r� ��-cau��E'r� -rn SKy�sT/UATr� /� f PL C/ -uT 5 F� � Go ►y S�rR u cTl D 11 PP- Cis (_�Ts w f T" t+ I I - T"h+� C—►�y L� ►„ �,-� P:b U SE1✓u A►.i D A e T"f- EX l C., VA L.N l= Tr46= G o 1 rtc-- [ Q 0-:S w ► T141 E �E 1�► ��GTlatl, OF' C 1'ry Z DW7 %r+ What specific issues or problems face the La Quinta Planning Commission and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise -do you think you have which would enhance the work of the La Quints Planning Commission? .- wou1t_> 82I tiLQ X" SEN-S► 133L_E LEtlat_ 4EA E A7T17ZfUC w ll_P+- GDuST(2t.IGT"l01�L 1=(� O N'� T'l-f� G /-� tzC FI• I-rL�'LT'll'fL/� L 1=l C—'[_p T"� µ�L,rzl 0E-F=- A At L OF' tTY s2o 07-FF PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION NO LATER THAN DECEMBER 22, 1995 TO: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR CITY OF LA QUINTA P. O. BOX 1504 000083 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT. Daft 1{%_ ITY OF LA QUINTA DECG6 Pll 2 16 APPLICATION TO SERVE I - U' i J A ON ;:7 U-LERK LA QUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION NAME: ^eorge I'ieffer 7" HOME ADDRESS: 52-711 Avenida Ifelasco (Must be a La Quinta resident and eligible to vote in the City.) BUSINESS ADDRESS: 52-711 1,venida Pelasco TELEPHONE: (HOME) 564-1309 (BUSINESS) 564-1309 IF EMPLOYED, WHERE YOU WORK AND POSITION YOU HOLD: Owner Cal Tech - Builders, General Contractor LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: Six years Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other background. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. Dlease see attatched 00 Off ID APPLICATION, PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Planning Commission. "evelon and maintain a general nlan for V-e city. "eveloo specific -lans as may be necessary. Review capitol imnrovement programs of the city. Tlerform other functions as jirected by the city council. What specific issues or problems face the La Quinta Planning Commission and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? Darks and recreation, traffic problems, zoning requirements, landscaping problems and local imnrovement districts. What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the La Quinta Planning Commission? I have twenty eight years experience in the construction industry. 1 have been involved in all phases of planning and development. I have a good w4th aij tha iocaj agennier.mQa t of all 1 am lntereSted in the development of La .Qinta. This is our home and will be until retirement and beyond. PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION NO LATER THAN DECEMBER 22, 1995 TO: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR CITY OF LA QUINTA 000091 P. 0. BOX 1504 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT GEORGE B. KIEFFER III 52-711 Avenida Velasco La Quinta, CA 92253 (619) 564-1309 EXPERIENCE: Kieffer Construction / CAL TECH Builders - 1991 to Present Owner/President. Manage all aspects of light commercial and residential construction. Projects include all phases of land purchase and development through final occupancy. Experience in bidding, contractor selection and management, project controls, payroll and benefits. All projects are kept on schedule and to the projected budget. Recent Project: Kerrigan Family Medical Center, Palm Desert, CA K. I. Incorporated - 1981 to 1991 President. Responsible for land purchase and development of residential, light commercial and major construction projects. Experience included management and organization of contractors, project bids, cost estimates, contractor compliance, project record keeping and budget maintenance. Liaison to local, state and federal regulating agencies. Supervised land development infrastructure. Project values ranged from $25,000 to $5,000,000. Brownfield & Associates - 1973 to 1981 President and CEO of Construction Division. Direct manager of all commercial and residential construction. Board Member with partial to direct management in multiple companies: Northwest Gypsum, Modern Supply Company, Rainier Excavation, Magnuson Rental Management, Stephan Engineering and Columbia Real Estate. B & A, Incorporated - 1969 to 1973 Partner. Construction firm involved with light commercial and residential. Accent Wood - 1969 to 1973 Partner. Designed and constructed commercial restaurant and lounge interiors. La Farge Construction - 1967 to 1969 Carpenter. General labor. City of Seaside California - 1964 to 1967 Police Officer. Achieved several honors in line of duty. United States Army - 1959 to 1962 Mechanic. Trained in all basics, including artillery. EDUCATION: Monterey Peninsula College - 1963 to 1967 / Liberal Arts Continuing Education: -Conversational Spanish at College of the Desert -H. B.A. Seminars for Foreman and Superintendents -Gil Rivet Seminars: blue print reading, plan take off, time management and construction framing improvements. -Energy Conservation Construction Seminars (Active and Passive). Available upon request 00009012. REC=".';_7D : 5 Dtun 20 Ai9 10 92 CITY OF LA QUINTA br L;; ,u NIA G i T % L E R K APPLICATION TO SERVE ON LA QUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION NAME: Thomas F. Lyons, Jr., P.E. HOME ADDRESS: 48-508 Via Amistad, La Quinta, CA 92253 BUSINESS ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1080 / 81-600 Ave 58, La Quinta TELEPHONE: (HOME) 564-5040 (BUSINESS) 398-5818 IF EMPLOYED, WHERE YOU WORK AND POSITION YOU HOLD: Imperial Irrigation District, Senior Engineer LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: 2 years, 5 months Date 12-20-95 Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other background. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. Education: Bachelor of Science Degree in Engineering, Option Electrical from the University of South Florida, Tampa Florida, August 1976 Various other courses towards MBA degree, technical schools, and seminars. Registered Professional Engineer in California and Florida Certified to teach in California Community Colleges. Part Time Teaching Credential for San Bemardino U. S. D., Adult Education Civic Involvement: Volunteer at Riverside County Library - Indio Branch Multi -Gallon Blood Donor Relevant experiences: College course in "Engineering Management of Environmental Impacts". At Imperial Irrigation District (IID), 1 review all of the applications regarding Tract Maps, Categorical Exemptions, Negative Impacts, Environmental Assessments, and Environmental Impact Reports. At IID, 1 was Manager of a Transmission Project which involved interaction with Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, various branches of the military, and IID's Environmental consultants. I became familiar with CEQA and NEPA procedures. For the last 15 years, I have worked in Distribution Planning. This involves taking the existing electrical loads, forecasting growth out five to ten years into the future, and seeing how the growth will impact the existing electrical facilities. Then having to choose the most economical solution for any forecasted problems. nnnna,3 APPLICATION, PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Planning Commission. Quite frankly, my only knowledge of the Commission comes from the various Ordinances that accompanied this application. What specific issues or problems face the La Quinta Planning Commission and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? Specific to La Quinta: How to provide recreation to the people in the Cove? (I am personally not in favor of the Fritz Burns Pool), Aggressively pursue development along Highway 111? (AutoMall or retail commercial?), and How to provide recreation to the people in North La Quinta? Problems similar to all communities: How to manage and encourage growth without degrading the services to the existing residents. What type of commercial and/or industrial base is desired to bring in revenue and jobs yet will not pollute the area? How do we keep La Quinta a place where people want to move to rather than move away from? Indio has gotten a very bad reputation with people outside the Valley, and I don't want that to happen to La Quinta. What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the La Quinta Planning Commission? I spent over 20 years in Florida and saw what un-regulated growth can do to communities: massive roads with cars at gridlock, mixed residential and commercial areas where homeowners could not give their home away if they wanted to, year round water rationing, and building moratoriums. I can bring in these experiences of how Dot to do planning to the Commission. As mentioned on the first page, I have been doing Distribution Planning for the last 15 years. I am very comfortable with forecasting future developments and their impacts upon existing facilities. I have learned how to stage construction projects so that the work done today will be incorporated into the projects built in future years. 1 am very familiar with Economic Decision Making and the Quality Control process. PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION NO LATER THAN DECEMBER 22, 1995 To: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR CITY OF LA QUINTA P.O. Box 1504 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 9 2 nnnn0A RECEi','ED Date Z — 95" j6 A 9 pm 1 31 r L� Q U I N TA CITY OF LA QUINTA C i i Y% L E RK APPLICATION TO SERVE ON LA QUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION NAME: 02r- HOME ADDRESS: (Must be a La Quinta resident and eligible to vote in the City.) BUSINESS ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: (HOME) 3��£'z-�'�� (BUSINESS) IF EMPLOYED, WHERE YOU WORK AND POSITION YOU HOLD: LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other background. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. /1/L•2�GGc �/Iz/`�tluL� ����N� �`� �"k� trv� SV-At.t-i O N Cr Z Co NVu c 17a�`S 00009 APPLICATION, PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Planning Commission. ICeZL /Z A". ki What specific issues or problems face the La Quinta Planning Commission and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the La Quinta Planning Commission? PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION NO LATER THAN DECEMBER 22, 1995 TO: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR CITY OF LA QUINTA 000096 P. O. BOX 1504 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 9 4 THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT. rc ,gip Date December 19, 1995 DtC 19 FIN 2 02 CITY OF LA QUINTA ; J r L ; u U ii TA APPLICATION TO SERVE CI-Y 01LcrRK ON LA QUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION NAME: Daniel V. Newman HOME ADDRESS: 47-960 Via Firenze, La Quinta, CA 92253 (Must be a La Quinta resident and eligible to vote in the City.) BUSINESS ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1441, La Quinta, CA 92253 TELEPHONE: (HOME) 564-1219 (BUSINESS) 564-4728 IF EMPLOYED, WHERE YOU WORK AND POSITION YOU HOLD: Self employed - Desert Certified Home Inspection - Owner LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: 4 years Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other background. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. See attached nni1�97 APPLICATION, PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quints Planning Commission. See attached What specific issues or problems face the La Quinta Planning Commission and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? See attached What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the La Quinta Planning Commission? See attached PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION NO LATER THAN DECEMBER 22, 1995 TO: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR 0 0 0 0 9 E CITY OF LA QUINTA P. O. BOX 1504 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT. ATTACHMENT BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH EDUCATION.. Born in Los Angeles County, received Associate of Arts degree with Fire Science major in 1962. Upper Division classes at Cal State Fullerton with a major of Public Administration. EMPLOYMENT.. Past employment includes construction (concrete, framing, electrical apprentice; owner -builder), 5 years; municipal fireman 10 years; municipal public works -water. division 2 years; municipal and county building departments, 23 years. Last position held was with the County of Orange as Chief of Structural and Residential Inspection, where I supervised a staff of 33. Presently owner of Desert Certified Home Inspection, a private home inspection service located in La Quinta, 1994-95. CIVIC INVOLVEMENT.. Member of City of La Quinta Volunteer Advisory Board 1994. Soap Box Derby Organizing Committee 1994-95. Ambassador for the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce 1993 to present. Volunteer for the La Quinta Arts Festival KNOWLEDGE OF FUNCTIONS, REGULATIONS AND PROCEDURES OF THE LA QUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION .... I have read La Quinta City Ordinance 241 and find it very similar to ordinances I have worked with in the past. I have been involved in monitoring the implementation of many zoning and planned development conditions relating to open -space, view corridors, color pallets, parking, traffic flow, etc. This involvement was both in design/plan review and also construction. SPECIFIC ISSUES OR PROBLEMS WHICH FACE THE LA QUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION AND SUGGESTIONS FOR THOSE ISSUES ... Monitoring the Highway ill corridor. Commercial development is vital to a new and growing city. The Commission will need to be very careful with the review of each new project so that the vision of an aesthetically pleasant area, contributing to a good quality of life, is balanced with the necessity of maintaining commercial viability. SPECIFIC ATTITUDES, SKILLS AND/OR EXPERTISE.... I have the ability to make land use decisions that will be consistent with the policies and plans formally adopted by the City Council. I have the ability to weigh the professional input given in staff reports, environmental impact reports and consultants reports. I have extensive experience in reading plans. I have a positive attitude and would be honored to be a part in assuring that La Quinta remains the GEM OF THE DESERT. M11 Ora , l .'._D f'� C j Jn 1 Pil 12 08 Gi i Y GLERK January 4, 1996 Ms. Sandra L. Juhola, City Clerk City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 RE: Planning Commission Appointment Thank you for the invitation to interview for the position of Planning Commissioner. I am unable to appear in person for the interview as I will be out of town attending a professional seminar which was scheduled several months ago and required to maintain my professional membership. I am requesting that the following be read before the Council and that I be seriously considered for the position of Planning Commissioner vacated by Councilman Don Adolph. My name is Dan Newman and I have been a resident of La Quinta for four years. I retired after 34 plus years of public service, 25 in the Department of Building and Safety where I had the opportunity to work closely with the Planning Department. Currently, I have a local home inspection business. I am an Ambassador for the Chamber of Commerce, a past member of the La Quinta Volunteer Service Advisory Board and participated in the organizing of the first Soap Box Derby held here in La Quinta. I have a very strong interest in assuring that our City maintains a high quality of life. If appointed I would contribute valuable experience and knowledge to the Commission with a commitment to making the best decisions for our City. Sincerely, Daniel Newman 47-960 Via Firenze La Quinta, CA 92253 619- 5 64-1219 000100 RECE!'�ED Date 1- 9- 9L ini ji is 10 Pill �ITY60F LA QUINTA r 4i1Ei iCATION TO SERVE CLcRK ON LA QUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION NAME: N 4 V i R 0Ce<I HOME ADDRESS: Cy (9,53) \/ /,ff 1ENC 7o (Must be a La Quinta resident and eligible to vote in the City.) BUSINESS ADDRESS: S'13M '�C TELEPHONE: (HOME) 5(o 4y y (BUSINESS) F!R t sra ri ,�n. SCE b -Z / 2 Z IF EMPLOYED, WHERE YOU WORK. AND POSITION YOU HOLD: C.>in rh r/i,c�irar +RT)J'T- Argyll f'a lU G,-4k-� FNC..I ;4-r-i w,-l+ R�yl=2S/,O� CCj, .A, ry tr+2F aT LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: S yF,gQS Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other background. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. CQQ 5' Fi L D YIP' tiHrsV ri - GN Crii...+i;R A-- ST i i I :.M 7 a .4 % P(-6 lrV t Ci . f Mr1 K l_ < <- 7i4k SI(r/+S Cott i I-r r' C. Tyr GF CA %� )r. Te �.a• Ir 2i_',(P. H.> TO 0 � f iZ SOD 1--m I.- C-4LtfR ...:L.5__� ll'� L��c�,3G/a�ii-„ /�^+✓J �v,A7K2i=R�c.S 10 t /LL I" /V, i Tlrv�r_ xirttn., r i.�. rV.� r� F-rN(; �Si(rN Y. /tia p�Lsi I:`! r.t.! �vr_ vv%�:..0 - t3r=v�C'�� F{7/2 1Z Yi=��,tf Cr et" i C tj.,,( li �(r i2 6000 )3vHTC /44-SO O'S(UM:A.T A� 0,hn Q0L ,S'ra� V 6JJ<17f 130HT S.ozaw< APPLICATION, PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Planning Commission. 'r0 C�,L�✓ AS A L-i i,z)iP 4.i7,> TH._ C ('( CjI&1CIL r-Y)' Y ((I/y l2._yi/2{. L{•;?, r! Sad r't'4r '21- ?-,�L/-� Jln 0 ;c /t')x-e\- Sri-ti> k iC i; it wrl,a 7 tkr-, 0t=Ct'-r iltF=/)�I_ a,./=T/iF 1�"K/ 17-/Ii„/- ST-� Ci L, ,cek(- C iC - /- TIY i- C/T),, What specific issues or problems face the La Quinta Planning Commission and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? &0/vr .a - T(tl_c .T/Aw,r What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the La Quinta Planning Commission? C14 Q,,i&-tr� I s r/�/r <gs- c ( rti /ti' Ttis142/=/9 Tl7/]T IS;.7 Fq - Try r-)clr c 12 .2 v rC Kr=/ZejL_ CrG96',r� j99hr' 131rIA !E5S /4VDlVR THgr c sS GOB 0 A,- Sr- N��rsr 5(2If OA4 n b2dty 7�a j k L couL0 r4:Lst Ttt-' Lo,f 97-) cAA—eup 1-e+,4 c.^!a y � < 1 S Tlt.c fZ.✓=RIGM 2 i%i./J'rRl7 1i1;uzx" /.LA t) Tj_ k.,��.� rn �,',=.0 /T 7-,#-04 Tav\kk0.ry lo, i q q� PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION NO LATER THAN TO: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR CITY OF LA QUINTA 000101 P. O. BOX 1504 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT. RE0D'Y ED 'jo JFi'l 10 nil 9 40 i i i ur LA QUINTA CITY CLERK NAME: Date 9 / 99(mll CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION TO SERVE ON LA QUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION /e HOME ADDRESS: ¢9-2�� Ar.�errid� l/.17a eo'7;7� (Must be a La Quinta resident and eligible to vote in the City.) BUSINESS ADDRESS: N /4 TELEPHONE: (HOME) ,S6¢- /8 80 (BUSINESS) IF EMPLOYED, WHERE YOU WORK. AND POSITION YOU HOLD: LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: �z Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other background. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. nnM0I APPLICATION, PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Planning Commission. 1---ne aI11% . What specific issues or problems face the La Quinta Planning Commission and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? 7l�X'� l%/��Qq'P 6��J o7✓ .: �/YJ/^ /Y�JGII��%'aTir� �Ir�/' T� l i �1'Y•� ._� /3 r yoemw yo work of the La Quinta Planning Commission? ,t9 e ac� J4ruAr\/ �O� 19q �v PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION NO LATER THAN O: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR CITY OF LA QUINTA P. O. BOX 1504 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 000104 THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT. FRANK R. REYNOLDS 49-294 Avenida Vista Bonita La Quinta, CA 92253 (619)564-1880 EDUCATION: Bachelor of Science, Geological Engineering, Montana Tech (formerly Montana School of Mines). Postgraduate courses at the University of California, Berkeley in Sewerage and Sewage Treatment, Structural Engineering, Design of Flexible Pavements and Soil Mechanics. Successfully completed International City Managers' Association courses in Municipal Administration, Municipal Public Works Administration and Municipal Finance Administration. OCCUPATION: Consulting Civil Engineer REGISTRATION: Civil Engineer, California #C-032740 EXPERIENCE: Present - Consulting Civil Engineer. Have performed services for the Coachella Valley Water District, Coachella, California in the development of a policy for utility trench backfill and surfacing replacement, for Brisco Enterprises, Tahoe City, California regarding biosolids recycling and for the Enclave Mountain Estates HOA, La Quinta for street reconstruction. April 1994 - December 1994. Coachella Valley Water District, Coachella, California. Project Engineer on six contracts related to the construction of a satellite facility in Palm Desert, California. The contracts involved a 10,000 sq.ft. office building, site work, street improvements, landscaping, a service station and the erection of a microwave tower. Responsible for quality assurance and contract administration on this $7 million project, serving on approximately a half-time basis. This assignment was completed during December 1994. January 1994 - July 1994. City of La Quinta, California. Special Projects Assistant to the Director of Public Works. General consultation. Responsible for the coordination of forensic engineering studies on failed street sections where an outside agency had installed utilities. June 1987 - December 1993. City of La Quinta, California. Retired as Director of Public Works/City Engineer. Planned, directed and reviewed the activities of the Department of Public Works. Supervised and participated in the development of the Capital Improvements Program and budget. Selected, supervised and evaluated consulting,p engineering services. Reviewed and signed plans for capital improvement project, L 0 1 (� and maps subject to the Subdivision Map Act. Served as technical advisor to the City Manager and City Council on public works, municipal engineering and traffic matters and developed recommendations for management use During my tenure the City more than doubled in population and had a 30% increase in land area. The Department of Public Works grew from a staff of five to eighteen full- time employees, plus contract construction inspectors numbering from three to six, depending upon construction activity. Capital improvement projects worth about $60 million were administered, including right-of-way and land acquisition, design, contract administration and quality assurance. August 1971 - June 1987. Between 1980 and 1987, Chief Construction Engineer, Kennedy/Jenks Consultants, San Francisco. Previously Vice President, Construction Engineering, with Jenks and Adamson and Jenks and Harrison, Palo Alto, the predecessor firms to Kennedy/Jenks Consultants. Was responsible for all of the contract administration and construction management activities involving primarily wastewater collection, treatment and disposal systems throughout the western United States, amounting to over 50 contracts with a total value of some $500 million. During the process dealt with governing bodies at all levels of government: municipal, county, special districts, state and federal. May 1954 - July 1971. City of Modesto, California Department of Public Works. Began as a Senior Engineering Aide and progressed through the positions of Civil Engineering Assistant, Associate Civil Engineer and Assistant Director of Public Works. Served in the latter position for eight years and during that period had the responsibility for the department's engineering and operating divisions: design, surveying, soil testing, contract administration and quality assurance, street maintenance, the water quality control plant, storm and sanitary sewer design and maintenance, the domestic water system, the street lighting system, the municipal airport, the equipment pool and corporation yard, the electrical division and the garden refuse collection and disposal division. During that period the city's population increased by more than 300%. PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS: American Public Works Association MILITARY: 28 years in the Naval Reserve, with 4 years active duty during World War II and 3 years during the Korean conflict. Retired with the rank of Commander. OTHER AFFILIATIONS: Past President, Rotary Club of La Quinta Director, Santa Rosa Cove Homeowners' Association La Quinta Resort and Club, Golfing Member La Quinta Historical Society La Quinta Chamber of Commerce (Co-owner of GEMS BY ELAINE) Naval Reserve Association, Life Member The Retired Officers Association 000106 0P94 RECEi'!ED Date A, ►._ 66 JRN 9 M 1 58 CITY OF LA QUINTA CIT f ur LA QUINTA C 1 T '( C L E R K APPLICATION TO SERVE ON LA QUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION NAME: HOME ADDRESS: `7E,- 31c 5 V i A C:A C► E Q T t:. LA Qu 1 N T A (Must be a La Quinta resident and eligible to vote in the City.) BUSINESS ADDRESS: ?,C), �UL�x 1 f3 S C.cAACAAt L (-)k Ca 9 2 `3(-Q TELEPHONE: (HOME) ` to - TI z5 ( (BUSINESS) Z 5 IF EMPLOYED, WHERE YOU WORK AND POSITION YOU HOLD: GC,'AGNE1,Ca \ALLG-f Va.Tt�Z �1ts�(F'lGi 0 j)iJ->;ECTo2 C�F tE V3GE LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: S A. S Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other background. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. gotZlJ . �rv1ZT IVL°EIJGI�C. ,�A��Fe�'�i�A �RAbUATt,� ��--( `n���.eo �,�H��c►��o�,,�ec_c\�c� A Bac�+�l.�e. O� ������ YGC� �V-) C\'Jii. DF-t\(jC tr211.�1,- `? \L �t�•1�1r�t� VL>" . 1),M>,%0%,, I FdcZ TOE ,�►����CQI C�crJ I''p.uf t__A.R�E��S1�c��\Al. 1J2n�EL�s L) � A L� u i ►.�Tb- �. ��a� C�A.�t��1,.� VA��t'( 1� �C�� ��ST�� APPLICATION, PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Planning -�C-ommission. p 1NE�617»i�3(� �111� 1i�1� ��; �1��- he dui. A•ie1Zf [�e� f U.,N�Lti ��y`� i�r��vL�Z�cUS }.>�c►y1J1�-is= �.L TI�cQ\t`t, FE►Z 1v�lu�cyE�eP�-�EuCy What specific issues or problems face the La Quinta Planning Commission and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? �;+r��t�`t�\cam i�RCA 1L►.► T— rcwa'( lit �'t�fLi2.lDt �- P.'�F �, i'a.� T,� �a G 1� � � ��e.� r l►�A.{.)c► A i_ �sC--.�tz.�t� �� ��-��c GiC`l� ��� �.�.►.����� L.E�MtK�`�S►c�U t>J,�..L �.P.Y A'U�c,�� 1�`c 1►, bwirauc ��� THE y What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise 'do you think you have which would enhance the work of the La Quinta Planning Commission? Z Peg, � ►� ����va �.� � tp. �-� r�cy �� e �a �u o T+i � � � .� �z iv 17� v c-�bF�l+� V,1iaN�E'?ocEL--, LaRev- Vio 1�c, 11.112Tk �� 1 � 5 �..►ac.c A5_(�►.�E ��``�+� �.�,;�►a,_, c,-�, ttte� I►�T�-.c �ln�.r �-I N1( K��Q�t�c� ��'7�ck(C�o�►N� l,�t�Vl.1i B�h.� ��T�o��ae�uU► �Mv\kACWY Iu, ►9R4o PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION NO LATER THAN TO: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR CITY OF LA QUINTA P. O. BOX 1504 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT 000108 Personal Biography STEVENA ROBBINS P.E. 79-365 VIA CALIENTE LA QUINTA, CA 62253 (619)360-7381 I am currently the Assistant Director of Engineering for the Coachella Valley Water District(CVWD) and have lived in the Coachella Valley since 1978 and in La Quinta since 1991. I am married and have three daughters ages 9, 6 and 1. I was born and raised in California having graduated from Oxnard High School. I received a Bachelors Degree in Civil Engineering from the University of California at Los Angeles. I am also a registered Civil Engineer in the State of California. In my current position at CVWD, I oversee a staff of 44 engineers, designers, drafters and technicians responsible for all day to day engineering functions of the District as well as the conception, design and implementation of the District's $70 million/year capital improvement budget in the fields of domestic water, sanitation, stormwater and irrigation. Prior to my position at CVWD I was Vice president of Engineering Service Corporation a planning and civil engineering firm in Palm Desert. While at Engineering Service Corporation I had the opportunity to be directly involved in the planning, design and construction of many major residential developments in the valley. I was the project manager for PGA West and for La Quinta Del Oro in La Quinta. I was also the project manager for Palm Valley Country Club and Indian Ridge Country Club in Palm Desert as well as many other residential and commercial developments through out the valley. In 1992 I was appointed to the La Quinta Investment Policy Task Force Committee which looked into the Steven Wymer affair and the methods and policies of the City's investments. I am active in La Quinta Youth Sports where I coach a girls softball team. I am also active in the parents club at Gerald Ford Elementary School in addition to being a Board member for the Palm Desert Rotary Club. I believe that I posses a blend of experience in both public and private work that would bring a unique perspective to the Planning Commission and would be extremely beneficial to the City of La Quinta as a whole. 000109 �o Jc,".10 Pl.1 2 19 Date January 09, 1996 t ,J.i, �UINiA CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION TO SERVE ON LA QUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION NAME: victor Ruiz HOME ADDRESS: 52-650 Avenida Herrera - La Quints, CA 92253 (Must be a La Quinta resident and eligible to vote in the City.) BUSINESS ADDRESS: 42-209 Oasis Street Rm. 211 - Indio, CA 92201 TELEPHONE: (HOME) (619) 771-9827 (BUSINESS) (619) 863,8271 IF EMPLOYED, WHERE YOU WORK AND POSITION YOU HOLD: Riverside County Building S Safety - Indio, CA Code Enforcement Officer LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: (10) years Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other background. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. ***** SEE ATTACHED ***** ()nn1i^ I am 51 years of age, born and raised in the Coachella Valley. I am married with children; one son currently attending SDSU. I have an 8 year old attending Truman School. I am a Vietnam -Era Veteran, with an Honorable Discharge, served with the 82nd Airborne Division rank attained SGT. E-5. I have attended College of the Desert, Riverside City College and the University of California at Riverside. I am currently completing my state certification with S.C.A.L.E.O.(Southern California Association of Code Enforcement Officers) with Rio Hondo College -Dept. of Public Service Administration of Justice Center. Also in this area, I have attended the Academy of Justice Center in Riverside; attained a P.C. 832 certificate as well as several certificates in Verbal Judo taught and lectured by Dr. George Thompson. Presently, I am deputized and do issue land -use violation citations. I also represent the county in most court citations. In 1984 and 1987 I was employed by City of Coachella as the Senior Bldg. Inspector (a management position). I attended Development meetings with staff and developers. I have had city council involvement representing the Bldg. Dept., I also have attended many City Planning Commission meeting representing Bldg. & Safety. While in Coachella, I represented the city in CVAG Meetings as directed by Henry Tasaka, the City Manager. In 1987 to 1991, I worked for Riverside County as a Building Inspector. In Dec. of 1991, I was a part of the County's massive layoffs. I returned to the County in 1993. I am currently employed as a Code Enforcement Officer in the enforcement of land -use violations, Ord. 348 relating to zoning; also, the enforcement of Ord. 457 relating to grading, buildings and structures, uniform bldg codes, health & safety codes, vehicle abatement and the abatement of sub -standard structures. 000111 APPLICATION, PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quints Planning Commission. To maintain and keep current the General Plan, to receive and preside over all matters relating to development, residential and commercial. To preside over public hearings; to up -hold and administer rules, regulations and polices in regards to the City Municipal and Zoning Codes: and receive any assignments the City Council may deem necessary. What specific issues or problems face the La Quinta Planning Commission and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? I believe that multiple family residence -complex should be viewed with care in that, the commission should always consider the community as well as the developer. Density in ra=1 Px'a has always been a con ern of in T strong1jE believe in tax base in commercial endeavors; but again the concern of tbp community would always take precedent. The commission in my estimation appointed extension of the populous in respect to the future of our community. What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise- do you think you have which would enhance the work of the La Quinta Planning Commission? _ I an a conscientious person, with good self-esteem in regards to my personal integrity and ethical beliefs. I believe that my past employment experience is an asset to my ability, to function as a commissioner. This experience would serve as vital factors in providing professional staffing to the present Planning Commission. JavvAv- lot 199(0 PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION NO LATER THAN TO: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR CITY OF LA QUINTA 0 0 011 21 P. O. BOX 1504 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Q Q THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT. RECEI1ED 15 DEC 22 PPI `t 33 ( `Y u= i ^I!!NTA f I " u CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK Date --.;2 S APPLICATION TO SERVE ON LA QUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION NAME: iI a 1'7a '17 Z-o HOME ADDRESS: - (/rC 1r7 (Must -be a La Quinta resident and eligible to vote in the City.) BUSINESS ADDRESS: / t-i r e d TELEPHONE: (HOME) (61 y) 3 6 D - 41-3 % 9 (BUSINESS) IF EMPLOYED, WHERE YOU WORK. AND POSITION YOU HOLD: ?2 zt e 1077 _Ye��'s_ '/fie t, rl eod- / LENGTH/OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: / ` d v,e Second Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other background. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. C'oLLPge gran/uaZ ;FZzT1neSX f /IP2L Aee�jt�Ze Spe%ia Li t", ' ' o� -s� fie n� ✓/-5 ems.-/ � E a �Ian� yes Dut.�s; uisi�io.�t o,� La of mar ALL C'iZ� f�r-0j I ICLudlnc�-Szree� ovi e.tige2 �S Z-u;k7ess f rio-s s-,Z1�1 ��- LUcat,on"S� con P•yr�--aTons, cricPol d•r-ec7�-y rc/sf<, PLa.�rrrr7 Pie t Oh /7L4Zer:s OPrldi/l�rt�i �O lipc%i ��tior�r U �rls dGTorlc Of T�ovncj Uro' 4 aAeIo;4 04L.' S2r-ved Oh irran y 73oa r-�s ��-i C'a�s� iSS/onS C/=yy O Sc�/7T`a /rld r rZP/J S TS/� o/'C� Dou/✓Iiou/ Cou•7Ty orc 0ra-7 /vusi� ovrr•n sr s G a V e__ 000113 Ley/:s4a-r-1 Coin „-ti twee 5e.-1 r o r C i--r-s n6e-L'.7 tcr-rraT,a � aL /`'/ Li �F Lr/d �4-ssocra77,o.l o i/7 c orce or- C':� of CaT/ec/r�L- C'r'lZs. * P APPLICATION, PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Planning Commission. � . y 7 / 1" 4 &Is. /Yee zti-! `_s- Za � e SXs,S I.S reza tl Z Z What specific is ues or problems face the La Quinta Planning Commission and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? C What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the La Quinta Planning Commission? PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION NO LATER THAN DECEMBER 22, 1995 TO: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR 000114 CITY OF LA QUINTA P. O. BOX 1504 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT. 1. DEC 21 '95 16:13 COLLEGE OF THE DSRT%E19-341-e67e P.2/4 r Date CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION TO SERVE ON LA QUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION NAME: F W", ToN /Z221-1s HOME ADDRESS: 79 4 so av ffe r e v op Zoo,v c (Must be a La Quints re.mrkt;t and eligible to vote in the City.) BUSINESS ADDRESS: ei3-4'nv mviy*Eo'y X40m Qer. '1i-t-tb TELEPHONE: (HOME) 36O•-,XJ',2 (BUSINESS)77(p -O//C- IF EMPLOYED, WHERE YOU WORK AND POSITION YOU HOLD: eV A. r&-E OF 7W Per re-4 r E'XtL. e.c. �pvrlN• )fxir- fp .faPr.1 Dpej LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: X T J! rJ Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvemteat and other background. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. �rGu;e vs/a r� J ry InbA, t`41 PAA. Sig ✓erm~-v7i yCrr over /D yrs. Xerv4w AX fecs,e�.}r_a _e/ty 47T I Sewed/ OayMMi art-V SO-0.0/*if 07 AP o F Ao-&-ts 'iv o Ier o die*vd1 /tivo 7I E A>v,04/e . Jeevie'j eomm..f'vo .' r .tr eH*10.0' "#A-� ?ON Le '0"JO.&IX0 6h/w&tr me/ono X/Opl Z7Re6*9•X.) 4AOF Je�►e.7�'.w D b - , 09meete.*,v rlearf AJdec !/mac L07) DEC 21 '95 16:14 COLLEGE OF THE DSRT./619-341-3673 F.3/4 APPLICATION, PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Planning Commission. AltNphNs 4o,"m- ,}Lfs i,y ¢cc�,:Joti4c w�`r�/t G'i�.I nrl;wsaccs ,ftd • flier lopws !ry Met ltf tGc-e��ney dfif ••�•s 7�01G'; t�, % "AJAR 1i L��A�i �� iillll�«�t'+vNi A/q, Q�1/b/1 m/l7Rrt/l What specific issues or problems face the La Quinta Planning Commission and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? ,971ib A.C.��v�yiivR ire �ruai a/ fo 4JSurc PA; i ;or P" 1 r• w'�/f �!� �'owc vrrrac� wi fi► Qo a' Es . What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the La Quints Planning" Commission? /Y7y A drrira A' 4`11-o`re iAo my CoonwmuwsTy jen *IV Ali crPAv4 E XP it�+�,cc O N THE Corr r,� r1i i ti S •- /» V AAf ri owes A%4.10 10440taI sA 701"oNA/ PYpGrirAic c APAs dcdied-Aio,# *jud CNvtAvsi of ft PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION NO LATER THAN DECEMBER 22, 1"S TO: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR CITY OF LA QUINTA P. O. BOX 1504 LA QUWA, CA 92253 000116 THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GO . , DEC 21 195 16:14 COLLEGE OF THE DSRT/619-341-8678 P.4/4 B. J. SEATON 79-650 BUTTERCUP LANE LA QUINTA, CA 92253 (619) 360-2523 (H) (619) 776-0115 (W) PRESENT EXECUTIVE SECRETARY TO POSITION: SUPERINTENDENT/PRESIDENT DESERT COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT SINCE JANUARY, 2990 EXPERIENCE: PREVIOUS: WORKED IN MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT FOR OVER 10 YEARS. SERVED AS SECRETARY TO MAYOR, CITY COUNCIL, CITY ATTORNEY, ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES MANAGER. PRIOR TO THAT WORKED AS SECRETARY TO COMPTROLLER OF THE CITY. INTERFACED WITH CITY MANAGER, ALL DEPARTMENT HEADS, AND THE PUBLIC. MEMBER OF THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND SERVED AS SECRETARY OF THE COORDINATING COUNCIL. COACHELLA VALLEY: SERVED ON PLANNING BOARD FOR COLLEGE OF THE DESERT WOMEN'S CONFERENCE. MEMBER OF COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION IN LA QUINTA AND NOW SERVING AS CHAIRMAN OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION FOR THE SECOND TIME. MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE EASTERN VALLEY AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION (SECRETARY 95/96). CHARTER MEMBER OF THE LIONS' CLUB OF LA QUINTA. MEMBER OF THE LA QUINTA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, COD ALUMNI ASSOCIATION, COD FOUNDATION WOMEN'$ AUXILIARY, AND LA QUINTA ARTS FOUNDATION. . , DEC 21 195 16:13 COLLEGE OF THE DSRT:619-341-9679 P.114 RE071'!ED D20 22 61"] 10 34 QUiNTA GiT' �E DECEMBER 21, 1995 MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL. CITY OF LA QUINTA . 78-945 CALLS TAMP = LA QUINTA, CA 92253 HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL: I AM APPLYING FOR THE APPOINTMENT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION. I AM CONCERNED ABOUT THE ISSUES AND PROBLEMS THAT HAVE EVOLVED AND ARE EVOLVING AROUND THE FACT THAT LA QUINTA IS ONE OF THE FASTEST GROWING CITIES IN RIVERSIDE COUNTY. IT IS CRUCIAL THAT THE DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING OF THE CITY CONTINUE .TO BE COORDINATED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO ASSURE THAT EVERY CONSTITUENCY IN THE CITY IS TAKEN INTO CONSIDERATION. IT IS IMPORTANT THAT ALL AGE GROUPS, WALKS OF LIFE, AND AREAS, ESPECIALLY NORTH LA QUINTA, BE INVOLVED IN THE GROWTH AND PLANNING ASPECT OF OUR CITY. I HAVE LIVED IN THE DESERT FOR ALMOST SIX YEARS. MY MAIN DESIRE IS TO SERVE MY COMMUNITY AND TO ASSIST IN KEEPING LA QUINTA MOVING IN THE DIRECTION NECESSARY TO PRESERVE ITS INTEGRITY AND STATURE WITHIN THE COACHELLA VALLEY. I LOOK FORWARD TO MEETING WITH YOU IN THE INTERVIEW PROCESS. SINCERELLYti 11.1 �.�" B.SEATON 0.0118 11! RECE;Y7D ;jb JFN 10 Pi1 12 55 Date , '' r L A Q U i N TA CITY OF LA QUINTA C i T Y CLERK APPLICATION TO SERVE ON LA QUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION NAME: S� n HOME ADDRESS: r ', n4a (Must be a La Quinta resident and eligible to vote in the City.) BUSINESS ADDRESS: -79-607 eouk7fyu elub Or)ij it, Se;h5, &fn TELEPHONE: (HOME) 54D4 `611.9 (BUSINESS) 3(p0 —0005 IF EMPLOYED, WHERE YOU WORK AND POSITION YOU HOLD: _ Sbu+h laj , senn1or ciQkchni LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: 4 4ea,rs Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other background. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the fposition you seek. :babold a &AelGr5 (/,%3) Q,ud! Haskwi (MI)dgPGE iVl liur� cT1Qir0eri»4 i�o�„ `tile Uhld. of NliS56uri -91,Ua, xam a req-64ered ciuiI 4viJ in 46 O� laG}Ornid , Tar over f;ve y ar5 J- ln2-ua beer) fib* Se'iw` gCo ANiC� 2AgjkEler ev 3oo4%t 6"qkal far PArnu,j& Pone Coal .,lhaenayew>/+p7� {or �ve allner end 5 p(o_�eC YNarYac]emC+� Cv 4t�e Gt le4m.1Vuwt4 ©rt kicPS, �kyc <o{er o Tturke4t U'ir+o-/KcCle i ace cowk-1 tinU f )rm 41- Six WLr; a� P%je4e.4fineev- in Mi55a,ri� 7Go52VO ,7fkd LowS#aKa , � a WA s�e� pZ,rewT� �ar�«+pd*i 4Z op%ef "r &en455c, -T5erue 35 jeA" s44!! Gi 1 v in 11ui�urc; . 45 epy�roY CH9ihi'e►^� J- �ibu;� 0. d�c zcaj se. 'c haza kv a Olnef-c I APPLICATION, PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Planning Commission. Ike C- l wtel a l LL•Lje'e l l c tawdieUJ i rM ALL- 1-QV;cCL ft?�ltni�ai Y�r%c' 0� OfeiL/1 t� �/4:r1 ilA�Il� d��cfQ % (,s;o;is Q n rV'C.�t.IKtU.( jk,)[S 4o Ct 4 w�-.*Lc.1 � 4he dfc:f�Yrl �tittbK�a. 1%L� P�2tri/A�tVLq Co4vtwti105i0rt ±S �ML� tied �Lj fqA' niCtgil �c�CSi S LZAu � t- :�s 4uwc�e�i, ( pr9zuu2ZX�o+ Qfr4 (iwtc} OnS. � Yt�S �� }roc �ire5 7gr eubiic�Uwihs c9Jh(crum. What specific issues or problems face the La Quinta Planning Commission and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? Gpe CJI'L Lhao6rtq AL) �v �i��cl of- Lfe ✓ s!eulu:Jm hesiclk4S, Maiw•�a:n1� a Poy; 4-, ue T,naci& foi ke el cj- bIi Ile A -,rvus Prc�ez� to„ c>� dt I 1 YC%'C rti'S �nc�i��vty '� Sakkl a {ytS�-G. kL m4yt � ha�uc�Zvty� o,n6er s +kA "t4auce :�" sew 0.1 , c tic�a� CQe��lo�w�u� Q �14 11! Co,-r l c�o' Ut t!±3 e a'-64 e -T L4j0v1c; s ur e5 � clt�vte JS �e � J < Plaw,_ctuc� Vriief4 yav�oxe, 6 cc%,Au&J What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the La Quinta Planning Commission? Q p pre -a 4 -aA a we) �.ev 2), wtewk i P) +ke W'JAu,,W �tS zp p ro&� k T1 +tiw t�h—� resPa•c� �hr�ThjU ►-�1��ss..� au.d�inge�+tcz, Z YNti�OgiKia7� :t<i �Cont/kuE�i7oC�/e71.�% "WJLL2'"�. T4-.;C'U `{C���y'duni2c�Ih Y3t-jL4u 4c 44e cc*,u.wtitti:un 1t4{ buz,- l4? 4 Ciy2l ewilueeetnq.a4t� �b`7fA)C 5pe�iat ,f �1 al�ttiar lot I g Q 4 PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION NO LATER THAN TO: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR 000120 CITY OF LA QUINTA P. O. BOX 1504 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 1 g THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCALZVkRNMENT. Date: December 19, 1995 CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION TO SERVE ON LA QUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION NAME: ROBERT T. TYLER HOME ADDRESS: 44-215 VILLETA DRIVE LA QUINTA CA 92253-3871 BUSINESS ADDRESS: NONE TELEPHONE: (HOME) (619) 345-2116 EMPLOYMENT: I HAVE BEEN RETIRED SINCE MID-1990. FOR 35 YEARS PRIOR TO THAT I WAS AN ENGINEER AND ENGINEERING MANAGER WITH THE LOCKHEED CORPORATION. LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: 4 YEARS. (I AM A REGISTERED LA QUINTA VOTER) BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH: I hold a BA Degree (UCLA - 1951) and a BS ( Engineering) Degree (USC - 1961), and worked as a professional engineer in the Aerospace industry for over thirty-five years, until my retirement in June, 1990. Although my degree was in Electrical Engineering, the Lower Division curriculum at that time included a significant amount of civil engineering. Thus, I am conversant with the engineering disciplines related to community planning, As an adult, I have lived in a half -dozen different cities in Southern California and Texas, and always participated in civic affairs as much as possible. I have experienced first hand examples of both good and bad City Planning! My initial involvement in City Planning affairs began about 1960, when I participated in hearings regarding the development of the Master Plan for the San Fernando Valley. A dozen or so years later, I actively participated in a major re -zoning effort in the City of Glendale. For the past two years or so, I have been a regular attendee and participant at virtually all of the public hearings of the La Quinta Planning Commission, as well as the City Council meetings. I generally make it a practice to visit and survey those areas in our city that are the subject of pending Planning Commission action, so I can participate as an informed citizen. I was an active member of the grass roots movement that ultimately led to the formulation and adoption of the La Quinta Compatibility Ordinance. I was also an active advocate for "The Pairings" development that was proposed for the corner of Washington Street and Miles Avenue a year or so ago. I applied for the Planning Commission in June, 1995, but withdrew in favor of the incumbent, Mr. Adolph, who was subsequently re -appointed. I was an unsuccessful candidate for City Council in the November 7, 1995 election. I am currently a member of the La Quinta Human Services Commission, and attended the initial kick-off presentation of the CVAG 2020 Program in November, 1995. I was one of the three or four citizen attendees at the public meeting held on March 30, 1995, relative to the proposed Subdivision Ordinance Update. I am also one of the few citizens who attended both of the Community Economic Strategic Development Planning meetings sponsored by the Director of Planning (9-13-95 & 10-18- 95). I am also probably one of the few residents who has read the City of La Quinta Housing Elemer,�t IJDd�te from cover to cover! ��JJ lJ 11 j PLANNING COMMISSION APPLICATION •- ROBERT T. TYLER PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the function, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Planning Commission. Having attended and participated in most of the Planning Commission hearings for the past two years, I have a gained a thorough appreciation for the functions, regulations, and procedures of the Planning Commission. As is true of all City Commissions, the Planning Commission provides an advisory function to the City Council, and has no contracting authority per se. All recommendations of the Planning Commission are passed to the City Council for their deliberation and approval/disapproval. In accordance with the Brown Act, all meetings and hearings of the Planning Commission must be open to the public. Under California State law, the Planning Commission develops and maintains the City's General Plan, develops such Specific Plans as necessary or required; and must periodically review the City's Capital Improvement Program. In addition, the City Council has tasked the Planning Commission with the specific responsibilities relative to Zoning Regulations and Subdivision regulations, as described in the enabling Ordinances. I have read and am familiar with the current Rules and Procedures for the Planning Commission. The Commission holdz regular meetings on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month, with special meetings as required. Workshops are typically held in the afternoons, and Public Hearings are held at 7:00 PM. For the past several months, the Planning Commission has been heavily involved in a complete revision of the La Quinta Zoning Ordinance, which has occupied most of the recent Workshop Sessions. What specific issues or problems face the La Quinta Planning Commission, and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? One issue that has already been passed to the City staff for study is to find some portion(s) of our city that can logically be re -zoned for light industrial applications. Such an zone is desirable so that the City can broaden its economic base, for increased revenue. Another key issue is to determine practical ways of meeting the various mandated requirements for affordable housing within our city, while still maintaining the "Quality of Life" expected by La Quinta residents. "The Seasons project seems to be a step in the right direction. Another approach that might be pursued is the take- over by the City or RDA of selected abandoned and/or derelict houses in The Cove, refurbishing them, and then make these homes available to qualified low- or very -low income buyers (perhaps also drawing upon their "sweat equity"). What specific attitudes, skills, and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the La Quinta Planning Commission? As a full time resident of La Quinta, I take great pride in my city. I make it a point to stay abreast of proposed events and developments in and near our city, and to analyze their potential impact on our community. As a lifetime engineer, I am disciplined to think along logical, practical lines, with specific attention to details. In my recent campaign for City Council, I made a specific point of visiting and becoming familiar with the details of our entire city, from border to border. Not only did I study the tangible aspects of our community, but I gained an increased awareness of the wants and expectations of our residents, as well. It is in this context that I hope to serve the City of La Quinta as a member of the Planning Commission. A• A w nnnv» Date 5)- a & R'! _.''�ED 10 P11 4 11 CITY OF LA QUINTA U 1 %TA APPLICATION TO SERVE h 01TY 0LK ON LA QUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION NAME: E ti fL l S ) A HOME ADDRESS: 5 4 - (ooZ S A 0 F_ r,1 C)A IL' R--rel V QRS (Must be a La Quinta resident and eligible to vote in the City.) BUSINESS ADDRESS: 5-4 - (P 2 S Ax) E ry ►® r+s TELEPHONE: (HOME) '171- 1-1 4 3) (BUSINESS) s`'5 (D 4 - O 9 Q, Z IF EMPLOYED, WHERE YOU WORK AND POSITION YOU HOLD: �fri)C1012--AL t=r�Ctw�E1? 1tU Co�SUL,IAK i '_ D�Nn;tt S. 1�1)S1} } As cry(` rd^fF-7-c, -a l�r x114 - OWtJ_�� C AL1 F- LIC- z OSE�0 ty 1 1 �� LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: AV PenX :3� �A�S Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other background. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. CH ti i c" ll-i o L E- C\�1l- WQt>�8 1�i4/Si'LOG'(\jF-r Cc' Lc c-A-A- rt nwA - ND. Car CoAkL o €x� -31-L A L ) boy= ) A- E01T0>r Avt� Co-Ck'A1R- - Com jpVIeg_ %mm)TTOs (Z- COES V ( PS C1�c�Lv1-1't1�1Ez © ,�c �ASEfl Lac VOL 0A.)IeEES UQ11 f) e, Covk3l A- n nn1n05 APPLICATION, PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Planning Commission. �y�eAI— I AyJ 1 ��� C' es�m m%SS 1v � i1LSo AQ 0 U7�5 L✓ r-�,o To A yC zaZa s -TaE )5 OF 1aL :�r rayk) eQi'l . What specific issues or problems face the La Quinta Planning Commission and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? >> o AOo12@SS 'DtJ F— N0 1Nt�e=s�rr.��� Aw.� 17czaw^�r,S,rlvv-- FoCvs oN l_.a,.s1xv A,�� What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the La Quinta Planning Commission? • t. . • .rAwl. A'+j 0 t +m cc-5m Yy\ -T y. J c V PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION NO LATER THAN O: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR CITY OF LA QUINTA Q 1 P. O. BOX 1504 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Q n 1 THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT. JqN 10 196 13:39 UDC P.2 CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION TO SERVE ON LA QUINTA PLANNING COMMIS! ADDRESS:_ 79791 A. •' J 4i (Must be a La QU]NTA resident and eligible to vote in the City.) • , 'RX41=17wo (HOME) (BUSINESS) 619-564 �{418 IF EN PLOYED, WHERE YOU WORK AND POSITION YOU HOLD' I presently I am president of an Architectural firm in Newport Beach with a staff of (7) employees, 'which has been operating for 25 years. i also have an office in La Quinta for the past 2 years. fWhioh is incorporated in the State of California !.LENGTH OF RESIDENT IN LA QUINTA:_2 Years !BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, INCLUDING EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, CIVIC INVOLVEMENT AND OTHER BACKGROUND. PLEASE BE SURE TO INCLUDE EXPERIENCES RELEVANT To DUTIES Op! POSITION YOU SEEK, ,3 000125 JPN 4-0 196 13:69 UDC P.? �I APPLICATION, PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 2 ! ;DESCRIOE YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE FUNCTIONS, REGULATIONS, AND PROCrOUR43 OF THE LA OUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION. 'There are two primary resources that form the backbone of my understanding of Planning Commissions. First is the more indirect source of working with city staff, planning commissions, and city councils in over 15 states over the past 25 years. During that time, I have been personally involved obtaining entitlements as well as addressing extremely complicated architectural, environmental and economical issues. ! The second source of understanding the responsibilities of the position is my involvement with various cities in establishing new design guidelines, working on urban specific plans and 'defining 'the consequences of newly adopted city ordinances. IIWHAT SPECIFIC 193UE5 OR PROBLEMS FACE THE LAQUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION AND DO YOU �HAV£ ANY SUGGeSMONS TO ADDRESS THOSE ISSUES PROBLEMS? � I strongly believe that La Quints is at a cross -road relative to establishing "the rules of the game" II` relative to ensuring that this very unique city meets it's potential as the only location where a "sense of place" can be established. This not only means that effective ordinances and codes must' Ibe realized, but equally important, the quality of the final physical environment must be protected. , Hence I believe that my ya'lctd background in 91 aspects of city planning can bring an important ' ;viewpoint during that process. My history in new town urban planning, and planned communities of 450,000 acres of property, residential design of over 150,000 condos, apartments and single family units as well as designing millions of dollars in commercial, retail and religious structures, provides a very special insight to the many challenges confronting a planning commissioner. The physical aspects of development are just as important as the general plan and zoning maps. for @ the "end of the day", it is the landscaping, signage, architecture, scale and materials, for when combined with effective planning decisions, will ensure the goals of our city will be realized. After f all, it is the human aspects of a city that we remember after visiting a town. We must uaiderstand 'the special future La Quinta promises and realize the hard decisions we must make today are :necessary if we are to guarantee the goals of tomorrow. ! PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION NO LATER THAN JANUARY 10, 19% TO: i ADIv1IIVISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR CITY OF LA QUINTA ! P.O. BOX 1504 LA QUNT.A, CA. 92253 SERVE RNMENT 000126 7AN 10 '96 13:40 UDC ml IT IS WITH A VERY HIGH DEGREE OF EXCITEMENT AND EXPECTATION THAT I ANNOUNQE THE FORMATION OF MY NEW FIRM, "THE WOODARD GROUP." THIS DECISION IS BASED ON THE BELIEF THAT THE 90`S WILL REQUIRE NOT ONLY NEW O:RECTIONS FOR US ALL, BUT EQUALLY IMPORTANT, DEMAND THAT UNTESTED, IMAGINATIVE AND ENLIGHTENEDSOLUTIONS BE CONSIDERED WHEN MAKING BOTH PERSONAL AND BUSINESS DECISIONS. THE NAME "ETHOS' WAS SELECTED AS OUR LOGO BECAUSE I AM CONVINCED THAT IF WE ARE TO SURVIVE THE COMPLEX ISSUES THAT WILL CONFRONT US DURING THIS DECADE, WE MUST ALL MAKE QUALITY OF LIFE AND SQCIAL.CONCERNS THE BASIS FOR HOW WE LIVE ON THIS PLANET. HENCE, "ETHOS", WHICH IS A GREEK WORD MEANING "ETHICS" OR 4A BODY OF WORK CREATED FOR A HIGH MORAL IMPRESSION.° DESIGN EXCELLENCE, PERSONAL SERVICE.AND THE JOY OF THE PROCESS OF ARCHITECTURE WILL CONTINUE TO BE OUR COMMITTMENT. (etho,) 0001�7 JAN 10 '96 13:40 UDC P.5 THE PROFESSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN HAS A SPECIAL MEANING TO OUR FIRM. FULLY RECOGNIZING THE ONGOING AGE OF SPECIALIZATION, WE HAVE CONSCIOUSLY STRIVED TO BE GENERALISTS IN AN EFFORT TO MEET THE NEEDS OF SPECIAL CLIENTS SUCH AS YOURSELVES. ALTHOUGH OUR CLIENTS, BY THEIR VERY NATURE, ARE SPECIALISTS, WE BELIEVE THE WORLD IS SOCIALLY, POLITICALLY, AND ENVIRONMENTALLY TOO COMPLEX FOR US TO MOVE FORWARD WITHOUT HAVING AN IN-DEPTH KNOWLEDGE OF ALL ASPECTS OF DEVELOPMENT. FLEXIBILITY WITH DIRECTION, SENSITIVITY WITH PERSPECTIVE AND PRACTICALITY COMBINED WITH A SOCIAL CONSCIENCE IS IMPERATIVE FOR SUCCESS IN THIS FAST CHANGING WORLD. AS YOU CAN SEE BY OUR LIST OF COMMISSIONS, WE HAVE AN IN-DEPTH UNDERSTANDING OF ALMOST EVERY ASPECT OF ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN. TO DATE, WE HAVE BEEN INVOLVED IN THE DESIGNING OF THEATRES, CULTURAL CENTERS, MEDICAL FACILITIES, OFFICE BUILDINGS .MID DEPARTMENT STORES. IN ADDITION, WE HAVE ENGAGED IN THE LAND PLANNING OF OVER 450,000 ACRES OF RAW LAND, DESIGNED OVER 52,000 APARTMENTS, TOWNHOMES, AND SINGLE FAMILY HOMES. WE ARE VERY PROUD OF OUR RECORD FOR OBTAINING GOVERNMENTAL APPROVALS FOR PROJECTS THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY, OUR FIRM HAS RECEIVED NUMEROUS AWARDS FOR EXCELLENCE IN DESIGN. WE TAKE GREAT PRIDE IN THAT WE ARE ONE OF THE FEW FIRMS TO HAVE RECEIVED DESIGN AWARDS FROM THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS IN FOUR MAJOR CATEGORIES' LAND PLANNING, COMMERCIAL, RESIDENTIAL (MERCHANT BUILT HOUSING) AND CUSTOM HOMES. , OUR MOST IMPORTANT ASSET IS OUR UNDERLYING COMMITMENT TO QUALITY. WE BELIEVE THAT GOOD DESIGk AND PRACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS CAN WORK TOGETHER, FOR FINANCIAL SUCCESS FOR ALL CONCERNED. QUALITY DESIGN REALLY TRANSLATES INTO THE ABILITY TO CONTINUE AN UNDERSTANDING OF THE REALITIES OF OUR CLIENTS NEEDS, SENSITIVITY WITH THE ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES OF A SITE, PATIENCE TO WORK WITH GOVERNMENT BODIES AND THE EXPERIENCE NECESSARY TO BRING A PROJECT TO A SUCCESSFUL CONCLUSION. 000128 13:41 UDC Over thirty years experience in architectural design and large scale land planning. P.6 Stewart C. Woodard, AA 1957 Graduate Polytechnic College in San Luis Obispo Architectual Engineering 1962 Director Architectual Design, William L. Pereira & Associates 1966 Director Architecture and Planning, The Larwin Group 1970 Owner Stewart Woodara, AIA Associates Irvine, California 1973 President Ladd, Kelsey and Woodard, AIA Newport Beach, California 1981 Owner Stewart Woodard, AIA & Associates Costa Mesa, California Cultural Contributions Board Member Friends of the Joffrey Ballet Board Member Orange County Master Chorale President Orange County Pacific Symphony President Dance Alliance/Performing Arts Center Patron Newport Harbor Art Museum President South Coast Repertory Theater Personal Awards & Commendations Man of the Year City of Hope Award of Commendation California Polytechnic State University Certificate of Merit Orange County Board of Supervisors Business Arts Award O.C. Business of the Arts Certificate of Merit University of California at Irvine Award of Commendation State of California 0001�' 0 27 i JAN le '96 13:41 UDC P.' a' THE WOODARD GROUP BIOGRAPHY STEWART C. NVOODARD,A.f:A. Mr. Woodard was born oil December 29,193 3 in Washington D,C.. In 1948 he and his family moved to Carmel California, where he attended Carmel Hievh School. He received athletic scholarships from Stanford University and Cal -Berkeley in Northern California. Zile wcnt on attend Cal -Poly in San LtltS Obispo, ,','raduating tit 1957 with a Bachelor of Science in Architectural Enaioeering,, Durinc,this tine lie received the followins=. 1953 Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity, Cal-i'oly 1956 llelta Sigma Phi fraternity, Vice -President 1957 Deans List - Cal -Poly 1957 Honor- Award - Cal Poly Architectural Award Subsequent to his t;rtduation, ,fir. Woodard joined the efirmed Services, later he joined tine Army Reserves where he retired from the reserve unit as a First Sergeant in 1962. In 1958 Mr. Woodard joined various architectural firms in La Jolla, Pasadena, and West Los Angeles. lit 1960 he joined the very prestigious architectural firm of William Pereira F.A:LA. & Assoc. in Los Angeles, where lie eventually became Director of Design for the 125 mail firm.. During his five-year history with the firm he worked on commissions throughout the world, Several local projects in which he was involved were LAX in Los Pulgeles, 76,000 acre master plan for Irvine Ranch, Catalina Island toaster plan, Los Angeles `times complex and many other prestigious develoi)ments. In 1968 he was named Director of Design and Planning for the Lai -win Group, a national home building company. During this time he was responsible for the design of thousands of residences, as well as many planned communities. In 1970 Mr. Woodard opened his own firm in Newport Beach, California and received commnissions in all fields oft lie architectural profession. Although his first love is in the design of custom homes, and religious structures, he has designed more than 150,000 condomwUnis, apartments and single family P.U.D,s in addition he has land planned over 420, acres of property for new homes, planned communities and urban projects.. He also has designed award winning. churches, office buildings, hospitals, retail and commercial projects, as well as resort complexes, and institutional structures. In fact he has received design awards in all categories of architectural design, from the American Institute of Architects and was also nominated for a fellowship,, a very prestigious honor. In 1974 Mr, Woodard opened his second office in Orlando, Florida, continuing the same quality work on similar commissions. 000130 A CAUFQRHtA CpRPORATtOH, 50S1 BIRCH1 Crt RE F,a na O Qu EACH, C 926W, 71 476-25661714-476.07116 FAx �� JAN to '96 13:42 UDC P.8 OFFICFS, COMMITTEES & HONORARIUM 1987-Present Chairman, Architects Breakfast Club 1985 Director of Design Nomination, OCCAIA 1980 Speaker, Design Conference, Monterey, CA 1979 Speaker/Critic, Design Conference. Monterey, CA 1979 Design Critic, CA Polytechnic School of Architecture 1978 Design Critic, CA Polytechnic School of Architecture 1976 Design Critic, CA Polytechnic School of Architecture 1976 Director of Design, OCOAfA 1976-Present Chapter Member, OCOAIA NON PROFESSIONAL OFFICES, CONI:N41TTEES & RONORARIUitTS 1987-Present Board Member, Friends of the Joifrey Ballet 1987-Present Board Member, Uranse County Master Chorale t985-Present Board Member, Orange County Pacific Symphony 1985-Present President, Dance Alliance/1'erfonning Arts Center 1984-Present Director of Committee for Monetary Reform 1983-Present bounding Member, Orange County Chapter of the Joffrey Ballet 1977-Present Patron, Newport Harbor Art Museum 1977-1973 Committee Member, Environmental Quality Control Commission 1976-1978 Committee Member, Architectural Standards Commission 19 76-Pres,.nt Patron, Laguna Beach MLISeLntl of Ar•r 1974-Present rounding Member, Past President and Board Member of South Coast Repertory Theater 1970-Prescnt Patron, Bowers h4useunr of Art, Santa ,Sna 1970-Present Patron, l..ong Beach Museum of Art 1970-Presenr Patron, Los Angeles Museum of Art PERSONAL AWARDS & C.OIVIMENDATIONS Man of the Year City of Hope, recognition for outstanding achievements In community and professional service Award of Commendation California Polytechnic State University for Support and Participation in Intern Programs Certificate of Merit Orange County Board of Supervisors in appreciation of distinguished and unselfish contributions on behalf of the People of Orange County Business in the Arts 'I'he Orange County Business Committee for the Arts Award 000131 M 0 JAN 10 '96 13�42 UDC P.9 Honorable Mention Saddlebrook Village M.P. 1984 i Honor Award Woodard Otfic� 1983 Honorable Mention Ridgewood Lakes M.P. 1982 Honorable Mention Woodard Residence 1981 Merit Award South Coast Repertory Theater 1979 Honorable Mention Quail Ridge Condominiums 1977 Honor Award Country Lakes,!M.P. 1977 PACIFIC CONS BUILDERS CONFERENCE Gold Nue et Awards Merit Award Canyon Lakes 1986 Merit Award Woodard O icy 1984 Merit Award Woodside Condominiums 1982 Merit Award Woodard Residence 1992 Grand Award NVoodard Residence 1992 vledt Award BrieMesidenca 1981 Merit Award Glenn Residence 1981 Grand Award Quail Ridge Cotuluminiums 1980 Merit Award Quail Ridge CO�Idominiums 1980 lklerit Award Woodside 1980 Nlerit Award F411 Creek 1980 Cr-and Award Ft1ll Creek- i 1980 BUILDERS MAGAZINE Builders Choice Awards Merit Award 1A',ayne Residence 1987 Honorabie Mention Saddlebrook Pavilion 198,5 Grand Award Woodard Residence 1982 Merit Award Quail Ridge Condominiums 1977 ;yf1St.'ELLANEOt1S , Best in America Award Wayne Residence- 1997 Aurora Award Saddlebrook Vious 1986 Grand Aurora Award Saddlebrook Villas 1986 Aurora Award(1vIerit) Saddlebrook Pavilion 1986 NAIOP Merit award. Civic Plaza 1985 Honor Award/Florida Indian Pines 1983 I 000,13' 0 JAN 10 '96 13:43 UDC Certificate of Merit Letter of Commendatiord Letter of Recognition Letter of Commendation F.10 University of California at Irvine. - Chancellors Club In recognition of generous support and commitment to insuring institutional excellence. i South Coast Repertory Theater/Support and Participation City of Newpori Beach State of California, Senator William Campbell Award of Service South Coast Repertory Theater Letter of Service South Coast Repertory Theater BOOKS & ARTICLES WRITTEN BY MR. AV06DARD Architectural Critic.u-J,' 9,92-Present Daily Pilot Newspaper Circular Cluster Planning - AutoAlarking 5olttiion/April-May 1997 California Suildin l zwazine Circular Lard Planning Permits Density Increase/June 1985 Apartment Builders MaguYinv innovative Design Con0pts/1979 Apartment. Builders Ma4lazine Circular Planning1978 Los Angeles Times Density Planning t974 Urban Land Institute AWARDS - STF,WAR1. WOODARD AND ASSOCfATES, A.I.A. AMERICAN IN I ITEUTE OF ARCHITECTS Orango County Chapter .Awards Honor Award Woodard Residence Honor Award Woodard & Associates Office Judges Commendation GiciWrk Presbyierian Church Judges Commendation Saddlehrwk Viltage Honorable Mention Pcckenppaugh Residence Honorable Mention Saddlebrook Villas Merit Award Saddlebrook Villas 1992. 1987 1986 1986 1985 1985 1984 o00133 i --0U0131 c% 4 1wC�w AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CD COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: January 16, 1996 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TITLE: STUDY SESSION: Continued Consideration of FY 1995-96 Community Services PUBLIC HEARING: Grant Applications RECOMMENDATION: City Council review the Grant Applications, and provide direction to staff for funding allocations and disbursement. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The City Council allocated $41,550 to the Special Project Contingency Fund within the FY1995-96 Budget. The Living Desert and Living for Your 90's Awards Ceremony programs receive $1,550 of these funds leaving $40,000 for Council's determination. The City Council has previously allocated $20,900, in funds as outlined in Attachment 1. The balance in the Special Project Contingency Account is $19,100. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The Community Services Grant Program was originally scheduled for City Council consideration at the December 19, 1995 meeting. It was postponed to the January 2, 1996 City Council meeting. At the January 2, 1996 City Council meeting the Community Services Grant Program was scheduled for the January 16, 1996 City Council meeting as a Study Session item, This item has been continued from the last City Council agenda. The City Council established the Community Services Grant Program in 1985, and since that time, funds have been allocated for the Community Services Grant Program each year. A matrix detailing approved Grant funding of organizations from 1987 through 1994 is provided (Attachment 2). Pursuant to the grant process guidelines, applications have been reviewed by a Screening Committee composed of the Parks and Recreation Director and Finance Director for compliance to funding criteria. Funding criteria was approved by City Council for FY1995-96 at the September 19, 1995 City Council meeting. Criteria requires that the Applicants: 000134 ... Criteria requires that the Applicants: 1. Be located in or serving La Quinta. 2. Demonstrate the value of the request to La Quinta. 3. All City funds must be utilized for services to people living in La Quinta. 4. Non -La Quinta applicants must provide evidence of services provided to La Quinta residents. 5. If awarded a grant, applicant must document expenses within 30 days of expenditures. Staff sent out letters of intent to all organizations funded since 1992. Additionally, staff advertised the Community Services Grant Program in the La Quinta Chamber Newsletter, November issue. Fifteen organizations requested applications. Ten organizations submitted applications within the November 17, 1995 deadline. Attachment 3 provides information relative to each applicant's request and previous grant funding history (if applicable). The category regarding Application Analysis refers to screening criteria used to evaluate the applications. Application requests totaled $41,900; funds available are $19,100. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The Screening Committee recommends the City Council review the Applications, and provide direction to staff for funding allocations and disbursement. The options available to the Council are: 1. Review applications and direct staff to allocate and disburse funds per Council direction; 2. Deny any allocation of fimdsat this time; or 3. Provide staff with further direction. Marty Nich son Parks & Recreation Director ATTACHMENTS: 1. Recap of Special Project Contingency :Funds 2. Community Service Grant Funding History 1987-94 3. Community Service Grant Applications 1995-96 09()13 A 1 i AGt1MtN'1 1 1Y 1995-96 SPECIAL PROJECT CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT 101-101-663-000 DESCRIPTION BUDGETED 1 TO DATE ENCUMBERED BALANCE i i LIVING DESERT 1,000 1,000 0 LIVING FOR YOUR 90'S 5501 5501 0 HISTORICAL SOCIETY 8,4001 4,200 4,2001 0 CONTINGENCY 31 600 1 31,600 TOTAL: 1 41,5501 5,200 4,7501 31,6001 i i CONTINGENCY FUND 1 31,800 COMMUNITY CONCERTS 9,000 0 CRIME CONTROL 2,500 0 EDUCATION FOUNDATION CITY OF HOPE ! 1 000 0 CONTINGENCY BALANCE: 31,8001 12,500 18.100 000136 rev . 1 ' ATTACHMENT 2 �0000 r00inNin00r�a00'0�0'000cn0r 00'00�00'00000M O O N 0 r I- 'V M O O Kf O Ln 0 O'O In {A O OD'O'00'N,iN'N!O O O O O N c0 QUA V 0-000.c'M P�0000N00000OiN•NI1wO(O'.CO0),Cn,otc)h000)M V r- r R L'16 NII�: Tr Nl r N!tO'WYW)IN r OA'CVI`Q'r ,1� `C CV r 00. ', N O O O' 0 01 O OI O O!Oipp,O 0,0 O 0 O v OI I N I Ln 0 O!01000000 O 0101010 ' to to O LA LA co of r N r O' P� ' Oi r I O (n I O OOI 01 'w r' T- 00,00 1 O i O c0 (O 00iP�1!N1 O' O N f- N r0;mcnI 04 Ul)0)r�- OI CDi rAI Mj `7 M ! r�Ir Ni r OpI N, r vi 2 M Oi OI N' N1 01 01 O S N �j pp O all Z cn (n �I I� t�il�0 r,� N ! Lf) I NI r I �I �I of iSI� O cm. wi M i N O); IV N I N Z; r 01 01 I j 01 01 O 8 I O I O I 1 OC1I Q Q Q O I �f1: U' Oi NI mI c+fl IcMlr-I MCI NIN Irlr CV I I ! O' Oil r > r I WI (n ! I' O pj O I O I 1 ! o O W� � (O N N � NI �I 00pi0 001010 W O g 0 �iIS I 0I I ! OU O I 0 0 c+f N N �I crJ CV � 1� 01 N c0'O00r-(0SINm 00',O'OiN Of W •-III MrCll�O IM ^0Iqw10 I to CV I (001 �IW �,v� JQ !� W 1H GICLUE !1I I w ZIZ UlWlw oi _ NzI J v �'w °oU3Y6 w v W 0' o c_� lWw QiO}N Wn O zI�cn CwalaW:1ii0Ia O I a� v Wzi wnO'-jj> LLm'Q QI�J O � } '=0UQ;Oo mi�1mlLUw Z1wW! W'= oldi z Q�iOIO I CnlW j mlU. Q<� ONc�jQIz,U U w W cnaIm _ O �Ico011 ��p_O3 zOIz 11 LuX�LLJIWIF ItOH'QI 0I2I �IQ'UcjiN U >N v o� > O W U > QjZIa MD -JI-Jm!UIWIl OI=:a>Ua,!aI-xLI vUI !o wIW u; J O cn,m a= moo U E-Ilx aIW UQLvim!. }IO n � � nv(l�n�.�♦ � � O O➢ O> m7v =0 >D 00 n - zi �C n,0 m5 zm A� Cv mr a '• y y D >� 0 cn �A a s o m r e a g m r a a v S a > A r D A A C AO C r r o a U zz y o n c, I a a o n z z rri a z a v a m rA w U A w Z Z A 9 S � 8 S v Vf V/ fA H y N fA N LA N N ir9 0 p 8 � 8 g ya 7 ^ D 00 -4 J tJ fA H ."" W N N 00 c3 � — 3 �Q �_ y N r 1 � 5' ° 8 '7 �• � l l � 9 � eVOno pw � � � � � w 5 W ° 9 � '��� s� �� g� � � ��.— �•�•� Eg a �� � °{cacr SScc y g� s 41 s� � � bps. � r g �.asg r 00 1. C 9 r ��e F r 1 p :l r 7 d6 O o- r r 9 Q B _ SO - � S$ MCA C �• W O "a 00 E 9 M$ N - rL r 'A H g^J a Q' 5 w f1 O �. �: z �• °� �, � � �, ag. R � � ..4R R � G = i daQ_rL � ate_ w QO w w x -- ` " &l�'I1lK 0 CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES GRANT FISCAL YEAR 1995-96 Name of Organization: Truman PTA Amount Requested: % 1.d00. d0 Contact Person: Rachel Carreiro Mailing Address: 77-842 Cabe Ensenada City:_ La Quinta Phone No.: 564-2964 State: CA Zip Code: 92253 501(c)3 Taxpayer I.D. Number:_ 330319110 Date Submitted: 11 /17/95 000130 T4ht 4 lwQ9i«rw APPLICATION 1. What is the overall purpose or goal of your organization? The Truman PTA and it's Earthquake Committee would like to continue to provide adequate supplies and necessary training for the safety of the students and staff in the event of a major earthquake. 2. How long has your organization been in existence? Years Months 3. Describe in general the activities or services of your organization: The Truman PTA / Earthquake Committee, purchases all necessary items needed to ensure the care and protection of students following a major earthquake. We assist in the mock drills and provide training programs for staff so that they are adequately trained in earthquake preparedness. 4. How many people does your organization currently serve? No. of Youth 1�100 No. of Adults I C G No. of Seniors 5. How many people do you intend to serve in Fiscal Year 95-96? No. of Youth I , 4L0 �- No. of Adults I na fi No. of Seniors 6. How many people served in Fiscal Year 95-96 will be La Quinta residents? No. of Youth1rLJ00_ No. of Adults 1 ( C No. of Seniors 7. How many paid employees/volunteers does your organization employ? No. of full time employees No. of volunteers--%.� No. of part time employees 0 8. Describe how your organization is managed and governed. Truman PTA is governed by an elected Executive Board. Our organization is affiliated with the National Parent Teachers Association. We work closely with parents, staff and Site/District Administrators of the school in order to meet the demanding needs of the student population. FORM.001 3 000140 9. Please provide information on your Executive Board members or contact person: 10. 11. 12 . 41 See attached list. What is your annual schedule of events, and during what months does your organization operate? Our organization is a Parent !Teacher group that meets eleven months of the year on a monthly basis. The student body we serve is in school for nine months. We provide funding for educational assemblies, Bookfairs, Health & Welfare Education, Awards/Special Programs such as Red Ribbon Week, 100 Book Party, Science, Math, Reading Nights for the family, and Holiday food baskets. Do you charge admission, membership fee, dues, etc.? __ZY es No If yes, please describe: We charge membership dues in accordance with our by-laws to -the State and National PTA _ What are your other sources of revenue for this funding year? Membership Dues $5.00 per Family. Membership a/o 11/7/95 is 211 x $5.00 = $1055.00 Total Needed $ Total Received Balance $ C _ $ FORM.001 d 0 0 0141 13. 14. 15. 16. Amount of money requested from the City of La Quinta? $ $1 ,000.00 Has your organization been funded by the City of La Quinta previously? YesZNo_ If yes, when 1 994 - 1995 Amount received _ $1,000.00 Need Statement. Clearly and plainly state the reason or need for the requested funds and how these funds will be used, if awarded. With the continued contribution from the City of La Quinta we are able to adequately provide for our Earthquake preparedness program. Therefore maintaining necessary tools, medical supplies, food, water and communication to our students and staff until they are reunited with their - families. Goal Statement. Indicate who will benefit from the use of these funds, and how they will benefit. Those who will benefit include the children & staff of our school, the Boys and Girls Club of L.Q., Y.M.C.A., L Q.M. S., and the surrounding community. We feel that with the Grant we can continue to provide a secure area for the children until they are reunited with their families, but community outreach will be available. 17. Attach a copy of your Program Operating Budget, and a separate detailed, concise list of intended Community Services grant expenditures. We do not really have expenditures, as our committee is comprised of volunteers. We strictly solicit funds for maintaining this extremely important program for our school and community. FnRu,r nm c 00014'' cei&, 4 4vQuiRrw UOMMUNITY SERVICES GRANTS 1995-96 GRANT RECONCILIATION REPORT Due Date: 30 days following expenditure of grant funds. Final Date to Submit: June 15, 1996 Organization Name: Name of Person Completing Report:_ Mailing Address Phone: Period of Report (Mo/Yr to Mo/Yr):, to Date Your Organization Received Funds: * Describe Your Expenditure of Grant Funds: Reconciliation: Grant Amount $ Funds Expended $ Balance $ Return unspent funds to "City of La Quinta' by check with this form. ** Attach supporting documentation (receipts for purchases, cancelled checks, payroll records, billing statements) that is in accordance with the original grant request. All supporting documentation must be originals! 000143 All questions regarding this form or the grant process should be directed to the Parka and Recreation Department at 777-7090„ Mailing Address: City of La Quinta, Community Services Grants, P.O. Box 1504, La Quinta, CA 92253. 4-- � / Z C� OF RECEIVED N O V i b 1995 r LA ::U!VTA CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES GRANT FISCAL YEAR 1995-96 Name of Organization: Round Table West Amount Requested: $1 1500. Contact Person: Marylin Hudson, Executive Director Mailing Address: P. o. Box a 1 1058 City: Los Angeles Stater_ Zip Code: anna i Phone No.: (213) 256-7977 501(c)3 Taxpayer I.D. Number: E IN #33-0369592 Date Submitted: November 15, 1995 000144 ... . 9 1 . - T4'!t 4 1wQ" APPLICATION 1. What is the overall purpose or goal of your organization? To promote literacy, the most essential of the arts. Encourage people to read more, emphasizing the importance of reading to individuals for personal enrichment and nrnducing nn PdiiratpH infnrmpH cnnipt�A a.,.+ to stimulate people to self-expression and creativity through writing. 2. How long has your organization been in eidstence? 3 Years I o Months as a non-profit; prior to that 15 1/2 yrs. producing programs. 3. Describe in general the activities or services of your organization:, We produce book and author programs, sponsor writing contests, and donate and recycle books to those who could not otherwise afford them or have access to them such as srhnnls- linraripcehpItpLs hospitals prisons, etc. 4. How many people does your organization currently serve? approx. 7,000 in three locations annually, about 1500 of which are in the desert chapter. No. of Youth No. of Adults 1500 No. of Seniors about 70% in deser o—n-i y in desert only 5. How many people do you intend to serve in Fiscal Year 95-W. No. of Youth No. of Adults 1650 i n No. of Seniors a b n u t 7 % desert only in desert 6. How many people served in Fiscal Year 95-96 will be La Quinta residents? No. of Youth No. of Adults a o n . I 0 00 No. of Seniors a p R p% 7. How many paid employees/volunteers does your organization employ? No. of full time employees 2 No. of part time employees 0 No. of volunteers 20 supplemented by outside service such as accounting, mailing list maintenance, etc. 8. Describe how your organization is managed and governed. We have three chapters -- Desert, Los Angeles, and Orange County. The Desert Chhpter Chairman, Honey Atkins and her volunteers handle reserva- tions press. The Chairman and Executive Director handle publisher contacts, book evaluation author arrangements printed materials. nrec�a releases, financial management, etc. 000145 FORM.001 3 0 9. Please provide information on your Executive Board members or contact person: M: a M NOW .rodl ;rs III I a . I In desert: Honey Atkins_ Desert Ch. Ch. 52470 Avenida Madero (6191 s64-7400 La Quinta 92253 Marylin Hudson Exec. Dir. 1658 Kaweah Dr. (213) 256-7977 Pacarirana re SEAS Margaret Burk Chairman 860 Fifth Ave. (21.3) 385-5009 Los Angeles, 90005 10. What is your annual schedule of events, and during what months does your organization operate? In the desert we meet during the season (October to May) approximately six times. Luncheon programs are held at the La Quinta Hotel. Each programs consists of a luncheon with three or four authors discussing their books and meeting with audience members. 11. Do you charge admission, membership fee, dues, etc.? x Yes No Tickets are purchased for the luncheon and program by audience If yea, please describe: members. we give complimentary tickets to the working press and authors and their guests and some support staff. All programs are open to the public. Those who wish to lend their support may take out memberships. ThArP wPrP approx. 58 members in 1995, and some people paid mailing fees. 12. What are your other sources of revenue for this funding year? 3ourra Amount None Total Needed Total Received i i 000146 4111VV t!I '5 13. 14. RIM 16. 17. Amount of money requested from the City of La Quinta? $ i +son _ Has your organization been funded by the City of La Quinta previously? Yeses No_ If yes, when 9 / 2 9 / 9 5 Amount received $1 , 500. 8/9/93 $1,200. Need Statement. Clearly and plainly state the reason or need for the requested funds and how these funds will be used, if awarded. Please see attachment A Goal Statement. Indicate who will benefit from the use of these funds, and how they will benefit. Continue to produce programs at La Quinta showcasina desert authors as well as attracting other nationally prominent authors to the community -.- An added benefit to the city of La Quinta is the major press coverage we have attracted to the programs (including television and -the. -print media) which helps to establish the city as a major cultural center of the desert. Attach a copy of your Program. Operating Budget, and a separate detailed, concise list of intended Community Services grant expenditures. Grant funds would be expended as follows to cover a portion of regular expenses: Personnel - part time accounting & secretarial: $750. Mileage to and from L. A. to La Quinta $280. Misc. printing, phone, postage, advertising, etc.: $470. $1500. 000147 PnR u nm 1pi_L11 IF Attachment A Producing programs in the desert is more expensive than in the Los Angeles or Orange County chapters for the following reasons: I. The distance and time involved for staff -members to travel to and from their home base. 2. Authors are more difficult to attract for the same reason and they more frequently request transportation and accomodations. 3. The desert season is shorter. We meet here six or seven times a year rather than 10 or II times as we do at the other chapters. 4. The mailing list is considerably longer because there are so many part time desert residents„ 5. Mailings are less productive for the same reason. The mailings produce a much lower rate of response, despite much h'lghe.r costs for printing and postage. 6. The number of memberships is lower than in the other chapters because of the shorter season and more part time residents. In 1995 we had 58 memberships from the desert, some of which were carried over from the previous year. In contrast there were well over 260 memberships for the other two chapters. 000148 7AI NNI LGi Crary ie- ROUND TABLE WEESTT ROUND TABLE WEST P.O. BOX 411058 • LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90041 (213) 258-7977 August 2, 1995 MARGARET BURK. CMimrn MARYUN HUDSON, Eaeeu1M Dkabr Mr. Tom Hartung Interim Parks & Recreation Director City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampic-o - La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Mr. Hartung: Enclosed is the Reconciliation Form and information relevant to the Community Services grant funding for our second season of book and author programs at La Quinta for the 1994-95 programs. We apologize for the delay in getting this information to you. Our clipping service just sent us the remainder of the press clips which accompany this letter. We have accomplished the following in line with our needs statement: I. Produced seven programs in contrast to last year's five programs. Copies of the programs are attached. Authors and their books were as follows: November 10, 1994 - Artist Walter Keane & "The World of Keane" Sportswriter Al Stump & "Cobb" Travel Writer Bob Badal & "Romancing the Southland" Author Sharon Rich & "Sweethearts" Actor Robert Young was unable to attend January 16, 1995 - Actress Mariette Hartley & "Breaking the Silence Maxene Andrews & "Over Here, Over There" Dr. T. Burton Smith & "White House Doctor" Kenny Kingston & "I Still Talk To" February 23, 1995 - Actress Audrey Meadows & "Love, Alice: My Life As a Honeymooner" Jamie Farr & "Just Farr Fun" Dwayne Hickman & Joan Roberts Hickman & "Forever Dobie" Author Elizabeth Forsythe Hailey & "A Woman of Independent Means" March 13, 1995 - Joe Barbera & "My Life in Toons" was unable to come due to flooding at his home. He came in May instead 000149 • NON-PROFIT LITERARY/EDUCATIONAUBOOK/AUTHOR PROGRAMS 11nnI A-O!v -2- March 13, 1995 continued) Artist Charles Bragg & "Asylum Earth" Actor/Mystery Writer Ron Ely & "East Beach" Dr. M. J. McCarthy & "To Lay Down One's Life For You, Brother" Jack Smith - Los Angeles Times April 24, 1995 Actor/Artist George Montgomery & "The Years of George Montgomery" Steven Pressfield & "The Legend of Bagger Vance -- Golf & the Game of Life" Sally Presley Rippingale & "The Original Racquet Club of Palm Springs" Jan Moran & "Fabulous Fragrances" May 22, 1995 Mr. Blackwell & "From Rags to Bitches -- An Autobiography" Joe Barbera & "My Life in Toons" Harold Robbins & "The Raiders" June 26, 1995 Buddy Ebsen & "The Other Side of Oz" Vicki Lawrence & "Vicki -- The True -Life Adventures of Miss Fireball" Tom Youngholm & "The Celestial Bar" Dance Historian/Dancer Rusty Frank "Tap:" 2. Our desert chapter chairman, Honey Atkins, continued to build a strong base of volunteers to assist at the programs. 3. Culled the mailing list which now includes 1,100 names of desert dwellers and about 35 press contacts. Over the season program announcements have beenmailed to approximately 9,000 desert residents. 4. Advertisements - Ads were run-in the Desert Sun promoting meetings. 5. Publicity -- we have established excellent working relationships with the press in the desert. Approximately 245 press releases were sent out this season plus custom information including photographs, press kits, etc. As our desert chapter chairman Honey Atkins has pointed out, the Round Table West programs have brought monthly opportunities throughout the season (except for the holiday months of November and December when there were no meetings) for high profile press coverage, for the city of La Quinta & its cultural image. Of special interest to the city of La Quinta will be Jack Smith's column of March 20 which ran in the Los Angeles Times in Southern California. (The Times daily circulation is 1,164,338.) We heard many comments from people in Los Agneles and Orange County who were unfamiliar with the city of La Quinta. 00 01 r- 0 Also enclosed are press clips from the desert press, all of which add to the image of La Quinta as an art and cultural center of the desert community. 11 -3- Not included in this recap is television and radio coverage. Virtually all programs are covered by one or both of your television stations; most notably Gloria Greer is a regular. Honey Atkins has had numerous interviews on arts and general interest radio programs. We have also arranged for authors to be interviewed on various programs, including those of Ron Fortner and Valerie Miller. At least 5 to 7 press representatives attend each program. We provide their lunches free of charge. i. In addition to soliciting the authors, booking them, arranging for transportation and housing (where needed), and doing the publicity and promotion, we make all the arrangements with the La Quinta Hotel, conduct meetings, and have hostessed approximatley 1800 people this season. (Last season the attendance was about 1000.) The February program was especially successful with a crowd of almost 450. We believe this attests to the high .interest level of the community in literary endeavors. j. The "Books for the Bookless" program (brochure attached) has continued under the direction of Diana Adolph. Please let us know if there is any other information you may require. We look forward to working with you in the future. Sincerely, Marylin Hudson Executive Director cc: Honey Atkins, Desert Chapter Chairman cc: Margaret Burk, Round table West Chairman EncIs. P. S. Not mentioned above is other exposure the programs have had int he community, including an exhibit at the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce Exp on february 28, 1995. 0001,51 CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES GRANT FISCAL YEAR 1995-96 Name of Organization: La Quinta AYSO Amount Requested: $i 500 00 Contact Person: jeffery Somers Mailing Address: 53460 Avenida Juarez city: La ouinta State: Cam_ zip Code: 92253 Phone No.: (6191 564-2383 501(c)3 Taxpayer I.D. Number: 95-6205398 0 0 0 1 5 Date Submitted:.�Tovember 17 1995 APPLICATION 1. what is the overall purpose or goal of your organization? The overall purpose of the American Youth Soccer Organization is to provide a fun, recreational and competitive soccer program for children between ages 5 and 15. The emphasis is on four basic principles: everybody plays, balanced teams, open registration and positive coaching. 2. How long has your organization been in existence? 8 Years. 3. Describe in general the activities or services of your organization: The activities and services of ;the organization are to introduce, teach, have fun and educate children and parents to the rapidly growing sport of soccer. 4. How many people does your organization currently serve? 800 Plus people. No. of Youth 400 No..of Adults 800 No. of Seniors 0 5. How many people do you intend to serve in fiscal year 94-95? No. of Youth 400 No. of Adults 800 No. of Seniors 0 6. How many people served in fiscal year 1995-96 will be La Quinta residents? No. of Youth 360 No. of Adults 700 No. of Seniors—0 7. How many paid employees/volunteers does your organization employ? No. of full time employees, 0 No. of part time employees 0 No. of volunteers 100 8. Describe how your organization is managed and governed. Our soccer organization is managed and governed by board members whom are all volunteers and follow by-laws of the American Youth Soccer Organization. 00015'1 9. Please provide information on your Executive Board members or contact person: Name Title Home Address Phone JEFFERY SOMERS REGIONAL COMM. 53460 AVD.JUAREZ, L.Q. 564-2383 RON RECORD REGISTRAR 54645 AVD. CARRANZA,L.Q. 564-6076 GEORGIA MAUPIN TREASURER 54605 AVD. JUAREZ, L.Q. 564-0724 HALLIE HAYES EQUIP. MGR. 52400 AVD. VALLEJO, L.Q. 564-3648 DON EARLY SNACK BAR 53134 AVD. RAMIREZ, L.Q. 564-3655 MARK VALENTINO SAFETY DIR. 79125 LAKE CLUB DR, B.D. 360-6034 PATTI STONE HEAD COACH 51870 AVD. MORALES, L.Q. 564-5526 10. What is your annual schedule of events, and during what months does your organization operate? Our annual schedule of events begin in September with registration. Practice and games begin in October on Saturdays. The season ends in the middle of December. Post season play begins in the middle of J January with tournament schedules running into March. 11. Do you charge membership fee, dues, etc.? X Yes No If yes, please describe: A registration fee is charged for each child who is signed up in the program. 12. What are your sources of revenue for this funding year? source SOURCE FOR FUNDING: Amount REGISTRATION FEES ABOUT $12,000 SNACK BAR SALES ABOUT $ 2,000 SPONSORSHIPS BY LOCAL COMPANIES ABOUT $ 11500 Total Needed $ 17,000 Total Received $ 15,500 Balance ($ 11500) 000154 13. Amount of money requested from the City of La Quinta? $1,500.00 14. Has your organization been funded by the City of La Quinta previously? Yes X No_ If yes, when 1994-1995 , and the amount received $500.00 15. Need statement. Clearly and plainly state the reason or need for the requested fund. Through a generous contribution from the City of La Quinta last year, we have started the process of developing a resource of training tapes for our volunteer parent coaches and referees. This is the beginning of many areas of additional training that is available and of which the program would like to continue to expand and provide to the volunteer parents. 16. Goal statement. Indicate who will benefit from the use of these funds, and how they will benefit. Those who will benefit include the children, parents and the program. This will help to provide better teachers of the sport of soccer and everybody in the community benefits from having -a quality program. 17. Attach a copy of your Program Operating Budget and a separate detailed, concise list of intended Community Services grant expenditures. BUDGET SUMMARY- 1995 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT NAME 100 Regional Commissioner 200 Treasurer 300 Referee 400 Coaches 500 Fundraising/Snack Bar/Promo 600 Equipment 700 Uniforms/Awards 800 AYSO Insurance Total AMOUNT $ 450 $ 50 $ 400 $ 100 $ 500 $ 2,500 $10,000 $ 3,000 $17,CR@0151 C+i R E*cEr No V 16 1995 cry ' LA :N7A pac;c CITY OF LA Q.U- INTA APPLICATION FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES GRANT Name of Organization: FISCAL YEAR 1995-96 LA QUINTA WILDCATS.SOFTBALL ASSN. Amount Requested: $ 7 9 0 0.0 0 Contact Person: STEVE LUICCI / RANDY BACA Mailing Address: P.O. sox 503 City: LA QUINTA • State. CA- Zip Code: 92253 Phone No.: 1 619) 564/4404 501(c)3 Taxpayer I.D. Number: 33-0628469 Date Submitted: 1 1 •/ 1 6/ 9 5 I Titit 4 4101'&M APPUCATION 1. What is the overall purpose or goal of your organization? It provides young women athletes in this area a chance to compete at the highest level of Jr. Olympic Women's Softball. Plus the knowledge of scholarships and professional sports career opportunities. 2. How long has your organization been in existence? i Years 7• Months 3. Describe in general the activities or services of your organization: Compete with other A.S.A. teams throughout California, Arizona, and Nevada on weekend tournaments, or scheduled one day events (playing 2 to 3 games). Attend college level games and interacting with college coaches and players. 4. How many people does your organization currently serve? 30 No. of Youth u2 No. of Adults_ No. of Seniors o 5. How many people do you intend to serve in Fiscal Year 95-96? No. of Youth 30 to 40 No. of Adults o No. of Seniors o 6. How many people served in Fiscal. Year 95.96 will be La Quinta residents? No. of Youth 23 No. of Adults o No. of Seniors o 7. How many paid employeesivolunteers does your organization employ? No. of full time employees_._2__ No. of volunteers 9 No. of part time employees o S. Describe how your organization is managed and governed. The team is governed by ASA Softball regulations and rules. The team is managed by parents'and coaches ag'ociA ed with the organization. z I FORM.001 r 3 on0157 9. Please provide information on your EBoard members or contact person: ►..I= ....- s.. .- •... Steve Luicci President 51-625 Ave. Alvarado 564-4404 Randy Baca Vice President 53-872 Montezuma 564-1306 Laura McConnell Secretary 54-600 Ave. Juarez 564-6727 Irene Luicci Treasurer 46-896 Jefferson 775-1440 Mike Padilla Secretary 52-105 Martinez 564-1532 10. What is your annual schedule of events, and during what months does your organization operate? Full year schedule - splits into two seasons Springs season - January to August Winter league - August to December An average of 80 games per year. 11. Do you charge admission, membership fee, dues, etc.? Z2 Yes No If yes, please describe: Player fees are $100.00 each, which covers uniform, liability insurance, and organization fees (A.S.A.i. 12. What are your other sources of revenue for this funding year? Fundraiser Activities $2400.00 Private & Small Business Contributions $5500.00 Membership Fees $2200.00 Total Needed * $ 18 . o o o . o o Total Received $ 104100.00 *"BASED ON 1995 SEASON AS OF Nov. 1, 1996.) 0 15 8 FORM.001 0 I 13. Amount of money requested from the City of La Quintal $ 7, 9 0 0.0 0 14. Has your organization been funded by the City of La Quinta previously? Yes. No X if yes, when Amount received 15. Need Statement Clearly and plainly state the reason or need for the requested funds and how these funds will be used, if awarded. SEE ITEM #17 TO USE OF FUNDS - Items listed need to be paid in advance of the playing season. 1 16. Goal Statement. Indirata who wdl benefit fmm the use of these funds, and how they will benefit. (ENCLOSED IS AN INFORMATION FLYER THAT WILL EXPLAIN IN MORE DETAIL - THE GOALS OF THIS ORGANIZATION ) As a Junior Olympic Travel Team, competing in tournaments throughout California, Arizona and Nevada, it offers our Coachella Valley girls greater exposure and opportunity to be seen and recruited by college scouts and to attend college an athletic scholarships. 17. Attach a copy of your Program Operating Budget, and a separate detailed, concise list of intended Community Services grant expenditures. COPY OF BUDGET ATTACHED Equipment............ 875.00 Entry Fees ...... •••.• 2,000.00 Transportation ....... 3,000.00 National or State Qualification Game. 275.00 Hotel Accomodations..1,750«00 $7,900.00 _ 000159 FORK001 5 Z"aouinta Wildcats Softball c45511. GIRLS A.S.A. FASTPITCH SOFTBALL Z= A&M 'F� 2= UNIFORMS $ 11050. $ 500. $1,550. EQlUIPMENT* 875. ----- 875. INSURANCE* 200. ----- 200. REGISTRATION-ASA* 300. ----- 300. OFFICE EXPENSE-TE EPEK)NE, PAPER, MAIL ETC. 150. 75. 225. ENTRY FEES- ** 1,000. 1,000. 2,000. VAN RENTAL- 11500. 1,500. 3400. BIO7`EL-7OORNA2dENPS 1,750. 1,750. 3,500. SPECIAL EVENTS 450. ----- 450. STREET FAIRS 60. 60. 120. REGISTER TRAILER 30. ----- 30. ADVERTISIM-ILIA GUIDES FLYERS 1,000. 150. 1,150. MISC. PROFESSICtaL FEES 150. 100. 250. COAC.'[.G CERTIFICATICK 100. ----- 100. TROPHIES 250. 250. 500. IIM]MRCENC.'Y MIEDICAI, SUPPLIES 100. 100. 200. STATE OR NATIONAL QUALIFICATICK GAMES*** 12400. ----- 12,000. PORTABLE TOILETS 350. ----- 350. FIELD PREPARATiau 250. ----- 250. UMPIRES'FEES 300. ----- 300. RENTAL AND GAS) 3,000. ----- 3,000. UVIPIRES' FEES 1, 000. ----- 1, 000. ssssssss sss:axx s=sssxsa $25,865. $5,485. $31,350. * YEARLY CHARGES ** BASED aN FIVE TOO MM3WPS ***ESTIMATE (COST WAS $12, 000 FOR TT LINOIS IN 1994 AMID 000160 $15, 000. FOR HAIi�AII IN 1993.) MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 503, LAQUINTA, CA. 92253 TEL: (619) 564-4404 / FAX: (619) 775-1440 all CL.E u Y C7w vp 'o C p 9 G O O 0 _ '00 4> 3° � o = u �aw�.5 v3O5uV 0, �z CA CL H g 0 7 19 Gj am., u1 .3 `o . 92 3w� c top 0 CM n3 W O 3� UAL 6CA -1 nnnlol I Nov 1 ,f 1995 C:'v C_ �a cuiNTA Ff.cic o _ CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES GRANT FISCAL YEAR 1995-96 Name of Organization. THE FRIENDS OF LA QUINTA SENIOR CENTER Amount Requested: $4,000.00 Contact Person: Hayden M. Bower, President Mailing Address: 48-121 Via Hermosa City: La Quints State: CA Zip Code: 92253-2242 Phone No.: 619-771-0046 501(c)3 Taxpayer I.D. Number: 33-0261511 Date Submitted: October 16, 1995 000182) Tiat 4 rwQ" APPLICATION 1. What is the overall purpose or goal of your organization? To raise funds for furnishing items that will enhance the La Quints. Senior Center. 2. How long has your organization been in existence? 7 Years Months 3. Describe in general the activities or services of your organization: Activities are varied, according to the needs of the community. 4. How many people does your organization currently serve? 2,450 No. of Youth 100 No. of Adults 500 No. of Seniors 1. aso 5. How many people do you intend to serve in Fiscal Year 95-96? No. of Youth 200 No. of Adults 750 No. of Seniors ?.Ann 6. How many people served in Fiscal Year 95-96 will be La Quinta residents? No. of Youth 175 No. of Adults 700 No. of Seniors 2,500 7. How many paid employees/volunteers does your organization employ? No. of full time employees C, No. of volunteers 12 No. of part time employees o S. Describe how your organization is managed and governed. Managed and governed by an elected Board of Directors, including five elected officers. Directors are elected for two year terms. n n n i J FORM.001 3 a 10. 11. Please provide information on your Executive Board members or contact person: Hayden M. Bower, President, 48-121 Via Hermosa, La Quinta 771-0046 Paul Stone Vice President 52-960 Avenida Martinez 564-2644 Barbara Martin 2nd Vice Pres. 79-685 Buttercup-60 360-0558 Muriel Bower Secretary 48-121 Via Hermosa 771-0046 Grace Mulcahy Treasurer 79-875 Westward Ho Drive 347-1301 What is your annual schedule of events, and during what months does your organization operate? See example of one month of 12 month schedule attached. Do you charge admission, membership fee, dues, etc.? x Yes No If yes, please describe: $5.00 annual dues; $25.00 sustaining member; $100 life member and $20,000 Angel membership. 12. What are your other sources of revenue for this funding year? Grants, gifts and proceeds from fundraising events - or from such donations as equipment or merchant discouts. Total Needed Total Received $ 35,000 $ 30,000 rnom nnl $ 5,000 d • 13. Amount of money requested from the City of La Quinta? $ 4,000 14. Has your organization been funded by the City of La Quinta previously? Yes No_ If yes, when 1994-95 Amount received $4 , 000 15. Need Statement. Clearly and plainly state the reason or need for the requested funds and how these funds will be used, if awarded. As a result of requests, we have started a computer class. The instructor, a 25 year retiree from IBM, has started without computers. We have had one computer donated by IBM. 'We need at least three additional computers and two printers to provide enough for three students to a computer in order to provide hands-on practice. 16. Goal Statement. Indicate who will benefit from the use of these funds, and how they will benefit. Some of our senior citizens have told us that they must look for part or full time employment to augment their social security incomes in order to make ends meet. The need for a skill to reenter the labor market is a requirement today. Others want, or need to learn to improve their skills on computers for their own use. 17. Attach a copy of your Program Operating Budget, and a separate detailed, concise list of intended Community Services grant expenditures. See attached. 000165 THE SENIOR CENTER NEW ADDRESS IS: 78-450 Avenida La Fonda, La Qua, CA 92253 (Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1504, La Qainta, CA 92253) LO CV O- N � 3 gg� 3gi Q 00 -- N In 11H 11111 IL Jill en O " Q r-- ' Jill 1.1 1111 1111 g b I Jill I I fill 1 111 111 111 W Jail t M-11 1 fill co rO N N a N iJill , it Ili iiaz 10nnnign n S.C.O.R.E. SEMINAR: The Service Corps of Retired Executives Association (S.C.O.R.E.) is always looking for volunteers to assist with their various pro- grams. Norman Lowenstein will be presenting a seminar to explain how you can help. Monday, May 22 at 10:30 a.m. HARP MATURE DRIVER'S COURSE: Participants will be given a DMV Certificate upon completion of the two day course that can be used to receive a discount on car insurance liability rates. Pre -registration is required for this popular class. The course will be held on Wednesday, May 24 and Thursday, May 25 at 12:30 p.m. Fee $8.00. CLASSES AND CLUBS: BEGINNER'S COUNTRY LINE DANCE CLASS: It's time to get in step! Learn the popular line dances --it's fun, it's great exercise and it's easy! This beginning class will take it nice and slow, so that even fast timers can learn. Join us every Tuesday at 9:00 a.m. Call for further information. GENTLE YOGA CLASS: A free introductory session is being offered in this great class, which is fantastic for releasing stress and anxieties in a program designed expressly for seniors. Individualized instruction given by Interna- tional Certified Instructor, Georgina Clark, with over 20 years of teaching experience. Tuesdays -10:00 am. to 11:00 am. Fee: $5.00 - Members/$6.00 - Non -Members. CREATIVE WRITING CLUB: Our Creative Writing Club, called the Barnabus Club, meets every Tuesday at 10:00 am. Led by Myrt Mendenhall and B.J. Weigand, both of whom have a great love of writing. Dues are $3.00 a month. PAINTING CLASS Thursdays from 9:00 am. until ^ • /�/ noon. Teaching is on anini AQ yourchoice. InstructorponaldaSmolens. For further informa tion, please call the Center. idual basis in the medium 0; CERAMICS CLASS: Sign up now for Ceramics classes. Classes will be held on Wednes- days at 10:00 a.m. Instructors Alice Hughes and Pat Martin. For further information, please call the Center. ARTS & CRAFTS: Learn a new craft every month. All materials are provided for sample projects at no charge.. The focus for May is "Friendly Plastic". Learn to make jewelry or other items. Need help with one of your own projects? Instructor Donalda Smolens will be glad to help. Have an exciting new craft to share? Bring it along and show it off. Thursdays at 1:00 p.m. No fee. SPECIAL SERVICES AND NEW EVENTS: BRIDGE LESSONS: Beginner's Bridge every Wednesday at 10:30 am. Fee: $4.00 per lesson. Intermediate Bridge (includes 1/2 hour lecture followed by supervised play) every Wednesday at 12:30 p.m. Fee: $4.00 per lesson. SOCIAL BRIDGE: Social (Party) Bridge every Monday at 1:00 p.m. - $1.50. Social Duplicate Bridge every Monday and Friday at 1:00 p.m. - $1.50. BILLIARDS TOURNAMENT Eight -Ball Tournament every Thursday at 1:00 p.m. Open to all levels of experience for fun and prizes - $2.00 Legal Assistance available Monday, May 15, beginning at 9:00 am. by appointment only - No Fee. Medi-Care/Senior Insurance Assistance available on Wednesday, May 17 beginning at 9:00 a.m. by appointment only - No Fee. SPECIAL NOTEM Volunteers needed to assist in the reception area at the New Senior Center. To volunteer, please call the Senior Center and ask for Marilyn at (619) 564-0096. NEW TELEPHONE NUMBERS AND ADDRESS: Senior Center Telephone Number (619) 564-0096 Senior Center Fax Number (619) 564-5004 The Senior Center is located at: 78-450 La Fonda, La Quinta, 92253 and the mailing address is P.O. Box 1504, La Quints, CA 92253. The La Quints Senior Center provides these opportunities as a service and does not endorse or recommend any service or business. Services rendered are the responsibility of the provider and providee. The Senior Center is in need of unused greeting cards. The donation of Birthday, Thank You and Condolence Cards would be greatly appreciated. Instructor Pat Martin pictured here with some of her Ceramics Class students, wonting on their projects. 0001 W7 CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION FOR COMMUNITY SERAVICE GRANT FORM FISCALkEAR 1995-1996 PROPOSED GRANT BUDGET FOR FUNDS REQUESTED Personnel 0 Operational Costs Office Supplies $2,000 Capital Items $4,000 Total Operational Costs $6,000 Total Organizational Budget $6,000 APPLICATION FOR A COMMUNITY SERVICES GRANT Fiscal Year 1995-1996 Name of Organization Requesting Grant: Friends of the La QuintaBranch Library Amount Requested: $ 3.500.00 Contact Person: Sherry Pena Address: 51r910 Navarro. La Ouinta Phone: 564-41$4 Date Submitted: November I 1 • _ 000169 INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR ORGANIZATION 1. What is the overall purpose/goal of your organization? To supplement funding and make up short tails which the library does not receive through the County budget. 2. How long has your organization been in existence: 6------- years 3. Describe the activities of your organization: We participate in book sales and T-shirt sales. We also assist library personnel in various activities through the year. Those activities include reading programs for children and holiday celebrations. 4. How many people does your organization currently serve. 5. How many persons do you expect to serve during the coming year: 65.000 Total persons These are: 40% Number of youths V /G Number of general adults __lncluded_______Number of senior citizens 6. How many people served in fiscal year 95-96 will be La Quinta residents: The vast majority including young people and their parents from all socioeconomic levels. 111 7. How mar# paid employees does your organization employ? 0 paid employees 20 volunteers 0 part time employees 8. Describe how your organization is managed/governed: We have a Board of Directors that works in conjunction with library staff. 9. Please provide information on your Executive Board members or contact person: Sherry Pena President 564-4184 10. What is your annual schedule of events, and during what months does your organization operate? 12 months: Special reading programs during summer months and various activities throughout the year. 11. Do you charge admission, membership fee, dues, etc? YES We do have membership dues based on the type of membership. 12. What are your other sources of revenue for this funding year? Memberships $ 500.00 Annual Book Sale $ 1500.00 On Going Book Sale $ 300.00 The library's needs are far in excess of what we actually raise. Ideally we could use $10,000 but practically we realize that just keeping pace with last ,years grant amount would be welcome. 13. Amount of money requested from the City of La Quinta? $3,500.00 14. Has your organization been funded by the City of La Quinta previously? Yes, Last year. 15. Need Statement In order to make our library program viable we must increase and maintain book circulation. We attempt to meet these needs by providing and maintaining a diverse book selection available to the community. There are no funds available through the county to help provide reading programs for the children. We would like to increase membership and participation in our library. We would also like to increase the number and selection of books available to the youth and seniors of our community. 16. Goal Statement: Residents of the City of La Quinta will benefit by having an expanded book selection. Through the investment of Grant dollars, our city will be helping young people toward greater self esteem, personal responsibility in the use of library cards and borrowed books. We hope to get children interested in reading and providing an alternative to the latch key child. We further hope to supplement the availability of books for research and related projects both for school and pleasure. This is a economical way for parents and children to spend time together while expanding their knowledge through reading. 0Unl742 OPERATING BUDGET (PROPOSED 1995-1996) INCOME: Membership Dues $ 500.00 Book Sale $ 1500.00 Interest $ 45.00 Donations $ 320.00 City Grant $ 3500.00 Total Income Annual Dues Printing Student Materials Reference materials Adult Section Periodicals Postage Summer Reading Program Contingency Total Expenses $ 5865.00 $ 125.00 $ 150.00 $ 2000.00 $ 1000.00 $ 1000.00 $ 500.00 $ 150.00 $ 600.00 $ 340.00 $ 5865.00 000.173 It ECEIVED NO V 14 1995 CITY OF LA CUN-A CITY OF LA Q.U- INTA APPLICATION FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES GRANT FISCAL YEAR 1995-96 Name of Organization: Coachella Valley Child Care Council Amount Requested: $109000 Contact Person: Doris Menhanick Mailing Address: 47-336 Oasis Street City: Indio State: CA Zip Code: 92253 Phone No.: (619) 775-3345 501(c)3 Taxpayer I.D. Number: #33-026525 Date Submitted: .. ^ 1, 1995 0 000174 c&',, 4 4Qu«rw APPLICATION 1. What is the overall purpose or goal of your organization? The Coachella Valley Child Care Council's mis.i_on iG to prmmntP. inrrPacP and improve the options for high quality, affordable, accessible child care in the Coachella Valley and to enhance the coordination and enhance the cooperation of Me participating jurisdictions, business and education. 2. How long has your organization been, in existence? s Years Months 3. Describe in general the activities or services of your organization: 4. How many people does your organization currently serve? Awareness to the Region No. of Youth No. of Adults No. of Seniors 5. How many people do you intend to serve in Fiscal Year 95-96? The entire Valley No. of Youth No. of Adults No. of Seniors 6. How many people served in Fiscal Year 95-96 will be La Quinta residents? The entire population No. of Youth No. of Adults No. of Seniors 7. How many paid employees/volunteers does your organization employ? No. of full time employees i No. of volunteers 60 No. of part time employees i 8. Describe how your organization is managed and governed. The Coachella Valley Child Care Council (CVCCC) is governed by a Coachella Valley Boara ot Directors un er tHe um re a or —the Kiverside Child Ma —re Consortium who contract with Riverside County Office of Education (RCOE) for supervision ot GhildCare Coordinator, inkind office telephone FORM.001 nnni7r� Q 10. 11. Please provide information on your Executive Board members or contact person: E IY3� Title Home Address Phnng See Attachment B What is your annual schedule of events, and during what months does your organization operate? The Coachella Valley Child Care Council operates 12 months a year with montniy ooara meetings, monLniy committee meetings in hducation, finance Development, Legislation and Advocacy and Membership. Our major fund-raising event is "Builderfest", always in the month of October. Community events are Child and Family Celebrations during the month of April. Other events are scheduled at the pleasure of the cities. Do you charge admission, membership fee, dues, etc.? Yes x No If yes, please describe: 12. What are your other sources of revenue for this funding year? Sourm City of Palm Desert Ammlnt $ 1,200 Approved City of Indio 21000 Approved County of Riverside, EDA 7,500 Approved City of Rancho Mirage 15,000 Approved City of Cathedral City 5,000 Approved Builderfest 20,000 Received Corporate Sponsors :),Uuu Projected Coachella Valley Unified School Dist. 5,000 Approved City of DeseftO,AQ Spri.ngs 1,000 Approved k $ inn -Ono Total Received $ 61,700 0001'76 :,. FORM-W $ 38,300 d 13. Amount of m8ney requested from the City of La Quinta? $ 1 o , 000 14. Has your organization been funded by the City of La Quinta previously? Yes No_ If yes, when 1994-95 Amount received $4 , 000 15. Need Statement. Clearly and plainly state the reason or need for the requested funds and how these funds will be used, if awarded. To continue to service the City of La Quinta with child care expansion, large family child care ordinance. Child CAre Educatinn for PmpinyPPg, •p?ro-rc and providers. To provide technical assistance to builders, developers, city staff, etc. in licensing, vendors, design and development of future child care programs. To complete Safe Home Project. To provide staff development to the YMCA and the Boys and Girls Club'. 16. Goal Statement. Indicate who will benefit from the use of these funds, and how they will benefit. To continue to assist in Ki.dsline, its' promotion and expansion. To parti- e entire La Quinta popu ation wi have a continued awareness of child care needs and its importance to the development of the City and. the economic benefit to the City and its constituents. "CHILD CARE KEEPS LA QUINTA WORKING" and promote Lauinta as the "FAMILY FRIENDLY CITY." 17. Attach a copy of your Program Operating Budget, and a separate detailed, concise list of intended Community Services grant expenditures. See Attachment C 000177 F(1RM 001 S COACHELLA VALLEY CHILD CARE COUNCIL Dr. Don F. Kenny Education Service Center 47-336 Oasis Street, Indio, CA 92201 (6N) 775-3345 Fax (6191 775-3353 Attachment A The mission and sole purpose of the Coachella Valley Child Care Council is to promote, increase and improve and options for high quality, affordable, accessible child care in the Coachella Valle), and to advance the coordination and enhance the cooperation of the participating cities of Cathedral City, Coachella, Desert Hot Springs, The Coachella, Desert Sands and Palm Springs Unified School District, Indian Wells, Indio, La Quinta, Palm Desert, Palm Springs, Rancho Mirage, the business and industry and the adjacent unincorporated County of Riverside. The Council is affiliated with the Riverside County Child Care Consortium and its successful history of ten years of child care services. The Consortium contracts with Riverside County Office of Education for in kind office, telephone, equipment, space and supervision in the Indio Office. The Coachella Valley Child Care Council formed as a result of the CVAG 1.991 Valley Wide Child Care Needs Assessment Study. The Council is the child care resource for employers, economic development and families in the Coachella Valley. Sponsors of the Council have included: Marriott Desert Springs, Armtec, Sunline, Mirage Medical Center, Cabazon Band of Mission Indians, MRC, City of Indian Wells, City of Rancho Mirage, City of Indio, Cityof Palm Desert, City of La Quinta, City of Cathedral City, County of Riverside EDA, Coachella Valley Unified School District, Building Industry Association and the Desert Contractors Association, The Council successfully facilitated the writing of the Target Family -to -Family Grant for $250,000 and the Coachella Valley Housing Coalition Grant for $560,000. In the past five (5) years. the Council has co -sponsored; Week of the Young Child Family Events, drawing over 3,000 people; Provider Recognition dinner; Environments of Learning Conference for over 200 child care providers; Employer Child Care Information Breakfasts hosted by the Hyatt in Indian Wells, Eisenhower Hospital, Marriott's Desert Springs and Embassy Suites. The Council hosted public hearings for Federal Child Care funds and formed Child Care Employers group to provide child care options for their employees in Indian Wells, Rancho Mirage, La Quinta, Palm Desert and the County Office in Indio. The Council Coordinator is a member of the Coachella Valley Children and Youth Commission, Desert Child Abuse Council and Advisory Board Members of Healthy Start, Family Preservation. 000178 A partnership with Riverside County Child Care Consortium and the Riverside County Federal I.D. N 33-026525 The YMCA, Cabazon Band of Mission Indians, Sunline Family Child Care Home, Mirage Medical Center, Bermuda Dunes Center, Thousand Palms Child Care, Campesinos Unidos, College of the Desert, El Progresso, Healthy Start for Coachella Valley Unified School District, Desert Sands Unified School district and Blythe have received technical assistance from the Coachella Valley Child Care Council. The Council develops and distributes child care information brochures and facilitates public awareness and parenting workshops for employees of sponsoring cities, businesses and agencies. The Coachella Valley Child Care Council knows Child Care Keeps Coachella Valley Working and to meet this need has established a working parent Scholarship Fund to assist with child care. The Building Industry Association (BIA) and Desert Contractors Association (DCA) sponsor a Builderfest fund-raiser to support the Councils endeavors. Child Care is a regional issue in the Coachella Valley and with the cooperation and collaboration of Coachella Valley Association of Governments, (CVAG), Riverside County Office of Education, Business and Industry, we are making a sound investment in the future of the Coachella Valley. 0Q.o i'rs. ATTACHMENT B COACHELLA VALLEY CHILD CARE COUNCIL COMMITTEE t - F.Xk:('l'l'I\F. CO>I?Irrl'EE: Steve Rogers, President John Falconer, Treasurer Gerald Hundt, Secretary Glenda Bangerter, VP Advocacy & Legislation Barbara Bowie, VP Education Gunilla Duncan, VP Finance Membership Betsy White, Past President +Ex Officio *Employer Sponsor Each city, agency, or corporation eet one vote Glenda Allen Community Care Licensing 3737 Main St. 4700 Riverside, CA 92501 (909)320-2100 Fax: (909)782-4967 Gary Amy, Councilmember' City of Cathedral City 35-325 Date Palm 91136 Cathedral City, Ca 92235 (619)770-0340 Fax: (619)322-6473 Gus Angelo Armtec Defense Products 85-901 Avenue 53 Coachella, CA 92237 (619)398-0143 Fax: (619) Glenda Bangerter, Mayor Pro Tern " City of La Quinta P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 (619) 777-7000 Voice Mail: 777-7006 Fax: (6l9)777-7011 Jan Barnett, Early Childhood Dev College of the Desert 43-500 Monterey Ave. Palm Desert, CA 92260 (619)776-0101 Fax: (019)141-8678 Jean Benson, Councilmember " City of Palm Desert 73-510 Fred Waring Drive Palm Desert, CA 92260 (619)346-0611 Fax: (619) 568-1316 Barbara Black, Reg. Mgr. GAIN 71-777 San Jacinto Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 (619) 773-6704 Fax: (619) Jane Block, Founder + Riv. Co. Child Care Consortium 424 Two Trees Road Riverside, CA 92507 (909)683-0304 Fax: (909) 683-4079 Barbara Bowie, Desert Reg. Mgr. Riv. County Public Library 71-774 Chuckawalla Palm Desert, CA 92260 (619)340-5068 Fax: (619) 347-3159 Susan Brister, Program Coord. Palm Springs USD 333 S. Farrell Drive Palm Springs, CA 92262 (619)416-8000 Fax: (619)416-8018 Q 0 0 1 0 Board Members Page 2 r Steve Brummel Rutherford Investments P.O. Box 1508 La Quinta, CA 92253 (619)779-1771 Fax: (619) 564-6821 Betty Carapellese, Senior Field Rep Senator David Kelley 73-710 Fred Waring #108 Palm Desert, CA 92260 (619) 346--2099 Fax: (619) 346-0341 Christine Carpenter, Marketing Dir. Palm Desert Town Center 72-840 Hwy 1 I 1 #166 Palm Desert, CA 92260 (619)346-2121 Fax: (619) 341-7979 Barbara Cole, R.N. Riv. County Public Health P.O. Box 7600 Riverside, CA 92513 (909) 3 58-5107 Fax: (909) 358-4529 Rick Doolittle Hall & Foreman 74-040 Highway 1 I 1 Palm Desert, CA 92260 (619)346-8161 Fax: (619) + Gunilla Duncan, Parent Rep. Riverside County Office of Education 47-336 Oasis Street Indio, CA 92201 (619)342-3363 Fax: (619) 775-3353 Mike De Gasperin, Desert Field Services Div. Riverside County Probation Dept. 47-671 Oasis Street Indio, CA 92201 (619)863-8438 Fax: (619) 863-8916 Juan De Lara, Mayor City of Coachella 1515 Sixth Street Coachella, CA 92236 (619)398-3502 x226 Fax: (619) 398-81 l7 Kim Estock, Representative Assemblyman Jim Battin 73-71GFred Waring Dr. #112 Palm Desert, CA 92260 (619) -568-0408 Fax: (619) 568-1501 John Falconer, Financial Director City of La Quinta P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 (619) 777-7054 Fax: (619) 777-7011 City of Desert Hot Springs 65-950 Pierson Boulevard Desert Hot Springs, CA 92240 (619)329-6411 Fax: (619) 251-3523 Marilyn Glassman, Councilmember • City of Rancho Mirage 69-825 Highway 111 Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 (619) 324-4511 Fax: (619) 324-8830 0 181 Board Members Page 3 Alice Hamilton, Project Manager C V. Housing Coalition 45-701 Monroe Street, Ste. G Indio, CA 92201 (619) 347-3157 Fax: (619)342-6466 Susan Heiligman, Dir. Headstart Coachella Valley Unified School P.O. Box 847 Thermal, CA 94474 (6t9)399-5137 x285 Fax: (619) J99-1052 Nona Hess + Sunline Transit Agency P.O. Box 398 Thousand Palms, C A 92276 (619) 343-3456 Fax: (619) 343-3845 Gerald Hundt Family YMCA of the Desert 43-930 San Pablo Palm Desert, CA 92260 (619)341-9622 Fax,(6190 779-9651 Rev. Stephen Lewis, Eastern CV Min. Assoc Family Heritage Church 78-998 Miles Ave. La Quinta, CA 92253 (6 19) 345-0355 Fax: None Diane Mapes, Dir. Childrens Services Riverside County Office of Education P.O. Box 868 Riverside, CA 92502 (909)788-6608 Fax: (909)788-6615 Jim McGuire Children's Home Society 2225 E. Tahquitz Canyon Palm Springs, CA 92262 (619)323-1849 Fax. (619) 322-1489 Sandra Ritchie Community Care Licensing 3737 Main St. #700 Riverside, CA 92501 (909)782-4207 Fax: (909) 782-4967 Cathy Mitton, Admin. Asst. City of Rancho Mirage 69-825 Highway 111 Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 (619) 324-451 I Fax: (619) 324-8830 Ted Newman, Planning Director * Cabazon Band of Mission Indians 84-245 Indio Springs Dr. Indio, CA 92201 (619)342-2593 Fax: (619)347-7880 Steve Rogers City of Indio P.O. Drawer 1788 Indio, CA 92202 (619)342-6540 x542 Fax: (619) 342-6597 John Rudningen, Manager Mervyns 72-280 Highway 1 I I Palm Desert, CA 92260 (619) 779-8000 (page him) Fax: (619) 146-0407 00� 0��18? Board Members Page 4 it Marshall Rudolph, Attorney Best, Best & Krieger 39-700 Bob Hope Dr. 9312 Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 (619)340-2445 Fax: (619) 340-6698 Clara Salado Family Child Care Association 82-270 Avenue 51 Coachella, CA 92236 (619)398-5569 Fax: none Manny Sanchez JMS Engineering 73-221 Highway 1 I Palm Desert, CA 92260 (619)773-6600 Fax: (619) 773-6603 Cathy Singer Sunshine Nutrition Program P.O. Box 845 Thousand Palms, CA 92276 (619)723-5707 Fax: none Maria Trask, Parks & Recreation City of Palm Springs P.O. Box 2743 Palm Springs, CA 92262 (619)323-8274 Fax: (619) 323-8279 Martha Tureen, State & Federal Projects Debra Loukatos Desert Sands Unified School District 82-879 Highway 111 Indio, CA 92201 (619) 775-3500 Fax: (619) Paul Van Veen, Child Care Ombudsman + Department of Social Services 5962 La Place Ct. 4185 Carlsbad, CA 92008 (619)929-2139 Fax: (619) 929-21331 Betsy White Del Webb 39-755 Washington Street Bermuda Dunes, CA 92201 (619)772-5300 Fax: (619) 772-5372 David Yrigoyen Admin. Asst. " City of Palm Desert 73-510 Fred Waring Drive Palm Desert; CA 92260 (619)346-0611 Fax; (619) 340-0574 Marty Nicholson, Park & Rec Dir City of La Quinta P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 (619)777-7090 Fax: (619) 777-7101 Supervisor, Psych Social Workers Children's Mental health 47-825 Oasis Street Indio, CA 92201 (619) 863-8455 Fax: (619) 863-8587 000183 Board ,Members Page 5 & MEDIA Press: Jan Frazier The Desert Sun 74-617 Highway I I I Palm Desert, CA 92260 (619)341-6202 Fax: (619) 341-6201 Television: Bill Evans KESQ 42-656 Melanie Place Palm Desert, CA 92211 (619) 773-0342 Fax: (619) 773-5128 Karen Devine, News Director KMIR 72-920 Park View Drive Palm Desert, CA 92260 (619) 568-3636 Fax: (619) 341-7029 Radio: Mike Meenan, Director KPSI 2100 E. Tahquitz Canyon Way Palm Springs, CA 92262 (619)325-2582 Fax: (619) 322-3562 STAFF Doris Mechanick, Coordinator Riverside County Office of Education 47-336 Oasis Street Indio, CA 92201 (619)_775-3345 Fax: (619)775-3353 Revised Oct 95 000184 M COACHELLA VALLEY CHILD CARE COUNCIL Dr. Don F. Kenny Education Service Center 47-336 Oasis Street, Indio, CA 92201 (619)775-3345 Fax (619) 775-3353 ATTACHMENT C GRANT EXPENDITURES CITY OF LA QUINTA PARENT/PROVIDER WORKSHOPS $2,000 IMPLEMENTATION OF "SAFE HOME" $6,000 (including window placards & trainings) EXPANSION OF KIDSLINE $1,000 MARKETPLACE PARTICIPATION $1,000 000185 A partnership with Riverside County Child Care Consortium and the Riverside County Office of Education Federal I.D. N 33-026525 RIVERSIDE COUNTY CHILD CARE CONSORTIUM - EAST COUNTY C,: TRIAL BALANCE 06-Nov-95 JULY 1, 1995 THROUGH NOVEMBER 5, 1995 Assets Cash Accounts Receivable Interest Receivable Prepaids Liabilities Due to R. C.O.E. Deferred Revenue Fund Equity Budgetary Retained Earnings Retained Earnings Revenues Estimated Revenues Expenditures Appropriations Totals Debit Credit $13,079 21,000 0 0 i (17.645) 14,487 59,645 77,250 40, 053 94,895 $151,382 $151,382 ATTACHMENT C . a� RIVERSIDE COUNTY CHILD CARE CONSORTiUM - EAST COUNTY COUNCIL ISUDGET TO ACTUAL JULY-i. i9W THROUGH NOVEMBER 5,190 ORIGINAL REVISED ACTUAL TO REMMINM BUDGET REVISIONS BUDGET DATE BUDGET R SPA 10,000 (10,000) 0 0 0 Effowl E 5,000 (200) 4,600 12W 3,600 yMCAy+� Tome Motl1Vr D�lopll�dt 2,200 0 2,200 2200 0 ley U CoVaYUSD C40 5,000 0 5,000 0 5,000 GM of CoKh*k 1,000 0 1,000 0 1,000 0 C W d Peon DMwrt 0 2,000 0 0 0 2.000 0 0 2,000 cava1WAM 0 0 0 0 0 C1M d L. Owns �r d Rard+o Mire. MOW 0 15,000 0 15,000 ply d Desert Hot Sp w 1,000 5,000 0 0 1,000 5.000 0 0 1,000 5,000 of coomdral CRY 7,500 0 7,500 0 7,500 Cetp* d RNenlde 250 0 250 (20) 276 NMMem kwwm gorAW phis Seta 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ad Core Meoww 0 0 0 0 0 Wook d YWN Child (my 0 3,500 0 0 0 3,500 0 0 0 3,500 6000 Plmnft 0 0 0 0 0 two kw 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 owd ilis 0 ro0 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30000 0 - - 30A00 56191 (26.191) Wwwm e7A50 (10200) 77250 pall" 17.e06 ORIGINAL REVISED ACTUAL TO REMA " BUDGET REVISIONS BUDGET DATE BUDGET 1Df G@pd 1W salary 45,464 $5.000 364 60A 211,368 SWAN ` 3,751 375 4,126 on 3,106 � 0 0 o 0 0 o 0 MCA M@dIcere Only we 6so 65 s 74 55 1 1 3 s4 3 42 6A � so 1,79a 16o 1,970 325 1,616 WC aid W HoWth 5*ftm.535 550 6,00e 20M 3,113 R 0 66 0 6a 0 746 0 0 / 23 7 p (1.246) eb�� 0 0 n (73) PEAS0 IMovrw Paid pERS 0 0 0 et rot) 0 0 0 72 (72) FICA 0 0 0 0 0 Modkowe LN 0 0 0 0 0 WC0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 momm arse Wye 0 0 0 0 R•*� A6M� 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 � Paid IERS a o 0 0 0 t.. RCA 0 a 0 o 0 0 a 0 o momm IA q o 0 0 0 a we 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Weft* Hamm and Wen q 0 0 0 0 R4enrtler6 p1m a ww 30q 0 S00 262 230 ,yy naI 1,500 0 t A00 273 1=7 « cokesupplies 350 350 0 0 270 350 27 0 243 360 k lWO 2r1 0 277 0 277 to4) a ,00 42 50 IM�q Emoness 00 0 0 0 1+ 300 0 3oa 330 (W t0A0a 0 10,a00 0 perlaadSMvloee 1) 17,420 17,420 sa0 Is= 1e9Q0 q o 0 0 0 'e•do• Re" E,�ene« 0 712M 0 23 eee 0 94.600 21 SM 40.053 (21 344) 54A42 (y income(LOW) $16221 (>G72A66) (i1.1.64% sly= W Mleenle (I oee) •General (f13,779) (fAN% (247.645) (1115,2511) » M1 ) • B1 y A000 0 30,000 AW so bran (lava) • TOM $16,221 (1133.111M (11117.613) S19."2 000187 L /�wruq, •�,9 � � 7 F- Z V - INCORFORArED CFI OF CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES GRANT FISCAL YEAR 1995-96 Name of Organization: Family Service of Coachella Valley Amount Requested: $2, 500 Contact Person: Janine Smith Mailing Address: 81-71 3 Hwy. 111 , Suite C City: Indio Phone No. (619) 347-2398 State: CA - Zip Code: 92201 501(c)3 Taxpayer I.D. Number: 95-25491 52 Date Submitted: 11 /17/95 1. 2. 3. rl a Tait 4 4Q"i«rw APPLICATION What is the overall purpose or goal of your organization? Family Service of Coachella Valley is dedicated to assisting families build healthy strong relationships and make positive changes. The agency provides diversified services including: low cost professional counseling, family life education, dom- estic violence/anger management groups, violence intervention classes and child abuse intervention. How long has your organization been in existence? 3 7 Years na Months Describe in general the activities or services of your organization: The agency operates counseling in the Indio office and satellite offices at other locations in the valley. Activities and service include ongoing individual, family counseling, domestic violence groups, parenting classes, volunteer mentioning, child abuse . intervention and violence prevention classes that target teens. Bi-lingual and bi-cultural therappy, arentingg classes, and domestic iolence ro p are availabl ana wiPa 1 utilized. 1` ow many p%op�'e does your organization currentlyerve. 4 01 3 1 1 / 9 4 - 1 1 / 9 5 No. of Youth 15 6 6 No. of Adults 2 3 71 No. of Seniors 7 6 5. How many people do you intend to serve in Fiscal Year 95-96? No. of Youth 17 6 6 No. of Adults 2 4 71 No. of Seniors 151 6. How many people served in Fiscal Year 95-96 will be La Quinta residents? No. of Youth 2 6 6 No. of Adults 3 4 4 No. of Seniors 2 7 7 How many paid employees/volunteers does your organization employ? No. of full time employees 4 No. of volunteers 25 No. of part time employees ( 10 Contract Employees) Describe how your organization is managed and governed. Family Service is a 501(c)3 non profit organization governed by a Volunteer Board of Directors. The Executive Director Janine Smith has 20 years of experience in Social Service and Corporate Manage- mentfields. Clinical Services are managed by Janneke Jobsis- Brown, LCSW. 000189 O n aV$17— FORM.001 3 0 10. 11. Please provide information on your Executive Board members or contact person: Name g Home Address Phone 71-650 Sahara Rd. (619) 773-9656 Jeff Patterson President Rancho Mirage, Ca. 92270 1150 N. Ind. Can. Way (619) 323-68 J.M. Evosevich Secretary Palm Springs, Ca. 92262 TrenP Anthony gpnrptary 750 Vella Road Palm Springcy Ca_ (619) 329-3578 92264 What is your annual schedule of events, and during what months does your organization operate? Family Service operates daily year round_ Family it individual counseling occurs daily from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Groups and classes are r-nndurtPd auig hrnirc r1 angP4 fnr ynn*h are nnn- ducted during hours of school operation. Do you charge admission, membership fee, dues, etc.? x Yes No If yes, please describe: Fees are based on an adiusted fee schedule, which takes into account household income and family size. There are no fees currently for parenting classes. 12. What are your other sources of revenue for this funding year? United Way 105,487 office of Criminal Justice 89,nnn Fees and DPSS 76,700 City of Ranrhn Mirage R Palm npgpvf 14;_nnn CAPIT 20,000 Fnnndafinnc in�nn0 County Club Aux. Donations Total Needed Total Received 14,600 $ 334,787 1,100 $ 332,287 FORM.001 $ (2,500) 0001 {)n 13. 14. 15 Amount of mc*ey requested from the City of La Quinta? $ 2,500 Has your organization been funded by the City of La Quinta previously? Yes_ No x If yes, when N / A Amount received N / A Need Statement. Clearly and plainly state the reason or need for the requested funds and how these funds will be used, if awarded. The agency is requesting funds to sponsor Parenting Classes for La Qiiini-A raciapn*c Parenting niacaac ara A prnupn mpfhnd of helping parents develop mutual respect with their children by using healthy communication and appropriate descipline. Several statistics indicate tnat many incivicluals IacK the necessary sKills ana tools o parent effictively resulting in abuse, poor communication, deviance. Funds Quinta Costs will include instructor fees, minimal promotion and workbooks. One class will be facilitated by a bilingual instructor targeting Spanish spea ing parents. 16. Goal Statement, Indicate who will benefit from the use of these funds, and how they will benefit. Participating families and the whole community will benefit from this program. Participants will learn and practice specific tools and tect niques to parent effectively. a benefits of healthier families will spill over into school, childcare and community settings. Families will be::efib an traveling. Our experience indicates many parents actually participate when classes are free and close to home. 17. Attach a copy of your Program Operating Budget, and a separate detailed, concise list of intended Community Services grant expenditures. II! 000191 Family Service of Coachella Valley Operating Budget .07/15/95 E Income Expenses Fees $ 66,700.00 Reg. Employees $ 159,425.00 Ceas 10,000.00 Contract clinicians 59,660.00 United Way 105,486.86 Interns 17,880.00 FOF Grant 89,058.00 Janitorial service 2,850.00 Capit Grant 20,000.00 Payroll Taxes 16,205.21 CDBG/City Grnts 11,795.00 Emp. Benefits 15,333.00 Foundations 10,000.00 Audit/Acc. Service 2,880.00 Country Club Aux 14,600.00 ADP 1,400.00 Donations 1,116.00 Bank Charges 162.00 Check return expense 100.00 Total $ 328,755.86 ,,'Credit Line 2,000.00 i Equipment 2,1148.00 Equip. Maintenance 2,800.00 FOF Emergency 500.00 FOF Legal 200.00 Insurance (CO) 6,592.00 Interest Paid 53000 Legal &.Prof Fees 255.00 Meals 817:00 Mileage 4,714.00 MISC 100.00 Office Maintenance 300.00 Office Supplies 3,752.00 Postage Service 1,252.00 Printing 1,760.00 Publications 100.00 Publication Ads 1,680.00 Rent 19,448.25 Staff Development 90.00 Telephone 6,650.00 Theraputic Aids 500.00 Utilities 3,483.00 —Accounts Payable 32,890.00! Total $361,292.46 Income Less Expenses $ 32,536.60 > 000192 t Facilitator/Instructor Fee Total Instructor Fees "The Parents Handbook" Total Amount for Books Promotion/Advertising Certificates Facility Charge Community Services Grant Expenditures Family Services of Coachella Valley Parenting Classes Follow-up Family Counseling Total counseling Total $50.00 per session 18 sessions total $900.00 $20.00 @ 30 books $600.00 $200.00 $30.00 per hour x 10 hours $300.00 $2vM.00 P111711TEIM1 November 17, 1995 Family Service of Coachella Valley Honorable City Council Board or Directors City of La Quinta Prestdrnl Officers. PO Box 1504 Jeff Patterson, Esq. La Quinta, CA 92253 FamJ� Law Artnmey Lice Pfe"dent Carol}'n c_ Hagin Dear City Council Members: A%P and Branch Manager Pomona First Federal Sa,-wtia mid Loan I Please accept this Community Service Grant request $2,500 specifically to S"f J \ J \( Ea�osesich PhD provide parenting classes to persons residing in the City of La Quinta. We are P P 8 P 8 ty N°tier h proposing both English and Bi-lingual classes. rt osp Deof se,ert hospital Treasurer John Hy7na Family Services of Coachella Valley has a long history of providing counseling Retvcd Educa[°r I '.. and other innovative programming in the desert communities. Recognizing Eaecunye Committee Member-.ALLarge that many individuals find it uncomfortable or inconvenient to travel any Bam GorLCX Radi CMmer. F:LC\ Radio distance to receive services, we prefer providing family services in community Board Members. settings and neighborhoods. Currently we offer parenting classes in Rancho Irene Anthony Mirage and attendance is very high. Participants specifically indicate the Director °f Pro�am Semca fksert AIDS Project -- convenience, the subject matter and the fact that classes are free are what Lisa carp motivates them to maintain involvement. Parenting skills are very important to °""`°r °f " Wit R`n°" `s Bird Corporation the fabric of our families! Joe Ceja Prt* El alley flew Elementary School Thank you for your consideration. Please fell free to contact me at any time if '�, Polo Doria you would like to discuss the proposal in more detail. Commeraal Real Estate lndustnal west Sincerely, [krona Griffith Famdy Law Legal Assistant Florence Holdsworth Personal Business Manager Shirley Kushin a Smith Retired Educator - Executive Director Tahlib Me Michaeux Ist C'ue President NAACP 54-017 Avenida Vallejo Mark Palmer La Quinta, CA President h Creative Director Nark Palmer Design Oscar R. RodasII Design Engineer Robert Betn � dliarn Frost and Associates Xiki Stone Ducctor of 1 olunteer Services Desert Hospital :Administrative OMce 81-713 Highway 111, Suite C Indio, CA 92101 Phone(619) 347.2398 Fax 1619)347.6468 Sett ices a%atlable at multiple locations throughout the Coachella Valley United Way C12 of the Desert c / FRCEIV1t 1995 = LA T,4 F O CITY OF LA (aUINTA APPLICATION FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES GRANT FISCAL YEAR 1995-96 Name of Organization: FAMILY YMCA OF THE DESERT Amount Requested: $50000.00 Contact Person: GERALD A HUNDT/CATHY KNUDSON Mailing Address: 43390 San Pablo City: Palm Desert State: CA Zip Code: 92260 Phone No.: 619) 341-9622 (Mr. Hundt) 619)564-2848 (Ms. Knudson) 501(c)3 Taxpayer I.D. Number: 95-3673295 Date Submitted: November 17, 1995 000195 Ti 4 4v Qu&rcv APPLICATION 1. What is the overall purpose or goal of your organization? THE PURPOSE OF THE YMCA IS TO PROVIDE COMMUNITY -BASED PROGRAMS IN RECREATION, SPORTS, CAMPS, CHILD CARE AND OTHER ACTIVITIES. THESE PROGRAMS ARE DESIGNED FOR FAMILIES AND YOUTH, D PROVIDE LEADERSHIP SKILLS, STRENGTHEN THE FAMILY STRUCTURE, IMPROVE SELF-ESTEEM AND HELP THEM BECOME BETTER CITIZENS. 2. How long has your organization been in existence? 13 Years 4 Months 3. Describe in general the activities or services of your organization: THE YMCA ACTIVITIES INCLUDE CHILD CARE FOR PRE-SCHOOL D SCHOOL AGE CHILDREN, YOUTH CENTER, YOUTH SPORTS((',YMNASTICS/BASKETBALL/ROLLER HOCKEY, SKATEBOARDING) AQUATICS, DAY CAMPS, RESIDENT CAMPS AND TEEN PROGRAMS (YOUTH & GOV'T; YOUTH AT RISE 4. How many people does your organization currently serve? 5.000 annually No. of Youth 4500 No. of .adults 490 No. of Seniors 10 5. How many people do you intend to serve in Fiscal Year 95-96? No. of Youth 5, 000 No. of Adults 400 No. of Seniors 20 6. How many people served in Fiscal Year 95-96 will be La Quinta residents? No. of Youth 750 No. of Adults 20 No. of Seniors -o- V1 How many paid employees/volunteers does your organization employ? No. of full time employees 15 No. of volunteers 254 No. of part time employees 60 Describe how your organization is managed and governed. THE ORGANIZATION IS MANAGED BY A PAID ADMINISTRATOR AND FULL AND PART-TIME STAFF. THE YMCA IS GOVERNED BY A LOCAL VOLUNTEER BOARD OF DIRECTORS (28) AND FNANCESIOUS C DIASSIST WITH FUNDRAISINGTTEES. THE BOARD OF �CTORS SET PQL�C�F�ONITOR THE PROGRAMS, Fnpm nni 'A a 10. Please provide information on your Executive Board members or contact person: NamTills MARTY NETHERY PRESIDENT 73300 Willow St. Palm Desert 340-2381 Sagewood Dr. Palm Desert 360-6337 JIM DUNPHY VICE PRESIDENT 424 N. Hermosa Palm Springs, 323-1948 mr. HAvFc TTTrT.DDrCTnZ,.•�T._34755 1-1—h4aguga St, Re- Dones 772-5: SHELLEY CECIL VICE PRESIDENT 69337 Woodside Ave. Cathedral City 328-87: KERMIT MARTIN VICE PRESIDENT P.O. Box 3876 Palm Desert 346-8920 CARM T.R.NNON PACT PRFCTnrMT 7S1S6 D !p-sFii'eea Pro Ineken �ls 862-24E What is your annual schedule of events, and during what months does your organization operate? THE YMrA PRoyTnrc QrDVTrr(; )'FAIZRni1N11 TJTTH S"gnNAT. rHANGRC TN DRnCRAMC- LOCATIONS AND HOURS. SCHOOL VACATIONS AND HOLIDAYS REFLECT THE NEED FOR EXTENDED DAYS AND HOURS TO SERVE THE NEEDS OF CHILDREN AND FAMILIES. THE LA QUINTA PRE SCHOOL OPERATES YEAR ROUND. SCHOOL AGE CHILD CARE OPERATES FOR NTNr (Q) MnNTHS ANTI TIAy rAwDe rnD =Tur ElZ) ;;mxr-: RESIDENTS CAMPS AND AQUATICS ARE SUMMER PROGRAMS ONLY 11. Do you charge admission, membership fee, dues, etc.? x Yes No If yes, please describe: SLIDING SCALE FEES ARE CHARGED BASED ON FAMILY INCOME ANn THE ST7F OF A HOUSEHOLD. PROGRAM FEES VARY DEPENDING ON LENGTH AND HOURS OF PROGRAM. ANNUAL MEMBERSHIPS ARE AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE OR ARE PORVIDED WII SCHOLA1j�SHIPS. 12. What are your other sources of revenue for this funding year. rONTRTRTTTTnNR $80,300 UNITED WAY $54,000 GRANTS $247,640 DUES & FEES Total Needed Total Received $ $1,718,905 $ $1,643,370 $1,231,430 Balance ($75,535) 000197 FnRm nm A 13. Amount of money requested from the City of La Quinta? S 5,000.00 14. Has your organization been funded by the City of La Quinta previously? Yes X No_ If yes, when 1994 Amount received $3, 500.00 15. Need Statement. Clearly and plainly state the reason or need for the requested funds and how these funds will be used, if awarded. THESE FUNDS ARE NEEDED TO ASSIST'LOW INCOME FAMILIES BY PROVIDING SCHOLARSHIP OR FINANCIAL AID FOR YMCA CHILD CARE, YOUTH SPORTS OR DAY CAMPS. THE YMCA HAS AWARDED FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FUNDS TO LA QUINTA RESIDENTS ANNUALLY AT LQ PRE S r.'At (LQ childcare $7,083)(LQ DAY CAMP $7,264) 16. Goal Statement. Indicate who will benefit from the use of these funds, and how they will benefit. THE FAMILIES WHO ARE GIVEN THESE FUNDS WILL BENEFIT BY: a. PARENTS LIVING AND/OR WORKING IN LA QUINTA WILL BE ABLE TO BE EMPLOYED AND KNOW THAT THEIR CHILDREN ARE RECEIVING QUALITY, SAFE ENVIRONMENTAL, CHILD CARE. b. CHILDREN WILL BE PROVIDED SAFE CARE, RECREATIONAL AND ENRICHMENT ACTIVITIES WUTrx IN TURN BENEFIT THE CITY BY KEEPING THEM FROM mast?FRVISED AND OFTER DELIQUENT ACTIVITIES. 17. Attach a copy of your Program Operating Budget, and a separate detailed, concise list of intended Community Services grant expendituxes. LA QUINTA PRESCHOOL LA QUINTA DAY CAME LA QUINTA CHILDCARE INCOME $300,600 $18,007 $62*000 EXPENSE $312,735 $189647 $57,002 ($12,135) ($600) $4,998 NTENDED ;RANT $3,000 $1,000 $1,000 iXPENDITURES [+ (FINANCIAL.ASSISTANCE) v FORM-001 5 009198 c CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES GRANT FISCAL YEAR 1995-96 Name of Organization: FDm IN NEED of DIs R'mmcN, INC. (FIND) Amount Requested: $5,000 Contact Person: Wayne Robinson Mailing Address: P•o.Aox 41 City: Cathedral City _ State: CA Zip Code:92235-0041 Phone No.: (619) 328-3663 501(c)3 Taxpayer I.D. Number: 33-0006007 Date Submitted: 11 /15/95 000190&,,r APPLICATION 1. What is the overall purpose or goal of your organization? FIND is a food bank warehouse that distributes food to 71 sites in the Coachella Valley. They in turn distribute to the needy of their area. 2. How long has your organization been in existence? 11 _Years Months 3. Describe in general the activities or services of your organization: We gather food from many sources, bring it to our central warehouse and distribute this food to our sites in the Coachella Valley. 4. How many people does your organization currently serve? 7200 families per week. No. of Youth N/A No. of Adults 197 No. of Seniors 66 LaQuinta La Quinta 5. How many people do you intend to serve in Fiscal Year 95-96? No. of Youth N/A No. of Adults 197 No. of Seniors 66 La Quinta La Quinta 6. How many people served in Fiscal Year 95-96 will be La Quinta residents? No. of Youth N/A No. of Adults 250 No. of Seniors 90 La Quinta La Quinta ?. How many paid employees/volunteers does your organization employ? No. of full time employees None No. of volunteers 485 No. of part time employees None 8. Describe how your organization is managed and governed. 501 C 3 non-profit organization governed by a Board of Directors. FORM.001 0 10. 11. Please provide information on your Executive Board members or contact person: r Name Home Address phone R. E. Slipich Chairman 37-881 Ronald Ct., C.C. 328-8942 Wayne Robinson President/CEO 773=0068 John P. Preston Vice- President P.O.Box 12673 340-2590 What is your annual schedule of events, and during what months does your organization operate? Twelve months a year, open week clays, 8:OOAM - Noon. Do you charge admission, membership fee, dues, etc.? Yes x No If yes, please describe: 12. What are your other sources of revenue for this funding year? Donations $60,000 Office On Aging 59,000 FEMA 41,000 Total Needed Total Received ITM9 Us MI $ 309,000 $ 160,000 $ 149,000 4 13. Amount of money requested from the City of La Quinta? $ 5,000 14. Has your organization been funded by the City of La Quinta previously? Yes_ No x If yes, when Amount received 15. Need Statement. Clearly and plainly state the reason or need for the requested funds and how these funds will be used, if awarded. The food is now distributed in La Quinta at the Senior Center. It is hoped to establish a Homebound Program to take care of the need for service in your city. At present this service for La Quinta is on a general distribution basis and is handled by St John Lutheran Church in Palm Desert. 16. Goal Statement. Indicate who will benefit from the use of these funds, and how they will benefit. The funds will be used to purchase food for the needy. Hopefully it will help relieve the hungry in the City of La Quinta. 17. Attach a copy of your Program Operating Budget, and a separate detailed, concise list of intended Community Services grant expenditures. FORM_001 5 La� •cam CF `fit: b OF COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: JANUARY 16 , 1996 ITEM TITLE: Demand Register Dated January 16, 1996 RECOMMENDATION BACKGROUND. Prepaid Warrants: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION CONSENT CALENDAR STUDY SESSION PUBLIC HEARING Approve Demand Register Dated January 16, 1996 23845 - 238771 17,670.54 23878) 840.00 23879 - 23882) 401.72 P/R 13005-13072) 80,079.33 P/R Tax Transfers) 20,200.47 Payable Warrants: 23883 - 23957) 95,129.16 $214,321.22 FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: Demand of Cash -City $196,421.72 John at ner, Finance irector CITY DEMANDS $196,421.72 RDA DEMANDS 17,899.50 $214,321.22 000203 1i:-: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP5005 CHECK REGISTER 11:25AM O1/09/96 CITY OF LA QUINTA PAGE 1 CHECK CHECK VENDOR PAYMENT NUMBER DATE NO. NAME AMOUNT ***NO CHECKS WERE USED FOR PRINT ALIGNMENT.*** 23883 01/09/96 &00131 CALIFORNIA POOL & SPAS 100.00 23884 01/09/96 ACE010 ACE HARDWARE 104.33 23885 01/09/96 ALT050 ALTEC 20.76 23886 01/09/96 AMCO50 A & M CONSTRUCTION 14010.10 23887 01/09/96 ANDO10 ANDERSON TRAVEL SERVICE 168.00 23888 01/09/96 APO050 APOLLO SWEEPING CO INC 4471.23 23889 01/09/96 ARRO10 ARROW PRINTING COMPANY 789.38 23890 01/09/96 ASC001 A & S COFFEE SERVICE 132.00 23891 01/09/96 ASPO10 ASPHALT INSTITUTE INC 21.00 23892 01/09/96 ATTO10 A T & T 603.10 23893 01/09/96 AUT030 AUTOMATED TELECOM 153.21 23894 01/09/96 BIGO10 BIG A AUTO PARTS 266.56 23895 01/09/96 BSIO10 BSI CONSULTANTS INC 3498.78 23896 01/09/96 CADO10 CADET UNIFORM SUPPLY 123.16 23897 01/09/96 CAL012 CALIF ANIMAL CONTROL DIR 35.00 23898 01/09/96 CAL015 CALIF BUILDING OFFICIALS 275.00 23899 01/09/96 CAL018 CAL ENVIROMENTAL PUBLICA 75.00 23900 01/09/96 COA025 COACHELLA VALLEY ICBO 100.00 23901 01/09/96 COA030 COACHELLA VALLEY INSURANC 1596.00 23902 01/09/96 COA080 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER 198.06 23903 01/09/96 COM008 COMM-PACT RADIO TELEPHONE 69.26 23904 01/09/96 DATO10 DATA DISCOUNT 394.93 23905 01/09/96 DAT030 DATA QUICK 1450.08 23906 01/09/96 DES018 DESERT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 172.94 23907 01/09/96 DES060 DESERT SUN PUBLISHING CO 682.40 23908 01/09/96 EISO10 EISENHOWER IMMEDIATE CARE 178.00 23909 01/09/96 ELRO10 EL RANCHITO 89.00 23910 01/09/96 GAROO5 GARNER IMPLEMENT CO 174.61 23911 01/09/96 GRA010 GRANITE CONSTRUCTION CO 594.06 23912 01/09/96 GTE010 GTE CALIFORNIA 2277.13 23913 01/09/96 HAR030 TOM HARTUNG 240.00 23914 01/09/96 HOA010 HUGH HOARD INC 125.00 23915 01/09/96 HOLO10 HOLMAN INDUSTRIES 58.60 23916 01/09/96 IMPO10 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 217.92 23917 01/09/96 INF050 INFORMATION SERIES 125.00 23918 01/09/96 INT015 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 61.32 23919 01/09/96 KNA050 KNAPP PETERSEN & CLARKE 453.00 23920 01/09/96 LACO10 L A CELLULAR 372.93 23921 01/09/96 LA1030 LAIDLAW TRANSIT 666.50 23922 01/09/96 LAQ100 LA QUINTA VOLUNTEER FIRE 611.00 23923 01/09/96 LIGO10 LIGHT SOURCE 377.13 23924 01/09/96 LOCO10 LOCK SHOP INC 65.57 23925 01/09/96 LUN050 LUNDEEN PACIFIC CORP 101.49 23926 01/09/96 MOBO10 MOBILEMEDIA 52.27 23927 01/09/96 MUNO10 MUNI FINANCIAL SERV INC 3436.91 23928 01/09/96 NAT025 NATIONAL NOTARY ASSOCIATI 55.46 23929 01/09/96 NAWO10 RON NAWROCKI 1000.00 0001204 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP5005 CHECK REGISTER 11:25AM O1/09/96 CITY OF LA QUINTA PAGE 2 CHECK CHECK VENDOR PAYMENT NUMBER DATE NO. NAME AMOUNT 23930 01/09/96 NIC050 MARTY NICHOLSON 118.48 23931 01/09/96 NORO10 NORRELL SERVICES INC 1159.75 23932 01/09/96 OFF005 OFFICE DEPOT INC 1537.72 23933 01/09/96 PAL007 PALM DESERT FLORIST 43.10 23934 01/09/96 PAR030 PARKHOUSE TIRE INC 536.10 23935 01/09/96 PENO10 JOHN PENA 47.00 23936 01/09/96 PIT020 PITNEY BOWES 303.05 23937 01/09/96 PLA020 THE PLANNING CENTER 3368.90 23938 01/09/96 PRI020 THE PRINTING PLACE 164.32 23939 01/09/96 RE1,O10 REILIABLE 158.96 23940 01/09/96 RIV130 RIVERSIDE COUNTY SUPPLY 13.18 23941 01/09/96 SER050 SERVICE MASTER JANITORIAL 525.00 23942 01/09/96 SMA010 SMART & FINAL 126.83 23943 01/09/96 SOCO10 THE SOCO GROUP INC 64.46 23944 01/09/96 SOU010 SOUTHERN CALIF GAS CO 180.36 23945 01/09/96 SPI010 CR.ISTAL SPIDELL 45.76 23946 01/09/96 SPRO10 SPRINT 675.93 23947 01/09/96 STE020 STEVE'S OFFICE SUPPLY 286.09 23948 01/09/96 STRO10 STRADLING, YOCCA, CARLSON 39543.16 23949 01/09/96 SUN050 SUN BADGE CO 284.39 23950 01/09/96 SUSO10 SUSKI & SAKEMI 56.03 23951 01/09/96 TOPO10 TOPS'N BARRICADES INC 483.17 23952 01/09/96 VAL007 VALLEY CRIME STOPPERS 2000.00 23953 01/09/96 VALO10 VALLEY OFFICE EQUIP INC 66.00 23954 01/09/96 VRE010 RON VREEKEN 405.50 23955 01/09/96 WASO10 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF DESRT 145.55 23956 01/09/96 WELO10 WELCH'S UNIFORM RENTAL 43.14 23957 01/09/96 XER010 XEROX CORPORATION 1904.05 CHECK TOTAL 95,129.16 000205 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP5005 CHECK REGISTER 10:54AM 01/09/96 CITY OF LA QUINTA PAGE 1 CHECK CHECK VENDOR PAYMENT NUMBER DATE NO. NAME AMOUNT 23879 23880 23881 23882 ***NO CHECKS WERE USED FOR PRINT ALIGNMENT.*** 01/09/96 DESO05 DESERT BEAUTIFUL 01/09/96 FIR022 FIRST INTERSTATE BANKCARD 01/09/96 IMP015 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 01/09/96 LAQ04O LA QUINTA CHAMBER COMMERC CHECK TOTAL 22.00 129.72 200.00 50.00 401.72 000206 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP5005 CHECK REGISTER CITY OF LA QUINTA CHECK CHECK VENDOR NUMBER DATE NO. NAME ***NO CHECKS WERE USED FOR PRINT ALIGNMENT.*** 23878 01/04/96 USPO10 U S POSTMASTER CHECK TOTAL 09:32AM 01/04/96 PAGE 1 PAYMENT AMOUNT 840.00 840.00 000207 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP5005 CHECK REGISTER 10:10AM 01/03/96 CITY OF LA QUINTA PAGE 1 CHECK CHECK VENDOR PAYMENT NUMBER DATE NO. NAME AMOUNT ***NO CHECKS WERE USED FOR PRINT ALIGNMENT.*** 23845 01/03/96 AND005 PAUL ANDERSON 50.00 23846 01/03/96 BAR010 KATIE BARROWS 50.00 23847 01/03/96 BER010 NORRIS S BERNARD 50.00 23848 01/03/96 BES010 LAWRENCE BEST 50.00 23849 01/03/96 BROO10 DIANA BROWN 50.00 238SO 01/03/96 BUT010 RICHARD BUTLER 50.00 23851 01/03/96 BYRO10 COIS M BYRD SHERIFF 267.74 23852 01/03/96 CHE010 JESSIE ANN CHESTNUT 50.00 23853 01/03/96 DAV010 MIKE DAVIS 50.00 23854 01/03/96 FRA050 ROBERT FRAME 50.00 23855 01/03/96 GAR010 WAYNE GARDNER 50.00 23856 01/03/96 GAT050 BILL GATES 50.00 23857 01/03/96 ING050 CARL INGRAM 50.00 23858 01/03/96 INT005 INTERNAL REVENUE SVC-ACS 50.00 23859 01/03/96 IRW010 JOSEPH IRWIN 50.00 23860 01/03/96 KEL005 KATE KELLY 50.00 23861 01/03/96 KLE010 MICHELLE KLEIN 50.00 23862 01/03/96 LAI050 CAROLYN LAIR 50.00 23863 _ _-DIZ03/96_ LEWO,10. TOM LEWIS 50.00 23864 01/03/96 NAR050 NANCY NARD 50.00 23865 01/03/96 OSBO50 LEE M OSBORNE CPA 50.00 23866 01/03/96 PED010 KATHRYN PEDERSEN 50.00 23867 01/03/96 PER005 P E R S 15742.80 23868 01/03/96 PUB050 THE PUBLIC RECORD 160.00 23869 01/03/96 REY050 ELAINE REYNOLDS 50.00 23870 01/03/96 ROD050 EPNEST RODRIGUEZ CPA 50.00 23871 01/03/96 SAL010 BP'.UCE SALES 50.00 23872 01/03/96 SEA010 B J SEATON 50.00 23873 01/03/96 SHA040 ROSITA SHAMIS 50.00 23874 01/03/96 STJO10 VICTORIA ST JOHNS 50.00 23875 01/03/96 TYLO50 ROBERT T TYLER 50.00 23876 01/03/96 WAL075 JOHN WALLING 50.00 23877 01/03/96 WOL010 KAY WOLFF 50.00 CHECK TOTAL 17,670.54 OQ, 40 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP5003 CITY OF LA QUINTA VENDOR ACCOUNT NUMBER 600131 CALIFORNIA POOL 6 SPAS 101 000 418 000 ACE010 ACE HARDWARE 101 357 621 000 ACE010 ACE HARDWARE 101 357 621 000 ACE010 ACE HARDWARE 101 357 621 000 ALT050 ALTEC 101 151 647 000 AMC050 A S M CONSTRUCTION 101 454 609 000 AMC050 A 6 M CONSTRUCTION 101 454 609 000 AMC050 A 6 M CONSTRUCTION 101 454 609 000 AND010 ANDERSON TRAVEL SERVICE 101 351 637 000 AP0050 APOLLO SWEEPING CO INC 101 453 609 616 ARRO10 ARROW PRINTING COMPANY 101 151 701 000 ARRO10 ARROW PRINTING COMPANY 101 153 703 810 ASCO01 A 6 S COFFEE SERVICE 101 153 703 880 ASP010 ASPHALT INSTITUTE INC 101 451 651 000 ATT010 A T 6 T 101 153 635 000 AUT030 AUTOMATED TELECOM 101 153 635 660 BIG010 BIG A AUTO PARTS 101 453 619 649 BIG010 BIG A AUTO PARTS 101 453 619 649 BSI010 BSI CONSULTANTS INC 101 000 251 000 BSI010 BSI CONSULTANTS INC 101 000 251 000 BSIO10 BSI CONSULTANTS INC 101 000 251 000 BSIO10 BSI CONSULTANTS INC 101 000 251 000 BSI010 BSI CONSULTANTS INC 101 000 251 000 CAD010 CADET UNIFORM SUPPLY 101 353 617 000 TO -BE PAID INVOICES 10:56AM 01/09/96 PAGE 1 INV. INVOICE PAYMENT BATCH THAN NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT NO. 9512-019 REF BLDG PERMIT OVERPAYM 100.00 T70 71 VENDOR TOTAL 100.00 38161 SUPPLIES 59.76 T70 72 38652 SUPPLIES 43.97 T70 73 38805 SUPPLIES 0.60 T70 74 VENDOR TOTAL 104.33 159224 1099 FORMS 20.76 T66 1 VENDOR TOTAL 20.76 0402 CONST/AVE 54 MEDIANS 4943.10 T70 75 0403 CONST/MADISON MEDIANS 4097.00 T70 76 0404 CONST/MADISON MEDIANS 4970.00 T70 77 VENDOR TOTAL 14010.10 0060427 AIRLINE/SEMINAR 168.00 T70 78 VENDOR TOTAL 168.00 003802 STREET SWEEING DEC 95 4471.23 T66 2 VENDOR TOTAL 4471.23 56648 SUPPLIES 69.61 T66 3 58724 SUPPLIES 719.77 T66 4 VENDOR TOTAL 789.38 3.334 COFFEE SUPPLIES 132.00 T66 5 VENDOR TOTAL 132.00 019755 AC MIX DESIGN BOOR 21.00 T70 79 VENDOR TOTAL 21.00 01644734 PHONE EQUIP MAINT 603.10 T70 80 VENDOR TOTAL 603.10 E-777-701 PAGERS 153.21 T70 81 VENDOR TOTAL 153.21 3.86217 AUTO REPAIR PARTS 123.42 T70 82 1.91144 AUTO REPAIR PARTS 143.14 T70 83 VENDOR TOTAL 266.56 98068 SITE PLN/TR28149 PGA WES 1501.72 T70 84 518069 PLN CR/TR27840 RANCHO LA 460.00 T70 85 98091 PLN CK/PP95-566 LAKE LQ 640.00 T70 86 98066 PLN CR/TR28150 PGA WEST 611.00 T70 87 S18067 PLN CR/PM20469 AVE 48 286.06 T70 88 VENDOR TOTAL 3498.78 S191414 UNIFORMS 34.56 T70 89 0001'U9 Ift ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP50u3 CITY OF LA QUINTA VENDOR CAD010 CADET UNIFORM SUPPLY CAD010 CADET UNIFORM SUPPLY ACCOUNT NUMBER 101 453 617 000 101 454 617 000 CAL012 CALIF ANIMAL CONTROL DIN 101 353 649 000 CAL015 CALIF BUILDING OFFICIALS 101 351 637 000 CAL018 CAL ENVIROMENTAL PUBLICA 101 401 651 000 COA025 COACHELLA VALLEY ICBO 101 351 637 000 COA030 COACHELLA VALLEY INSURANC 101 153 625 702 COA080 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER 101 454 631 632 COM008 COMM-PACT RADIO TELEPHONE 101 102 703 000 DAT010 DATA DISCOUNT 101 151 647 000 DAT030 DATA QUICK 101 351 609 000 DES018 DESERT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 101 357 621 000 DES060 DESERT SUN PUBLISHING CO 101 151 643 000 EIS010 EISENHOWER IMMEDIATE CARE 101 151 605 000 ELRO10 EL RANCHITO 101 101 637 000 GAR005 GARNER IMPLEMENT CO 101 453 619 649 GRA010 GRANITE CONSTRUCTION CO 101 453 703 834 GRA010 GRANITE CONSTRUCTION CO 101 453 703 834 GRA010 GRANITE CONSTRUCTION CO 101 453 703 834 TO -BE PAID INVOICES 10:56AM 01/09/96 PAGE 2 INV. INVOICE PAYMENT BATCH TRAN NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT NO. 991415 UNIFORMS 44.92 T70 90 991415 UNIFORMS 43.68 T70 91 VENDOR TOTAL 123.16 CACDA DUES/R VREEKEN 35.00 T66 6 VENDOR TOTAL 35.00 CALBO GENERAL SESSION 2/ 275.00 T66 7 VENDOR TOTAL 275.00 CEOA HANDBOOK SUPPLEMENT 75.00 T66 8 VENDOR TOTAL 75.00 STRUCTURAL UBC UPDATE ME 100.00 T70 93 VENDOR TOTAL 100.00 32911 P1 AUTO INS/NEW AUTOS 1596.00 T70 92 VENDOR TOTAL 1596.00 60706327 WATER SERVICE 198.06 T66 9 VENDOR TOTAL 198.06 57853 FAST CHARGER CONDITIONER 69.26 T70 94 VENDOR TOTAL 69.26 3.0892 A/P CHECKS 394.93 T66 10 VENDOR TOTAL 394.93 255731 CD ROM UPDATES RIV CO DA 1450.08 T70 95 VENDOR TOTAL 1450.08 437906-0 LIGHTS 172.94 T66 70 VENDOR TOTAL 172.94 930957 JOB ADVERTISEMENT 682.40 T66 11 VENDOR TOTAL 682.40 3,32406/1 EMP EXAMS 178.00 T66 12 VENDOR TOTAL 178.00 COUNCIL DINNER 89.00 T70 96 VENDOR TOTAL 89.00 64908 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 174.61 T70 97 VENDOR TOTAL 174.61 012517 ASPHALT 116.76 T66 13 012612 ASPHALT 185.33 T66 14 012729 ASPHALT 115.83 T66 15 000�'0 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP5003 TO -BE PAID INVOICES 10:56AM 01/09/96 CITY OF LA QUINTA PAGE 3 VENDOR ACCOUNT NUMBER INV. INVOICE PAYMENT BATCH TRAN NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT NO. GRAO10 GRANITE CONSTRUCTION CO 101 453 703 834 012863 ASPHALT 81.32 T66 16 GRAO10 GRANITE CONSTRUCTION CO 101 453 703 834 012567 ASPHALT 94.82 T66 17 VENDOR TOTAL 594.06 GTE010 GTE CALIFORNIA 101 153 635 000 5544738 PHONE SVC 27.14 T66 18 GTE010 GTE CALIFORNIA 101 153 635 000 5543127 PHONE SVC 2208.73 T70 98 GTE010 GTE CALIFORNIA 101 153 635 000 5549188 PHONE SVC 41.26 T70 99 VENDOR TOTAL 2277.13 HAR030 TOM HARTUNG 101 000 133 000 CHO ANNUAL MEETING/T FAR 240.00 T66 19 VENDOR TOTAL 240.00 HOA010 HUGH HOARD INC 101 357 621 610 14336 AIR COND SERVICE 125.00 T66 20 VENDOR TOTAL 125.00 HOL010 HOLMAN INDUSTRIES 101 101 703 000 2799 NAME PLATE 9.69 T70 100 HCLO10 HOLMAN INDUSTRIES 101 201 703 000 2799 NAME PLATE 9.70 T70 101 HOL010 HOLMAN INDUSTRIES 101 101 703 000 2791 NAME PLATE 39.21 T70 102 VENDOR TOTAL 58.60 IMP010 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101 454 627 619 18804674 ELECTRIC SVC 194.84 T66 21 IMP010 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101 454 627 632 38113770 ELECTRIC SVC 23.08 T70 103 VENDOR TOTAL 217.92 INF050 INFORMATION SERIES 101 151 605 000 1044 REFERENCE CK ACM 125.00 T70 104 VENDOR TOTAL 125.00 INT015 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 101 354 651 000 95110319 TABS FOR UBC BOORS 61.32 T66 22 VENDOR TOTAL 61.32 KNA050 KNAPP PETERSEN & CLARKE 101 153 609 552 152540 PROF SVC/DE LA CRUZ 453.00 T66 23 VENDOR TOTAL 453.00 LAC010 L A CELLULAR 101 153 635 660 17504192 CELLULAR PHONE SVC 372.93 T70 105 VENDOR TOTAL 372.93 LAI030 LAIDLAW TRANSIT 101 253 651 000 955780 DAY CAMP TRIP 112.50 T66 24 LAI030 LAIDLAW TRANSIT 101 253 661 000 955782 DAY CAMP TRIP 102.00 T66 25 LAI030 LAIDLAW TRANSIT 101 253 661 000 955781 DAY CAMP TRIP 158.25 T66 26 LAI030 LAIDLAW TRANSIT 101 253 661 000 955779 DAY CAMP TRIP 191.75 T66 27 LAI030 LAIDLAW TRANSIT 101 253 661 000 955778 DAY CAMP TRIP 102.00 T66 28 VENDOR TOTAL 666.50 LAQ100 LA QUINTA VOLUNTEER FIRE 101 356 609 580 DEC 95 FIRE SUPPORT 611.00 T66 29 VENDOR TOTAL 611.00 LIG010 LIGHT SOURCE 101 454 609 000 22854 LIGHTS 377.13 T66 30 VENDOR TOTAL 377.13 L00010 LOCK SHOP INC 101 357 621 000 E605299 REKEY LOCKS 65.57 T70 106 n rt 00011 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP5003 TO -BE PAID INVOICES 10:56AM 01/09/96 CITY OF LA QUINTA PAGE 4 VENDOR ACCOUNT NUMBER INV. INVOICE PAYMENT BATCH TRAN NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT NO. VENDOR TOTAL 65.57 LUN050 LUNDEEN PACIFIC CORP 101 454 609 000 3:217 IRRIGATION UPGRADES 101.49 T66 31 VENDOR TOTAL 101.49 MOB010 MOBILEMEDIA 101 153 635 660 FCB0379A PAGER SVC 52.27 T66 32 VENDOR TOTAL 52.27 MUN010 MUNI FINANCIAL SERV INC 710 000 267 000 952786 LOCAL IMP DIST ADMIN 385.12 T70 107 MUN010 MUNI FINANCIAL SERV INC 715 000 267 000 952786 LOCAL IMP DIST ADMIN 519.19 T70 108 MUNO10 MUNI FINANCIAL SERV INC 720 000 267 000 952786 LOCAL IMP DIST ADMIN 578.16 T70 109 MUN010 MUNI FINANCIAL SERV INC 725 000 267 000 952786 LOCAL IMP DIST ADMIN 1008.20 T70 110 MUN010 MUNI FINANCIAL SERV INC 730 000 267 000 952786 LOCAL IMP DIST ADMIN 846.24 T70 111 MUN010 MUNI FINANCIAL SERV INC 720 000 267 000 952705 DELIQUENCY MGMNT SVC 100.00 T70 112 VENDOR TOTAL 3436.91 NAT025 NATIONAL NOTARY ASSOCIATI 101 151 703 000 1996 NOTARY SUPPLIES 55.46 T66 34 VENDOR TOTAL 55.46 NAW010 RON NAWROCRI 401 609 605 532 3985 SIGNS 1000.00 T70 113 VENDOR TOTAL 1000.00 NIC050 MARTY NICHOLSON 101 153 656 000 TABLE DECORATIONS SUPPLI 118.48 T66 33 VENDOR TOTAL 118.48 NOR010 NORRELL SERVICES INC 101 454 505 534 3590537 CONTRACT LABOR 1159.75 T66 35 VENDOR TOTAL 1159.75 OFF005 OFFICE DEPOT INC 101 351 855 000 20834753 PRINTER 517.19 T66 36 OFF005 OFFICE DEPOT INC 101 202 855 000 01286762 PRINTER 872.76 T66 37 OFF005 OFFICE DEPOT INC 101 153 703 811 145167 PRINTER CARTRIDGES 147.77 T66 38 VENDOR TOTAL 1537.72 PAL007 PALM DESERT FLORIST 101 101 703 000 064282 MAZZA FLOWERS 43.10 T70 114 VENDOR TOTAL 43.10 PAR030 PARRHOUSE TIRE INC 101 453 619 649 426640 TIRES 127.74 T66 39 PAR030 PARRHOUSE TIRE I14C 101 453 619 649 453413 TIRES 408.36 T66 40 VENDOR TOTAL 536.10 PEN010 JOHN PENA 101 101 637 000 LCC CONF/J PENA 247.00 T66 41 PEN010 JOHN PENA 101 000 133 000 LCC CONF/J PENA -200.00 T66 42 VENDOR TOTAL 47.00 PIT020 PITNEY BOWES 101 153 645 000 498451 POSTAGE METER RENTAL 303.05 T66 43 VENDOR TOTAL 303.05 PLA020 THE PLANNING CENTER 101 403 605 000 1.990 PROF SVC 3368.90 T66 44 VENDOR TOTAL 3368.90 PRI020 THE PRINTING PLACE 101 101 547 000 5151860 BUSINESS CARDS 56.57 T66 4` ,. 00021? ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP5003 TO -BE PAID INVOICES 10:56AM 01/09/96 CITY OF LA QUINTA PAGE 5 VENDOR ACCOUNT NUMBER INV. INVOICE PAYMENT BATCH TRAN NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT NO. PRI020 THE PRINTING PLACE 101 202 647 000 951811 BUSINESS CARDS 53.88 T66 46 PRID20 THE PRINTING PLACE 101 351 647 000 951811 BUSINESS CARDS 53.87 T66 47 VENDOR TOTAL 164.32 REL010 RELIABLE 101 401 701 000 NMQ94900 SUPPLIES 68.04 T66 48 REL010 RELIABLE 101 401 701 000 NL886700 SUPPLIES 90.92 T66 49 VENDOR TOTAL 158.96 RIV130 RIVERSIDE COUNTY SUPPLY 101 351 701 000 194170 SUPPLIES 13.18 T70 115 VENDOR TOTAL 13.18 SER050 SERVICE MASTER JANITORIAL 101 251 609 634 100235 JANITORIAL SVC JAN 95 525.00 T66 50 VENDOR TOTAL 525.00 SMA010 SMART & FINAL 101 153 703 884 1743731 SUPPLIES 126.83 T66 51 VENDOR TOTAL 126.83 SOCO10 THE SOCO GROUP INC 101 453 619 646 110272 DIESEL FUEL 64.46 T66 52 VENDOR TOTAL 64.46 S00010 SOUTHERN CALIF GAS CO 101 357 629 000 17842862 GAS SVC 180.36 T70 116 VENDOR TOTAL 180.36 SPI010 CRISTAL SPIDELL 101 251 641 000 MILEAGE/C SPIDELL 45.76 T66 53 VENDOR TOTAL 45.76 SPRO10 SPRINT 101 153 635 000 84372158 PHONE SVC 675.93 T70 117 VENDOR TOTAL 675.93 STE020 STEVE'S OFFICE SUPPLY 101 351 701 000 2261154 SUPPLIES 95.26 T66 54 STE020 STEVE'S OFFICE SUPPLY 101 351 701 000 2.261154A SUPPLIES 4.64 T66 55 STE020 STEVE'S OFFICE SUPPLY 101 153 703 802 3.261691 SUPPLIES 12.68 T66 56 STE020 STEVE'S OFFICE SUPPLY 101 201 701 000 1.261691 SUPPLIES 145.43 T66 57 STE020 STEVE'S OFFICE SUPPLY 101 202 701 000 3.262170 SUPPLIES 28.08 T66 58 VENDOR TOTAL 286.09 STRO10 STRADLING, YOCCA, CARLSON 101 101 601 523 1.33606-0 LGL SVC/BURKETT 631.19 T70 118 STRO10 STRADLING, YOCCA, CARLSON 101 101 601 523 133606-0 LGL SVC/WYMER/ITM 21012.47 T70 119 STRO10 STRADLING, YOCCA, CARLSON 405 902 601 523 133606-0 LGL SVC/WYMER/ITM 17899.50 T70 120 VENDOR TOTAL 39543.16 SUN050 SUN BADGE CO 101 351 647 000 75990 BADGES 284.39 T66 59 VENDOR TOTAL 284.39 SUS010 SUSKI & SAKEMI 101 453 703 847 '7599 TIRE 28.02 T70 121 SUS010 SUSKI & SAKEMI 101 454 703 847 '7599 TIRE 28.01 T70 122 VENDOR TOTAL 56.03 TOP010 TOPS'N BARRICADES INC 101 453 615 000 907161 GRINDER 245.00 T66 6C 2A� 000213 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP5003 CITY OF LA QUINTA VENDOR TOPO10 TOWN BARRICADES INC TOP010 TOPS'N BARRICADES INC ACCOUNT NUMBER 101 453 703 831 101 352 703 815 VAL007 VALLEY CRIME STOPPERS 101 301 609 577 VALO10 VALLEY OFFICE EQUIP INC 101 351 701 000 VRE010 RON VREEKEN 101 000 133 000 WAS010 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF DESRT 101 454 615 000 WELO10 WELCH'S UNIFORM RENTAL 101 357 609 634 XERO10 XEROX CORPORATION 101 153 609 604 XERO10 XEROX CORPORATION 101 153 703 802 XERO10 XEROX CORPORATION 101 153 703 802 TO-EE PAID INVOICES 10:56AM 01/09/96 PAGE 6 IRV. INVOICE PAYMENT BATCH TRAM NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT NO. 907210 TRAFFIC CONES 237.05 T66 61 907192 TAX DUE 1.12 T66 62 VENDOR TOTAL 483.17 CONTRIBUTION VALLEY CRIM 2000.00 T66 63 VENDOR TOTAL 2000.00 1,74217 COPIER MAINT 66.00 T66 64 VENDOR TOTAL 66.00 TRAVEL ADV/R VREEKEN 405.50 T66 65 VENDOR TOTAL 405.50 £35-3734 PORTABLE TOILET RENTAL 145.55 T70 123 VENDOR TOTAL 145.55 £2614122 MATS 43.14 T66 66 VENDOR TOTAL 43.14 57101150 COPIER MAINT 608.89 T66 67 1.5720199 INK/DEVEL/FUSER 1189.56 T66 68 3.5720204 INK CARDRIDGE 105.60 T66 69 VENDOR TOTAL 1904.05 TO -BE PAID - PAYMENT TOTAL 95,129.16 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP40041 GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT AP010995 10:19AM 01/09/96 CITY OF LA QUINTA BY ACCOUNT PAGE 1 ACCOUNT NUMBER CHECK AMOUNT NUMBER 101 000 121 000 0 200.00 101 000 133 000 0 240.00 101 000 133 000 0 -200.00 101 000 133 000 O' 405.50 101 000 201 000 0 -73194.47 101 000 251 000 0 1501.72 101 000 251 000 0 460.00 101 000 251 000 0 640.00 101 1000 251 000 0 611.00 101 000 251 000 0 286.06 101 000 418 000 0 100.00 101 101 601 523 0 631.19 101 101 601 523 0 21012.47 101 101 637 000 0 247.00 101 101 637 000 0 89.00 101 101 637 000 0 21.75 101 101 637 000 0 20.00 101 101 647 000 0 56.57 101 101 703 000 0 9.69 101 101 703 000 0 39.21 101 101 703 000 _. 0 43.10 101 102 637 000 0 93.97 101 102 651 000 0 14.00 101 102 703 000 0 69.26 101 151 605 000 0 178.00 101 151 605 000 0 125.00 101 151 637 000 0 11.00 101 151 637 000 0 10.00 101 151 643 000 0 682.40 101 151 647 000 0 20.76 101 151 647 000 0 394.93 101 151 701 000 0 69.61. 101 151 703 000 0 55.46 101 153 609 552 0 453.00 101 153 609 604 0 608.89 101 153 625 702 0 1596.00 101 153 635 000 0 27.14 101 153 635 000 0 603.10 101 153 635 000 0 2208.73 101 153 635 000 0 41.26 101 153 635 000 0 675.93 101 153 635 660 0 52.27 101 153 635 660 0 153.21 101 153 635 660 0 372.93 101 153 645 000 0 303.05 101 153 656 000 0 118.48 101 153 703 802 0 12.68 101 153 703 802 0 1189.56 101 153 703 802 0 105.60 VENDOR VENDOR NAME NUMBER IMP015 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST HAR030 TOM HARTUNG PEN010 JOHN PENA VRE010 RON VREEKEN BSI010 BSI CONSULTANTS INC BSI010 BSI CONSULTANTS INC BSI010 BSI CONSULTANTS INC BSI010 BSI CONSULTANTS INC BSI010 BSI CONSULTANTS INC 500131 CALIFORNIA POOL a SPAS STRD10 STRADLING, YOCCA, CARLSON STR010 STRADLING, YOCCA, CARLSON PEN010 JOHN PENA ELRD10 EL RANCHITO FIR022 FIRST INTERSTATE BANKCARD LAQ040 LA QUINTA CHAMBER COMMERC PRI020 THE PRINTING PLACE HOLO10 HOLMAN INDUSTRIES HOL010 HOLMAN INDUSTRIES PAL007 PALM DESERT FLORIST FIR022 FIRST INTERSTATE BANKCARD FIR022 FIRST INTERSTATE BANKCARD COM008 CCMM-PACT RADIO TELEPHONE EISO10 EISENHOWER IMMEDIATE CARE INF050 INFORMATION SERIES DES005 DESERT BEAUTIFUL LAQ040 LA QUINTA CHAMBER CCMMERC DES060 DESERT SUN PUBLISHING CO ALT050 ALTEC DAT010 DATA DISCOUNT ARRO10 ARROW PRINTING COMPANY NAT025 NATIONAL NOTARY ASSOCIATI KNAOSO KNAPP PETERSEN 8 CLARKE XER010 XEROX CORPORATION COA030 COACHELLA VALLEY INSURANC GTE010 GTE CALIFORNIA AT-1010 A T 6T GTE010 GTE CALIFORNIA GTE.010 GTE CALIFORNIA SPR.O10 SPRINT MOB010 MOBILE9EDIA AUI'030 AUTOMATED TELECOM! LAC:010 L A CELLULAR PIT020 PITNEY BOWES NIC:050 MARTY NICHOLSON STF:020 STEVE'S OFFICE SUPPLY XER010 XEROX CORPORATION XERO10 XEROX CORPORATION INVOICE DESCRIPTION j CQ 7-COO-/ 79-740 IRIS CT METER SVC CONNT CBO ANNUAL MEETING/T HARTUNG LCC CONF/J PENA TRAVEL ADV/R VREEREN AP OFFSET ENTRY SITE PLN/TR28149 PGA WEST PLN CK/TR27840 RANCHO LA QUINT PLN CK/PP95-566 LAKE LQ PLN CK/TR28150 PGA WEST PLN CK/PM20469 AVE 48 REF BLDG PERMIT OVERPAYMENT LGL SVC/BURKETT LGL SVC/WYMER/ITM LCC CONF/J PENA COUNCIL DINNER MEETING MAYOR'S BREAKFAST BUSINESS CARDS NAME PLATE NAME PLATE MAZZA FLOWERS MEETINGS PUBLICATION FAST CHARGER CONDITIONER EMP EXAMS REFERENCE CK ACM DESERT BEAUTIFUL LUNCHEON MAYOR'S BREAKFAST JOB ADVERTISEMENT 1099 FORMS A/P CHECKS SUPPLIES 1996 NOTARY SUPPLIES PROF SVC/DE LA CRUZ COPIER MAINT AUTO INS/NEW AUTOS PHONE SVC PHONE EQUIP MAINT PHONE SVC PHONE SVC PHONE SVC PAGER SVC PAGERS CELLULAR PHONE SVC POSTAGE METER RENTAL TABLE DECORATIONS SUPPLIES SUPPLIES INK/DEVEL/FUSER INK CARDRIDGE 0004'1 4 A ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP40041 GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT AP010995 CITY OF LA QUINTA BY ACCOUNT ACCOUNT NUMBER CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR VENDOR NAME NUMBER NUMBER 101 153 703 810 0 719.77 ARRO10 ARROW PRINTING COMPANY 101 153 703 811 0 147.77 OFF005 OFFICE DEPOT INC 101 153 703 880 0 132.00 ASC001 A 6 S COFFEE SERVICE 101 153 703 884 0 126.83 SMA010 SMART 6 FINAL 101 201 637 000 0 10.00 LAQ040 LA QUINTA CHAMBER COMMERC 101 201 701 000 0 145.43 STE020 STEVE'S OFFICE SUPPLY 101 201 703 000 0 9.70 HOL010 HOLMAN INDUSTRIES 101 202 647 000 0 53.88 PRI020 THE PRINTING PLACE 101 202 701 000 0 28.08 STE020 STEVE'S OFFICE SUPPLY 101 202 855 000 0 872.76 OFF005 OFFICE DEPOT INC 101 251 609 634 0 525.00 SER050 SERVICE MASTER JANITORIAL 101 251 641 000 0 45.76 SPI010 CRISTAL SPIDELL 101 253 661 000 0 112.50 LAI030 LAIDLAW TRANSIT 101 253 661 000 0 102.00 LAI030 LAIDLAW TRANSIT 101 253 661 000 0 158.25 LAI030 LAIDLAW TRANSIT 101 253 661 000 0 191.75 LAI030 LAIDLAW TRANSIT 101 253 661 000 0 102.00 LAI030 LAIDLAW TRANSIT 101 301 609 577 0 2000.00 VAL007 VALLEY CRIME STOPPERS 101 351 609 000 0 1450.08 DAT030 DATA QUICK 101 351 637 000 0 275.00 CAL015 CALIF BUILDING OFFICIALS 101 351 637 000 0 168.00 AND010 ANDERSON TRAVEL SERVICE 101 351 637 000 0 100.00 COA025 COACHELLA VALLEY ICBO 101 351 637 000 0 11.00 DES005 DESERT BEAUTIFUL 101 351 647 000 0 53.87 PRI020 THE PRINTING PLACE 101 351 647 000 0 284.39 SUN050 SUN BADGE CO 101 351 701 000 0 95.26 STE020 STEVE'S OFFICE SUPPLY 101 351 701 000 0 4.64 STE020 STEVE'S OFFICE SUPPLY 101 351 701 000 0 66.00 VAL010 VALLEY OFFICE EQUIP INC 101 351 701 000 0 13.18 RIV130 RIVERSIDE COUNTY SUPPLY 101 351 855 000 0 517.19 OFF005 OFFICE DEPOT INC 101 352 703 815 0 1.12 TOP010 TOPS'N BARRICADES INC 101 353 617 000 0 34.56 CAD010 CADET UNIFORM SUPPLY 101 353 649 000 0 35.00 CAL012 CALIF ANIMAL CONTROL DIR 101 354 651 000 0 61.32 INT015 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 101 356 609 580 0 611.00 LAQ100 LA QUINTA VOLUNTEER FIRE 101 357 609 634 0 43.14 WEL010 WELCH'S UNIFORM RENTAL 101 357 621 000 0 172.94 DES018 DESERT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 101 357 621 000 0 59.76 ACE010 ACE HARDWARE 101 357 621 000 0 43.97 ACE010 ACE HARDWARE 101 357 621 000 0 0.60 ACE010 ACE HARDWARE 101 357 621 000 0 65.57 L00010 LOCK SHOP INC 101 357 621 610 0 125.00 HOA010 HUGH HOARD INC 101 357 629 000 0 180.36 SOU010 SOUTHERN CALIF GAS CO 101 401 651 000 0 75.00 CAL018 CAL ENVIROMENTAL PUBLICA 101 401 701 000 0 68.04 REL010 RELIABLE 101 401 701 000 0 90.92 REL010 RELIABLE 101 403 605 000 0 3368.90 PLA020 THE PLANNING CENTER 101 451 637 000 0 10.00 LA9040 LA QUINTA CHAMBER COMMERC 101 451 651 000 0 21.00 ASP010 ASPHALT INSTITUTE INC 10:19AM 01/09/96 PAGE 2 INVOICE DESCRIPTION SUPPLIES PRINTER CARTRIDGES COFFEE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES MAYOR'S BREAKFAST SUPPLIES NAME PLATE BUSINESS CARDS SUPPLIES PRINTER JANITORIAL SVC JAN 95 MILEAGE/C SPIDELL DAY CAMP TRIP DAY CAMP TRIP DAY CAMP TRIP DAY CAMP TRIP DAY CAMP TRIP CONTRIBUTION VALLEY CRIME STOP CD ROM UPDATES RIV CO DATA CALBO GENERAL SESSION 2/27-3/2 AIRLINE/SEMINAR STRUCTURAL UBC UPDATE MEETING DESERT BEAUTIFUL LUNCHEON BUSINESS CARDS BADGES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES COPIER MAINT SUPPLIES PRINTER TAX DUE UNIFORMS CACDA DUES/R VREEKEN TABS FOR UBC BOOKS FIRE SUPPORT MATS LIGHTS SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES REKEY LOCKS AIR COND SERVICE GAS SVC CEOA HANDBOOK SUPPLEMENTS SUPPLIES SUPPLIES PROF SVC MAYOR'S BREAKFAST AC MIX DESIGN BOOK A n 000216 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP40041 GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT AP010995 10:19AM 01/09/96 CITY OF LA QUINTA BY .ACCOUNT PAGE 3 ACCOUNT NUMBER 101 453 609 616 101 453 615 000 101 453 617 000 101 453 619 646 101 453 619 649 101 453 619 649 101 453 619 649 101 453 619 649 101 453 619 649 101 453 703 831 101 453 703 834 101 453 703 834 101 453 703 834 101 453 703 834 101 453 703 834 101 453 703 847 101 454 505 534 101 454 609 000 101 454 609 000 101 454 609 000 101 454 609 000 101 454 609 000 101 454 615 000 101 454 617 000 101 454 627 619 101 454 627 632 101 454 631 632 101 454 703 847 401 000 201 000 401 609 605 532 405 000 201 000 405 902 601 523 710 000 201 000 710 000 267 000 715 000 201 000 CHECK NUMBER 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FUND TOTAL MANUAL CHECKS MACHINE CHECKS 0 0 FUND TOTAL MANUAL CHECKS MACHINE CHECKS 0 0 FUND TOTAL MANUAL CHECKS MACHINE CHECKS AMOUNT 4471.23 245.00 44.92 64.46 127.74 408.36 123.42 143.14 174.61 237.05 116.76 185.33 115.83 81.32 94.82 28.02 1159.75 377.13 101.49 4943.10 4097.00 4970.00 145.55 43.68 194.84 23.08 198.06 28.01 0.00 0.00 73194.47 -1000.00 1000.00 0.00 0.00 1000.00 -17899.50 17899.50 0.00 0.00 17899.50 0 -385.12 0 385.12 FUND TOTAL 0.00 MANUAL CHECKS 0.00 MACHINE CHECKS 385.12 0 -519.19 VENDOR VENDOR NAME NUMBER AP0050 APOLLO SWEEPING CO INC TOP010 TOPS'N BARRICADES INC CAD010 CADET UNIFORM SUPPLY S00010 THE SOCO GROUP INC PAR030 PARKHOUSE TIRE INC PAR030 PARKHOUSE TIRE INC BIG010 BIG A AUTO PARTS BIG010 BIG A AUTO PARTS GARD05 GARNER IMPLEMENT CO TOP010 TOPS'N BARRICADES INC GRA010 GRANITE CONSTRUCTION CO GRA010 GRANITE CONSTRUCTION CO GRA010 GRANITE CONSTRUCTION CO GRA010 GRANITE CONSTRUCTION CO GRA010 GRANITE CONSTRUCTION CO SUS010 SUSKI 6 SAKEMI NOR010 NORRELL SERVICES INC LIG010 LIGHT SOURCE LUND50 LUNDEEN PACIFIC CORP AMC050 A S M CONSTRUCTION AMC050 A 6 M CONSTRUCTION AMC050 A G M CONSTRUCTION WAS010 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF DESRT CAD010 CADET UNIFORM SUPPLY IMP010 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST IMP010 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST COA080 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER SUS010 SUSKI & SAKEMI NAW010 RON NAWROCKI INVOICE DESCRIPTION STREET SWEEING DEC 95 GRINDER UNIFORMS DIESEL FUEL TIRES TIRES AUTO REPAIR PARTS AUTO REPAIR PARTS VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS TRAFFIC CONES ASPHALT ASPHALT ASPHALT ASPHALT ASPHALT TIRE CONTRACT LABOR LIGHTS IRRIGATION UPGRADES CONST/AVE 54 MEDIANS CONST/MADISON MEDIANS CONST/MADISON MEDIANS PORTABLE 'TOILET RENTAL UNIFORMS ELECTRIC SVC ELECTRIC SVC WATER SERVICE TIRE AP OFFSET ENTRY SIGNS AP OFFSET ENTRY STRO10 STRADLING, YOCCA, CARLSON LGL SVC/WYMER/ITM MUN010 MUNI FINANCIAL SERV INC AP OFFSET ENTRY LOCAL IMP DIST ADMIN AP OFFSET ENTRY 00021" i d ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP40041 CITY OF LA QUINTA ACCOUNT NUMBER CHECK AMOUNT NUMBER _ 715 000 267 000 0 519.19 FUND TOTAL 0.00 MANUAL CHECKS 0.00 MACHINE CHECKS 519.19 720 000 201 000 0 -678.16 720 000 267 000 0 578.16 720 000 267 000 0 100.00 FUND TOTAL 0.00 MANUAL CHECKS 0.00 MACHINE CHECKS 678.16 725 000 201 000 0 -1008.20 725 000 267 000 0 1008.20 FUND TOTAL 0.00 MANUAL CHECKS 0.00 MACHINE CHECKS 1008.20 730 000.201 000 0 -846.24 730 000 267 000 0 846.24 FUND TOTAL 0.00 MANUAL CHECKS 0.00 MACHINE CHECKS 046.24 GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT AP010995 10:19AM O1/09/96 BY ACCOUNT PAGE 4 VENDOR VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION NUMBER KUN010 MUNI FINANCIAL SERV INC LOCAL IMP DIST ADMIN AP OFFSET ENTRY MUN010 MUNI FINANCIAL SERV INC LOCAL IMP DIST ADMIN MUN010 MUNI FINANCIAL SERV INC DELIQUENCY MGMNT SVC AP OFFSET ENTRY MUNC10 MUNI FINANCIAL SERV INC LOCAL IMP DIST ADMIX AP OFFSET ENTRY MUNO10 MUNI FINANCIAL SERV INC LOCAL IMP DIST ADMIN FINAL TOTAL 0.00 MANUAL CHECKS 0.00 MACHINE CHECKS 95530.88 UNMATCHED ACCT TTL 0.00 UNMATCHED TOTALS ARE NOT APPLIED TO THE GL 000418 ,r ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP50081 GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT AP010996 11:27AM 01/09/96 CITY OF LA QUINTA BY ACCOUNT PAGE 1 ACCOUNT NUMBER- AMOUNT _ p INVOICE DESCRIPTION 75-E0 % - 000 101 000 101 000 -72792.75 AP CASH OFFSET ENTRY 101 000 201 000 72792.75 AP LIABILITY OFFSET ENTRY FUND TOTAL 0.00 401 000 101 000 -1000.00 AP CASH OFFSET ENTRY 401 000 201 000 1000.00 AP LIABILITY OFFSET ENTRY FUND TOTAL 0.00 405 000 101 000 -17899.50 AP CASH OFFSET ENTRY 405 000 201 000 17699.50 AP LIABILITY OFFSET ENTRY FUND TOTAL 0.00 710 000 101 000 -385.12 AP CASH OFFSET ENTRY 710 000 201 000 385.12 AP LIABILITY OFFSET ENTRY FUND TOTAL 0.00 715 000 101 000 -519.19 AP CASH OFFSET ENTRY 715 000 201 000 519.19 AP LIABILITY OFFSET ENTRY FUND TOTAL 0.00 720 000 101 000 -678.16 AP CASH OFFSET ENTRY 720 000 201 000 678.16 AP LIABILITY OFFSET ENTRY FUND TOTAL. 0.00 725 000 101 000 -1008.20 AP CASH OFFSET ENTRY 725 000 201 000 1008.20 AP LIABILITY OFFSET ENTRY FUND TOTAL 0.00 730 000 101 000 -846.24 AP CASH OFFSET ENTRY 730 000 201 000 846.24 AP LIABILITY OFFSET ENTRY FUND TOTAL 0.00 FINAL TOTAL 0.00 UNMATCHED ACCT TTL 0.00 - UNMATCHED TOTALS ARE NOT APPLIED TO THE GL 000219 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP5003 TO -BE PAID INVOICES 1O:48AM 01/09/96 CITY OF LA QUINTA PAGE 1 VENDOR ACCOUNT NUMBER INV. INVOICE PAYMENT BATCH TRAN NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT NO. DESOO5 DESERT BEAUTIFUL 101 151 637 000 DESERT BEAUTIFUL LUNCHED 11.00 T67 124 DESOO5 DESERT BEAUTIFUL 101 351 637 000 DESERT BEAUTIFUL LUNCHED 11.00 T67 125 VENDOR TOTAL 22.00 FIRO22 FIRST INTERSTATE BANKCARD 101 101 637 000 42469061 MEETING 21.75 T67 126 FIRO22 FIRST INTERSTATE BANKCARD 101 102 637 000 42469061 MEETINGS 93.97 T67 127 FIRO22 FIRST INTERSTATE BANKCARD 101 102 651 000 42469061 PUBLICATION 14.00 T67 128 VENDOR TOTAL 129.72 IMPO15 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101 000 121 000 MK-9949 79-740 IRIS CT METER SVC 200.00 T67 129 VENDOR TOTAL 200.00 LAQO4O LA QUINTA CHAMBER COMMERC 101 101 637 000 MAYOR'S BREAKFAST 20.00 T67 130 LA9040 LA QUINTA CHAMBER COMMERC 101 201 637 000 MAYOR'S BREAKFAST 10.00 T67 131 LAQO4O LA QUINTA CHAMBER COMMERC 101 151 637 000 MAYOR'S BREAKFAST 10.00 T67 132 LAQO40 LA QUINTA CHAMBER COMMERC 101 451 637 000 MAYOR'S BREAKFAST 10.00 T67 133 VENDOR TOTAL 50.00 TO -BE PAID - .PAYMENT TOTAL 401.72 4 � ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP50081 CITY OF LA QUINTA ACCOUNT NUMBER 101 000 101 000 101 000 201 000 FUND TOTAL FINAL TOTAL GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT AP010996 BY ACCOUNT AMOUNT 401.72 401.72 0.00 0.00 UNMATCHED ACCT TTL 0.00 UNMATCHED TOTALS ARE NOT APPLIED TO THE GL 10:54AM O1/09/96 PAGE 1 LNVOICE DESCRIPTION 'T E n 7- 0ll�'a AP CASH OFFSET ENTRY AP LIABILITY OFFSET ENTRY 00,042. L. 1 IQ A/P - AP6002 CHECKS TO BE VOIDED 09:46AM 01/04/96 CITY OF LA QUINTA PAGE 1 CHECK INVOICE NUMBER DATE 23581 11/29/95 TOTAL VOIDED VENDOR VENDOR AMT. PAID NUMBER NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION 1490.68 WAT060 R WYNE WATTS TREASURER- PROPERTY TAX 1,490.68 000221 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP60012 CITY OF LA QUINTA ACCOUNT NUMBER 245 000 101 000 245 903 680 000 FUND TOTAL FINAL TOTAL GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT VD 23581 BY .ACCOUNT AMOUNT 1490.68 -1490.68 0.00 0.00 UNMATCHED ACCT TTL 0.00 UNMATCHED TOTALS ARE NOT APPLIED TO THE GL 09:46AM O1/04/96 PAGE 1 INVOICE DESCRIPTION OG AP OFFSET ENTRY PROPERTY TAX 1i;=%w 0001'23 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP5003 CITY OF LA QUINTA VENDOR ACCOUNT NUMBER USPO10 U S POSTMASTER 101 251 645 000 TO -BE PAID INVOICES INV. INVOICE NUMBER DESCRIPTION POSTAGE/BROCHURES VENDOR TOTAL 09:27AM O1/04/96 PAGE 1 PAYMENT BATCH TRAM AMOUNT NO. 840.00 T65 1 840.00 TO -BE PAID - PAYMENT TOTAL 840.00 0On09 4.A..IY 03.1 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP40041 CITY OF LA QUINTA ACCOUNT NUMBER CHECK 101 000 201 000 101 251 645 000 AMOUNT NUMBER 0 -840.00 0 840.00 FUND TOTAL 0.00 MANUAL CHECKS 0.00 MACHINE CHECKS 840.00 GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT AP010496 BY .ACCOUNT VENDOR VENDOR NAME NUMBER USPO10 U S POSTMASTER FINAL TOTAL 0.00 MANUAL CHECKS 0.00 MACHINE CHECKS 840.00 UNMATCHED ACCT TTL 0.00 UNMATCHED TOTALS ARE NOT APPLIED TO THE GL 09:24AM O1/04/96 PAGE 1 INVOICE DESCRIPTION f6 () %-Q oU y AP OFFSET ENTRY POSTAGE/BROCHURES 000�'�'S ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP50081 CITY OF LA QUINTA ACCOUNT NUMBER 101 000 101 000 101 000 201 000 FUND TOTAL FINAL TOTAL GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT AP010496 BY ACCOUNT AMOUNT -840.00 840.00 0.00 0.00 UNMATCHED ACCT TTL 0.00 UNMATCHED TOTALS ARE NOT APPLIED TO THE GL 09.32AM O1/04/96 PAGE1 INVOICE DESCRIPTION TE ? D / -6 z) L AP CASH OFFSET ENTRY AP LIABILITY OFFSET ENTRY H I11 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP5003 CITY OF LA QUINTA VENDOR ACCOUNT NUMBER AND005 PAUL ANDERSON 101 401 509 000 BAR010 EATIE BARROWS 101 401 509 000 BER010 NORRIS S BERNARD 101 351 509 000 BES010 LAWRENCE BEST 101 251 509 000 BRO010 DIANA BROWN 101 151 509 000 BUT010 RICHARD BUTLER 101 401 509 000 BYRO10 COIS M BYRD SHERIFF 101 000 221 000 CHEO10 JESSIE ANN CHESTNUT 101 351 509 000 DAV010 MIRE DAVIS 101 251 509 000 FRR050 ROBERT FRAME 101 151 509 000 GAR010 WAYNE GARDNER 101 401 509 000 GAT050 BILL GATES 101 000 227 000 ING050 CARL INGRAM - 101 251 509 000 INT005 INTERNAL REVENUE SVC-ACS 101 000 221 000 IRWO10 JOSEPH IRWIN 101 151 509 000 KEL005 RATE KELLY 101 351 509 000 KLE010 MICHELLE KLEIN 101 401 509 000 TO -BE PAID INVOICES 09:38AM 01/03/96 PAGE 1 INV. INVOICE _ PAYMENT BATCH TRAN NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT NO. DEC 95 PLANNING COMM MEETING 50.00 T64 13 VENDOR TOTAL 50.00 DEC 95 PLANNING COMM MEETING 50.00 T64 12 VENDOR TOTAL 50.00 DEC 95 MUMAN SVC COMM MEETING 50.00 T64 1 VENDOR TOTAL 50.00 DEC 95 PARKS & REC COMM MEETING 50.00 T64 7 VENDOR TOTAL 50.00 DEC 95 INVESTMENT ADV BRD MEETI 50.00 T64 16 VENDOR TOTAL 50.00 DEC 95 PLANNING COW MEETING 50.00 T64 14 VENDOR TOTAL 50.00 P/R Dietz.-GARNISH-C.BYR 267.74 T999 23 VENDOR TOTAL 267.74 DEC 95 HUMAN SVC COMM MEETING 50.00 T64 2 VENDOR TOTAL 50.00 DEC 95 PARKS 8 REC COMM MEETING 50.00 T64 8 VENDOR TOTAL 50.00 DEC 95 INVESTMENT ADV BRD MEETI 50.00 T64 18 VENDOR TOTAL 50.00 DEC 95 PLANNING COMM MEETING 50.00 T64 15 VENDOR TOTAL 50.00 ICMA DED IN ERROR 50.00 T999 37 VENDOR TOTAL 50.00 DEC 95 PARES 6 REC COMM MEETING 50.00 T64 9 VENDOR TOTAL 50.00 P/R Distr.-GARNISH-I.R.S 50.00 T999 25 VENDOR TOTAL 50.00 DEC 95 INVESTMENT ADV BRD MEETI 50.00 T64 17 VENDOR TOTAL 50.00 DEC 95 HUMAN SVC COMM MEETING 50.00 T64 3 VENDOR TOTAL 50.00 DEC 95 ART IN PUBLIC PLCS COMM 50.00 T64 34 00of) f) 9A ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP5003 CITY OF LA QUINTA VENDOR ACCOUNT NUMBER LAI050 CAROLYN LAIR 101 401 509 000 LEW010 TOM LEWIS 101 151 509 000 NAR050 NANCY HARD 101 401 509 000 08B050 LEE M OSBORNE CPA 101 151 509 000 PED010 KATHRYN PEDERSEN 101 251 509 000 PER005 P E R S 101 000 219 000 PER005 P E R S 101 000 220 000 PER005 P E R S 101 000 220 000 PER005 P E R S _._ _ 101 000.22a 000 PUB050 In PUBLIC RECORD 101 102 651 000 REY050 ELAIRE REYNOLDS 101 401 509 000 ROD050 ERNEST RODRIGUEZ CPA 101 151 509 000 SAL010 BRUCE SALES 101 151 509 000 SKA010 B J SEATON 101 251 509 000 SEA040 ROSITA SHAMIS 101 401 509 000 STJO10 VICTORIA ST JOHNS 101 351 509 000 TYL050 ROBERT T TYLER 101 351 509 000 WAL075 JOHN WALLING 101 401 509 000 WCLO10 KAY WOLFP 101 351 509 000 TO -BE PAID INVOICES 09:38AM 01/03/96 PAGE 2 INV. INVOICE PAYMENT BATCH THAN NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT NO. VENDOR TOTAL 50.00 DEC 95 ART IN PUBLIC PLCS COMM 50.00 T64 33 VENDOR TOTAL 50.00 DEC 95 INVESTMENT ADV BRD MEETI 50.00 T64 19 VENDOR TOTAL 50.00 DEC 95 ART IN PUBLIC PLCS COMM 50.00 T64 30 VENDOR TOTAL 50.00 DEC 95 INVESTMENT ADV BRD MEETI 50.00 T64 20 VENDOR TOTAL 50.00 DEC 95 PARKS 6 REC COMM MEETING 50.00 T64 10 VENDOR TOTAL 50.00 P/R Distr.-PERS-SRVR BEN 52.08 T999 26 P/R Distr.-PERS B-BACK ( 117.68 T999 27 P/R Distr.-PEPS - EMPLOY 6720.38 T999 28 _ P/R Distr.-PEAS - CITY 8852.66 T999 29 VENDOR TOTAL 15742.80 PUBLIC RECORD SUBSCRIPTI 160.00 T64 36 VENDOR TOTAL 160.00 DEC 95 ART IN PUBLIC PLCS COMM 50.00 T64 32 VENDOR TOTAL 50.00 DEC 95 INVESTMENT ADV BRD MEETI 50.00 T64 22 VENDOR TOTAL 50.00 DEC 95 INVESTMENT ADV BRD MEETI 50.00 T64 21 VENDOR TOTAL 50.00 DEC 95 PARES B REC COMM MEETING 50.00 T64 11 VENDOR TOTAL 50.00 DEC 95 ART IN PUBLIC PLCS COMM 50.00 T64 31 VENDOR TOTAL 50.00 DEC 95 HUMAN SVC COMM MEETING 50.00 T64 4 VENDOR TOTAL 50.00 DEC 95 HUMAN SVC COMM MEETING 50.00 T64 6 VENDOR TOTAL 50.00 DEC 95 ART IN PUBLIC PLCS COMM 50.00 T64 35 VENDOR TOTAL 50.00 DEC 95 HUMAN SVC COMM MEETING 50.00 T64 0 VENDOR TOTAL 50.00 TO -BE PAID - PAYMENT TOTAL n 17,670.54 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP40041 CITY OF LA QUINTA ACCOUNT NUMBER CHECK AMOUNT NUMBER 101 000 201 000 101 000 219 000 101 000 220 000 101 000 220 000 101 000 220 000 101 000 221 000 101 000 221 000 101 000 227 000 101 102 651 000 101 151 509 000 101 151 509 000 101 151 509 000 101 151 509 000 101 151 509 000 101 151 509 000 101 151 509 000 101 251 509 000 101 251 509 000 101 251 509 000 101 251*509 000 101 251 509 000 101 351 509 000 101 351 509 000 101 351 509 000 101 351 509 000 101 351 509 000 101 351 509 000 101 401 509 000 101 401 509 000 101 401 509 000 101 401 509 000 101 401 509 000 101 401 509 000 101 401 509 000 101 401 509 000 101 401 509 000 101 401 509 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ♦ _ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FUND TOTAL MANUAL CHECKS MACHINE CHECKS FINAL TOTAL MANUAL CHECKS MACHINE CHECKS -17670.54 52.08 117.68 6720.38 8852.66 267.74 50.00 50.00 160.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 0.00 0.00 17670.54 0.00 0.00 17570.54 GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT AP010396 BY ACCOUNT VENDOR VENDOR NAME NUMBER PER005 P E R S PER005 P E R S PER005 P E R S PEEL005 P E R S BYE1010 COIS M BYRD SHERIFF INT005 INTERNAL REVENUE SVC-ACS GAT050 BILL GATES PUB050 THE PUBLIC RECORD BR0010 DIANA BROWN IRW010 JOSEPH IRWIN FRA050 ROBERT FRAME LEWO10 TOM LEWIS OSE1050 LEE M OSBORNE CPA SALO10 BRUCE SALES ROD050 ERNEST RODRIGUEZ CPA BES010 LAWRENCE BEST DAV010 MIKE DAVIS ING050 CARL INGRAM PED010 KATHRYN PEDERSEN SEA010 B J SEATON BER010 NORRIS S BERNARD CHE010 JESSIE ANN CHESTNUT KEI.005 KATE KELLY STJ010 VICTORIA ST JOHNS WOLO10 KAY WOLFF TYI.050 ROBERT T TYLER BARO10 KATIE BARROWS AND005 PAUL ANDERSON BUTO10 RICHARD BUTLER GARO10 WAYNE GARDNER NAR050 NANCY NARD SHA040 ROSITA SHAMIS REY050 ELAINE REYNOLDS LA7:050 CAROLYN LAIR KLE010 MICHELLE KLEIN WAL075 JOHN WALLING UNMATCHED ACCT TTL 0.00 UNMATCHED TOTALS ARE NOT APPLIED TO THE GL 09!35AM O1/03/96 PAGE 1 INVOICE DESCRIPTION L_ c 7- CC C' AP OFFSET ENTRY P/R Distr.-PERS-SRVR BENFT(DED P/R Distr.-PERS B-BACK (DED) P/R Distr.-PERS - EMPLOYEE P/R Distr.-PERS - CITY P/R Distr.-GARNISH-C.BYRD SHRF P/R Distr.-GARNISH-I.A.S. ICMA DED IN ERROR PUBLIC RECORD SUBSCRIPTION INVESTMENT ADV BRD MEETING INVESTMENT ADV BRD MEETING INVESTMENT ADV BRD MEETING INVESTMENT ADV BRD MEETING INVESTMENT ADV BRD MEETING INVESTMENT ADV BRD MEETING INVESTMENT ADV BRD MEETING PARKS 6 REC COMM MEETING PARES 6 REC COMM MEETING PARES & REC COMM MEETING PARKS 6 REC COMM MEETING PARES & REC COMM MEETING MUMAN SVC COMM MEETING HUMAN SVC COMM MEETING HUMAN SVC COMM MEETING' HUMAN SVC COMM MEETING HUMAN SVC COMM MEETING HUMAN SVC COMM MEETING PLANNING COMM MEETING PLANNING COMM MEETING PLANNING COMM MEETING PLANNING COMM MEETING ART IN PUBLIC PLCS COMM MTNG ART IN PUBLIC PLCS COMA MTNG ART IN PUBLIC PLCS COMM MTNG ART IN PUBLIC PLCS COMM MTNG ART IN PUBLIC PLCS COMM KING ART IN PUBLIC PLCS COMM MTNG 00014 429 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - AP50081 CITY OF LA QUINTA ACCOUNT NUMBER' 101 000 101 000 101 000 201 000 FUND TOTAL FINAL TOTAL GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT AP010396 BY ACCOUNT AMOUNT - -17670.54 17670.54 0.00 0.00 UNMATCHED ACCT TTL 0.00 UNMATCHED TOTALS ARE NOT APPLIED TO THE GL 10:11AM O1/03/96 PAGE 1 INVOICE DESCRIPTION y -Co % Q CD 2 AP CASH OFFSET ENTRY AP LIABILITY OFFSET ENTRY p002w c&t,, 4 QK&M AGENDA CATEGORY: COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: ITEM TITLE: Transmittal of Treasurer's Report as of November 30, 1995 RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. BUSINESS SESSION: January 16, 1996 CONSENT CALENDAR: oZ BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Transmittal of Treasurer's Report dated November 30, 1995 for the City of La Quinta. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: I certify that this report accurately reflects all pooled investments and is in compliance with California Government Code Section 53645 as amended 1/1/86; and is in conformity with City Code 3.08.010 to 3.08.070 Investment of Money and Funds. I hereby certify that sufficient investment liquidity and anticipated revenues are available to meet next month's estimated expenditures. 0001'31 7 Fy OF lH�♦ TO: La Quinta City Council FROM: John Falconer, Finance Director/Treasurer SUBJECT: Treasurer's Report for November 30, 1995 DATE: January 05, 1996 Attached is the Treasurer's Report for the month ending November 30, 1995. This report is submitted to the City Council each month after a reconciliation of accounts is accomplished by the Finance Department. Cash and Investments: Increase of $242,806. due to the net effect of revenue in excess of expenditures. State Pool: ICMA: Decrease of $480,000. due to transfers to and from the cash and investment accounts. No change. Mutual Funds: Decrease of $168,027. due to the net effect of withdrawls from the 95 Series Proceed Fund and interest earned. Total decrease in cash balances $405,221. I certify that this report accurately reflects all pooled investments and is in compliance with the California Government Code; and is in conformity with the City Investment policy. As Treasurer of the City of La Quinta, I hereby certify that sufficient investment liquidity and anticipated revenues are available to meet the pools expenditure requirements for the next six months. V-� a."" /- ' - 9 John M. Falconer Date Finance Director/Treasurer 0 U 0 4 3 2 1 N p to N !O Co N n N N W T 2 W QN C ' pA � Q� D x o 0 _ m (D N ' � D' N� fZ/ fi/» I T N M UUII N o o— N Q m m 0 co co; o= No ao c t e 0 Wz T i N i i 6 aDODo� a 3 ° N a � I N I ?7TT T T.N.. Ili i m 2 2 2 D O o o an d F1 C Ny N i 0I O IKv Dm� o g $ ma3 N zz ���+...,0 NNNNN DD � V1 V1NN++1N coo O J+v V (TN N W 2'ag A2'2e 02' agaR a'DDCO2ED III N lS N P_ Z y m 3 3 3 m m DDDDD� aa w :NfAw '.NV {NW I++OON :a tO Wm IVm fNJ -SON O .gQ0 II ifWO VNAV +-� �OfiloV �IiN iNO IO$VC O�gOne 0V+ 0ai O !UI N+ V NN t q+♦ OpO��Np pVO co V y00 CA V mQfOC$A W N is W N+ W O) rOaO mT�i i I I 'O 000 00 O0 fit I 2 O' i i1O i O I W A IOOOOOOI$ O I� N O '.40 I� x � w O I I g CPO e M N O O mT N ° MO����ozi it gId n T T T TI� 7 .n7 m0-001 y D aIN 0 ww� MHz w DDDDDIIt p r�0,27 �C 11 �13 ai Z0-40 GAG Yd1 �Z n� �' <IT 16 o•n�r N 5. e o m d oa T I I Q ' i D S O N II W T cn D DDDDD ICI I D �i j OOOOOOOII� r 000233 3 O,ny m� CD6ED =(D o cc w w� d o cDN:r � T 0 c -n 0 W CL m`i N N OL c<oI N N O 3; a H! III I yI -n I c ll, I 1-4 CO cop V �O i� .. `pJD,Y(� 01 N O (O AI'I IAIIN 4. ON Cn iW 41 9T 'O - N 0 it+i. N o opp (oID; W'-NtQp1 A VICI -4 -96 ao'I(O V V Ai DI J VI0 CO CD -41C _W'W 0 vll CO WIN Ir ��'� O) .Ns, v'v �++ 01��p W N P Ni(D pN pJ-I AI A W AID .O "CO (OO � O� li -4��cooD3 NI80N0Ic 'vJ1-4 A"�IIN Imo' (DIP pNQ O N OOD I O J U1 N U1 �j INI � A � N OII1 Qppp Cal ca � O IO PI) CO CO O NI2 (0 N J'.O �'. CO rCo O (O I v co N'N N Z IIO fT N A '2 Olm ONE A, AI<I O N (0vt O J < A!0 m co CO ....N 'NIO m N IAI'psN-4 r---:--y O -` 00i Np QI 0) I.OI ^w VIV A 01 O'I(p IAWW10 •.,(D -01 seW V f 1 :3 W 7 '0..'_' �! rn W NNN A N N W 01 N O I�10 O K) III Cn 0 A W -Coi-w W to W NI DI 'COI. (A 0 W NW Lp O 7.I ',OIoo N CO _0'IW NON Ji A W O O 1 A C0 W N- Wig -c,"m —41 W Ln W(O O O (rl0 0 I. co: W N N N- O'0pcpoto V WTI +00f CO O CCD NI� O N (OI A c C N wINI5 C c,d Q � 0 d All xo �nID cII� a O NIA y0 Rm c'i Qv Zoo co (o :2 3 -nm < cp c N N 3 -n � c -i y C I a III N -1<500r-0000:I G ZO_ 0 C y co y C' -0 �. 3 0 7 `C w < N `G 0 =cciN 3 �`I'° fD co r v.05x011 a it —0. N o o ,1 c A (0 oai m y O.C On to S ()I Sk c 3 a � N g II I so 0 7 � I m I I � + + I (o p� to 0 m I N NJ(ON+Q� V C,) co �O III Cl ICD++�., a CefO W U( � I_Ul _CO ^(NO N V W + N D ,0WW ON CO D +� OIANppWpp+J0 + W j V O N� WWOVNN pOo A -OD EIca W La O Vv� OD J V i 'N a 000f) CITY OF LA QUINTA BALANCE SHEET 11/30196 ASSETS: POOLED CASH LQHP CASH BOND REDEMPTION CASH BOND RESERVE CASH BOND PROJECT CASH BOND ESCROW CASH PETTY CASH BANK OF THE DESERT M/M ICMA DEFERRED COMPENSATION CASH 8 INVESTMENT TOTAL ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE LOANINOTES RECEIVABLE DUE FROM OTHER AGENCIES DUE FROM OTHER GOVERNMENTS DUE FROM OTHER FUNDS DUE FROM RDA INTEREST ADVABCE•DUE FROM RDA NSF CHECKS RECEIVABLE ACCRUED REVENUE TRAVELADVANCES EMPLOYEE ADVANCES PREPAID EXPENSES RECEIVABLE TOTAL CITY CITY RDA RDA FIXED LONG TERM FIXED LONG TERM FINANCING CITY ASSETS DEBT RDA ASSETS DEBT AUTHORITY 10,292,554.50 4,191,705.36 100,587,75 299,459.10 4,422.80 536,574.44 707,820.13 13,501,825.10 171,486.35 1,000.00 9170835 279,965.79 10,583,228.64 18,801,638.10 712,242.93 FA LONG TERM GRAND DEBT TOTAL 14,484,259.86 100,587.75 303,881.90 1,244,394.57 13.501.825.10 171.486.35 1.000.00 9,708.35 279.965.79 30,D97,109.67 182,596.21 87,526.34 270,122.55 67,120.00 67.120.00 (57,244.84) (57,244.84) 551,038O4 551.038.04 6,048,957,20 6,048,957.20 252.039.90 252.039,90 707.59 707.59 2,462.75 2.462.75 6,429,518,81 705.684.38 7,135,203.19 WORKER COMPENSATION DEPOSIT RENT DEPOSITS UTILITY DEPOSITS 75,00 75,00 MISC. DEPOSITS 2,000.00 2,000.00 DEPOSITS TOTAL 2,075.00 2,075.00 GENERAL FIXED ASSETS 15,893,519.00 5.879.910.05 21,773,429,05 AMOUNT AVAILABLE TO RETIRE LIT DEBT 2,340,653.00 2,340,653.00 AMOUNT TO BE PROVIDED FOR L/T DEBT 309,279.00 70,239,577.08 8,360,000.00 78,908,856.05 TOTAL OTHER ASSETS 15,893,519.00 309,279.00 5.879.910.05 72,580,230.06 8,360,000.00 103,022,938.11 TOTAL ASSETS 17,014,822,45 15.893.519,00 309.279.00 19,507,322.48 5.879.910.03 72.SB0230 OB 712,242.93 8360.000.00 140.257.325.97 LIABILITY. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DUE TO OTHER AGENCIES 32,809.88 32,809.86 DUE TO OTHER FUNDS 551,038.04 551,038.04 INTEREST ADVANCE -DUE TO CITY ACCRUED EXPENSES 40,000.00 385,764.00 426,764.00 PAYROLL LIABILITIES (45,079.71) (45,079.71) STRONG MOTION INSTRUMENTS 1,075.37 1,075.37 FRINGE TOED LIZARD FEES 82,41T40 82,417.40 SUSPENSE (1,360.84) (1,360.B4) DUE TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA PAYABLESTOTAL 109,852.00 937,802.04 1,047,664.12 ENGINEERING TRUST DEPOSITS 35,029.78 35,029.78 SO. COAST AIR QUALITY DEPOSITS ARTS IN PUBLIC PLACES DEPOSITS 165,621.91 165,621.91 DEVELOPER DEPOSITS 155,254.40 155,254.40 MISC. DEPOSITS 12,186.62 12,186.62 AGENCY FUND DEPOSITS 850,501.68 850,501.68 ICMA-DEFERRED COMP DEPOSITS 279,96579 279,965.79 TOTAL DEPOSITS 1,498,560.18 1,498,560,18 DEFERRED REVENUE OTHER LIABILITIES TOTAL COMPENSATED ABSENCES PAYABLE 309,279.00 309,279.00 DUE TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA 6,300,998.31 6,300,998.31 NOTE DUE TO MURPHY, DALES, LANE DUE TO COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE 11,572,687.00 11,572,687.03 DUE TO C.V. UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 12,271,884.75 12,271,884.75 DUE TO DESERT SANDS SCHOOL DISTRIC 1,904,660.00 1,9D4,660.00 BONDS PAYABLE 40,530,000.00 8,360,000.00 48,890,000.00 TOTAL LONG TERM DEBT 309,279.00 72.SW,230.06 8,360,000.00 81,249,509.06 TOTAL LIABILITY 1,600,422.26 309,279.00 937,802.04 72,580,230.06 8,360,000.00 83,795,733.3E EQUITY -FUND BALANCE 15,406,400.19 15,893,5/9.00 18,569,520.44 5,879,910.05 712,242.93 56,461,592.61 TOTAL LIABILITY i EQUITY 17D14.822.45 15.893.519.00 309.279.00 19.507.322.48 5.879.91005 72.580.23008 712,242,93 0360.000.00 140.257.325.97 T4ht 4 lwCumw AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: January 16, 1996 CONSENT CALENDAR: cy— ITEM TITLE• Transmittal of Treasurer's Report as of November 30, 1995 RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Transmittal of Treasurer's Report dated November 30, 1995 for the La Quinta Financing Authority. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: I certify that this report accurately reflects all pooled investments and is in compliance with California Government Code Section 53645 as amended 1/l/86; and is in conformity with City Code 3.08.010 to 3.08.070 Investment of Money and Funds. I hereby certify that sufficient investment: liquidity and anticipated revenues are available to meet next month's estimated expenditures. 000 .33 f- Z ■/v^, Dom_//ram Lr i A f f tlt� b OF Tt�� TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: La Quinta City Council John Falconer, Finance Director/Treasurer Treasurer's Report for November 30, 1995 January 05, 1996 Attached is the Treasurer's Report for the month ending November 30, 1995. This report is submitted to the City Council each month after a reconciliation of accounts is accomplished by the Finance Department. Cash and Investments: Increase of $242,806. due to the net effect of revenue in excess of expenditures. State Pool: ICMA: Decrease of $480,000. due to transfers to and from the cash and investment accounts. No change. Mutual Funds: Decrease of $168,027. due to the net effect of withdrawls from the 95 Series Proceed Fund and interest earned. Total decrease in cash balances $405,221. I certify that this report accurately reflects all pooled investments and is in compliance with the California Government Code; and is in conformity with the City Investment policy. As Treasurer of the City of La Quinta, I hereby certify that sufficient investment liquidity and anticipated revenues are available to meet the pools expenditure requirements for the next six months. John M. Falconer Finance Director/Treasurer Date 00037 7 0 I'D E T ID ID '.O'm C 0 C 000 0 ° cr Da 00 O'K NPr c D OCOT CD y c5 0 0 aOr ((DD —,i Fy'. .H'. 9 m� o wmo mm= wA� w0,m oni m - 'a'.N Co �i m 0 m m i DK � N� mo 3 3 mi 3 ap,n a) m m r y m m d d' m (o m ° �.,N m III d n� dam 0 �m O 9 II, CL 0 vt m ao 9 a, c N Ca n d q r �1 .Zl .Zl Q 0 < co (Dj Nam' �O 9 I n n 7 I I Qe H N I i M T T V I I. 'N T T C7 y FO U3 l N D N N cn cn 0 0 0, W d T M T d 91 m m = S m =n � � ill �'�'-.-- -0-o KR. D3_. 0 da0 de0 O0 0 0 I � m m z z ————— m WNW AW M CID OD 0,zz z 1 o o e m 0 N (mn 3.330.0. cL 3 cd m 33 Z Z O DDDD Dbj7 annan a as IISI,O . Old O N N' j 0) CID Np I/OD O-mg-p':4 � �(0D 1,0 iN O W �I Ne, �; W AN V 0 A 1VO(VD OI N(07(O V j ONO' W !CO OD OCID V eh j� T W V A (D W iN N OI OD Oi i W i IIN O wi IOC. III t»N� j NN +OppD��(((ppT �� NWCl VV NAA O-O O'VN OI ,On N -4 +. V V N I'SO° BOO 0 t0 0 0 V w (p V 0 0. 00 O O O( O A W li �.Wi 6N — w 0Nb. 00101 q'DA DOO?O im O00 OOVI .O+ N O00 0 00 00 jy pp Ol0 0 00 018 0 -01 00 A I0 iI� �I iJ 0 O tOJ IIW is a .b iW �0 i. O 10 ae � D 8 O I,O lei O w 2a O I m Do 1 � j,m: �0Us 0z � eE 0°y3 w 31 2 0 0 A III �y. Sn �nSn C d Gf L N � 'no000 Q y O O O O_ (p i 0 000D �fVT00 j V V O O O O y I Z Z Z ? � C c d DDDDDma = C a OD i° N 1 0 0 0 0 0 f < f < o a (DO<O(D ODUd( 3 ZZZ;�2w'n DDDDDjm zzzzzm D D D D D m C T U (T U w O) O D W O O O O m 0 0 0 o aaaa y I Y 0 0 0 0 0 0 010 2 D e 0001238 0 2 3 L m T <° m 7 CL N O m 3 T m c T CL c N CL WIT 0 p -4 .N. J (3)N W " (n 01 O W A -� OI�NON,�! ',OO W _, NUt NN�� + j+N�� co 000-°! W A ICUIW VO W-°_, ';(p+ N �OJ AOA A, A (D 0 A.O IJ 0000 O (o J co CD �W H W N� N 'JI A 0 Co 0, 3; �c0 -co W 0 O 3' 10 A -00 NIIO! cr IN C) OA ��' V(Wii (O o c0 w W C" O N (DONa co (D ON r 0 01 O"(D(D W N w V N +'a 00j(WD co:Ni WW 000ICo A V N W W O)N _ IW — N W N (oN 0 CD co J J 0 W 0 A A A< J'aJ O< I'FN CO W 3 Ico l W N N 'V NNC + 3 NO 0N,,LD �N o0Coo CO9 N W W 4 A v NIw N N N - N W N (nIK, A W W g° i0 'LID c7+ W (0 d) 1 OIUt O N 0I� 0 AI I(D I -45FO g000 iCh 2- = Z c 0) O m N A j� c''�ow3go3� m OIQ°mq�d�cmw '�' c I 11-0 D. v c x 0 C T c O N .� 0 o ,an Q — o .i >i MQ a fD y CL100 c 7 c CL LL III I 01 o z 0 0 < .N.. '0 = 3 v ° c a CD W ° 0 W0c ° c ° o �m 0 I W �sI !� < 7 < � N 3 01 7 � N 0) N co 0-4 cc W 0CD N N N N O �O'! W A J N W 0 N i !NO0D�J4 V��� OAfc 000233 a -UOUZ37- CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CITY - RDA RDA FA BALANCE SHEET 11130/95 FIXED LONG TERM FIXED LONG TERM FINANCING LONG TERM GRAND CITY ASSETS DEBT RDA ASSETS DEBT AUTHORITY DEBT TOTAL ASSETS: POOLED CASH 10,292,554,50 4,191,705.36 14,484,259,86 LQHP CASH 100,587.75 100,587,75 BOND REDEMPTION CASH 299,459.10 4,422.80 303,881.90 BOND RESERVE CASH 536,574.44 707,820.13 1,244,394.57 BOND PROJECT CASH 13,501,825.10 13,501,825.10 BOND ESCROW CASH 171,486.35 171 485 35 PETTY CASH 1,000.00 1,000.00 BANK OF THE DESERT MIM 9,708.35 9.708.35 ICMA DEFERRED COMPENSATION 279,965.79 279,965 79 CASH & INVESTMENT TOTAL 10,583,228.64 18,801,638. 10 712,242.93 30,097,109.67 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 182,596.21 87,526.34 270,122.55 LOANINOTES RECEIVABLE 67.120.00 67,120.00 DUE FROM OTHER AGENCIES (67,244,84) (57.244.84) DUE FROM OTHER GOVERNMENTS DUE FROM OTHER FUNDS 551,038.04 551,038.04 DUE FROM RDA 6,048,967.20 6,048.957,20 INTEREST ADVABCE-DUE FROM RDA 252,039.90 262.039.90 NSF CHECKS RECEIVABLE 707,59 70T59 ACCRUED REVENUE TRAVEL ADVANCES 2,462.75 2,462.75 EMPLOYEE ADVANCES PREPAID EXPENSES RECEIVABLE TOTAL 6,429,518.81 705.684.38 7, 135,203.19 WORKER COMPENSATION DEPOSIT RENT DEPOSITS UTILITY DEPOSITS 7&00 75.00 MISC. DEPOSITS 2,000.00 2.000.00 DEPOSITS TOTAL 2,07&00 2.075.00 GENERAL FIXED ASSETS 15,893,519.00 5,879,910.05 21,773,429.05 AMOUNT AVAILABLE TO RETIRE L7! DEBT 2,340,653,00 2,340,653.00 AMOUNT TO BE PROVIDED FOR LIT DEBT 309,279.00 70.239,677,06 8,360,000.00 78,908,856.06 TOTAL OTHER ASSETS 15,893,519.00 309.279.00 5,879,910.05 72,580,230.06 8,360,000.00 103,022,938.11 TOTAL ASSETS 17,014,822.45 15,893,519.00 309_Z7%W 19,507,322.48 5 879 910 05 72 580 230 06 712,242.93 8,360 000.00 140 257 325 97 LIABILITY ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DUE TO OTHER AGENCIES 32,809.86 32.809.86 DUE TO OTHER FUNDS 551,038.04 551,038.04 INTEREST ADVANCE -DUE TO CITY ACCRUED EXPENSES 40,000.00 386,764.00 426,764.00 PAYROLL LIABILITIES (45,079.71) (45,079.71) STRONG MOTION INSTRUMENTS 1,075.37 1,075.37 FRINGE TOED LIZARD FEES 82,417.40 82,417,40 SUSPENSE (1,360.84) (1,360.84) DUE TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA PAYABLESTOTAL 109,862.08 937,802.04 1,047,664,12 ENGINEERING TRUST DEPOSITS 35,029.78 35,029.78 SO. COAST AIR QUALITY DEPOSITS ARTS IN PUBLIC PLACES DEPOSITS 165.621.91 165,621,91 DEVELOPER DEPOSITS 165.254.40 155,254.40 MISC. DEPOSITS 12,186.62 12,196.62 AGENCY FUND DEPOSITS 850,501.68 850,501.68 ICMA-DEFERRED COMP DEPOSITS 279,%5.79 279,965.79 TOTAL DEPOSITS 1,498,560.18 1,498,560,18 DEFERRED REVENUE OTHER LIABILITIES TOTAL COMPENSATED ABSENCES PAYABLE 309.279.00 309,279.00 DUE TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA 6,300,998.31 6,300,998.31 NOTE DUE TO MURPHY, DALES, LANE DUE TO COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE 11,572,687.00 11,572,687.00 DUE TO C.V. UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 12,271,894.75 12,271,884.75 DUE TO DESERT SANDS SCHOOL DISTRIC 1,904,660.00 1,904,66DD0 BONDS PAYABLE _ 40,530,000.00 8,360,000.00 48,890,000.00 TOTAL LONG TERM DEBT 309,279.00 72,580,230.06 8,360,000.D0 81,249,509.06 TOTAL LIABILITY 1,608,422.26 309,279.00 937,802.04 72,580,230.06 8,360,000.00 83.796.733.36 EQUITY -FUND BALANCE TOTAL LIABILITY & EQUITY 15,406,400.19 15,893,519.00 18,569,520.44 5,879,910.05 712,242.93 56,461,592.61 17,014,822.45 15,893,519.00 309,279.00 19,507,322.48 5 879 910.05 72 58 2230 06 712.242.93 8 360 000 00 140,257,325.97 0002 4 0 5 T4ht 4 4 " AGENDA CATEGORY: COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: January 16, 1996 ITEM TITLE• Approval of Overnight Travel for the Finance Director to Attend the 1996 California Society Municipal Finance Officers (CSMFO) Seminar in Burbank, California, February 25 - 27, 1996 RECOMMENDATION: i`►Ix.�.3.9:I.Y.9 colas CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Approve overnight travel for the Finance Director to attend the three day 1996 California Society of Municipal Finance Officers (CSMFO) Seminar Conference in Burbank, California on February 25 - 27, 1996. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Costs associated with attending the Conference will be funded through Fiscal Services Training & Meetings, Account No. 101-151-637-000. This conference was budgeted in the 1995/96 Budget. The breakdown of expenditures anticipated for this conference are as follows: ► Conference Enrollment $180.00 ► Overnight Lodging/Meals/Mileage 438.00 Total $618.00 The CSMFO 1996 Annual Seminar is a 3 day conference that focuses on Bond Issues and Investments, Evidence and Asset Seizure, GASB and CCMA Updates, and Strategic Planning. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: Available Alternatives: Approve overnight travel for the Finance Director to attend the CSFMO Seminar in Burbank, California, February 25 - 27, 1996; 2. Deny overnight travel for the Finance Director. 000241 M Director �y, F m T AcAICy- M GMax CD 44 CC 24 JR E p w ... ' ^ � + •• gal eJ 4i #i m Sri �ti Lei R 19 19 IR$ fig, , * * .6 bi N N wi of • ♦ e di r. a H 122. yay � mp •m�CCC i$ � Q� _ye �am 3 e gg Y i i o ri �i,1ei. sp,i my,, 888s s$$ A :- dJ N Fi 6 th 16 u'i vi u'i. 4i s s g s g $g gs BE 19 R ssg di OJ w N IV C^i H lei I�i m m R f W a i 00024? O Oda p" Wj v. �• , r 1 1 q A A. A w cWA w w 41 Oa�f• pp O H H S O O O O H a H G V tT t11 tT iT iT iT iT Y W • �L ss1 $""9 �+ h• f7•. " N gig I s y ¢ m s $ o s 3 � 3 - o u y f�f IL ffi O � a x •r 'd. H T MR • C!. CR t , Ir b F • i r w� a y C i k s i 4. 000241 1996 CSFi10 SESI1Kd LIGHTS WELCOME SEE CSMFO 1996 ANNUAL SEMINAR CAMERA "Lights, Camera, Finance - Take 96 - Burbank" BL'RBM CuffORN6i February 25 - 27, 1996 Dear CSMFO Members and Associates: The San Gabriel Valley Chapter of the California Society of Municipal Finance Officers and the City of Burbank are looking forward to hosting the 1996 Annual Seminar. We are excited about the seminar topics and special events that are planned for you. The City of Burbank and the surrounding area have numerous attractions available to you. These include studio taping tickets at Walt Disney studios, NBC, and Warner Brothers; a tour of Warner Brothers; a Saturday afternoon behind the scenes at Dodger Stadium; Universal Studios and Universal Citywalk; the Gene Autry Western Heritage Museum; and Gospel Brunch at the House of Blues - West Hollywood. In addition, the Sunday evening hosted reception will be on a Warner Brothers soundstage. The seminar offers an excellent program, which will include topics on the Entertainment Industry, Bond Issues and Investments, Evidence and Asset Seizure, GASB and CCMA Updates, and Strategic Planning. The seminar will also feature some excellent keynote speakers, such as: Buck Joseph - "Setting a Vision" Kathleen Connell - "Current Goals of the State Controller's Office" Larry Kimbell - "Where Is California's Economy Heading?" Featured speakers as well as other seminar topics and events are further outlined in the enclosed program summary pamphlet. We have also included materials for the various special events you can participate in. After reviewing them, we hope you will join us for CSMFO's 36th Annual Seminar in Burbank. Sincerely, Barbara Steckel CSMFO President Elect Al Holliinan 1996 Annual Seminar Chair 4 0002'45 1996CSMSUM SEMINAR REGISTRATION FORM ucMm �\�� CSMFO 1996 ANNUAL SEMINAR wwKE "Lights, Camera, Finance - Take '96 - Burbank" February 25 - 27, 1996 CAMERA 11111 K, CUINIRMA (Please use separate form for each registrant. Photocopies accepted.) Name (Please print of type) Title : City/Company' 1 ) Mailing Address: City/Steta2lp Telephone 4EGISTRATION FEES ACTIVE of GOVEfiNMElfT ASSOCLATE (includes one meal ticket for each of the scheduled meals) COMMERCIAL (includes one meal ticket for each of the scheduled meals) DALY GOVEIiNMEIIIT (includes one meal ticket for each day'slunch) Circle: Monday Tuesday DALY COMMERCIAL (includes one meal ticket for each day's lunch) Circle: Monday Tuesday SpousaiGuest Name memo 1cnecK one ooar: posunwked: Before 1 /5/96 a 180 Before 2/1/96 $205 At Conference $230 Before 1/5/96 $306 Before 2/1/96 $330 At Conference $355 Before 1/5/96 $105 par day or • a 75 Before 2/1 /96 a 110 per day or • a 85 At Conference $120 par day or • a100 •kxAmWo er ddy r.0 with on* his govermwK roo oaon $130 EXTRA (MEAL TICKETS (Spouse/Guesb) OrrardH Price Monday: Lunch $23.00 Banquet $45.00 Tuesday: Lunch $23.00 Complimentary breakfast will be provided to all seminar participants. (Meal tickets purchased on -site will be: Lunch $28.00: Banquet $50.00) a S s Make check payable to: CSMFO SEMINAR' TOTAL a GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS u vepeornen u �---I Mail check with this form to: City of Burbank, CSMFO 1996 Seminar, Attn: Laura Valdivia, 275 E. Olive Avenue, Burbank, CA 911502. If you have any questions please call Laura at 1818) 238-5500. 0 O 0 `t `t 6 Refund Policy Advance registrants unable to attend the seminar may receive a refund of the registration fee less $35 processing charge by submitting a written request to the above address. Requests for refund must be received by Thursday, February S. 1996. No refunds will be made after February 8, 1996. Substitute attendees will be accepted at any time. _ _�7 Lj CSMFO 1996 ANNUAL SEMINAR *** BURBANK *** NOTE: for regular conference participants, this session is a roundtable topic included in the registration fee. If any City staff would like to register for this session onfv, a separate fee of $45 (including lunch) wX be charged. Please use the attached form to register. Make copies as needed. TOPIC: DATE AND TIME. SPEAKERS: PROGRAM TOPICS. 10:00 - 11:15 am 11:15 - 12.00 noon PROGRAM MATERIALS Tuesday, February 27, 1996 Mr. William S. Morgan, CPA Director of Management Consulting Diehl, Evans, & Company 10:00 am - 12:00 noon Lt. Joseph T. Latta Property and Evidence Specialist Burbank Police Department Proper Accountina and Control Procedures for Proowty and Evidence • Systems and procedures for the collection, documentation, packaging and labeling of property and evidence. • Proper segregation of duties and security procedures in property and evidence rooms. • Recommended accounting controls for the release of property to courts, crime labs, the District Attorney, etc. • Proper inventory procedures in the verification of property and evidence. Latest Developments in the Procurement. Accounting and Reporting for Asset Seizure Funds • How can a police agency maximize the amount of asset seizure funds received? • What are "impermissible uses" of federal and state asset seizure funds, and what is the Clinton Administration's current policy on the payment of police salaries for a multiagency narcotics task force? • What funds and accounts are required to be established on the police agency's books and records, to be in accordance with federal and California rules? • What new audit requirements have been issued by the Department of Justice and Department of the Treasury? A comprehensive manual will be issued to each attendee, which will cover the program topics noted above. 6 "W2�47 * * * REGISTRATION FORM * * * EVIDENCE AND ASSET SEIZURE - WHAT FINANCE AND POLICE SHOULD KNOW Tuesday, February 27, 1996 11:00 am - 1:50 pm Burbank Hilton and Convention Center (Please use separate form for each registrant) Name City/Company Address Phone ( ) Cost. $45.00 per person (includes lunch) Make Check Payable To: CSMFO Please mail form and check to: City of Burbank CMSFO 1996 Seminar Attn: Angela Knackstedt 275 E. Olive Avenue Burbank, CA 91502 000�'48 T4ht " AGENDA CATEGORY: COUNCILIRDA MEETING DATE: January 16, 1996 ITEM TITLE• Approval of overnight travel for the Planning Commission, Community Development Director, and Planning Manager to attend the League of California Cities Planning Commissioner's Institute in Long Beach, March 20-22, 1996 BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: 'L STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Approve the overnight travel for the Planning Commission, Community Development Director, and Planning Manager to attend the League of California Cities (LCC) Planning Commissioner's Institute Conference. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The costs associated with the attendance to the LCC Planning Commissioner's Institute Conference will be funded through the Community Development Department Travel and Meeting Account and the Planning Commissioner's Training and Education funds (Account No. 101-401-637-000). The cost estimate breakdown per person is as follows: a Registration $205.00 • Transportation 83.00 • Meals 225.00 • Lodging 360.00 Total $873.00 BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: This conference provides the Commissioners and staff with updates on current planning activities. The Commissioners interact with fellow Commissioners regarding their communities. In addition, the conference is a benefit to the Commissioners and staff to keep them aware of new laws and regulations dealing with development. 00024', 00 �TTT Ml LW11"IUMVIlet1 Options available to the City Council: 1. Approve the overnight travel as requested; 2. Deny the request. 000 CCJH.001 Tjht 4 QN&M AGENDA CATEGORY: COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: January 16, 1996 ITEM TITLE: Approval of Overnight Travel for the City Clerk to attend the League of California Cities' City Attorneys/City Clerks Joint Continuing Education Seminar on Elections in Burbank, February 1, 1996 RECOMMENDATION: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Approve overnight travel for the City Clerk to attend the City Attorneys/City Clerks Joint Continuing Education Seminar sponsored by the League of California Cities in Burbank, February 1, 1996. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: Funds are budgeted in Account 101-201-637-000. Estimated costs are as follows: Seminar Cost $155 Overnight Lodging/Meals/Mileage 200 Total $355 BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW The League of California Cities will be sponsoring its first joint workshop for City Attorneys and City Clerks on the subject of elections on February 1, 1996 in Burbank. Attached as Exhibit "A" is a copy of the program which should prove to be very beneficial. Both the City Attorney and City Clerk are planning to attend the workshop. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES 1. Approve the requested overnight travel. 2. Deny the requested overnight travel. O O O 5 42) AUNDRA L. JUHOLA, City Clerk 09 Immr i■MK omi League of California Cities IM-&L 1400 K STREET • SACRAMENTO, CA 95814 • (916) 658-8AECE!VED California Cities JO 21 2 Pi l 12 34 Work Together City Attorneys/City C1er'g4RK�'TA Continuing Education Seminar on Elections Thursday, February 1.1996 Burbank Airport Hilton Hotel 2500 Hollywood Blvd Burbank, CA 91505 8181843-6000 Thursday. February 22.1996 Hilton Hotel - Oakland 1 Hegenberger Road Oakland, CA 94614 5101635-5000 Registration 8: 00 - 9:30 am; Seminar 9: 00 am - 3:30 pm Who Should Attend + City Attorneys, their Assistants and Deputies + City Clerks, their Assistants and Deputies 4 Other Municipal Law Practitioners 4 Other Elections Officials What You Will Learn The city clerks and city attorneys departments of the League are collaborating to provide a true "nuts and bolts" education on the elections process from both the city clerks' and the city attorneys' perspectives. This seminar will provide those attending with a solid grounding in elections law and process, including initiatives, referenda, recall, elections contests and the limits on those devices. In addition, roundtable discussions scheduled for the middle of the program allow attendees to submit discussion topics of interest in advance (please use the attached form to make suggestions). Substantive written materials prepared by both sets of professionals will serve as a las.- ag reference document to those who attend this not -to -be -missed session. Minimum continuing legal education (MCLE) credit. The League of California Cities certifies this activity has been approved for minimum continuing legal education credit by the State Bar of California in the amount of five hours. The League certifies that this activity conforms to the standards for approved education activities prescribed by the rules and regulations of the State Bar of California governing minimum continuing legal education. Space is limited and registration will be first -come, first -served. Only advance registration is available for this workshop. Registration Deadlines are: 4 Friday, January 26,1996, for meeting date, Thursday, February 1, IN 2 5 ti 4 Friday, February 16,1996, for meeting date, Thursday, February �2 1996 Preliminary Program 8:00 - 9:00 a.m. Registration Open 9:00 - 10:10 a.m. Overview of Municipal Election Process • Types of Elections and Relative Costs (e.g., statewide, regular, general, municipal, etc.) • Election Notices • Candidate Nominations • Candidate Qualifications • Petitions f'or Initiatives, Referenda and Recall • Ballot Preparation • Conduct of Elections + Canvass of Vote/Declaration of Results • Election Contests • Recordation and Oath --Application of Procedures to Charter Cities • Writs to Strike Language as False, Misleading or Not in Conformity with Election Code • Role and Resources Provided by Secretary of State, Registrar of Voters and County Elections Officials • Consolidation • When People Take Office Speakers: Allison Villarante, City Clerk, Vallejo Jonathan P. Lowell, City Attorney, San Bruno 10:25 - 10:45 a.m. Initiatives • Notice of Intent/Publication or Posting • Ballot Title and Summary • Signatures • Declaration of Petition Circulator • Filing • Petition Format • Confidentiality and Retention of Petitions • City Council Actions/Options • Signature Requirements • Election Timing • City Attorney Analysis • Amendments/Subsequent Legislation Speakers: 0001253 Barbara A. Howard, CMC/AAE, City Clerk, Lancaster Roy C. Abrams, City Attorney, San Mateo sz 10:45 - 11:00 a.m. Referenda • Petition Signatures and Time Requirements • Petition Circulation Procedures + Petition Format/Content Requirements • Petition Filing • Council Options If Referendum Effort Succeeds • Election Timing • Amendments/Subsequent Legislation Speakers: Angelina Reyes, CMC, City Clerk, Hayward Elyse K. Traynum, City Attorney, Perris 11:00 -11:20 a.m. Duty to Place on Ballot --Defects of Form Speakers: Myrna Erway, CMC, City Clerk, San Clemente Michael D. Milich, City Attorney, Modesto 11:20 a.m. - noon Constitutional and Other Limitations on Use of Initiative and Referendum • Single Subject Rule • Naming Individuals to Government Positions • Legislative versus Administrative /Adjudicatory Acts • Directive to Take a Legislative Act • Impairment of Essential Governmental Functions • Duty to Place on Ballot --Defects of Substance • Advisory Measures Exemption from Certain Statutory Procedural Requirements (Section 65858, CEQA, etc.) Speakers: Lynda Burgess, CMC/AAE, City Clerk, Diamond Bar David W. McMurtry, City Attorney, Loomis noon - 1:00 p.m. Lunch 1:15 - 2:30 p.m. Round Table Discussions (questions submitted a month in advance) • Respective Roles 2:30 - 3:00 p.m. Recall • Limitations • Notice Requirements 000,254 • Answer • Petition (Foam, Contents and Filing) • Veracity of Charges ' • Signature Collection • Filing and Examination of Petition • Election Timing • Ballot • Canvas of Votes/Declaration of Result • Successor Candidates • City Attorney/City Clerk Concerns • Successor Elections Speakers: Mary Jo Southall, City Clerk, Covina Stephanie R. Scher, City Attorney, Palos Verdes Estates 3:00 - 3:30 p.m. Election Contests • Who May Contest • Grounds for Contest • Statement of Contest • Pretrial Proceedings • Trial • Determination and Judgment • Costs • Review • Related Proceedings to Set Aside Elections Speakers Elizabeth Villeral, CMC, City Clerk, Pomona Stanly T. Yamamoto, City Attorney, Riverside 3:30 p.m. Adjourn MCLE Credit: 5.0 Hours Registration Fee Registration must be postmarked no later than Friday, January 26,1996, for meeting date, Thursday, February 1, 1996; Friday, February 16, 1996, for meeting date, Thursday, February 22, 1996. The one -day fee includes all materials and events for that day. For any questions regarding registration, please contact the League conference registration office at 510/283-2113. City Attorneys/City Clerks • $155 (city attorneys/city clerks & staff) All Others • $195 _ (non-public officials) 0 U 0 4; S ) No registration receipt will be sent for this seminar; telephone contact will be made only if we are unable to confirm registration. :il i Refund Policy Advance registrants unable to attend this meeting will receive a refund of the registration fee, less a $35 processing charge, by submitting a written request to the League of California Cities, Conference Registration Office, Box 1519, Lafayette, CA 94549; FAX 510/283-7833. Requests for refunds must be received by Monday, January 29, 1996 for meeting date Thursday, February 1, 1996; Monday, February 19,1996 for meeting date Thursday, February 22, 1996. Payment In order to process registration, payment in full must accompany the attached form. You may pay your registration fee by check, money order, Visa or Mastercard. No purchase orders, American xnre or Discover cards please. If paying by credit card, you are welcome to register by faxing 510/283-7833. To assure this program benefits all who attend, please advise us on the registration form if any attendee has a disability requiring special accommodations. Hotel Reservations Thursday, February 1, 1996 - Burbank Airport Hilton Hotel, 2500 Hollywood Blvd., Burbank, CA 91505, 818/843-6000 Sleeping room rates are $89 single/double, plus 10 percent hotel tax. Please contact the Burbank Hilton's Reservations Department and request the League rate. Thursday. February 22. 1996 - Hilton Hotel - Oakland, 1 Hegenberger Road, Oakland, CA 94614, 510/635-5000 Sleeping room rates are $79 single/double, plus 11 percent hotel tax. Please contact the Oakland Hilton's Reservations Department and request the League rate. Transportation Southwest. Discount airfares are available for city travel on Southwest Airlines in California. Unrestricted ticket vouchers priced at $42.00 per segment ($84.00 roundtrip) may be purchased in advance through the League Sponsored Statewide Purchasing Program by calling toll free 1800 435-9792. Tickets ordered by the 10th of each month will be received by the end of the month. If your city has not already purchased a block of ticket vouchers (minimum six segments) contact Neal Lindhjem at the League at 916/658-8262, for Southwest information and to request order forms. Hertz. Discount rates with unlimited mileage are available one week prior and one week after this meeting from Hertz. Call Hertz Meeting Services at 1800 654-2240 and indicate the League of California Cities Meeting Number CV414655. Amtrak. Amtrak offers a ten percent discount off round-trip regular or excursion coach fares for travel throughout cities in California. For information and reservations contact Amtrak at 1800 USA -RAIL and give the agent the Amtrak Fare Code X-52F-932. Discount does not apply to additional accommodation charges for sleeping car or custom class. Directions. Hilton Hotel - Oakland: Located at the entrance to Oakland International Airport. From Freeway 80, exit at Coliseum/Hegenberger Road. The Burbank Hilton is across the street from the Burbank Glendale -Pasadena Airport. From Golden State Freeway 5: exit at Hollywood Way. Going south, turn right, go one mile, hotel is on the left. Going north, turn left under the Freeway, go one mile and hotel is on the left. From Ventura Freeway 134 West: exit on Hollywood Way, turn right, go four miles, Hilton is on the right. From Ventura Freeway East: exit on Pass Avenue, turn left over Freeway to Verdugo, turn right, go to Hollywood Way, turn left, go about four miles, hotel is on the right Lff Parking. Parking is $5 per day at Burbank with no in -out privileges; and free parking in Oakland 000256 City/Agency City Attorneys/City Clerks Joint Continuing Education Seminar on Elections ❑ Thursday. Februaa 1.1996 ❑ Thuu&z February 22. 1996 Burbank Airport Hilton Hotel Hilton Hotel - Oakland ADVANCE CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FORM Enter first and last name and official title as they should appear on conference badge and registration card. NAME TITLE To help us plan for any special needs, please indicate if any registrant requires special accommodations for disabilities. Who? What? Registration Deadlines: Friday, January 26,1996, for meeting date, Thursday, February 1,1996 and Friday, February 16,1996, for meeting date, Thursday, February 22,1996 REGISTRATION FEES: City Attorneys/City Clerks @ $155 = $ (city attomeys/city clerks & staff) All Others @ $195 = $ (non-public officials) Total $ PAYMENT INFORMATION: Check which is enclosed (no purchase orders, American Express or Discover cards). Make checks payable to League of California Cities. _City Check _Personal Check _ VISA _MasterCard Name on Credit Card: Credit Card Number: Authorized Signature:, Expiration Date: REGISTRATION RECEIPTS. No registration receipt will be sent for this seminar; telephone contact will be made only if we are unable to confum registration. Name: Title: Address: City: Telephone: Zip: Fax: RETURN THIS FORM BY Friday, January 26,1996, for meeting date, Thursday, February 1,1996; Friday, February 16,1996, for meeting date, Thursday, February 22,1996 TO League of California Cities, P.O. Box 1519, Lafayette, CA 94549, 510/283-2118; FAX 510/283-7833 (for those paying with credit card ONLY!) g:ltrain\ntglldaylcaannc96.doc 0 0 0 � 5 7 . T-,dT 4 Qumm AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: January 16, 1996 CONSENT CALENDAR: 40 ITEM TITLE: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Denial of Claim for Damages Filed by Robert W. Gutierrez, Date of Loss November 30, 1995 RECOMMENDATION: Reject the Claim for Damages filed by Robert W. Gutierrez, date of loss November 30, 1995. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The amount of the claim has not been identified by the claimant. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The attached claim (Attachment #1) filed by Robert W. Gutierrez, date of loss November 30, 1995, was forwarded to the Coachella Valley Joint Powers Insurance Authority (CVJPIA). The CVJPIA, as indicated in Attachment 2, recommends that the City Council deny the claim. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council are: 1. Reject the claim as recommended by the CVJPIA; 2. Pay the claim when the amount is identified. John M. Falconer 0001'53 Jnance Director fj FORM #1(FRONT) r� - (f W, f I .d S►►'L04�, FILE WITH: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE P.O. _BO$ I50'4 LA QUINTA, CAL. 92253 CLAIM FOR DAMAGES TO PERSON OR PROPERTY INSTRUCTIONS 1. Claims for death, injury to person or to personal property must be filed not later than six months after the occurrence. (Gov. Code Sec. 911.2.) 1 2. Claims for damages to real property must be filed not later than 1 year after the occurrence. (Gov. Code Sec. 911.2.) a Read entire claim form before filing. 4. See page 2 for diagram upon which to locate place of accident. a This claim form must be signed on page 2 at bottom. 6. Attach separate sheets, if necessary, to give full details. SIGN EAC4 SHEET. TO: [Name of city] Name of Claiman Home Address of Claimant l —k Business Address of Claimant r ATTACHMENT NO. 1 CLAIM NO. RECEIVED C 6 P11 3 28 'Jr LA QUINTA CITY CLERK Date of Birth of Claimant 3=� Y-149 Occupation of Claimant ity an State Home Telephone Number 11 S-6 ` - City andState Business Telephone Nulfiber Give address and telephM n� umber to which you desire notices or communications to �sent Claimant's Social Security No. regarding this claim: f�i b��7't 56 q _ V 7."6-7 D 7 6 ` SO 5-./ When did pAMAGEE or INJURY occur? Data Time — If claim is for Equitable Indemnity, give date claimant served with the complaint: Names of any city employees involved in INJURY or DAMAGE vaw Where did DAMAGE or INJURY occur? Describe fully, and locate on diagram on reverse side of t is sheat. VYhere appropriate, give st , names and address and mass �ya rite f m landmarks: La �ut,�� G tT� 4 Ki S �� �}- 9 at ``g E"4 A0C50J'7s4- fa- Ave .C'►na,.or� rtik4- r�a.r�^�it-e.4es;A44t'e4:yv-1 L3ecy.�e_.5-�. �. 0 gorkS wa%+.r�gt a�+r4..����P°� Note � oeeezete. llraeryff A JAJO Describe in detail haw the DAMA6E or INJURY occurred. t�S �+ &V\ A '5 0 (ALL,A. �� r peg �- 1n.� -� �.��-� tgz' �-- �^-g� a� b � �-�- G-►��r ri S �.�- r�eQ..,r P� 4 TIrc r�RQ w l re �� �rj(p�p obi ��"'' Why do you claim the city is responsible? w A—% i H.. C (% t m t AV Describe in detail each INJURY or DAMAGE 7�Wo +1teS Q" r-ttis SEE PAGE 2 (OVER) 000125,0 THIS CLAIM MUST BE SIGNED ON REVERSE SIDE FORM #1(BACK) The amount claimed, as of the date of presentation of this claim, is computed as follows: Damages incurred to date (exact): Estimated prospective damages as far as known: Damage to property ......................... S_ - Future expenses fbr medical and hospital care .... $ Expenses for medical and hospital care ......... S_ Future loss of earnings ....................... $ Loss of earnings ............................ S— Other prospective special damages ............ $ Special damages for ........................ S_ Prospective general damages ................. $ Total estimate prospective damages .......... $ General damages ........................... S— Total damages incurred to date .............. $ Total amount claimed as of date of presentation of this claim: $ Was damage and/or injury investigated by police? n-1-0 If so, what city? Were paramedics or arr.bulance called? A tZ2 - If so, name city or ambulance If injured, state date, time, name and address of doctor of your first visit WITNESSES to DAMAGE gr INJURY: List ali persons and addresses of persons known to have information: Name rn YoroYLrrc.. -Address _S/-6,10 t"drtreL.L'ui Phone : 64-1(727 Name Address_ Phone Name Address_ Phone DOCTORS and HOSPITALS: Hospital Address_ Date Hospitalized Doctor Address Date of Treatment Doctor Address_ Date of Treatment READ CAREFULLY For all accident claims place on following diagram names of streets, or your vehicle when you first saw City vehicle; location of City vehicle including North, East, South, and West: indicate place of accident by at time of accident by 'A•1" and location of yourself or your vehicle at "X" and by shoring house numbers or distances to street ca^cr.. thz time of tho accident by "E-: ' and the point ct i„-,pact by "X:' If City Vehicle was involved, designate by letter A' location of City NOTE: If diagrams below do not fit the situation, attach hereto a proper Vehicle when you first saw it, and by "B" location of yourself diagram signed by claimant. CURB Claimant or person filing on A% relationship to Claimant: SIDEWALK PARKWAY SIDEWALK 11 rped Name: R013M W. GU[IERREZ 111-30-V MUST BE FILED WITH CITY CLERK (Gov. Code Sea 915a). Presentation of a false claim is a Is" (Pon. Code Sea 72.) 6 UPnrton TIRES TIRES BRAKES AUTOMOTIVE SERVICES DATE, 121/04195 DOC, TYPE: QUOTE 'IME: &:31 PM C'UJTEI# : " 9 1 -):0 783 VER#: 6.85 spa . ;E.Aui MOPING -UST#: tdAKE: MAN EST#: tiDDR!: 4DR:: CITY: INGIO P.O.#: AUTH BY: CHONE: JOB/VEH: ' :N# ITEM# pRODICT# DESCRIPTION M# QUANTITY 1 +JP-1 1-0iO4 4RE 73 140 CHROME 4JGGET 2.96 2 ",5 25-14 WINNER 69 29514 2.9A MINIMUM MILEAGE WARRANTY `b99E BONDED TIRE SERV AGREE # 2.06 T1r;E SERIAL # 3 0-148 PASS-STK PREMIUM LIFETIME BAL 4 413 VALVE STEM IEACSO t ,11 �W� IYDi? uD IND10 -A 32EVI PHONE: 619-342-1597 BAR#: Aco77119 EF'A#: CA1 &VU3162 MAKE: MODEL: YEAR: CDOMETER: LICENSE: FETS LINIT$ UM M EXT-FETS .'a9 57.33 EA .r .06 63.98 EA .4 6.99 EA EU i 114.4 127.96 .3. 98 9.99 EA .00 19.98 :.64 EA 09 7.c8 -- --------------------------=—------------=-----------r— ;HIS IS NOT AN ESTIMATE OR AN INVOICE. THIS IS NOT AUTHORIZATION TO DO ANY REPAIRS, ;NSTALLATIONS OR 1,4ACTIONS. THIS IS NOT A RECEIPT FOR MERCHANDISE OR REPAIRS. THESE PRICES ARE SJBJECT TO 04W WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE. • FREE FLAT TIRE REPAIR • FREE TIRE INSPECTION • FREE TIRE ROTATION • FREE AIR CHECK • FREE SMILE! < <--/X 7 `>- Y• ` 3 S a a 05 -60 #el l�s�o/Jex OV9s ;UST tDA4 TOTAL 1381.07 .r December 21, 1995 Mrs. Pamela LiCalsi Sr. Management Assistant City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 RE: Gutierrez, Robert W. v. City of La Ouinta Date of Loss 11/30/95 Our File Number LQ 96-04 Dear Mrs. LiCalsi: COACHELLA VALLEY JOINT POWERS INSURANCE AUTHORITY WM ATTACHMENT NO.2 We are in receipt of the above -captioned claim fled with the City of La Quinta by claimant Robert W. Gutierrez. We request that you take the action indicated below: [� CLAIM REJECTION: Written rejection of claim by authorized board/officer in accordance with Government Code Section 913. /[ ] LATE CLAIM: Do NOT reject claim but RETURN it for failure to file within time limit prescribed in Government Code Section 911.2. Transmittal NOT to contain "WARNING" required by Section 913, but should advise that the recourse to file "Application for Leave to File Late Claim" as provided in Government Code Section 911.4. This must be returned within 45 days of the date claim mailed or delivered. [ ] INSUFFICIENT CLAIM: Send notice of insufficiency for failure to comply with Government Code Section 910 and/or 910.2 and/or 910.4 and cite the following specific insufficiencies: This must be sent within 20 days of your receipt of claim. [ ] AMENDED CLAIM: Reject claim as set forth in first paragraph above, CLAIM REJECTION. ( 1 APPLICATION FOR LEAVE TO FILE LATE CLAIM: Reject the Application under Government Code Section 911.8. [ ] OPERATION OF LAW: Defer any written response pending our further advice. If you have any questions, please contact the CVJPIA office. Very truly yours, 1 Dennis M. z , t Claims Manager 4. DMM/lc 73-710 Fred Waring Drive, Suite 200, Palm Desert, CA 92260 (619) 341-0492 FAX (619) 340-5949 T,iht 4 4 Qu&& COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: January 16, 1996 ITEM TITLE: Acceptance of Street Right -of -Way in the Southwest Quadrant of the Fred Waring Drive/Jefferson Street Intersection RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Accept the grant of easement deeds for street right-of-way in the southwest quadrant of the Fred Waring Drive/Jefferson Street intersection and authorize the City Clerk to have the deeds recorded. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: There is no fiscal impact to accepting the right-of-way. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: On January 2, 1996, the Council approved the Cooperative Agreement with the City of Indio and the County of Riverside regarding the new traffic signal and related street improvements in the Fred Waring Drive/Jefferson Street intersection. The City of Indio, at no expense to the City of La Quinta, has acquired a minor parcel of street right of way (491 square feet) in the southwest quadrant of the subject intersection. The right of way was needed in order to construct the curb return, access ramp, and signal poles at the intended ultimate location for these improvements. Five individuals had an ownership interest in the acquired property; some reside in California and the others reside in Oregon. To expedite the acquisition process, two separate grant of easement deeds were signed and notarized by the California and Oregon owners with the same force and effect as if all parties had executed the same deed. 000263 F Apwdepticounci 11960116a FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: Traffic signal and related street improvements at the Fred Waring Drive/Jefferson Street intersection are currently under contract for construction by the City of Indio. In order to accommodate construction of the curb return, access ramp and signal pole at the intended ultimate location for these improvements, a minor parcel of right of way is required. The City of Indio has acquired the needed right of way on behalf of the City of La Quinta at no expense to La Quinta. Alternatives: Accept the grant of easement deeds and have them recorded. 2. Reject the grant of easement deeds and order a revision to the construction plans. 3. Provide direction to staff for alternate action. David M. Cosper, FUic Works Director DMC: S S Attachments: #1 - Grant of Easement with plat and notary certificate #2 - Grant of Easement with plat and notary certificate UOU14'64 R: pwdepticounciF.960116a ATTACHMENT #1 No Recording Fec Required Per Govetnm d Code Section 27383 RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: City of La Quinta Post Office Box 1504 La Quinta. CA 92253 (-Peas above Ise line For Re dee..) GRANT OF EASEMENT DEED FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, H.A. Andersen, Janet C. Kerwood, Arland J. Andersen, THE GRANTOR.Max F. Bayha and Nelda J. BaVha hereby grants to CITY OF LA QUINTA, a California Municipal Corporation, hereinafter referred to as GRANTEE, a perpetual easement and right-of-way for public street and public utility purposes, in, on, under, across and through all that real property described per Exhibit "A" and as shown on Exhibit "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof. This Deed may be executed and recorded in any number of counterparts with the same force and effect as if all parties hereto had executed the same Deed. Executed this"1776 day of C�Q-D99�-, at , By: SIGNATURE H. A. Andersen MINTED OR TYPED KME By: 7YRE Janet C. Ken•7ood / MINTED ON TYPED NMIE By: Arland J. Andersen By : Gam( Max F. Bay a elda J. Bayha' 00026 5 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ss. COUNTY OF 911yk.A'S l tat F ) On 1`�-I 't-� g-� —,before me, A tt4 �5 e, personally appeared * personally known to me -- OR -- ❑ proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence 0�LIC� to be the person(®) whose name%) is/ate subscribed hereinabove and acknowledged to me that he/9heWrey executed the same in his/#weir authorized capacity(iss), and that by his/heir signature() on this instrument the person(g), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(M acted, executed the instrument. Witness my hand and official seal. eesesssa+esae+ssaaee+seesea+ss+re++seue Z - R. H. JONES Z S COI°A. #1017312 S P NOTARY "JBL,C (ALIFORNIA F RI iERSIDE COUNTY \ ''' My Comm. Expires October 14. ISW* a+e+asee+aeesesaseeree+sss+eeaeeeseaesrs � SiQ`hatur'e of Notary CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER: ❑ Individual ❑ Corporate Officer(s): Title(s) Q�Partner(s): ❑ Limited General ❑ Attorney -in -Fact ❑ Trustee(s) ❑ Guardian/Conservator ❑ Other: SIGNER IS REPRESENTING p Rqlzr Name of Person(s) or Entity(ies) ATTENTION NOTARY: Although the information requested below is OPTIONAL, it could prevent fraudulent attachment of this certificate to another document. Title or Type of Document W44 THIS CERTIFICATE MUST BE ATTACHED Number of Pages TO THE DOCUMENT Date of Document Z '2G)gS DESCRIBED AT RIGHT: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: ?j 2 1j STATE OF CALIFORNIA ss. COUNTY OF � �YK►(L ) On I I )-LI) 9 -S , before me, A personally appeared - �•b V� i S '4 personally known to me -- OR -- ❑ proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence oL to be the person(j) whose nameW isfete subscribed hereinabove and acknowledged to me tharhe/sheh**,r executed the same in dais/herftheir authorized capacity(ia&), and that by his/her/Pheir signature(s) on this instrument the person(*, or the entity upon behalf of which the person(4) acted, executed the instrument. Witness my hand and official seal. •rrrrarraaarraswrrs•raaaass•a•sangaq ZCR. H. JONES Z 5 CCf iJl.1017312 S [> NPUBLIC CUFORNIA P RIARSIDE COUNTY My Crmm. Expire, JUober 14, 19970 _ t•as•s•rass••ass•ass••rssta•aaafiatat►t ` Signature of Notary CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER: ❑ Individual ❑ Corporate Officer(s): �,! Title(s) W, Partner(s): ❑ Limited txsl General ❑ Attorney -in -Fact ❑ Trustee(s) ❑ Guardian/Conservator ❑ Other: SIGNER IS REPRESENTING Name of Person(s) or Entity(ies) ATTENTION NOTARY: Although the information requested below is OPTIONAL, it could prevent fraudulent attachment of this certificate to another document. Title or Type of Document lie THIS CERTIFICATE MUST BE ATTACHED Number of Pages TO THE DOCUMENT Date of Document )"L- ?.) DESCRIBED AT RIGHT: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above:0267 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) Q ss. COUNTY OF Il 1119r5i614 ) On A�/610/Or before me, y 1C!`FhLy !� • �r'QC� , I fa�ai(y l'u�J�iC 1 j!�� N me, Title, e.g., Jane -Doe, Notary ubl� ic' personally appeared J61r) 170.E f t�Ocj ❑ personally known to me -- OR -- proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(X)Oafe subscribed hereinabove and acknowledged to me that be he they executed the same in his their authorized capacity(iea), and that by his/ er tF►eir signatureoQ on this instrument the person(p, or the entity upon behalf of which the person(f acted, executed the instrument. Witness my hand and official seal. KArW M. BLACK COWA. i Im"10 Notary PLOC — calforNc RNERSM COUNTY 96MV Comm. Eq*ee OCT 11,1998 nature of Notary CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER: KI Individual 1014 ❑ Corporate Officer(s): ❑ Partner(s): ❑ Limited ❑ General ❑ Attorney -in -Fact ❑ Trustee(s) ❑ Guardian/Conservator ❑ Other: SIGNER IS REPRESENTING Name of Person(s) or Entity(ies) ATTENTION NOTARY: Although the information requested below is OPTIONAL, it could prevent fraudulent attachment of this certificate to another document. THIS CERTIFICATE MUST BE ATTACHED TO THE DOCUMENT Title or Type of Document Number of Pages Date of Document DESCRIBED AT RIGHT: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: 0)0 i 1 2 68, LEGAL DESCRIPTION IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, S.B.M., MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 20, SAID POINT ALSO BEING THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF FRED WARING DRIVE AND JEFFERSON STREET; THENCE SOUTH 89032'33" WEST;, ALONG SAID CENTERLINE OF FRED WARING DRIVE, A DISTANCE OF 86.27 FEET; THENCE PERPENDICULAR TO SAID CENTERLINE, SOUTH 00027'27" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 55.00 FEET TO A POINT ON A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND 55.00 FEET SOUTHERLY OF SAID CENTERLINE, AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 89032'33" EAST, ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE, A DISTANCE OF 6.02 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 25.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 90010'58", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 39.35 FEET TO A POINT ON A TANGENT LINE PARALLEL WITH AND 55.00 FEET WESTERLY OF SAID CENTERLINE OF JEFFERSON STREET; THENCE SOUTH 00016'29" EAST, ALONG LAST SAID PARALLEL LINE, A DISTANCE OF 6.02 FEET; THENCE PERPENDICULAR TO SAID CENTERLINE OF JEFFERSON STREET, SOUTH 89043'31" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 5.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 45021'58" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 36.83 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00027'27" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 5.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. COMPRISING 491 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. LAND SUBJECT TO ALL EASEMENTS OF RECORD. aoNv�Mn000x * Y 3rnyE. NO.5476 0269 OF C Ak i F- i�i • l z n, .o �� 06�.T 2 G V ~ C ~ U U) U) 7 c 09 09 omi m m ..c Zz Y= Low o w CU FU-I P L) U LU c�,7 Q Q1 U) _ 25 o I ac O C3 C7 u. w ¢ in co LU CCN A �¢ ��, . 'i Li c 0 L) wa wzUwi (on J ❑ Z Q uj azUwi a CD � mosm Cc Lu 3 3 D o� o N if)II'' :L O (0 L.L. ❑ H OLIJ ¢ LO mlu w oo(nCo p� cc NN , .+omo 0 Q N 'gym ~ m CJ O�1NmN Z .� I . m No 4L = LLI Z w w z �V :� to k»: O N a. Q z QtsY: w H K ' U O 00,99 —� Q N p M■LZ.LZ.00 N x m� �'rn� H 0�0 U 0 .99 c c N � ti � to 2� A CLN a �o z wino y 6 aNao o am t 1 w o Hw�yy ¢�m to z ¢°f� CL coF+1 C 3c NCO (co z+ z a) Lo CD .M Xzw r00 cn �� H zz�. wl(¢ \�� wN¢ CSIN N �a z w �d °� 4 a 4 09 �, M y .99 � o � • "� � � I Lob Z G U N ATTACHMENT #2 No Recording Fee Regwed Per Gommend Code Section 27383 RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: City of La Quinta Post Office Box I504 La Quinta. CA 92253 (Weoe sbwe tins hne ra Re dee..) GRANT OF EASEMENT DEED FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, H. A. Andersen, Janet C. Kenaood, Arland J. Andersen, THE GRANTOR, P1ax F. Ba,,7ha and Nelda J. Bavha hereby grants to CITY OF LA QUINTA, a California Municipal Corporation, hereinafter referred to as GRANTEE, a perpetual easement and right-of-way for public street and public utility purposes, in, on, under, across and through all that real property described per Exhibit "A" and as shown on Exhibit "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof. This Deed may be executed and recorded in anv number of counterparts with the same force and effect as if all parties hereto had executed the same Deed. Executed this ; . — day of 2 e G . , 1995—, at PO n "f/ 4,i7 r/ O /2 e:_e4, By: By: Max F . Baylia INGLUTURE .TanPt C'_ KP=,nod Nelda J. Bavha PRINTED OR TYPED MANE By.// Arland J. Andersen 000271 STATE OF COUNTY OF On this / Steday of 19 �� , before me personally appearead //, Q ( known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence, acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that A-P-, was authorized to execute said instrument. Y PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF residing at My commission expires: 9 2/- 9, � P STATE OF COUNTY OF . s•�- OFFI�C�IALSEAL jo FANN F1. KRUSE 1-1 .:v7123 FAY COMMISTON EXP;192..,',- T. 21, 192^, On this /S' day of , 19, before me personally appearead gAZ . -Q �' Z4� _ . known to me or proved to me on the basis of saWsfactory evidence, acknowledged said instrument to be the free and vo untary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that was authorized to execute said instrument. NP'ARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF OFFICIAL SEAL D dO.A.N.-N M. KRUSE• ,? iresiding at NOT,' PUSLIC: OREGON hJ. C-37123 MYCUMMISSlOVEXrcR_ My commission expires: 9. Z/ -9t LEGAL DESCRIPTION IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, S.B.M., MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 20, SAID POINT ALSO BEING THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF FRED WARING DRIVE AND JEFFERSON STREET; THENCE SOUTH 89032'33" WEST, ALONG SAID CENTERLINE OF FRED WARING DRIVE, A DISTANCE OF 86.27 FEET; THENCE PERPENDICULAR TO SAID CENTERLINE, SOUTH 00027'27" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 55.00 FEET TO A POINT ON A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND 55.00 FEET SOUTHERLY OF SAID CENTERLINE, AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 89032'33" EAST, ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE, A DISTANCE OF 6.02 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 25.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 90010'58", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 39.35 FEET TO A POINT ON A TANGENT LINE PARALLEL WITH AND 55.00 FEET WESTERLY OF SAID CENTERLINE OF JEFFERSON STREET; THENCE SOUTH 00016'29" EAST, ALONG LAST SAID PARALLEL LINE, A DISTANCE OF 6.02 FEET; THENCE PERPENDICULAR TO SAID CENTERLINE OF JEFFERSON STREET, SOUTH 89043'31" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 5.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 45021'58" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 36.83 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00027'27" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 5.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. ' COMPRISING 491 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. j �,e LAND SUBJECT TO ALL EASEMENTS OF RECORD. N0.5476 t1�' OF CAL1F�� 004273 1 W IT z - p v ti G .�� .09 — .09 cn m m C Zx le \ LO do w FLI.1-P 2V s'V GN p U �..I cc tr) C7 co W > Ri m �a -j<N H \ , o 0 LEn ) WO.wzvwi w J^ Z cn Q dz( (' 1 ��QaZCC w C� ~ 3 3 3 z cmCU o ` . m UJ m mn W oomm oi° u� CC a NN - Omo 0 QN mm H m (D NfO*IN z LL z vI m :4 u J I m { H z d sa =- V Z W cc m V zz — — —— f,� Jc om yN O 00.99 —� v N O M.,LZ.LZ.00 N s mt mm m �...� 61 ao c N m 0 Z V q U on v 'L 99 CL a mo z wino ti y A n f o a m Cq �6 ccw QO\ Z 3cCDtoo m 04 W O ' m m \ R w S N. N in lO in G] H m (� zz� wH¢ xzw Gju C� wH¢ g' Z X z w �0\d 4to y c M1 uj"cr 09 a I dab o, J i 14 1 Tit4t gm ro U AGENDA CATEGORY: COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: January 16, 1996 ITEM TITLE: Adoption of Resolution Accepting Passes to the Bob Hope Chrysler Classic Golf Tournament to be held January 17 - 21, 1996 RECOMMENDATION: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Adopt the resolution accepting complimentary season badges for the Bob Hope Chrysler Classic Golf Tournament to be held January 17 - 21, 1996. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Bob Hope Chrysler Classic Golf Tournament badges were forwarded to the City of La Quinta, from the Board of Directors for the Bob Hope Chrysler Classic Golf Tournament, for use at the Bob Hope Chrysler Classic Golf Tournament to be held January 17 - 21, 1996. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The options available to the City Council are: 1. Adopt the resolution and accept the donation of badges; 2. Do not adopt the resolution. Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager City Manager 00027 11 arise RESOLUTION NO. 96 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING COMPLEMENTARY SEASON BADGES FOR THE BOB HOPE CHRYSLER CLASSIC GOLF TOURNAMENT WHEREAS, on December 14, 1995, the Board of Directors of the Bob Hope Chrysler Classic generously donated to the City, a gift of complimentary season badges for the 1996 Bob Hope Chrysler Classic Golf Tournament to be held January 17 - 21, 1996; and, WHEREAS, the gifts were donated to the City and its personnel and were not given to or limited to the use of any particular employee or official; and, WHEREAS,it is in the best interest of the City to accept the donation and to direct the City Manager to control distribution of the tournament season badges. NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of La Quinta does hereby RESOLVE as follows: The City of La Quinta hereby accepts the donation of complimentary season badges for the Bob Hope Chrysler. Classic Golf Tournament. 2. The City Manager is hereby directed to control distribution of said tournament badges on a first -come, first -serve basis. 0002 r) Resolution No. 96 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California this 16th day of January, 1996 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: SAUNDRA L. JUHOLA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM: DAWN HONEYWELL, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California GLENDA BANGERTER, Mayor City of La Quinta, California 000277 0=-) T4ht 4 4 Q" COUNCILIRDA MEETING DATE: January 16, 1996 ITEM TITLE: Approval of a Request by the La Quinta .Arts Foundation to Utilize the Council Chambers for Docent Training on January 22, 29 and February 5, 1996. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the request of the La Quinta Arts Foundation. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: The La Quinta Arts Foundation has requested that the Council Chambers be made available on January 22, 29 and February 5, 1996 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. for Docent Training. The request of the Arts Foundation meets all the requirements of the facility use as contained in the City's Guidelines (Attachment 1) and has submitted the appropriate deposit and insurance certificate. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the Council are: Approve the request of the La Quinta Arts Foundation; 2. Deny the request of the La Quinta Arts Foundation. Tom Hartung Director of Building & Safety Amended 12/20/94 ATTACHMENT 1 I II III IV. CITY OF LA QUINTA GUIDELINES FOR USE OF CIVIC CENTER FACILITY 1. Council Chamber - seats 106. 2. Study Session Room - seats 33. 3. Groups are to use the Study Session Room unless the size of the group or the need for audio-visual equipment necessitates use of the Council Chamber. 1. The primary use of the Council Chamber and Study Session Room is for the conduct of meetings for the entities listed below: a) City Council b) Planning Commission c) Community Services Commission d) Design Review Board e) Art in Public: Places f) Investment Task Force g) Other City appointed boards, commissions and committees 1. Other non-profit and Governmental Agencies, 501(c) entities, that serve residents of La Quinta, may be granted permission by the City Council to use the facilities. 1. A person or group desiring to use Civic Center facilities must :file an Application for Use Permit with the City Manager's Office. Applications must be completed and submitted at least three calendar weeks prior to the scheduled event, unless otherwise waived by the City Council. 000270 2. All qualified groups using the Council Chamber and Study Session Room must have $500,000 general liability insurance coverage per occurrence, listing the City of La Ou9nta as an additional -named insurerl. Groups that do not have insurance may purchase special event insurance through the City's insurance policy. 3. All applicants must indemnify and hold the City harmless from any and all losses and/or claims. Indemnification forms will be provided by the City and must accompany submittal of the Use Permit Application. 4. Users of the Council Chamber and Study Session Room will be responsible for all damage to the building, appurtenances thereto, and shall be responsible for reimbursement to the City for any loss or damage to City property caused by such use. 5. The City must be notified as soon as possible of any cancellations, so that the facility may be reassigned. 6. Approval shall be granted by the City Council. The City Manager is authorized to permit a use when the Council meeting schedule precludes Council consideration in a timely manner. Approved permits will be issued to the person filing the application prior to the event. 7. In the interest of widest community use of the Civic Center facilities, no one non-profit community group shall use the facility more than eight (8) hours per month.* 1. The City shall charge for after hours use of Civic Center facilities. Said charge is to recover full cost for use of the facility (personnel, equipment, electricity, etc.) and shall be paid prior to the use. The hourly rate shall be established by the Council during the City's Annual Budget Review process. 0001) * Governmental Agencies are exempt from this requirement. A.6 2. A refundable cleaning deposit is required. The City may withhold all, or a portion, of the deposit if cleanup is required. The deposit will be established based on the use as follows:* (a) Session Room = $200 (b) Council Chambers (up to 53 people) _ $300 (c) Council Chambers (54 people plus) _ $500 1. City owned audio visual and public address equipment may be used, provided City staff is responsible for its operation. VII. USAGE LIMITATIONS 1. Any proposed use of the. Council Chamber or Study Session Room shall not lead to the cancellation of a regularly scheduled meat;ncr, 2. For non -City functions, use of the Chamber and Study Session Room shall not be prior to 8 a.m. or extend beyond 10 p.m. 3. Food, water, and beverages shall not be consumed in the Civic Center facilities. 4. Smoking shall not be permitted anywhere in the Civic Center. 5. Juvenile organizations shall have adequate supervision when using Civic Center facilities at a ratio of not less than one adult per twenty minors. Disregard of this rule shall be considered cause for immediate cancellation of the Use Permit. 6. Any approved Application for Use of Facilities may be revoked without previous notice where conflicting dates with a City purpose have subsequently developed. For other cause(s), permits may be revoked at any time upon 24 hours notice. 0 0 0 2, 8 t * Governmental Agencies are exempt from this requirement. 7. No animals, except those necessary for disability assistance, are permitted in the Civic Center. 8. No admission fees may be charged, unless as a fund- raiser for the organization renting the facility. 9. These guidelines may be modified at the discretion of the City Council. FY 1993/94 hourly rate for use of the facilities i� $3 Organization: Person(s) In Charge: Address: Facility Requested: Type of Event: Publi Description of Activity: Date(s) of Use: Phone: Private Size of Group: Time of Use: Start (a.m./p.m.) Finish (a.m./p.m.) Total Hours of Use x $32.00 /hour = S Certificate of Additional Insured Attached: -or- City Insurance Requested: _ Fee Paid: S Refundable Cleaning Deposit Paid: S Session Room = $200 Council Chambers (up to 53 people) _ $300 Council Chambers (54 people plus) _ $500 Total Paid: S The undersigned hereby agrees to abide by the rules and regulations of the City of La Quinta relating to the use of public facilities. Date• Signature: Title: Deposit Required For: Deposit Returned: Date: NOTE: The person signing the application and the statement of information must be an officer of the sponsoring organization. If the person is not art officer of the organization for which application is made, he/she � must present written authorization from the group to sign. 000233 STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. c&ht 4 4 Qum& MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Marty Nicholson, Parks & Recreation Director 4wol DATE: January 16, 1996 SUBJECT: Community Service Grant :Process The Community Service Grant Program is in its eleventh year of funding. The grant program has been funded out of the Special Project Contingency Account (101-101-663-000). Funds in the amount of $40,000 were allocated for City Councils discretion in the Special Project Contingency Account for the 1995/96 Fiscal Year. During this Fiscal Year some of the funds have been dispersed through City Council action on an individual request basis leaving a current balance in the Special Project Contingency Account of $19,100. The funding history of the Community Service Grant Program is outlined in Attachment 1. Information presented includes the funded agency, the year of funding and the total amounts funded for each year. Annual funding levels for the overall program have generally stayed within the $20,000 to $30,000 range during the last seven years. Attachment 2 is a funding history of the Community Services Grant Program listed by City Council meeting during the last seven years. During 1988 through 1993, the grant process was conducted by the Community Services Commission. The Community Services Commission was responsible for: a) publizing the grant program b) distributing the grant materials c) reviewing the applications d) interviewing the screened applicants e) making final recommendations for funding to the City Council The City Council reviewed the recommendations by the Community Services Commission and made final funding determinations. With the elimination of the Community Services Commission, the process for the 1994/95 and 1995/96 funding cycles was changed by City Council. A screening committee of the Parks & Recreation Director and Finance Director was established to ensure applications were complete and followed the criteria as listed in the application packet (Attachment 3). Once the applications were screened, they were forwarded to the City Council for funding determinations. 000284 For the 1994/95 and 1995/96 funding cycles, staff provided the following items for City Council review prior to conducting the grant process: a) publicity of the grant program b) distribution of grant materials c) review of applicants through public comment process Some of the issues the City Council may want to address regarding the Community Service Grant Program are: 1. Funding criteria and requirements 2. Application information 3. Application review process 4. Applicant funding reconciliation requirements 5. Funding requests by agencies outside of the Community Service Grant cycle It is requested that the City Council review the process and criteria for the Community Service Grant Program and either provide direction to staff regarding the process; or Refer the Community Service Grant Program to one of the Commissions to recommend the criteria and process for screening applications and make recommendations for funding to the City Council; or 2. Continue the Community Service Grant Program process as it is currently, with a Screening Committee of the Parks and Recreation Director and Finance Director with the City Council making funding recommendations; or Eliminate the Community Service Grant Program and determine grant funding on an individual request basis by the City Council. 00023 5 0 ATTACHMENT 1 J OMOOOOrOrNOOI�00000000rtn0f00000001nO00M OOOlnO00000N�0�[?�NOOON�Of�OrNONOM000(U ------------- Q ��'OOOOCD�OOMtnN(DMNN�OCpr00tt7M0001�1�(DOOM O����•-���N�nl�t� �I�M�M�N , �VNI-uNCD00 I- N co LOO O O O O 00 O O O O 00 O O O 000 000 O 00 O LO LO U) 0 O LO 0 LO 0 0 1A U) In O M M IV N r 0 0 l r N I U) tt 0 M 00 o 0 r 00 rN L` N coN O coN N O O rl r M L r 0 r0 O O O N 0Ll- W 0 e- � MCM L tee- Iq co N 00 r r D7 CD f O 0 LO O LO O O O o 0 } N N LO LO ti LO Ln O 00 O W r r CM C'M M N Ln In N - ~' r = rn o0 0 0 00 0 00 Ur ' r M Lo 0 LO OIq 0, M O z 0) v N' N L cM N I n — r ito N Z D r O O 0 0 Ln �O ; O 00 0000 LL O''' O N N Nv (000iN000' O jO d r CO C e- N (M D) Z �r rl. 0 WI ''. O O I O p, O 00 O O O 00 OI w O O O O U 00 O N r l 0 N O N > r w (3) 00 O 10 O O O O 1 O O 0 LO0000, 0 0 0 01 O 0 O LO U 00 0 LO L N CDOLOLn01 O N } 00 0) r v r r N MNiN', N O F N = 000 0 N O 00 D) LO � N00 O M IV O W LO CM 0000 It 00 p D, r r N n r c) C6 L6 M V W � G) Y H O a z w' U a U �., Q W ❑mew z'' w o z (A U) U U W J Z ~ z O❑ Qz0 ❑F- p��z�'; w Iw �mwof �a�p�~ _JO > U mo cwn wmLL�,❑ wwiz ❑� zQ~Qwcn='< p�� Uw Z;2 00 W<OWWZO (K=C� UJp~QO VC9LL�Zw o WL)C'Jm�J z Wr❑LL��O; QU UUnW,w 0W �❑=1JY zC7,�ww2 0UHW H~❑ 0U04 zl m _,w z c> o HlU) p p p w p J aiLY J Q O cnU- ❑ w O'z p' .�fA F J �J❑wUw.❑zJJ U)Qw W OZWLLLLLLOoW OQ� O U wQU)LuoHjm JUG W- W>�,.C�J w W > V >ULL' m J QQ J—❑Z'U(nU«1—mcncn00 N, LL O 0 W,'o Z J Y z H I- F-IU) U)� cnLLm W fn 2 m �=Z~(Ap p l- Z) W w olbj Qw Z2Q �❑ w p }'F- zz 0060 p,U)(D0 —Dmw=❑❑wzP<wci❑J o❑Q�LUWWlzz>Q�=�—po��c�wz�Q'a�f ❑ Q❑cn�=}O p cn}> }'OO=>'>>>Owww��Q❑C7C�CidCiC7O<o �0icyaa2cncncnwww2Qc)LL..=}>QJ-i W �� 0>_},Q O____Q,mim 0 U''U U U U❑❑❑ 11 LLB= = J J J J J J d d d 0- of FUNDING HISTORY BY COUNCIL MEETING September 20, 1994 Mr. Bohlen presented applications for the Community Service Grant Program determined funding at $29,500. AYSO 500 Boys and Girls Club 3,500 Children's Theater 500 CV Childcare Council 4,000 Community Concerts 41000 Friends of LQ Library 3,500 Friends of Sr Center 41000 LQ Historical Society 21500 PD/LQ Football 11000 PTA Earthquake 11000 Round Table West 1,500 YMCA 3,500 ATTACHMENT 2 The City Council June 7, 1994 City Council requested staff to use the Chamber Newsletter for announcing the grant program, develop a screening committee comprised of the Parks & Recreation Director and Finance Director, and eliminate the non-profit requirement. April 5, 1994 City Council discussion regarding the process of the Community Service Grant Program The City Council would have complete discretion over funding, with 501(c)3 not being a requirement, and the amount increased to $40,000, with a once a year funding cycle, and applicants had to be La Quinta based. August 3, 1993 Mr. Bohlen reported the Community Services Commission recommended allocations at $23,776. Boys and Girls Club 3,483 CV Children Theater 500 CV Public Ed Founda 11181 Community Concerts 4,071 Friends of LQ Library 3,157 Friends of Sr Center 3,328 LQ Historical Society 5,000 Palm Desert HS Band 928 PTA Earthquake $15928 Round Table West 11200 YMCA 4,000 The recommendations were approved as presented by the Community Services Commission with the addition by the City Council of the Historical Society granted $5,000 due to their non-profit status being confirmed next month. 000287 June 2, 1992 Mrs. Kennedy from the Community Services Commission presented recommendations at $25,000. Boys and Girls Club 4,200 Boy Scouts 1,550 CV Public Ed Found. 11500 Community Concerts 3,750 Friends of LQ Library 3,500 Historical Society 39500 PTA Earthquake 200 YMCA 5,000 The recommendations were approved as presented by the Community Services Commission with the exception of adding Community Concerts which was not recommended by the Commission. May 21,1991 Saundra Juhola reported the Community Services Commission recommended allocations at $251000. Boys and Girls Club $4,300 Boy Scouts 15500 CV Public Ed Found. 2,000 Friends of LQ Library 2,500 LQ Historical Society 5,000 LQ Sports and Youth 3,400 SHARE 21000 YMCA 4,300 The City Council approved the recommendations of the Community Services Commission. June 5, 1990 Saundra Juhola reported the Community Services Commission recommended allocations at $20,000. Boys and Girls Club $4,000 Desert String Quartet 1,250 Historical Society 31200 Humane Society 11200 LQ Sports & Youth 3,400 SHARE 1,600 Symphony West Arts 2,000 YMCA 3,200 The Community Services Commission was given authority to oversee the grant funding process. City Council sent the recommendations back to the Commission for failure to follow the City 000288 Council approved criteria for funding. The criteria included programs based in La Quinta and program enhancement as opposed to operation costs. m July 3, 1990 Revised recommendations came back as follows: Boys and Girls Club $5,195 Historical Society 4,155 SHARE 2,080 Sports and Youth 4,415 YMCA 4,155 June 6, 1989 Saundra Juhola reported the Community Services Commission recommended allocations at $20,000. Boy Scouts/Pack 320 $2,000 Desert Aids Project 1,000 Desert String Quartet 1,700 HOW Foundation 500 LQ Historical Society 5,000 RCCADV 23000 SHARE 2,000 YMCA 5,800 City Council discussion regarding La Qunrta based organizations only, not every organization should be funded, grants should be limited to one time funding only. The recommendations were not approved but changed by the City Council eliminating the Desert Aids Project from funding. A motion passed with two City Council members voting no. The items were reconsidered and the funding changed to: Desert String Quartet $1,000 Historical Society 9,000 Pack 320 21000 SHARE 29000 YMCA 6,000 June 7, 1988 Saundra Juhola reported the Community Services Commission recommended allocations at $20,750. CV Counseling 1,000 CVRPD 31500 DSUSD $1,500 Harvest of Wellness 200 LQ Fire Belles 11650 LQ Historical Society 2,000 LQ PGA West Volunteer Fire Dept. 2,000 LQ Sports & Youth 3,500 LQ Volunteer Fire 21900 The City Council approved the recommendations of the Community Service Commission. Community Services Commission established in May 1987 000289 O T Twit 4 4 Qum& F � Z f MOF I NEW-0431FIXTELTUsTU, Zjlffe7k ATTACHMENT 3 1. Please read the entire packet before filling in information. If you have any questions regarding the application call City staff at 777-7090, 2. Only limited funds are available for these grants. 3. In order to ensure that proposed projects are evaluated in a consistent manner, applicants must submit proposals using the enclosed Application form. Substitute forms (computer generated) are not acceptable. 4. Complete each item. If not applicable, type in "N.A.". Use additional sheets if the space provided is not adequate. However, additional sheets must be clearly marked and referred to within the text of the respective item. 5. All applications for funding must be typed, and applications must be received on or before November 17, 1995 at 5:00 p.m. at the City of La Quinta Parks and Recreation Department, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta. 6. Applications will be screened and reviewed, and recommendations presented to the City Council. The City Council's decision will be final. -• - • • ;J I ILZIIIILOI MINI 1• KZ1IW;JI III 1• 0 Lei•, 111@ 04 or -A tzlei74*I KDIMI lilt. ► ,i\ i i The Funding Criteria for this fiscal year is as follows: a. The Applicant is to be located in or serving La Quinta and must demonstrate the value of the grant request to the community. All City funds must be utilized for services to people living in La Quinta. Non -La Quinta based grant applicants must provide evidence of services provided to La Quinta residents in the application. b. If you receive a grant, a Reconciliation Report will be due within 30 days of expending the grant funds with original receipts and backup documentation to: "City of La Quinta, Community Services Grants, P.O. Box 1504, La Quinta, CA, 92253". Eligibility for fundina grants received. All Reconciliation Reports must be received no later thaq,.���15, 19961 4. , CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES GRANT FISCAL YEAR 1995-96 Name of Organization: Amount Requested: Contact Person: Mailing Address: City: State: Zip Code: Phone No.: 501(c)3 Taxpayer I.D. Number:_ Date Submitted: 000291 u T-itit 4 4 Qlium APPLICATION 1. What is the overall purpose or goal of your organization? 2. How long has your organization been in existence? Years Months 3. Describe in general the activities or services of your organization: 4. How many people does your organization currently serve? No. of Youth No. of Adults No. of Seniors 5. How many people do you intend to serve in Fiscal Year 95-96? No. of Youth No. of Adults No. of Seniors 6. How many people served in Fiscal Year 95-96 will be La Quinta residents? No. of Youth No. of Adults No. of Seniors 7. How many paid employees/volunteers does your organization employ? No. of full time employees _ No. of part time employees No. of volunteers 8. Describe how your organization is managed and governed. FORM.001 9. Please provide information on your Executive Board members or contact person: Name Title Home Address Phone 10. What is your annual schedule of events, and during what months does your organization operate? 11. Do you charge admission, membership fee, dues, etc.? Yes No If yes, please describe: 12. What are your other sources of revenue for this funding year? Total Needed Total Received Balance 000293 FnRM nm 13. 14. 15. 16. 17 Amount of money requested from the City of La Quinta? $ Has your organization been funded by the City of La Quinta previously? Yes_ No_ If yes, when Amount received Need Statement. Clearly and plainly state the reason or need for the requested funds and how these funds will be used, if awarded. Goal Statement. Indicate who will benefit from the use of these funds, and how they will benefit. Attach a copy of your Program Operating Budget, and a separate detailed, concise list of intended Community Services grant expenditures. 0004'94 RnR-m oni C Tit�t 4 4Qumrw UOMMUNITY SERVICES GRANTS 1995-96 GRANT RECONCILIATION REPORT Due Date: 30 days following expenditure of grant funds. Final Date to Submit: June 15, 1996 Organization Name: Name of Person Completing Report: Mailing Address: Period of Report (Mo/Yr to Mo/Yr): to Date Your Organization Received Funds: * Describe Your Expenditure of Grant Funds: Reconciliation: Grant Amount $ Funds Expended $ Balance $ Phone: Return unspent funds to "City of La Quinta" by check with this form. ** Attach supporting documentation (receipts for purchases, cancelled checks, payroll records, billing statements) that is in accordance with the original grant request. All supporting documentation must be originals! All questions regarding this form or the grant process should be directed to the Parks and Recreation Department at 777-7090. Mailing Address: City of La Quints, Community Services Grants, P.O. Box 1504, La Quinta, CA 92253. FORM 001 ART IN PUBLIC PLACES COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES LA QUINTA CITY HALL - SESSION ROOM DE;CEMBER 4, 1995 The regular meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission was called to order at 3:08 P.M. by Chairman Nard. I. ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Commissioners Michelle Klein, Elaine Reynolds, Rosita Shamis, Carolyn Lair, and Chairman Nancy Nard and Council Member Stan Sniff. Commissioner Walling arrived late. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Lair/Klein to excuse Commissioner Kennedy. Unanimously approved. STAFF PRESENT: Community Development Director Jerry Herman and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer II. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Minutes: Chairman Nard asked that the Minutes of November 6, be corrected to show Council Member Stan "Sniff' was in attendance. There being no further corrections, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Reynolds/Klein to approve the minutes as corrected. Unanimously approved. B. Financial Statement: Commissioner Lair asked staff to review the statement. There being no changes, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Klein/Lair to approve the Financial Statement as submitted. Unanimously approved. III. PUBLIC COMMENT - None IV. BUSINESS SESSION A. Chairman Nard informed the Commission that the three finalists for the La Quints Village Retention Basin Project would be presenting their proposals. Steve Rieman - La Ouinta's Solar Sculpture "A Season Tracker". Mr. Rieman gave a presentation of his proposed artwork. He stated the project is like a sun dial in that it tells the time of year. The element casts a shadow at the various times of the year. His first design had a series of berms for the APP12-4 1 000296 Art in Public Places Minutes December 4, 1995 APP 12-4 grass surrounding the basin. This design has more concrete at the bottom of the basin. Volcanic stone, surrounding the pad, will collect the nuisance water. The 36-foot colored concrete pad is to resemble the native terrain. Markers are made of steel and bolted into place. The sculpture is a 20-foot tall oxidized and coated with steel structured. There will also be six areas for planting of indigenous plants. The second proposal would not be terraced but would have concrete curbing. The elements as proposed are to imply to others that we are sensitive to our environment by symbolizing the desert. The sculpture provides an educational opportunity for local students as well as reminding the community of those who lived in this area in the past and that these people used the "season time" and not the "clock time". Mr. Rieman went on to address the areas the Commission asked questions about. * The height of the structure is 20-feet. The piece will be visible from the north bound lane of Washington and west bound lane of Tampico. * The art piece will draw attention to itself as it stands alone and apart. The difference from the current streetscape would make it stand out. * It is a unique and individual piece that was designed specifically for this area and should not be confused with any other work. * The water run-off would not cause any damage to the piece. The piece may be submerged, but in speaking to the Public Works Department, the pump to be installed would begin to eliminate the water immediately and there should be no standing water. a. Commissioner Reynolds asked if mud did cover the pad could it be washed off. Mr. Rieman stated it could be washed off and would probably add to the aging process b. Commissioner Shamis asked if the platform could be raised so that the water would not disturb the platform. Mr. Rieman stated it could be raised but he would refer the question to staff. Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated the platform could not be raised as it would displace the retention water. Discussion followed regarding the problems with raising the platform. 2 000297 Art in Public Places Minutes December 4, 1995 APP 12-4 C. Commissioner Shamis asked why Mr. Rieman had submitted a second option showing no terracing of the basin sides. Mr. Rieman stated this was only presented as an option. The terracing of the sides of the basin could be a consideration in the cost. d. Commissioner Lair asked if the storm drain pipe would be designed or left as designed. Mr. Rieman stated he had discussed this with the Public Works Department and there was a possibility of lowering the pipe and making it less obtrusive. e. Commissioner Klein asked how hot the sculpture would get in the summer. Mr. Rieman stated it would get hot. f. Commissioner Lair asked if the plant material were specific and indigenous to the area and having some meaning. Mr. Rieman stated he would use the indigenous plant material to symbolize the untouched desert to bring the plants to the public's attention. g. Commissioner Shamis asked if a plaque could be installed to explain the purpose of the structure. Mr. Rieman stated this was possible and it could be made a part of the project to explain the piece and how it works. h. Commissioner Reynolds asked if the tiers would be constructed in such a way as to allow gatherings and seating. Mr. Rieman stated this was possible and it could be used as a place to have lunch. I. Commissioner Lair asked Mr. Rieman to explain what could be learned from this piece. Mr. Rieman stated he felt it would cause people to think of the people that were here originally. The diagram on the structure would show how the angle of the sun does change and seasons can be determined from this. It would be similar to a short hike into the foothills to see the elements that exist to create the hills/mountains. j. Commissioner Shamis asked how the restaurant additions could be balanced between the two. Mr Rieman stated he felt the two could be integrated into the site. 3 000,298 ray, :^ Art in Public Places Minutes December 4, 1995 k. Commissioner Shamis asked what the colors of the concrete would be. Mr. Rieman stated the colors would be shades of tan and beige. He was considering adding a colored aggregate that would be sandblast at a later date to expose the colored aggregate. 1. Commissioner Lair asked if the current budget would cover all the costs. Mr. Rieman stated the current budget would cover the cost of the sculpture only. Commissioner Lair asked what Mr. Rieman thought the estimates would be for the platform and terracing. Mr. Rieman stated he did not have those figures at this time, however he would be willing to make quotes if he were given the contract. in. Commissioner Reynolds asked what the terracing would cost. Mr. Rieman stated that was unknown at this time. Commissioner Reynolds asked Mr. Rieman if he had done this type of project before. Mr. Rieman stated he had not done this exact sculpture before, but :he had done all the elements in one way or another before. n. Commissioner Shamis asked if the design he was submitting was an original and Mr. Rieman stated it was and it was designed specific to this site. o. Commissioner Reynolds asked if Mr. Rieman had any estimates as to the costs. Mr. Rieman stated that the proposal before the Commission was a conceptual design only. If selected he would come back to the Commission at a later date with the exact figures. o. Commissioner Klein asked Mr. Rieman if a person was driving by, where would the artwork catch their eye. Mr. Rieman stated they would be able to see the base of the sculpture from the centerline of the street. P. Council Member Stan Sniff stated his concern about the budget creep. If the sculpture is the only part of that budget, then the remainder is a concern as it would have to go back to Council at some risk. Will the excess water damage or stain the concrete? Runoff water is very dirty with numerous residues that could be harmful. Those viewing from the street should not have to strain to see the artwork. It should be seen easily. Mr. Rieman commented that he felt the artwork would be easily seen. Twenty feet is a substantial height and being APP 12-4 4 000299 Art in Public Places Minutes December 4, 1995 that the art piece is so different the piece itself will make it stand out. q. Council Member Stan Sniff asked where the plants would be planted. Mr. Rieman stated they would be planted at several locations in the basin. Council Member Sniff asked how additional plants could be planted at a later date. Mr. Rieman stated he had not anticipated any additional plants. r. Council Member Sniff asked if it would be easier to lower the ground around the platform to raise it out of any potential water. This would maintain the maximum amount of volume that would be required. Mr. Rieman stated that some of that would happen naturally. S. Council Member Sniff asked if there would be any lighting as it does get dark and the artwork should be seen. He felt the lighting would enhance the structure to give it visibility at night so it would not appear to be so stark and bright. The height of the structure will make it 14-feet above the ground level. Color is an important aspect of the artwork and he would suggest color be used in the terracing that would draw to the center piece. The sculpture needs to be framed to set it apart. t. Council Member Sniff asked how well it would function with the pump. There needs to be a collection portion that the water can flow into and be pumped out of. Mr. Rieman stated he had spoken with the Public Works Department regarding the placement of the pumping equipment and they stated there would be various channels to allow the water to flow through to reach the pump. U. Council Member Sniff asked what the sculpture would be made of - what materials would be used. Mr. Rieman stated it would be constructed of 1/4-inch oxidized steel. V. Commissioner Shamis asked how the sculpture would age. Mr. Rieman stated it would age to a color similar to the natural landscaping; - orange. W. Council Member Sniff asked how eye catching the piece would be from the street. It needs to grab the eye and color does this. Mr. Rieman stated color is a powerful tool to be used and he could add color in the outside area. X. Commissioner Shamis asked what color would be used in the rock. APP 12-4 5 Art in Public Places Minutes December 4, 1995 Commissioner Lair stated it was intended to be black. Mr. Rieman stated it was to be volcanic rock, which is black. Discussion continued regarding the different rock materials. Y. Commissioner Lair asked if Mr. Rieman expected the residents to walk into the basin. Mr. Rieman stated he envisioned this. Z. Council Member Sniff stated there needed to be a pathway to the platform for people to walk on so there would be no injuries. Mr. Rieman stated stepping stones would be effective. aa. There being no further questions, Chairman Nard thanked Mr. Rieman for his presentation and stated the Commission would inform him of their decision. Ruth Rieman asked if she could address the Commission. She stated the art piece could be a dynamic situation if the City had historical dates that could be placed into the sculpture to act as a historical record. There could also be an interpretive brochure in the City Hall to invite participation with the sculpture. A teacher could use several elements to address the piece. Interpretive value grows with time. bb. Commissioner Lair stated the piece, without any interpretation, is stark. Would you consider having any texture or relief to soften the look? Mr. Rieman stated there were several options that could be considered without any difficulty and he would be open to any suggestions. cc. Commissioner Shamis asked if there would be any community involvement. Mr. Rieman stated he had worked with the employees from the City of Palm Desert and utilized objects from the City to create a 16••foot design. A similar idea could be done here to help with the costs. dd. Mr. Rieman went on to state that the proposal called for three markers, but others could be added to mark the City's historical dates. ee. Council Member Sniff asked if the metal structure could have a base of tile. Mr. Rieman stated this could work. Council Member Sniff asked if there was a possibility of the arch having tile at the base; about 3-4 fret, where tiles could be placed having other significant dates, such as historical dates. ff. Commissioner Klein asked if colored tile could be used on thglp UUD3.01 APP 12-4 6 Art in Public Places Minutes December 4, 1995 The tiles could be sold to the public. Commissioner Shamis suggested they might be installed on the steps and consist of children's artwork. Mr. Rieman stated tiles were a good point, but there could be a layout problem as the sculpture does taper. If silken bronze could be used it would eliminate the layout problem. gg. Commissioner Shamis commented that the beauty of the sculpture was its simplicity. Mr. Rieman stated he was trying to say this was a very special place. hh, Commissioner Lair asked if Mr. Rieman had worked on any other city projects. Mr. Rieman stated that besides the City of Palm Desert, he was working with Copper Mountain, as well as Joshua Tree Monument. ii. Chairman Nard thanked Mr. Rieman for his time. Commissioners took a ten minute break. 2. Barbara Grygutis - Land Massing. a. The applicant was unable to attend the meeting so a conference telephone call was made to her studio. Staff introduced Ms. Grygutis to the Commission and asked her to present her proposal. b. Ms. Grygutis stated her proposal was to put grass in the whole area to hold the dirt. The bottom would irrigate itself and the grass would take care of the dirt. A land mass consisting of a bridge constructed out of stone would be built extending out into the basin from the fountain at the restaurant. It would allow seating and serve as a visual element. It is more of a horizontal piece rather than a vertical. C. Commissioner Lair asked if the concept for the stone work design was to come; off Calle Tampico side of the basin. Ms. Grygutis stated the drawings she received of the site, did not clearly define all of the site locations and this was a concept design utilizing land massing concepts. d. Commissioner Lair asked if the stonework was to create seating and a viewing room. Ms. Grygutis stated the colors in the stone would go from light on the wall to a darker and darker color. 000392 APP 12-4 7 Art in Public Places Minutes December 4, 1995 e. Commissioner Lair asked what type of stones would be used. Ms. Grygutis stated she anticipated sandstone until she was able to see what is natural to the area. A lot of the proposal depends on the budget. Sandstone is comfortable and doesn't get as hot and therefore could be used to sit on. d. Commissioner Reynolds asked where the pump would be placed. Ms. Grygutis stated she understood the pump could be moved and those details could be worked out at a later date. e. Chairman :Nard asked if the proposal included any lighting. Ms. Grygutis stated the budget at this point is prohibitive of those kinds of expenses. f. Community Development Director Jerry Herman asked Ms. Grygutis what she would do if funds were available. Ms. Grygutis stated she would place them on the perimeter of the wall to give an outline of the wall. They would shine from the bottom up. g. Commissioner Lair asked if the stone work would be textured. Ms. Grygutis stated it would be. Again, the budget is very limited. h. Staff asked what would the lighting would cost. Ms. Grygutis stated that was unknown at this point. I. Council Member Stan Sniff commented that in order to produce something substantial for this major corner that would be meaningful, the object should include lighting. Council Member Sniff asked if Ms. Grygutis had a concept of what should be done with the basin. Ms. Grygutis stated that her initial approach was to work with the restaurant since she had not seen the sight. The site needs a land mass that connected with the corner; vertical off the peninsula with columns of light perhaps. A steel mesh that could be seen through; verticals made out of the transparent material with light shinning up. j. Council Member Sniff suggested the columns have varying colors. Ms. Grygutis stated this was possible, but she would not want to commit to such a design until she had seen the site. Public art is built into the context of the site. The project could include shaped columns with lights built in. Council Member Sniff suggested the colors come from within.. Ms. Grygutis suggested that the basin be made deeper to accommodate the land massing. Council Member Sniff suggested a center landmass with a bridge leading over to it. This would retain 000303 APP 12-4 8 � Art in Public Places Minutes December 4, 1995 the retention basin's purpose to hold the water. Ms. Grygutis stated the bridge would need to be connected to the vertical piece to keep from being so busy. The City wants simplicity. Council Member Sniff stated land massing was a possibility with a vertical structure. Ms. Grygutis stated it all comes down to budget. k. Commissioner Lair asked how the artist would pull the community into what is significant. Ms. Grygutis stated it all depended on what direction the Commission wanted to go. There are certain things about La Quinta that are known and other things unknown to her. She would try to go into the community and gain an idea that would work and solicit ideas on what is available to work with. Council Member Sniff stated there were foothills to the west and south with varying colors that embrace this area that are extremely attractive. Ms. Grygutis stated the natural environment is a good element to work with as it is not political. 1. Council Member Sniff asked what it would take to get Ms. Grygutis to see the site. Ms. Grygutis stated she could come for one day. Council Member Sniff asked if Ms. Grygutis would you be willing to do this. Ms. Grygutis asked if the City would pay for the airplane ticket. Council Member Sniff stated this was a possibility, but the Commission would first need to discuss and determine what they wanted. in. Commissioner Lair asked what Ms. Grygutis' availability was. Ms. Grygutis stated she would be able to take one day to visit the site. Council Member Sniff asked if Ms Grygutis was currently working on a project. Ms. Grygutis stated she was working on several. n. Chairman Nard asked if the mesh wiring was to be on the base, would sandstone still be used for seating? Ms. Grygutis stated she would be unable to say without seeing the site. o. Council Member Sniff asked if Ms. Grygutis ever went over budget. Ms. Grygutis stated she had never exceeded a budget. She went on to state that on projects with smaller budgets, some of the entities involved, help with the work to keep the cost down. p. There being no further questions, Chairman Nard thanked Ms. Grygutis for her time and said staff would be getting back with her. 3. Paul Berlier/Silva -An 011a Vessel 000394 APP12-4 9 Art in Public Places Minutes December 4, 1995 a. Mr. Berlier distributed written answers to the questions raised by the Commission at the previous meeting. Mr. Berlier stated he had spoken with the developer of the site, Mr. Koenig, and he had agreed to supply the water and electricity needed for the project at no cost to the City. A licensed pool contractor would be hired to install the water and electrical. Mr. Berlier stated the developer expressed his concern that the drainage not be interfered with. He would therefore offset his tint piece so it would not be in the way of the drain. If necessary he would plant oleanders. The unfinished smaller jug would be finished to the ground and made of fiberglass. The base would be changed to a 12-inch steel pole sitting in a cradle and the bottom of the large 011a would be at ground level. All the electrical and water components would be hidden in the jug and the controls would be installed by the restaurant. b. Commissioner Walling asked if all this could be done within the budget. Mr. Berlier stated the primary structures could and he went on to show slides of the proposed changes. C. Commissioner Lair asked why the artist had changed from using the acrylic instead of real water. Commissioner Walling explained this was a request of the Commission. d. Mr. Berlier asked if additional funding would be available for fiberoptic lighting ($3600-$3800). He went on to describe the lighting details. In addition, in speaking with the developer he had stated lights would be important. The water system would be on a timer with a check valve to control the water and two filters would be utilized to filter out debris. e. Council Member Stan Sniff asked how many gallons of water would be pumped through. Mr. Berlier stated it would depend on the size of the pump; whatever is needed to maintain the appropriate level of the water. Council Member Sniff asked if the water would be colored. Mr. Berlier stated they would be using water and would add the lights if additional funds were available. f. Commissioner Lair asked Mr. Berlier to explain how the piping for the water would not affect the look of the pot. Mr. Berlier explained it would be installed on the inside of the pot the same shape as the pot. g. Council Member Sniff asked if the basin was to be grass lined. NO-0 3 r APP12-4 10 Art in Public Places Minutes December 4, 1995 Berlier stated it was the intention of the developer to plant grass. The pump to be installed would be submersible and noiseless; once a year the pump would need to be replaced. If a swimming pool pump was used, it would last approximately 10-years. h. Commissioner Walling asked if the center post holding the pots, would be surrounded by oleanders. Mr. Berlier stated the post could be given a powder coat and colored to blend into the surroundings. I. Commissioner Lair asked how this project would relate to the other fountain located approximately ten feet away. Mr. Berlier stated he thought it would blend very well. He then went on to explain the filtering system. Mr. Berlier stated the bottom end of the large pot that faced the restaurant was not intended to be solid. The design was to continue down and be the entire pot. k. Commissioner Klein asked how the fiberglass would be colored. Mr. Berlier stated the fiberglass would be blown on, in an Indian design. Commissioner Walling asked Mr. Berlier to explain what part of the proposal was not included in the budget. Mr. Silva stated everything in the proposal would be done for the budget amount except the fiberoptic lighting. in. Commissioner Walling asked if that included the foundation and base. Mr. Berlier stated it was included, but he did not know what the powder coating cost would be. n. Commissioner Lair stated she had not see any examples of either Mr. Berlier's or Mr. Silva's work that was of this size. Mr. Berlier stated this was a site specific project. Mr. Silva further stated there were no examples as this was the first time they had collaborated together on any project. o. Commissioner Lair asked who would be doing the fabricating. Mr. Berlier stated the actual cutting would be done by a specialist who would be working from his design. p. Commissioner Reynolds asked if children would be able to climb on the piece. Mr. Berlier explained they would have to shimrrwri APP 12-4 11 " Art in Public Places Minutes December 4, 1995 foot 3-inch pole just to get to the bottom of the pot. In addition all the access doors to the equipment would be locked. q. Commissioner Klein asked what the designs were on the pot. Mr. Berlier stated they were all authentic designs taken from the local Indians. They were designs from thunderbirds, Indian arrows, and designs from other pots. r. Commissioner Shamis questioned some of the lines in the pots and discussion followed. Mr. Berlier stated the pots would be all aluminum with a thin sheet of copper set on with epoxy to eliminate any electrical problems. It would be brushed aluminum and would age very well. S. Commissioner Shamis asked if this process had been used before; the epoxy with the copper and silver. She was concerned about maintenance. Mr. Berlier stated it had been used several times over the years, and would cause no maintenance problems. It would also be patina treated. t. Commissioner Walling asked if Mr. Berlier had considered electrolysis. Mr. Berlier stated he had, but the epoxy was better. U. Commissioner Lair stated she was concerned that there was an art piece very similar to this piece installed for the City of Palm Desert. Mr. Berlier stated he had no knowledge of Mr. Watling's piece and when he heard this he went to see the art piece. It was a basket, but the design did not consist of any Indian designs. Mr. Watling had not used any negative designs to create his design and he was. Mr. Berlier then discussed the process of how his design had come to be and the difference between the two pieces. V. Chairman Nard thanked Mr. Berlier and Silva for their time and presentation and informed them that staff would inform them of their decision. 4 Council Member Stan Sniff stated he would like to give Barbara Grygutis the opportunity to see what she can do with the site before any final decision was made. Her ideas and concepts need to be expanded. He felt it would be to the City's advantage to pay for her plane fare to have her see the site. 5. Commissioner Reynolds stated she liked the way Ms. Grygutis anchored her piece to the restaurant to tie the project together. APP12-4 12 UpU3s)� Art in Public Places Minutes December 4, 1995 6. Council Member Sniff stated there was no way to do this within the budget proposed. A quality project would require additional funds. Discussion followed regarding the budget. 7. Commissioner Klein stated her concern about having a fountain when the backdrop would be another fountain. Discussion followed regarding possible design alternatives. 8. Commissioner Reynolds stated she thought it would be nice to place an 011a somewhere in the City to resemble the City's Indian heritage. 9. Chairman Nard asked if all the members were in agreement to pay for Ms. Grygutis to see the site firsthand and submit additional ideas based on her original proposal. Following discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Walling/Reynolds to pay the air fare for Barbara Grygutis to visit the site to further explore her proposal. The trip was to be during the month of December, 1995. B. Authorization to spend up to $9,000 from the APP Fund for the installation of landscaping in the area surrounding the Civic Center art piece by Louis DeMartino. Community Development Director Jerry Herman presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Commissioner Walling asked staff to clarify what expense was for the sprinkler system and what the landscaping costs were. 3. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Reynolds/Walling to recommend to the City Council the expenditure of up to $9,000 to landscape the site for the Louis DeMartino sculpture for the Civic Center. C. Request from Harry S. Truman Elementary School for a location at the Civic Center to display Children's Artwork. Staff reviewed the request that had been received with the Commission. Members discussed possible location for the display. 2. Staff reminded the Commission of the problems that were faced before regarding private individuals wanting to place art in the Civic Center and the Commission reviewed the comments made by the City Attorney. 000308 APP 12-4 13 Art in Public Places Minutes December 4, 1995 3. Following the discussion, it was determined that the west wall of the south entrance across from the "Permanent Children's Artwork" within the City Hall would be an appropriate site. 4. Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated this would have to be approved by the City Council, subject to an opinion by legal counsel. 5. Commissioner Klein asked if this would be open to all schools. Staff stated it would have to be. 6. Commissioner Walling asked if the school would determine which artwork would be displayed. Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated the City could open the wall up to each school for a certain period of time. Discussion followed as to the method of determining what artwork, could be selected. 7. Following the discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioner Reynolds and seconded by Chairman Nard to recommend to the City Council approval of a student art wall to be located on the west wall in the City Hall, opposite the "Permanent Children's Art", to be utilized by all public schools, on a rotating basis, for the display of Children's artwork, subject to approval by the individual schools. V. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Klein/Shamis to adjourn this meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission to a regular meeting on January 8, 1996, at 3:00 P.M. This meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission was adjourned at 5:18 P.M. Unanimously approved. APP12-4 14 000309 a) ti &V410I 1110 X11 tu V41 V 11)04111M D1u PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES November 13, 1995 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room. Chairperson B.J. Seaton presided over the meeting. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Best. MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Lawrence Best (Vice Chairperson) Commissioner Dawn Brenneis Commissioner Mike Davis Commissioner Carl Ingram Commissioner Stacey Mullen Commissioner Kathryn Pedersen Commissioner B.J. Seaton (Chairperson) STAFF PRESENT: Marty Nicholson, Parks & Recreation Director Cristal Spidell, Secretary II. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Pedersen corrected the minutes on page 4, under Commission Comment to read 'over the years". It was moved by Commissioner Best/Mullen to APPROVE the minutes of October 9, 1995 as corrected. IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS - None V. PUBLIC COMMENT- None VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS - None VII. STAFF REPORTS A. Parks & Recreation Program Attendance Report Staff reviewed the October Parks and Recreation Program Attendance Report with the Commission. The Report contains attendance numbers for participation in the Afterschool Enrichment Program, Leisure Enrichment Classes, Sports Complex usage, Senior Center activities, Kidsline, and the Punt, Pass & Kick competition. Upcoming events for November and December will include the Afterschool Recital, Golf Session #3, Trip Camp for Kids, and the Senior Centers upcoming events will include two Big Band Dances, the Thanksgiving Luncheon, and the Christmas Luncheon. PRCNIIN.013 1 0 0 0 3 i B. Fritz Burns/Palm Royale Park Update The Fritz Burns Park construction is still behind schedule and it is expected to be completed by November 30, 1995. The curbing and sidewalks have recently been completed. The Palm Royale Park construction is also still behind schedule. Part of the delay is due to problems with the bid on equipment and it is being worked out. The park will be back on track when the item is cleared up. Chairperson Seaton asked if there was a fence around Fritz Burns Park. Staff recalled a meandering sidewalk around the Park but she did not recall a fence in the plans, and suggested the Commission recommend building a fence around Fritz Burns Park to the City Council for increased safety for the children. A crosswalk was also recommended. The Commission concurred. It was suggested that each Commissioner drive by Fritz Burns Park before the next Commission meeting and get an idea of what should be suggested to the City Council. Suggestions could be fencing around the park, sidewalks, crosswalks, street lights, traffic signal, etc. This will be added to the next agenda. VIII. COMMISSION BUSINESS A. Services Report Discussion Staff briefed the Commission on the Work Plan Summary that was reviewed in depth at the October 9, 1995 meeting. Committees needed include Park Development, Risk Management, Network with Other Valley Commissions, and Program Development. The role of the committees includes meeting when needed which could be monthly or quarterly, working with staff to implement assignments, be responsible for supplying community voice to projects, and keeping the Commission informed as to progress, problems, and successes. The Commissioners assigned themselves to the following committees: Commissioner Mullen Commissioner Pedersen Commissioner Brenneis Commissioner Best Commissioner Davis Commissioner Seaton Commissioner Ingram Risk Management Park Development Network with Other Valley Commissions Program Development Park Development Program Development Program Development Network with Other Valley Commissions Network with Other Valley Commissions Staff will contact the Commissioners to meet and discuss each committee. IX. COMMISSION COMMENT -None 000311 PRCMIN.013 2 X. NEXT MEETING DATE, TIME AND TOPIC Monday, December 11, 1995 7:00 P.M. La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room • Park Name Selections • Appoint Commissioner to Attend CPRS Conference, February 6-1, 1996 • Fritz Burns Park Safety Issues • Fritz Burns/Palm Royale Park Update • Report on Improvements at Sports Complex • Winter/Spring Brochure Update XI. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner Best/Pedersen to adjourn the meeting to the next regularly scheduled Parks and Recreation Commission meeting on Monday, December 11, 1995. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 7:42 p.m.. 00031? PRCMIN.013 3 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES December 11, 1995 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room. Chairperson B.J. Seaton presided over the meeting. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Davis. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Lawrence Best (Vice Chairperson) Commissioner Mike Davis Commissioner Carl Ingram Commissioner Kathryn Pedersen Commissioner B.J. Seaton (Chairperson) MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Dawn Brenneis Commissioner Stacey Mullen STAFF PRESENT: Marry Nicholson, Parks & Recreation Director Cristal Spidell, Secretary It was moved by Commissioner Best/Davis to excuse Commissioner Mullen and Commissioner Brenneis from the meeting. Unanimous. II. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Two corrections were made to the Minutes - the date November 27th was changed to November 13th, and Commissioner Ingram's name was added to the "Network with Other Valley Commissions" list of subcommittees. It was moved by Commissioner Best/Davis to APPROVE the Minutes of November 13, 1995 as corrected. Unanimous. IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS - None V. PUBLIC COMMENT - None VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS A. Art In Public Places Commission Minutes of October 2 & 19, and November 6, 1995 - Received & filed. PRCMIN.014 1 The Commission considered the following item out of order: VIII. COMMISSION BUSINESS A. Fritz Burns Park & Palm Royale Public Works Department staff members Dave Cosper and John Freeland were present to update the Commission on the Parks. Items discussed were: 1) Construction Update, 2) Playground Equipment, and 3) Park Safety Issues. The Commission discussed fencing at the Fritz Burns Park. It was moved by Commissioner Ingram/Pedersen to have the Public Works Department explore consideration of a natural barrier or bush for safety concerns along Avenida Bermudas and Avenue 52 pending the results/completion of the pool. Motion passed 4-1 with Commissioner Best voting no. VII. STAFF REPORTS A. Attendance Report & Upcoming Events Staff reviewed the November Program Attendance Report with the Commission (copy is on file). The report contains attendance numbers for participation in various programs the Parks and Recreation Department offered during the month. B. Improvements at Sports Complex Staff is currently working with CVRPD regarding improvements at the Sports Complex. CVRPD has earmarked funds to be used for items such as tiny tot equipment, drinking fountains, covered dugouts, trash receptacles, etc., Additional information will be provided next month. C. Winter/Spring Brochure Update Staff is currently working on the Winter/Spring Brochure. Various youth and sport organizations are being contacted regarding advertising their events. The Brochure is due the first week of January and will offer leisure enrichment classes, Afterschool classes, special events, etc. D. Leisure Enrichment Evaluations Staff reviewed evaluations that were completed by participants at the Recital which was the finale for the Afterschool Enrichment Classes held at La Quinta Middle School and Truman Elementary School. Evaluations were also completed by those who participated in the Leisure Enrichment Classes at La Quinta High School. The evaluations are on file in the Parks and Recreation Department. VIII. COMMISSION BUSINESS B. Park Name Selection Staff reviewed a detailed report of past action taken regarding the park naming process. The Commission has been asked by the City Council to provide additional suggestions. This item will be brought back to the Commission on the next agenda. 000314 PRCMIN.014 2 C. Letter of Support for Bike Lane Staff reviewed bike paths in La Quinta with the Commission. Staff has asked the Commissioners to contact individuals for letters of support which are needed for a grant application process in February. Staff will send a copy of a support letter to the Commission for their use in the next few days. D. Appoint Commissioner to Attend CPRS Conference - February 8-11, 1996 The Commission discussed who would be attending the CPRS Conference in San Diego in February. It was determined that Commissioner Ingram would be attending. Staff will contact Commission Ingram with additional information at a later date. E. Committee Reports Staff discussed committee meeting times and dates with each Commissioner. Further discussion will take place at the next Commission meeting regarding the progress thus far. The committees formed are Commission Network Committee, Park Development Committee, Program Development Committee, and Risk Management Committee. IX. COMMISSION COMMENT Commissioner Pedersen was asked to share information with the Commission on the Unity March "Stop the Killing" in Coachella on December 15, 1995. X. NEXT MEETING DATE, TIME AND TOPIC Monday, January 8, 1996 7:00 P.M. La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room • Fritz Burns Park & Palm Royale Park Update • Committee Reports • Improvements at La Quinta Sports Complex • Park Naming XI. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner Best/Davis to adjourn the meeting to the next regularly scheduled Parks and Recreation Commission meeting on January 8, 1996. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.. 00031 PRCMIN.014 3 COACHELLA VALLEY MOSQUITO AND VECTOR CONTROL DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING DECEMBER 12, 1995 The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees for the Coachella Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District was held at 83-733 Avenue 55, Thermal, California. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:04 p.m. by President Cavoretto. ROLL CALL: Those present at roll call: Trustees Bizzell, Cavoretto, De Lara, Nigosian, Perkins, Pricer and Walker. Absent from the meeting: Trustees Castro, Fuschetti, Pisha and Pierson. Also present General Manager Stan Husted, Assistant Manager Ruben Arias, Jr., Finance Administrator Robb Steinheider and Administrative Secretary Denise Norton. The audience consisted of Mr. Hugh Lothrop, Mr. Jeff Garcia, Mrs. Dorothy Pepper, Mrs. Treesa Cotton and Mr. Bruce Robbins (guest of Trustee De Lara). PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE.: The pledge was led by Trustee Pricer. APPROVAL OF NOVEMBER 14. 1995 INFORMAL MEETING & NOVEMBER 28, 1995 BOARD MEETING: Motion to approve both sets of minutes made by Trustee Pricer, seconded by Trustee Walker. Trustee De Lara abstained from approving the minutes of the November 14th meeting as he was not in attendance. Motion carried. CORRESPONDENCE: Stan reviewed a letter received from Attorney Lisa Garvin of Crandall & Traver. The letter provided information on SB866 requiring permission from the County Treasury after January 1, 1996, to remove excess funds. Stan also informed the Board that a letter of appreciation was received by the Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts for the evening AHB presentation provided by Mindy Franklin. PiBLIC COMMENT: No comments were received at this time. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Stan announced to the Board that he has jury duty starting January 8, 1996. No other announcements were made. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA: President Cavoretto asked if there were any suggested changes to the order of the agenda items. Hearing no suggestions, Presidggy' 31 Cavoretto stated that the agenda order would remain as written. 11 11 dec95brd.mtg.mdn 1 /4/96 APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES NOV. 14-30/DEC, 1-11, 1995: Motion to approve expenditures as listed was made by Trustee De Lara, seconded by Trustee Pricer. Motion carried unanimously by roll call vote. (Note: Trustee Pierson arrived following the vote on expenditures at approximately 7:10 p.m.) REPORT OF DISTRICT ACTIVITIES FOR NOVEMBER• No questions or comments regarding the activities report were made. COMMITTEE REPORTS/ASSIGNMENTS: #8A-Finance Committee: Trustee Pricer briefly reviewed the committee's thoughts on removal of funds from the County Treasury. Following a lengthy discussion period, the Board thanked Mr. Robbins for attending the meeting and stated that at this time they were not ready for a presentation from him. #8B-Futures Planning Committee: Trustee Pierson reviewed with Ruben the wall map indicating property sites for consideration. Trustee Pierson stated that he would like to have another meeting tentatively scheduled for Tuesday December 19th at 3:00 p.m. starting at Carrow's Restaurant in Indio. Following this date, committee would then ask to have a closed session added to the January agenda to discuss property and prices. Trustee Pierson thanked Ruben for all his work on this project. #8C-Legislation Committee: Trustee Bizzell expressed concern for not being informed of legal counsel's interpretation of SB 866 which was dated December l lth. #8D-Litigation Committee: Trustee Walker stated the committee had nothing to report at this time. #8E-Personnel Committee: Trustee Perkins reviewed topics of discussion at the committee meeting. Items discussed were: C.O.D. in-house studies for District staff, Consent Calendar requesting time off for Stan in December, Staff uniform bids, and Sr. Technician positions. OF -Public Relations Committee: Trustee Perkins stated no meetings had been held, but public relations were fine and noted to the Board the display set up by staff in the Board room. At this time Trustee Perkins returned to #8E to discuss organizational charts for the District. Trustee Perkins stated the committee's recommendations on a fixed organizational chart which would list number of employees and positions for the District. Another would be an operational chart that would be more flexible to the needs of the District services. Committee recommended approval of said chart upon a motion by Trustee Perkins. Motion was seconded by Trustee De Lara and carried U 31 7 unanimously. dec95brd.mtg.mdn 1 /4/96 CLOSED SESSION: (A) Public Employees Performance Evaluation: General Manager/Entomologist. President Cavoretto stated the Board would now enter the closed session portion of the meeting to discuss item A. The eight Trustees adjourned to closed session at 7:38 p.m. CLOSED SESSION The Trustees returned from closed session at 9:00 p.m. Trustee Perkins stated that following discussion the Manager's contract had been approved. Trustee Pierson stated there had been two negative votes, and indicated his as " I voted no because I'm concerned with the need for conservative administration of this district". Nothing further was discussed at this time. OLD BUSINESS: #10A-LAFCO Update: Stan mentioned he had canceled the LAFCO meeting as the Board had instructed at the last meeting. Discussion took place regarding costs, services, and supply information requested by LAFCO in early April of 1996. Following discussion, motion was made by Trustee Pricer to retain an engineering company in order to confirm cost projected for services. Motion was seconded by Trustee Walker and carried unanimously. #10B-1995-96 Research Contract U.C. Riverside: Following a review of information provided in the packet by Stan, motion to approve the research contract with U.C. Riverside in the amount of $25,000.00 was made by Trustee Pierson. Motion was seconded by Trustee De Lara, and carried unanimously by roll call vote. #10C-Proposal to Fund Research on Encephalitis Host (Wild Birds): Stan asked that this item be deferred to another meeting in order for the Finance Committee to review and discuss any recommendations. Trustee Pricer stated as Chairman of the committee that the item could be handled at this time. Motion to approve the research fund was made by Trustee Pricer, and seconded by Trustee Walker. Question on cost per year for research was raised by President Cavoretto. Discussion took place with Trustees Pricer and Walker rescinding the motion so that it could be restated. Motion by Trustee Pricer to provide 50% (up to $50,000.00) for research if the University could solicit the other 50%, otherwise the District would not support the program. This motion was seconded by Trustee Biz.zell, and carried unanimously by roll call vote. #10D-General Manager's Contract: 'This item was handled and commented on following the closed session portion of the meeting. 000318 dec95brd.mtg.mdn 1 /4/96 5 NEW BUSINESS: #11A-Request for Bids on New Vehicles: Ruben reviewed the information listed in the packet on the need for field vehicles. Following a period of discussion, motion to approve the request was received by Trustee De Lara. Motion was seconded by Trustee Nigosian and carried unanimously. #11B-Proposed 1996 Bulk Pesticide Purchase: Product, vendor, price and need for bulk purchase were discussed. Following a period of discussion, motion was made by Trustee Bizzell to put this item on the January agenda. This motion was seconded by Trustee Pricer. Vote shows this motion defeated. Trustee Pierson made a motion to have the pesticide purchase bids sent out to vendors again, following written bid request policy and opened by the Board. Motion was seconded by Trustee Bizzell, roll call vote showing a tie decision. Following further discussion, motion to send bids listing notice of deadline, date and time of bid opening and an invitation to vendors, with bids to be opened by management was made by Trustee De Lara. This motion was seconded by Trustee Bizzell, motion carried unanimously. #11C-Resolution #95-16 Withdrawing Excess Funds from Treasury of the County of Riverside for Deposit with the Local Agency Investment Fund of the State of California: Following discussion, motion to approve was made by Trustee Pierson. Second was received by Trustee Pricer and carried unanimously by roll call vote. TRUSTEE COMMENTS: Comments regarding signature cards for local bank accounts and check signing purposes were made by Trustee Pricer. President Cavoretto suggested these ideas be reviewed by the finance committee at a January meeting. Other suggestions were to draft a change to the position of Board Secretary making it Secretary/Treasurer. Trustee Nigosian gave a copy of a newsletter he received from the Farm Bureau to each Board member. CONSENT CALENDAR: Motion to approve a request for vacation from Stan to be taken mid December was made by Trustee Perkins. Second was received from Trustee Walker and carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT: Upon a motion made by Trustee Walker the meeting was adjourned at 10:17 p.m. 000319 dec95brd.mtg.mdn 1 /4/96 y DEPARTMENT REPORTS: E c&ht 4 4Q" MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCILFROM: JERRY HERMAN, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTORg ^" DATE: JANUARY 16, 1996 J SUBJECT: DEPARTMENT REPORTS - ISSUES FOR JOINT CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF JANUARY 30TH The Planning Commission at their meeting of January 9, 1996, identified the following items as topics to be discussed at the above noted meeting. In addition, they have suggested meeting in the Session Room in order to have better interaction. Please identify any additions you may want to discuss so they can be added to the agenda. 1. La Quinta Village a. Parking b. Development Standards c. Architectural Guidelines d. Affordable Housing - per Redevelopment Law 2. Highway 111 Corridor 3. Sculpture Park a. Clarification of use 4. Fee Waiver a. Charity events without non-profit status 5. Other Items MEMOJH.505 0003;=0 0 T4ht 4 QK&M AGENDA CATEGORY: COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: ITEM TITLE: January 16, 1996 Transmittal of Revenue and Expenditures Report dated November 30, 1995 RECOMMENDATION: Receive and File BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Transmittal of the November 30, 1995 Statement of Revenue and Expenditures for the City of La Quinta. M. -LWt-"X ince Director 000321 ooc CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND REVENUES DETAIL TAXES: Property Tax Document Transfer Tax Sales Tax Transient Occupancy Tax Franchise Tax TOTALTAXES LICENSE & PERMITS: Business License Animal License Building Permits Plumbing Permits Electrical Permits Mechanical Permits Encroachment Permits Misc. Permits TOTAL LICENSES & PERMITS FEES: General Government Fees Finance Fees Administrative Services Fees Parks & Recreation Fees Bldg & Safety Fees Community Development Fees Public Works Fees TOTAL FEES INTERGOVERNMENTAL Motor Vehicle In -Lieu Off Hwy Vehicle License Motor Vehicle Code Fines Parking Violations Misc Fines AB939 CSA152 Assessment Title III - Senior Center TOTAL INTERGOVERMENTAL INTEREST MISCELLANEOUS Other (misc rev) Senior Center Revenue Cash Over/Short Litigation Settlement Revenue Contributions TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS TRANSFERIN 07/01/96-11/30/95 REMAINING % RECEIVED BUDGET BUDGET RECEIVED 48,599.03 563,500.00 514,900.97 8,62% 36,620.43 81,000.00 44,379.57 45.21% 435,563.37 1,386,200.00 950,636.63 31.42% 203,989.95 2,445,500.00 2,241,510.05 8.34% 79,266.20 291,500.00 212,233.80 27.19% 804,038.98 4,767,700.00 3,963,661.02 16.86% 12,465.75 91,700.00 79,234.25 13.59% 2,135.00 6,500.00 4,365.00 32.85% 223,034.68 380,500.00 157,465.32 58.62% 43,441.60 78,700.00 35,258.40 55.20% 42,978.39 62,400.00 19,421.61 68.88% 21,354.00 32,600.00 11,246.00 65.50% 20,504.14 118,000.00 97,495.86 17.38% 10,341.00 20,200.00 9,859.00 51.19% 376,254.56 790,600.00 414,345.44 47.59% 0.00 200.00 200.00 0.00% 193.40 200.00 6.60 96.70% 327.76 900.00 572.24 36.42% 8,995.50 33,600.00 24,604.50 26.77% 173,882.73 288,600.00 114,717.27 60.25% 27,573.38 114,300.00 86,726.62 24.12% 707.45 700.00 (7.45)_ 101.0_6_% 211,680.22 438,500.00 226,819.78 48.27% 199,191.96 548,800.00 349,608.04 36.30% 0.00 250.00 250.00 0.00% 2,020.89 3,600.00 1,579.11 56.14% 8,279.00 22,300.00 14,021.00 37.13% 1,078.36 4,800.00 3,721.64 22.47% 15,282.61 94,200.00 78,917.39 16.22% 90,925.00 109,200.00 18,275.00 83.26% 1,242.00 4,600.00 3,358.00 27.00% 318,019.82 787,750.00 469,730.18 40.37% 331,784.60 651,000.00 319,215.40 50.97% 13,934.27 8,000.00 (5,934.27) 174.18% 3,447.86 9,000.00 5,552.14 38.31% (39.95) 0.00 39.95 N/A 3,155.29 0.00 (3,155.29) N/A 0.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 0.00% 20,497.47 23,000.00 2,502.53 89.12% 246,706.11 0.00 (246,706.11) N/A TOTAL GENERAL FUND _________-2308.981.76_7458550A0___ 5,_149568.24 30 96%0- 2 00032z 0ho CITY OF LA QUINTA ALL OTHER FUNDS REVENUE DETAIL GAS TAX REVENUE: Section 2105 Section 2106 Section 2107 Section 2107.5 Interest TOTAL GAS TAX 07/01/95-11/30/95 REMAINING % RECEIVED BUDGET BUDGET RECEIVED 34,957.95 95,300.00 60,342.05 36.68% 24,539.91 70,700.00 46,160.09 34,71% 48,311.88 134,900.00 86,588.12 35.81% 4,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 100.00% 904.79 0.00 (904.79) N/A 112,714.53 304 900.00 192 185 47 36.97% COMMUNITY SERVICES PROJECT REVENUE: Interest 11,246.40 22,500.00 11,253.60 49.98% TOTAL COMM SERVICES PROJECT 11 246.40 22,500 00 11.253.60 49.98% FEDERAL ASSISTANCE REVENUE: CDBG Grant 0.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 0.00% Interest 1,042.53 0.00 _ (1,042.53) N/A TOTAL FEDERAL ASSISTANCE 1 042.53_ 100,000.00 98 957.47 1.04% URBAN FORESTRY STATE GRANT: Forestry Grant 0.00 292,000.00 292,000.00 0.00% Interest 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A TOTAL URBAN FORESTRY 0.00 292,000.00 292 000.00 0.00% LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING REVENUE: Assessment 18,842.74 1,011,400.00 992,557.26 1.86% Interest (3,582.02) 3,000.00 6,582.02 -119.40% TOTAL LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING 15,260.72 1,014 400.00 999 139.28 1.50% QUIMBY REVENUE: Quimby Fees 0.00 51,400.00 51,400.00 0.00% Interest 9,326.82 1,800.00 (7,526.82) 518.16% TOTAL QUIMBY 9,326.82 53,200.00 43.873.18 17.53% INFRASTRUCTURE REVENUE: Infrastructure Fee 497,373.60 974,900.00 477,526.40 51.02% Interest 59,176.74 22,500.00 (36,676.74) 263.01% TOTAL INFRASTRUCTURE 556 550.34 997 400.00 440 849.66 55.80% VILLAGE PARKING REVENUE: Village Parking Fees 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A Interest 392.20 1,300.00 907.80 30.17% TOTAL VILLAGE PARKING 392.20 1,300.00 907.80 30.17% SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY REVENUE: S.C.A.Q. Contribution 1,757.40 0.00 (1,757.40) N/A Interest 239.16 1,600.00 1,360.84 14.95% TOTAL SCAQ 1,996.56 1,600.00 (396.561 124.790/6 s 00032301 CITY OF LA QUINTA ALL OTHER FUNDS REVENUE DETAIL (continued) CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND: CVAG Funding City of Indio Funding SB300 Funding Surface Transportation Developer Agreement Funding Transfers in From Other Funds TOTAL CIP REVENUE 07/01/95-11130/95 REMAINING % RECEIVED BUDGET BUDGET RECEIVED 100,000.00 100,000.00 0.00 100.00% 0.00 36,855.00 36,855.00 0.00% 0.00 55,000.00 55,000.00 0.00% 0.00 175,000.00 175,000.00 0.00% 0.00 468,955.00 468,955.00 0.00% 743,595.46 4,890,823.00 4,147,127.54 15.21% 843,695.46 5,726,633.00 4,882,937.54 14.73% ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 92-1 Interest 50.06 0.00 (50.06) NIA TOTAL AD 92-1 50.06 0.00 (50.06) NIA ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 91-1 Interest 154.58 0.00 (154.58) NIA TOTAL AD 91-1 154.58 0.00 (154.58) NIA EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND: Interest 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A Transfer In 0.00 250,000.00 250,000.00 0.00% TOTAL EQUIPUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 0.00 250 000.00 250,000.00 0.00% ARTS IN PUBLIC PLACES REVENUE: 'Arts in Public Places Deposits 47,382.04 90,000.00 42,617.96 52.65% Interest 4,528.71 7,300.00 2,771.29 62.04% TOTAL ARTS IN PUBLIC PLACES 51 910.75 97 300.00 45,389.25 5305% `These amounts are deposits and are treated as liabilities and not as revenues. 000324 CITY OF LA QUINTA 07/01/95-11130195 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY REMAINING % BY DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES ENCUMBERED BUDGET BUDGET EXPENDED GENERAL GOVERNMENT: LEGISLATIVE 180,123.02 0.00 448,400.00 268,276.98 40.17% CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE 100,899.94 0.00 354,447.00 253,547.06 28,47% ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 92,132.00 0.00 365,000.00 272,868.00 25.24% TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 373,154.96 0.00 1,167,847.00 794,692.04 31.95% FINANCE: FISCAL SERVICES 166,677.30 0.00 433,635.00 266,957.70 38.44% CENTRAL SERVICES 244,564.96 3,410.29 _870,451.00 622,475.75 28.10% TOTAL FINANCE 411,242.26 3,410.29 1,304,086.00 889,433.45 31,53% ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 101,739.57 5,539.63 299,750.00 192,470.80 33.94% PARKS & RECREATION: PARKS & RECREATION ADMINISTRATION 77,457.44 0.00 229,900.00 152,442.56 33.69% PARKS & RECREATION PROGRAMS 14,241.32 0.00 47,650.00 33,408.68 29.89% SENIOR CENTER _ 58,111.20 0.00 175,450.00 117,338.80 33.12% TOTAL PARKS & RECREATION 149,809.96 0.00 453,000.00 303,190.04 33.07% POLICE 529,713.61 0.00 2,425,900.00 1,896,186.39 21,84% BUILDING & SAFETY: BUILDING&SAFETY -ADMIN 48,713.34 0.00 176,523.00 127,809.66 27.60% CODE COMPLIANCE 80,958.49 0.00 272,485.00 191,526.51 29.71% ANIMAL CONTROL 43,981.61 0.00 125,275.00 81,293.39 35.11% BUILDING 103,590.61 0.00 288,900.00 185,309.39 35.86% EMERGENCY SERVICES 19,951.66 847.34 23,268.00 2,469.00 85.75% FIRE 4,822.25 0.00 19,000.00 14,177.75 25.38% CIVIC CENTER BUILDING -OPERATIONS 415,074.02 2,569.80 919,050.00 501,406.18 45.16% _ TOTAL BUILDING & SAFETY 717,091.98 3,417.14 1,824,501.00 1,103,991.88 39.30% COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT -ADMIN 90,402.41 1,017.32 325,080.00 233,660.27 27.81% CURRENT PLANNING 77,526.06 0.00 265,960.00 188,433.94 29.15% ADVANCE PLANING 60,653.34 602.97 314,200.00 252,943.69 19.30% SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY 0.00 0.00 5,700.00 5,700.00 0.00% TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 228,581.81 1,620.29 910,940.00 680,737.90 25.09% PUBLIC WORKS: PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION 87,859.17 3,209.50 381,508.00 290,439.33 23.03% DEVELOPMENT & TRAFFIC 121,391.84 2,991.00 450,050.00 325,667.16 26.97% MAINT/OPERATIONS - STREETS 137,139.01 0.00 564,950.00 427,810.99 24.27% MAINT/OPERATIONS - LTG/LANDSCAPING 271,967.07 12,058.42 794,566.00 510,540.51 34.23% CAPITAL PROJECTS 28,201.64 0.00 _ 81,300.00 53,098.36 34.69% TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS 646,558.73 18,258.92 2,272,374.00 1,607,556.35 28.45% GENERAL FUND REIMBURSEMENTS (1,267,843.96) 0.00 (3,035,330.00) (1,767,486.04) 41.77% NET GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES 1 890 048.92 32,246.27 7,623,068.00 5,700,772.81 24 79% 00034' 5 5 CITY OF LA QUINTA OTHER CITY FUNDS EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 07/01/95-11130195 REMAINING % EXPENDITURES ENCUMBERED BUDGET BUDGET EXPENDED GAS TAX FUND: REIMBURSE GENERAL FUND 47,800.85 0.00 114,722.00 66,921.15 41.67% TRANSFER OUT __..21,324.59 _ 0.00 200,000.00 _ 178,675.41 10.66% TOTAL GAS TAX FUND _69,125.44 0.00 314,722.00 445.596.56 21.96% COMMUNITY PROJECT FUND: TRANSFER OUT 181 343.67 0.00 863,532.67 682 189.00 21.00% FEDERAL ASSISTANCE FUND: TRANSFER OUT _ 2,376.78 0.00 0.00 (2 376.78) N/A URBAN FORESTRY STATE GRANT FUND: TRANSFER OUT 0.00 0.00 255,699.00 255,699.00 0.00% LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING ASSESSMENT DIST: REIMBURSE GENERAL FUND 422,666.65 0.00 1,014,400.00 591,733.35 41.67% TRANSFER OUT 0.00 0.00 158,788.00 158,788.00 0.00% TOTAL LTG/LANDSCAPING FUND 422,666.65 0.00 1 173 188 00 750,521.35 36.03% QUIMBY FUND: TRANSFER OUT __ ___ _ 82 345.62 _ 0.00 839 752.43 757 406.81,_ 9.81 % INFRASTRUCTURE: REIMBURSE GENERAL FUND 199,378.30 0.00 478,508.00 279,129.70 41.67% TRANSFER OUT 343,256.08 0.00 2,277,213.00 1,933,956.92 15.07% TOTAL INFRASTRUCTURE 542,634.38 0.00 2,756,721.00 2,213,086.62 19 69% CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND PROJECT EXPENDITURES 822 020.38 21,675.08 5,726,631.00 4,882,935.54 14 35% 92-1 SEWER IMPROVEMENT FUND TRANSFER OUT 355 741.11 0.00 0.00 (355,741.11---N/A 0003�'6 j Tjht 4 4 Qu&& COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: January 16, 1996 ITEM TITLE: Transmittal of Revenue and Expenditures Report dated November 30, 1995 RECOMMENDATION: Receive and File BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: T egP : F=j- Transmittal of the November 30, 1995 Statement of Revenue and Expenditures for the La Quinta Financing Authority. 000327 1 i irz-•=- L4 QUINTA FINANCING AUTHORITY 07/01/95-11/30195 REVENUE DETAIL REMAINING % RECEIVED BUDGET BUDGET RECEIVED DEBT SERVICE REVENUE: Contractual Services Fees 1,000.00 6,500.00 5,500.00 15.38% Interest 18,214.76 31,200.00 12,985.24 58.38% Rental Income 324,722.14 696,400.00 371,677.86 46.63% TOTAL FINANCING AUTHORITY 343 936.90 734.100.00 390 163.10 46.85% LA QUINTA FINANCING AUTHORITY 07/01/95-11/30/95 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY REMAINING % EXPENDITURES ENCUMBERED BUDGET BUDGET EXPENDED DEBT SERVICE 431 301.25 0.00 702,900.00 271,598.75 61 36% 0003 S DEPARTMENT REPORTS: G _ j T4ht 4 4 Q" MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and. Members of the City Council FROM: Marty Nicholson, Parks & Recreation Director Avli DATE: January 16, 1996 SUBJECT: Transmittal of Recreation .Attendance Report for the Month of December, 1995 The Monthly Attendance Report is attached for the month of December, 1995. Recreational class instructional programs were completed in November showing a decline in attendance for December in that classification. Special Events were increased with the holiday season. The newest program being the Trip Camp held during Christmas break with 283 children participating. Other special events included: Yuletide Tree Lighting Ceremony; Breakfast With Santa; Punt, Pass and Kick; Big Band Dance; Senior/Girls Baseball Game, Holiday Luncheon, Tree Trimming Lunch and Giving Tree. UPCOMING EVENTS OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT FOR THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY 1996: January 29th Winter Leisure Enrichment Classes Begin February 3rd Youth 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament February loth Barbershop Quartet and Ice Cream Social 2:00pm February 12th Kid's Special Day Out - Trip Men's Adult Basketball Registration Deadline Coed Adult Volleyball Registration Deadline February 14th Valentine's Day Luncheon at Senior Center 12noon February 19th President's Day Childcare February 21st Big Band Dance at Senior Center 7:30pm February 24th Teen Arcade Tournament 00034.! � 060M City of La Quinta Parks and Recreation Department Program Attendance for the month of December 1996 Meetings per Month Participation Days Leisure Enrichment 1995 1994 Variance Mtg.1995 Mtg.1994 1995 1994 Baton --7 5 0 —0 5 2 0 10 0 Drill Team 5-2-0 —14 —0 Country Line 12 31 -19 1 2 12 62 Int. Tap 7 11 4 1 2 7 22 Gourmet Cooking 14 29 -15 1 2 14 58 Beg. Spanish 20 19 1 2 2 40 38 Guitar I 18 0--18-2-0 36 0 Dog Obedience 9 0 9-1-0 9 0 Showtime for Kids 5 0 5 2 0 10 0 Class Subtotal 97 90 5 14 8 152 180 Special Events Yuletide Treelighting 225 300 -75 1 1 225 300 Breakfast with Santa 125 0 125 1 0 125 0 Trip Camp 1 60 0-60-1 0 60 0 Trip Camp 2 60 0 60 1 0 60 —0 Trip Camp 3 65 0 65 1 0 65 0 Trip Camp 4 50 0 50 1 0 50 0 Trip Camp 5 48 0 —48-1-0 48 0 Punt, Pass and Kick 64 64 0 1 1 64 64 Sp. Event Subtotal 697 364 333 8 2 697 364 Adult Sports Volleyball 44 0 44 4 0 176 0 Basketball 73 0 73 7 0 511 0 Subtotal 117 0 117 11 0 687 0 Senior Citizen Activities AARP "55" Course 12 18 -6 1 1 12 18 Billiards 7 13 -6 3 4 7 13 Blood Pressure 38 37 1-3-4 38 37 Bridge Duplicates 182 268 -86 8 7 182 268 Creative Writing Club 23 0 23 8 0 23 0 FIND Food Dist. 231 298 -6-7-5-5 231 298 Golden Tones prac. 90 125 -35 4 4 90 125 Golden Tones show. 841 71 13 4 3 84 71 Legal Assistance 51 7 -2 1 —1-5-7 Mo. Birthday Parties 351 32 3 1 1 35 32 Movie Time 161 0 16 3 01 161 0 00330 1995 1994 Variance Mtg. 1995 Mtg.1994 1995 Senior Info. continued P.A.C.E. Program 14 0 -14-7-0 -14 -0 Reflexology 33 0 33 8 0 33 0 Table Games 6 0 6-2-0 -6 -0 Tax Assistance 6 0 6 2 1 6 0 Television Viewing 5 0 5 2 0 5 0 USDA Distribution 25 24 1 1 1 25 24 Senior Act. Subtotal 812 893 -81 63 32 812 893 Senior Center Classes Art and Crafts L-81 19 -11 2 2 8 19 Bridge Lessons 1 281 0 28 3 0 28 0 Ceramics Z16 0 16 3 0 16 0 Computer 631 0 63 3 0 63 0 Exercise 7681 384 384 -39-6-0 12 12 7681 384 Line Dancing 39 0 39 0 Painting 1 10 9--1-2-2 10 9 Spanish Lessons 65 0 65 5 0 65 0 Theater Dance 14 0 14-3-0 -14 -0 Tai-Chi 4 0 4 2 0 4 0 Senior Class Sub. 10151, 412 603 41 16 1015 412 Senior Center Special Events Big Band Dance 149 0 149 1 0 149 0 Seminars 1 59 0 59 1 0 59 0 Friends Meetings 7 8 -1 1 1 7 8 Baseball Game 156 0 156 1 0 156 0 Potlucks/Luncheons 97 0 97 1 0 97 0 Mary Kay Demo 2 0 2 1 0 2 0 Tree Trimming Lunch 14 0 14 1 0 14 0 Giving Tree 30 25 5 1 1 30 25 Share Meetings 4 6 -2 1 1 4 6 SC Events Subtotal 6181 39 479 9 3 518 39 Senior Total 23451 1344 1001 113 51 2345 1344 Recreation Program SUBTOTAL 32561 1798 1456 146 61 3881 1888 i 1 I i 0331 Rental La Quinta Sports Complex Participation Days 1995 1994 Variance Mtg. 9995 Mtg. 1994 1995 1994 AYSO 150 125 25 2 2 300 250 Wildcats 35 0 35 4 4 140 0 TOTAL 185 125 60 6 6 440 250 Kidsline Calls 319 484 -165 0 0 319 484 Participation days Partici ation 1995 1994 Variance Mtg. 1995 IMtq, 1994 1995 1994 GRAND TOTAL 3760 2407 1351 152 67 4640 2622 Senior Center Revenue Revenue 1 1 $1,031 $368 $663 N/A N/A Revenue Title 111 $576 $504 $72 N/A N/A Total Revenue $1,607 $872 $735 $0 $0 Volunteer Program Senior Center Hours 1198 1291 -93 0 0 1198 Kidsline 36 57 -21 0 36 57 Park & Rec 118 01 118 0 0 118 Total Hours 1352 1348 4 0 36 1373 Ma= aws c%44Q" AGENDA CATEGORY: COUNCII.JRDA MEETING DATE: January 16, 1996 ITEM TITLE: Approval of a third one year time extension for Phase 9 of Tentative Tract 24890 to create 37 lots consisting of three single family, 34 duplex, and five lettered lots on ten acres within SP 85-006. Applicant: KSL Recreation Continue the Public Hearing until February 6, 1996. 1a'_ 1► None BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: The Public Hearing before the City Council was noticed and scheduled for the January 16, 1996 meeting in anticipation of the conclusion and determination by the Planning Commission on the requested time extension. An unanticipated discussion pertaining to the scheduling of perimeter improvements prompted a continuance by the Planning Commission until the January 23, 1996, Planning Commission meeting so that certain issues can be resolved; thus, it is necessary to continue the Public Hearing before the City Council until February 6, 1996. 000333 ccjh.3